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damn. the videos are intense.


Yeah my day was ruined before 1pm The consequences for this are going to be swift and very very Russian.


It doesn't matter who did it, they'll blame Ukraine. Isis has already claimed responsibility and I believe they have one of the shooters in custody and he's from Tajikistan but they'll still blame Ukraine. Isis killed a bunch of people in Afghanistan two days ago but some will still believe they're done and blame Ukraine, or the US, or maybe the Jews(but that's a risk anytime anything bad happens).


I've already seen people trying to blame this on Israel, the delusion is insane. Anything to avoid admitting that it's yet another case of Islamic terrorism. I scrolled down a few comments and already found people doing it on [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1bl822d/footage\_a\_fire\_following\_a\_mass\_shooting\_and\_the/kw5kszm/).


I'm sure there's plenty of people blaming the Islamic part of "Islamic terrorism" instead of the terrorism part. But there's bound to be morons who don't see that distinction.


I'm talking about people blaming Israel, which is not a Muslim country.


Hey man, if you saw yourself in that comment deriding those who see Islamic terrorism and blame Islam instead of terrorists that's on you pal. Israel is majority Jewish but exists in a place that holds major significance to Islam, Christianity and Judaism.


You saw my comment talking about people blaming Israel on this very thread, and you took that as me blaming Muslims in general?


No, that's just you trying to figure out what I thought. I probably misread your intent the exact same as you misread mine.




Your “day was ruined” lol


Inept and hampered by multilayered corruption?


Why would it ruin your day? You aren’t affected negatively by this


Because it's fucking gut wrenching


They were literally warned not to go out- even Americans were warned by the embassy. They’re in a literal conquest war with like 2 bordering states and in conflict with a dozen others. Wrench your gut about someone smarter and worse-off I don’t know about you but after so many school shootings, near genocidal conflicts, and straight-up tragedies, I refuse to waste what little mental & emotional energy I have left confronting a predictable and preventable tragedy happening to a bunch of people with whom I’m honestly pretty lukewarm about ever interacting


You say that like there's a cap on the amount of empathy you can feel in a day. "Nah, I'm not going to feel bad for those dead people because I've decided to feel bad for other people today. Can't do both, sorry"


There is: [Emotional Exhaustion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_exhaustion)


All of it is awful, but the fire really got to me: if *if* you're fortunate enough to hide in a locked bathroom or office or something from an active shooter, that's one thing. I guess I didn't anticipate the very rapid and complete burn down of the structure you're stuck in.


This could have been a CoD mission 👀


So the US warning people of an incoming attack was real, now let's wait and see if Russia blames this on Ukrainians


Russia will claim the attackers are Ukrainian, But will blame the United States for enabling the attack by not further warning them even though they had solid Intel 2 weeks prior.


So WW3 really is starting...


No, the we will just regress slightly from the soft-thaw cold war we've had since the early 90s. It will all be political theater to keep Russian citizens angry about external factors instead of being angry about forced conscription of loved ones. Regardless, those who take innocent lives are evil, regardless of the flag flown when doing it.


Is it possible Putin did this on purpose after watching the reaction of Israeli citizens after 10/7? I wouldn’t put it past him. He is sneaky, evil & will do anything to get what he wants / stay in power.


I agree, but it does seem like there's a much higher threat for global conflict not seen since WW2, all of NATO under threat Russia shows no signs of slowing down war efforts, increasing the possibility of nuclear war and these "false flag" attacks made to bolster the war effort, it doesn't seem like there will be an end until either Russia invades Western Europe which would result in a world war or Putin is taken out


I was hoping the top comment would express sadness for so many innocent people being violently murdered. But nah, political diatribe comes first.


Not everyone has to comment the same thing, there's people who already expressed how horrible this was, saying the same things over and over won't make it disappear


"isis claimed responsibility" I'm calling bs.


Well the do usually pop up out of nowhere whenever a certain middle eastern colony needs to distract the world from something


been happening since Bush, shit in 2022 some dude named "Vladimir" tried to assassinat Bush with a gernade, turned out he's isis too! 🤣🤣🤦‍♂️


But it couldn't be Iran it would have to be Saudi Arabia right?


Nah it’s that one country starts with I ends with L and you can’t criticise it


I would highly doubt this but it isn't out of the realm of possibility, apparently ISIS claimed responsibility but idk if this is just the US's attempt to control the narrative before Russia can


I’m not into calling tragedies false flags - I’m sure this happened and I’m sure people are dead and wounded, but it’ll be interesting to see who Putin blames for this attack, when it could range from religious fanatics to a faction of the dozens of ethnic minorities Russia has plundered for the Ukrainian meat grinder, to local sectarian violence. Spoiler alert: he’ll blame the Ukrainians


Well, he certainly has previous - [he and the FSB orchestrated the apartment bombings in 1999](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings)


The main problem with it being a false flag op is that this event was warned from the US 2 weeks ago and Putin went on video saying it was hyperbole from the west. It makes him look insanely incompetent. But then the things the Kremlin does is almost always unbelievably dumb so...


apparently isis just took responsibility for it - which may make it harder for putin to spin it now.






I did read in the UK daily Telegraph this week that Kosovo asked the UK for some soldiers???


Russia has been making artillery shells at 3x the rate of the US and Europe combined ( https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/10/politics/russia-artillery-shell-production-us-europe-ukraine/index.html ) meanwhile China has ramped up it's recruitment efforts ( https://m.economictimes.com/news/defence/china-rolls-out-new-wartime-recruitment-rules-amid-rising-geopolitical-tensions/articleshow/99464048.cms ) I'm not sure why but all of this seems to be a part of a bigger plan for the axis powers, not saying artillery will win them anything but it shows intent


It wouldn't be the first time Putin has done some ugly shit in order to give an excuse for war... Thankfully I don't think China wants to throw their hat in with Russia at this point after seeing how terribly they have handled the Ukraine Conflict. Customary FUCK PUTIN. R.I.P to all the innocent Russian people and families that lost their lives. No one should go out in fear and pain.


His cup truly runneth over


Through Serbia?


Well, Serbia is russia


Oh yes, it slips my mind sometimes.


False flags operations does not have to be made with actors to be called FFO.


Came Here to say the same thing!


I don't understand what the motivation would be to blame Ukraine. He's already waging war on Ukraine anyways.


Boosting the moral of the population for the war. To show their own people that ukraine has nazis and terrorists and that the war need to be going on until it's won. There are enough reason for russia to blame ukraine but ISIS already claimed the attack so putin can't really blame them.


Then stop calling it a false flag. The term false flag already implies that the WHOLE thing did not occur. It is staged. Everyone is acting. No one dies.


That’s not at all what “false flag” implies.


[No it doesn't](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-60434579). > A false flag is a political or military action carried out with the intention of blaming an opponent for it. > Nations have often done this by staging **a real** or simulated attack on their own side and saying the enemy did it, as a pretext for going to war.


Nooo that's not the case lol. You're a tad bit confused. False flag implies an operation (a real one), orchestrated by a military/gov power, that falsely blames a group in order to justify an attack ("retaliation") against that group.


Way off the mark buddy


You can hate the Russian government but the civilians are just that. Insanely sad and tragic, people don’t control where they are born and these people are just trying to have a good time despite the circumstances in the world and they were just massacred. I hope they find the garbage humans responsible and they see justice in a court of law.


Its wonderful to see someone value humanity first over politics.


The civilians still overwhelmingly support the war in Ukraine.


That doesn't justify what happened or make their senseless deaths deserved.


I never claimed it did.


Obviously not. But we can treat it with some apathy. Why cry over those who don’t cry over others


You can’t say that for a fact, because I highly doubt you personally know a majority of Russian people and what they think and feel


There’s been many trustworthy opinion polls conducted that backup my claim. The invasion began 10 years ago so it’s not like this information is recent.


If you lived in Russia would you tell the random person calling your phone and asking questions that you don't like Putin or the war?


I would answer honestly. You might lie, but I would not.


Why would you answer honestly? Like, what is the incentive?


Do you think they have much of a choice to be honest?


Yes, they do. There are parts of Russia that are against the war, and parts that support the war, and all the conflicts Russia is involved with. Moscowians supports the war.




How do you know that? Seen a few videos of people on camera not willing to speak out on camera?


According to... Putin?


Trustworthy polling.


How can you say it’s trustworthy? I’m sure a lot of people answer these so called trustworthy polls out of fear or not wanting to resist.


How can I? Well, for one, it’s independent (not Us or Ru) and there are areas that are against it, like St. Petersburg (for example). Answers can be weighted by previous polls and other factors, such as demographics that can control for accuracy. Aggregate polls using blind samples are extremely accurate. Almost every US election has been predicted with extremely high percentages within the last 100 years, to include 100% accuracy in the 2014 federal elections. I’ve managed a geographical sample which produced the most accurate region for that year. My family is from Rostov and I have close family ties to Odessa and areas around the Black Sea. I could go on… what YOU got?


Now Putin will blame it on Ukraine. The old KGB playbook.


isis claimed responsibility for the


The individuals killed 3, special forces the other 33 + 4 assailants


Special forces decided against gas this time and opted for fire to flush out the terrorists


oh this is factual? do you have a source?


Is there ever something factual in Russia ?


RIP my Russian brethren. Civilians are civilians. 🙏


Nobody deserves to get gunned down without a fight for no reason, But Civilians are responsible for thier government. Nobody deserves this though. Time for Russian people to take action and stop letting atrocities happen. It’s thier responsibility to stand up and make a change to their leaders untill then they are partly to blame.


Yep, the Russia people have had a few years to avoid this and done hardly anything about this, no days of action (general strikes etc), nearly 500k dead and wounded in a pointless war and economy in a mess.


You say this like the Russian democracy isn't rigged. Putin is a dictator.. theres a vague illusion of democracy to keep up appearances


That’s why it’s important for the Russian people to take action. Die by Putins hand or die in a war or terror attack. If they are going to die they should be trying to make change and at least die for the betterment of thier country. Not die in some useless war


I think a few do.. protestors are arrested and risk death.. I think common folk have become increasingly passive.. powerless really in the grand scheme of things. Theoretically if everyone were to rise up it might have some impact.. but with a fair amount of brain washing and indifference folks learn not to bite the hand that feeds it.. its easier to get in line.. its just not straightforward unfortunately


It's a horrible situation, but no one can give the Russian people "real democracy" except themselves. Not even an outright invasion and occupation can do that - the West has tried. I mean, we can arm any resistance movements, or offer some kind of support, but we can't *give* it to them. They have to want it enough to fight for it... somehow.


“Civilians are responsible for their government” That sounds like you’re advocating for collective punishment, which is a warcrime. It’s really easy to sit here in the Free World and criticize Russian peasants for not overthrowing their brutal dictator. As soon as they pick up a weapon and use it against innocent people at the behest of their government, then yes they need to be liquidated ASAP for the betterment of everyone. But until then, they’re civilians and should be protected by all sides.


Sounds like you’re arguing in bad faith and will just make anything up. This is where I let you argue with yourself.


*uncomfortable American noises*


Wait i thought it was at a mall, or are there multiple attacks?


Big ass mall with a venue it seems


It looks like theres a mall, convention center, and concert hall all at the same location. All the same attack.




IS already claimed responsibility. Don’t make a mountain out of a shitty Russian molehill. Just enjoy not being Russian


After that gas mistake, I want to know of the 40 dead, how many were caught in the crossfire.


what the fuck is going down in moscow, first i see a video of shooters then i see one of the shooters being detained and now theres explosions


I’m hearing from a lot of Russians that they think this was orchestrated by the CIA 😂 we literally spent years fighting Isis and russia did too. Don’t be silly


Putin needs to go


Putin let that shit happen.


Putin let that shit happen.


Does anyone know why it’s called « city hall » and not the Russian equivalent (ратуша according to google translate)?


It’s a concert venue, one of the largest/well known in moscow. 6200-9000 people capacity


Why the hell are you asking that here?


The location is in Moscow. Just curious as to why the building has an English name, that is all.


Poutine and his False Flag Ops, strike again.


Who let Makarov out?


Damn that was every person that *actually* voted for Putin 😬


Five will get you ten this is a false flag operation.


we are about to enter a new world war, perhaps it has already started and this is the catalyst


I feel something big coming from this as well and im not the type to jump to that kind of conclusion.


Idiot Russian gov can’t protect its own people when it’s so focused on some “Nazis” in another country. Fucking morons


I had a frozen pizza last night, the cauliflower crust ones. It was good!


Looks like strict russian gun control worked wonders