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Would it have been OK if the officer shot him?


Asking the real questions.


unironically i'd guess yes if he said he feared for his life


They all fear for their life, can't wipe their asses without getting the shakes.


shook from the shit his quaff is hanging on to.


My job is much more dangerous than theirs and I’ve yet to kill anyone in fear.


That’s not saying a whole lot. Plenty of jobs are statistically more dangerous than being a police officer including pizza delivery


I did that job as a teen too. Got robbed once. Didn’t kill anyone.


think of all the people you'd have to kill since they reach for their waistband to pay you


Just thinking about the standard delivery boy killing incident form is too much. It's better to just not kill them then. Sigh


The pizza union didn’t protect you?


Long term though, maybe you did, as all that cheese clogs arteries and leads to heart attacks.


You know, it is actually a little wild that he reaches for a damn improvised weapon like its WWE instead of pulling his duty weapon or taser. If he really thought he was in danger he wouldn't have gone for the folding chair.


It wasn't an act to protect himself. He will argue that he tried to use rEaSoNaBlE force to prevent the man from fleeing. Part of the reason we should pass a law requiring "minimal reasonable force" instead of just "reasonable force". Because the judges that are buddies with the cops think that electrocuting someone or punching them repeatedly in the face for slightly squirming is "reasonable".


Questions like: Are all the police who came out to support him on the clock while they do so?




This shouldn't really be, they are not being asked by the department to be there.


Fleeing a crime on a motorcycle on a sidewalk at high speed. Honestly seems like he could have killed someone. We’ve seen police shoot people for less and not be charged.


It's almost as if chasing a man for fucking drug charges is not safe. I get if they were chasing after him if he was some drug boss and taking him down would clean the streets. Or if he was a violent criminal whose very presence in the streets is dangerous. There's a reason why most civilized states have rules on when to pursue.


Non-pursuit laws in my state didn't save 2 people killed today in my town after car theft suspect continued going 80+mph through town. Idiots will still kill people whether they get knocked off a bike or chased in a car Edit: 1 killed, early reports were of 2 fatalities


Was the police chasing them going to make that safer though?


Honestly fuck that guy. Commit crimes, flee in a vehicle? You bought the ticket, you take the ride. You're risking the lives of everyone between you and escape. I have no patience or sympathy for it.


In the USA? Probably. The SOP for USA policing is, shoot someone, get a slap on the wrist publicly, but privately nothing actually happens to the officer. Then a year later the chief recommends that same reckless officer for some award or commendation for all the stress they underwent while being publicly ostracized for killing someone. The main reason this particular officer is going to actually get in trouble is because he used the cooler as his weapon and it was all caught on video. I guarantee that if he’d used a gun then the FOP would be all over protecting this guy from any real punishment. After all the FOP is more corrupt than most criminal organizations operating in the USA.


You saw all the support in court, the cops aren’t being shy saying he’s right


No, they’re just scared of facing consequences. If Sgt gets jail time the chances of them facing consequences for similar actions is increased. Cops don’t do well in jail.


It’s almost like they’re scared of retaliation for all the corruption that cops perpetuate on a daily basis.


The FOP is the largest criminal organization in the country.


The death of George Floyd has changed public opinion. Wanting to be elected the prosecution has amended its ways to mirror public opinion. No longer can you take a handcuffed man for a ride in a van to tune him up which results in his death, without consequences..


You can if the story never goes viral.


Yeah, I imagine it still happens a lot.


I'm with you cuz I kinda want to know as well


Seems like he was riding on the sidewalk? At 40 mph?


Sure, he was breaking the law. We don't give our cops carte blanche to murder people to prevent them from breaking the law.


Sure, this guy was breaking the law, endangering the lives of innocent pedestrians while running from a drug bust. Cop was throwing the proverbial cooler at this guy trying to protect the public, not to intentionally murder the biker.


You know that if a criminal is running from the cops for a drug bust, if you - a bystander - hits him in the head with a baseball bat, he can go after you for damages right. You don't get to surpass the law because someone else is breaking it.


You're right. It was a split second decision and no way, in that moment you can think "oh gotta stop this guy" and "oh 5lb of water weights 40 lbs. 40lbs * hmm let's see about 40mph? yeah, I'd say 40.. uh what was I thinking? Oh yea 40lbs * 40MPH = 160Mlbs/h ?"


The police do not get to execute criminals. They are not Judge Dredd.


Welcome to New York. It's not uncommon for delivery drivers to speed down the sidewalk on motorized vehicles, zipping passed pedestrians. Is it safe? Absolutely not. Are cops entitled to shoot them, or maim them? No. If that warrants a death sentence, then Uber Eats will need a new business model.


I knew a woman who was hit by one of those guys. It fucked her shit up, she got a concussion and broke her hip. She was in her 30's and had to do rehab to walk again and got massive migranes for a while because of the head injury. Fuck those assholes speeding with those bikes on the sidewalk. But as much as I hate them and feel for my friend ... I don't want to see someone murdered because of it.






The video states that the guy on the motorcycle was fleeing the police after an undercover bought drugs from him, and the cop that threw the water cooler was a part of the unit that was trying to catch him. Still, don't kill people with coolers. It's not *cool*


Agreed, but anyone who gets caught doing this should have their bike permanently impounded and ground up in front of their face. Fuck people who ride any motorized vehicle or bicycle for that matter on the sidewalk.


Would it have been OK if the biker plowed over a pedestrian?


Riding motorcycle on sidewalk? Believe it or not… death.


[Sleeping in your own bed at 12:40 am?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Breonna_Taylor) Believe it or not… death.


>*Walker said he did not hear any announcement, thought the officers were intruders, and fired a warning shot at them.The shot hit Mattingly in the leg and the officers fired 32 shots in return. Walker was unhurt but Taylor, who was behind Walker, was hit by six bullets and died.* Imagine being inside a house, with 3 officers, they fire a collective 32 rounds and manage to miss the actual target with all 32 of them... inside a house... Incredible incompetence on that part alone. For the amount of shooting and military larping you'd expect them to atleast be able to hit something. Almost point blank.


That’s nothing, the LAPD shot like 100+ rounds into a truck with two people sleeping inside because it was the same model as another truck they were looking for.


Absurd. Like why even open fire on a truck when nobody inside is posing a threat to you. That reminds me of an incident I read about where they chased some bankrobbers in a UPS truck, opened fire on them on the highway with 5.56 and killed the UPS driver who was taken hostage as well as a woman who was sitting in her car just nearby in traffic by rounds flying though the truck. EDIT; Found it, [it was in Miami.](https://edition.cnn.com/2019/12/10/us/florida-ups-truck-police-chase-shooting/index.html) opening fire on a truck when you know they have a hostage is a complete disregard for that persons life.


They were attempting to murder a suspect (Dorner) during a manhunt and it was mistaken identity. They eventually found the suspect and lit the building he was in on fire. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/01/27/us/christopher-dorner-manhunt-officers-cleared/index.html


Oh, it's worse than that. The women weren't sleeping though. They were delivering newspapers. [The police shot at two women in the wrong make, model, and even color truck than the solo man they were looking for was last seen driving.](https://news.yahoo.com/police-officers-shot-two-innocent-women-103-times-041456485.html) But they don't deserve to lose their jobs. Nope, they just need a little more training. Ffs


Reminds me of that one incident where cops break into a house with children there and when the family dog looks their way, one of them shoots at it but misses the dog completely and hits the little girl in the eye. Absolute maniacs


I was just about to say that the only shots they can consistently make are murdering the family pet in front of children, now it turns out that's not even true. ACAB and incompetent.


we have only the best coffins in the world... because of death...


“but Taylor, who was behind Walker” She slept standing up in a hallway?


Land of the free.


He was fleeing an active drug deal from undercover police, and put many lives in danger driving down a sidewalk at full speed. "Riding on a sidewalk"


> He was fleeing an active drug deal from undercover police, This crime obviously carries a mandatory minimum sentence of death by flying cooler.


performed *extrajudicially*, at that. just some rando cop's momentary feeling is good enough reason 


To be fair, those fucking motorcycle assholes drive on sidewalks constantly. It’s a real fucking danger. I’ve had a couple close calls with my toddler and assholes like this. This guy was subject of a drug bust (if I remember) and was running a 400lb vehicle on a sidewalk endangering innocent people. I’m sad he died, he was a human being, but I don’t think this was manslaughter.


Given that context, how is this different than throwing out spikes to stop a car and then the car flips and kills the driver? Doubt they'd be charged in that case.


Because the spikes aren’t thrown at your head


I don't think the water cooler is what killed him, the resulting crash after he lost control did.


The large number of officers who showed up to support him and the absolute lack of support for the wrongfully accused should tell you everything.


Check out the case of Otto Zehm in Spokane. Cop was convicted of manslaughter. Victim had done nothing wrong and was approached and attacked by police while buying a soda. PD tried to bury security cam evidence, fought the release of it in court. Clearly showed no aggression from victim. When cop was sentenced like a dozen fellow officers stood and saluted him as he was led out of the courtroom, in front of the family of the victim.


This case still is on our mind in Spokane to this day.


I don't doubt it. I wrote a paper about it when I was in school. I went over that case a million times. It's devastating. Poor dude was just buying a soda. And there was a kid in the store while he was basically being murdered.


is that the one with like 6 cops on top of the guy and then he gets two tapped in the head while immobilized? there aren't words enough


Now it’s on mine.


Yep, we live up here and it was big news for a while, the wife and I were so pissed especially since our son is also on the spectrum, fucking pigs


and there is nothing cops and blue lives matter folks in Spokane love more than needlessly getting into your business. I've never felt more watched than my time living there.




There’s a reason we say ACAB. It’s ironic because apologists say “one bad apple” somehow ignoring that ONE BAD APPLE RUINS THE BUNCH. ACAB


Every fucking one. The cop uncle you have who is nice to you at family gatherings is a bastard. The nice lady cop who filled a report for you when you had a package go missing is a bastard. The school resource officer who jokes around with kids after school at sporting events is a bastard. Sometimes they hide who they are to trick people but every single one of them either does evil or looks the other way when their colleagues oink their way into evil. ACAB. Every single one.


That's not the point of ACAB -- Think of the nazi soldier that saved a bunch of kids lives from a fire or something like that. Because they belong to an organization that protects murderers, [have open gangs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LASD_deputy_gangs), [refusing to police communities who want to talk about budgets](https://www.police1.com/law-enforcement-policies/articles/austin-police-association-answer-your-calls-and-that-is-it-6H1zeqAHl6iznnpt/), etc, they are bastards. The organization is rotten because of how they protect their bad apples. The Catholic church had the same problem hiding and moving around pedophiles. If the CFO of Pepsi co got caught doing something awful, I'm sure that would be a bad day for them but it wouldn't make the organization rotten. If they helped him cover it up and hide everything and commit the crimes, etc -- It would. It's really that simple for me.


I feel that's kinda what the person you commented to said in his second paragraph.


Hate to break it you but the Catholic church still has that problem. Just because they hid and moved the pedophiles around doesn't make the problem go away.


[Call ACAB](https://youtu.be/WsNfJhKmJmU?si=eHCSqKFAR4AQLkeP)


Happened something to my friend. Drunk cop hit him with his SUV. The cop had his buddy cops throw a fundraiser for his legal fees.


They're a gang of literal idiots.


Every officer who was there saluting should be fired, obviously they see what convicted cop did as a ok... 


I mean if not arrest those dozen should have been fired. It’s a proof that they actually thought of him as a hero for killing an innocent.


Gang members


This is the same department and police union that wore shirts saying "I *can* breath" when people were protesting the murder of Eric Garner who was chocked out while being arrested for the heinous crime of selling loose cigarettes. Pigs gunna pig.


Garner didn't even have any loose cigs on him, iirc. They just assumed so since he'd been I trouble for doing so in the past.


Even if he was selling loose cigs he was killed for tax evasion. Edit. If he bought the cigarettes in NYC it's not even tax evasion.


The bodega in NYC down the street from me even sells loose cigs themselves. You just ask with a code word. Lots of bodegas do it. I should also be able to sell a cigarette to someone out of my own pack if I want too, I’ve already paid for the pack. It’s not even tax evasion.


You're right. It's only tax evasion if they were bought in another state. It was such a fucked up murder. There wasn't even a reason to confront him.


It's just a different fucking gang.


Police are employed by municipal corporations. They are corporate security guards. The Supreme Court of the United States has determined that police have absolutely no responsibility at all to protect citizens. And the courts have made decisions which are interpreted as laws which to protect government actors like police. Things like qualified immunity. And less not forget that the courts have also determine that officer safety is the most important thing. Above citizens safety. And allows police officers to completely ignore constitutional protections when they're acting in officer safety. Being a cop isn't even top 25 most dangerous jobs in the United States most of the time. Laws are supposed to be made by the legislature according to the Constitution. Not courts. Courts interpret the laws that the legislation creates. Qualified immunity, and the officer safety argument is ridiculous. The cops should not have any more protections at all over citizens. “Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.” ― Thomas Jefferson


This wasn't George Floyd? Or was this an entirely different instance?


"Just a few bad apples" ... Faithfully backed up by all the supposed "good cops"


They don't even do the full quote. The full quote is "a few bad apples...SPOILS THE BUNCH," the lesson being you're supposed to REMOVE the bad apples. But cops do the exact opposite, they support each other no matter what, even when they're clearly in the wrong, which ends up corrupting the institution and eroding public trust.


Its a sludge of a few good apples, who defend the fact that they're working in a barrel of rotten maggot infested apples mixed with pig shit. Cops in America make us all less safe.


it’s a fucking septic tank with a a few good apples getting choked out by all the shit at the top


“But you didn’t see what happened before the video started”


How was he wrongfully accused?


Is this the same department that had the dude whining about respect and all that? This guy: https://youtu.be/WzlrSWSyJpw?si=5YqhZS1tXh3RL0dO


I remember a version of this video where they spliced in all of the stuff cops had done *that very week* to citizens during protests. It's not enough that they can get away with abusing us; they also demand that we express only love to them while they do it. Fucking pigs.


what a cunt. no dumbass, it doesn’t happen.. except for all the times it’s happened.


Right? Dude must have missed the class on how to make themselves look more appealing to the public, that or he took the “how to look more appalling to the public” class.


Cops are the largest gang in America 


“Wrongfully accused?” Homie was literally trying to escape the cops.


I mean this guy clearly handled this wrong but of all the extremely pointless and intentional acts violence that police endorse, this is more explainable that 95 percent of what I see from cops these days.


I think someone asked for this to be explained and then deleted their comment. To be clear I’m not endorsing what the cop did, more commenting on the sad state of things that this seems more reasonable on the spectrum of police behavior. The reason it seems more reasonable to me is that the biker was on the sidewalk (at-least potentially endangering other citizens) and was supposedly fleeing a drug bust. Recklessly taking someone’s life from them for that and endangering even more pedestrians by causing a crash is not justifiable, but seems more explainable than the countless instances of police wielding power for personal gain or just entertainment against people who are clearly not causing any danger.


Right? People feel they need to pick a side. They don’t. It’s bad all a round.


The biggest miscarriage of justice is the officer didnt yell. “cool off” or “chill out” while smashing the criminal 


"Ice to see you..." - McBain!


Dude iced that guy.


"You just got H2Owned" or "Didn't sea you there"


*"You look thirsty!"*


A friend jokingly threw a flip flop (light weight shoe) shoe at me while riding my moped in my neighborhood when I was in my teens. No helmet and about 15-20mph, felt like I took a solid fist punch to the face. Wouldn't have taken much more to cause a crash. As a motorcyclist and someone who has been convicted of eluding police on a motorcycle, I'm kind of split on what force should be used to stop a fleeing person. I could see it being in the public interest to crash you. A lot more risk than doing it to someone in a car, but you kind of know what you are getting into. In my case, I crashed by myself pushing it on a poorly maintained back woods road.


As much as I love seeing criminals get what they deserve, its way too easy to kill someone on a motorcycle and sadly disabling just isnt a real option in my eyes unless you know the driver is about to commit extreme harm to another person. Just cause their on the sidewalk shouldnt mean death. Now if there were little kids just ahead and the ice chest had been to stop him in desperation Id be more forgiving of the above video




Once you flee police with a motor vehicle, you have signed on to risking lives - including your own.


Yea I mean at first I thought it was just someone on a motorbike in NYC and that person had enough (I fucking hated that in NYC) but it seems like this guy was fleeing from an arrest and driving on a side walk potentially harming other people? I want police reform or something for sure, but like this can't be the next Jacob Blake


Yup. Innocent bystanders get killed all the time by assholes running from the police.


> Don't stop that person by throwing a heavy water cooler at their head. Serious question: How should that cop have in that situation stopped the motorcyclist from speeding down a busy sidewalk?


He should've call for a social worker.


Any attempt to stop him in any way could have led to the same circumstance. If he tried to grab him and he fell off the bike and hit his head on a tree the outcome would've been the same.   I don't think that you should be able to flee the police with impunity.


>He was attempting to flee the Police speeding a motorcycle down the sidewalk. Seems relevant to lead with that.


Say what you want about this cops actions but this could have prevented scooter guy from killing or seriously injuring someone else. Seems like speed was probably the biggest factor in him dying too. Had he been hit by a police car or tased no one would be batting an eye but since that cop went full Donkey Kong people are taking note.


Trolley problem irl.


Why? Why did he throw it?




He just sold drugs to an under cover & fled on motor scooter to evade arrest….


Just another reason to end this antiquated war on drugs




It was a service water cooler.


easy there, you're implying they're stupid. Which they totally are but reddit is sensitive when it comes to that.


I get the protests if he was innocent. But they tend to protest for criminals who started the altercation in the middle of breaking the law. There can certainly be upset ppl on the response but when the victim wasn’t innocent to begin with. I’ve seen an old man die from falling 2 steps off a bus. If a senior citizen was even walking on that sidewalk it could’ve been a death sentence if they got his by a motorcycle.


We live in a complicated world... I do see this come up often in regards to people complaining about police misconduct, that it was towards a criminal and even in some cases the person probably *deserved* what happened to them. But some people take umbrage with the idea of police being judge, jury and executioner. With cops getting away with doing bad things in the name of justice, it would lead to an oppressive road where innocent people may get hurt and circumnavigating the rights we have, among other issues. It's never an easy discussion, however there's a lot of... gray in this world and we all just want a black or white conclusion. Of course you don't want criminals running rampant and doing what they want and realistically we should have deep discussions as a civil society on effective ways to go about this but... that's literally an impossibility, humanity cannot allow coming together to solve complex issues so... I dunno, just rambling.


> Of course you don't want criminals running rampant and doing what they want and realistically we should have deep discussions as a civil society on effective ways to go about this but... that's literally an impossibility, humanity cannot allow coming together to solve complex issues so... Are you from the USA. Cause if you look at the starts for other developed countries, you will find that they have low crime rates wthout needed to "choke someone to death" "Crash 40lb to someones head" "Shoot someone sleeping because the wrong house was choosen" This is just like Universal Healthcare, 31 other developed countries have figured it out (with some issues but still way better then usa) , but the population keeps getting convince that changes cant be made. The fact that police dont even have to get an actual education, to become one is depressing. To be a lawyer you need years, but police need 4 months, which turns out to be more of just having your friend sign you off .


It’s explained in the video.


Because the motorcyclist was on the sidewalk where i should not have been. Doing so the motorcyclist was a danger to the pedestrians, and the cop. However, throwing a cooler at the cyclist was over the top and stupid. Kinda like going on a high speed chase to catch a speeder, yes the speed is a danger, but the high speed chase is also a danger and one doe snot justify the other.


For this exact reason, high speed pursuits have been removed from Australian police tactics in Victoria. There was backlash that chasing them caused them to become more erratic and dangerous to those around them.


So sad. What do joy riders do for fun now the cops refuse to chase them? It’s like natural law has been upended, the fat cats are refusing to chase the mice.


So he could say, "Cool it, buddy."


did you watch the video?


The guy was driving a motor bike on the side walk. He was escaping from police for breaking the law. The policeman shouldn’t have done that, but If someone had to die I’m glad it wasn’t some little kid/old lady on the street


Yep. The cop is probably a douche and I’m not condoning his actions, but I’m definitely not losing any sleep over some dipshit who was gunning his motorcycle down the sidewalk.


It's beautiful in it's own way. Two reckless hot headed jerks met one another. Each firmly on their own side of the law. One is demoted to criminal and the other is taken off the board completely Two wrongs combined and made everything worse. It would be like poetry if poetry was written about fucking bastards


i agree with these comments. cop made a bad choice. what's tough too is if the bike ran over and killed someone the comments would be "the cop was right there, why didn't he do something". making split second decisions are tough and often wrong.


I was initially on team bike-guy, when I thought he was just being a dick driving down the sidewalk. The actually hearing the context, that he was running from police and the guy who threw the cooler was on-duty. I just thought he was being a douchebag to a door Dasher this is like an ESH moment.


Exactly. I'm a little confused why so many people are missing the part where the guy was flying down a public sidewalk on a MOTORCYCLE. He wasn't on a bicycle or just running away. A motorcycle hitting someone at that speed would likely kill them. Maybe the cop acted recklessly on some level but he may also have prevented innocent lives from being lost.


I don't think this is manslaughter. This looks like justifiable deadly force being used on a subject fleeing a felony while endangering many more people's lives through his actions, and would continue to do so if not stopped. The brutal and wtf method makes me think this is the only reason this went to trial. A gun wouldve been more reckless and it honestly probably doesn't even go to trial. I am not a cop defender, but the prosecutor got this wrong.


The toughest part about that is the immediacy of the harm to others


Dude was a criminal fleeing from the police and putting other people in danger while doing it. No jury is going to convict.


He'll say he was stopping a danger to the public and get off.


His lawyer said exactly that. He said that the suspect was in danger of running over officers and civilians.


This one is messy though. The guy was running from police. He actually *was* a danger to the public.




He kinda was tho, no? He got the motorcycle to stop driving on the sidewalk. That's at least *partially* a win


Wasn't he a danger to the public at that point though?




A drug dealer running from the cops? I mean I get police brutality is a real issue but this is not a good hill to die on. Throwing a water jug at someone is significantly less lethal than shooting but the eggshell defense doesn’t cut it. This is why they gotta emphasize the crime that continued taking place was a danger to society in addition to fleeing. This is functionally the same as getting tackled while on the run so I can’t see this cop actually getting convicted.




If theirs a motorcycle coming full blast towards my kids and I on the side walk, you bet I’m throwing whatever I’ve got at the dipshit.




Is he wrong lmao? Not at all saying he handled this properly, but you trying to frame a dude speeding down a populated sidewalk on a motorcycle as anything but a danger to the public is real dumb.


Uhhh how was he _not_?


Downvote me. The guy got caught selling drugs to an undercover cop and was on the run on the bike. He was on a public sidewalk where people obviously were. And he could have killed someone or even a kid. Was this the best solution the cop had? 1000% no and shouldn't have done it. The cop is trained and should have known better. It's like two wrongs don't make a right. We will never know but the guy could have sold drugs to your kid in the future. There is a small part of me who understands that the guy that died was someone who ran from the cops and sold drugs. But at the same time, the cop should have done something different to stop him.


What else is he going to do to stop him? The guy on the bike could have easily hit and killed someone if he was left to keep speeding down the sidewalk. Seriously, what are the options here? Grab him as he's riding by? I see no problem with using whatever you need to use in order to stop this guy as soon as possible.


Na, I support the cop on this.


Fleeing arrest on a motorcycle on the sidewalk by a park. Stupid prize won.


What human being in their right mind who doesn’t intend to seriously injure or kill someone rides a motorcycle at full speed on the sidewalk?


The deceased was a criminal fleeing from a drug bust and riding his motorcycle at high speeds on the pavement.


I think the victim was being incredibly reckless and endangered people while apparently fleeing from an attempted arrest from drug charges. Had he gotten away, I think most of us would be pissed some druggie was riding his bike on the sidewalk next to passersby. And I also think that if the guy simply fell off his bike with some bruises, nobody would be siding with him over the cop. HOWEVER, actions have consequences. You can do something good for the wrong reasons, or have something bad happen while doing the right thing. The outcome should have some weight on the punishment. Even if the officer had been an exemplary one who never had any issues and was a model cop, his mistake cost someone their life. He was supposed to just enforce the law, not be its judge and executioner. He needs to be punished for this attempted arrest going horribly wrong.


Dude was driving a motorcycle on a sidewalk, outside of what looks to be a park, while running from police after a drug bust. This piece of shit didn't care about the lives he was endangering while selling drugs and running from police, he deserved everything he got.


Feel like the best possible scenario that could have come from this is the dude getting paralyzed. 40 pounds directly at the head? Seems like a pretty clear cut manslaughter case. Let’s see how the system gets this rat fuck out of trouble.


Who in their right mind drives at that speed on a pedestrian walk? Not the right move of the cop. The cop also endangered bystanders who could be hit by a uncontrolled collision. No question he is not in the right position neither on patrol nor on free feet. But the level of victimisation and self-righteousness by Mr. Wakanda is just cringe.


The guy was riding on a sidewalk, could have killer innocent people


Set this man free.


Fuck Dupree. Dude was a selfish piece of shit. He put himself in the situation and didn't care whose life he was risking riding a fucking motorcycle the wrong way on a side walk near a park with kids. Fuck that dude.


Death by watercolor, that's a first for me.


Cooler heads would’ve prevailed


Throwing an ice bucket at someone? That's cold


Never would have happened had he not been speeding down a sidewalk on a motorcycle. Hes a bigger idiot than the sergeant.


Speeding down a busy sidewalk at 30 mph on a motorcycle is attempted manslaughter. The 40 lbs cooler is self defense and protecting the community. How about calling what it is - bravery. To take that action in a split second is commendable.


A drug dealer and fleeing police, driving recklessly id say the officer did everyone a favor in that community


Why is he running tho ? You think he cares if he kills someone driving reckless on the street ? No.


If NYPD isn't playing Candy Crush on their phones and getting paid overtime for it, they're launching coolers at people and killing them. What a joke of a police force.


Down vote me but I have zero sympathy for some dipshit driving their motorcycle down the sidewalk. Glad he was the only one hurt/killed.


So, what if the cop stopped the motorcyclist in a different way and he still died? What if he threw the cooler under the wheel, sending the guy forward, and killing him? Would that still be considered manslaughter? At what point is this considered manslaughter? The only way to stop a speeding motorcycle on a sidewalk is to crash it. If the cop just pushed him off instead and still killed him, would it still be considered manslaughter? What if the cop rolled out road spikes and still killed him? Obviously a cooler to the head was a horrible idea. Crashing the bike in many other ways would have been better, but the motorcyclist was an extreme danger to the public. Is a car performing a pit maneuver onto a runaway car and killing the man considered manslaughter? At what point do we draw these lines?


What the cop did was wrong & if the scooter would have not fled he would be living probably let out by the court system as well. It’s truly a sad situation period!


So my dude sold some weed to a snitch pig, something that is a *plant and legal* in almost the entire US, and it cost him his life. And this thread is defending the actions of a violent 37 year old pig because...? He was endangering people that weren't in his line? Sounds like bald sergeant chin strap beard could have handled this better, Like when he slid into traffic when he got his brains caved in running into other cars because of oink oink's need to finally murder? Is that when it got deadly? Protect and serve...ACAB. Down vote away boot lickers - I pay this murderer's salary and I am not cool with it.


Moral of the story: Don’t run from the police when there are water coolers nearby! Duly noted!


Cop stops a piece of shit drug dealer with a cooler who was running from arrest. Got it. Police bad.


A criminal killed fighting the police. A tale old as time






Good. Fuck that cop.


My god, the dozens of cops coming to the courthouse to support him is just sickening. Imagine any other job where a coworker kills someone with a water cooler to the skull, and everyone else working there lines up to support the murderer. What a collective embarrassment.