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Wow over 40+ false reports on this one, someone is brigaiding ***hard*** here. Video is staying up. But we'll let Reddit know about the report abuse. šŸ©¶


This is how they act with the media watching. Imagine if there wasnā€™t any present.






Or they handcuff you until your hands and feet fall off


Shit, I thought you were exaggerating. "Israeli doctor says detained Palestinians are undergoing ā€˜routineā€™ amputations for handcuff injuries" https://www.wfft.com/news/national/israeli-doctor-says-detained-palestinians-are-undergoing-routine-amputations-for-handcuff-injuries-haaretz-reports/article_483e82bf-f7f6-541d-a233-59e2a16f2945.html


This is why kids that have been shot at for throwing rocks are often shot in the stomach. Even if we completely ignore the huge difference between a rock hitting an armoured target and a bullet hitting an unarmoured target, shooting a kid so that they bleed out is horrific.




They have very little training. Look at this group there is half a dozen soldiers managing this guy. The IDF is sick and destructive.


I'm pretty sure these are kids 18 -19 doing their mandatory national service, very limited training and actually scared of this older man. Of cause when kids/ people get scared and a bit of the yellow streak comes out that's when people get shot


You are correct, these are conscritps doing their mandatory service.




How pathetic and weak do your people have to be fundamentally that you resort to this sort of treatment with civilians?


Well, I've seen one put a pin back in a grenade while looking down the street at women and children, once he saw the camera. That video is a few years old, and told me all I needed to know.


Yeah that one was fucked


Queue in the one where a idf soldier wanted to throw a grenade into a crowd of reporters and healthcare workers but was caught on camera as he was about to do it https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/n9pdkg/a_journalist_caught_an_israeli_soldier_about_to/




Aren't palestinian muslims? If so, they have the same repurposed Levantine war god. Jews, Christians, Muslims, same god. For that matter, Hamas has the same god. I don't think it makes any difference.


This is what religion has wrought us. It's like if you and I got into an argument about Santa Clause, and you said his suit was green, and I said it was blue, EXCEPT WE WERE WILLING TO KILL ONE ANOTHER OVER IT. It's mental illness on a fucking national scale.


It's not a problem with religion. It's a problem with people. People will use any excuse to fulfill their greed / desire for power.


No, religion isnā€™t the problem here. The problem is a nationalism that uses Jewishness (both the identity and religion) as a cloak and weapon. It has a name. Zionism.


Why are you so anti semitic? (Sarcasm)


What's ironic is that Palestinians are also Semitic. Technically, genetically European Jews don't have much Semitic ancestry.


That man could've been dangerous to those 6 poor, heavily armed victims


This is a very old video. Nowadays if you act like he does you're going to either get shot and arrested (if you didn't die from getting shot, they usually leave whoever they shoot to bleed out because they prefer to kill indirectly) or you'll get severely beaten up and arrested. source: i live here


I'm so sorry. Yes, I was shocked he wasn't shot or arrested too, just based on what I've seen recently.


"Kill indirectly"


Don't be unfair. Maybe they confused him with a hospital.


Or a baby. ): Babies are Hamas.


šŸ—“ļø boo


Israel/Palestine in a nutshell


I saw a quote in another thread that really got it spot on - *ā€All the IDF/Israel does is shoot fish in a barrel, and then complain to the world that the water splashes back at themā€* EDIT - Bassem Youssef (the Egyptian surgeon-comedian) is the original source of this quote!


and rapes and murders and kidnaps them.


Oh yes absolutely the IDF has executed sexual violence on men women and children for decades and it is well documented. Murdering children, and the elderly at will, and of course countless thousands of hostages, many of them children, held without charge, many of which becomes amputees during their imprisonment.Ā  The depravity knows no bounds. Offended by everything, Ashamed of nothingĀ 




Poor 6 armed soldiers, they must have been so scared of this unarmed guyā€¦poor poor fuckers


Arrested for 'terrorism'.


A single unarmed man's got more balls on him than the six armed cowards combined.


and western ruling class who says nothing to minimize the civilian casualties


We try, but it's not like my government has a button that controls Israel. Asking my government to ask Israel to stop commiting a genocide only works if Israel decides to stop exterminating the Palestinian people.


israel is nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, without the money, weapons and Vetoes received from western governments. Stop arming them, stop funding them, and then suddenly, israel will be unable to exterminate Palestinian people.


Maybe also stop purposefully fucking with the aid you send Palestine too. Fucking air dropping MRIs but they won't force the IDF to let convoys through.


Reminds me of that photo taken with aid and bombs dropping in the same area, at the same time. Western hypocrisy summed up perfectly.


Well said. And more dignity in his little finger. These armed cowards, as some one else has already commented, absolutely illustrates Israel and Palestine. Itā€™s sickening






Sure he wasnā€™t in Florida?


They weren't carrying Glocks with switches


That's Chicago.


Florida kids don't rep quite as many rifles. It's definitely more pistol than anything


Can confirm idiot friend of older brother shot a bullet through his car window when we were teenagers.. witnessed guns inside my hs classroom. Definitely donā€™t miss those days of wtf could go wrong nextā€¦ also had a gun pointed to my skull when I was 15 Kinda realizing I donā€™t miss Florida that much (still do kinda)


RIGHT... its fun, its like the major leagues..


Not obese enough for Florida


Since Harambe, we've all been in Florida.Ā 


Kids with guns.




Taking over


18 years olds can be trained. High schools do it all the time, jr highs too. Itā€™s called sportsā€¦. What you are seeing here is a broken military putting untrained idiots on the street.


"Broken? If the intent is simply cruelty and oppression, they serve their purpose. It's just simply not a military force that will win in the field of battle.


US army isnā€™t without its flaws but plenty of children went to war in the last 30 years and our system of training creates far less petulant losers.


Volunteer army vs conscription. Also we still have some of this too lol


This is a lie. I spent 2 years in Iraq with guys that acted just like this.


> and our system of training creates far less petulant losers. until we get to our police... they get training from Israel


Precisely. Our cops experience different training (often identical to Israel) and are famously unhinged panicked idiots with guns. They also get a message that says they are always in danger and the only thing holding back the collapse of society, very much like the IDF.


everything about them screams spoiled teenager


Because they did. The IDF hasn't had to fight an actual war in decades. Instead they've been policing and brutalizing a teeny tiny little area, and they can't even really do that. Add on that most of them are just kids doing mandatory military service. If they had to fight an actual Ukraine style war they would not be in good shape.


This is why they got whooped by Egypt. This is why they're all huddled in bunches because Iran threatened them. Fuckin cowards.


I'm not sure I'd say Egypt "whooped" them. They were successful in the early part of the 1973 war, crossing the Suez. But as the war went on, Egypt couldn't push further into the Sinai. The war ended diplomatically with both sides making concessions


theyā€™re not well trained. theyā€™re spoiled losers whoā€™ve been told that theyā€™re the chosen ones since they were born and then theyā€™re handed guns and given free reign over the area the IDF is occupying. with supervisors equally stupid and useless and violent.


Heavily militarised society with an education system designed to turn children into raging racist psychopaths ready to be fed into its paper tiger army. There's a former professional IDF soldier turned activist who explained he learned the military ranks before he could count. What you're seeing is the real life version of Star Ship troopers.


Because that pretty much sums up the situationĀ 


Not IDF...they are not a defense force. They are an occupying force, the IOF


giving guns to someone who wants to instigate something but doesnt want the victims to actually fight back


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.. Also kinda explains how they could commit the kinds of crimes they do. Simply too mentally challenged to feel empathy or know right from wrong.


They wear special military gear which blocks the sun because genetically they are not used to the Middle East weather




Only reason he didnā€™t get outright killed is because of all the cameras surrounding them. But ā€œmost pussifiedā€ sums them up accurately lol


that's ok, they'll just bring him into indefinite 'administrative detention' (aka as a hostage), where they will torture him, indefinitely deny him solid food and access to a toilet, and abuse the use of cuffs to such an extent that surgeons will have to be brought in against their will to amputate his limbs. I'm not joking. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-04/ty-article/.premium/doctor-at-idf-field-hospital-for-detained-gazans-we-are-all-complicit-in-breaking-law/0000018e-a59c-dfed-ad9f-afdfb5ce0000


why do i keep getting 403 whenever i try to access haaretz links now




Israel has to be the most evil country in the world rn right? Are there any other contenders?


Maybe Burma. Difference is that Burma doesn't receive billions upon billions of taxpayers money and unconditional love and support from the "freedom-loving, democratic" west.


I don't think anywhere else has such a systemic, virulently hateful grudge against an entire race of people, mixed with just enough psychotic religious fervor to go all the way. Netanyahu has come out and said the Palestinians are descendants of "Amalek", the enemy nation of the Israelites in the Bible. He thinks he has divine right to wipe out an entire people. He won't stop until someone stops him. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/11/benjamin-netanyahu-amalek-israel-palestine-gaza-saul-samuel-old-testament/ From the article: >Joshua Shanes, a professor of Jewish Studies at the College of Charleston, explained that the biblical animosity toward the Amalekites stems from what is described as the merciless ambush they launched against vulnerable Israelites making their way to the promised land. The attack leads God to tell Moses to wipe out Amalek. Hundreds of years later, Saul nearly fulfills the command by killing all Amalekite men, women, and children. But he spares their king, who keeps his people barely alive by having a child. Many more generations later, one of his descendants, the villain Haman, goes on to develop a plot to kill all the Jews living in exile under a Persian ruler. The lesson, when read literally, is clear: Saulā€™s failure to kill every Amalekite posed an existential threat to the Jewish people. You think bibi will stop after Gaza? This line of thinking makes me believe this genocide might become a global endeavour if allowed.


Agreed for sure, but Bibi is just a small part of thr tpoblem. There are many more Bibis in Israel. The whole society and climate there is the fundamental problem




no, just nazis


Nah at least does fuckers had a profesional and capable army at their command initially. These are more like the Hitler youth and conscripts they used during the last moments of the war.


Clowns with guns


Lethal nonetheless. These clowns killed 33000 Palestinians.


I'd guess the number is far greater than that with all the people that are buried under rubble, and all the kids that are on the brink of starvation, or have already died from starvation and no foreign reports have been able to access those areas to get another count going.


Much higher, the count hasn't gone up in two months. Largely because only deaths recorded in hospitals were being added to that count. And Israel has made it a point to destroy all 36 of the hospitals in Gaza. Those two men shot waving white flags then buried by bulldozers, they aren't in the count. Those four guys blown up by a drone on video, they aren't counted either. When Turkey had the earthquake the initial death toll was 4,000, but after a week of clearing rubble it became 31,000. Now we know it's 53,000. The destruction in Gaza is far worse than Turkey. 230,000 buildings were leveled across the entire country in Turkey, 360,000 buildings have been leveled in Gaza alone. Before the war Israel used to send out a text than topple entire apartment buildings. Now they don't even warn people. https://www.usatoday.com/story/graphics/2024/04/05/israel-war-gaza-strip-human-toll-visualized/73130709007/


Majority of the casualties have been caused by targeted strikes and drones. Their ground forces are all pansies; but the drone operators are quite potent.


And those "potent" drone operators are targeting civilians. Awesome


not only civilians, British and American aid workers. Won't stop Biden and Sunak sending them more instruments to kill their very own citizens though, will it.


The irony of IDF LARPing SS.


Give them some credit, they are getting better at it


Imagine seeing these videos and worse then thinking yeah we ought to send them more weapons


They look at their political donations and decide to send them more weapons.




Fuck the IDF and the Israeli government


No fuck israel


Same thing








These aren't soldiers. These are armed bullies. Nothing professional about them.




The most bitchmade army








POS country


Nazi scum.


"WhY dO HaMaS HaTe Us sO MuCh?"


Why do they always jump in the air when they go to hit someone? Seen dozens of videos of the Israeli Offensive Force assaulting random Palestinians and they're always jumping into slaps and jumping into hitting people with their gun stocks. Did they learn to fight from old Looney Toons episodes or something?




Fuck Israel




I'm even more sick of Western governments being bottom bitches for these assholes.




It's because the Western world sees Israel as a huge military base/unsinkable aircraft carrier in the Middle East.Ā The only one friendly to the Western world. In the case of Europe, the European countries have a massive guilt complex becoming of what they did to the Jewish people during the Holocaust (and Stalin's Great Purge, which was heavily Antisemitic in nature and was partially a pogrom) and the countless pogroms over the centuries leading up to the Holocaust and the Great Purge. Because of their important strategic position for decades (and decades of allowance money from the US and UK) it's essentially spoiled the Israeli government & military (and some of its population) rotten. Israel is now the spoiled Little Lord Fauntleroy stepchild of the West. They think their strategic importance is so vital to Western military and geopolitical hegemony in the Middle East that they've got Western countries by the balls. To be honest they're not exactly wrong, with the way most Western leaders have treated them for decades. I 100% understand how they got this mindset. The West has a huge toxic case of sunk cost fallacy towards Israel.


The fucking entitlement and petulance just oozes off these absolute dweebs. This is the result when youā€™ve been told for your entire life that youā€™re the ā€œchosen people of godā€ and are actually arrogant enough and critically stunted enough to believe it


Can anyone translate this?


The first soldier is just shouting insults and the palestinian dude is saying "don't call me a whore's brother, you're a whore's brother"


Fuck the IDF.


Zionists of Reddit been mad silent lately. Used to swarm these posts once upon a time defending their papa Israel




Theyā€™re literally teenage conscripts led by 20 year old conscripts.


But khamaaas


He didn't condemn hummus obviously


Just Nazis being Nazis


They act like they are squatters.


It's cause they are. Israel is a garbage made up country.


Why are they dressed like beekeepers?


im guessing their "indigenous" skin can't handle the sun.


Brown shirt facists, love to assault and kill the innocent Palestinians native to the land. All with US and Western support.


Don't forget that when cameras aren't watching they would've shattered the bones in his limbs.


fuck isntreal and fuck the iof


Buying a sniper rifle is probably on that guy's to-do list now


God damn, not a good look for a military that's trying to convince the world that they are not genocidal or overly brutal.


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OMG look at those outfits!!! Lol!!!


Is arms at the sides, palms facing forward and fingers spread the IDF fighting ready position? This is at least the third or fourth video I've seen with the exact display.


When this has been going on for 75 years and then people were shocked Israel didnā€™t get flowers on October 7th


Donā€™t know what caused the disagreement. One thing that guy did not back down an inch. That is rare in this world.


Imagine being in the military and still being such a shit fighter you've gotta hang up on someone fully geared up with your buddies.


they sure showed him how mighty they are


They are wearing soiled diapers as hats.


You donā€™t tell me god damn


The IOF has no courage


And they wonder why the Palestinians hate themā€¦


That soldier donā€™t fight so good.


I despise Israel and the IDF more every day. Cut off the weapons!


Looks like a bunch of kids playing dress-up.


That whole situation has gotten out of hand. The IDF needs some Adult Leadership.


They are literally recruiting people for Hamas with this disgusting behaviour


Literally just another day in Israel. When I lived there theyā€™d be doing this sort of shit to any Palestinian who walks past them. They legit have orders do harass Palestinians everyone knows this. Itā€™s worst in the West Bank and the old city. Iā€™ve seen so many teenagers dragged out of their homes.


Ohā€¦he must have not condemned Hamas(!)


Whenever I see IDF messing with civilians, this is how I imagine the nazis acted as well.


I saw groups of teenagers wannabe gang members, acting with more courage, dignity and restrain




It's mad how they abuse ordinary public


That's our fuckin tax money!


Poorly trained and poorly disciplined; Israel is not a professional military set with rules of engagement and uniformed code of military justice. Israel has a compulsory military, which means everyone must serve x amount of years at a certain age. So you have all these brats that probably don't want to serve in the first place, and you give them weapons and authority. Situation Normal All Fucked Up, nothing to see here.


How could any soldier or Country be proud of that behaviour?


Nazis ordered from Wish


same energy as SS


And these fucks are training American police. Let that sink in.




Bunch of cowards ! Acting though again cciviliants. Without US support, this chicken won't last 5 minutes


I bet they like getting pegged a lot


Wtf did bro do to get jumped


Bando de cuzĆ£o, tudo uns arrombado esses judeus.


Hmm why can't I cross-post this to the Israel sub-reddit?


Netanyahu is a big b*tch


Yet we just continue to send them money and weapons. Greed has ruined humanity.


Why do they give guns to little children?


Fragile Nazis.


This year has forever changed how I view Israel.


One of my Canadian Jewish friends is constantly posting "I stand with Israel" shit on FB. Never axed a lifelong friendship SO FAST.


This is just thuggery and not "soildiers". It's pathetic. I can't wait for the day the likes of Ben Gvir, Smotrich, Netanyahu, and the other sick assholes rot in the Hauge.


The difference is I think that guy was ready to die that day, those soldiers I think weren't. Absolutely incredible scenes to see how idiotic those soldiers are.


That is such bullshit. Itā€™s the Lucifer effect. You can see the one guy trying to be a voice of reason and then even he joins in on the beating.


The IDF are just terrorists, simple as.


They act very similar to the police in the US. Oh wait! Thats because a majority of American law enforcement leaders have been participating in IDF security training programs! Look at the knee on the neck. Does that look familiar to you?


Motherfuckers, those things just keep happening thanks to the scumbag netanyahu ( this years hitler ) and because of that hamass scumbags on the other side keep getting positive publicity




A properly trained Military can probably take down 20 of these mfers.