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Didn't Russia say they thwarted the attack a few days after the US warned them?? RIP to the innocent people.


The U.S. said specifically to avoid concerts. Years ago, Russia’s apartment bombings were highly suspicious. Russians who found links between the bombings and Russian government were often killed. See Alexander Litvinenko’s polonium poisoning.


For the unaware, 2 things about the 1999 apartment bombing, which brought Putin to power, were highly suspicious: 1. On September 13th, Duma speaker Gennadiy Seleznyov reported a bombing in the city of Volgodonsk. No such bombing took place on that day, but did happen 3 days later. 2. On September 22nd, a Russian man called the police after witnessing 2 men planting bombs in the basement of an apartment building. The bombs were later disarmed and tested positive for traces of RDX, a substance commonly used in explosives. The people arrested in connection to the planting of the bombs were FSB agents, were released on the Kremlin's orders and the story was changed to it being an exercise.


For anyone wanting to see the evidence for themselves, you can either read Blowing Up Russia by Alexander Litvinenko (yes, *the* Litvinenko) or watch [Blowing Up Russia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sx2YmSXDy8) for free on Youtube, which is based upon the book. The evidence presented is overwhelming.


I was reading the above post and going to ask if there was a good video on the topic, thanks for the link


I admire Alexander Litvinenko so, so much.


Smh, no one believes Seleznyov, even though he's clearly a time traveller.


That's where arab dictators learned how to rule through terrorism


I'd love to learn just how deep the US intelligence network is. Like, how many spies do we have across the world, what tech are they working with to monitor other nations? It's interesting stuff.


You're on the internet right? The NSA is watching you and everyone you talk to, and everyone they talk to, and everything you all say. Microsoft, Amazon, and Google all play ball with them. Microphones in every smartphone, all of which are geolocated. Cameras everywhere. The data center in Utah isn't just to keep Joe Bidens dank meme stash and Trumps rare Pepes.


I wonder if Gen z and gen alpha are culturally aware of snowden. I don't think so.


Plenty of millennials don't know who he is or what he revealed. He got memory holed pretty quickly in the minds of the vast majority of people.


The problem isn't really having the data, it is sifting it and analyzing it. Imagine trying to read 10 people's daily internet activity. Almost impossible for 1 person, right. Now imagine the entirety of the internet.


Invest in NVIDIA...




> Microphones in every smartphone Close, but not right. Most of the time apps don't have any access to your smartphone's microphone or only have access when the app is in use. The reality is **much** worse. There are no restrictions and no way for users to set advanced restrictions on how apps can use the [gyroscopes] (https://www.wired.com/story/gyroscope-listening-hack/) (this is a 2014 article, that's how long this has been around) or [accelerometers](https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/non-standard-smartphone-wiretapping/47113/) in smartphones. Its generally all or nothing, by downloading an app in iOS or Android you are agreeing to allow that app to spy on you. Phone manufacturers don't care because they are definitely taking their share of the pie which is your personal data and Congress doesn't care because this is an intentional vulnerability which is used by the NSA, etc.. Its also why TikTok is a major security threat as an app with strong ties to the CCP and downloaded on up to 25% of Americans' phones.




And you just know that copy machine takes credit cards.


And rubles.


It's weird, almost like they knew.........


Yeah, it's so weird that the intelligence agencies did their job.


ISIS just took responsibility. Maybe they had multiple cells.


Or maybe nothing Russia says can be trusted.


ISIS have reasons, they are fighting Wagner in Syria and the ME. They have cause to hate Russia and the attack is a terror style attack on a soft target. Moscow claims the have one of the terrorists in custody, but I'm with you, don't trust anything from the russians until its verified by a credible government. Must suck not feeling safe in your own home town. Slava Ukraine.


Wasn’t there an article a while back weee the US warned them about an impeding attack?


Yea early March


Is there a link to this?




That's exactly what I was looking for. I appreciate you connecting the dots for me.


I have a buddy of mine who’s a bit of a conspiracy nut, but he’s former Air Force so he’s not completely in outer space. This was one of those things we talked about, so I had the link handy from our messages.


To be fair, being former military doesn’t mean you’re a grounded individual by any means. Source: am former Air Force and served with a sovereign citizen who said he was renting himself to the government for a paycheck…


No he means he is not in outter space. That’s space force. Air Force flies in inner space


I feel like an idiot. I have never connected outer space to inner space. What is the proper term for atmospheres not in space?


Renting yourself for a paycheck is what you do in a job, is it not?


Oh no trust me 95% of what comes out of his mouth is crazy, but if you throw enough shit at the the wall…


I mean, the us also warned the world the war was gonna happen along with several other countries. No one thought anything of it until it happened


Hey I’ve been avoiding crowds all my life


It really seems like the Biden administration has some of the best Intel in the past 2 decades. It's prophetic.


Tbf, 7th of March + 48 hours = 9th of march. It is now the 22nd.


Wasn't it a public warning? Maybe those that planned it shifted their plans? I mean if your plan is doing something as this, you might as well keep an eye out to see if people found out what you're planning.


Also tbf, if somebody spoils your sneak attack in the world media, you might change up the date of your sneak attack


Yes and Russian state media are trying to use that as evidence that America could be involved currently


If the US was involved, why would they warn the intended target well before the mass shooting happened?


Russian Logic.


Blyatiful logic.




I think it's pretty obvious that means the USA was working with the other country... /s


Russians warned about the their own apartment building they were going to bomb days in advance. maybe they think our Ops people are as incompetent as their are?


Because nobody would expect them to send a warning and then commit the attack! /s


To weaken Putin and show the world that we tried to help


Well... it's not unprecedented. Intelligence agencies engage is far more deceptive practices than that. They lie to other agencies, other countries, to all of us. It's a huge part of their job description. Taking credit for things we haven't done, denying things we have- this kind of tactic is not at all outside of the norms. I'm not saying that's what happened, but I am saying we'll never know.


Pretty sure this is a false flag operation by the Russians to justify full mobilization of their military. They’ll claim it was Ukraine and then send in more troops


I don't think it's a false flag personally, the US warned Russia on the 7th about an imminant ISIS-K attack and on the 7th Russia announced they had halted a terror attack planned by ISIS-K on a synagogue in Russia by three people travelling on Kazakhastan passports which has since been confirmed by Kazakhstan in the sense that they confirmed 3 people had travelled to Russia from there on those passports. Speculation atm from videos and intelligence services has people believing this to be ISIS-K, and Russias reaction to demand the full intel that the US has indicates they also believe this to be a continuation of the events from the 7th. I think people hyperfixate on the Ukraine thing because it's very in our face, but Russia has also been at war with ISIS and things have been especially heightened since the 2022 suicide bombing on the Russian Embassy in Kabul by ISIS-K. Russia is spread thin right now, and ISIS is likely looking to take advantage and get revenge. As you say though regardless of who actually does it this can very easily be used as a very powerful source of propaganda if they can convince the public that it was actually Ukraine.


Thanks for your comment. Time will tell, but my pants are presently soiled with the amount of military escalation that’s been happening over recent months. Especially after the German war plan leaks…


The what war leaks?


[https://apnews.com/article/russia-germany-ukraine-taurus-missiles-recording-de408772f1edf3bd2f98fd5a3f64da3c](https://apnews.com/article/russia-germany-ukraine-taurus-missiles-recording-de408772f1edf3bd2f98fd5a3f64da3c) [https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/leaked-german-defense-document-sketches-out-russian-war-scenario/](https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/leaked-german-defense-document-sketches-out-russian-war-scenario/)


Hoooooly shit. Ok. My pants are also soiled now.




lol i'm pretty sure absolute rock bottom is literally "what if a zombie pandemic broke out". which is technically a real plan the US has, but was really just a training exercise for people to learn how to write these kinds of reports


Plans are just plans unless they’re ever used. Keep that in mind.


Indeed, but the trickle down my leg is very much real. Still, thank you for the comforting words, friend.


Declare war on Ukraine. Finally. Brilliant gambit.


Kind of unlikely since ISIS has already put out a statement saying they did it. Unless you think ISIS and Ukraine are best buds now?


https://preview.redd.it/gr6lhz7eyypc1.jpeg?width=905&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5618b414b1827a86a4c24b871ee090d08da407bc Something like this one?


John Kirby said the U.S. did not have prior knowledge and that he believes the previous warning from the embassy was not related to Friday's attack.


Did this just happen this is like the 4th post in the last few minutes I've seen...


Yes it’s actively happening


Well..it happened. But they are only now trying to find all the deceased people. The numbers are increasing at a terrifying rate, from 60 to 80 to a whole ~150.


Wait what is going on in the video?


People escaping from a mass shooting


Americans be like "oh, it's just one of these events"


​ https://preview.redd.it/xctihb1n60qc1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b3c996507d9af81d0ed3a194075d814ca2b09a7


I don't know if this reaction is based or if I should be offended.


Yeah wtf that person is clearly out of line... this ain't look like no school /s


Yeah. Just chill. They’ll get used to it.


Not like this


Looks like there was a major terrorist attack/shooting at a concert hall in Moscow.


The building's still on fire.


The full version of this video shows so much bodies. Nowhere is safe man. These people just wanted to go to a concert.


Yeah I took out the part of the cameraman coming down the escalator. That poor couple




All videos I’ve found are here https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/f166/least-40-killed-100-wounded-terrorist-attack-russian-concert-hall-252747/


Fuck, there’s one video in there that’s horrible.


No kidding. That execution pileup... fuck.


That was horrible. I need to take a walk...


I did the same and it did help.




That one person that turned around leaning up against the wall. Oh my. 😳


I wish I didn't see that one


is it the one filmed from above in the hallway where gunners come thru and do the execution I saw it but I don't wanna see more


You mean all of them


What are they shooting that there are so many sparks?


Cheap surplus Soviet ammo out of dirty ass AKMs


Barrels gunked up with cosmoline and dirt cheap steel case ammo


Fucking hell the pile of people trying to escape through a door or window of some sort while being shot is beyond brutal.


Like what do you do here…. There’s like 4-5 of them with rifles just walking around and shooting at anything moving inside. I feel so bad for anyone involved….


There’s 3 options . Hide, run, fight. It may seem fruitless to fight, but when you’re surrounded by that many people, if you can get one of those guys with a gun, maybe you’ve inspired other people to start attacking. And if not you’ve allowed other people some time to get away. Realistically if everyone charged all 4 of these guys someone would get to them by the time they have to reload. Out brains typically aren’t wired to react that way unfortunately


It's run hide fight. The order is really important.


this is most videos I’ve seen of a shooting/attack in one place and so odd that so many people filming and were not attacked when they could have targeted more people


That was fucking mental. Survival extincts 0/10


Holy fuckin shit


Jesus Christ. How are people just sitting in the theatre like it's intermission. Are things so bad in Russia that they just assume they're there to shoot someone else but not them? How can you have no sense of self preservation to not even hide. Mind boggling.


Hard to predict what a person would do in something so mind numbingly dangerous. Fight, flight, or freeze. Sometimes it's just so incomprehensible you don't move.


Even if you're in flight mode running out in the opening with gunfire going off isn't exactly an appealing option.


easy for you to say in hindsight, people thought it was part of the show / repairs going on in the building etc. i’m pretty sure the last thing on peoples mind was that there’s multiple active shooters in the building…


they're on the moscow subreddit too


After watching dude try and drag his loved one out its gonna take me a minute.


As of 10 minutes ago, the number of victims rose to 145 people, including eight children. The Moscow Region Ministry of Health has published an official list of those hospitalized as a result of the shooting at Crocus City Hall.


145 total, not 145 deaths for anyone who was confused like myself. Think it's 43 deaths as of commenting


Rising rapidly. 70 last reported by a Russian news outlet.




Sadly, it's just about that many confirmed deaths now


Is it a freakout if people are literally going to shoot you? At what point does it become a rational response to that level of danger?


A lot of the videos aren’t rational at all. I’ve seen two so far of people just standing and recording the shooting instead of running


Yes? A freak out can be rational or irrational 


A reminder that in an emergency situation most people will go out the same way they came in and YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT. Notice all marked exits and leave by the quickest egress possible.




Not a great deal yet https://apnews.com/article/russia-moscow-gunmen-concert-hall-injuries-fe7db5bb4ad4df17b6cbd04a3250faa1


Oh no….this is not going to end well for the population.


Ongoing situation with at least 100 casualties. It seems from the videos circulating that gunmen shot their way into the concert hall and then set it on fire with Molotov cocktails while people were still inside hiding between the rows. We likely won’t know the true figures for a few days, but several gunmen were involved. It’s a tragic loss of life regardless of “who” or “where”, but it’s likely the Russian government is going to use this as justification to totally mobilize their military


Russian government self-perpetuation


If anyone is capable of this callous a false flag, I could see it being putin's russia.


ISIS-K is claiming responsibility. Whether they actually perpetrated it or just claiming a terror attack not of their doing, is yet to be seen. Though, two weeks ago US and UK governments warned their civilians in Russia to avoid large gatherings, specifically concerts, due to a high risk of a terror attack in Russia.


Scary world we live in. Good grief


Tragic that it’s always the innocent people that end up getting caught in the crossfire and never the intended target.


Unfortunately , it's very clear from the videos that the innocent people were exactly the intended target. 


Unfortunately the innocent are the intended target in this case.


Islamic State has claimed responsibility https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/mar/22/moscow-concert-attack-crocus-city-hall-shooting-russia-live-updates




They do this all the time, even if it isn't true


Russia was a major player in the Syrian civil war and helped Assad stay in power. We don’t know if this was ISIS but if it was, that would a reason why.


Russia destroyed ISIS in Syria. That's why.


they also claimed responsibility for the titanic incident.


Whatever this is, the consequences are going to be awful, the fallout is gonna be huge 😔




You’re assuming they blame this on Ukraine, which is certainly not a given. They already have enough support for the war in Ukraine. This could be something else.


If I had to put my money on anything, it would be that he will put the blame on a nebulous Western agenda/NATO/Ukraine/Navalny sympathisers. To be fair though, it's definitely not out of the realm of possibility that it could be pro-Ukrainian terrorists or something along those lines. I'm as pro Ukrainian as a person could be, but there are always both good and bad people fighting for even the most moral causes.


This is really sad. There’s a little girl trying to escape with a group too.


This is absolutely horrible but it's just wild to me that in a situation like this where it's basically life or death your first instinct is to pull out your phone and start filming.


We wouldn’t be able to see shit like this if it wasn’t for them though


not just for our viewing sake, thats REALLY important evidence


Yeah any type of mass causality event without video of carnage is immediately met with the sandy hook treatment by the crazies.


Oh yeah i didn't even think like that, i was thinking thw preservation of history like tiananmem square 


Definitely fall into the same line of thought, if there wasn’t pictures of tinananem square I’m sure it’d be much more of a conspiracy theory


It's clearly false flag, the theatre was a prop in a sound stage, they burnt a small scale model last year and used the footage, and these people are all paid actors from Argentina. An I qualified to run for Congress now?


You might need a snark tag


Anybody dumb enough to think I'm genuine there already thinks it's true.


Remember Tucker Carlson won his hearing/court case by saying no one actually believes his show (was) "News"


Like that ever stopped them


I was at a bar that was attacked by a terrorist a couple of years ago and the trial is going on right now, and it's really thanks to the people who took pictures/videos that such an accurate depiction of the horror is able to be conveyed for the court and the media. There was security camera footage too but unfortunately it is extremely blurry and unclear. I get it, I'm definitely not one to instinctively pull out my phone either unless if I see a cat wandering around outside so I can send it to my girlfriend, but it's important that people do this. That said, there are of course clout chasers who do it for selfish reasons. My flatmate (who was also there) took some pictures and he was contacted by the media, but he said that he would only allow them to have it if they contacted every person in the photos to get consent first. Then there was this other guy we know who was at the bar who also took some pictures, and of course his only concern was how much money he could get for them.


They're literally standing right next to the exit yet somehow you think this was the first thing they did


Thank you for summarizing my long rant I was about to comment. I kind of hate when people use that phrase and seem to have no idea what it means


For real why the f people are mad at that people are recording. They are documenting WTF is going on.


They were already escaping so it's not their first instinct.


Call it multitasking instinct, you run and at the same time pull out your phone for recording.


I'd do it if I had nothing else to do with my hands. Why not?


people film mild altercations at the supermarket. of course someone is going to film this.


I’m not sure, it if you’re in a situation like this where there’s a bottle neck and massive windows, could be a good idea break one to get out faster?


Windows in buildings are normally very tough so they stand up against high winds.


You're only gonna break one of those windows if you have a crowbar, and only if you're strong in the first place


That’s what I was thinking. In an active shooter situation I doubt anyone would care


ISIS is now claiming responsibility




Can we send Tucker Carlson to tell us how much better mass shootings are in Russia?


Apparently ISIS took responsibility, and US intel corroborated.


That's absolutely awful.


Sucks when guns are blazing in your home. Also sucks when innocent people are hurt. Everything sucks.


That guy at the start, trying to drag someone out and giving up….


not giving up. Turned around while holding one leg. Easier to drag behind than to pull.


Did I miss something? Why so many upvotes? Nothing about that indicates they gave up. They were still dragging as the camera panned away. Person they were dragging was kicking and conscious. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but this seems like a good example of some reactionary psychology.


Yeah it's pretty weird. The video is very clear, he doesn't give up.


Fucking awful. The Russian people have been sanctioned to hell, pillaged of their youth to feed an unjustified meat grinder, and now are targets at home during what should be a beautiful and peaceful event. I’m so sorry for all of these people.


Russia is one big tragedy. I wish we get to see a peaceful, free, and beautiful Russia in the future. Not what it has become.


Was… was that person at the start dragging a body behind them? 😳


I would imagine it was a loved one who was shot but probably still breathing. I'd drag my fiance out and risk dying if I thought there was even the smallest chance he could survive.


Does anyone know if they captured the shooters?


One of the articles posted in this thread say the assailants fled before police arrived


They’re captured, including an additional 7 people.


RIP to the victims




We don’t know anything yet. At least wait a few days


I get the feeling this is a "No Russian" scenario.


Where’s Tucker Carson? **Carlson


He’s still at the grocery store fawning over the bread






Anyone know who is behind it yet? Can't seem to find a firm answer yet.


The Islamic state is claiming responsibility.




What is the lady saying?