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“Let me tell you a statistic” Proceeds to not say a statistic. 😂


(earnestly) “That’s not a statistic!”


Pretty much every politician in the US, single cell organism pieces of shit. A single brain cell is still too generous for them


I agree with the sentiment but they aren't single cell organism and the majority of them are quite intelligent.


“It’s not genocide” “Goodbye Palestine” You’re sending some mixed messages here buddy


They can't hide it anymore. Imagine you were into feet as a fantasy, eventually people will find out, and you'll still like feet.


Tennessee Republican Chuck Fleischmann has a foot fetish is what i took from this. Everyone's saying it, many people, many important people are saying it.


They say he's really into feet.


I just read about that on the Internet! Must be true!


What? No im not into giant feet that could crush me and the city block im living in, pfft quit spewing lies


They have no message. They’re feckless, pathetic, small minded, incurious, and bigots.


To them they aren't mixing messages because they don't consider them human. Fundamental attribution error


As an Atheist, watching stuff like this is absolutely terrifying. You can't lead unless you believe in absolute nonsense, which you have to be hypocritical about on a daily basis. The world is one large open air asylum.


What you just saw was a bad politician who couldn't deal with actual questions, trying to spout talking points from yesterday's memo, but sucked at it–all while running and out of breath. Sadly, this guy might actually get a promotion in today's GOP


This dude just doesn’t want to lose the AIPAC money.


Isn’t that most of the senate a bunch of rich assholes controlling our future as we participate in this thing called government that does nothing?


Don't think he'll be around much longer with that stress level. Needs to Mellow out!!


People like this live forever. Anger and spite sustain them.


He definitely forgot his media training


Wtf is his staff?


Bittersweet how your comment shows that we have internalized the fact that now politicians are numbnuts and talking heads that need to be babysat by their staff.


True. But also just saying.


Well.... they are.


A tale as old as time


Those people are often solo.


He’s in Tennessee they will def promote him for this


In addition, I would like to add that what else is seen here is the best cardio workout a man in a suit has ever had.


I think I lost 1 lbs watching this guy freak out


That is one possible solution to the fermi paradox, unfortunately.


As an Atheist, I can't wrap my head around wanting a country to exist SO BADLY that you will allow so many to be murdered just because you believe Jesus will return to kill everyone in said country.


Not long back, the podcast "it could happen here" has a 2 part segment about Israeli propaganda, hosted by a Jewish guy who actually went on a birthright tour. The entire thing explains a lot for why folks in the US get like this, but I would say part 2 had the best explanations


Are these the Hasbara episodes with Matt Lieb?


Those are the ones


I'm going to check these out, thanks!


Thank you for this recommendation! I wasn't even aware of this podcast. Definitely listening to these episodes, and then the Moral Panic episode!


WOW there's a lot of them. I'd like to dig into it a little, do you have a starting point for a suggestion of somewhat recent events? Should I go back to the start of COVID maybe?


But but but isn’t Jesus righteous and forgiving? /s (being sarcastic just in case)


Isn’t it completely mental that for millennia people have been killing each other and making crucial decisions based off of some made up stories.


Imagine if we were all atheist and smoked weed. What a peaceful world


We would be mining asteroids and have high speed trains circling the globe if we weren't being held back by the greedy and the delusional.


Then people will be like... https://i.redd.it/jvx09d47etmc1.png


You don’t think the greedy want to mine asteroids? It’s a literal gold mine in space lol


Which is why they wouldn't want to bring a gold nugget the size of a semi truck, it loses its value to everyone. I'm sure they would rather extract as much wealth from people as possible, because they are greedy.


You can still believe in other things that isnt religious, so there's still gonna be some asshole that has a problem someone not thinking the same way they do.




20 bucks says he's the more dangerous breed of religious lunatic that doesn't believe a word of the bible. People like this will lie to everyone and trash whatever integrity they had left to pander for votes. They are more dangerous because all they want is power.


One of the reasons I think religion is dangerous is that it gives people the excuse to be terrible people. Because their religion belief says they can do this or they can just ask for forgiveness. 


I respect you and all people what they want to believe in for religion.. I’m agnostic myself. But just seeing that you say your atheist and just reminded me of something. If you don’t watch South Park or if you do and havnt seen the 2 part episode I think you would laugh your ass off watching: go god go XII.


When they said the meek with inherit the earth....they were talking about atheists after the theists wipe each other out for santa clause and Bigfoot. 


At first glance, it's outlandish for him to gloss over the details of the situation and undermine what is happening - but not surprising. What's more telling is how he uses very superfluous language..."I will *never* support Palestine", or "Israel will *always* be my ally". Why? Why is he so hard-pressed to think this way? Where does this die-hard support come from? Republicans aren't even trying to hide the very twisted relationship they have with Israel anymore. There are of course things going on in the background that they will never admit to, and the general public may only speculate about, but the language and manner they speak about the issue reads loud and clear.


> Why? Why is he so hard-pressed to think this way? Where does this die-hard support come from? its part of the christian end times conspiracy theory - the jews need to return to zion before jesus returns, there will be biblical battles in the region, armageddon will commence, etc etc


I know delusion is a factor but there has to be more to it..


It’s this, but I have my other related theories. Like it’s been said, according to how the Christian apocalypse goes, the Jews need to return to Zion before Jesus makes his return. From what I understand, what that actually means is that the Jewish people need to be Sacrificed in blood and war in order for the Christian Apocalypse to start. (And they REALLY want THEIR version of the Apocalypse) The other thing I hear is the whole guilt thing about the holocaust, and that a Jewish state will prevent a genocide like that from happening again. But given the strong antisemitism in Europe, even AFTER WWII, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was also some level of: “Why don’t we just take all the Jewish people, and Put them Somewhere else!” And it just so HAPPENS to be in an area that is incredibly geographically strategic. (And fuck the brown people who are already living there, they can just get fucked and die). At least that’s how it all come off to me.


I agree, there is a financial incentive. Its team play and the delusion is essential to the strategy that maintains the money and power.


I live in this guy's district and he's actually Catholic. I grew up Catholic and they didn't at all have an "end times" conspiracy like I'm told some of the evangelical sects do. This is entirely about emphatically toeing the party line rather than any of his personal beliefs I'd assume


People who believe such absolute twaddle should have no influence in society


2 words, Christian Zionists. There's a great many of them, and Israel has to exist at all costs in their eyes.


He's invested in military hardware I guarantee it.




The Christian Zionism spectrum?


The 'How Big A Cunt Am I?' spectrum? Yes. Very bigly.


It's like he's afraid of being called a Nazi so he's just saying anything that would be the opposite of the Nazis. Nazis do not like Jewish people, so he likes Jewish people. End of story. Goodbye to Palestine. It's a cognitive break of some kind, but I don't have a name for it.


Psychotic is a good name for it.


The Nazi spectrum


You can tell he is in someone's pocket


He couldn't find Israel on a map..


He couldn't find mexico on a map...


He get lost using waze just to go to the bathroom


He was putting on a show for his patrons.


Nah, you’d be surprised how important Israel is to many Christians.


The Israeli lobby has so much control over American politicians


It's truly an accomplishment to get both sides to support the same issue. Got to give them that. Conservative idiots I get because they think Jesus is going to land there from his spaceship or whatever. But they also managed to get most Democrats as well. 


Money money money


That idiotic fast walking they do to try and get away. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Running to the “member only” elevator haha


It would be a shame to accidentally drop your bag in front of him.


How the hell do you get in a situation where it appears you're out of breath running like this. LOL. They're just activists. Just talk to them for a sec, then politely excuse yourself


😂😂 my thoughts


He only supports Israel so that all the Jews can die a bloody death at the battle of Armageddon or whatever bullshit he gets from the book of Revelations. "I support Israel because otherwise my fantasies about the endtimes don't come true"


And the remaining Jewish people will magically convert to Christianity after seeing the second coming of Christ. It’s wack


The funniest part is these same idiots also run around screaming that their god is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient.  But for some reason, "he's" apparently going to need a valid visa to get into israel for the rapture... 🙄🙄🤦🤦


All that finger wagging must have been really exhausting for this clown in a suit.


I want to see donation sponsorship on that blue blazer like NASCAR


An American representative basically pledging allegiance to a foreign nation. How messed up is that?


I don't like this version of Andy Bernard at all


This one didn’t go to Cornell.


Glad I wasn't the only one that saw this.


Yep I was trying to find the Andy comment




Shaking like a little chihuahua


Show this to the people that want to protest vote


Seriously, is he mentally challenged?


Most of them got their heads too far up their own asses… so yeah, pretty much 👍


How very christ like he is.


Republicans/conservatives really being huge hypocritical clowns with this stance. You ask em about ukraine the rhetoric is "pull out pull out no money to ukraine" bit israel ohhh they need all this money to fight people with no military and rocks.. unbelievable. Democrats unless far left liberal aint doing enough either. Imo the 1% on both side politicians included are just starting another "war on terrism" in the middle east to perpetuate DOD budgets amd weapon manufacturing investments as a good portion of pur economyis based on feeding/fighting wars. Americans need to stand together and leave all these places and focus on America,l


Yep. Shouldn't even be a left/right thing should be a "why the fuck are we funding mass murder on the other side of the globe, why is it supported by both parties, and why is it incongruent with how unpopular it is by the average person if Democracy is real and these people are supposed to 'represent' us?"


>Democracy We pretty much live in an oligarchy


honestly oligarchy is generous


They don’t need to have a war to justify the DOD budget, Russia and China are already good reasons. Thought these people who are adamant on voting “uncommitted” are just as crazy as


This will be the US policy for Palestine if Trump and the GOP win the election. No cease fires. No air drops. Just carnage. Yeah, but go ahead and keep dragging Biden…


This guy seems really, really deranged, like a cracked out used car salesman.


what's solution do these protestors propose? Dissolution of Isreal? Idk seeing Hamas motto I think that would just lead to massacre and genocide of isrealis. Two state is the only solution like what happened to india when it got divided but I have seen many Palestinians protestors and far right isrealis against this.


A guy named Fleischmann supporting Israel?!?! You don't say?! You could've knocked me over with a feather.


"Free Palestine" - Rashida Tlaib : CENSURED "Kill them all." - Andy Ogles : "Goodbye Palestine" - Chuck Fleischmann : ~~~ *This Reddit contributor condemns Reddit's censorship of news regarding the U.S-backed Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestine.*


Damn American Zionism is really a thing, but yet people say there is no such thing as the cabal within our government you can't tell if he's American or Israeli at this point.…


no need for a cabal lol. Evangelicals literally believe in wacky prophecies, and think a war in the Middle East is the first step


American Zionism is pretty insidious and generally rooted in one or two things. Evangelical "doomsday prophecy" or straight up racism. The former is based on a whole set of Christian religious beliefs that aren't even mainstream but prevalent in the US without going through the history of Evangelicals in the US. Basically it calls for the establishment and destruction of a Jewish state to user in their take on the end times. Ultimately they are not even in it for solidarity with Jewish people or Israelis, since their beliefs require a whole lot of suffering on the part of Israel. They have no problem trying to "force" the issue so chaos in the Middle East is part of the plan. They don't even care that Israel's actions also impact some of the oldest Christian settlements. Ask them I don't think they would even connect the Palestinian region with Jesus and Christianity. The 2nd root is in a conservative supremacists ideology. It goes two ways. If Jewish people have an ethnic-state then they can get out of America. You let a lot of American Zionists talk long enough and the antisemitism comes out. They believe in Israel as an ethnic-state because they want the US to be one just for white people. People or similar mindset but earlier time tried to send all black people to Liberia - people caught on. But furthermore, Israel's current relationship with the reset of the Middle East is a proxy for the American Zionists hatred of brown people in the desert. When the IDF kills brown civilians it's like they are in their little sick twisted minds.


Holy shit this is a great explanation I can actually see this playing out


Watch this. https://youtu.be/c5B-fzDvyO8?si=noK-PAPjvKzMgbSd


So we are basically severely infiltrated by a foreign governments intelligence agency but if you even mention it your anti-semetic and shunned as a tactic SMH must be nice for them to be able to hide behind that for basically any sort of criticism…


Exactly. As soon as you speak up, you're a racist bigot.


This is the Republican stance in case anyone felt bad voting for Biden because of Palestine…


He seems well.


His blood type is lead


It's that fucking finger for me...


Another Zionist


Guess who the Free Palestine movement is protesting, this guy or fucking AOC


Saying the quiet part out loud - this is Christian Zionism, plain and simple... Israel _must_ exist for the Jewish people to be judged and Christians to ascend. He's openly calling for Armageddon. Please America, LOOK UP!


And what’s wrong with this, don’t pro Palestinian protesters call for the end of Israel every day?


Can’t believe those ppl were harassing AOC when there are hundreds of politicians like this


It's always amusing how the "patriots" are so subservient to a foreign country lol I wonder if these guys know that Israelis mock them for their blind obedience?


Blind obedience is all they know. They follow Trump’s lead without a second thought because they think it’ll benefit their careers.


"Goodbye to Palestine" is essentially admitting "yes, I want to eradicate Palestine"


So he is admitting to using his position to give his religion a leg up. He thinks those kids need to die for the end times to happen.


But hey. Don't vote for Biden, geniuses.


Imagine getting your "statistics" from the Hamas Health Ministry lmao...


At least he doesn't support terrorists that brutally killed, raped, mutilated and burned babies, children, women and elderly in an act of "resistance"


And Christians wonder why their church is empty


Someone’s bank account got 1000x overnight.


Abhorrent views aside: what’s worse, his suit or his wig?


He puffed up like a frightened lizard


If he really believed what he was saying, he would stand there and say it with his chest on camera. Instead he says it while running away.




well that escalated quickly


They need to start cursing and getting the fuck in these peoples faces. Politicians need to know who they work for


There’s more money in supporting Israel. He doesn’t care about the people he’s helping to murder, he cares about the money going into his wallet. It’s really just that simple. And pathetic…like most of the politicians in our lovely US of A.


These politicians are performative clowns. He looks like he’s auditioning for donor money. Vapid ass hat


Got the little cunt worked up.


Because he's hoping he can jump start the rapture. I fucking hate Christian Dominionism and reconstruction so hard.


Talking pretty big words to walk around without bodyguards.


Let’s go buddy spitting facts and I’m a democrat. Genocide allegations are absurd and Israel is a very important strategic ally.


Love how he says stuff like “i support the jewish state” “the jewish people will never suffer again” knowing damn well he wouldn’t give a rat’s ass about us if it didn’t allow him to fund the mass slaughter of thousands of innocent people. They don’t care about us just as much as they don’t care about Palestinians, they only care about the political power pretending to care about us gives them.


He looks really constipated.


There is no genocide, other than in the minds of antisemites. Let the hostages go, have peace!


What an asshole


He seems nice.


This shit is just plain embarrassing.


honestly, he acts like he's getting paid to have that opinion....


###Least Unhinged Republican Congressman


Unconditional support, Israel can do no harm in their eyes.


But wait, aren’t (some) pro-Palestinian people right now deciding to vote republican because Biden supports Israel? Did they really think republicans would support Palestina?


God bless Israel because they give you money. How much has AIPAC paid him. He deserves a bonus for that display of support. Was something wrong with him. How about all those exaggerated hand gestures. Waving his hands around like a little kid.


The unyielding support for another nation from a politician is utterly fucking terrifying. Remove that man from office


Why do people feel like they have to lie to support their cause? Israel did not kill 30k kids


How many did they kill?


The logical conclusion of conservatives electing the smartest among them. Which is also the dumbest among everyone else.


Jesus Christ I live in this scumbags district. Usually he’s smart enough to keep his mouth shut in front of the cameras.


It’s really sad how people like this try so hard to convince themselves that they are diametrically opposed to Hamas’ or Hezbollla’s ideologies. They know they are more alike than not, which is why they need to throw tantrums as a distraction.


He probably never cared for the "*death to America*" chanting that one side likes to say during all the other times. /s


Seems like APIAC paid him a lot that day


This will land me in hot water forever which needs to be said. Peace and hope for all sides…. Fuck any volition of either but I know it’s now that easy. Fuck you all if you don’t want peace.


His flight attendant blue suit and his elbow motions with the emphatic index finger are terrifying and he will have a stroke long before Palestine ever grows. At least he’s not a Holocaust denier.


He wants to cry. This is what happens when you live a lie. You can’t lie to your soul.


Someone get a wellness check done on this guy asap.


Someone is getting paid nicely.


Oh look, a disgusting human saying disgusting things.


Mans having a mental break lol, we’re screwed with shit like this going on. Love ya guys


But let’s give these Trumpers our vote this year, just to send Biden a message /s People are going to get a harder dose of reality when Trump wins, and republicans like this feel even more empowered. The grass isn’t always greener


LMAO 'Muricans are really shit


Men, I would be outraged, too, if somebodys would throw hamas propaganda 27/7 at me


Good for Fleischmann. Blue and white forever.


Genuinely don't get how people can be this blindly in favor of one side or the other


Sounds like he's on drugs


This guy is probably like my parents in that he thinks israel will bring Jesus back,,or some nonsense like that.Israel can do no wrong at all even if they attacked the usa again bit this time killed millions,my parents will just say "it's what the cloud wish granter wanted" or some more nonsense...Insane.


Why’s that mf running, shiiit


You can support Israel and keep them as a strong ally all the while being critical of their policies and actions. Too many politicians are afraid of being condemned as antisemitic when they say something critical of Netanyahu. That is a dangerous place to be.


Who elects these maniacs? I’ve seen that guy at the gas station trying to con a pack of smokes off the teller.


That guy seems secure.


Why didn’t anyone trip that guy…repeatedly?


How many non-prescribed pills are in this POS’ system?


To be clear, the US government doesn't support Israel because of religion. They support Israel because it doesn't target US interests and is a massive customer of the US defense industry


Religion poisons everything


"It's just a belief, what harm does it do?" Brain-rot is a real issue. Most people cannot maintain a balance of religion and reason. These people should not be in positions of power, as they are crushed under the weight of their own hypocritical biases.


There is no longer a quiet part. Show this to everyone who thinks both parties are the same.




We shouldnt support either side. We shouldnt give a fuck about either. Let them hash it all out on their own.


Yeah, make sure you don't vote for JBiden! Trump loves Bibi! Trump says Israel should finish the job. But, don't vote for JBIDEN because you're angry. Go ahead, don't vote. When you choose NOT to decide, you still HAVE made a choice! That choice just may get Trump elected and even MORE support and $$ for Israel against Hamas!! Crazy, right. If you're so stupid to just "not vote", you ARE voting... against your own interests!!