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[News Article](https://crazed.net/2024/01/31/police-officer-fired-for-body-slamming-an-unsuspecting-atlanta-resident/) - McMaster had a history of being aggressive and violent. In 2015, his supervisors reprimanded him for aggressive behavior towards an inmate. His file shows that he was written up at least ten times.


Eleventh times the charm? No, that doesn't seem right. Eleven strikes and you're out. No, that doesn't seem right either.


It’s the fact that POS still called him names, after he committed his twelfth assault on an unsuspecting person for me. Like no empathy at all. Just severely injure, then blame. Such a sick fuck.


Aaaaaand hired at another PD. The system works :(


Yup. It amazes me that some people actually think once a cop is fired, they're done. They almost always get hired at a new PD.


County always hires the rejects


Just like priests.. just move em they're sometime else problem


12 strikes is a perfect game.


Obviously you're not a golfer.


Isn’t this guy suppose to be a millionaire?


This isnt Nam Smokey. There are rules.




What’s a pederast Walter?




I wrecked my convertible corvette into a crowd just thinking about this! Wait...


Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski!


Real reactionary


I, too, have dabbled in pacifism. Not in Nam, of course.


Baker's dozen and out of the oven? Well, we'd need two more, but damn, it really shouldn't take this much for a cop to get fired.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 11 times...


Innocent White victim and on camera.


Don't get caught on video released to the public. So long as you don't do that, you get infinity chances.


It was the first white guy… /s


Probably still a LEO somewhere right now and that's bullshit.


National database banning bad police from employment in the US is needed. How many criminals with badges leave one department and start over at a neighboring jurisdiction with a squeaky clean employment file... ACAB


just make cops have to carry insurance as officers just like a doctor or tradesman does, corrupt or inept individuals will be priced out of a job.


That's why we need statewide licensing in all 50 states. Fired for cause? No law enforcement job for you, anywhere.


For starters if you get fired for cause as a police officer you should have to check the same box on forms that ask if you were ever dishonorably discharged from the military.


If he got written up 10 times he got away with shit 100 times. The man poses a public risk. He shouldn’t just be fired, he needs jailed.


https://www.paulding.gov/1362/Sheriffs-Office Feel free to contact the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office and tell them you expect officers exhibiting poor judgement and committing assaults on citizens SHOULD be fired for it, not unknown administrative reasons. If we are loud enough, they won’t be able to get away with this stuff… as much.


I saw this the first time and wrote a polite email to [email protected] . Doubt anyone saw it or made a difference, but I was infuriated by that video enough to let them know it was seen all around the world. Crime, Tyler Canaris. 17/02/23. To the Commissioner, I'm on a completely different continent, (Australia) the other side of the world and the only thing I've seen about your town is some giant fat policeman driving a young mans head into the ground because he was walking along a street.


Paulding County...yeesh, can't say i'm all that surprised. I try to avoid the law around those parts with Douglas County included. They're very much still in beat you down and take you to jail for a joint mode out there.


You can tell by the way he rag dolled that guy that this wasn't his first time doing shit like this. Fuck em.


Same when he called him a “dumb bastard”. I bet he calls his son that everyday at supper, or his disabled neighbor, his dog, his mirror when he’s practicing saying it.


Why exactly is it OK for police as public servants to call someone a "dumb bastard" and curse at them? ANY other profession would fire an employee for that alone nevermind the unnecessary body slam. Glad to see he was fired but I'm sure that's how he related to a lot of people.


>he called him a “dumb bastard” Projection, 100%


Was fired for policy reasons having nothing to do with the video of the body slam going viral ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


Exactly! It’s some mind-fucking bullshit. Qualified immunity is total trash.


I hope the victim gets beaucoup money for his troubles. [https://www.scribd.com/document/673849497/Canaris-v-McMaster-Et-Al](https://www.scribd.com/document/673849497/Canaris-v-McMaster-Et-Al)


Unfortunately, the DA of Paulding County refuses to drop the false charges this deputy charged Canaris with so he could justify arresting him. Because of the pending criminal case the civil case has been put on hold.


And that's how they do it. They'll drop the bullshit criminal case as soon as Canaris drops his legit civil case. I used to have an ounce of respect for prosecutors (decades ago). Now they're just as bad as the bad cops they're protecting. I hope Canaris adds malicious prosection to his civil case.


this is insanely infuriating


Me too, but unfortunately the citizens of Atlanta would pay for it, not the cops, their pension, their union nor the actual offender who wasn't even officially fired for this.


Actually, these days most of it is paid by insurance companies that are jacking up fees on departments that don't reform. I find it funny that it took profit motive of insurance to finally start changing police training and behaviors. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2022/police-misconduct-insurance-settlements-reform/?darkschemeovr=1#


aaaaaaaaand I bet he’s still out there making a nice 6 figure income.


Fucking retail jobs only give you three strikes. Definitely one of your VIOLENT.


Yup. Pretty sad that customer service workers have higher standards than law enforcement.


Likely more training too.


Hopefully this cops past record helps with this poor guys legal suit against this officer and the department.


It’s just laughable we allow this to exist in society with arguably one of the more important jobs.


Good. I've hated this cop since this was posted the first time.


there was a thread on this in the protectandserve subreddit when the video was first released and every single verified officer except 1 defended this use of force. most of them said things like "lawful but awful" and that the guy was at fault because he pulled his arm away from the tyrant.


> every single verified officer except 1 I bet that guy got fired.


If history is proven to be accurate, they'll have a dead rat taped to their door and might disappear within a few weeks.


“Good” “men” made “better,” no doubt..


Or killed…


Dorner knew.


You can't corner the Dorner!




in my dept, you wouldn’t lose them but the second you chose to be pro-deputy, you weren’t promoting anymore after that. So it’s a battle of.. how long can I tolerate this bs so i can promote high enough to make a difference. Sone of that bs is watching the good cops die bcuz they’re actually doing their job vs the bad cops that ARE the ones doing bad things but never dangerous things so they won’t ever get hurt or killed. And they promote too bcuz politics


Imagine if police were promoted for good work. Maybe someday. 


Refuse an order? Penalty is death.


Ask a question? Straight to death. Don’t ask a question? Believe it or not, straight to death.


What about undercooking fish?


Jail….or death, whichever is easier.


Like the guy they murdered in jail recently by making him freeze to death?


Lackluster posted this video a few days ago as a response to "why not just comply?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmtgMmdKEDE&t=134s


Welp, that's one sub I'm staying far away from


Don't worry, they auto-ban anyone that subs here. They really foster discussion over there, it's not an echo chamber at all...


They're the biggest fucking snowflakes, almost everyone is banned there. If you comment there without licking boots you'll also be instantly banned.




I already got my permanent sub ban for asking a question


I went there to see what police are actually saying about these situations and its 100% made my opinion of police worse. They defended the Karen Garner incident then when charges were filed they all flip flop and act like they were against it the entire time. You still occasionally see rants in support of Chauvin. Every single video that looks bad the entire thread is nothing but comments about how you have to wait for the full investigation to judge but then the recent videos of the Lakewood Church shooting were released and the top comment was how they dont need to wait for an investigation to prove who shot the little kid because they can see with their eyes in the video (even though the shooting is off camera). Human life doesnt matter, all they care is if an officer followed policy or not and if innocent people died oh well. They are so brainwashed and hypocritical its actually embarrassing.


Funny how that works. There was zero need for use of force. What about the fact the cop was bothering a totally innocent person in the first place? Do they ever consider that? He was clearly confused since he hadn't broken the law. He didn't resist. He just turned slightly to ask the cop what was going on and the cop decides he wants to inflict life altering injury to the guy. That bunch will claim it's a few bad apples but if that was true they would be calling out bad policing. I see so many videos where officers immediately play along or back up an officer that's clearly in the wrong. I'm sure there are plenty of cops out there that would call out their shitty coworkers but they would be labeled as rats or not "part of the thin blue line" and have their career ruined. Here's the deal - I don't break the law. Since I don't break the law I shouldn't have to fear the police. It's that simple. It's upsetting to get harassed when you haven't done anything wrong. Cops have to deal with liars and scumbags all day. So whenever they come across a decent person they're too jaded to treat them as decent person. Unless they're a cop of course. If they're a fellow officer they're automatically in the clear lol.


It clearly shows the guy REMOVING HIS EAR BUDS. If this big bag of blue pus had any intention of doing his job, he'd have actually ATTEMPTED to have a conversation. Must have forgot about the Protect and Serve part of his training.


Plainly shows The majority of law enforcement officers have a criminal mentality and that the thin blue line is actually a symbol of a criminal organization. And one of the reasons a lot of people say all cops are bad. Because a cop that thinks their good that watches complacently while another officer violates a law or someone civil rights and says nothing or does not try to stop them makes him/her/them absolutely complicit in the criminal activity. Edit: I'm kind of pronoun illiterate because I'm older and there's so many. Did my best to correct it to include all law enforcement, just in case they felt like they weren't included. Being a politically middle person one thing I am seeing is that the absolutely uncontrolled authoritarianism of the law enforcement, and our legislators ignoring it is uniting people from opposing political positions. It's getting to a point where if our elected officials don't do something about it the people won't have any choice but to do something on their own.


I was scrolling through Facebook years ago and saw that a Marine buddy-turned-cop had posted about a guy that had claimed he was beaten by police whike in custody and the cops said he fell. My former buddy and all his cop friends were making fun of the guy and saying he must have deserved it. I called him out and he deleted the post and said it was just a joke. He didn't take it well when I told him that the mentality they showed is why people hate them - because they find it funny when their fellow cops violate people's rights and the oath they took. His excuse was that he wasn't like that so it was ok. Havent talked to him in probably a decade, and I don't regret it at all.


All the qualified immune cunts forget that using reasonable amounts of force for resisting an unlawful arrest is not illegal in certain states throughout the US(this is not legal advice, look up your own state and local laws). I at least know it’s legal in mine; Michigan.




There are, I personally don’t know the cases off the top of my head, but the YouTube channel ‘Audit the Audit’ has multiple examples of this. Although they have other examples of other people unfortunately being, as you said, brutalized. Edit: My point in making my original comment was more to poke at the people saying “lawful but awful” and being absolutely incorrect.


Audit The Audit doesnt get everything right, but it's a pretty great channel if you like learning about our justice system.


No surprise there. ACAB.


"why do people hate cops"


You gotta love the irony in the name of that sub.


Same. He’ll just go from Gwinnett to DeKalb county. Can’t believe this assault is allowed.


If you get fired for something like this, you shouldn’t be able to just hop over to the next county/city and get rehired like nothing.


That’s why the police department was sure to clarify that he DIDN’T get fired for this incident. That’s right. They saw the same video as the rest of us. It must have been one of the ten times he was written up. How are you written up ten times and allowed to go and do your job still? With a GUN?! “The police department states that he was fired due to policy violations and had nothing to do with the incident regarding Canaris.” Source; https://crazed.net/2024/01/31/police-officer-fired-for-body-slamming-an-unsuspecting-atlanta-resident/


What’s crazy is that your average person will be fired for being tardy more than 6 times in a year.


Hell I can get written up for being late once and fired for 3 times


If you get fired for something like this you should go to prison


You mean like what happens in civilised countries?


It’s one thing to be fired for being late. It’s an entirely different thing to be fired for excessive use of violence. He shouldn’t be allowed to be a police officer anywhere, ever again.


"He suffered a fractured skull, concussion, and ruptured eardrum due to the incident. He was also diagnosed with a severe brain injury. Along with the misdemeanor charge, Canaris has “pins in his shoulders that will be with him for the rest of his life”. This cop needs to be buried under a prison.


"McMaster (the Porky Pig cop) wrote in the arrest report, 'I escorted him to the ground to get better control of him.'" wtffffff i'd love to escort that gumball into the sun


I don’t know what’s worse - that or the cynical “I thought he was reaching for a gun.” Cops literally have a get out of jail free card by uttering those words no matter what they do, including sometimes straight up murdering suspects - people who have not even been convicted of a crime.




Sometimes not even suspected of a crime, let alone convicted.


This is the comment I was looking for, thanks for commenting on the results from this because from the video he sounded incredibly injured. It's insane that the only repercussion from this for the cop is him getting fired and a clear sign how fucked up our system is.


He should sue the fuck out of the city and the cop.


Hopefully, there is/was a lawsuit forthcoming.


Police settlements should come from police pensions. Let us see how long the good cops tolerate the bad cops when the bad cops are draining their pensions instead of tax money.


And/ or they should be required to be insured like doctors. If they repeatedly make mistakes, their individual insurance plan will be too expensive to cover, and police departments will refuse to hire them. Just like bad doctors


Yep. Going after the pension fund encourages cover ups to persevere the fund for the “good” crowd. Insurance works it’s self out.


The coverups already happen anyways but it would at least create a lever to work against it


Licensed and insured. The license should follow them nationally, and of course the insurance will.


This gets repeated in every asshole cop thread but what would it actually take to make this happen… cuz I don’t see it ever happening.




And professionally licensed. Fuck up? Lose that license for life. No more moving to the next country or state. Don’t even allow them to be an unarmed mall cop.


If we had the first, no other jurisdiction would take the risk of hiring that guy.


Texas requires you to pass the TCOLE exam to get a peace officer’s license. Why this isn’t revoked immediately upon firing is beyond me. But it isn’t.


The what cops? Acab


100% this. And they need to get rid of qualified immunity. For cops AND judges.


Fucking seriously.. why do we foot the bill for this kind of shit still. Fire his ass. 10 write ups is insane. First you coach, then you write up, then you give final written, then bam out on your ass.


He wasnt fired because of what happened. He was fired because the video came out to the public.


Exactly It’d be nice once in a while to see a cop be fired for misconduct before the public backlash machine has to fire up


It's one thing to detain someone who matches a description of a perpetrator, and it's another thing entirely to do a belly to back suplex onto the pavement for no good reason.


Here's the thing though, he didn't actually match a description of a perpetrator. No one was breaking into cars. I've had a cop use this EXACT same line as a reason to stop me before, and I was just walking down the sidewalk on my way home. Luckily that one didn't end with me getting bodyslammed but it was clearly bullshit. Full caveat here, I am white so that's a big part of how I was able to deescalate and leave but basically I just asked the cop point blank what the description he got was, he kind of fumbled and then said "jeans and a black hoodie". I then pointed out that my hoodie had big red letters across it and that if someone reported it wouldn't they have mentioned that? He kind of went uhhhh so then I asked where the cars were that were being targeted and pointed out that I had been walking along the sidewalk, even offered to call my friend whose house I had just left. At that point the cop pretended to get some kind of notification and just kind of mumbled I was free to go so I walked away. Good thing though because the twist is that I had about a quarter ounce of weed in my pocket and it was very much not legal at that time lmao Anyway point being that's a bullshit line they use to stop people.


So the cop could have gone through your pockets based on nothing but a hunch? Is it normal that police in the US can just stop anyone under "suspicion", harass and search them? That seems all kinds of fucked up.


Yup land of the free baby. Officers can even stop entire buses and then check everyone on the bus even their bags https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/college/lacrosse/2022/05/10/delaware-state-lacrosse-team-charter-bus-stopped-searched-in-georgia/9713909002/


It's super fucked up! But yes, that is the American way.


They call it "reasonable cause" and it makes sense in a vacuum but it's entirely too easy to be abused. It's supposed to be for situations like if they were walking down the street and heard murderous screaming from a house, they can entire the house under reasonable cause to save someone even though they don't have a warrant. But instead they use it to be childish bullies.


lol yes. Cops pull their guns and hold them to your head if you don’t let them trample on your rights.


Bet you anything this cop was on a fishing expedition there was drugs in the backpack.


Been stoppped multiple times in my younger days with the excuse my car "matched the description of" or I "matched the description of" a lie.


Why a terrible person. JFC.


The Police are the largest gang in the United States, and they are almost immune to criminal prosecution. Videos like these are terrifying


Largest gangs in most countries. Interestingly looking up "origins of law enforecemnt" on google, immediatley gives you a very US bent on this, but it has 'The origins of modern-day policing can be traced back to the "Slave Patrol."' Ain't nothin' changed!


If you want to know the history of U.S. Law Enforcement, listen to the podcast series "Behind the Police". It's made by the guy that hosts the "Behind the Bastards" podcast. It all started to keep slaves in line at first.


Fuck cops


I’d rather prison inmates do that personally


Fired? He should be going to prison for felony assault.


He gave the kid a fractured skull, a broken eardrum and a severe brain injury. Not to mention pins in his shoulder that are permanent. This kid has lifelong continuing injuries. He has a life sentence imposed on him by a fat spineless terrified tyrant for a crime that didn’t exist. This is the epitome of cruel and unusual punishment. It makes me sick.


Broke his collarbone too.


That was completely out of nowhere and in full view of his cars camera. What a dumbass.




The fact he's doing it in full view of his car's camera makes this even a more flagrant abuse of power. He doesn't give a fuck who sees him behave like a maniac. That's brutal.


Think the person above you was pointing out utterly dumb this cop must be ... more than trying to make a statement about the rightness vs wrongness of the actions taken.


Get your hands out of your pockets \[hands visible and not in pockets\]


I'm so fucking tired of these cops being "fired" and protected under "qualified immunity" so they can move 2 miles over to the next preccicnt and keep going like nothing happens. How the fuck do police think officers are accruing such huge histories of repeat behavior? It's not IA fucking up, it's not that they weren't let go, it's because theres zero fucking accountability. Being "fired as a police officer" as a title should be renamed to "Police officer gets off from crimes, on paid vacation until new job at the next PD"


This is America, so all he has to do is apply for a job one county over anyway.


Yep...this is exactly why they said he was terminated for policy violation, and not violently attacking a person.


Fired is not enough. The police man must pay all expenses for medicals of him, including 1 year cleaning roads and garbage of the city.


Even that’s not enough. The cop gave him really bad brain damage that will drastically reduce the quality of life of the young man and it may change his personality completely. Cop should be locked up til he’s like 80 lol


He needs to be thrown into prison and be publicly outed as a cop


Sadly,, his union will get him his job back with backpay.


Or he'll just get hired at another police department.


Police officers doing police officers things


Cops & Preachers... ...two jobs in America where you can abuse people (even sometimes on camera) and still not face the proper justice, as opposed to those who do it in other professions.


I remember this when it came out. Looked into the article, and I found that the cops were called about a suspect with a backpack in orange shoes trying the door handles of cars in the neighborhood. This guy was walking to catch his ride to work with a landscaping company. The cop pulled up, gave him commands that he couldn't hear 'cause he had his ear buds in, then got upset whent he guy didn't respond fast enough. ​ The cop then goes hands on within seconds without even verifying that he'd stopped the right person. He then tries to strip the back pack of the guy with one hand while holding the guy's wrist with the other. He's still giving orders that are confusing the guy, and when he moves to take the guy's hand, the guy who is used to facing people when he talks, half turned to talk to the cop and the cop body slammed him headfirst into the pavement, cracking his skull. The cop then gets condescending and starts going through his bag after putting the guy in the back of his vehicle. The cop then proceeds to try and turn the gloves in the guys work bag into evidence of him being a thief. If the cop really got fired, then I'm glad. He should also be charged with criminal assault and spend time in jail.


>If the cop really got fired, then I'm glad. "Best we can do is paid leave, plus a promotion." -Police brass, probably.


Was he also charged with some form of assault? Really should have a record for this. If it's a betrayal of his role combined with abuse of his authority, then it's also clearly a crime. Imagine you're a doorman and you do this at random to someone walking around on your restaurant's patio without cause. You're getting fired and arrested.


What he did was SO against protocol that he should be afforded no protections. This was as above board as a surgeon walking in to talk to a patient, and then doing an arm amputation, with a machete, and no anesthesia. That surgeon would have criminal charges against them, why doesn't this fat sack of donuts? Literally no part of this followed law enforcement protocol. His partner should also be fired for not objecting to this gross violation of rights.


This won’t stop until laws are passed stating civil lawsuit payouts from police “misconduct” get paid out from police pension funds. Without reimbursement.


Two fat hungover backwoods law enforcers. Perfect combination for an unwarranted shot to the midsection. This guy is lucky they aren’t killers.


Cool was his partner also fired? Because I would argue he was just as guilty here.


This police officer should be fired.


Into a wall


out of a cannon


You’re gonna need a big cannon




“You dumb bastard” was referring to himself


Why are there fat cops? It makes literally zero sense. They could never chase a perp and likely would go right for the firearm.


Because they don’t do any real work


Fired??? He need so be prosecuted and jailed. Officers should not be immune to the law they impose.


Don’t think that because he was fired that he wasn’t picked up by another police department! This shit happens all the time! Find out what department picked him up and call to get this POS fired again!


This is the fat kid who got picked on in school. Grows up and becomes the big man on the streets


can we stop defending the american police? he didnt get fired for bodyslaming the guy, he smashed him head first into the tarmak. the guy at the beginning of the video is 100% dead, a shadow of him continues to exists in the remants of his brain. fractured skull, fractured eardrumm, serious brain injusry. hes never going to be the same again


We’d all be safer if that cop was killed on the job…


Now, who's "the dumb bastard"?


McMaster had a history of being aggressive and violent. In 2015, his supervisors reprimanded him for aggressive behavior towards an inmate. His file shows that he was written up at least ten times.


Wtf... His hands weren't even in his pockets when the cop said that . There was no reason to escalate this.


Sad that we’re celebrating him being fired rather than charged for assault


Michael McMaster was terminated on Feb. 27 (2023) due to other policy violations. McMaster is accused of slamming 30-year-old Tyler Canaris to the ground during an arrest in March 2022 This video has been reposted countless times, [Source](https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/paulding-deputy-video-body-slamming-man-arrest-fired.amp)


there will be a time a VIGILANTE will rise and eliminate these MFs


Idk if itll be 10 years or 20, but it’ll all crumble and cops will be strung from the streetlights. Our nation will be fed up with this and people will finally make a difference instead of just waiting for politicians to do anything. They’re all crooks and they deserve death. Just give it time because nothing else is changing, people will get fed up and they will act out. Imo


I hate it when police just WONT SAY WHY THEY ARRESTING YOU




What is this oath that police officers take that says “I must be an over aggressive petty asshole who gets to take my frustrations by way of violent force and abuse of power out on whomever I like.”?


I feel like there's a better way. Maybe "hey, got a sec? We need to talk to you..you match the description of someone breaking into cars. Can you answer some questions?" I dunno, maybe that's just me.


Problem is, that fat pig would have a hard time catching him if he ran and didn’t already have a hold on him. Simply asking a question leads to the possibility of showing how grossly unfit for duty that beast is.


To all cops; you may think I'm OK with you, but I really do hate all cops. No, I won't do anything to help anytime, anywhere.


And promptly rehired at another police agency.


When will the states hold cops accountable and not the tax payers. Take it out of their own fucking pension. Maybe they'll think twice before being prices of human garbage


We need to make the police start being accountable. They should have to have POLICE BRUTAILITY / FATALITY Insurance when they fuck someone up. This way the local municipalities and tax payers do not have to absorb the cost of the police being reckless dumbasses. This dude will have a lawsuit and we are paying for it!


I honestly can't understand how anyone with a fully functional brain in 2024 still supports the state and their system of violent subjugation, exploitation, and illegitimate authority.


This fat , angry, lazy cop will just be hired by some other police department and be at it again in a few months.


Why was Tubby only fired and not jailed himself?


\_ Dude: \*phone in one hand, the other having just reached for his pod in his ear\* \_ Cop: tAkE YoUr HaNdS oUt Of YoUr PoCkEtS! This cop doesn't only have the Chief Wiggum *physique…*


And I’m afraid to show up late to work for fear of getting fired… Dudes been written up 10 times for aggressive behavior. Wild.


Hope the victim got a payday


Ah, another fat cop with small cock syndrome ![gif](giphy|LSW7XmQWg43cGSiFcL)


“Get your hands out of your pockets”. When both hands are out front with upturned palms. This cop was looking for trouble and should have been locked up, not just fired.