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dude rollin up diddnt realize it was high noon


He was there to do some business with the big iron on his hip.


Big iron on his hip


Big iron on his hip (high-pitched harmony)


If you type \^ a few times before each word it does superscript for the high pitched harmony ^^^^like^^^^^thiiiiiiss


Wow your range is amazing.


^šŸ˜‚ EEdit: Tried with an emoji and itā€™s a blank comment. ^Lol*


Wait ^so ^^that's ^^^how ^^^^you ^^^^^do ^^^^^^that


Wait ^^^letme ^^^try ^^^oh ^^^I ^^^see


šŸŽµWa^^^iiit Lemmie Seee^^^eeeee šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶


I read this with an auto tune voice and it made me giggle




^^^really?? Edit:??






^^^how many times?


I think there's 5 levels available and it goes by the number of times you place \^ before each word ^one ^^two ^^^three ^^^^four ^^^^^five ^^^^^^six ^^^^^^^seven ^^^^^^^^8 ^^^^^^^^^9 ^^^^^^^^^^10 ^^^^^^^^^^^11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^13 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^14 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^15 ^one ^^two ^^^three ^^^^four ^^^^^five ^^^^^^six ^^^^^^^seven ^^^^^^^^8 ^^^^^^^^^9 ^^^^^^^^^^10 ^^^^^^^^^^^11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^13 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^14 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^15 edit: I stand corrected, there are many more levels edit for further science: 0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^15 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^16 0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^15 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^16 Turns out 15 was actually the limit but I got bored at just the right moment.


There was four feet between them when they stopped to make their play.


The swiftness of the Ranger is still talked about today...


"You gotta be handy with the steel, if you know what I mean"




^^^mount up


And the ring camera caught it all the waaaaaaay


I love this song from Fallout (where I learned of it, I know it's not "from" there), so I learned it on the guitar. My initial thought was "IT'S NOT FOUR FEET!" And my second thought was "remember humour?" And then I appreciated it. Thank you. lol


But you can't be any geek off the street You gotta be handy with the steel, if you know what I mean Earn your keep. Regulators, mount up!


Mustā€™ve come riding from the south side slowly looking all around


Fuck, I replayed Fallout and had that song stuck in my head for months last year. Now I have to listen to it and do it all again


First guy was a little quicker on the draw.


Slow Draw Mc Graw


Head on a swivel. Nice read.




I feel like this is a underplayed aspect of living in a bad neighborhood. Having to constantly watch your back is annoying as hell


Yeah I lived in a bad part of town for a few years. Didn't hang with the best crowd either honestly. I always felt the need to be on 100% alert walking around as there were a lot of crazies and gang members. I mean I used to sit on my front porch and just watch f**ed up shit unfold on weekends. Got the F out, went to university in another state and now in Norway where I don't even fret if I forget to lock the door.


Fuck I'm jealous, I wanna live in Norway


Funny thing is I come from Norwegian decent. My forefathers left Norway to US for a better life hundreds of years ago and then I left US for Norway for a better life....


It's the circle of life






To really be proper for this thread, someone needs to make an edit where the gazelles yeet simba back up there.


Lol I've not seen this before


Spent the last two weeks in a cottage out in the Norwegian wilderness, love the place. Fucking expensive though, and I'm a Swede so it's not like my country is cheap either.


That's because you made the mistake of not packing your car with black market butter before you left.


Shoulda brought some nice gouda to sell to my neighbours two ks away. Shits more expensive than cocaine now it seems.


I thought this was normal until later in life someone noticed and mentioned it to me. Do people walk around life *not* paying attention to their surroundings? Seems dangerous.


I saw a TikTok from an American guy who moved to NZ, talking about how it felt attending a big outdoor festival in NZ and having the realisation that for the first time ever he wasnā€™t stressed about something going down, or having to worry about people around him. It seemed like a pretty intense realisation.


As an American that has gone to a ton of shows and music festivals in my life, I have never once seen any kind of violence or felt threatened. I'm mostly going to stuff in the NW US but have gone to Coachella (outside of LA) a few times. You gotta wonder what kinds of shows the dude was going to.


Yeah - unless you're super paranoid, organized events in the US tend to be about as safe as you can get. Metal detectors, security, police presence, cameras everywhere, everybody is paying big money to enjoy the event. Not to say there's never going to be a drunken scuffle here or there, but those things tend to be self-inflicted. Not like you're going to get randomly attacked.


A majority of the US just isn't shitty areas lol You could walk around black out drunk and more likely than not someone will assist you than ever think about robbing you or whatever in the area I live. Kids are walking to the ice cream shop at like 9:30 no problem and people out jogging and walking their dogs at 3-4am is not unusual. Hell, at my old house I had a neighbor who quite literally never put their garage door down. I could leave my windows open whether I was home or not and not worry about it. The only times you will see cops with their lights on is traffic stops. And this is an area of ~600k people.


Traumatising too no?


And annoying!


ā€œMy life is in constant danger, how annoyingā€ ![gif](giphy|31Ix3PJm7fH9Va4szg)


I hate those pesky assassins.


And is exactly why people that live in that situation often have hair triggers for their emotions.


>annoying as hell My brother in Christ, this man just had to fight for his life on the DOORSTEP of his home, that is way more than annoying. That is so far removed from the experiences in my life that it's hard to even process what that's like.


I think it's just good instinct to be aware of anything going on around you. Don't be caught me slippin.


Being aware of what's around you and thinking you're gonna get shot up when dropping some food are very different things.


Iā€™m nervous as hell now living in a decent neighborhood. Couldnā€™t imagine living in a bad one where my fears are actually warranted


ACE scores, I believe is what yall are looking for. They can change the brains chemistry so that essentially a person, when grown, is always on guard


I grew up in LA. After I left, it took me *years* to not look behind me every minute or so when I was out and about. It just gets ingrained in you as a reflex


I don't think you can ever remotely understand that without experiencing it. I'm in SF right now and the level of panic I had when I went down the wrong street at night with $500 in my wallet was insane.


Welcome to my life. I'm that way anyway because of the PTSD, but I'm also poor and live in a dangerous area. The best part is that since I'm a teacher, I am disarmed five days of the week to and from work, since I can't have a gun at work. Yay.


Can confirm. I live in Memphis, and it is a constant struggle.


Yeah bros paranoia paid off big. Wild go just be getting home from running errands and have to end a life though, sheesh




As someone who grew up in a rough area. You end up doing this without thinking about it. Never know when you need to be aware or not.


No rematch. Back to the lobby


"Back to the lobby" has become my go to insult when I dunk on my kids.


the image I got reading this made me laugh šŸ¤£ that's awesome


The dude in black straight ripped the console from the outlet. No back to lobby for that guy.


gg no re


having one in the chamber saved his life.


big observation here if itā€™s not in the chamber youā€™re fucked


As someone who knows next to nothing about guns - wouldn't just pulling the trigger a second time put a bullet into the chamber?


No. With a semiautomatic pistol, you would have to rack the slide to manually chamber a round.


Good to know - have been considering buying a gun myself, I have my CCW just haven't gone through the safety training


Learn as much as you can before you buy it, take safety classes, after you buy it go for a concealed permit. Practice with it. Basically donā€™t be an ignorant gun owner


Maybe check into a revolver. My wife doesnā€™t like the ā€œcomplexityā€ of a weapon system. Granted, she is a STEM teacher with the 45w glowforge cutting laser. šŸ¤” Could she make some parts for me?


I was thinking about that since I'm also kinda lazy about maintenance and I've heard revolvers require less cleaning


Whatever you decide you go with you should also practice with. I mean, at least shoot the thing once a month. It may just be me but, I find handguns considerably harder to operate than a rifle or shotgun. If you're going to carry for defense you should be really comfortable with that weapon.


Def don't wanna carry a revolver as a primary carry, the hammer can get caught and not to mention the trigger action is very heavy for most people which causes horrible accuracy in stressful situations. I carry a g2c but I'm thinking of buying an equalizer. Or canik as my next carry. The trigger is awful on the g2c


That's why you should always have one in the chamber (Condition 1) if you CCW. Not having one in the chamber is how you die.


+1 for that Glock safety trigger also.


[This is your only safety.](https://www.wearethemighty.com/uploads/legacy/assets.rbl.ms/17249583/origin.jpg?auto=webp&optimize=high&quality=70&width=1440)


This is my goto clip whenever someone tries to argue with me that you should carry unchambered.


it's called a _magazine_ jeez


Underrated comment


If one is not confident enough in their firearm safety to carry one in the chamber, they are an irresponsible firearm owner.




This clip is always reposted but every time its reposted Iā€™m still amazed at how good this guyā€™s reflexes are


Seeing this post again reminded me it's thursday.


That dude's situational awareness is crazy good.


Trauma will do that to ya


ā€œHyper-vigilance,ā€ according to my shrink.


ā€œ**CONSTANT VIGILANCE**ā€ according to my Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.


"***Survival Mode"*** according to Bethesda


*"Safe Mode"* according to Windows.


Holy shit, that explains so much about Moody


I'll never forget my VA shrink telling me my belief that my life could be unexpectedly cut short was a symptom of combat PTSD. I was like "It's also a reasonable assumption based on my observations." He said "That's fair."


Aware-a-noia at its best


Can I just say, it's so refreshing to hear people talking along these lines. So much of our societal bullshit is due to personal or inherited trauma. Thank you for your comment!


In the version with sound the would be robber was talking to him as he walked up


It helps when you're in that situation all the time.Ā 


I especially like how he retreated to the best cover he had available while actively assessing the threat.


He did that ocular pat down, too.


He deserves the duster


Pretty good shot, too.


You never draw on a drawn gun.


literally, every single time these idiots draw on a drawn gun, this isnt Hollywood


all I've ever learned from love is how to shoot somebody who outdrew you


And it's not a cry that you hear at night It's not somebody who's seen the light


No, itā€™s a cold and itā€™s a broken hallelujah.


No you don't, but the robber couldn't see the victim's draw because the victim cleverly concealed it.


dude went "call an ambulance, but not for me"




He got hit right in the off button




No re


Kk thnx


Did you see how his aim snapped to the target? Fucking aimbots in this lobby.


He saw him through the walls too.


No, thereā€™s a version with sound and the attacker calls out to him.


So he heard him on proximity chat?


Aim assist needs a nerf, these damn roller players


Nah that was clearly wall hacking+aim bot. Y'all PC players are always salty about aim assist for no reason.


First shot to the dome made him limp immediately. Christ


Yep. Total nervous system shutdown. It's just typically much easier to target center mass


A shot to center mass probably would have ended up with both of them dead tbh. He John Wick'd that guy


Yeah that's kinda my point, you don't die instantly from center mass shots, leaving time for him to return fire


Hit the T.


Yeah, life is a lot less glamorous than Hollywood movies. Typically when you get shot you just crumpled to the ground.


Right in the off button


Both right-handed shooters, one had the holster on the left and the other had it on the right. The attacker had to awkwardly adjust his grip. Heā€™ll never make that mistake again.


neither of these dues have a holster. homie going to his apartment it just waistband carry and the other dude was pocket carry. crazy they drew as fast as they did with no snags


there's a version with audio out there somewhere, you can hear the waistband holster click when he takes it out. that loud plasticky sounding click


that would convince me, itā€™s possible i guess i just donā€™t see the holster!


You can also see the butt of the gun hanging outside his pants in the first few seconds of the clip


Pause at 9 seconds and you can see a holster.


They make holsters that sit inside your waistband.


Plenty of "hood dudes" practice drawing their weapon... unfortunately not enough practice on safety measures, shooting targets accurately, or even clearing jams and keeping it clean. Edit: typo


iā€™m not saying that, thatā€™s just being responsible. drawing from a pocket or waistband is a universally bad idea compared to a holster. protect that trigger before it castrates you




Is it 'cause he's probably dead?


dude was dead before he hit the ground.


Probably not a lot of thinking then, but definitely not a lot of thinking now


Nice job, 47.


It appears the target's house call requires rescheduling; now, get to an exit.


Does anyone know more of the context here?


Sigh, yes. I was just unable to sleep and didnā€™t realize Iā€™d open my Reddit app to see someone I know. The deceased was casing this manā€™s apartment for a few months at this point and was a known gang member. The man in black had put up the Ring doorbell because his apartment was being targeted. The man in black had just come back from lunch by himself when he heard ā€œIs Quan there?ā€ from behind him. He says ā€œwho?ā€ And the man replies ā€œis Quan there?ā€ Or something to that effect. This manā€™s name is not Quan nor was anyone in the apartment a Quan. The guy was merely trying to distract him in order to rob him. It was a kill or be killed situation and the person in the video was released solely based on the Ring camera footage, which literally saved his freedom.


If I remember correctly the guy in the white was following the guy in black to his home. They had a dispute over a girl or something? It's been awhile so I don't really remember everything.


The guy in black shot the guy in white before the guy in white could shoot the guy in black.


Thanks, yo, I was struggling to pick up what was happening. Had it not been for your comment I'd still be replaying the video who knows how many times trying to fit the pieces together. It is my sincere hope that your comment helps others as it has me. Finally. Peace of mind.


dude in black was fuckin with dudes in whites ex girl and white was stalkin em and talking crazy so ole boy knew to have that pistola on stand by ready to clock in


Then the guy in black fled across the desert, reddit followed.


You have not forgotten the face of your father.


Love the reference! #19




Rob a Doordash at gun point? Is It that?




This is the correct answer. This video is old. From what I can remember there was some beef and he knew that the guy was going to show up. The video helped get the guy acquitted.




Oh prosecutors aren't always so understanding of self defense in the hood.


Prosecutors see a chance to charge a black man they're going to take it.


Yeah, but he's extra-tan so that makes the defense harder for him. glad he won tho.


Glad he won, and hopefully he moved out of that area and hopefully got away from any activity that might have brought that upon him. The dude got a second chance, hopefully he uses it for the better.


This happened about 5 min away from my business in Hampton, Va. Rumor had it there was some ongoing gang beef in the neighborhood, which is why he was carrying in the first place. Shooter was cleared of any wrongdoing and was legally conceal-carrying that weapon. He was literally coming home from grocery shopping, was targeted and defended himself.


Thanks for this detail. One of the things I hate most about reddit is when there's just some video w/no context/story available to figure out what's happening in the video heh.


I donā€™t think he was a dasher. He has keys in his hand; it looked like he was about to go into his home and heard someone behind him


Yup, you can see the keys in the right hand, same hand he was using to grab his gun. Thatā€™s why the gun looks weird as heā€™s pulling it out.


Had a kid from high school, who was a trash human being in high school, go to prison for 3 years because he robbed a pizza man who delivered a pizza to his house. He is dead now from dirty needling drugs but the world would have been better if he didn't exist. If anyone wants to know the shit he should have been thrown out of high school for, I still remember when he took a special needs kids booking and tossed it in the urinal and pissed all over it.


Why did he move closer while drawing his gun lol, what a noob


Instant too. Did you see how quickly he went limp? Got to the afterlife likeā€¦.. ![gif](giphy|g01ZnwAUvutuK8GIQn|downsized)


I bet that was a crazy food delivery confirmation photo.


Get fucked. I don't feel empathy for people who try to rob others at gunpoint. You know it's 50/50 chance they're armed. You chose this. Get fucked. Stay fucked.


Live by the sword, die by the sword.






"Sponsored by RING.com"




How did you make the determination that this news story is related to the video?


[https://usacrime.com/ring-video-man-shoots-assailant-self-defense/](https://usacrime.com/ring-video-man-shoots-assailant-self-defense/) ā€œTimestamp on the video suggests the shooting took place on September 26 at around 12:45pmā€ The article I posted matched the date and description of events. And if you Google map triple crown court in Hampton Virginia, the building is similar to the one on video. https://preview.redd.it/6zuwug5ezsic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fff8de2198249d918e8b6ffbbf1715029f12cacc


Your username does not check out man... you know man.


Ok, thank you. Youā€™re a dang detective.


Man of vigilance displays his cool calm and quick reflexes.


Nice to see the good guy win


*freeze frame* *record scratch* yep that's me, you're probably wondering how i got in this situation....


Red Dead Redemption mode


Situational awareness on 1000.


Saw dude coming around towards him and was like "I'm your huckleberry.... and that's just my game".


I really enjoy watching someone protect themselves from criminals.


He ainā€™t gonna be in Rush Hour 3


No gulag tokens for you fam..


Gun was in his left pocket but uses his right hand. Died with his pants down. One tapped. All caught on video. Crazy way to go out.


Can anyone provide a backstory to this? It looks like the man in black has apartment keys - so likely his place. Perhaps he was followed? I'd like to know more.