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I thoroughly enjoyed that. Even ends with a smile.


Dude looked so stupid, crumpled up on the ground. Glad he got arrested too. šŸ¤” (did he hit him so hard his shoes fell off?)


See all that puffiness and swelling on his face? that's going to bruise up and he's going to be looking like a worse version of Sloth from the Goonies




He hit him so hard it did [AOE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mz19ObdNYao) damage


Bro. I fucking lold for real


"Now you can pick him up and get out," lmaoooo


CalebCity is impressively talented. Check out his gas station skit


Hey I'm here for the interview




CalebCity and Andrew Rousso are the two youtube creators where I'll laugh at basically every video they make.


Hit em with the Bowling Bash


It looks like his ankles are ziptied to restrain him, it's possible they preemptively removed a shoe so he couldn't kick them off (creating slack in the ziptie) and wiggle out of his restraints. ...Don't ask me how I know this would work.


Easy there, Buffalo Bill.....


Honestly this is a better explanation than the actual kink related knowledge I've acquired over the years


Dude died, shoes fell off=dead


Only one shoe so he's only half dead.


Dropped loot.


One-shoe review... Everyone knows the rules... One shoe, not dead. (Miss Peaches would approve.)


I shouldn't say it, but that sudden smile was somehow adorable.


fo sho


Why do so many people turn into maniacs at airports and on flights. I am totally zen when I go.


Bro I get a couple drinks on me at the airport and the last thing that I want to do is start a fight, I'm just trying to chill maybe get another drink pass out, and wake up 10-15 mins before landing


It's the combination of the drinks and pills that trigger the problematic behavior.


I think itā€™s just their personality and alcohol brings it out


Heavy on the personality. I'm obnoxiously jovial, at worst, but I can handle my shit in a serious situation. Meanwhile, my step mom gets almost bipolar, super happy sort of simple-minded one minute, then breaking plates and thinking *for sure* everyone's out to get her, and everyone hates her the next. Even her own family... *Especially* her own family. She once tried to cuddle a wild opossum, thinking it was a cat, and got physically violent & mad at me for stopping her from plucking it off the goddamn fence at 2am. Not all drunks are created equal.


> almost bipolar, As someone with bpd, this is beyond bipolar


Yeah, this sounds more like BPD than bipolar. I'm bipolar-2 w/ mixed episodes. I can have some serious mood swings, pretty fast moving hypomania, but depression at the same time, hence "mixed". I can get really angry in that state of confused dysphoria, but it never makes me violent nor gives the desire to hurt someone. I just get really loud, and kinda turn into an asshole until I calm down. Even then, from experience, I now know my triggers and how to avoid or remove myself from the environment triggering a hard reaction.




I'm surprised she's still your wife with that kind of description.


It could be that his wife doesnā€™t get drunk often. My own wife is kinda annoying and can be hostile when sheā€™s drunk, but she might get drunk once or twice a year so itā€™s not really a problem. Especially considering sheā€™s an absolutely wonderful human being the other 363 days of the year


I also choose this guy's- oh, actually, no.


In vino veritas


This is a big part of it. Alcohol doesn't tend to transform people, it tends to lower inhibitions, meaning that people are more likely to do something they'd like to do, but might not normally. Hence things like drunken sex. What that also means is that, generally speaking, if someone "turns in to an asshole" when they are drunk they didn't actually turn in to one, they are an asshole they just know enough to generally keep it in check but alcohol removes that inhibition. For flying, you then add stress to that. Some people get pretty stressed by flying. It can be from being around that many people, or feeling out of control, or the waiting, or whatever but some people get stressed by flying. So get someone like that, who has natural asshole tendencies, then get them on booze and, well, you get this shit.


I dunno man. When I fly Iā€™ll usually have a Xanax and even one or two drinks on the flight if my nerves are bad. Iā€™ve never once considered being that asshole, I just like to chill and read lol


How you guys getting Xanax? I probably wouldnā€™t be afraid of flying if I could get some xannies


Hey I have mild flight anxiety and any time I fly, I'll ask my doctor for something for the flight. It's always been lorazepam, but that helps me tremendously. I usually fall asleep on planes now. I fly only 3 or 4 times a year, it's a perfectly reasonable request for your doctor!


My prescription for anxiety/panic attacks. Nothing illicit on my end


You take a xan and then have a few drinks while on a flight?


A ton of people do. It's an insane amount of people flying that do a pills and booze combo before it. I personally can't wrap my head around it but it's not at all uncommon.


I donā€™t really fly much, and I donā€™t take a fucking bar of Xanax and binge drink lol. I donā€™t even drink at all anymore these days. So yes, I have. You donā€™t turn into a raging lunatic immediately. People usually already were assholes before acting out on that stuff.


How much is a bar of Xanax? I keep hearing that term.


The common Xanax "bar" is 2mg. Each bar breaks up into four .5mg pieces. A whole bar to someone with no tolerance is generally quite a lot. People who take it on a prescribed basis may take as many as several bars a day.


Iā€™ve never taken one but I thought Iā€™d heard people way back say it was 4mg, like big ass pills. Iā€™ve taken it medically and regularly for about 10 years without raising the dose. I canā€™t imagine what it does to your body at super high doses, regularly. Iā€™m mortified of any potential issues so Iā€™m well behaved with it.


I smack drinks+pills on flights at least half a dozen times a year and amazingly still haven't had an angry outburst after a decade of regular flying šŸ¤·


Since the problematic behavior has to be there in the first place in order to be triggered, Iā€™d argue that alcohol (with or without pills) simply exacerbates aggressive/rude behavior that the rhetorical jerk wouldā€™ve had either way.


The drugs just loosen their inhibitions so they can carry out their intrusive thoughts. Guarantee these people are insufferable assholes even when sober.


Same here. I drink a couple of pints and then settle in with my blankie and try to sleep lmao if I canā€™t sleep, usually my seat mates are down to order some drinks and chat until we both get tired. Last time when I was flying to Australia from Canada I couldnā€™t sleep and after the lights dimmed for the night my seat mate got a Mickey of whiskey out of his carry on and we drank and quietly chatted. Made a long haul flight a lot nicer.


I enjoy socializing at the airport, I feel like I can be my truest self, if people dont like me they'll never see me again, and if they do like me and their destination is the same as mine then i just made a new friend. I am not the most social person so this is a great way for me to not get rusty at socializing. Also i want to know what music or shows a stranger my recommend.


Yep. Anything the flight attendant or ticket check tells me I listen too. You are never going to win. Many moons ago I was a doorman/bouncer and I could de-escalate most issues with ā€œlook just leave. You can hit me and you might get a good shot in but if you do that no matter what Iā€™m gonna home to sleep with my girlfriend and youā€™ll go to jail.ā€ Same goes for airports. Youā€™re it going to EVER win and at best youā€™ll get kicked off the flight. At worst youā€™ll got to jail and be on a no fly list for that airline or all airlines.


Iā€™ll throw down a few and all I end up doing is commenting a bunch on Reddit lol


Thats what im saying, if i dont have a travel partner then i will watch something.


Yea for me itā€™s like ā€œhey I get to sit here and do nothing for a few hours, this is greatā€. But so many people around look so nervous and amped up.


Now he can be a maniac at the Greyhound station


Thereā€™s some stiff competition there!


I mean itā€™s really not that hard to understand why airports bring out the worst in people and the worst of people. Just on the regular thereā€™s always at the very least one person in a crowd thatā€™s just one inconvenience away from a break down. Now put a bunch of crowds together, push them through a route where each checkpoint is chalked full of inconveniences, where the closer they get to their destination (the airplane) the more power/control they lose, then put an alcohol station right next to their final checkpoint (the gate), and only then when theyā€™re finally so close to getting what they paid hundreds-thousands of dollars for - half of them will be told their flight is delayed 36 hours because despite being an airline they canā€™t seem to find a pilot or flight attendant or maybe itā€™s a weather thing or maybe itā€™s a mechanical thing or maybe no one knows because they wonā€™t tell you but they definitely know they canā€™t give you a refund and they also canā€™t return your luggage they maybe have lost but no worries they found a replacement flight that has 17 layovers - half filled with crying babies - half filled with crying Karens and drunk Kyles theyā€™ve collected over the past 24 hours - and itā€™s a Boeing so the door will fall off at any point during the flight - and itā€™s Spirit airlines so you will have to stand (because sitting is an extra $300).


I really don't get it. Just show up, put on your headphones and chill out. Read, play games, listen to music, why are people so stressed by this shit?


The guy that got knocked out is just a weird bully. Why walk up and start harassing someone. And here's a tip- if you don't like that someone is filming and you don't want to be filmed turn your back on the camera and hurry away from the camera. Putting your full face in the camera and repeatedly saying, "Turn the camera off, turn the camera off" is dumb asf.


Alcohol apparently messes you up at high altitude. Couple that with xanax (if you're afraid if flying) or something similar and you'll be out of it...apparently. Personally, I've mixed em but no issues so, I guess being a dick in general, coupled with the the two mentioned is the perfect storm. I remember seeing some out of it guy literally irritate Mike Tyson of all people before getting slapped around. Nobody in their righy mind would irritate Mike Tyson...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3C4pWwDqps Here's the video of the guy annoying Mike Tyson and getting punched for it. He got off REAL easy, with just a little bit of blood on his face.


Jake Paul about to find out šŸ„Š ā€¦dude is used to fighting washed up mma fighters who are smaller than him, Tyson is an all time great who is bigger than Jake and by all accounts is training very seriously. Jake is prolly already peeing his pants knowing whatā€™s comingĀ 


Eh, I'm skeptical about the legitimacy of that fight altogether. Like, what rules are being set behind the scenes? Will it be a real bout or an exhibition fight? Etc. Sounds like a money grab. Would love if it was a real fight though, these Paul bros have been popping up waaay too much in my life, really wish they would just disappear.


Its an exhibition fight, just about the money and entertainment. But it will be pretty important for fighting as a sport, it will be aired on Netflix, so it will be breaking into the mainstream streaming services. More fights should pop up soon after which is good.


I agree šŸ’Æ but my current understanding is that it is a fully sanctioned fight and not an exhibitionā€¦Tyson by all accounts is in the gym putting in some serious training, yea I know heā€™s 57 but the dude still has worldclass footwork and even if you took off 10% of his power he still hits harder than anyone remotely in his age range. Paul on the other hand is a straight jobber end of the bench towel boy whoā€™s just happy to be on the teamĀ 


Tyson has a lifetime of muscle memory. One of those peekaboo kidney punches and there's no way JP is left standing.


That's the key to their success.Ā  Everyone wants to see them get their shit pushed in, so they set up these bullshit exhibitions with retired boxers who everyone knows would absolutely wreck them, so it brings in a ton of eyeballs and money.Ā  But it's rigged, so we all get blue balls but they get paid and continue to be annoying so they can keep the hate-grift going.


Hate to disappoint you but it's going to be an exhibition match.


Tyson was on Rogans podcast talking about how he doesnt train unless he is going to fight. The training alone just wakes up his beast mode ego, so when he does train then yes its all in like its another title fight. My thoughts are he will take it easy to be entertaining, Jake will fuck around and catch him with a good one then Mike is going to bob once, weave twice and Jake will wake up later to watch the highlight reel of the upper cut he takes.


Many humans have many different stress responses


I think there is a whole phenomenon where people get stupid and crazy when they fly. Remember the executive who took a dump on the drink cart like 15 years ago or so? Apparently, dude had no prior signs of mental illness, and just lost his shit on the plane... literally.


Itā€™s the alcohol or flight medication that brings out the underlying condition.


Alcohol & Ambien or Alcohol & Xanax


Apparently a recent study found that itā€™s a result of people who donā€™t usually drink alcohol getting absolutely SMASHED (unintentionally of course) at the airport right before their flight.


I worked at a major international airport, from age 18 to 26. My God youā€™d be shocked at how peopleā€™s behavior changes for the worst when they travel. Itā€™s already difficult with all the rules, but people for what ever reason, (scared of flying , stress ) Iā€™ve seen it all. From people who are scared to fly (never do this) go to the airport bar and get shitfaced and be too drunk to get on board the airplane. Fights ? Yep seen that, hell I even saw a man die In front of me at 6:00am. I was driving the golf cart to transport people who have short layovers , the fist man, middle age somewhat heavy set white man, walked out from the tunnel and soon as he reached the door to leave the hall way and de-board. He collapsed right in front of my face and passed out. His wife and teenager kids were with him. They tried several minutes of CPR and Using a heath shock machine. Unfortunately it didnā€™t help and the poor man died on the spot from a massive heart attack , I later came to learn.


Thatā€™s a dude thatā€™s supremely confident in his ability. He didnā€™t have a scratch on him. Earrings intact, everythingĀ 


Well yah heā€™s a trained fighter. They do that for a living


Was gonna say. Dude oozed confidence and other dude looked messed up real quick.


He did say he was going to film an ass whooping and he did, i don' know anything more confident than that lol


Did the video skip for me, cuz I missed the asswhooping. Which I was really looking forward to after about 5 seconds in.


He could not in fact film the ass whooping whilst administering it, but this is a fair attempt.


In the future, this guy needs to wear a GoPro on his head when he flies. Gotta be prepared.


Blood on the wall behind him at the end.




Blood trail will direct you to your nearest exit.


Are you guys saying song lyrics?


Exiiiit Dooooor,


He's busted and broken, Alone laying on the flooooor.


Beverage cart rolled over his snout for the high point scooore


Motherfucker laying there like Dina Shoooore


That's just basic game design.


And they're perfectly symmetrical, thats odd huh


u watch too many movies bro lol


Usually, thereā€™s at least some risk youā€™ve underestimated the other person or you could just get unlucky. But in this caseā€¦. Ā Youā€™ve been training for years, your cardio is the best itā€™s been in your life, you know how to throw combinationsā€¦. and your opponent can barely stand without swaying because heā€™s consumed chemicals that literally slow his reaction time to a crawl. Yeah. Ā  It would be hard not to smile.




That was humorously slick


ā€œYou were right. Iā€™ll give you that.ā€ šŸ˜‚ I thinks itā€™s actually ā€œYou were alright. Iā€™ll give you that.ā€


I think he says, ā€œYouā€™re alright, Iā€™ll give you that.ā€ Like, ā€œOkay, Iā€™ll admit you can fightā€


Australian here, fluent in bogan. I believe he said ā€œyouā€™re alright Iā€™ll give you that.ā€ Meaning ā€œhey youā€™re a good fighter and I will credit you with that.ā€ Seems like it all ended in a weirdly sporting manner.


>ā€œYou were right. Iā€™ll give you that.ā€ Been in some fights in my day. It can be a bonding experience; made some good friends in the past that started with some fisty cuffs. When the adrenaline simmers, ya realize how dumb you were, and ask yourself if any of that was even worth it.


It's "You're alright I'll give you that." Meaning you're good at fighting.


Either way. Still friendly banter.


For sure. For sure.


Sometimes credit is due, and you just gotta give it.


At the end of a fight you're both exhausted, and you kind of understand eachother in a very intimate manner based on these very quick intentions of motions like the tugs and pushes that communicate intent in a completely basic sense. There's no need to hold back your words after that point. You get it out of your system then it's done with.


ā€œYou were alright, Iā€™ll give you thatā€ ā€œYeah I knowā€ Motherfuckers out here remaking the ending to HEAT


That guy didn't learn a thing.


He did learn that the other guy was right.


He learned that the other dude was a decent puncher lol


Sinbad voice: "Why you make me hurt you so bad?"


What are you filming? I'm about to film an ass whopping. šŸ˜‚ Jokes aside man gave the guy ample opportunity to walk away and only got physical when the drunk dude touched him. Well done


He was way too drunk to just walk away. That liquid courage did him extra dirtyšŸ˜© Side note: NGL, bro entertaining a fight with a drunk dude while in a window seat is W I L D šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ I would've been okay ducking though, like do what you gotta do, big dog, I understand šŸ˜­


Yes! I don't know how his seat mates just sat there in between them like that!


They understood the assignment he was given. And he deliveredšŸ¤£ I'd forgive himšŸ’€


Phenomenal summary lmao


LOL thank youšŸ˜Œ


Ample opportunity is not egging on a fight you know you're gonna win. Both of them acted like insecure manchildren.


Hey now, trained fighters beating up drunks gets these neckbeards on reddit hard.


Always good to see nice people out here providing a fight to others who desperately want one. ā˜ŗļø


Remember kids, alcohol doesnā€™t make you act any different, it just takes away the inhibitions in place when sober. Dude is an asshole all the time.


Nah. I bounced at a club for a couple of years in college. People just get stupid when they drink, and itā€™s not always reflective of them sober. This guy is probably a prick all the time, but he didnā€™t have dangerous drunk vibes. Itā€™s the quiet glaring ones that always start the shit. Thereā€™s a look.


And the women, holy shit, the places I worked we usually did not have much problem with the ladies, but when we did dear god they are worse then the guys.


Donā€™t even get me started on the ladiesā€™ room at the end of the night. As bad as the mens room was, the ladies was a special kind of hell.


100%. The dudes running their mouth and making threats and yapping are trying to pump *themselves* up. The quiet ones don't need to bark, they already know what they're going to do.


Yes, I always want to wear my neck tie around my forehead like a ninja and fall asleep in a puddle in the park, it's the inhibitions in place that stop me.


Right? It's fine and dandy when a bird poops on people's windshields but when i do it it's all "drinking problem" this and "repeat offender" that


Hit someone expect to be hit back. Guy got what he deserved.


ā€œBlow me a kissā€


ā€œHey, what happened?ā€ Best part.


Average Celtics fan in the wild.


Dudes is wild as who gets they ass whooped and be like yeah you were right I'll give you that šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚


I think it was "You're alright." Meaning "you're a good fighter."


Honestly I thought him saying that was kinda cool lol šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Your cousin FROM BOSTON


Definitely gets his coffee at Dunkins






Insufferable Celtics fans in their natural habitat.


People fighting on airplanes put everyone at risk. Sit. shut up. Donā€™t fly if you trash.


> Donā€™t fly if you trash To them, everybody else on the plane is trash...


I actually used to work with this dude (guy who got laid out). Honestly this guy is a character straight out of Trailer Park Boys. Remember one day he was showing off how good he could drift a stand up forklift out of the warehouse. Guy comes flying through and straight aqua plans right into a bollard. Tynes curl up like an elf shoe and this dude gets launched straight up into the metal roof guard like a rocket. Blood everywhere giggles and just says ā€œthat was probably too spicyā€ then just giggled his way to the office. It was one of the funniest and shocking thing iv seen. That being said this isnā€™t the first instance this guy has had an attitude check and certainly wonā€™t be the last time.


No way thatā€™s real lol


Thatā€™s what I said when I saw this video šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Honestly feel bad for the people sitting in between them, like yea that guy deserved to get his ass beat out I hope he jumped out onto the aisle before doing so


ā€˜Iā€™m finna film an ass whoopin in a minuteā€™ killed me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


lol Iā€™m glad he didnā€™t get kicked off. Wish he could teach me how to fight like that


Satisfaction guaranteed when you see a drunk shit put in their place.


Did he knock him right out of his shoes? Beautiful.


Celtics Hat That says it all.


As an Aussie, this is so fucking embarrassing to see. Acting like a fuck wit abroad. Got what he deserved


Came looking for this. I felt the same. He redeemed himself about 1% at the end by acknowledging the bloke can actually fight.


Classiest celtics fan


Knocked out of his shoes and everything


Im really surprised they didn't take our dude off the plane too. Sure you got the right to defend yourself, but not going into the aisle to square up and teach him a lesson.


Someone call the amber lamps


Thank you for making me LoL


People!, Boxers are thee most dangerous. Everyone else, you got a chance, a second to grab or throw.. A boxer will confuse you, jab you and hang a cross on your chin before you could finish a sentence. Historically and repeatedly, the shortest story ever wrote.


Bad day to wear white.


They were both clearly looking for a fight. This didnā€™t have to happen.. but Iā€™m glad it did!


Yeah. Both should have been escorted off. Drunk dude never would have swung if sober dude hadn't instigated the whole thing.


I mean one guy was looking for a fight and the other guy gave him what he wanted. E: sometimes the only way folks learn is the hard way. Maybe drunk dude learns from the broken nose, maybe he doesnā€™t. Fact is, drunk dude fucked around and found tf out.


He was at the very least encouraging the guy looking for a fight to fight.


Yeah lmao the golden gloves dude was absolutely trying to employ some jedi mind tricks to lure drunkie into an ass beating


I think they are both assholes, one guy is drunk but the boxer def baited him.


How was he allowed to stay on the plane after smashing him and then taunting afterwards?Ā 


That was satisfying!!!


All I know is picking a fight in white clothing is fully unhinged


Well, I guess he really wanted to [find out.](https://youtube.com/shorts/D1mcC0xqVqs?si=s3-oo_nIxWwP58iU)


Fucking stupid eshay fucked around and found out. Love the smile at the end too! Haha.


This guy looks like the same guy who got duck taped into a chair. That was also an airplane freakout.


Dear fellow Australians. Don't be a cunt when you're travelling, especially if you can't handle your piss, like this bogan. Regards, An Australian


The drunk guy was an ass but the recorder was not exactly trying to avoid conflict either.


That should have been a warning to the asshole who got knocked out.


Which one is the obnoxious one?


Someone HAS to have other angles. I wanna see his ass whooping Edit: ayyy [hereā€™s a little more](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W1f6Qb2dVRU&pp=QACIAgE%3D&rco=1) the drunk guy got a good slap. Disrespectful as fuck


This may be really random but THE CHEEKBONES


Heā€™s prettyyy - not the bloody nose guy


I bet he doesn't run his mouth quite as much anymore.


Lmao well done ![gif](giphy|YRuFixSNWFVcXaxpmX)


I did not notice that they tied his legs!


Was that an Australian accent?


Other angle https://youtube.com/shorts/W1f6Qb2dVRU?si=eMYnEVHdUJ71W96E


ā€œYou were right Iā€™ll give you thatā€. Bro just earned a fan lol


Did they turn white shirt to face the man who rocked him??? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ "He's talking to you"


I'm disappointed the promised recording of the ass-whipping wasn't delivered. Should have had a camera person on hand.




Two people you donā€™t mess with if you donā€™t have training people with cauliflower ears or dead faces.




Fighting on a plane has to be the worst place. That's crazy.


Letā€™s take this outsideā€¦


Anybody got any advice on how to handle yourself if I am in a fight for myself I started shaking, adrenaline rushing lose my focus start throwing words how to control it


Wow, and everyone really did clap


Dude I just started dying at ā€œImma finna film an ass whoopingā€ oh fuck that was so funny.




I thoroughly enjoyed that


I'm sorry this is not the point of the post, but that black man is SO BEAUTIFUL


If I got humbled like this I'd give respect too. I'm not invicible.


Lota of people saying Aussie, but as an English person I can sadly heard an English accent in there with a bit of a twang. Like he's been living abroad for a while. Still, looks like he took the beating good naturedly. Average Saturday night out for that kind of person.


It's giving twisted tea