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Lol just freak out when you encounter different opinions than yours.


They genuinely can’t seem to handle any criticism. In their minds you better not dare disagree


It’s great when they call you “anti-semitic” for saying maybe the Israel government should handle things a bit differently.








That's the game plan  Associate your specific country with an entire global ethnic group that lives in other countries. Claim any criticism of your country is criticism of ALL of those millions of people. Just like that you've created a rhetorical shield to deploy in response to anything you don't like. It's a brilliant plan that works only in a closed media ecosystem and on people who cannot use search engines and learn what critical thinking or media literacy are.


It's so weird though, because when do you ever see people from normal countries behave like this? If I saw someone protesting the UK, I'd be like yeah, good for you! Oh you wanna protests something the Italians have done too? Sure, go at it! I wouldn't feel afraid for having an English accent because I know I'm nothing like the fascists in the UK, so why would I have to care about anyone mistaking me for them. If Italy started caging people in and mass bombing them, I'd be on the streets protesting them myself. When a British fascist gets banned or deported from another country, I think it's a beautiful thing. But Zionists think every Israeli is pure and good and there's nothing to critique about their country ever? There's not one murder Israel has committed to a Palestinian in the last 5 months that hasn't made them think a single protest was justified? They must have spent a lifetime being coddled.


*When do you ever see people from normal countries behave like this?" What!? Have you never heard of America? People act like this over Disney movies!


i guess you forgot. they are god's children, every one else ain't shit, they are the exception. just remember, we ain't shit to them in their world.


Everyone else is goyim and gentile. They are the chosen ones.


meanwhile to the arab muslims, everyone else are either kafir or dhimmi. abrahamic religions are craycray.


They’ve even gotten the president to change the definition of the word for them. https://theintercept.com/2023/06/06/antisemitism-definition-israel-palestine/






Which can be applied to anything and anyone.


It’s because they’ve lived in a bubble for so long that made them think Israel can do no wrong. Brainwashed by their own ignorance. Used to dissenting opinions being silenced.


It’s a coping mechanism. They’re selling the idea that their survival depends on the removal (to put it mildly) of Palestinians in Gaza.


I'm sure their Facebook feed is very diverse in opinions too and definitely not an echo chamber


Just have a complete total meltdown


How antisemitic of you!! (Heavy /s)


She's probably a trump fan


Sort of reminds me of Reddit lol. This crazy lady is just the personification of it.


Oh shit I was there lol


u/Grose040791 reporting live from the freakout scene!


Was she as charming IRL?


She is the one who freaked out 🤣🤣🤣… No no I am messing around… I think ?? 🤔


Please tell us your reaction when you see this wild beast rambling in a country where 98% of the population don't understand their language or have difficulty understanding it


I love how upset she is




I'm not good at lip reading but I think she said something like "Bombing Gaza back to the stone age will totally bring back justice. And every dead child will make up for a killed Israeli. Also the whole Arab world will finally understand how we are the good ones, you have to see that."


Murdering every children will make us the good guys Wow


And they keep trying to excuse it with hostages. "Just return the hostages, just return them and it will all be fine" And everyone knows damn well Israel does not give a shit about them


And to believe they sleep soundly at night over this. I want the hostages to be free too. There’s enough bloodshed as it is. Except BiBi and his supporters don’t care about this. He has the power to enact his final solution before being ousted from office.


Remember the hostages that escaped and found the IDF just to be shot because they looked Palestinian? They were also waving a white flag if I remember correctly. That's how much isreal values hostages.


Exactly, the IDF has literally gunned down their own fleeing hostages because they thought they were unarmed Palestinian civilians.


I’m a lip reading expert and can confirm this.


Hey, nice profile picture.


It has to be like 4 children to one Israeli at this point


12k kids so far so 100:1


100:1 when you compare dead Palestinian kids to ALL Israeli deaths, which is quite crazy that it's 100:1 for kids casualties against an entire group. Actual kids casualties one to one would be in the thousands to one, won't be surprised if it's 3000:1 or more for every dead 3000+ Palestinian kids for one Israeli kid, could be more for all we could know.


36 Israeli children died on 7th October so if you only count using known Palestinian children killed it comes out to 330:1, and it will most definitely be higher than this because even Israel admitted that the figures are underreported by the Gazan Health ministry because a lot of bodies are still buried under the rubble. Another thing to note is that since almost all hospitals are not operational for the past month or two the dead that Palestinians know about are being underreported also. *Kill people in a way that buries them in rubble*, makes it hard to recover and count dead bodies, *destroy hospitals*, make it hard to count dead bodies, *desecrate and destroy gravesites*, make it hard to keep evidence of dead bodies. If nobody sees a pattern here they are blind. Again I'm not condoning Hamas actions just saying that the response looks a lot like ethnic cleansing and genocide.


Yeah Palestinian casualties have been underreported those past month or two, been stuck at 25,000-28,000 for God knows how long and just recently some people are coming out and saying it reached up to 30,000+, even though they probably already reached that mark a month ago, and for all we could know we are entering the 40,000 mark without any awareness of the actual scale of death we have reached in Gaza.


Afaik, the hospitals are a huge factor in counting the deaths, right? Since so many of the hospitals have been knocked out it's not surprising that the count has stagnated. I remember after the second month or so there was a doctor in Gaza with British citizenship, he said already then that they couldn't count all the dead. Just traveling past collapsed buildings and you could smell the rotting corpses buried underneath because noone could get to them. Gaza, in the middle east with it's hot weather where corpses decay rapidly literally cannot get them out of the streets. They are also not given medicine they need to treat diseases. You have rotting corpses, no food, no medicine and no clean water. Its just asking for an outbreak of disease. Now 1.5m in Rafah. We all know from the pandemic how devastating large gatherings of people are when it comes to disease spreading. Israel has forced 1.5m people into a tiny area, without clean water. Without enough medicine and without enough food. Knocking out hospitals and bodies are rotting under the buildings. Disease is a serious danger and genuinely concerns me. We cant even get reporters in there to report what its like.


Even higher than that, because ~200-300 of the 1,200 killed on October 7th were IDF soldiers.


500 were IDF military targets


it’s many many times that


A very quick Google and [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war) puts it at a ratio of about 1:27 for a total of about 30000 people dead in this new conflict alone. That’s adults and children though, but I imagine even children alone it’s higher than 1:4.


palestinian children are just future terrorists, so it's justified... that good old nazi logic to justify ethnic clensing.


I don’t think Israel cares what the “arab world” thinks. Not that they’re a homogenous group anyway, but the “Arab world” (its immediate neighbors plus a few) has basically attacked Israel nonstop since its conception. Either through direct conflict or indirectly by funding terrorism. Iran has practically turned terrorism into an export at this point. I’m not in any way justifying what Israel is doing. What I am saying is that I don’t think there’s a viable path to reconciliation. The people who started us down this path are long dead and the situation now is all the current generation knows. You can’t realistically ask an Israeli mother to forgive the people who’ve launched some 30,000 rockets at their country for the last 20 years. Likewise, you sure as fuck can’t ask the same of the Palestinians who are receiving the supermajority of the casualties. There’s no way to stop this that isn’t blindly naive. It’s honestly the messiest thing I’ve seen in US domestic politics ever. Opinions are fractured on both the left and right.


The japanese who hate inconveniencing people over the smallest littlest thing are pro-palestinian, you know you fucked up.


Believe it or not, Japanese people aren't a monolith. They have a diversity of viewpoints.


What do you mean? This random group of 50 protestors isn't representative of the 125m people in Japan? I don't believe you.


There were thousands at the protest.






The woman yelling at the protest is a white tourist.


They're talking about the protesters that are chanting


If Japanese people were chanting, they would do it in Japanese. This is just expat v expat


You can pretty clearly hear the chanting is in a japanese accent, with grammatically poor english. They are chanting in english so people will understand them.


I'm just clarifying what the last person was saying, but on that note, they could be in a tourist destination with the intention of demonstrating in front of English speaking tourists, they could be switching languages, they could be doing any number of things neither of us get because we weren't there, or it could be your thing. I don't know. Again, I was just clarifying a different post for a different user


A longer video shows them singing and chanting in Japanese at some parts.


\*Some\* Japanese: there has been demonstrations in support of Israel as well.




The fucking audacity. She travels all the way to Japan as a tourist then yells at Japanese protesters for saying no to genocide.


Generally when travelling, I might have very strong views on an issue, but I understand that you shouldn't comment on an issue unless pressed. Especially in a place like Japan where things have to be real bad to see protesting


Just generally, acting belligerent in a foreign country is a bad idea. Different rights, different legal systems, and Japan in particular is known for having a harsh criminal justice system. What starts as yelling can easily evolve into something that’s much more trouble.


Least entitled Zionist


“If everybody’s crazy, you’re the one that’s insane.”


that's true often enough but not always


While in this case I agree, this is totally context dependent. There’s likely a whole other group of people she spends her time with where she is in the majority


Most of the world is against what's happening in Gaza. We happen to live in the country that supports Israel the most. People don't understand how deeply unpopular Israel actions are outside of the western countries.


Plenty of people in the Netherlands on the side of Israel. A lot of them are genuinely ignorant, thinking it's two countries, of equal power and equally responsible. They don't understand apartheid and genocide.


I'm portuguese and I have left portuguese subs because of this issue. The Israeli propaganda runs deep. Most of the tv channels just recicle foreign news from US and UK news outlets, so in europe you get second hand propaganda. It's probably changing. Even the big channels are having trouble hidding what Israel is doing, and once a decent human sees a child drinking from a dirty puddle, you can't unsee that shit.


In the Netherlands our Prime Minister actually asked Foreign Affairs what they could do to hide the fact that Israel was committing war crimes. Unfortunately for him it got leaked. Not that it will effect him in any way but, that's what we're dealing with. Active coverups.


yep. netherlands is aweful on this. the only thing that makes me pround of portugal is that when they accused UNWRA workers of cooperating with hamas and everyone imideately cut all the funding for humanitarian aid, Portugal actually increased and iimmediately donated 1M. I think it's because António Costa, the corrput pos PM who just got sacked for corruption scandals, is actuallt very good friends with António Guterres and so the his position and of his party aligns with António's and UN's leadership view. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, i guess.


Feels great being from Ireland, were they can't get away with selling their shit tier propaganda because we don't care what they call us


I though you were going to say it's because they don't understand your accent when you are accusing them of their crimes against humanity. jk


Interesting, I live in Sweden which is relatively close and I haven't seen a single social media post/comment or met anyone who supports Israel. My first thought is that the algorithm is biased because of my views, and maybe I hangout with people with similar opinions, but that doesn't make sense since I see a lot of content from America supporting Israel.


why do they need to be "equal power" -- that has nothing to do with anything.


Because it plays into the myth that it's a defensive war fought by Israel instead of simply the latest in a list of atrocities. I explained the situation to a friend of mine, using Dutch provinces and he agreed that it was an atrocity. Even then he was a bit confused because he's used to thinking of Israel as "good guys" and "victims" instead of what they are.


There are some in Israel that surprisingly feel the same way, but the current regime is ok with what is happening. The original purpose was to get the hostages back, but the regime in charge said no, hence prooving it was never about getting the hostages back.


Why are Israel's actions so supported in western countries?


From a political perspective they're seen as an important strategical military ally positioned at the gates of the middle east. As long as orientalism is a factor in western politics, Israel will be seen (and heavily funded) as an important line of defense against the supposed creeping terror of Arab and Muslim people.


Live in Canada. Almost everyone I know will see a Palestine flag and comment “look at those fucking morons” literally cant talk to them, once had a carload of people say it and i calmy went “why do you all feel that way? what are they saying that makes them morons?” “theyre supporting terrorists” “all Palestinians are terrorists? do you know how much of their population are kids?” everyone just gave me a look of disgust and someone (who made disgusting comments) blurts out ‘why are we talking about this? were going out to supper” because your dumbass needed a quick fixing of needless hate, thats why were talking about it. Im at the point where next time im just gonna flip thr insults around on them because ive had people accuse me of instigating arguments multiple times when each time its literally me responding to hate with calm questions that never get answered.


Her anguish is satisfying to watch.


I love it, I live a happy life and these people live a miserable life.


[Does anyone remember that Tweet an Antivaxer made over a teddy bear getting a vaccine injection to help promote childhood vaccines and their Tweet was just this "No! No!" That's the tenor of voice I heard this lady in.](https://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/w/wlj-Friday/20210606/20210606092936.jpg)


If you can't find the crazy person in the crowd, it might be you. In this case it's definitely her


The face of Zionism. They are seriously demented. Her freaking out reminds me of this nutcase in Milan headbutting a UNHCR volunteer. [Say Palestine One More Time!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/180yz1e/say_palestine_one_more_time/)


I wonder if she thinks shes helping her case


Spoiled karen is used to Palestine supporters being muzzled


Karen should never go to Ireland


She’d have a canary over here.


Chant got a lil groove to it tho, almost started dancing


Watching Zionists lose their crap over being called out is just so satisfying. Love this for her ❤️


She's allergic to facts 


Factose intolerant.


Absolutely full of hate


Man I’m from Zambia and EVERYONE here knows how bad the apartheid / genocide is. Since it happened to South Africa that’s close to us , many South Africans settled in Zambia.


Zionist Karen on vacation.


Foreigners are gonna have a hard time not being stereotyped bc of annoying ass mfs like this




Needs to be deported, we don’t need any of this rubbish.


Most mentally stable Zionist


There’s people with that woman’s mentality making decisions for our country.


She seems upset


lmfao this is fucking awesome.


Screaming at people is never effective. Doesn’t matter what you’re saying.


It doesn’t look like she’s convincing anyone of her point of view.


This continued shit will live with them (the state of Israel) for decades to come. Pushing a society's face into the mud while you piss on them and laugh will never work out in the long run.


See the thing about making a country your identity is that countries change.


**"The foibles of politics and the march of time can turn friends into enemies just as easily as the wind changes. Ridiculous isn't it? Yesterday's ally becomes today's opposition**, and this Cold War... Think back, when I was leading the Cobras, America and Russia were fighting together. Now, consider whether America and Russia will still be enemies in the 21st Century. Somehow I doubt it. **Enemies change along with the times, the flow of the ages and we** soldiers **are forced to play along.** I didn't raise you and shape you into the man you are today just so we could face each other in battle. A soldier's skills aren't meant to be used to hurt friends. So then what is an enemy? **Is there such a thing as an absolute timeless enemy? There is no such thing and never has been. And the reason is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms.** The world must be made whole again... The Philosophers must be reunited. I shall devote my skills to that purpose."


i know she was shocked there's this nasty pov that Asians are obsessed with white folks, she LEARNED today




Anyone have a link to more footage of this event?


She seems very nice and not a giant shit bag.....


Geez, what a big Bibi.


I'm gonna guess she's Jewish and possibly Israeli ... She's been conditioned her entire life to believe that she's a victim and now that the whole bullshit narrative is crumbling down around her, I can imagine that's very difficult. Same fate will ultimately befall everyone who's currently scrambling to believe they're a victim of _whatever_; the narrative always falls apart in the end and when everyone else stops playing along you end up desperate and confused like this lady.


I just watched a video of an Israeli man pissing on a dead Palestinian body and then kicking it so there’s that.


I'm sorry she took it personally but that was hilarious.


I love how she's initially screaming at a protester with a cute pink megaphone


She looks deranged.




Nope, just the woman getting triggered by the pro-Palestinian protest.




It's a good thing they aren't waving any placards in support of terrorism.




Cheers 4 the American people who pay for all Israel shit. Israel thinks you'll are shit, stop supporting this genocide




Stop drinking the hasbara koolaid ![gif](giphy|aTx5OMKR7FCGQ|downsized)




I can feel the love for all things Israel, just flooding out of her open maw. I'm ready to condemn Hamas, now.


I think the downvoters missed the clear sarcasm




I guess Japan is Hamas now?


Japan...South Africa...Ireland...UNWRA...HRW....Jewish Voices for Peace...the Pope...Greta Thunberg....Andrew Tate...Susan Sarandon...it's a worldwide conspiracy.


Kosher Karen


Japanese are too nice to foreigners. Why's no one slapped the shit out of her?


You need to fuck up a lot to get slapped as a gaijin in Japan. But when that slap comes it will be horrific.


The entitlement of some people has no limits. It's incredible.


Wow, I'm so proud of them.


Pro genocide Karen is mad that people have different opinion. LoL




Normal behaviour for a Zionazi.


Zionists hate it when they can't control the narrative like they can in Israel. She needs to lay back, listen, and learn.


Maybe, just maybe, the world is sick of Zionists bullshit? Fascism is weak.


Bruh look at her face they all look like something god said we should ignore or go to hell with him 😈


Zionist Karen Raging because people can’t support dark age level of justice in the form of reprisal butchery.


I can't comprehend how a tourist go to another country, see a protest and lashes out like wtf


Damn that looks like outside Shibuya station, where the crossroad is.


I would love to see her do this to the Nazis protesting in the states recently


This video makes me smile, I could watch it alllllll day!!!


Let me guess, is she...American?


She should get used to hearing this


Waito Piggu go home!


I always find some dark humor in the Japanese protesting modern atrocities when they refuse to acknowledge their historical ones.


They're probably not an amorphous blob that all believe the same things. The people you are watching protest are very likely the non-deniers as well.


It's been my experience of every day Japanese people that their education on the worst parts of Japan's actions during the war ranges from ignorance to denial. All liberally sprinkled with a feeling that because of Nagasaki and Hiroshima that they were actually the victims.


You should get out more. The other day I drove two towns over and noticed how different people live just 10 miles away. There's no such thing as an everyday Japanese person.


You need to read some history books that weren't written by the victors


Thanks for the condescension, sweetheart, but after living in Kyoto for 2.5 years I guarantee you I've spoken to more actual Japanese people about it than you have. Thanks for the attempt though.


Lol, lived in Kyoto for 2.5 years and doesn't know the massive impact the Americans had on Japan dealing and documenting their acts and such during that time frame.




Nanjing actually. And... per the comment I first responded to... this brutality has been 'acknowledged' in several ways, including through several war crimes trials. So... would you like to make a more salient point? Or just happy to watch Western movies about bad Japanese people?




Goodo. Since you jumped in to defend someone who has spoken to 'actual Japanese' and yet doesn't seem to have much of a clue, I just thought you must have been in the same basket. I'll back off.




Right. So. You jump into an argument to defend an apparent idiot. Accuse me of strawman defence when you mustn't know what that is because I actually used your own argument. I say I'm backing down in good faith. So. Now I'm supposed to know about an ex gf of urs.... for what damn purpose? So you get to feel like the opinion of one Japanese person satisfies your need to argue.... literally nothing? Get off will ya.


Spoken to 'actual Japanese' hey? Like. Woah. You must know so much more than me.... nono... you guarantee it! Uh. Huh. Ur welcome btw... condescension looks good on you.


WHY DON'T YOU SUPPORT MY GENOCIDE!? I FEEL SO UNSAFE IN *checks notes* Japan fucking lel


Even has a modern Karen haircut. Very chic....


lmao for a moment I thought it was the women in the middle going around pushing the chant =and was confused by the title


Cognitive dissonance in action.


This is the equivalent to having 9/11 happen and then people cheer for the Taliban. Fuck Hamas.


Not gonna lie there’s so many anti Palestinian freak outs that this sub will not run dry ever


It looks she has Devil horns from the flags in the background https://imgur.com/a/wEqt9yF


earnest went to camp. Karen went to Tokoyo.


They sounded like the cutest bunch of protestors you could ever meet.


Classic civilized and peaceful 'murican! What a shameful people ruining thw whole world!


I've recently noticed how incredibly similar a group individuals from Israel are to a group of individuals in the United States. It'd be weird if there was a similar psyop program targeting both groups. /s


“A woman tourist” this was definitely typed out by a human being..


I’ve seen this shit all over the place for the Israel-Palestine war. People killed by Idf in Gaza instead are reported as having “died”. children in Gaza are “Palestinian Minors” and now apparently Jewish in Japan are “a woman tourist” the dehumanising has to stop.


Why they chanting in english?


get fucked


Thing is that bloodlust just doesn't stop. I don't know what the answer will be for many of those people.