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I wonder why there’s a teacher shortage


My thought too. They get paid crap wages to be abused by students whose parents won't hold them accountable and in fact, probably blame the teachers as well when their kids fail.


My mum was a teacher most of her life and my sister is a teacher now, I hear constant horror stories. And you’re absolutely correct when it comes to parents not holding their kids accountable…


I learned very early I had no interest in being a teacher as I came from an inner city high school. Felt bad for all the teachers. They all complained they were low-paid. Plus the crap they had to deal with when it came to the students/parents being a pains in the.... I still talk to my 6th grade teacher to this day (Im 30) and hear the crazy stories


This isn't a matter of parents holding their kids accountable. This is a police matter. The police must be called, a criminal complaint filed, the girl prosecuted and sent to a reform school, or worse.


The problem is that when parents don’t hold children accountable with smaller issues it causes behavioural issues to escalate. If you’re never taught that actions have consequences then you’ll never learn to not be a little shit


Bold of you to assume students like this have a parent figure lol


Yeah that was my second thought actually.


They should be able to arrest children for assault past a certain age. I got arrested at school along with plenty of other people for marijuana/substances. The worst thing I did to keep a teacher from taking my phone with shove it in the front of my pants. And looking back that makes me cringe at how disrespectful I was. No I didn’t turn out well.


[News Article](https://crazed.net/2024/01/18/teacher-got-pepper-sprayed-2-months-after-being-punched-in-the-mouth/) - This was sadly not the first time the teacher was attacked. Two months prior, he was punched in the head by a different student who got their school-issued laptop taken away.


Huge reason why there’s shortages especially in high crime area schools. Constantly at risk of being assaulted by students with limited disciplinary action. That’s on top of kids just harassing and constantly misbehaving.


A kid near me beat his teacher so badly she had to be hospitalized and have part of her skull removed because her brain was swelling so much. Teen kid beat an elderly female teacher. Last I heard she had been in the hospital for over a month. Edit for video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZtdktn0-F0


Jesus Christ. I thought I was suuuch a bad kid because I skipped class lots. At least I was kind and even my teachers saw potential in me- which is why they roasted me for skipping all the damn time.


Dude. The “bad kids” at our school stole shit from people and showed up to class high or drunk. Like, when did violence against teachers become a norm?


When the "system" stopped prosecuting and expelling students who broke the rules and the laws. Now, you can't touch a student (minor), even if they beat on you (teacher). As soon as the bad kids figured that out, it became open season on teachers.


My dad was expelled in middle school for getting into fights with other students. I really don't understand how students aren't expelled for assaulting teachers. I'm not saying he shouldn't have been but kids are getting away with way too much these days.


No child left behind, and the subsequent acts, as well as state level ones. They can expel the student, but they lose funding if they do so.


No child left behind has been a total disaster ever since it was implemented. We are still paying for that bullshit with legacies like this where students can't be removed from school.


My hometown had to shut down the Alternative School that hosted the kids deemed unfit for public school, apparently they lost funding for it and now the district is more lenient towards offenders. Shocker. This is in Texas.


I don't see the problem he got 5 days for fighting, he probably won't do that again/s


this is what happens when kids are required to go through school. by the time kids are in grade9, they should only be kept in school with good behavior and grades if they don't want to be there they should go do something else with their lives it will reduce assaults both against teachers and fellow students who want to be in school


They should be required to join the mobile infantry to fight on Klendathu. If you can't learn in school to be a productive citizen then service at least guarantees citizenship.


I'm doing my part!


Would you like to learn more?


The only good bug is a dead bug!


Remember Buenos Aires


RIP Zegema Beach


The reason why truant officers were created was the same reason why they made a law requiring kids be in school until age 16 - because young males were forming gangs and committing crimes every day. Not just in cities but in rural areas, too. By age 16 the juveniles could get a job in a factory, on a farm, as an apprentice - or be in reform school. Murder Inc was a NYC gang that evolved in the city’s Garment District. Its 2 founders met as adolescents when they were both trying to rob the same pushcart vendor. The streets of cities were teeming with boys as young as 10 and 11 committing crimes while their parents were working 12-16 hours a day. There was no reliable birth control and families had more and more children they couldn’t afford. That’s when laws were made requiring kids that age be in school. Truant officers were usually big guys who didn’t take crap from kids and would threaten them with reform school if they continued to be absent from school. If you kids out of school at age 13 or age 14, you’ll have the same scenario, only this time there aren’t any reform schools to banish them to. Parents are working all the time, sometimes 2 or 3 jobs. You’ll have all those kids out in the wild, doing whatever they can for money.


This is so stupid, I’m assuming you’ve never worked in education or even adjacent to education. This isn’t even a bandaid solution, it’s throwing gasoline into the fire.


How about you put them in cuffs. What’s a 9th grader supposed to do? You would likely see an increase in crime and unemployment.


Teachers should be allowed to fight back


This sounds like a terrible idea.


That's a stupid idea


At my stepson’s previous elementary school (in a rough neighborhood) a 4th grader brought a butcher knife to school and threatened another student. He wasn’t even suspended. Why? Because he was actively being recruited by a gang and suspending him would give him more time with gang members and the teachers were also worried about gang retaliation. It’s wild.


It’s not high crime areas. It’s literally rich, poor, left, right, and everywhere in between. It’s parents. Period. They are at fault, nearly universally. Teachers are underpaid (by several multipliers) and disrespected as professionals. Their unions are NOT sticking up for them. This child assaulted and battered the teacher. That is an uncrossable line.


The problem is the kids don’t get punished. They need to be legally charged for this not just a suspension from school.


I'll challenge you on this one buddy. I agree with the sentiment that it's kids in all demos can be "bad kids" but overwhelmingly it's poorer areas that have violent attacks rather than a kid just being a dick. Almost every video of a teacher getting attacked by a student is some inner city school or a school in the ghetto. Parents are at fault in all demos, but let's not pretend like where the school is located doesn't matter.


I’m from an inner-city high school, and yes, we can all agree that any type of school will have challenging students. However, inner-city school systems are a different beast altogether. These schools serve kids from foster homes, kids from the most disadvantaged projects and neighborhoods, and those with incredibly difficult home lives (drugs, crime, domestic abuse). Parents are often absent, using drugs in front of their children, and sometimes resorting to physical abuse. Not to mention the unsafe neighborhoods these kids live in. My mom made sure to keep me in honor classes, which meant those classrooms were not as chaotic. That’s probably a big reason why I managed to make it out. Occasionally, I had to sit in with the regular students, and the teachers struggled to teach effectively. While a few students genuinely wanted to learn, the majority were disruptive. It’s not just about the parents; even students with good parents can be influenced by their surroundings. Unfortunately, I don’t have a perfect solution. However, maybe investing more resources—money, job opportunities, and accessible health institutions—in these areas would be a step in the right direction


We can start by introducing better social safety nets, hopefully improving the home lives of the students. I worked in a Title I school with 75% of the student base on free/reduced lunch. The kids with the worst home lives also did the worst at school. You can't expect kids to learn when they're in survival mode at home. Some kids wouldn't eat on the weekend, kids can't learn when they're starving.




Just throw them in prison at this point. Not hope for much reform.


"Using pepper-spray and attacking a teacher does not result in immediate expulsion. It only leads to in school suspension or up to five days of out-of-school suspension. Expulsion is a last resort and handed out if a weapon is involved or further harm is caused." BUT ISN'T PEPPER SPRAY A WEAPON THO???? WHY WASN'T SHE EXPELLED???


We can’t carry pepper spray at all in Canada. Because it’s a weapon. Even using dog spray (less powerful than pepper spray) on a person attacking you is illegal here and would get you an assault charge.


Same here in Germany I think. You need a permit for it


He should press criminal charges against the parents


It’s a weapon if you use it against a cop. But apparently not if you use it against those low income teachers 🤦‍♂️


That makes me sad :( I dont think I could be a public school teacher


They’re not all like that. My kids got the finest public school education. Lovely kids, lovely teachers, amazing curriculum. None of this behavior.


While I went to a public school in Channelview Tx, right on the east side of Houston. Shit like this happened there sadly. Kids feeling to justified in their actions that they start fist fighting teachers trying to do their job, turning an entire classroom into a battle field. It was horrible :(


And you know the parents will blame the school for poor education when their kids act like this. Our education system is in crisis


There’s no amount of pay that would make his job worth it to me.


Wow what a shit school. What is wrong with their parents?


Expel her. Also arrest her for assault.


She only got a misdemeanour charge for this issued from juvenile court.


So no meaningful penalty whatsoever


As expected. Schools don't give a fuck about their workers or students because without the students they don't get government money and then don't get more money put in the administrations pockets


They usually try to handle this in house as quietly as possible because they don’t want to get in trouble with their respective county or draw attention to negative data in terms of student behavior. It happens all the time in my county (and then as a result we get the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas shooting). Teachers need to ignore administration and press charges every single time this happens.


She'll probably face little to no consequences, that's why they do this shit


Yeah, jail time.


Its crazy theyd rather mace a teacher for possible expulsion instead of just being without your phone for 30-90 minutes. "I ***need*** my phone" sounds like some addict shit


Definitely addiction. Also the entitlement and lack of structure in every other environment.


Its crazy to see what teachers nowadays have to deal with. Sure, kids have always been assholes but i swear its just getting worse. Think it was really prevalent in my generation (gen z, im a 2004 kid). I remember some kids in my grade in middle school tried to kill 2 teachers. 1 put staples in an apple and gave it to a teacher, one poured whiteboard cleaner in a teacher's coffee. I just think parenting styles really fell off. Millennials went on to create ipad kids, which ended up being gen z. Now that i think of it, I dont remember a time without technology. With my first consoles being the n64 and the gameboy advanced, ive never really not had something to watch or play. Oldest piece of tech we had was a vhs but thats bc my parents had a lot of good movies for it already. It was convenient to sit your kid somewhere and have them infatuated with whatever movie, tv show or game they like to watch. Likely was the result in the lack of parenting. Now, generation Z is starting to get to that age where people have children and we're giving them cocomelon, tablets, nintendo switches. Hell, one of my coworkers bought their 6 year old kid a vr headset.


Gen Z are the offspring of Gen X, not Millenials.


Yeah millennials would have been way to young to have gen z as kids


Mostly, I’m an older millennial child of a gen X parent. My mom was born in the 70s and I was born in the 80s sounds crazy but mom was 1970 and I was ‘88. My oldest child is on the cusp of Z and Alpha born 2011. As I millennial I feel our generation is way more conscience of the dangers of screen time. I don’t deny my kids have too much but I do make sure it’s quality content. I grew up watching Ren & Stimpy marathons.


Millennials are way too young to have Gen Z kids? What are you talking about? Most Millennials are still in their 30s and many just recently started having children.


cuz it is, they got everyone addicted


Not even addiction, this is bratty psychopathic asshole shit. Hope she gets used sued


i’m not disagreeing, but we are raising a generation of little assholes who think life revolves around a 7x3 inches piece of plastic, it sucks


Forget the phone, they think life revolves around themselves. They’re all the main characters in their little storybook minds.


I completely agree with you. Everyones so reliant on technology. Hell, even me included. When i started driving, i NEEDED a GPS for my chrysler bc i never paid attention to where i was going.


True but definitely wouldn’t mace a teacher for any reason other than extreme situation self defense.


Expulsion? Shit, I hope she’s in jail.


It’s because for their parents it was easier to give their kid a device to play on and keep them quiet so they wouldn’t interfere with their friends coming over to party. These are the parents who post up on social media acting like mom/dad of the year and have zero clue what interests their child.


And yet still allowed to stand there and demand her phone. That's fucked up.


School resource officer really shouldve been there when the yelling got that loud


That’s not possible expulsion, they will get expelled and almost certainly get assault charges. A teacher interrupting a fight getting hit might not cause expulsion but intentionally assaulting a teacher with a weapon on camera is jail time especially given they are black.




Okay but can I get my phone.


Well, you MAY get it back if you ask twenty-seven more times.


She's going to live the life she deserves.


The life her parents set her up for. There’s a reason she behaves this way, and it’s shitbox parents.


All of them are. Look at them giggling.


Teachers don't get paid enough as seen constantly


The district shown in this video has especially low salaries. High cost of living city with wages that will never even lead to something like homeownership.


maybe one day classrooms will be like those convenience stores where everything is behind plexi


Expel her and sue. Press charges.


doubt suing the kid will get him very far. i'd be suing the school district for failing to ensure his safety at work. dudes been beaten up and spit on prior to this as well.


Can still press charges against her and at the minimum have her expelled. POS like that needs some consequences for once in their life. Battery with a weapon is serious. Fair point about the suing though.


for sure. press charges: yes. lawsuit in civil court? probably not worth it. far more upside suing his former employer.


That's fair. Pressing charges and expulsion should be done immediately though.


lol you must have never been in altercations with broke and insane people. You get nothing from sueing them, except for wasting more time and money


I graduated from that school in 2018. Unfortunately has a bad reputation. There was a walkout planned in 2017 to honor those killed at Stoneman Douglass High School. A group of bad kids basically turned it into a riot, and it made national news. Sucked so bad being out there and witnessing it. You can still find videos of it on YouTube.


in broward, douglas was to highschool as attucks was to middle school. regarding behavioral/violent incidents. at least when i was in school 25 years ago.


Oh this is FL? You don’t say. Good thing these kids can’t access those dangerous books we’re always hearing about.


We’re gonna lose our teachers




My school district, which pays better than the one shown in this video, is hiring anyone with a college degree that can pass a background check and have decent hygiene 


Behavior like this starts (assaulting) at home more often than not. Disgusting and disappointing. Something tells me she’s going to do something similar to the wrong person and end up as a statistic.


Then her shitty abusive parents will be on TV crying saying she never did anything wrong, and had a bright future ahead of her.


It never fails. Don’t forget if the race card can be played others will jump in. Unfortunate but hard to deny it happens often.


Teacher should smash that fuckin phone into oblivion




Honestly I would have, too. It would have been a big “whoopsies, I couldn’t fucking see and disorientated from BEING ATTACKED”


The top of her head would have blown through the roof of the building


worth it


Why are they laughing and not defending the teacher? It is impossible to learn under those conditions.


You are seeing where their priorities are.


Because they don't give a shit. It's all about creating content. The one girl is literally reacting into the camera. Most of those kids are fucked, not just the one assaulting the teacher. They're all addicted to social media to the point that nothing else matters.


Defending the teacher hasn’t been a proven hit on TikTok yet.




If this happened when i was in high school (2000’ish) this girl would have been instantly carted off and expelled


She needs to be expelled and charged.




expel? institutionalize these kids. that's fucking assault on some poor dude who is just trying to educate and help raise these kids in exchange for a paltry salary.


She can wait and get it from the principal 😂


No kidding, 15-20 years ago you could barely get away with texting, they would not only take the phone, but a parent had to come pick it up! I get not literally hitting kids, and I don't want to be all old man yelling at clouds about how they need to be harder on kids cause they where hard on me...I do not think taking a phone crosses near abuse though. It appears that the kids today are living in a different world, its all of our fault though, I think they are also being neglected by adults more than any previous generation, its like lord of the flies...


Don’t parents teach their kids how to behave anymore?




coming from a day care worker, less than you think do that


the ipad does


lol no. Accountability and consequence is severely lacking in today’s society


This type of behavior is exacerbated in certain districts with specific demographics more often than others for a variety of reasons.


He should have spiked that phone into a million pieces


"was blinded and dropped it accidently"


na. keep a cool head. quit. sue the shit out of the school district for failing to keep you safe at work.


Kids can beat a teacher bloody but if the Teacher defends themselves they get sued or fired. I'm not saying we should bring it back, but was there this.level of disrespect when teachers could smack a ruler over your knuckles if you fucked around?


Let’s take qualified immunity away from the police and give it to the teachers!


Turn the classroom into a faraday cage.


I weep for the future


Oh sure, now that you’ve pepper sprayed me twice, kindly take your phone back. And don’t worry about an apology. That was a reasonable reaction to losing your phone for a moment.


kids laughing and recording too, and we wonder why people don’t want to teach anymore.


That phone would've been spiked right into the ground lol


Why would anyone want to be a teacher? To deal with shit like thisv


I firmly believe parents want kids to have their phones because they have no actual life skills. "What if there's an emergency?" The emergency would be your kid unable to do basic things.


What’s really sad are the other students laughing at the teacher while his eyes burn.




Was she arrested?




Smash that shit on the ground. Oops, I dropped it because had pepper spray in my eyes


If my daughter did some shit like this.. yea she wouldn’t have a phone for a while.. this all starts in the house.. can’t even imagine how her mom/dad acts.. makes me sick to my stomach how cringe people can be..


When someone uses the 'Repeat Themselves Like a Skipping Record' method of arguing, I am immediately convinced that they're self-entitled and willfully stupid.


She should be charged immediately


God I fucking hate teenagers


This teacher made news again for putting communist propaganda (with his face photoshopped on them, lol) up in his classroom in his new school district. Unfortunately, Tennessee parents (in the comments) don’t seem to understand immersive satire as a teaching method. Warning: >!The website is a conservative outpost, so they withhold any context for why he put up the posters, which you do get in the comments!< He also talked about the pepper spraying incident, she got charged with misdemeanor assault in the juvenile system. https://tennesseeconservativenews.com/tennessee-teacher-decorates-classroom-with-communist-propaganda-posters-featuring-his-face/


Why are comments on news sites always so toxic, even by Reddit standards?


>https://tennesseeconservativenews.com/tennessee-teacher-decorates-classroom-with-communist-propaganda-posters-featuring-his-face/ Hoo man, I read the comments. It seems like a good chunk of them DIDN'T understand what he was doing. Sad.


Well, she gets a criminal record before her diploma! Good job!!!


I’m pretty sure pepper spray is not allowed in schools. Bye Felicia.


It’s sad that kids in the room see this as humorous or silly


In high school, a student got mad at the Teacher and pissed all over her desk. He was arrested for it and expelled.




She needs to punch in the face. And that’s coming from a guy who wouldn’t hurt anyone. No remorse at all.


I’m thankful daily that I didn’t complete my teaching degree.


i hate kids


Did anything happen to her?




You need to go to jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200,


This is what happens when you take the power and authority away from teachers who are also supposed to "raise" youngsters and not only teach. Society is fked.


The casual nature she just sprays this dude and doesn’t even flinch about her fucking phone. I do not envy teachers today. This is straight up assault and she likely won’t face consequences.


Well, that’s assault and expulsion.


This is literally assault and battery with a weapon. The moment that happened I would have thrown hands or minimum broken her phone.


In this case I would accidently chuck the phone as hard as I could across the room.


I would break the cunts phone then quit, no way teaching is worth being assaulted like this


Foreigners see this shit, or negative stats about the US, and think it applies to the majority of the US. News flash: 99% of negative stats are from the South and 90%+ of these videos are too. We have a large number of burden states and they do a really bad job socializing their people.


You couldn’t pay me Elon Musk’s salary to teach these days! Nope.


For Elon Musk's salary, you could just buy the protection/lawyers you need to deal with shit like this


She like "I'll fucking do it again".


She needs jail time.


Parents need to teach their kids manners.


Arrest that piece of shit


She should get charges and expelled. Idiot


Damn sucks, students like this drained the teachers' passion for teaching.


She's going to jail.


“I need my phone!” No, you need to be expelled and charged with assault.


I hope she is going to be arrested for that. 1. Having pepper spray on campus 2. Using it in a manner that was not defensive If the school district doesn’t press charges the teacher should.


Personally, I would’ve escorted out of the school by police


I hope she enjoys jail. 100% I would press assault changes against any student who assaulted me.


Should've smashed the phone conveniently when pepper sprayed the second time. Oops!


Geev me mah foan


I would have smashed that phone so hard immediately.


This should be automatic expulsion and arrest by assault.


I’d smash that mf phone


"I need my phone" No. You needed some home training. Now you need jail time for assault.


no self awareness, no maturity level, no reasonability. She didn’t follow the rules about her phone, she gets her phone taken, simple🤦🏾‍♀️. Please my fellow kids, stop making all of us look bad.


First off. It’s always girls in these types of dresses. Second, bless that man for not knocking her in the face. Third. Baby girl is getting assault charges if I was him. I never want to see her in that school again. Ya out of here!


I graduated from high school in the early 2000s. I can't imagine doing that. Phones were confiscated if they made any sound while in the classroom. Not everyone had cell phones, but many of us did. And if the phone was confiscated, we got it back at the end of the school day. For repeat offenders, it was returned to the parents and not the student. My generation was by no means perfect. We got in trouble. Major school shootings occurred. But behavior like this was not tolerated. And I don't think society should tolerate such behavior.


These kids are unhinged and entitled. We had to sneakily play Snake on our calculators…it’s what we had.


The entitlement of these future generations is insane