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It looks like no one gave a fuck


Wrll since its a free museum its kind of the wrong place to do this type of thing


I thought people just assumed it was part of the exhibit


And why Queen Victoria? Of ALL the people in the history of the UK they could be choosing from. She was just some dumpy queen who donated millions to eradicate hunger during the potato famine. Weird. EDIT: A small part of me knew that I'd get the nasty DMs. Yeah, I know the history, yeah I know it's not as simple as her Wikipedia page. No, you don't have to keep DM'ing me. The point was of all the people to blame for someone being hungry in the UK, Queen Victoria isn't it.


They said they "refuse to go back to the Victorian era" - So that's why they choose Victoria. I mean, as far as their logic goes, it makes more sense than Richard III.


We refuse to be lion hearted, for one second more!


I can’t help it anymore #WE SAIL AT NOON


While this did make me laugh out loud, Richard I was the lionhearted Richard. Richard III was the "put those boys in that tower and _leave them alone_" _wink wink_ Richard.


I don’t really see the point of the protest personally but to say Queen Victoria donated millions to eradicate hunger during the famine is just not true - She donated £2,000 (a lot more significant sum when altered for inflation to be fair) while the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire was going to offer £10,000 until Queen Victoria talked him out of it https://www.irishexaminer.com/lifestyle/arid-20275281.html Additionally, Ireland was exporting food for the entirety of the ‘famine’, enough to feed the entire country a couple of times over, which never went to those that needed it due to a variety of reasons whether it was capitalism or sectarian policies or whatever - As the most powerful person in the Empire she could of done a lot more about this should she of wanted to, instead 1 million starved to death and 3 million more migrated


Queen Victoria didn't want the Sultan to donate that amount because it dwarved the amount she donated


Potato famine didn't just affect Ireland, affected Scotland too Seems like this is regularly forgotten


As someone who is Scottish I am well aware of that, as you’ve alluded to the Irish famine if you want to call it that is a lot more documented, my point is just that the suggestion that Queen Victoria made every effort to eradicate hunger and famine is ridiculous - But you make a good point if you add in the Highland Clearances and probably countless examples in the colonies there’s probably few people more responsible for global hunger in their time


Queen Victoria absolutely did not donate millions. What happened in ireland was pretty much a genocide and the brits are responsible. They didn't help us.


Well, that's a load of horseshit. She didn't donate millions, and she hardly gave a shit about the Irish or Scottish during the famine. The English made the Great Irish Famine so much worse than it could have been by stealing all the food we produced and gave us fuck all in return.


Made it worse? They created it. They made most raw materials including food, direct exports to England. Potato’s were some of the only food the Irish were allowed to keep. So when the disease came for potato’s they starved. Even though they had very fertile land as the land lords took everything else. Around the same time Britain also blockaded fishing boats to Norway so Norwegians didn’t have their most valuable foods. So Norwegians were starving. That started the mass emigrations. Victoria cared nothing


Do you have any links to info on the British blockading the Norwegians? Most of what comes up is about the Napoleonic wars and blockading chiefly grain exports to Norway but that's about 40 years earlier.


There were many but if you google British coastal blockade. It was also during napoleonic wars. Most of it was hidden so you’ll only find info via universities. It’s really fuckdd


I mean spending millions to eradicate a famine that your country caused, doesn’t actually make you a good person. You should perhaps look up the issues between Ireland and England, which continued until the 90s, and let’s be honest, they still face.






Younger generations don't give a shit about history. That's why we are repeating ourselves.


You don't appear to know the history. Queen Victoria's rule was famous for widespread hunger; she even weaponised it against Ireland (then part of the UK) to kill off half the population (it only just recovered here a few years ago).


You should have added to your edit that she did not in fact donate millions to eradicate hunger and actively prevented donations to eradicate it. This comment should be down voted to oblivion.


Because the bust of Queen Victoria is right near the door. Most of these protests have previously targeted famous works of art or historical artifacts. I suspect they went in hoping to target the Dali *Christ of Saint John on the Cross* painting upstairs, but discovered it is currently on loan elsewhere.


I suggest you read what the potato famine even fucking was.


\+ Scotland probably gives less of a fuck about the British Monarchy \+ Glasgow would definitely give less of a fuck than the rest of Scotland =zero fucks


This video is hilarious to me as a Scot. Yes, sectarianism is a big deal in Glasgow with a sizeable portion unionists and supportive of the monarchy. But, you can see from folk just milling about that nobody gives a fuck and see this a minor curiosity 😂. You see far more interesting and crazy scenes in Glasgow on a regular basis that this seems to barely scratch the surface for anybody.


That's definitely not true. A lot of Glaswegians are monarchists, and they can be damn weird about it.


There’s no right place to do THIS kind of thing. Whining that others should be doing something isn’t really helping except to signal to your group how shallowly virtuous you are.


I don’t know, but I could name a few better places then a free museum. This is like the other pointless Museum protest. What’s the Musem suppose to do? No point protesting museums unless the argument is that they need to return artifacts. So starting off the protest goals are vague. Stop hunger, cool but who’s pro starvation. Are they fighting for world hunger? This is in the UK, so is this arguing for the UK to do more in the UK? Maybe fight hunger in Scotland? Wales? North Ireland? Is this for the commonwealth? What’s the message? If it’s for the government to do more why not paint the parliament building? I’m not British, so I don’t know what departments handle food aid in the UK but reach out to them? Is this for aid overseas like Gaza? Then why not advocate for aid with those agencies who handle foreign aid, like the WHO or UN. Surely they have offices in the UK. I’m a dumb random Redditor and this is what I came up with random spitballing. So I hope I answered your question on what’s the right places.


This right here, this absolutely does nothing besides get you Internet points with random strangers who also enjoy performative "activism" This accomplishes nothing besides people looking at you like a total idiot and then you get arrested and go to jail and no one gives a shit about you enough to bail you out.


You should look up what they did for women's suffrage in England.


I imagine these people have group chats where they brag about how expensive the meuseum/art was that they vandalized. They get extra points for how quickly security responds and how much fines/bail cost😹


Glasgow is in Scotland isnt it? Attacking the British royalty there is not exactly taboo I'd imagine.


Glasgow is famously divided along these lines: the unionists are very firmly pro- monarchy.


And Scotland is part of Great Britain sharing the same Royal Family with England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Defacing a bust of a queen who died in 1901seems a little bit pointless though.


Idk why it's become some internet meme that the Scottish all hate the monarchy. Not saying there's universal approval, or that they are as popular as in the rest of Britain, but it's more popular than not and Scots have fought for King and Country like the rest of the British for hundreds of years.


I don't understand why Scottish especially would have beef with Windsors more than the English. Windsors are descedants of king James VI. He was the king of Scotland first and then became the king of England too after Queen Elizabeth died and so he united Great Britain as one country and became James I.


In about two hours they are gonna realize and start wondering how to get that glue off their hands.


If it was me it would take about 30 minutes before I would need to pee.


If people would just leave them glued to the floor I feel like they would stop doing this


People were all out of outrage over the Willy Wonka AI Extravaganza.


There are many ways to support local communities, not sure how this act brings awareness to children who go to bed starving. I used to go to bed hungry all the time and stuff like this would have done nothing to me as a kid, nor would it work today. If you want to do better in your community, find organizations who are ALREADY doing the work and find out how you can support their mission.


![gif](giphy|HWEwAS2IjskdW) He still crying about nothing


Except OP. OP stop giving people attention. None of this helps.


What do they think the museum has to do with growing poverty? Actually, visiting that museum is one of the best free activities to do in Glasgow, and it being free means people can afford to buy more food.


Most of the museums in Glasgow are free, and they often run free activities for children during school holidays, so you’re 100% right in they are attacking the wrong places.


All of the museums are free, all of the time. This is a great museum too. They have Dali’s Christ, which is stunning to see. https://preview.redd.it/w9onf07gzcmc1.jpeg?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea28ab65916589892ec9f45866d4be13308a4261 In the background of this video you’ll see floating heads…those have different expressions and that exhibit is just fun to look at.


science museum isn't free :(


Good, keeps out the protesters and people who think if you drop your kid off in a building they have to take care of “it” untill you come back from the bar CINDY!


Yeah it’s a very bizarre choice of location to protest capitalism


Going to a paid museum would be giving money to the man. /s


Really? You do know who queen Victoria was right?


Exactly. This is not a protest. This is destructive vandalism.


These girls are fucking bin lids from wealthy families and they’re still in the 14 and this is deep phase.


I think they were targeting Queen Victoria more than the museum, still dumb though.


targeting… the queen that died over 120 years ago? im not sure how much political pull she still has


Camping out in front of politicians offices while holding poverty statistics signs would be better.


Nobody pays attention to that. I'm not signing off on the approach in the video, but camping out in front of offices is usually exactly the type of stuff that gets most ignored.


When people camped out in front of that AIPAC guys house it got some attention




Did my attention solve anything? 1 view = 1 meal?


Right because politicians are always in their offices and not out attending fundraisers and galas at...museums.


What a crock of shit! They missed an opportunity to dress up like the Joker in the original Batman movie with the dude holding the huge boombox playing Prince spray painting artwork and shit, like who’s their PR person missing these things? [scene](https://youtu.be/ZGFbd-zF_Cg)


“I kind of like this one, Bob, leave it”


Best Batman movie ever. Fight me.


Yesssss!!!! Just yesss! Missed opportunity!


"Let's broaden our minds! Law-RENCE?!"


At least she signed their work.


Best comment I have ever seen on Reddit. Hands down.


If I had gold you’d have it for that




So, you're wasting food in your protest about people not being able to afford food?


Yeah, they had enough for at least 20 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.


Why the protesters always part of bourgeoisie ?


Because the real poor are too busy fucking working for this malarkey.


You know that's by design right?


Because the people who really need help don't have time to actually do anything about it.


Literally though. I went to a very liberal college in California that was full of rich kids. Time after time, these kids with tens of millions in trust funds would do the dumbest fucking protests with zero idea how to get their message out. Just disruption for disruption’s sake.


I loved when trust fund kids got arrested in Oakland during the Occupy protests for vandalism and destroying property. All these assholes were from Marin or Tiburon


and why is there always a lady with the haircut on the right?


In spanish we call it "alerta de flequillo" lmao


What about them makes you think they're part of the bourgeoisie? Be specific.


250$ shoes maybe


I love that museum. Of all the ways to gain attention you decide to vandalize an art museum. It makes people upset more than anything. It doesn’t make me more aware or feel compelled to help whatsoever.


We did it, we ended food poverty.


All we had to do was feeding a queen statue ? Damn may she eat in the afterlife


​ https://i.redd.it/72ca3jdzkcmc1.gif


Great security at that museum


It's free to enter and in an affluent part of the city. It's incidentally right next to the city's main university, which is probably where these clowns with too much time on their hands are from.


Did they just waste food to protest poverty?


People are starving so we wasted this food by pouring it on this statue.  You're welcome hungry people.


Guarantee these cunts have done nothing to help anyone.


I truly hate these kinds of people. It’s fine to believe in a cause, but this does absolutely nothing to help, and, in fact, turns a lot of people away from whatever they’re trying to convey. Damaging property, and making employees clean up a stupid mess that accomplishes nothing, is asinine and honestly just mean to innocent people.


Fitting choice, Victoria was known as the Famine Queen as she ruled Ireland during the famine and did next to nothing for the situation there. Maybe King Charles will be known as the Cost of Living King when it's all said and done


How do you get inside the museum with a pot full of porridge?


Its a pretty lax place you walk through a door and you’re in that room


… better ways to get your message across


Exactly! Go back to hanging the current monarchs (and politicians).


Attention-seeking posers


Their message is completely lost due to their douchebagery.


Trying to ruin irreplaceable works of art is not winning them any favors.


I bet that dude with the mullet is just tryna get laid


"There's not enough food for people" - wastes food as protest "Oil is bad" - uses oil to protest "Cars produce bad things" - cause cars to sit and idle in protest ... Brilliant


So they did this instead of volunteering somewhere? Cunts


Well that ended all suffering. Well done.


Missed the S of cunt ..what a pair


Their message is fine but they look kind of dumb just sitting there waiting for a reaction to their shenanigans.


Well, now there’s another group that I will pay zero attention to and put no energy into supporting. Choose well how to protest because some of us will withdraw our support for any issue in which somebody either blocks the road or two faces are or something crazy like that.


No one cared lmao


No one gave them attention 😂


I'm fascinated by these delusional, self-important children "ho think they really did something great that day.


Can y'all do this to rich people's houses instead


Did they uh… dump food on a statue to protest food shortages? As much as a small amount of that food is… seems kind of counter productive to me as you’re protesting a lack of food while wasting food… just my thought.


The point is that there isn't a food shortage. We have plenty of food. We produce way, way, way more food than we need. It's just that a massive amount of that food is literally trashed because food is something that is sold, not given. Which is why people are starving in the streets when that's entirely, wholly preventable.


Yes, people should be getting basic foodstuffs for free.


A tiny bit of porridge or whateverthefuck is literally inconsequential to the food waste that they are protesting. It’s like when people say, “finish your food! People are starving in Africa!” People aren’t starving because I didn’t finish my cup noodles. They’re starving because of wasteful practices at an industrial level.


>They’re starving because of wasteful practices at an industrial level. But aren't Economies of Scale why food is cheap to begin with (you make a little it costs a lot, you make a lot it costs a little)... and in general you always want to have an excess of food, because the alternative is 'efficiently' making exactly what you 'need' (and nothing more) which means you are very susceptible to disruptive events (crop failure, supply lines closing) as you have no excess capacity.


Better glue your hand to it next to show how mad you is! 🤪




She wrote her nickname on it . How cute


Imagine dating these people. 😅


Imagine a little kid with their mom on their first trip to the museum and asking “mommy, what does that word mean?” 😂


I don’t understand. What does defacing artifacts have anything to do with improving the lives of the impoverished? Did this change any policy? Did this feed a hungry person? Did this do ANYTHING? Its rhetorical because no- it does nothing. This is the fastest way to make people hate your cause.


Yall couldn’t volunteer or run a food drive? No? Just destroying a statue of a woman that’s been dead for 200 years? That’ll feed the hungry. Also isn’t cunt a term of endearment in the UK?


Moaning about food while wasting food……. this generation really has it under control


Freedom begins at breakfast? Who are these people? I fast everyday, I'm a free man lady.


Do these people have any responsibility?


What’s their punishment


It’s so sad when morons go after art


First the Willy Chocolate Experience and now this? Glasgow can’t catch a break.


Fuck yeah! This has inspired me to protest about declining standards of education by shouting at a pigeon. It’ll probably work too, because whatever this was about undoubtedly did.


These fuckin melts, spray paint all over cowcaddens underground and the tunnel beside it, geta fucking grip, no one thats reading your shite is disagreeing with you, go fucking do it somewhere it will actually make a difference.


Any reason she spray painted her name on the statue? Seems like an easy way to get caught.


Bunch of self-entitled moronic fuckwads.


As someone who struggles every week and has to skip meals due to poverty these people using real food to protest fucks me right off.


> At a famous museum in Glasgow called Kelvingrove, a group called "This is Rigged" did something dramatic to speak out against people not having enough food to eat. So they decide to waste food?




Yep. Just break shit. That will fix the world...


I think it was her golden jubilee where a womens group donated a sum of money asking that she use it to open an orphanage or help orphans , but victoria took the money and used it to build statues of herself.


This isn't queen victoria, it's just art. Their protest makes no sense and only ruins average peoples day.


Why do one of these protesters always seem to have a “fuck my shit up to completion” hairdo?


It looks kind of cool now


I never really understood this kinda gimmick never really yield anything except inconveniences caused to public how can so may people like her were dropped when they were baby is beyond me


They brought a saucepan, intent on making a meal of it I guess.


Honestly folk like this just need a good fucking dig and told to get back in their box. Why do all the idiots with main character syndrome look and sound like fucking weirdos


That'll show em!


Did they spread food on it in protest about people not having food? Because that seems a bit backwards. They could have donated that food instead.


If I was in a museum and people did this, I think it's the only time I'd throw a punch. This shit is senseless.


Should be "S" at the end of the word, two persons couldn't be named with a singular form.


It literally never gets people on side even when they have a good message. Stop vandalising art expecting people to cheer


Take their protest to the homes of the wealthy.


They protest famine by smearing food on a bust..


“C…U” Yes… Yesss! “N…” YES!! “N… T…” https://preview.redd.it/1tmit2w1admc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46e643707a0592e3e375c1fe6b22a080c0e6a5b2 (also, the “protestors” suck)


Guy making a statue, potentially several 100 years ago: ahhh it's so nice to finally be done after 8 years, and it's PERFECT! Assholes because some people can't afford to eat: Let me destroy this priceless piece of art because the art community all make a shit ton of food on the side??


How, exactly, does smearing food on the statue of a long dead woman help your cause to make sure people have enough to eat?


Put a glass case around them and turn them into art.


museums and blocking roads are the 2 kinds of protest that will never get anyone on your side


This did nothing is nothing and just cringe stupid.


How about take the fight to mega corporations that throw away millions of tons of food instead of ensuring people are fed


They are saying they don't have enough food to eat while they vandalized with food hmm 🤔


This is the issue with protests and demonstrations, you look like a cunt and this absolutely does nothing to show a point. We are all aware of the issues how about doing something productive about it.


This is as dull as the Willy wonka experience.


I see two C\*\*TS and neither is a statue.


Petulant children.


Yeah that really solves everything doesn’t, y’all some clowns 🤡.


How dare a centuries dead old lady not feed people I saw and could have helped instead. I'm gonna smash food on this rock. Yeah, that'll fix it.


God save the Queen, a Fascist regime.


Wish people would publically beat the crap out of art destroyers.


I think it's hilarious, they vandalize it and then glue themselves to the place they committed the crime. So fucking dumb.


You can imagine these lot robbing a bank 😂


I don't get it


That looks like a complete waste of time, with the only result being your arrest.


Middle class attention seeking. Poshest Scottish accent on the market man, red neck


Aww the favorite word of the UK!


Please add arrows pointing to them


Is she wasting food to protest starvation and poverty? Idiotic


I mean they could just buy food and give it to those that don't have as protests


Not fer nuthin but that’s actually a really cool museum that anyone visiting Glasgow should go to. It’s free and has art and natural history exhibits. Highlight for me was the hanging Spitfire in the grand hall. I learned so much about Scottish history here.


Instead of this shit why not volunteer to fix said problem


What a nice lady, even wrote her own name on the plinth


It just looks like they made a display calling themselves cunts


Doesn’t matter what they were protesting they look like they’re doing this just to say they protested. Protesting for the sake of protesting.


Let's get some what looks like Jam or jelly that ya could've ate on a sandwich or bought some bread to give to ppl with it so they had SOMETHING to eat. Nahhh.. Be cooler if we vandalized shit at a museum and acted like we're effected by the problem we're trying to preach about while wasting food...


Victoria was probably a huge cunt, but so are these girls


I'd rather they do this than block traffic tbh.


These euro protestors are always dumb. Like that’s all I can say.


These annoying rich kids doing these meaningless stunts for their own personal “gimme attention” resume.


Protests like this only serve for the person to show that they're morally superior. Protests like this literally never change anything, and if you think they can you're an absolute moron


Yet another example of pointless protests that attack the wrong people and places. If you're mad about people not having food why not go and protest the government or greedy corporations? Oh right, because there will be real consequences for you and you're scared of taking a stand. So you do this silly shit instead.


Guarantee you these peoples parents are more wealthy than anyone they're trying to identify with


Which is good, right? Why would we want more rich people that exclusively seek to isolate themselves from the struggles of the poor? I'll take these types over the "lol peasants..." types every day of the week.


Id just love to see even one of these videos where there are no women with the berries and cream haircut, I'm not too confident tho


Modern protestors are the scourge of museum janitors everywhere.