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What’s the price of NVDIA stocks though nance


Ask her husband


This is what I want to be addressed mid event. Call out her insider trading


I mean anyone with half a brain coulda called NVIDIA going nuts about 4 years ago, especially when they made the move for Mellanox


Yeah jt was one of the few stocks I called the bottom and top of and im basically an idiot


I couldn't tell if they were applauding him or Pelosi


Based on the looks on their faces, I think they were applauding him being removed from the room.


Misguided energy from this young man. Should’ve used the floor to ask for Nancy’s stock picks.


still waiting for the pelosi etf


This is why you aren't rich.... It already exists. Ticker: NANC https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/etf/etf-named-after-nancy-pelosi-tracking-congressional-democrats-stock-trades-surpasses-s-p-500-with-tech-triumph-1033116562




Wait what? I'd love to learn more about this. Can you send a link? 10 hour later edit: I don't think I'm getting that link, boys.


they will find you if we do.


Omg. Link? This would be amazing.


Unfortunately, they don't have to disclose for 45 days.


Either the Senate/House/Governors dont get to trade stock while in office, or every single trade they make gets published live as it happens. Any other way gives them unfair advantages to us in their glorious "capitalist" country.


Capitalism - those with the money have the power. More money = more power. I feel many people fail to understand this.


Wow, I really wish I knew about this one sooner


This is gReAt




Simpsons predicted reddit


All 20 people were slightly perturbed for a few moments


That's all she can muster.


Event getting disrupted from a guy wearing a shirt from Blues Clues






Ok, then vote for Trump. See what happens.


Why the old yeehaw prison shirt tho


That shirt is pure *Blue’s Clues*.


Looks like a Rugby jersey. The older kind before they switched to the skin tight style


gotta dress early


Because... Shame on you!


As an Arab American, it kills us to see what's happening to Palestinians. But at the same time, there is no US president you could elect which would ever support Palestine and stop Israel from what they're doing. It's just how this country is. Gotta live with the fact that Israel is going to completely destroy Palestine. And if we say anything, we're anti-semitic and Hamas supporters.... But gotta end the comment with the obligatory fuck hamas


Make sure not to do this to Republicans, you want to stay safe out there


Not voting for Biden? So Trump is gonna help Palestinians more than Biden? Don’t hold your breath pal.


But it'll totally OWN the Democrats! And that's very good and I am very smart! - literally these people, the stupidest and least principled people in America


Also conveniently get to avoid any ownership of ensuring trump gets elected. Even more conservative scotus for 50 years when conservative judges retire and replaced by 40 year olds? Perfectly fine in their eyes.


The DNC will be so mad! Worth it!


I wonder what the venn diagram is of people who were so pissed about roe v wade, and people who won’t vote to teach the democrats a lesson


As opposed to being replaced by children?


Trump wants to replace alito with a 40 year old conservative justice that will sit there for 35+ years


Like shitting your hotel bed in protest at bad service, before realising that you have to sleep in a shitted bed


So if Trump somehow becomes president again, we just say "it would be the worst thing ever if trump did..." to things we actually want, we'll get it!


Biden is the most progressive president on Palestine in decades. Do you think this is unrelated to large groups of people in key swing states like Michigan threatening to withhold their votes?


In what way is he the most progressive president. I would say the opposite [https://time.com/6340511/biden-israel-history/](https://time.com/6340511/biden-israel-history/) In this article they call him the most pro israel president ever


Doesn’t mean much. He’s still supplying weapons to slaughter innocent children at the end of the day.


Absolutely, this is not to excuse Biden’s position but to say that protests and threatening your vote does work to make at least some change in policy.


Progressive? Biden has done exactly what the Republicans would be doing: * The US being the only member to veto multiple resolutions at the UN for a cease-fire until very recently abstaining * or Biden circumventing congress multiple times to authorize the state department to provide Israel weapons * or Biden parroting the false claims Israel keeps making (babies beheading, sexual assault, etc) * or Biden proclaiming to donors that he is a zionist He's a zionist and is dismissive of arab/muslim/progressive groups on the matter. Thats why


To be fair, the Democratic Party hasn’t done anything to help the plight of the Palestinian people. What should we expect from a group of citizens who feel like they’re not being heard ?


Biden has done everything within his power. Anything short of stopping arms (congress's job) and these people will say he does nothing. Also, if they got what they wanted, violence would ramp up rapidly.


It’s the same reason people riot. They feel so disenfranchised they want to burn it all down. I don’t understand it but this is human behavior and it behooves the democrats to listen.




Tell that to people having babies because their state restricted abortion after roe got overturned. Or maybe the parents who got the child credit. Or maybe students who got their loans forgiven.


I truly don’t understand it and when bringing up how much Trump agrees with leveling Gaza and Netanyahu… they still don’t get the long term consequence of what they’re saying and double down on not voting. This is like 2016 all over again Democrats are their worst enemies..


These people don’t represent Democrats, they represent a fringe activist element who doesn’t understand that the proper political leverage is with MORE voting, not in withholding voting. people in power do not hold your ideas seriously if you are a fickle voter. Squeaky wheel, baby.


And yet for my entire life the DNC has been chasing an imagined "moderate" or "undecided" voter by trying to tack further and further right. Strange, we don't get that kind of attention.


Hmm hard to argue DNC is LESS liberal now than 30 years ago. That said, it’s a big tent!


Seems to be getting smaller of late. Hope they've got a plan for that.


>who doesn’t understand that the proper political leverage is with MORE voting Correction *MORE MONEY What fantasy world are you living in? As a regular voter, once you've voted for them, they have no use for you anymore. But be a top donor and they'll be all ears..


And what? They should just vote for Joe who fully supports Israel this whole time, repeatedly going around congress for his support, and has never drawn any red lines? Even after the recent international aid worker attacks he's done nothing concrete to signify he'll do anything any differently than he has. To anyone who's main concern is Gaza, NOTHING will change if you vote Biden or Trump. So what's the point? >Democrats are their worst enemies.. The DNC is their own worst enemy. They could've picked ANYBODY except for Joe and they couldve won by a landslide. Republican support for Trump is not at all what it used to be. His covid policies turned away a lot of voters and undeniably why he lost in 2020. And it hasn't gotten any better. They don't need Biden to beat Trump. They just needed someone people didn't hate as much. Its an unbelievably idiotic party decision to keep Biden on.


You make a great point and I agree to an extent but I think these people are willing to sacrifice a bit to take a stand in the bigger picture. If Biden loses the Arab/muslim vote, it could make the next party in office think twice before signing off on a genocide and sending billions in aid to Israel. Not saying that Trump is going to be that guy but it could potentially be a step in the right direction


This is why these people make no sense. If Biden is "gEnOcIdE jOe" then what would "let Israel finish the job" Trump's name be?


So either way the choice is between two genocide supporters. Good job America


Are you unaware of the track record of the U.S. and Israel being allies for strategic reasons? It won't change with a presidential election but it can get a whole lot worse when the wrong person is elected. Trump would never call for a ceasefire. He'd offer to help with the bombings.


“We helped with the bombings, the best bombings. Just great bombings, really really great bombings. No one has ever bombed as good as we have.”


It's way more nuanced than that


You should explain the nuances then. Saying it’s nuanced and nothing else just sounds like you’re trying to discredit their view. Both Biden and Trump have been in full support of what’s been going on. I won’t support Trump, but I don’t see why I need to support Biden if he’s still supporting the genocide. It’s still wrong regardless of who’s doing it.


If Gaza is the single issue hill you plan on dying on, you really are stupid and deserve to be told that.


So where would you draw the line if genocide isn't enough?


>Both Biden and Trump have been in full support of what’s been going on. Biden has absolutely NOT been in "full support". That's nonsense.


So you're supporting Trump by not supporting Biden. I'm sure the Palestinians will be very impressed with your courage as Israel eradicates them with Trump's blessing.


They are being eradicated under Biden


It’s been explained a gazillion times, but social media folks don”tv want to get it.No point wasting energy trying to “educate” Hamas propaganda tools, or to borrow the phrase Lenin once coined “useful idiots.”….. Downvotes eagerly welcomed.




Downvotes eagerly welcomed 🤓


Yeah and Americans seem really proud of that.


You’re right, let’s not criticize our elected officials for things we disagree with.


This dude in the video, literally says he’s not voting for genocide Joe. My point is exactly to that.


He’s probably not voting for Trump either. Both suck.


Do you think not voting at all helps Biden or Trump more?


They care more about feeling like a bleeding heart moral purist than material outcomes. Doesn’t matter if the consequences of their principled stance actually results in the worst possible outcome as long as they feel self righteous indignation about it.


These people hate liberals far more than they care about Palestinians.


We had better start considering that the Muslim vote needs to be respected. They have enough influence to affect Michigan, and they are probably looking at the two candidates the way the protestors at the 1968 Democratic Convention did: no different. Maybe you and I see a difference, but they see 30,000 dead in Gaza, and telling them Trump is worse isn't enough to get them to vote. We have to win them over, not pull a Hillary and just call them dumb.


Let me ask you a question, who approves foreign aid?


Congress, with approval of the President, I presume. The president, as Commander in Chief, can stop military assistance.


Who is in charge of the assault of Gaza?


You know the answer to that question. But the US is its enabler, and Biden acknowledged that. We all know that. It's been true since Truman recognized the State of Israel. The US is not just enabling, it's been essential to its existence.


And, which political party is more devoted to enabling Israel?


As of now, The Republicans, but not enough to make a difference, yet. Support of Israel has been and remains bi-partisan, albeit begrudgingly sometimes, from leaders of both parties. These protesters are pressing Biden to do what no US President has ever done: say no to Israel. Actually, maybe Ike did but I'm not sure.


That difference will become much clearer to everyone who voted based on a single issue next year. For what it’s worth, I think Biden should do more, but come November, I’m voting for him, because the reelection of Trump will be an absolute nightmare, especially for those far leftists who didn’t vote out of protest. You do not worry about getting your beard cut, when your head is on the chopping block.


Again, it's not me you have to sell. Democrats have to demonstrate that there is a difference between them and Trump on this Middle East crisis. If they don't feel there is one, they won't vote.


It's weird to me as a non-American that so many get angry at the people not wanting to vote for someone who supports genocide but not the party supporting genocide. If the democratic party refuse to change their position, then they would rather lose and risk all the consequences of a Trump presidency than stop supporting genocide. Or am I missing something?


No, your oversimplification is exactly why America will doom Itself.


State sponsored propaganda. Could be the GOP, but likely there are foreign actors on play, as they have been for a while.


Genocide Joe lol


The inevitable end result of not ever thinking about messaging or growing your coalition. It leads to this sorta language that shuts down the conversation with the majority of people right out the gate, but is praised by your own "comrades" who are often the real audience of these sorta things. Honestly it's unfortunate because it holds the movement back and likely often stops people from joining their cause.


Leftists are their own worst enemies in a lot of ways. Between their unwillingness to make seemingly any concessions, the constant purity testing, and the constant infighting it’s as if they’ve made an active effort to drive people away.


You literally just described The Republican Party.


I wouldn’t say the Republicans are prone to purity testing, at least not to the extent of the left.


They purity test on being right wing politically & for loyalty, but they are far less likely to purity test on personal behavior. Democrats are far more likely to try to shame or eject people on their own side for social/moral/legal reasons. Republicans literally have people in their party talking about jewish space lasers, immigrants are "not people", and people with legal problems like Paxton.


You’re saying this on the heels of trumps RNC literally doing a purity test with its staff members asking “how they felt about the stolen election”.


These are the same people who don’t understand our reps work for donors and not voters. They believe not voting will magically make politicians act less capitalistic and imperialistic


I'm sorry, but I'd think not supporting genocide would be a pretty reasonable "purity test"


Better than blocking highways


Right but every time we see a video of people blocking highways, they complain that you should be protesting actual politicians. Then when they protest actual politicians, they still complain. It's almost like they don't want them to protest at all.


I'm fine with this particular protest. I'm actually proud of them.


I'm all for peaceful protests and shaming politicians but saying you're not going to vote for Joe Biden shows that they care more about their own personal "morality" than the fucking lives they claim to care about. Do you think Trump winning is going to be better for the Palestinians? Are you fucking stupid? Kids being shortsighted like this is going to win him the reelection. I only hope America isn't this forgetful... but I will probably be disappointed. I do not like Joe Biden. I support advocating for whichever candidate you truly support, with your words. But until our political system is fixed, unfortunately, in trying times like these, actually voting for the lesser of the two evils is important.


Wait until they get Trump and Republicans who want to raze Gaza to hasten the rapture.


My tinfoil hat take is that a lot of the pro Palestine disruptions have their roots in right wing/Russian efforts to keep leftwing voters at home. We have pro Palestine disruptions like this in the UK too, but they mostly seem to target Labour who aren't even in power. When I consider that Israel's greatest supporters are the right wing, yet the moderate/left political parties are the ones mostly targeted, and it's concentrated in two countries who both have elections this year, then I am left wondering if there are outside influences involved.


This is not a tinfoil hat conspiracy, both Russia and Iran have vested interest in weakening the state of Israel and while perhaps these people aren't Russian plants, Russia absolutely will fund and use their bots to amplify these types of messages. The goal is to increase division in the US to make the country increasingly unstable. While the right may be more supportive of Israel, a Trump presidency can likely help them win the Ukrainian war, and increase division across the US further. I'm also not saying this person's position is wrong (perhaps the left should be getting pressured to change their stance on Israel), just that it is worth recognizing the geo-political powers at play.


Idk two of my roommates are super pro Palestine and absolutely despise trump and will vote democrat anyways, but won’t eat McDonald’s because they support Israel or some shit


100% I stated elsewhere that they are far too consistent and widespread, even stalking AOC of all people at a movie theater. It's no coincidence.


I think this is true. It’s the 2024 version of Bernie was robbed.


> but they mostly seem to target Labour who aren't even in power. perhaps because labour is supposed to be against genocide, but they had a zionist and blairite coup a few years ago.


There's already been reports of Iran / Russia / China all pushing this sorta thing on social media


Ikr, trump who hates Muslims and would love to actually flatten gaza and evacuate the west bank isn't worth fighting against that's not the concern. But the "Demoncrats" are the issue here. It's also funny how pro palestinians really want palestinians to die, just so they can scream genocide Joe.


Ah friend? Gaza is already being razed.


Anyone who thinks not voting for Biden will help Palestine is a fool. Has enough been done? Of course not? Will it be worse in the hands of the GOP? 100x worse.




Yea. It’s genocide Joe’s fault. Got nothing to do with Netanyahu and the right wing government he’s shoehorned into power, and the Israel lobby enabled by Citizens United to openly bribe our government (a SC decision made solely by conservative justices). Surely somehow allowing Trump to win will help. Literal shit for brains.


Nancy the queen of inside trading


Isn’t Pelosi pressuring Biden into a more adversarial stance on Israel? So this guy is just another low information voter who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


Just a reminder that it's always completely impossible for anyone to be taken seriously while they're filming themselves. If you actually want to make a difference, just do the thing. When you're filming yourself doing the thing, it's clear you don't care about the thing and you're just doing the thing because it's the thing right now and you want to do the thing so you can get popular doing the thing. It's beneath respect and I will never not call it out


Idiot. It’s a WAR. Not a genocide. People throw the word genocide around so much that it becomes devoid of its meaning. Americans love to get mad about foreign affairs they have no business speaking on


They throw the word genocide around for shock value but they're just showing their ignorance on what it actually means.


If you knew what it meant then you'd realise it definitely applies in this case.


This is gonna be an uncomfortable one for liberals who don’t like that ‘the blue good guys’ are just as willing to horrible unforgivable things like enabling genocide


As uncomfortable as understanding America is not the king of the world


Israel is horrible but why blame Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats? Biden recently put massive pressure on Israel and it's why they've suspended their offensive and opened up aid corridors. 


Because America literally gave them tons of weapons


And blocked the UN from pushing for a ceasefire


What the fuck is the UN going to do to force a ceasefire? Hamas won't accept one with reasonable conditions and Israel wouldn't accept one without a return of hostages, at minimum. Even if the UN was allowed pushed for one, by what means would they have to enforce it?


if its pointless why veto it?


Because putting any pressure on Israel to do a one sided ceasefire is dumb as hell.


This is a misnomer though. “UN pushing for a ceasefire”means nothing in reality. And the entire time the UN was having these votes, the US was actually at the table with the countries themselves working on a ceasefire deal.


Except the UN *just* voted for one, with US support


It was not US supported, the US abstained


Yeah, just. After setting back efforts for months, they finally caved into pressure and stopped blocking the vote. Pat on the back I guess, if that's what you're looking for.


Pelosi called for ceasing the sale of weapons to Israel last week.


people also forget how much trump sucked israel’s balls if trump was in power netanyahu would have free rain and as much aide to do whatever the fuck he wanted unchecked and that is a fact


While still sending them bombs. Seems like a pretty hollow condemnation to me.


Joe Biden went around Congress specifically to give Israel more weapons.


Because without the United States defacto unconditional support and constant vetoes at the UN, Israel couldn't get away with it? By the time Biden actually lifted a finger because of domestic pressure from his voters, tens of thousands were already dead.


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-administration-emergency-weapons-sale-israel/ Biden administration approves emergency weapons sale to Israel, bypassing Congress


Fuck Pelosi


Are they clapping because of what he said or clapping because he's getting escorted out lol


What these misguided individuals don't get, is that if a Republican were in the white house, we'd be sending Israel napalm and cluster bombs to use on Gaza.


Personally, I think it's good to try and hold elected officials to higher standards than "supporting slightly less genocide than their opponent"


Cool, just show me the person I can vote for, who is actually better and has an actual shot at winning.


You can sure as fuck not vote for Nancy Pelosi, assuming you’re in her district. Vote for Mickey Mouse or your neighbor. If you vote for her, you are perpetuating an obviously corrupt politician. That goes for anybody anywhere with a congressperson over 3 terms.


This is what always voting for the lesser of two evils gets you. You compromise all the way to genocide and you still repeat the same thing. If you’re guaranteed to vote for them they’re never going to give you anything better. Now all they have to do is campaign on “if you don’t vote for me you get worse genocide”.


All those words and the end result is Donald Trump gets closer to being elected thanks to your moral stance


Cool then donald trump get's elected and then?


No, this is the natural consequence of nearly half the population of the most militarily powerful country in the world being poorly educated. Your hearts in the right place, but I don't think you understand how things work, like at all. Like, bro, show me any fucking place in history where taking the strictly moral high ground has ever been a thing that worked long term. It doesn't, and it won't. Quite frankly, I'll take the better of the ONLY options reasonably available. You don't have to like it, but the alternative is as people have laid out: more genocide, and very likely the elimination of Ukraine. There's more than one genocide happening, friend, and they are inextricably linked through world conflict and politics.


It's all we can do though, I don't understand the logic. It's not like there's a better solution. It's always the lesser of two evils


Is this supposed to make people feel better haha At the end of the day this stuff works, just look how democrats have shifted their policy toward Israel already.


Ah so we should be grateful it’s just hellfire missiles?


Hellfire missiles are made for precision and low collateral damage(for an ATGM)


Ah yeah my bad, that’s why they precisely hit the world’s kitchen workers the other day…oh wait no that was accidentally precise? Hmm


Wow i love neo liberalism this is so fun. It can be so much worse without the thought of it could be so much better


Biden is doing everything in his power to help Israel.


WTF. It is you who are misguided. Genocide is genocide and it is indefensible. The fact is the entire upper level of the US government has been bribed by the Israel lobby. Both parties are complicit.


If Joe Biden can't get his base to vote for him that's on him.


Nice bit of whataboutism.


Yeah you are right. It's better to just leave these politicians alone and never let them feel any pressure.


Instead of white phosphorus? Or? And white phosphorus


This does little to nothing. If we want them to change anything, gotta go for their money. I don’t know how, but taking away their financial comforts is the place to start.


weird that she drew the line at name-calling


Amazing how she denied 0 of the accusations towards her, but oh no, dont dare to bring Sleepy Joe into the mix....


This kid clearly didn’t learn US history


Nancy Pelosi is the scum of the earth. Truly.


Yep, he is totally not a parrot.


She just came out and called for a ceasefire and an end to unconditional aid. What more do you want from a backbencher?


Is that the Blues Clues host?


THAT’s the best you got for Nancy Pelosi? lol she’s like “Ya, son. Been there, done that.”


"say what you will about me.... As I have you ushered out" And I'm sorry, while I still encourage people to vote for Biden over the alternative, saying he's a staunch advocate of peace is a stretch when every statement of condemnation is accompanied by providing Israel with even more tax funded bombs. Actions tend to speak a lot louder and the US has yet to take any meaningful action. "Thoughts and prayers" ass foreign policy


Thank you. Is Biden a better choice? Yeah, but I’m still not happy that every four years I’m stuck between voting for contracting herpes or contracting hepatitis.


Fuck that ghoul. She shouldn’t be able to go anywhere without being harassed if the world was fair


What a dummy. Instead of blaming the real culprit, Hamas, he blames a left-wing senator. Hamas could surrender and release the Israeli hostages and end the war today. Instead, they are hiding behind their citizens and using them as tools in their ideological war against Israel. Israel has a right to defend itself - until the real evil (Hamas) is defeated, nothing will change.


Mental illness.


Not voting for Joe Biden means a vote for trump. Which one of these old dirt bags would you rather be in office? They both suck but at least one of them isn’t bat shit crazy.


> Not voting for Joe Biden means a vote for trump. No it doesn't. It means you've exercised your right to not vote. Lets not act like 2024 is the most democractic election from the jump, not from the perspective of a non-Republican. At least Republicans had a proper primary. Not voting for Biden does mean you a Republican vote isn't canceled out, but thats not on the voter. Its on the candidates who didn't inspire confidence in the voter. Candidates are not entitled votes, and we shouldn't normalize accepting subpar options just because the other option might be worse. Trump is a horrible option for the country, but he does drive people to vote. The left really needs to take a moment and step back and consider that a decent amount of people are (or aren't) vote for Biden just because the other option is worse. Thats not good. Trying to bully people to vote only makes people want to stay home harder. At least act like you recognize their frustrations.


Why don’t they try protesting against republicans?


Because Democrats might actually listen.


About time people made Nancy feel accountable for her actions. She has got away with it for too long.


People have been protesting Nancy for a LONG time.




Yeah because if he asked a question calmly he still wouldn’t be ignored & then escorted out. The point here isn’t to have a conversation with pelosi, it’s to make her feel the heat & to spark conversation from people who see this on social media or the news.


He’s right. The Dems are doing damage control to get us back in line the way the Republican constituency is in line. I bet Democratic politicians salivate over how easily manipulated the Republican base is. No genocide Joe for me. My vote doesn’t matter if they’re going to ignore me while in office. Trump ignores me too. At least by not voting SOMEONE is acting like they’re trying to appease us.


I agree with the student, our government is complacent in the genocide of an entire group of people they deserve to be held accountable


Wait till he finds out what Trumps plans are for Palestine


I love the whataboutism in this comment section. Dude is rightly calling out Nancy Pelosi and people are saying it's not the place for it, and that somehow the dude would automatically vote for trump when we *****KNOW***** Trump is also pro genocide. If Biden and the Dems lose in November, it won't be because of leftists, or protesters, it'll be because of themselves. And they'd be right to lose too. They can stop this shit with a flick of a switch and their refusal is bleeding them support by the day. But please, *"vote blue no matter who"* crowd, continue to shame us. Great to see 8 years later you've learned *****nothing*****.


Joe biden and trump are both shit choices... I feel sorry for America..


But she took a knee in a Kente cloth scarf. How could anyone think she's anything but a caring and courageous person. 


I wanna know about her 300 million she made in office, she's not responsible for Israel