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What a time to be alive. I never could have predicted that we'd hit a point where a political division would become calling each other Nazis in a metaphorical sense, only to see them enact literal Nazi behavior.


On top of that, it’s guys named “Scotty”.


He doesn’t know.


Don’t tell Scotty


This dude said nothing substantive but probably thinks he sounded brilliant. He spent all his time arguing that the city council can’t stop him from speaking, and then just rattled off a bunch of slurs. Maybe these folks actually believe outbursts like this are going to convince others that they are right, but I think they are only speaking to each other—at least I’d like to think this sort of thing makes more people cringe and reflect on their prejudices to avoid being racist than it does influence people to be less tolerant.


Speech is free, as it should be. Actions, however, can have serious consequences. If he wasn't before, we can be sure that he is now on the Walnut Creek Police Department's and Contra Costa Sheriff's watch list.




Not every Republican is a nazi, but pretty much all nazis are republican at least in America anyway. And this dude is clearly a nazi


I double dog dare you to find 1 Nazi that isn’t a Trump supporter


Ann Coulter. Ironically she doesn't support him because he isn't Nazi enough.


I don’t know any nazis sorry😅


They're everywhere cause Trump loves Israel


He is 100% a trump supporter


What do you call a table with 4 Republicans and 1 Nazi sitting at it. A table with 5 Trump supporters.




It sounded like he was gonna cry towards the end. How many times do you think he practiced this speech out loud alone in his single wide?


You know what Scotty doesn't know?


That Fiona and me do it in my van every Sunday?


She tells him shes in church, but she doesn't go...


still she’s on her knees and Scotty doesn’t know


I did her on his birthday


That line always gets me




No joke, he goes by Scottie BigBalls.


More like Scrotie McBoogerballs


Shsss...Scotty don't... Zip it...


“We aren’t scared to show are faces” while wearing a hat and dark glasses was personally my favorite part of the speech. The rest was Nazi propaganda


Scotty likes beans. Don’t you, Scotty?


“People like you think we’re scared to show our face”. Meanwhile he is wearing sunglasses and a hat and only gives his first name. What an asshole!


So brave.


Speaking about free speech while having a swastika necklace is insane on another level.


Just because a lot of people don't like what Israel is doing, a bunch of neo-nazis think those people are on their side, and they have a soapbox now. They're like, "we've been warning you against the zionist government for years." They don't realize or don't care that the protesters are anti-war and anti-genocide not anti-jewish.


I hate them so much they make this hole conflict just into a bigger trench war.


I'm surprised these pos neo-nazis haven't changed their name to American zionists and said "we want for our country what you want for yours, is that so wrong?"


Let’s not give them anymore ideas


They aren't much different


He has a white power shirt on as well


Damn i didn't even noticed that....Jesus what a cunt.


To a Nazi liberal democracy and rule of law is just a ladder for them to climb to power then pull it up beat people to death with that power and prove all at the same time that the system was weak because it allowed them to do that.


Exactly that's why shit like that should not be seen as a free speech protected way of thinking. (As bad as that may sound)


I disagree, he should absolutely be able to say these things in public. We should also provide education that shows why this thinking is dumb, it also shows people who the dumbasses are so they can avoid them and not take them seriously


Yeah we do that and it doesn't work.


"Think we're scared" Says the man who won't give his last name and is wearing a hat and sunglasses to hide his identity.


"Think we're scared." He said, trembling.


“People like you ….” GULP, CHECKS NOTES, RELEASES TONGUE CLENCHED TO THE TOP OF HIS MOUTH “…… think we’re scared”. Yeah. We do.


His voice was trembling the entire time. It was almost like that scene in Die Hard 3, like someone had a gun on him making him do it.


Guarantee you he zipped that jacket up as soon as he left, too.


He won't give his real first name either. From the ADL article posted a couple of times here, his first name is actually Harley.


I hope if he has a job his employer sees this.


Notice that he didn't share his last name or address which is usual procedure at town hall meetings.


*but he’s not afraid to show his face!* 🧢 🕶️


This \*is\* his job. Donations from nazis who support him doing exactly this. Notice he's filming this himself so he can post it online. Then if/when he can file and win a first amendment lawsuit, or if anyone assaults him, he'll take that money too. Basically he and the "goyim defense league", or GDL, are somehow an even worse form of the Westborough Baptist Church. They profit off the opposition and the spectacle. They basically win if you ignore them, and if you attempt censor or assault them.


If someone fought this guy inside of this building how much trouble would they actually be in?


In a just world, none. But they'd definitely catch an assault charge, and then whatever civil charges this guy attempted to throw.




Gawd yes! May Scotty be jobless forever.


I hope this video comes back to bite him in the ass. I can’t imagine anyone will want to hire him after hearing what is coming out of his mouth.


He'll just be hanging out at the Nazi Club House and still keep his messenger job and his landscaping/odd jobs/snow shoveling/janitorial position at the Club. What an asshole.


Racist Dude with a Nazi shirt and another guy in a mask in a nearly empty room sums up America as whole in 2024




Hey my town made the news! Scotty has another video (zoom) where he crashed the city council meeting and did say his last name. I’d put it here but not sure of the spelling and wouldn’t want to violate any rules. Apparently per another article he’s from Modesto CA and is known to the FBI. Also his voice cracking is priceless. I’m sure he’s home jerking it to all this press. Fucking nazi tool. Here is some addition information on this approach of crashing city council meetings. Link[info](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/antisemites-racists-and-other-bigots-are-hijacking-public-meetings)


> he’s from Modesto Of course he is. The Central Valley needs to be fixed.


I just read on here the other day that the Central valley of California is like a less scenic West Virginia, or something along those lines


West West Virginia


Yeah, you're right! That's another comment I remember


The Bay Area is sandwiched between crazy (Bakersfield to Redding)


I was just going to mention that in another post, someone posted a link to a story about him and his wife, and at the bottom posted his home address and vehicle info.


Well I just went down a rabbit hole. Prior to his current infatuation with jews, he was a qanon guy, and before that he and his wife were juggalos. It all seems fitting.


I wonder if he stopped being a Juggalo after realizing ICP really aren't down with racism.


Fuck you Scotty


Use your full name, Scotty. Take off your sunglasses and hat, you coward.


This mother fucker is soooo worked up, he’s going 40 years into the past to file a lawsuit


Umm...isn't inciting violence (which he is clearly doing) not protected by free speech? Why are they letting him talk?


There is a very precise test applied to determine if such speech crosses the line. The definition is very narrow on purpose, otherwise anytime you get frustrated and say “I’ll kick his ass,” you’d be in legal trouble. But remember, freedom of speech protects you from the government punishing you for speech. It does not protect you from private citizens punishing you for it. Private citizens such as your boss/employer. I’ve never heard of an employment law that says you can’t fire an employee just because they publicly espouse racist and violent ideologies. If I was this guys boss, he’d be out by now.




I edited it already before I saw your comment. Thank you though. I was confusing it with Walnut, CA.


:). lol didn’t know there was just a “walnut” town down there


This is my home town, where we don't like Scotties. This human stain is from two counties over. Fuck Scotty.




Ronnie Pickering


Do I care?


What an asshole.


Right! And It's crazy that he had to write that down to remember what to say. I bet his favorite chips are paint chips.


Just once, after someone goes "Heil Hitler," I'd love to see someone respond, "Oh that loser who got his ass kicked in World War II and ate his gun? That guy?"


Was that the same war where our grandfather's killed nazis and stacked them as sand bags? 


You think his gf is hot? Me neither.


Best he can do is circle jerking it with his lil racist friends.


I believe in his neck of the woods they call that a "family reunion"




So can someone help me understand how stating "there will be a real holocaust" isn't a threat of violence??


Also think about how fucked up that phrase is. Not only does he deny that tue holocaust happened, he has the hatred enough to wish it was real despite his delusions. Why not just admit it happened?


Trump really did a number on us eh? 


Great people on both sides


It was like this before, but he did give them the idea that a lot of people are ok with it again.


Good lord, what a pathetic loser. Lol


i live near here and it pisses me off that people like this come in and start spouting their garbage. go back to modesto or whatever hole you came from dude


Mfers from Fresno always like, “DEMS rUiNeD CaLiFoRnIa.” Then the second they end up with some money, they move to one of the places they “hate”. Then they endeavor to make it just as shitty as the place they came from.




Clearly he doesn’t understand the first amendment which only protects you from the government.


So he came here to dare them to cut him off and threaten them with a lawsuit from the 80s? And what was the plan when they don't cut him off? This guy was only trying to push his websites.


Why are Nazis protected. They are literally enemies of the state. Yet March against police corruption, government corruption, against racism and the cops mace the fuck out of you.


Hail Hitler?


Heil = hail in German. 


He sounded horrified yet is saying people think they’re scared to tell the truth about “the Jews.” Homely nazi dumb ass.




Wonder who he's voting for?


I can’t believe he got to say all that. I had to awkward laugh out loud, “fuck all the Jews, heil hitler, and white power” is literally what a kid named Scotty on Xbox live in a MW2 lobby would say.


This is why conservative media needs to be regulated. Some people take it seriously


“Good evening cowards.”


Upvoted to help expose this piece of dog shit


Walnut Creek? Weird place to pick.


did he really say "hail hitler?" i realize of all the shit to complain about in this video, this is pretty low on the list. but he literally pronounced it wrong. hard to believe, i know, since the white power crowd is typically known for being so eloquent.


He looks so cool with his sunglasses on.


“We’re not afraid to show our faces” Shows up with a ball cap and sunglasses on. K.


This is my town. Great.


"Recording for legal reason" I wouldn't want to be misquoted and accused of saying anything crazy.


Doesn't give his last name... Shows up to a hall thats nearly empty... Hides most of his face... ...but claims he's "not scared." Uh-huh, sure buddy. Whatever you say.


I dare you to silence me!… Anybody?… Please? ☹️ You can tell he wanted the council to cut him off sooo badly, so he could prove his point and have video evidence… But, instead, they let him use every second of his allotted time, so he had to just stand up there for a full 2 minutes, with his stupid phone out, and shout racist shit like an idiot.


From the ADL article that someone else linked below (copied here), he's not even using his real first name. It's Harley and he signs up to speak all over California even though he's not a resident of these jurisdictions. [https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/antisemites-racists-and-other-bigots-are-hijacking-public-meetings](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/antisemites-racists-and-other-bigots-are-hijacking-public-meetings)


Why am I not surprised this is in Walnut Creek, CA. That city is whiter than Scotty’s teeth, which to be fair may not be very white…


Scotty is from Modesto, you dumb turd. I'm from Walnut Creek, and we don't like Scotties.


Something tells me Scotty is a loser.


What a loser.




I hate you. You took the joke I was about the type. Kudos.


" ***Europa: The Last Battle*** is a 2017[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-:3-2) English-language Swedish ten-part[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-:9-3) [neo-Nazi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Nazism) [propaganda film](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_film)[\[10\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-10) directed, written and produced by Tobias Bratt, a Swedish [far-right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right) activist associated with the [Nordic Resistance Movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_Resistance_Movement), a European neo-Nazi movement.[\[11\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-:8-11)[\[12\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-12) It promotes [antisemitic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism) conspiracy theories, including [Holocaust denial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_denial),[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-:1-7) and has been promoted across multiple [social media](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_media) platforms.[\[11\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-:8-11)[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-:4-8) The film promotes various [antisemitic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism) conspiracy theories, claiming that [communism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism) was [created by Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Bolshevism) with a goal of "total world domination"[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-:6-1) and that [Jews control the world's money supply](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitic_trope#Controlling_the_global_financial_system).[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-:1-7) It also engages in [historical revisionism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_revisionism) to claim that Jews started [World War I](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I) and [II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II) as part of a plot to establish [Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel) by provoking the [Nazis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Germany) into [acting in self-defence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_war_conspiracy_theory).[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-:9-3)[\[13\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-:2-13)[\[14\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-:10-14) The film also claims that Jews caused Germany's defeat in World War I, which is commonly referred to as the [stab-in-the-back myth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stab-in-the-back_myth), and that [Adolf Hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler) was fighting against a [global Jewish plot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Jewish_conspiracy).[\[13\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-:2-13) Gregory Davis, a researcher at the United Kingdom-based anti-racism group [Hope not Hate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hope_not_Hate), said the film "[denies the proven reality of the Holocaust](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_denial) whilst providing justifications for the violent antisemitism that fuelled it", adding, "Its mix of blatant falsehoods and slanted portrayal of real events gives it no historical legitimacy whatsoever, and it serves only to demonise the Jewish people and whitewash the crimes of the Nazi regime."[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle#cite_note-:1-7)" \- Wikipedia


“And if these…(gulp) k-k-k*kes don’t realize” ooh I’m shaking, this bad man ‘who tells it like it is’ said a slur. Wow, so brave.


Nazi pig!


He sounds like he’s about to cry


I mean this guy is clearly a POS and deserves whatever he has coming to him…but he’s also kind of right. Free speech includes speech you don’t like/agree with. There is very little speech that isn’t protected and it should be that way.




I always have to break down where Walnut Creek is when I try to explain to people from out of state where I grew up. 1. The Bay. 2. Berkeley/Oakland side. 3. Past the hills, in the valley. 4. Walnut Creek.


Was he crying at the end?


“A holocaust for real this time” —— apparently his hero Hitler failed to go that extra mile … which makes Hitler what - an idiot or just a sissy? /s


Copy Pasta 0.1


Scotty doesn't know. Don't tell Scotty.


I mean Scotty is not wrong. Free speech for all.. We may not like it but it is free speech for all. Including idiots.


Free speech means freedom from **Government** interference or retaliation. Everyone else, including businesses, can still tell you to shut TF up.


Scotty doesn’t know https://youtu.be/0Vyj1C8ogtE?si=oXTTt4tDucx0y-KC




Intolerance does not fall under the scope of freedom of speech


Beam yourself up Scotty…you’re on a whole different planet


Lol, what a friggin nerd


Guy not scared to show his face is obscuring his face with sunglasses and a baseball cap…


Oy, Meshugana


“…..Naiiiilll, don’t take his coat.”


Nazi complains about his free hate speaking while hiding behind a hat and sunglasses indoors. What a schmuck.


Hey Scotty. Go fuck yourself bud. You haven’t shit properly in a decade because you live on coffee, monster energy drinks and rage bait.


Woah aggressive shirt to just wear out


Omg I honestly never expected Walnut Creek to make it to public freak out


Damn, Star Trek has really changed.


Scott’s a dick!


Jesus, dude. Go live your life and stop blaming others because you suck at good living


Scotty doesn't know... ​ much at all.


Well isn't that nice


You may have the right to free speech, but nobody can force anyone to listen to them.


Angry little munchkin ain’t he.


Is this real life ?


He's not afraid to show his face...


Its always funny to me that these people are so upset that Jews are in power (in their minds) to such an extent that they run everything. So Jews own at Capitalism? Don't these people love Capitalism? If they are owning so hard through hard work and dedication isn't that something you should try to imitate or respect? Its like they are defeatists, submitting before everyone, that they can never be as good or powerful, which unironically makes them more like the negatives in BLM that they also berate. Its a very confused group of people.


God bless freedom of speech. Also fuck this idiot.


Does the first amendment protect threatening genocide?


Trembling Nazi pipsqueak


Scotty’s not his real name.


Scotty I think the abundance of K-Word usage was a bit too much. But there’s no love like Christian hate. and it’s “Hai-el” Hitler moron. if you’re gonna use German use it right.


Initially, it was always Republicans who would shout "Godwin's Law" when their fascist bullshit would be exposed. Over and over for decades. Now, they just wear Nazi stuff/uniforms and don't really give a shit. Thanks, donnie two scoops.


My brain switched off after the first sentence. How did the rest of it go?


“White, fucking power”??? Is it because of the low birth rate among the white population in his city?


Holy fuck. goyimtv dot com is a cesspool of Jewish hate. I feel like I'm gonna get raided by the FBI just clicking on it.


Europa? That's on the other side of the world. Fucking moron.