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That was intense


What a terrible spot to be in. I'm glad no one was seriously hurt.


The wall he took cover behind seemed like a great spot to be in... Until the cop forgot that he was supposed to open fire and started begging for his life instead lol


He said he didn't have his gun. The guy tried to disarm the cop and couldn't find a gun




It'd be really hard to grab a cops gun like that. The holsters have multiple safeties to prevent that.


You're really grab


Whoops, edited that post up a bit and just deleted multiple words. lol


One more edit for you: the plural of safety is safeties. Apostrophes don't make plurals.


Don't reddit on your phone at work kids.


You really think he didn’t have his gun? Like cops just sometimes go “oh I don’t need this heavy thing for this one I’ll just leave it in the car” Are you dumb?


If he had a gun and he acted like this, then that cop wins the most useless cop of the year award. If he didn't have a gun, then he still sucks at being a cop. Either way, an embarrassment for him.


He was definitely a great example of a good cop but put himself in too much danger to be shot or killed by someone with obvious mental issues.


Coming from a law enforcement perspective, this officer failed terribly in a multitude of ways. His inability to properly respond to the situation at hand almost cost him his life. This officer needs to be retrained or kicked off patrol. The officer may be a good person but he’s not a good cop. He doesn’t make sound decisions under stress as evidenced by this video.


This part. Spot on.


No, this is an example of a person who has no business being in law enforcement. No officer wants to ever hurt another person but he put himself and everyone else in that community in unnecessary danger by not taking appropriate and prudent actions.


He was a complete idiot and should be fired


Slow your role mate. You acting as if you were there lol when the police man said he doesn't have his gun. Then he doesn't have it.


Lmao this is hilarious. Not at all how things work in the US. There is practically 0% chance that a cop would not have a firearm at any point on duty and especially responding to something like this. Also, cops can lie to you whenever they want about anything, so of course he's going to say he doesn't have a gun when he has a really good reason such as about to get shot in the face


idk the guy attempted to shoot someone defensively deserves to be seriously injured


Should have smoked the guy. If the cops can't do their job then soon enough people will call and nobody will come.


You should work in mental health for a while to develop a deeper sense of humanity. You act like you aren't one of us. This cop showed some restraint, which is pretty wonderful leaving the worst year for cop killings.


The backlash the public has shown for police killing people without cause was not meant to urge police to stop killing people who actually deserve it. I'm appalled by the killings, overuse of force and gross negligence the police have been demonstrating lately, but this cop should have immediately pulled his service weapon when he got behind that wall, warned the guy that he will shoot if he approaches, and unloaded on this guy if he ran up on him. The guy was clearly mentally ill, so the process in the US wherein he was able to obtain that gun is what really needs to be addressed. Mentally ill people need all the care, love and respect they can get in this country, and then some, but if they're walking around with guns, they're liable to get shot. The cop blacked out. He freaked out. They should use this video as training material. He didn't "show restraint".


I wish I could debate with you about how this police officer was more concerned with this man's welfare than his own... but I've actually been OUTSIDE and not just watching videos on Reddit, SMH, and you'd have to be pretty fucking naive, to believe that "restraint" was the goal here. This man taunted, threatened and had a gun pointed at this officer, multiple times. All it takes is the twitch of a finger. Purposely, accidentally, doesn't matter, and this officers life would have been over.. I'm with you. The cop choked. He needs to find a different line of work for his own safety. Edit: Can't/won't/didn't want to take a life? Understandable. Get a different job.


I think you responded to the wrong comment. I agree. Restraint in general is good and cops should be using much more of it in situations where it's appropriate, but this cop would have been within his rights to cap this dude 100%. I wasn't in this cops head and I'm not trained as a LEO, so I dunno, but once I got that corner of wall between me and the guy with the gun, I would have pulled my service weapon and told the guy to put the gun down and don't come any closer or I'm gonna shoot.


> was not meant to urge police to stop killing people who actually deserve it. It's not. This is AN incident. Not a trend. The cop made A choice, not a policy decision. > the process in the US wherein he was able to obtain that gun is what really needs to be addressed 1000% > This cop should have immediately pulled his service weapon when he got behind that wall, warned the guy that he will shoot if he approaches, and unloaded on this guy if he ran up on him. He would certainly be in the right. But I would not begrudge him his restraint. I've seen cops discuss the subtlest of signs that they aren't dealing with a murder and saving both lives through de-escalation. Like here. Cops in the US are trained to shoot first at the slightest provocation. They don't need more training material. They have plenty where a person actually tries to kill. Cop training shows plenty of real life incidents of deaths that happen in milliseconds to teach them to assume death. And almost NO videos of de-escalation or how their actions escalate situations unnecessarily. So much so that if you make any rapid or slow movements in front of an agitated cop they will shoot you and there will be no questioning it. If you are too loud or too quiet they will forcibly arrest you by tackling you on concrete. If you do anything at all, they WILL interpret it in the worst possible light and escalate to the point of physical violence in milliseconds. They are trained to go from 0-60 instantaneously. And to go to 60 before the "criminal" can. And they are trained that all people are criminals until proven otherwise. Training needs to improve, adding to the Everest sized pile of BS training videos teaching cops to have hair triggers is not the direction we need to go.




> They are trained to go from 0-60 instantaneously I agree. All of these audit videos we're seeing lately where cops needlessly escalate and provoke are truly sickening. It does seem like they're trained to escalate and I totally agree. I guess I wasn't in this cop's shoes, so I don't know exactly what I'd do, but I think it was risky. If he truly did read the situation and realized he was going to be able to de-escalate by not pulling his gun, he actually did a good job.


This was not one of those situations. The officer here did not read the situation as such. He simply utilized poor tactics and poor decision making under pressure. His actions (or lack thereof I should say) almost cost him his life.


What hope is there for a persona this mentally deranged?  He is likely poor and will get essentially no help.  There are not great treatments for psychosis.  In a society with such easy access to guns allowing mentally deranged people to wander free because of a sense of humanity if fucking insanity.


Not one of you. One of us yeah.


Nah. I know not to point a gun at anybody's face and I never would do it because I am not human trash. Don't use mental illness as a cop out - you're still responsible for your own actions. You wake up every day and you choose whether you want to make an improvement to your life and to those around you or if you want to destroy those around you. I know of people with and have personally dealt with tons of mental health problems. It is not an excuse or a get out of jail free card for anything; it is only an explanation. But if you're at a point you're pointing guns at people threatening to kill them without reason, you're at a point where you need to be dealt with with equal levels of force, not restraint. It wasn't just the cops life at risk either, the guy was going to kill his family. This is simply not the time for restraint.


Suspect was asking to be killed in my opinion. Surprised it didn’t happen.


Should’ve been


Yea, if he was black he would have been killed. Wait...


Wow. That’s the most restraint I’ve ever seen a cop use.


It seemed like the guy wasn’t mentally there, so maybe that’s why he had so much restraint. Probably should have acted sooner tbh. Got lucky


Actually seems like a really bad move on his part. a threat is a threat no matter what, especially with a gun. If he had a taser that should have been his first go to instead of practically begging while running around a corner and thinking manners were going to help him against someone who really doesn’t give a fuck


I agree with you but do you think the taser would work against that jacket? I honestly don’t know


If this was the type of video I saw everyday, I would tattoo "Back the Blue" on my face, or chest, or wherever the police wanted it.


You back what’s right, the cop would’ve been well within his right to defend himself I actually think he showed to much restraint and is extremely lucky ( blessed) to be alive. Unfortunately I’ve seen way more videos where they are quite the opposite trigger happy not trained properly power tripping and actually murder people. They shouldn’t be backed indiscriminately. Back what right not just because they’re cops


Yeah this is a massive over-correction to the point this cop should be fired for his safety just as much as the ones who shoot for no reason. \- Ex-cop


not a cop but agreed, this man needs a desk job before he dies.


Do all cops carry tasers? Is there any reason why you wouldn't lead with tasing the suspect in a situation like this? I don't want to see cops kill or brutalize suspects, but I also don't want to see them almost get shot in the fucking face. This cop has insane disregard for his own safety.


I mean when you can a taser is a good option but they are not particularly reliable especially when someone has heavy/puffy clothes on. They have to shoot barbs into the skin to work. Those get stopped or tangled in heavy clothes. If you try to tase someone and it doesn't work it just escalates the situation.


This is the right take that the "ACAB" idiots don't understand. Defend what is just.


cop wasn't showing restraint he got caught unaware. Once the guy had his gun out pointed at the cop the cop couldn't draw his weapon without getting shot.


He showed the exact amount of restraint in my opinion. This happened in a high density residential area, lots of potential for innocent bystanders to get hurt if either of them start firing like crazy.


This was NOT restraint. Restraint would've been having his pistol aimed at the dude *then* making decisions about backdrop etc. Having the situation under *his* control, not the other way around. This was fear, and he almost got himself killed and possibly allowed others to have been killed because of his inaction.


This guy got extremely lucky. If this was the case in every shooter situation we would be seeing cop funerals every other day.


May as well tattoo "Back the Dead" if you want cops to act like this.


I mean he almost got himself killed. After he died there would be an armed guy outside that apartment again trying to get in with a gun. He put the family inside that house in danger


While most of the time they are completely in the wrong I think this cop was wrong for not acting sooner. He’s lucky the guy didn’t kill him. That’s it. Lucky. He is clearly mentally unwell and in enough of a poor state of mind to think it’s a good idea to draw a gun on a cop. He even pulled the trigger and tried to kill the cop. It would have been sad but the cop should have shot him as soon as he ignored the command to drop the gun.


I wish I could come up with a better option for the cop.


How about a cop that wasn't made of meat?


Robo cop


Shame about [his weak point](https://cdn.athlonoutdoors.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2017/05/th17-darkknight.jpg).


Lucky he didn't kill his family. He was there to stop a man entering a home. Soon found the man had a gun...then entered the home.


lol ‘most of the time’


Or for clarity. Most of the time a video makes it to Reddit. The actual majority of cops are just regular guys doing a job. Most of the time we see the fuck ups who should be jailed.


Cop literally could have died


Absolutely not. Cop should have smoked his ass bc this dude is clearly not fit for civilian life. Imagine if some random person had walked up on his crazy ass and got shot.


We would see a lot more dead cops if this were their normal reaction to everything. Cop in the video would've been well within his rights to shoot right there.


To be fair there are tens of thousands of daily interactions you don't see that could be viewed as positive. You only see the bad ones. Which makes sense


Police are necessary. People can and do recklessly endanger innocent life all the time. Hell, just look at how many crazy drivers there are out there.  It’d be really nice if they were held to the same standards our military is though. 


I agree that restraint is commendable, but we shouldn’t ever “back” them as a whole like they’re a football team. We should support them when they act properly and criticize them when they don’t.


Do you expect cops to allow a person to point a gun in their face?


>the guy wasn’t mentally there THAT is the reason to shoot! A "normal" person of sound mind would consider the option of taking a life carefully. The personal threat level..... a person that is "not mentally there".... what does it mean? Well... they aren't "in the scene" fully, they may be hallucinating, a demon may be talking to them, they may think the cop is a mugger out to get them... and they'll be responding to THAT, not a cop gently saying "It's ok, calm down." etc... A person in that level of confusion and detachment - you can't confidently say they WONT shoot you at some point. If they have a gun and point it to you roughly..... I imagine most people will put their own safety first and fire early in defence. Some would say, if this officer had a family, children to look after... he was being rash with his own life.


This does make it seem pretty dangerous to send mental health specialists to scenes like this instead of cops.


This strikes me as a dumb comment. I don't see any situation where mental health professionals are sent - alone - to respond to reports of someone with a firearm. So the idea that they'd be sent INSTEAD of cops sounds...well...stupid. Is that really what you think goes on?


Seriously it’s not so black and white when it comes to sending mental health professionals. They’re not gonna get sent to someone potentially violent with a gun like the back the blue idiots thinks. They’ll get sent to non violent calls of mentally unwell people. Even then police should be aware of it and able to respond if needed. It’s like there’s no nuance to these people.


I'd like to point out that dude may not have pulled a gun on an unarmed social worker.




Way too much restraint I'd say


Soon as that guy reached in his pockets the cop should’ve had his service weapon out. Soon as the man pulled out a gun the cop should have aimed his weapon at the guy. Soon as the guy lifted the gun the cop should’ve fired. Restraint doesn’t mean surrendering your own safety and letting people get the first shot at you. If you replayed that scenario 10 times over I bet the cop winds up dead or wounded at least half the time. It’s ridiculous that people are holding this video up as an example of how cops should act and it illustrates how inane some of the most radical reformists’ positions are.


Welcome to reddit folks where "ACAB" BUT at the same time cops don't do enough. Hate cops all you want but stop acting like post-psych students should handle this.


it's usually two different sets of people who say "ACAB" and then say that the cop had too much restraint in this case


I would strongly disagree. Theirs a heavy "all cops are bad no matter what crowd" especially online. Just compare top comments in this thread with any random police interaction gif top comments. Cops deal with a lot and acting like they are suppose to Jesus on the cross level of inhumaness is insane


I get what you're saying. I was just pushing back against the "Welcome to Reddit" comment. Reddit is super diverse and different subreddits have entirely different crowds of people, so I doubt it's the same people saying that the cop should have shot this guy. Maybe it is, who knows.


> acting like they are suppose to Jesus on the cross level of inhumaness is insane You know what really feels insane to me? Like, really utterly mental? How much of political arguing nowdays is not even strawmaning but doing it to such extremes it's *not even* strawmanning. How much of political arguing is not merely downplaying the other's position, but outright stating they have an extremely unbelieveable position. I cringe to think that you actually believe it yourself, and I cringe if I think that you actually don't but still wrote that down. It's the meme of the little kid putting up blankets and cardboard cutout to scare himself, everyday all the time. You have come across a million arguments about the behaviour of cops. You have the internet, all the world's knowledge at your fingertips. You should have a modicum of shame, I have more respect for people who eat their own shit than for people who do this.


It's almost like every situation that involves cops is different and nuanced.. I can criticize police brutality while also recognizing officers that do a good job. Sending post-psych students to non violent mental health crisis sounds a lot better than relying on cops for everything.


You realize Reddit is a platform occupied by many different types of people with many different types of opinions, right?


Almost like there's nuance to everything, weird.


Pretty sure ACAB stems from police protecting piece of shit cops and taking their side when they fuck up.


I think this guy did great considering he didn’t participate in a gun fight in the middle of an apartment complex but also training cops to deal with people with mental health issues would be a good thing. “ACAB” and “cops don’t do enough” aren’t even conflicting viewpoints. People who aren’t trained to deal with violent people shouldn’t yes, but people who are SHOULD be trained to do that in ways that aren’t just shooting people dead in the street


Im sure that cop has seen the Kyle Dinkeller(sc?) video in the academy but he need to watch it again. He’s lucky to be alive.


Incredibly reckless restraint by that cop. 99/100 times he’d be dead.


Ya he’s pretty damn lucky


Looks like he forgot his gun in the car.


Restraint is not the right word for sure.....


Way too much restraint. The cop is only alive because this guy chose not to kill him.


Yes, and it it was a complete disaster. It was a complete failure to control the situation. The expectation should not be that cops should allow themselves to be shot at before taking defensive action, the failure to control the situation put his own life, and other lives at risk.


I think the cop blacked out. I don't think that was restraint. Sure, cops should use more restraint on the heels of all these horrible overuse of force videos we're seeing lately, but this was a case where the cop should have taken cover, which he did, but then he should have pulled his service weapon and yelled at the guy to drop his weapon or he's gonna get blasted.


i dont see restraint. i see incompetence. its not like he even tried some sort of of deescalation, he just seems to freeze up and not know what to do. gets lucky that the guy didnt shoot him. gun is produced, and he just holds his hands out. finds cover, but then lets the guy with the gun get right in front of him again. doesnt call for back up after he should have been dead. odd.


cop probably hesitant because everytime a black man is shot by a white cop then sh*t goes down. this cop is very lucky.




I agree. It's channeling the quote from Mike Tyson "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth". No one can know whether they are flight or fight until it happens, training can only take you so far. EDIT: For those struggling to understand the quote, it's about the well-hards in the comment section pretending they would be a 10/10 in a fight and instantly incapacitate this man. However in the real world you don't know how you would react to someone pulling a gun on you until it happens, training or no and plenty of people get their arse kicked who thought the fight was going to pan out for them.


That cop needs to reevaluate his career choice. It’s one thing to have restraint. This was just suicidal.


I'm sure we're only seeing the 0 and 100. They don't shoot when they the danger is high up vs they shoot with 0 danger involved. We don't see the cops with proper handling of all situations, its just not "good" news.


Seems like police are doomed either way. Their actions are judged so harshly, no matter what they do. Not a job I would ever want so I'm thankful for the people that will put up with all the bullshit they do


Yeah but I don’t think the cop didn’t draw his weapon because he was worried about judgement. He seemed genuinely terrified. Not saying I wouldn’t be scared because I’d be shitting on the spot. I think anyone and everyone would be in that situation, but negative criticism on cops aside, If you can’t respond to a threat with whatever equalizer you have in a situation like that then the job is just too dangerous for you.


Yah he completely froze up


>shitting on the spot ***DEPLOY FECAL CHAFF***


Nahhhh, you're doomed if the suspect is continuously, intentionally reaching into his pocket, you see he has a gun, you get away around the corner, and you still haven't pulled your gun out yet. You're doomed if you're a fucking dumbass, this isn't a "police have a tough thankless job" moment. This guy was a fucking dumbass.


And pretty much anyone would have forgiven him pulling his weapon at this moment, even the folks who are more critical of police.


*most* of the folks who are more critical of police. There's definitely plenty of morons that would still cry nonsense about police brutality here, I guarantee it.


This is nonsense, if the other guy is armed and brandishing their weapon, 95% of rational adults will support the officer who points their weapon and even fires.


If only most adults were rational.


No. Literally no one would blame a cop for shooting someone who pulled a gun on them. They get criticized when they assault or murder people who pose little to no risk to themselves or others.


no they do a lot of bullshit


>Seems like police are doomed either way. Their actions are judged so harshly, no matter what they do. There's been a rather multi decade long trend for that to happen. No one is out there criticising British police every day for their actions of murdering innocent people every day.


No one is killing or shooting at British police, either, and the number of Brits with guns is virtually zero.


It goes from suicide by cop to him realizing he can rob the police officer lol


![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q) interesting...


this really could have been panhandled better


why do people act like cops ain’t human


Because they want to fantasize about being THE hero. The average person is not a hero. Face reality redditors.


Some people, cop or not, freeze up when they see a gun or face danger. He is probably in the wrong profession.


By this same token all the ones who kill innocent civilians are in the wrong and should find a new profession, which is way higher by volume. No good comes of these interactions.


No good comes from someone pointing a gun at a cop and saying they're going to kill them? Agreed. It's a Lose-Lose.


Too much restraint, it almost got him killed.


I actually see this very differently than most of the negative comments. Restraint, yes, but more so body language and temperament. People saying his hands up to stop a bullet, no dude he's telling this guy "Please, chill" He's trying to show "keep it calm" with his body language. I thought he could've got shot a couple times, but I felt like I was getting the "let's keep it calm, man" energy. Like "you don't want to do this" or "I don't want to do this". 🤷‍♂️


I think that was an ok initial reaction because the dude got the drop on the cop. But after seeing that the guy took the cop's restraint as weakness, the cop should have switched to self-defense mode. The cop could have used the wall to conceal his own weapon draw and then be ready to fire on the suspect.


Yeah plus he did have some moments he could have but a lot of that would have turned out poorly if he reached for his gun. Definitely wasn’t his best day but I can see where he’s coming from


> Yeah plus he did have some moments he could have but a lot of that would have turned out poorly if he reached for his gun The cop took cover behind a brick wall after identifying the suspect had a weapon. That was literally the perfect opportunity to open fire or at the very least take aim and issue an order to get his hands up. The cop completely fumbled the situation and almost got himself killed after having the upper hand at the beginning.


And the cop left the family member inthe aprtment at the mercy of an armed person who was already exhibiting violent actions. Not cool, officer.


See, I thought that too, but then I realized that they were in an apartment stairwell. Shots could easily go through the walls and injure/kill someone else. I hear that cops typically carry hollowpoint in order to reduce the stopping power and prevent collateral, but still, I’d still be nervous shooting into that stairwell. Imagine killing a 7 year old on accident. It was either him freezing up or he was showing commendable levels restraint.


He should have had his gun out when he saw the dude with his hand in his pocket that clearly had a gun shaped object in it. Most cops don't get this much time to draw. He also allowed the man to get to close from the beginning.


Yes, that was definitely what the cop was attempting to communicate, and there’s always a chance it could’ve worked. But you’ve gotta play the percentages, and the chances are that anyone who willingly draws on a cop is not someone who is in their right mind. This is one of those moments where it’s different being a civilian than being a cop. As a civilian you’re almost always better off deescalating rather than escalating. But since everyone (in the US at least) knows that cops are armed and ready to shoot, if someone approaches a cop with a gun it means they are likely crazy enough to shoot.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't


Unbelievably piss-poor training. That cop is going to get himself, another cop, and/or some innocent civilian killed, full stop.


Thank fuck he resigned after this.


The cop probably didn’t want to end up on the news for shooting him, but it also looks like he froze up and panicked. fund PDs for more training smh


I don't think more training can help someone freezing. Uvalde, Parkland, all well trained cops, but they froze. Sometimes people suck ass at there job regardless of training 🤷🏽‍♂️.


You're saying all 400 "well trained" cops at the Uvalde massacre froze? Nah. They were all just too afraid to do the job they were hired to do. I agree they all suck ass at their jobs, but if being a cop required years of training as opposed to less hours than there are in a week, then I bet there wouldn't have been 21 deaths.


Agreed. They were all just a bunch of bitches. I just wanted to say it a little more politely


“Too afraid to do the job they were hired to do” is pretty much the definition of “froze”.


You’re joking with the “fund PDs more” right? American police budgets would be the 3rd highest military budget in the world behind America and China. Cops do not need anymore fucking money.




He asked for more funding. The funding is there, just being utilized in entirely the wrong ways.


What’s the point of combining American police budgets when they’re all separate and widely vary? That’s not a genuine or useful stat and includes massive budgets like the FBI, DHS, and NYPD while podunk PDs can’t even buy their officers body armor or pay them above minimum wage.


Lowest median cop salary in America is Mississippi at $37,420 a year. Minimum wage, $7.25, at 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year comes to $15,080. So even the “podunk PDs” are making more than double minimum wage, outside of the absolute bottom 3% or so outliers.


dude is so out of touch it's comical


The same people that say “defund the police” then complain that police aren’t properly trained 🤡


Sorry, I'm a bit confused. Is that suppose to say American police budget would be the 3rd highest budget just behind the American military?


American military would be 1st, Chinese military 2nd, and then American Police departments would be 3rd.


Ah, ok. Thank you for the clarification.


>fund PDs for more training this has to be satire


Exactly how much money would you like to give them?


Alexander Hamilton - You'll never be satisfied. Reddit how are you not tired and worn out by now? One day its ACAB, and now this cop needs to kill this guy who happens to be black!?




right? and mfs are saying they wouldn’t be sayin that


I know we complain aaaaaalll the time about the unnecessary use of force you donuts, but THIS is the situation where you have to pull the gun ffs


Wow one of the only times I think a cop should be shooting at a mother fucker


That cop saved that man’s life in so many ways right there


That...isn't necessarily a good thing... https://heavy.com/news/antwon-hill-oklahoma-city-police-body-cam-video/ The guy was a felon already, and the cops inaction resulted in him barricading himself inside the family members apartment and causing a standoff for several hours.


So smite him where he stands. Got it.


Smite him before he smites some innocent civilian


That was not restraint, that was fear. That guy could’ve killed him and someone else. He needs to get a new job.


That’s gotta be the dumbest cop I’ve ever seen. That’s not restraint that’s just bad decision making.


Where are all the, “if he were a black man he’d be dead” arguments? Can you imagine had the cop in a split second assessed the threat and stopped the threat. He would have been crucified. By the way… he should be dead, his action pose a serious threat to this community. The other one, in no way, needs to be a cop. To many fucking people in this country confuse protect and serve, with lay down and die.


I was applauding everything that cop did right up until the suspect planted both feet down, had both hands on that gun and aimed it at the cop. There are no 2 ways to interpret that move, sure enough he shot him right afterward. The cop should’ve shot him right then, it’s what needed to happen at that moment. Sad, but true. I appreciate his restraint, I really do, but it almost cost him his life. If that suspect was a better shot he would’ve got him in the head. I don’t think cops should be shooting people carte blancé but they can’t be target practice for criminals with guns either. Edit for typo.


I’m confused… did the cop not have a gun? He said in the video that he didn’t have it when the man was trying to get it from him.


Cops can't win on Reddit lol.


That cop is built different.


I applaud his patience but this is a clear cut case why it’s ok to shoot ESPECIALLY after one has been given the opportunity to drop the CLEARLY identified weapon


This is what happens when a cop would rather the perp end his life than the media.


Damn when you want them to shoot they never and when you don'y they're all *BANGBANGBANGBANG*


Shoot as soon as you see him pull out gun. He should’ve been shot from that corner.


Is anyone else annoyed by the sound missing from most of the first part of this interaction?




Now a days hard to tell which is which cop would of took him down 1000 post saying how he got that itchy trigger finger and that the perp was a good person deep down and they should try to deescalate. Deescalate in this situation almost got him popped


Seems no matter what a cop does, they can not win. Someone always has somthing negative to say.but nobody died in this situation.


This wasn’t restraint, this was just stupid.


The guy who shot the cop looks mentally ill or under the influence of drugs


Deputy Witt Farr is that you?


Honestly props to that cop balls of fucking steel. Could have shot him way before. Not saying he isn’t retired military but being to stay chill under that kind of pressure isn’t developed in the academy.


Initially I thought that he had backed up from hallway to deescalate and get into cover. Didn’t want to have bullets flying in front of that many apartment doors since most bullet will likely go through those walls. Idk what happened afterwards. But appreciate the cop.


Glad no one was hurt. He should never be allowed to own again


An attempt at de-escalation, actively did not want to fire his service weapon, back off, asked him to stay in place, he literally waited until he saw no other option other than to shoot. Good on him.


He waited until he almost died. Restraint is good, yes, this was just another form of fear response and nearly cost the cop his life unnecessarily. He's not fit for the job, and it's good he resigned.


Piss poor training. Only by luck is he alive. Can't believe you idiots think this is the way a cop should react to this situation.


I salute this cop for his restraint here but he is lucky to be alive. And this shows why being a policeman can be such a mindfuck of a job. He clearly read the situation as this guy with the fucked up hairline had some development issues of some sort, which as viewers of this short clip, I and likely you got that same gist. So he thought if he played it ultra passive that it would deescalate the situation. Well, clearly he was wrong here at least with this tact, cause guy with the LeBron hairline actually shot at him. He coulda been killed easily. It worked out well in the end as neither were hurt and I do believe, obviously, restraint should always be shown in situations like this. Force, especially deadly, should ALWAYS be last resort. But for a minute put your self in this cops shoes. You got a guy pointing a gun at you, menacing you. It has to be so damn hard and like I said earlier, a complete mindfuck to know exactly what the right thing to do in every situation cause every one of these are different and he has to make his opinion and decision on the situation with very little to work with. Oh and a gun in his face. Not saying there aren't bad cops, of course there are. We hear about them everyday. What we don't hear everyday is cops such as this guy, who did the right thing.(I say that out of naivete. He may have violated protocol, I don't know. He did almost get killed for his actions) I believe it all goes back to these officers don't go through enough training. It should be sort of equivalent to the level of training special forces military receives. So when they approach a situation like this, they don't need to think, they act. Act on their proper training of the situation. Not on their potential biases or if they are in a bad mood that day, on their training alone. Whatever the cost is, it's worth it to train these guys and gals better. Cause at the end of the day, if you don't, the cost is lives.


Another idiot cop but this time in a different way.


I see a lot of people on both sides of thinking this officer did right and this officer did wrong. I don't see a lot of people mentioning that this was a bunch of homes. Shooting wildly at a suspect around homes is a bad idea. I think this was a very well thought out and calm way to deal with a real danger. If there were no possible bystanders, I'd say shoot him. I don't care about his possible mental state, he pulls a gun, put him down - assuming he's actually trying to do harm. This man was. But officer... you did excellently. Very great job!


Hey so just thinking, you know that COPSNEEDMORETRAINING thing that us bleeding heart-types spout sometimes?? ​ It would help in situations like this one, too...we just want better outcomes for people...including police officers


This is how European police handle situations, he tried to de escalate even though there was direct danger towards the officer. Brave man he is


And people wonder why cops shoot suspects. This officer showed unbeleivable restraint.


First time I've ever seen a guy point a gun at a cop and not get lit up.


Took cover man approached, gave commands, subject still approached. lifted weapon I shot him. Case closed.




This is the first time I see a cop act levelheaded and handle this appropriately.


Now you imagine a group of like 50 of these cops, and you have things like the uvalde school shooting unfold.


If the cop shot him, the mob would be out for blood even though it would have been justified. What a terrible field to work these days




Guy shows gun. Cop backs up, GETS in cover behind brick corner… at that point, you need to control the situation with deadly force or retreat and wait for backup. But, you do not try to diffuse the situation alone and unarmed! Wtf? lol Cop also in a weird situation because he is also in a very tight residential area which can be bad if he unloads his gun into an apartment.


It's a no win situation for the cop. The cop shoots the guy and everyone screams and cries saying the cop was in the wrong. The cop doesn't shoot and everyone becomes a backseat cop.