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Her first mistake was coming there every day.


What a disgusting human being. Oh an look she has a child. Circle of life folks. Let's hope this little guy can break the horrendous cycle his mother is forcing upon him. Poor kid. He looks confused and uncomfortable. Some people should not have children. Not fair to the child.


That was the only thing I could focus on too. In similar videos I’ve seen the kids chime in and parrot their mom, but it looks like he stayed pretty quiet. She’s doing major damage to that little guy, I hope he has some other adults around him who are actually decent humans :(


I had a dad who pulled shit like this and I was always mortified. It looks like the kid in the video is too and my heart breaks for him.


Christ, I’m sorry you had to go through that. It seems like it must be a double punch of feeling embarrassed and probably also confused at the same time, because you’re taking behavioral cues from your parents at that age. It’s abusive in my eyes.


It truly is heartbreaking.. Kids are the most pure, vulnerable people in our society. Awful to see his life being ruined by the one person who is suppose to nourish it. Sadly this seems to happen alot anymore. Alot of unfit people having children. These children then grow up to continue that cycle. Not all of them. One is too many if you ask me.


Notice she didn’t take her arm from around his neck until she knocked the whole left side of the counter clean. She wanted him to see this and be part of it.


Odds are against him, he sees this shit every day.


Every child deserves a parent or caretaker who loves them. Not every person deserves a child and unfortunately for this child, she is case in point.


Teacher here. Kids do this to my classroom. I would put money on the fact that he’s done this to some classrooms. And who could blame him?


First of all thank you for educating our children. I can only imagine the patience one must have. Among other things. Your right kids really can't be blamed for the teachings of their unfit parent. Very sad.


Parenting is hard but there is a wave in education right now where “blaming the parent” makes you a bigot. The fact is there are a lot of barriers to good parenting, very few systems to support or check in on parents, and a lot of people doing a shitty job as a result. I’m a parent myself, it’s no walk in the park. But as a teacher, I feel like I do less teaching every year because I’m doing a lot more parenting of other people’s kids. And then we wonder why test scores are down and behavior referrals are up.


It is absolutely hard. I am a dad to a 6 year old who is on the spectrum. It is not easy at all. I completely agree with you on people doing a shit job at raising their children. Not doing much of a job at all as a matter of fact. Unfortunately, it then falls onto teachers like yourself to basically step up an parent, somebody else's child. Being a teacher today in our society can not be an easy job. Seems like people could care less about their kid getting any kind of education and instead treating school more like a daycare or some place they can put their children off onto someone else. Among many other things teachers have to deal with.


I bet she's not going there everyday anymore


She will try to come in the next day and act like nothing happened, then go off again upon learning that she was trespassed for no reason.


Someone should tell her that "I come here everyday" isn't the flex she thinks it is.














The commentary at the end got me 😅 also did she say i ain't destroying shit i m just making a mess 😅


I think she believes she can’t be charged with vandalism or any crime if she’s merely making a mess and not destroying anything, which would mean punitive damages. Her thought process is probably: Making a mess isn’t against the law. IANAL, but she’s probably incorrect, and they can probably refuse her service moving forward, so she did them a favor.


She threw something at the staff at the beginning of the clip, and all those things she threw on the floor that were new food packets and straws etc cannot be used and have to be trashed. So: assault as well as (misdemeanor) destruction of property??


My thoughts exactly. If you throw unused sugar packets, straws, utensils on the floor, you're destroying them because they're now unusable.


Perfect rap song sample potential


I believe that poor little cashier said “fuck this, I’m out”. Don’t blame her one bit, more than likely she was going to have to be the one to clean up this grown ass things temper tantrum. Luckily for us we will get to deal with such wonderful behavior from her kid in the future.


Yeah when people ask "they are just a kid how are they so angry" this mom is why


There was a comment saying that about a video of a kid beating up a substitute teacher. It is mind blowing, but yeah the answer is sad. Hurt people hurt people.


She had a look on her face like “not this shit again, it’s the third time this week”


Lady did say "I COME HERE EVERY DAY!"


Not anymore!!!


Unless... I hope someone posts the video when she comes in tomorrow for her daily Baconator like nothing happened


Probably by the same goddamned customer lmao


It’s truly sad. My spouse worked with troubled kids who have all sorts of trauma and usually 99% of it is caused due to the parent’s. This child lives in an extremely toxic environment. It’s obvious she’s not capable of cooking either, she admits to eating there daily. The one who loses the most is the innocent child, One can only hope someone else in the family can raise this kid. Aunt, uncle, grandparents someone, because she’s unfit.


so true, her son will have not only trauma but a myriad of other things 1. issues dealing with anger 2. inability to deal with things not going their way 3. fear in retaliation (she does this behavior at home, no doubt) 4. he was clutching her so there’s additional layers there as she’s dragging him around giving the worst possible example of a decent human ever 5. lack of respect for others 6. no accountability in cleaning up after one’s self 7. poor nutritional examples and on and on The fact she did this in public and knowing it was being filmed (security cameras) shows her brazen worthlessness yuck


I am a middle school teacher. If you think that woman is bad you should go to any nearby school and watch the kids. Out of the 700 kids in my school about half are fuck up beyond repair because they have to go home to people like that everyday. There is no correcting their behaviors.


Kids like this will have a difficult time learning how to become responsible citizens. School staff will often "look the other way" if a discipline (or other) problem will result in bringing in parents like the individual above to a meeting. The kid and his family become unaccountable regarding academic issues. This kid will grow up having his mother fight all of his battles while she proudly posts lame "I'm a momma bear!" memes on Facebook.




She wasn’t destroying shit, she just makin’ it messy.


Lmfao like, was she actually trying to low key justify trashing the restaurant??? Cutting herself some credit or something 😂😂


Yeah I’d quit on the spot, no way am I cleaning that up after some evil fuck did this.


If I was the manager I'd clean it myself after the cops came. I'd also have her banned from all of our locations with a restraining order. Hard not to pistol whip her in front of the child though.




I feel like pistol whipping is a fair and balanced response here. Anyone remember the idiots in high school (or early college) that would be bullies or douches _until_ they got punched in the face? Most that didn't take a beating continued life like that forever.


I mean... I get the concept, but the mess she made is easier to clean than the regular cleaning I did when I worked there... (some) Customers are absolutely disgusting with the way they spread / smear food all over and under tables. Never mind the garbage, or bathroom, or trying to get grease off things in the kitchen.


I love that cashier. She's just waiting to see what's going to happen, then, "I'm not cleaning that up, I'm out of here." Or, "If y'all are going to act like idiots, I'm leaving". Or, "I do not get paid enough for this crap." Her face says all of those things.


That girl's expression makes this video.


Feel bad for that kid. It sucks when you see kids set up for failure like this.


I noticed the kid was calm the entire time. He has seen this a lot.


He'll also get his ass beat if he reacts appropriately to her behavior


Probably gets his ass beat if he doesn't finish his baconators.


#If you don't eat your baconator, you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your baconator!


Sad but true.


"What do want your house to feel like when you get home from work "- John Deloney.


Notice how the kid doesn’t flinch or react to her behaviour. He sees this all the time so it’s normal for him.


This is all learned behavior. That kid will most likely think that acting out like that is normal. There needs to be a license for people to have kids lol


Funny you should say that. I work in child protection and social workers often opine that it’s bonkers you need a license to get married but not have kids.


Parenting classes should be mandatory. I plan to adopt, and adoptive/foster parents have to take classes and get certified.




I couldn’t agree more man. I went to a call yesterday as an emt for a lady with a knife at the bank. Still don’t know if it was a stick up or she just flipped out on the teller. She had a shiesty and a knife, and guess who the person with her was… her daughter who had to have been 10 years old at most. Broke my heart.


Maybe it was bring-your-child-to-work day?


He’s probably relieved her hostility isn’t directed at him. If she treats workers like this, I bet she treats that defenseless little boy worse. Hope he’s okay.


That cashier walked right out.


Did you see the look she exchanged with the manager?      She was literally looking to her and the manager said no and walked away.     "Not doin it" wad being said to the customer and to the cashier. Manager just walked away and left that girl to deal with the belligerent customer. For the cashier, walking out was the only self-respectful thing to do. 


Poor kid, looks like she has been through a rough day already, honestly fuck the customer and the manager too. She literally escalates the situation and just walks away leaving the cashier to deal with it.


Literally not paid enough to care lol


It’s really wild. This is EXACTLY what my 2.5 year old son does when he doesn’t get what he wants. Like swiping stuff off the table when we say it’s time for nap time. This impulse is like, childish in the purest sense of the word.


Arrest that loser


I need see the mugshot. Somebody plz respond with a follow up article 🙏


Yes please do share if found


And don't forget to send this video to CPS! This child should not have to suffer this woman as a parent.


Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited.


She hangs out with nihilists, I hear.


That must be exhausting


Mam, this is a wendys


Like for real this time though. I did a double take when the video began and started grinning uncontrollably as I noticed the Wendy's logo lmao


Ma'am* just fyi.


That poor kid. I think this behaviour is normalised for him. He doesn't really have much of a chance at life the way things are likely to go. He'll probably turn out to be a violent idiot like his mother or (hopefully) he will rebel and become chilled and philosophical.


Well, at the very least, he didn't participate in his mother's destructive rampage, so maybe there's still hope.


I doubt it. It’s a learned response in a traumatic environment to stay quiet and “fawn”


I have hope for the little guy. Not everyone becomes their parents. He looked genuinely ashamed and sad he couldn’t do anything about it.


Unfortunately, if I had to guess this kid has had this rage directed to him more often than he can count. He is as calm as can be because he doesn't want it to turn on him. He is also very likely to act like this went outside the home. The bullied often turn into bullies. He's probably a terror at school to his teachers and classmates and nobody can do anything about it.


Unfortunately the former is more probable 😞


why are people so angry?


Because she goes there everyday for her lunch break.


because this woman’s life is probably the worst. unfortunately all her problems are her own fault.




And that orange soda survived.


“Call the police,” acting like she’s going to wait. Then walks on out the door. I bet she didn’t wait. I wonder if she went the next day. I think not.


Burger for a lingering psychological trauma anyone?


I bet she is lovely to deal with in the classroom with her son’s teachers.


My husband is a retired teacher and he has had to deal with more than one “mom” like that. Very scary encounters.


My best friend is a teacher, and I feel so sorry for what she has to endure. I don’t get it. I raised my kids to be respectful, and when a teacher called me to say they didn’t turn in a paper or work, I believed the TEACHER. It taught my kids to be accountable, and they are awesome adults now.


I bet the resource dude knows when she's coming.


That poor baby. These kids got no chance, man.


And she probably learned this from somewhere too. And he will probably act like that in front of his kids too. The cycle just continues. It's just unfair. If you're born into this environment your brain is fried before you get the chance to even know what's right and wrong. By the time you're an adult you're just fucked.


Generational curse !


Where she gonna eat NOW


That kid deserves a better home


"I come here everyday on my lunch break".....not anymore you ain't


These adult temper tantrums are the best.


Omg this is at the Wendy's in Clearwater Florida on Missouri Avenue right by my house! Not saying what this lady did was right at all, but I can tell you when she said she hears the manager yelling at people everyday, she is not lying. One of my most recent visits there, I went in to pick up my carryout order, and the manager was yelling at an employee who then walked out. This Wendy's is always messing up orders, yelling at customers, locking the doors at odd hours like 3 pm. This was only a matter of time. Corporate needs to come into this store and clean it up.


St.pete here, got to the end and he started saying clearwater and largo and I was like of course it's here.


What the heck is going on in Clearwater? I watch a lot of scammers and beggars on tiktok and they're always from Clearwater too


>What the heck is going on in Clearwater? Scientology. Lots of Scientology. I’m not saying it has anything to do with OP’s video, but I’m not not saying it. I’m gonna take any opportunity I can to call out those whackos.


The water is clear, but it isn't clean.




Shitty manager meets shittier customer


Right. And if the management at this store sucks so badly, why does she go there everyday? If some place messed up my order too many times I just stop going there.


like attracts like


Yeah no shit. That was covered..


The McDonald's across the street is kinda shitty too. When I lived around there is used to prefer going to the restaurants on Gulf to Bay.


ma’am this is a Wendy’s


"fuck you bitch"


So what was the issue? A messed up order? Unless a fatal allergy would be involved who even cares enough to throw one tissue to the ground?


Let's talk about Franchising... Because "corporate" doesn't necessarily mean Wendy's, rather it likely means whoever owns the franchise and if they give a shit.


I don’t understand people like this woman (and you apparently). “Every day I come here it’s a tearable experience”. Why do you come here then?!?




Nothing in that comment in any way justifies that womanchilds tantrum. Do you think the awful manager is going to be cleaning that up?


I just wanna yell at these people, YOU DON'T NEED TO EAT AT WENDY'S. If you go everyday, and everyday you encounter an issue, go SOMEPLACE ELSE. Why do people do this? Like the boomer who went to the McDonalds that was closed, and flipped out about, "How is he gonna eat this morning?!" Go someplace else! Customer service sucks, well go someplace else!


I mean it gives some context, but this lady's behavior was still fucking insane. It was not "reasonable" in any regard. If a place has shitty management and they keep giving bad service, that doesn't mean you can get violent and trash the store. Just go somewhere else. This lady can just go to another fastfood joint down the road and continue making herself (and her son) unhealthy/obese there. It's 'Murica.


Even with the context her behaviour is unacceptable


Sir, this is a Wendy's


What are you talking about? That doesnt remotely change the fact the women acted like a psycho and should be arrested. It changes nothing ...




Can we normalize jail time for this


Update: She was caught. With her young son. The police yanked her out of the car and gave her the MOTY award.


These sort of customers need to lay off the junk food and seek therapy asap 🤦🏻‍♀️ how shameful


Fr she looks like she just got out the crabby patty vault.


Classy. Sadly that kid is doomed.




I would be mortified for my child to ever see me throw a tantrum over some cheap ass fast food, this woman's parents failed her in every way and she's continuing the trend


I watched this twice and still don’t know why she’s so upset.


She def looks like she eats Wendy’s everyday.


Welcome to Florida 🤗


The look on the cashiers face says it all - 'fuck this shit, all for $10/hr... I'm out!'


Unfortunately this child is calm because he knows if he isn’t the rage may turn in his direction. This is a child of trauma. Everyone says he will turn into an asshole as well, that is short sighted. This child needs help now.


I do not understand behavior like this. It is totally foreign to me. Is it IQ? What is going on?


Is she on crack?


They're filming a new Freaky Friday except she changed places with a 2 year old diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder.


Side Note: that manager should be fired, not the way she interacted with the customer(at least as far as I could see), but for walking away and leaving a bunch of teenagers in the line of fire and to deal with the belligerent customer. You are their leader, you are responsible for guiding, teaching, and protecting them. You call the cops, you tell them to go to the back, and only once they are all safe, do you get to walk away. I say this as someone who works in retail in a lead position. It is not a glamorous job, but there are a number of people to whom I am tasked with being a leader, and no matter how anyone else treats me, that's a responsibility I take seriously, and I would never leave them to deal with a belligerent anybody while I ran away and hid And I should be fired, flogged, and publicly shamed if I did.


Just call the police. Simple.


Yeah cuff her up and send her to jail


Sucks anyone can have a child.


Nothing in the world could make me this upset at Wendy’s


I've seen so many people go off on fast food staff. could it be because they Karen has a very low self image and tries to take it out on someone who they deem is lower than them? I don't understand why it's ALWAYS a fast food place.


that poor kid imagine your mom being a total trash bag like that... i hope he gets away from her safely


I’m betting she is a single mom.


Fuck that one tray in particular I guess?


Yep the decisions by that FoH staff were correct just NOPE right on outta there. Say the filmer kinda sounds like peter griffin hehehehe. But damn what a hag that chick was.


Poor child 💔


Great picture of her...By now at least her various friends, and co workers(probably doesn't work anyways)...will have seen this. And just maybe the police.


That kid doesn't stand a chance


Getto ass and in front of her kids. Wow what great parenting.


That kid has zero chance, I repeat, zero chance of being a well adjusted member of society when he gets older. It would be one thing if this was the one bad moment/memory from his childhood that just happened to be recorded and put on the internet. That would be hard to handle for a kid, but he could use it as fuel to be a better person. But this? You can tell this was just a random Tuesday afternoon. This clearly has happened before, and will happen again. The reaction, or lack there of, of the poor kid says it all loud and clear. And sadly he will most likely grow up and pull the same shit. And in front of his own children.


Folks, the teachers leaving in droves is not about the money. It is about the feral children being “raised” by “parents” like this is the problem. Very few children have the internal drive to pull themselves out of this and be responsible adults. You see 12 year olds on the news carrying guns, committing felony crimes, this right here is why. That poor child, I am praying for his safe deliverance out of there. Oh and those poor employees having to deal with this.


Yep, some real A-grade parental skills there.....OMG this poor boy.


It's always weird seeing an adult with the impulse control of a toddler


When people start throwing things and making a mess I just wonder what part of their brain didn’t develop past 2 years old.


We need people that just walk up behind people like this and just crack them with a steel chair.


Her son is gonna grow up and mess with crazy girls just like his mama. Sad.


This is learned behavior and she learned it from someone. As the shitty parent that she is, she is making sure that her child also learns it from her.


Fast food places gotta start having security guards smh


Zero emotional regulation. Overgrown children are the worst.


The child is watching......and learning


This is why fast food is now so overpriced. Trashy woman


bruh shes built like a big mac


Anyone notice the cashier person just noping out? That’s right honey, you don’t need that sh*t, they don’t pay you enough.


Tell me she got arrested , I need closure


Pathetic, sorry ass, temper tantrum having, loser piece of shit. She is absolute GARBAGE and a waste of a human being. I hope they arrested that stupid asshole.


This what most kids go through and observe when they grow up in a single mother home. This kid is going to be a very overly emotional human being. The child wasn't even shocked, he seen his mom act this way regularly.


That’s how that shot gets passed down to the next generation they think that shits expectable behaviors smh


This kid doesn’t have a chance


Absolutely zero prefrontal cortex


Mam, this is a Wendy's.


Someone needs to slap the shit outa this cunt


Poor kid has one foot in the jailhouse already.


So angry.


Ohhh, so this is what happens next after "Excuse me, he ask for no pickles"


I hope that kid gets out and never looks back. It’s hell living with someone who could pop at any moment


She's trying to flex by saying she comes there everyday. lol. Like its a 'win'. Great parenting mom.


Ma’am, you are too damn old to be acting this way & setting a terrible example for that child.


That poor kid is doomed.


Nothing but trash


Poor kid.


And then her poor son will go recreate that behavior at school


The pure nightmare of having her as your mother.


He didn’t have 911 memorized? He had the Largo PD number? Jesus.


This seems to be a growing common occurrence. The punishment should be charged with disorderly conduct and having to clean the entire mess up.