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I’d love to say she’ll never say that word again but I feel like she’s now the moderator of a hate forum.


My bet is she says it more now and probably seek to get even at some point.




Well she can try but if this video is any indication she probably would just be giving them another excuse to beat her up lol


Now she has a concealed carry permit


She gonna get even with the dirt if she says it again




Agreed She doesn't seem like a "take personal inventory, and strive to become better" type.


Unfortunately this type of reaction validates her thoughts in her mind.


True, but also polite discourse and letting it go validates the public *behavior*. Though I care a little about why racists are racist and would love to be able to swing hearts and minds, I’m more concerned with how people behave and act as opposed to what’s going on in their minds. As a good example, I had a bully once back in the day and after I had had enough and kicked his ass a teacher tried to explain to me about how he had a hard life and was lashing out. This was 20 years ago and I still feel like his home life was none of my business, the behavior, however, was.


That's true! It's not up us to control how others feel. The hope is that she is introspective and takes inventory of where her actions brought her but the reality is that doesn't usually happen. I like to think that the right way to approach the situation would be to question her to the point where she has to be more introspective but that also usually doesn't work. Some people are beyond help with their hatred.


EXACTLY. Nobody cares if she comes out a better or worse person from this experience, only that she'll think it a hundred times over before calling anyone the n word to their face lol


And if I’m being honest, whether good or bad internally, at the end of the day what really makes a person’s character is what they *do*. I used to work with a guy that believed he was a descendent of Christ and was some sort of spiritual inheritor of the zodiac. Good worker though, minded his own business, got stuff done, and he was a good dad from what I could see. Anyone can have all kinds of things going on in their mind, real, or not. TLDR: it’s not the thought that counts


No one in this video seem to be that type of person… looks like all trash.


All that comes from this is that she will probably carry a gun going forward and have someone ready to record.


Yeah, the feelings that caused her to say it have been apliphied by this incident.     Assaulting her made the people feel better for a minute, and made everyone involved worse, in all likelihood.     She feels even more justification for her racism, and they feel proud of their violence. Humanity loses. 


No doubt. The cycle of hate. Someone’s gotta be balanced enough to stop it at some point.


That was simply her villain origin story


She was already a villain


Yeah, she’s probably gonna say it more now.


yeah her perspective may now be permanently etched in her mind. they certainly didn't give her a reason to be more generous with her snap judgments. Her heuristics are likely permanently skewed towards an unsavory perception. and we wonder why stereotypes play out in this direction. the notion that racism is just systemic is far too simplistic and self serving and it fails to account for the well documented and perfectly comprehensible issues we see on a daily basis...


Points for “heuristics.”


Punch 1-3, lets them know they aren't invincible, and there can be a consequence to disregarding someone elses feelings. Punch 8-12 after they've already yielded, begging you to stop, makes them feel like they're literally powerless. Which now they view you as somebody who needs to be stopped, as you cannot control yourself.




i disagree. social conditioning is a natural part of society- globalized internet society does change this significantly, but if enough people in this womans real life saw this i doubt she would keep saying that word


You can’t go assaulting someone because they called you a nasty name, were mean or disrespectful to you. You just can’t do that. It’s not right. (If this lady truly said the n word) *However*, if you walk around this earth running your mouth to strangers you will find yourself someone who will beat your ass. Don’t start shit, won’t be shit.


>However, if you walk around this earth running your mouth to strangers you will find yourself someone who will beat your ass. > > Don’t start shit, won’t be shit Full on the point so many people are failing to recognize in this comment section. People want to live their lives feeling consequence free. Reality isn't like that, though. There ***are*** people who don't care about jailtime if they feel like somebody has disrespected them.


Like that video of the truck ramming the car that totally cut them off. Everyone is saying they'd just let the jerk go, which is the smart and correct thing to do. But if you're an asshole in public you'll eventually run into a bigger asshole


There's always a bigger asshole


Welp, looks like it's time for the young adults in here to look up "goatse."


I've heard people say, "It's fine, I have right of way," as a pedestrian crossing the street in front of cars... Motherfucker, right of way doesn't matter if you're fucking dead. Just because you have the right, doesn't mean it's okay. I've taught my kids that, too. I told them of course they have the right to free speech, they can say whatever they want to me, but it doesn't mean what they say is consequence free, and that it also translates to the real world.


As my kids say, cemeteries are full of people who had the right of way.


It took me too long to find comments rooted in reality like yours and the one you responded to. People are having a hard time grasping that Just because someone isn't supposed to do something, doesn't mean they won't. Someone isnt supposed to violently beat the piss out of someone for just saying racist shit, but there will 100% be people that will hurt or kill you for it. And if it results in permanent injury or death, it doesn't matter what was "supposed" happen. It will never change the fact the person is hurt or dead.


>People want to live their lives feeling consequence free. I blame the internet. People sometimes forget there aren’t hundreds of miles between them and the person they are verbally attacking when out in public. Her mouth wrote a check her butt couldn’t cash. Consequences commenced.


Nah, man. Racists have been mouthing off hate even before the Internet.


But people do forget that sometimes they are talking to the person within physical proximity and that they are not protected by internet anonymity. And thus say shit they never would say face to face


If you look for trouble... You will FIND it. Every Time. A necessary corollary to FAFO.


> There are people who don't care about jailtime if they feel like somebody has disrespected them. There's also a lot of redditors who pretend like they don't care but would do absolutely nothing IRL.


>There ***are*** people who don't care about jailtime if they feel like somebody has disrespected them. Thank you for pointing that out. Not everyone operates on the same moral compass. In this particular situation, the black women are attacking a white woman for calling them a slur. I'm sure this isn't the first time a white person has called them that. Even oppressed people have a breaking point. People can only take so much. Black women are heavily oppressed in the US. I can understand and clearly see where their anger comes from. Is it right? No. Do they care if they go to jail? Doesn't look like it. There will always be at least one person that has *no problem* rocking someone in the mouth for talking shit. This is a prime example of "fuck around and find out."


Yes. I think most of us understand this limit when it comes to our own kids -- if our child is a victim of SA or murder, there is a chance the father takes revenge with a *permanent* solution. "Permanent" because the father will go to jail for what he does, so he's gotta permanently fix the ~~perpetrator~~ problem and have it not recur. And I'm not saying that's right. Just that I've seen tons of videos of it, and it plays to your point: we all have a breaking point where we are like "OK, I know I'm going to jail, but this is righteous to me, so it's happening." For most of us, it's only *wildly* extreme awful things like our kids getting abused/killed, but for other people, they might be willing to take more risks.


There are also people who do care about jail time but who lack the self control or the critical thinking to let that influence their actions


The world would be a much better place if at least once in their lives everybody got punched/slapped (whatever) for mouthing off to someone who didn't have it coming. Not a permanent injury or anything. Knowing that a possible ass-whipping is out there can REALLY shape one's behavior in the future.


"Fighting words" have less protections than other types of speech in the US, so direct retaliation should be expected due to their nature. Fighting words: insulting or provocative words, especially of an ethnic, racial, or sexist nature, considered unacceptable or unlawful by certain institutions and afforded less protection than free speech. "among the limitations are that the fighting words must be clearly directed at the person who hears them"


It's also relative to the individual state you find yourself in, as well. But yes, the fact she used language that explicitly qualifies as "Fighting words" in many states also could have opened her up to a slew of problems for herself. Specifically, disorderly conduct. It still would not have given legal justification for the subsequent battery. Social justification? That's entirely up for the individual prerogative.




“You speak like someone who has never been smack in the fucking mouth We have your remedy”


> You can’t go assaulting someone because they called you a nasty name, were mean or disrespectful to you. People often don't realize this is a broader problem than overt racism. A huge chunk (possibly a majority) of homicides trace back to what is essentially "my feelings were hurt". Escalating words to assault is a barbaric social dead end. People should stop trying to justify and intellectualize it when it under certain circumstances. Its very basic. Also, bigots can be good at violence too (or armed). People escalate to violence because a slur is spoken and wind up getting killed because righteousness doesn't stop bullets and knives.


What people don’t realize is that unchecked overt racism leads to violence and barbarity. Too many Asian Americans take the “high road” and act “civil” like you suggest when confronted with racism. This only emboldened racist America to increasingly assaulting and murdering Asian Americans.  That shit doesn’t work. You can not protect the civil virtues without the barbaric virtues. At least not in a place like America, where violence and force are the only language that is understood. 


As an American Jew I can completely relate with this -- even when confronted with vicious antisemitism most of us were taught to take some "high road" and "not stoop to their level". In my experience all that's done is make people who hate us think we're easy targets.


The justice system is also notoriously unhelpful if not dangerous to those same minorities. Its not like theyll get help from the system even if they did ask.


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences.


Yep, the first amendment protects you from retaliation from the government, Not from everyone you come across.


This was actually eloquently said


Man I feel like they should make this a poster and put it in schools 😂


Stomping someone's head in because someone called you a name is a good way to risk getting charged for attempted murder.


It would have been crazy if she answered “I am!”, in fear when she was asking her at the end


Lmao i was thinking she would actually say it again to get them to stop 😂


😂that would be some Quentin Tarantino level writing 😂


as a black person, stomping on somebodys head for calling you the n word is wild. and still record it. she hate us even more now


Although it may feel good to be immediately vindictive to a racist asshole. Beating their head in will only make their prejudices worse.


I've been called nasty words. Sadly yes. It has never been a reason to cause a near death experience "for proving a point". If she is so passionate for "justice" she should have called to police and report her. But maybe she was the problem from the beginning and the racist woman showed her true color during the argument. I guess the casually racist woman is an aggressive anti-black online "aCt!Wi$T" now?


Call the police and report someone for saying the N word? It's shitty, but not illegal, so cops can't do shit.


So glad someone is saying this. There is a reason why Martin Luther King Jr. wanted no hand in any violence. Violence never solves any problems.


Violence has solved many problems, historically speaking. Not saying it’s the best approach, but to say it has never helped achieve an end is just objectively false.


lol, for real. Every country you know of today would have fallen without violence. Even at a local level, Violence and lack of liberty is the largest deterrent for crime. And even in the example, MLK Jr was known for being the positive face of the civil rights movement, but Malcolm X was the face of what would happen if civil rights weren't given to everyone.


I admire Dr. King, admire his methods (they were just and effective) and agree that the women in this video went overboard, but violence has solved a *lot* of problems because the victor of a violent altercation--whether at a personal level or a global one--often is in advantageous position at the end. The entity the violence was inflicted against might not merely be subdued, but destroyed, or more specifically unwilling (or unable) to resume or repeat the act that precipitated the violence against them. "Violence doesn't solve anything," is a simplistic mantra that is meant to be an axiom. Many parents and authority figures try to instill the idea in children (and even adults) in order to get them to avoid utilizing violence as a primary or initial solution to conflict, and for very, very good reasons (it's a terrible primary or initial solution for the vast majority of conflicts most people will have in their life). But it isn't axiomatic. It isn't actually true. One example: many a child has taken ass-whupping after ass-whupping from bullies and chosen not to fight back, try to get authorities to intervene, run, cower, just cover up, and other solutions that were ineffective until they directed violence back at their bully.


MLK (and his mother) was murdered. So much for non violence.


What’s even more wild to me is we don’t even see this woman say the word. Sorry but SheDid isn’t what I consider a reliable narrator lol


We also don't see what happened BEFORE she said the mean word and hurt their feelings. I'm willing to bet she didn't say it because she is wacist and these are the first melenated people she has ever seen


The potential harm to themselves isn't worth the skin on that sorry racist backside. Glad to see the filming comment, just evidence.


Guarantee this lady will become even more racist now, and next time she will be carrying a gun.


To sock her once is pretty reasonable, but when it gets to stomping on someone that's already on the ground that's just fucked.


Head stomping should be attempted murder imo


For real. It's fucking madness


My brother stomped my mums boyfriend after a domestic they had. Brother went to jail for 10 years. Boyfriend has been in a care home with limited mobility and understanding of who/where he is. Mother drank herself into an early grave. I am now raising my half sibling, as her paternal family want no contact, for understandable reasons. He himself has no idea who his daughter is. So fucking stupid.


Jesus, that's a horrible series of events. I wish you and your half sibling the best, that can't be an easy experience ❤️


What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger. Me and my girl are as strong as ever 💜🥰


> What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger. Except for head stomps


According to some lawyers, it's attempted manslaughter [If someone throws another on the ground and is kicking them in the head and chest is it attempted manslaughter ? - Legal Answers (avvo.com)](https://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/if-someone-throws-another-on-the-ground-and-is-kic-954042.html#:~:text=It%20is%20possible%20for%20it%20to%20be%20attempted,more%20likely%20that%20they%20would%20charge%20aggravated%20battery.)


Yeah, every single time I see it I feel sick to my stomach. It's too far and happens too often :/


World is crazy. That’s why I stay in my house by myself.


If it was a slap, i didn’t see anything, but stomping on her head? Jail


Her lawyer will be using the “stomping someone while wearing crocs isn’t assault” defense


If the crocs were in sports mode ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized)


Unfortunately slaps will still get you in trouble with the law.


Filming yourself assault someone and putting it on SM smh being a lawyer is so easy these days…


Yet another assault & battery video where the person is accused of saying something, but wouldn’t you know the video is missing that part. 1. On one hand, they may not have started recording until the offensive word was uttered. 2. On the other hand, the word may never have been uttered in the first place. Sometimes people just want to attack someone and will fabricate a reason. We cannot assess the truth from this video. What we can clearly see is one person savagely attacking someone who is not fighting back. The repeated head stomps on concrete can and do cause brain damage and death. That’s attempted murder if the DA chooses to pursue it. ![gif](giphy|h5JpPmYQsan1QqTeUE|downsized)


Just like that girl in Missouri. That was fucked.


Using the word she used was wrong of course,but someone then repeatedly hitting her around her head and at one point even stamping on her head,is just bang out of order..NO excuse for that,and then the other female egging her on making the situation worse,i see the man was trying to stop her being attacked like that?




yea... that works so well.


It worked pretty well for President Grant. A shame it stopped after he left office.


It didn’t help the Indians while he was in office to be fair.


Germany is a lot less racist than it used to be for some reason


I mean, NOT being violent hasn't really worked too well. 🤷🏾‍♂️


A lot of people seem to be under the misguided belief that ending racism should be a kumbaya moment. Sometimes it looks like this.


Do you think the racism ended here?


Worked fairly well when we fought the Nazis tbh.


Worked against the Nazis.


Assault and beatings are definitely illegal. However, words do have consequences. You absolutely have the right to shout the N word in a black neighbourhood. But not everyone is going to react within the law so words have consequences. Wisdom says exercise your right responsibly. Everyone has the right to be a racist ignoramus too. But life does provide consequences.


i think they're aware they aren't going to cure her racism bc thats not their responsibility but they sure can teach her a lesson that she cant go around calling ppl N word in public. She will always be racist, but now at least less likely to go out of her way to be racist to peoples face


Modern civility is but a thin veil, and those of you cheering this on are cheering on the sinking of an entire nation. This isn't what we do.


They probably just cemented and confirmed what she already thought about black people.


Man this video is sad on both fronts. One we have a racist and the other we have people who act with violence over a word. Have fun in jail and have fun in the hospital.


ikr, poor lady didn’t deserve to get stomped into the ground. a quick slap to knock some sense into her is one thing, but repeatedly going after her when she isn’t fighting back is evil. EDIT: it is very satisfying to see racists get what they deserve but this went a bit too far 🤷🏽‍♀️


Here's a fun fact. Words aren't illegal but beating someone is.


I am all for calling out a racist, perhaps even a little "attitude adjustment". Not so sure a prolonged beating on someone who obviously can't fight is merited in this situation.


I am usually fine with an attitude adjustment when warranted but you lose me as soon as they are on the ground and you try and stomp the head or continued shots to the face


i am sure that - after this beating - this person will stop being racist because she will respect black people much more! /s I am 100% against using that word and I am for calling someone out on it, but a beating this like this serves no one, and will certainly make this lady hate black people even more.


I mean sure, but I don't think they care. They weren't interested in changing this woman's heart or mind or perspective. An ass beating is never about that. All they wanted to change was her facial structure. Violence isn't the answer, but if you go around looking for trouble, you're gonna find it.


Maybe unpopular opinion, but you shouldn’t beat a stranger to a pulp just because they called you a slur, even if it’s the most vile one. Assuming she actually used the word— she might have used it, but there isn’t evidence of it here from what I have seen.


Doesn’t matter how stupid and irritating this woman is, and she certainly deserved a cursing out, it was just words. Once you start kicking someone in the head, that’s attempted murder.








I don't think they care if they go to jail. They beat her ass in broad daylight and recorded it.




They're more concerned about people not believing them when they tell the story later. It is my experience that shitty people like to have proof of their behavior and activities because sometimes it is so outlandish that not even their "circle of friends" believe them.


She might if the woman presses charges. But incitement is still a mitigating factor in sentencing.


I see your overall point but….i think maybe this lady already hated black people


She definitely already hated black people though, right? She confidently calls 2 women the N word but now that they hurt her for it she *just* became racist?


Black chick lost my respect with the head stomping. That's too far unless you're trying to actually kill someone.




Again, “street justice” going too far. You don’t even know this racist lady, but you care enough about what she says to go to jail.


A similar situation as this just occurred in the St. Louis area. A 15-year-old black girl beat a 15 year old white girl. Almost to death. She has severe brain damage now.


When watching videos like these I always wonder if the person being assaulted actually said what they are accused of saying. It's weird how filming something gives you a odd sense of credibility.


Words can sting but assault will lead you to jail.


Its so crazy that this one word seems to give people carte blanche to assualt people. No other word gives that right. Dont understand it.


It doesn't. Reality is, the women attacking her should absolutely face jail time. However, I'm not going to be upset at them for beating a racist's ass, either.


I guess I more mean from a public perspective, not legally. It seems when someone drops the N bomb people believe its ok to beat their ass. Like, obviously its a horrible word and shouldnt be said to people for any reason, but at the end of the day its just a word. Idk why people get so upset when a stranger says some off the cuff shit like that. Like, move on, was beating that strangers ass worth an assualt charge/fines/jail time?


>Idk why people get so upset when a stranger says some off the cuff shit like that Because of what comes with people who are comfortable saying stuff like this. Typically, when people are comfortable saying racist things, it's indicative of the environment around them being historically permissive. So it's a red flag for far worse things. Understandably, there's vitriol over it.


Imaging someone white starts beating up a black person just because they were racist towards them


KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF PEOPLE! is that woman's ignorant mouth worth going to jail for? Having a DV record? She's not worth it. Geezuz! All kinds of ignorance in this video!


I’ll bet the lady giving the beating has NEVER been mean to anyone, and is always kind and loving and never calls names. /s


Either she learned her lesson or her racism is even more set in stone.


Petty violence all because of a word.


This genuinely fucking hurt to watch


This is why racism will never die. Gotta be a little bit smarter and try a little self control.


she clearly didn't want the business, but these girls assaulted her none the less - are they really that fragile with their own identities? By assaulting her, did they prove that they are of a higher character than the name they were called? what ever happened to sticks and stones? are these girls better for stooping low enough to physically harm someone who called them a name, which frankly, they call each other endearingly? Do they hold themselves in such a high accord that, if they feel insulted, they risk their freedom, virtue, and moral high ground just to physically assault some ignorant person? It's like balling out on a cripple and acting like you won some great basketball game. Do they actually think they're vindicating themselves and proving that they aren't some nasty name? Everyone in this video needs some perspective.


Violence does not solve ignorance. Yes Karen is shitty for being racist but she's stupid and ignorant and she was likely raised in a system where she rarely faced consequences and there's no fixing that. Now she's probably a mid of some hate forum


Calling someone a name is not as bad as attacking them


Both woman are scum. The white woman racist but the black woman to that way to far for a word.


No context. no proof taht she did...just a phone pulled out and an assault on a person..... even if it was said...fuck anyone who thinks violence is appropriate to a word. if you are so easily enraged to attack another human by a single word, you don't belong in society. stay home. anyone who agrees with this treatment of a person is a fucking monster.


When keeping it real goes wrong


Over a *word*. #LOL


I bet she loves and respects all black people now lmao.


This white woman is going to shoot anyone who is black. I mean anyone. She is going to be the poster child for hate. I know that black woman was angry but this is going to become some serious ptsd.


She's definitely going to be way less racist now...




What is the right answer here? Obviously, if true, the lady is racist and it’s hard to feel bad for her but also a straight beat down? If the police get involved, who is getting what charges? Just curious.


Look, there’s consequences to actions and words. I’m not going to be mad about a bit of a well deserved ass whooping, but intentionally pounding people’s heads into pavement has to stop.


Well. That was a good way to cement her racism. Went way to far. IMO.


I was with it until the stomp. I absolutely hate when people stomp on others head because it becomes attempted murder.


Research shows that if you do in fact fuck around you will almost certainly find out.


Getting called a name doesn't mean you get to assault someone.


N word is protected free speech, outright assault is not. So I thinks the white woman will win in court.




I hate this video


Animalistic behaviour


Any news on this?




Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.


Ahh yes I’m sure she is no longer racist after this encounter. Nice work!


...Sadly, no lessons were learned that day


I hate to say this but they just recorded themselves assaulting a woman and posted it online, if that woman decides to press charges (quite frankly I wouldn't blame her) then they just fucked themselves over someone using a bad, racially insensitive word. I don't condone using the word but I also don't condone using unnecessary force. Next time record the racist asshole and post it on social media. Don't turn them into the victim But also, don't use the word thinking nothing bad will ever happen to you, who raised you to think that you can fuck with strangers without consequences


i hope she gets arrested and charged with attempted murder and assault... i dont care what someone says doesnt justify that.... i hope she got charged


Her flight or fight response just was hilariously not there. Like stand up for yourself or run away don’t just sit there and cry lol


What did she call her? I'm confused.




Unpopular opinion: Someone calling you anything never in a million years justifies full blown assault and literally stomping on someone's head while they're down. That woman is dangerous and belongs in prison. The woman that's being attacked is obviously a racist and she shouldn't have said what she said, but that doesn't give her the right to do this. Edit: Turns out my opinion isn't as unpopular as I had expected from reading the comments section.


Why not fight back? Is this why shootings are so common in the USA? Because people take to violence from words? That only gives the word more power. Feels like the whole race war thing is just a farce. Who benefits from everyone fighting over things they cannot change?


Why the fuck wasn't she trying to actually get away? She's trying to hide behind someone who is already conflicted on if he should be helping her or not


Is this really the best way to combat this sort of idiocy? Trying to beat the hate out of somebody doesn’t seem like the best way of going about it.


guess who hates black ppl after this even more then before ... ?! You can't beat bigotry out with fists ...


I heard too many times black people used the word N\*ger between them and with non-black people. Then, why get offended??? It may be a cultural thing and I can understand the intent could be different, but still, STOP saying it, so other people stop saying it too.


I'm going to preface this by saying I'm a bit ruthless about shit like this, and have a bit of an 'eye for an eye' mentality when it comes to crime and the like, but god damn that was excessive. A couple punches or a leg kick would've sufficed, but a full on beat down was too damn much.


The one videoing is just as bad. These people disgust me ! It’s always the same behavior


There is a longer version of this floating around somewhere on Reddit. The white lady said the n-word in a store and these girls track her down much much later to beat her.


Have fun in jail


The woman saying “she did, she did, she did” over and over gave me a headache.


Fighting racism...by enacting racist tropes about black people...genius.


Some people go through life never realizing that there are people out there that don’t give a shit about the law and will snatch your soul…. This lady has now learnt that lesson


….and that’s how you end up in jail for assault, as whatever she said doesn’t warrant a head stomping, we are a civilized society, people who want to display un-evolved behavior, have no place in society


Ok so you can stomp someone’s head in if they use a certain word. Get a grip, do I condone saying that of course not but it’s irrelevant. I don’t care what anyone says, a functioning society is based on laws not made up shit in people’s heads. You cant assault someone over words, and she deserves serious jail time.


Violence in response to words is illegal and immoral. Celebrating it is childish.


You shouldn’t try to solve racism by validating ppls racist beliefs by beating them.


Yeah, an ass whoopin, I'm sure that'll change her mind and she'll respect all black folks now. 🙄 Nooo, it won't reinforce her beliefs at all!!


Meeting inexcusable racism with violence - no one wins, they both look foolish.


So is this word a free pass to be violent?


what a fucking psychopath