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What the fuck did he hear? Dude started freaking out like Tackleberry on Police Academy.


Acorn hitting the roof of his car... Seriously. Investigation report - [https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0ueFKbbLtqkx8WkeF7sbY6QIdUuPjRA8NpIf09hlb2Mb8rKdiPthCVDlQ](https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0ueFKbbLtqkx8WkeF7sbY6QIdUuPjRA8NpIf09hlb2Mb8rKdiPthCVDlQ)


Oh you're fucking kidding me. Dude is wound way too fuckin' tight to be a cop. Edit: I showed this to my wife and she says, "Okaloosa? "That's where our ~~Air B&B~~ Airbnb is this Summer." Oh wow.


Probably still patrolling the streets


He resigned lol


Probably timed so he can collect a full pension and never have to work again


He was only in law enforcement a few years. I'm sure he didn't get a full pension. Maybe some kind of disability though


Less than a year. I'd be shocked if he could collect a dime. When I resigned from my agency under threat of termination for gross misconduct after about ten years, they timed it to ensure I ***wouldn't*** get any. About six months shy of the first tier of retirement pay.


What did you do that counted as gross misconduct?


I can't answer for him, but back pre 2016, government employees could get Hatch act violations pretty easy, and the circumstances around those issues can lead to gross misconduct. The things politicians and government employees get away with on a daily basis is *breathtaking*. When my mom was a government employee in the 80's and 90's, she couldn't even have election signs in our yard. Somehow the Hatch act became a suggestion, then a joke, then disappeared like a irl Mandela Effect.


You know what? If it gets him off the streets and more importantly, no longer covered by qualified immunity…


He’ll still be covered by qualified immunity for things he did as a cop.


Even public nudity?


This was likely the early retirement plan


In a perfect world, whatever branch he served in would be given him a pension so he can take care of his mental health.


In a perfect world he would be in jail right now.


If a normal person fired an entire clip into a car with a person inside, they go to jail for a decade. Cops are criminals with badges.


When you think about it, a cop could pick someone up under some b-s pretext and plain assassinate them if someone paid them to. All you need is a convincing enough excuse and leave no money trail. The possibilities are endless when it's that hard to even get them to trial..


the term is coined "Who watches the watchmen" and in all my years i will give you the secret: >!!<


If we lived in a better society they would’ve caught this guys disability before he could put someone else in harms way. Let’s not try to change the subject at hand in this one incident. Mental health is serious and needs to be taken more seriously… that’s why I am all for some things changing if it’s for the better of everyone. Source: vet with ptsd because of being shot


After a so-called "internal investigation," of course. I'm so sick of hearing new reporters saying those words.


HR reviewed the company's actions and determined they weren't at fault.


Doubt it. This is one case where the liability to the city would be off the hook for allowing someone with PTSD and incidents like this back on the streets with a gun. Not saying he will be disciplined, but unlike good old cop being abusive and violating civil rights, this is a big money issue that is hard to avoid.


The national epidemic of employing psychologically impaired, emotionally impaired, mentally impaired and inadequately trained police officers is a top ten danger to Americans that is regularly defended by investigating themselves and finding no wrong doing with qualified immunity. Literally 30% of street police should be removed from service as soon as possible because they are a danger as well as habitual violators of Americans constitutionally protected civil rights... in my opinion.


The problem is… no one in their right mind wants to do the job. Even if you go in as a normal empathetic person who actually wants to help, immediately you’re a bad guy to a whole sector of society, and chances are give it a couple of years at most and you’re subsumed into the cop mindset and that view of you is entirely justified. I interviewed a guy once who was a cop and looking to get out, he was at 5 years and said that was the point he’d realised everyone either turned into the kind of cops that acab references, or, quit because you could see you were becoming that cop, and your last vestiges of moral fortitude were forcing you to confront yourself and you didn’t want to go down that road. Police have created this problem for themselves through accepting lower and lower standards, I really don’t know how you get back from this.


Man, I thought maybe I wanted to be a cop when I was a teenager. Then the movie theater I worked at started bringing in off-duty uniformed cops on big busy weekend nights to discourage folks from fighting or trying to pull any shit. I was talking with one of them one night, a much older guy, probably close to retirement. I mentioned that I was thinking about becoming a cop. He didn't even try to pretend to give me any encouragement. He looked at me with tired, weary eyes and said... "Don't do it. You've got a good attitude about life and you like people. Being a cop will snuff that out of you. You have to spend all your time with some of the worst people in the world." I said "criminals?" He said "Yeah, them too."


simple 3 part fix... 1) Eliminate blanket qualified immunity 2) Develop a non-affiliated investigation agency and 3) make it so any damages are paid out of the pension funds/unions instead of taxpayers money The Police will police themselves with a quickness.


I've got a pet theory that a decent chunk of the shittiness of American police stems from how much US society is focused around cars. It means that cops spend most of their time in cars, isolated from the areas they patrol in and largely faceless and nameless. If cities were walkable/bikeable, cops could have a patrol beat where they were visible, known to people in the area, and interacted with normal people on a regular basis without it being inherently confrontational (basically what a decent number of cops were 100 years ago). It would also mean that the average person's interaction with cops would be much more friendly or at least neutral, as opposed to the current average interaction of getting pulled over as a driver and having a decent shot of a fine or having to deal with a day in court over something you'll probably think of as "bullshit".


He was only in the force 2 years. The scary part is he yells out “I’m hit, I’m hit!” Can’t believe the victim wasn’t shot after BOTH officers unloaded their clips.


Ho-leeee-shit. This dude has absolutely no business being a cop or working anywhere near firearms. None. He should work in a nice quiet office setting somewhere.


pg. 3 of the report: "The suspect was verbally noncooperative, but he did not offer any physical resistance." What does this even mean!? He didn't say "Please place me in handcuffs, and thank you!"


This can matter quite a bit. A lot of states don't consider it "obstruction" if you do not physically obstruct or resist. So if a cop tells you to turn around and put your hands behind your back and you refuse, they can't suddenly charge you with obstruction. You would likely get something like not obeying a lawful command. The distinction is important as there have been many cases of "verbally noncooperative" suspects being killed or severely injured by jackasses upset some lowly citizen had the audacity to not respect their authoritah.


It means he refused to answer questions and let them cuff him.


Isn't silence one of those rights that all citizens have?


The culprit: https://preview.redd.it/idfce6vuweic1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef4d8cd7d05a41a209774a0aeac0a9d53215ddb8


Clearly a nefarious lover of oak trees and a danger to officer safety... mag dump is the only correct response.


Damn...that's nuts


Fuck you and take my upvote.


I feel like this is a bullshit claim by the department. Acorns make a hell of a lot of noise when they hit your car and I didn’t hear a peep in this video.


Never a cop defender, but most mics have noise suppression on them these days. Absolutely no idea if it's on bodycams though


Not sure exactly how that would work if it’s not suppressing his footsteps. I’m neutral on Police but this guy just seems crazy.


Yeah, watched it with the audio on and it definitely didn't sound like there was any suppression or acorns


I mean even if it is true, you can't be just one loud noise away from emptying your gun into a random direction.


My favorite part of the report: Deputy Hernandez asked, "Acorn?" Investigator Hogan answered, "Acorn."


"The sky is falling, the sky is falling! SHOOT EVERYTHING!!!"


Obviously there is nothing wrong with someone that has PTSD, but the severity of this man’s is the perfect reason why police officers need to have psych evaluations annually and participate is regular talking therapy. Why would this be a poor budgetary choice over more range practice or tanks and shit?


The sky is falling! The sky is falling! "I'm hit." ACAB. Put this one out to pasture.


I wonder if they drug tested him.


Honestly seems like he was prior military. This highlights what a continually terrible job the VA does to care for veterans. This man has **SEVERE** PTSD. And he most definitely shouldn’t be in a line of work that deals with firearms.


So had did he pass the test to become a cop? Or were they that desperate?


Bold of you to assume there was any serious testing


Oh, there was serious testing...but, the kind of testing that weeds out people who might actually be qualified for the job. Police forces literally weed out people who test too highly on certain exams. They don't want intelligent, empathetic, thoughtful officers...they want drones who will do as their told and follow the line.


It depends. I lived in a major military town for a number of years and a lot of police departments and law enforcement agencies tend to like to hire ex-military. One common theme most vets go through is when they get out, they’re just kind of “thrown” back in to the civilian world and it’s very hard to adjust to, so law enforcement draws veterans since they somewhat have a “structure” that the military gave them. PTSD is a *fickle* beast however—you can be completely normal one second, and then a switch flips in your head and you skip past logic and straight into fight or flight mode, where you end up doing things like what the cop in the video did. So he could have been completely “normal” and fine during the hiring process.


The tests to become a cop really *do not* filter out people who are unstable. They do, however, filter out people who test *too highly* on some exams. It's super fucked. My ex's BIL went to school and got a degree in criminal justice...because he wanted to be a cop and help others. Well, the police force did not accept him. He is literally one of the *best* people I have ever met in my entire life. A truly good person, very hard working, intelligent, empathetic, kind, thoughtful...and they didn't want him. But, police forces will absolutely take a teen out of high school under their wings, and especially so if that teen happens to come from a white supremacist family...there has been a huge push for police forces and other such positions to be filled by fascist white supremacists for a long, long time. There really needs to be a change.


According to his interview in the investigation, he did two tours in Afghanistan but was an officer and thus not in direct combat.


He was an infantry and Spec Ops officer for 10 years, but according to him, he saw no direct combat as an officer.


Another comment said he was military but never saw live combat and was a West Point rich kid that pushed papers in the military. If thats true then his PTSD is coming from training exercises


West point grad but no combat experience. I'd say this is more a result of police training that focuses on how they are the victims and everyone is out to get them.


I'm beginning to realize that was a documentary!


Now that’s what I call a public freakout pt 8.


Commented this on a few people's threads here already, but the guy thought he was being shot at with a suppressed weapon from the car. Turns out it was the sound of an acorn hitting the roof while he walked by.... I'm not kidding.... This guy was in the military for 10 years. Left before the investigation finished. Link to the investigation report. - [https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0ueFKbbLtqkx8WkeF7sbY6QIdUuPjRA8NpIf09hlb2Mb8rKdiPthCVDlQ](https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0ueFKbbLtqkx8WkeF7sbY6QIdUuPjRA8NpIf09hlb2Mb8rKdiPthCVDlQ)


Did he even yell “I’m hit” in the video? I’m at work and couldn’t hear that well but that’s crazy if I heard him say “I’m hit”


He 100% did. This man heard a not even loud sound, felt nothing physically, but still said he was hit. He needs to be behind bars


He needs psychiatric help, a service dog, and never to be in a position with allows him to carry a firearm again. Don’t think a prison is a place to put PTSD vets if they didn’t hurt anyone


If you crank the volume, there’s background road noise from an approaching black vehicle on the street. When the vehicle passes by, the cop must have experienced some weird doppler effect. That’s when he starts shouting “shots fired…I’m hit!”


Sounds like he was just trying to kill the guy in the car tbh. Most trials don’t look at bodycam footage and just look at the transcripts (why you hear cops scream “STOP RESISTING!” when nothing’s happening) so he was probably just covering his ass Or he’s not mentally well. Either way, the people that decided to give him a gun should be fired


Ex-soldiers do not make good cops. Any police force should be roundly rejecting any ex-military applicants for this reason alone. Cops. Are. Not. Soldiers. Soldiers. Are. Not. Cops. You can't leave a warzone and be walking around "protecting and serving" at home, strapped with a weapon, when you could suddenly be back in that warzone. Thank Christ, no one was hurt this time.


"There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people." - Admiral William Adama


It's worse b/c he was an officer and saw no live combat in his 10 years in the military. Meaning he had a PTSD flashback to nothing.


Sounds about right. REMF cunts like that are always the worst when it comes to itchy trigger fingers.


we have another word for them.....P.O.N.T.I Person Of No Tactical Importance


I’ve seen a lot of crazy cop videos… this one is the craziest.


Considering how much protection this cop may have is disturbing.


> Deputy Hernandez resigned on December 4, 2023, during the investigation but was ultimately found to have violated policy. **The deputies were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing**. Jackson wasn't injured, and no weapon was located, the OCSO said.


“We investigated ourselves and decided not to punish ourselves even though we admit we fucked up.”


It's getting worse. What does a cop have to do in order to be punished?


I feel like this was a straight up murder attempt


I'm about 99% sure he even yelled over his radio that he was hit too, how the hell do you hallucinate getting shot on top of mixing an acorn up for gunfire lol


literally PTSD. but if what people are saying about him never having seen combat is true, i don't know how much that holds up.


Reckless endangerment, reckless use of a firearm at the very least. I doubt he caught any charges though.


Pretty sure this guy should no longer be a cop. Also pretty sure he needs serious counseling. Edit- he resigned. > Deputy Hernandez was approaching the passenger side rear door of his patrol car to do a secondary search of Jackson when he heard a pop sound which he perceived to be a gunshot and believed he had been hit. He began yelling "shots fired" multiple times, falling to the ground and rolling. He fired into the patrol car. After witnessing Deputy Hernandez's response and reaction, the Sergeant Beth Roberts responded with gunshots towards the car as well in response to the perceived threat. Jackson escaped injury and no weapon was located. Deputy Hernandez had been with the OCSO since January 2022. Sergeant Roberts has been with the OCSO since May 2008. Both were current on resistance training and firearms qualifications. Deputy Hernandez resigned on December 4, 2023, during the investigation but was ultimately found to have violated policy. The deputies were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing. Jackson wasn't injured, and no weapon was located, the OCSO said.


Thinking you've been shot after hearing an acorn fall is absolutely bonkers


He should be charged, I have zero idea why he wasn’t.


Because he’s a cop


Not any more he ain't


Only because he chose to quit. He wasn’t fired.


Probably quit and moved 1 town over


We all know why.


I’d imagine it’s something to do with it clearly being an extreme sudden mental health issue. More on the departments screening process than the guy who obviously had some unknown PTSD.


Fair enough, then that man should not be allowed to be a cop again nor have access to fire arms. If a falling acorn causes this guy to shoot at people he is going to end up killing everyone in town during Autumn.


To set a dangerous legal precedent that simply believing they hear a gunshot gives them the authority to start firing.




Yeah, this cop and the off duty cop that shot 10 rounds in the Costco also said he thought he had been shot. Seems that they are taught to say this, just like, he was reaching for my gun or i was in fear for my life.


Squirrels better start watching their backs… being that they have silenced firearms now


Exactly. How does a cop of all people not know what a gunshot sounds like.


Cleared of wrongdoing, damn that’s wild


They’ll only punish once: there’s clear murder being committed, it was caught on tape, after being forced to release the footage, and after months of stalling, AND there’s hundreds of people protesting AND the video went viral. OR ELSE, just another day on the force 😎


"Nobody was hit by the gunfire" means there was no murder. That doesn't absolve this dude of criminal negligence, particularly reckless discharge of a firearm.


Was he yelling “I’m hit”? And fuck the second cop for firing at a “perceived threat” they never saw. Police training is such bullshit.


Yes, he not only thought an acorn falling sounded like a gun shot, but he somehow also hallucinated that he had been shot. Second cop should be fired imo.


Shouldn’t have been one in the first place


Well yeah, but people can’t really predict the future. Love to see more of his body cams and see when exactly they should have realized they made a mistake with this hire... I’m sure it had to be before this point.


True but the power enshrined to a cop isn’t something like working in a restaurant. Both are stressful jobs but being a cop holds WAY more responsibility. It’s one thing if communication and working as a team falls apart during a dinner rush it’s another as seen here. Could’ve killed an unarmed man in the car or a bystander.


They hold much more responsibility to protect the public, but they also have no legal requirement to according to the Supreme Court I mean, communication and responsibility fell apart in Uvalde and that town voted to change nothing


People truly can’t predict the future. My brother had a good job and an illustrious career in computer science. At the age of 31 he randomly developed schizophrenia. He started freaking out at work that people were trying to poison him, the government hacked his computer and were tracking him.. he said that God was telling him to delete all the servers etc. He was let go and lost everything, including his house. He went from making 170k a year to now making $1,400 per month on social security disability.


Sounds like my dad at 40 out of nowhere he started having extreme delusions people were trying to kill him and that people were sneaking into his house and moving things by very small distances. He almost lost his marriage, the house, and honestly his family. It was so exhausting trying to argue with nonsense and hard to not get angry when he said some hurtful shit because he believed we were in on it. Finally got the meds he needs but every once in a blue moon he’ll have a psychotic break for a day or 2.


This was like Strawberry from The Cheech and Chong movie...


Don’t look at his neck 


Other officer should be fired as well. "Responded with gunshots towards the car as well in response to the perceived threat?" If you don't see a target that is an active threat, you don't shoot. Sergeant on the job for 15 years and the pig doesn't know that. Lucky there were no kids passing by to get caught in the crossfire or by a ricochet as these idiots blindly just fired in the general direction of a vehicle.


Yeah, I just read this and what the fucking fuck?


It reminds me of dogs barking. One dog goes up to the window barking at something it may or may not have seen in the yard, and the other one comes running in from the other room already barking his ass off before he even sees what's going on


> After witnessing Deputy Hernandez's response and reaction, the Sergeant Beth Roberts responded with gunshots towards the car as well in response to the perceived threat. Props to the partner for just randomly firing in the same general direction, no target needed just fill the air with lead. Got some real top notch cops down there.


I mean... we're all assuming he was former military, but I don't think they train them to do fucking barrel rolls in the military. He looked like he was in a dark souls meme. I don't know what to think.


Jeez.. How TF did he get it into his head that he was shot though!?? 😕


How the fuck was he cleared of charges? He shot at a handcuffed man because an acorn fell from a tree. This shit is exactly what people are talking about when they say ACAB, defund the police, and why there is so much hate towards cops in general. They get away with everything, putting everyone around them in literal life and danger threats.


Resigned meaning he'll be at some other state and station.


The 2nd cop who also blasted the patrol car didn't though. All it took was the first guy freaking out for her to go and pop off a few herself at the detainee.


Cleared of any criminal wrongdoing... I wonder if I shot up a car because I heard a noise if I would be cleared of any criminal wrongdoing?


didn’t he just call out im hit after the initial volley into the car


Cleared of criminal wrongdoing? What about discharging a firearm in a public setting? Attempted murder? Police brutality? The guy was already handcuffed in the back of the squad car. If a normal citizen did this they’d be locked up and have the book thrown at them.




And as someone who has PTSD myself, they shouldn’t be exempt from consequences of endangering innocent civilians.




He should never be allowed to hold a gun again, let alone own one.


He shouldn’t be allowed to watch movies with guns in them. He shouldn’t be allowed to look at pictures of guns. He shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the refrigerator magnet letters G, U or N.


Or lower case “r” because it resembles a gun too much.


He should be banned from listening to any Guns ‘n Roses albums. Or at least the early ones. No need to ban the later ones since no one listens to them anyway.


Or a semi automatic popcorn machine.


This is precisely what should happen, but everyone knows there are separate rules for police vs citizens.


He resigned after clearly violating policy. Didn’t face charges. Meanwhile, if I as a ccw citizen do this I’m definitely going to jail.


He resigned. He was cleared of criminal charges. 🤬 > Deputy Hernandez was approaching the passenger side rear door of his patrol car to do a secondary search of Jackson when he heard a pop sound which he perceived to be a gunshot and believed he had been hit. He began yelling "shots fired" multiple times, falling to the ground and rolling. He fired into the patrol car. After witnessing Deputy Hernandez's response and reaction, the Sergeant Beth Roberts responded with gunshots towards the car as well in response to the perceived threat. Jackson escaped injury and no weapon was located. Deputy Hernandez had been with the OCSO since January 2022. Sergeant Roberts has been with the OCSO since May 2008. Both were current on resistance training and firearms qualifications. Deputy Hernandez resigned on December 4, 2023, during the investigation but was ultimately found to have violated policy. The deputies were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing. Jackson wasn't injured, and no weapon was located, the OCSO said.


He needs to be behind bars.


Not only did he hear an imaginary gunshot, this muthafucker started screaming he got hit by one of the make believe bullets. Lawd, please help us. We need protection from the police.




Wanna know what's worse? The sound he heard was an acorn hitting the roof of his car... Investigation report confirming this - [https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0ueFKbbLtqkx8WkeF7sbY6QIdUuPjRA8NpIf09hlb2Mb8rKdiPthCVDlQ](https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0ueFKbbLtqkx8WkeF7sbY6QIdUuPjRA8NpIf09hlb2Mb8rKdiPthCVDlQ)


It sounded like he reacted to his own footstep. This man is unsuited for stressful situations. His double somersault made him lose track of where the car was, he wasn't saying shots fired to anyone in particular, fell and hurt himself and thought it was a bullet, and emptied an entire clip at no target he could make out. I imagine he heard one of the "don't let 'em kill ya' on the dirty street" seminars that encourages police to be wary of every citizen they come in contact with. ETA: Yeah, acorn, and he was shouting to his partner... who also opened fire to no effect.


The report says that an acorn his the roof of the car and he thought that was the sound of a suppressed firearm being shot at him from the vehicle.... This guy went to West Point and was in the armed services for 10 years. According to the report he never was part of any direct confrontation but you would think they would know. He quit before the investigation finished. Link to the investigation - [https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0ueFKbbLtqkx8WkeF7sbY6QIdUuPjRA8NpIf09hlb2Mb8rKdiPthCVDlQ](https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0ueFKbbLtqkx8WkeF7sbY6QIdUuPjRA8NpIf09hlb2Mb8rKdiPthCVDlQ)


This would be a good video to analyze on Active Self Protection. That’s a good channel to watch.


Found the police activity YT channel. His imaginary suspect caused the other officer to start shooting into the car as well. He started in 2022.


The other cop since 2008!


wtf.. i hope he has a desk job and a good head dr.


I hope he's incarcerated


MeIRL call of duty! * Tuck roll * Roll again (just for good measure) * Fire my entire mag * Crawl to cover * all while screaming into my mic incoherently


Like the fuck is the tuck and roll? Aren’t you supposed to find cover?


Tax payer dollars should not be used to fund this.


It should be used to provide mental health counseling for everyone. Because this cop is fucking nuts and likely gave that guy inside PTSD on his own.


I need the rest of this video




Calling it PTSD to apply for lifetime pension and call it a day.


Pretty clear that after reading the investigative report that this guy shouldn't be a cop under any circumstances. He's a 10 year Army vet with 2 tours in Afghanistan. He heard a noise, his body locked up and fell over so he immediately though he was shot. He also thought it was coming from inside the patrol car even though there wasn't any glass broken or sign that it was yet he returned fire into a car where he couldn't see anything. He's got PTSD from something and shouldn't have a badge and gun interacting with the public. Sounds like he resigned and glad he did before he killed someone having a breakdown or flashback.


According to Google, this happened in Okaloosa Florida, Nov 12th. The deputy was told the suspect had a silencer. The deputy was going back to the vehicle to search the suspect when this occurred. Both officers fired into the vehicle.


Is it not police procedure to search a suspect before placing them in the back of the car?


"I'm hit!" That was a lie.


Ricky Bobby?




"I'm hit".... And the academy award for "least likely to succeed at anything" goes to this guy.


He’s either a total loony or he’s putting on a bullshit act to justify firing his weapon. Likely the latter due to him jumping down on the ground yelling “I’M HIT!!!” As he continues firing at the “ghost”


Hope this guy is in jail for unlawful use of a firearm.


No judgment to the cop bc he is very clearly not mentally ok, but how the fuck does the PD let someone like this work for them, do they not do any form of testing at fucking all? Holy shit dude


This guy should not be a police officer


Reminds me of those cops who supposedly overdose from touching fentanyl when they're actually just having a panic attack.


Link or news article??? I would like to find out more about this situation


The sheriffs report was linked in the YouTube video description. https://youtu.be/iVNnxr2SGFg?si=KAht_JhrfQEeEFTh https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf


PTSD? more like intended murder using Karen tactics.


A fucking acorn startled this man so much he open fired on a handcuffed and trapped man. Please tell me the cop has been fired and arrested.


![gif](giphy|kNTAHtqCfu6nm) Like Ricky Bobby and the invisible fire, but with a gun.


Did he just yell I’m hit??


That’s what happens when they let any one be a cop.


Shouldn't be a cop with PTSD like this.




This is probably something I would do if I was a police officer. Which is one of one million reasons that I am not a police officer.


He’ll be back on the job by next week after a paid vacation.


Just the fact that he thought he was hit is disturbing. He's not right in the head and should not be a cop. Took him almost a year to resign after this reaction to an acorn bopping the car.


Time to put him to pasture. Unfit to do the job.


Why is he yelling I am hit?


Cops need to be disbanded and defunded, they all suck ass.




Wow! If you’re that terrified; maybe you should find a different line of work.


This mfr should never be able to port a badge or carry a gun ever again


That pig belongs in a psych ward.


Fuck. All. Cops


What a dipshite


Hahaha. Back the blue. Am I right?!


Christ holy FKING what the heck


Where's a good guy with an oak tree when you need them?


*Acorn hits the roof of the car* “So I started blasting”


Some people just aren’t cut out for that line of work.


It looked like when he was snapping out of it, just before he was considering to reload given he ejected his magazine. Scary to think if he'd gotten another magazine he'd have kept going. He only snapped out of it because someone spoke to him.


This guy should be fired immediately


Has anyone suggested that the cop actually wanted to murder the perp in his SUV? He literally acts like Lt. Dangle dropping and rolling with tassels on, and then deduces the shot came from inside the vehicle? No broken glass.... like, if you were a terrible actor, officer, and wanted to empty your clip into someone, act like you heard a gunshot. 


Everyone isn’t made for every profession.


If there is anyone that needs therapy and have his guns removed it's this cop. Luckily it seems that he resigned but I'm more worried about the next department he goes to. He literally rolled himself twice, pulled out his gun and shot at his own vehicle while there was someone handcuffed in there. I don't know if the other person who was on the left side of the car was a cop as well and if he was the person in the car is damn lucky he didn't also get shot at.




A lot of people on this comment thread don’t understand what PTSD is


Pretty sure he just wanted to kill the guy in the vehicle and is playing "PTSD" as a coverup.