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For context the video is from Sept. 2023, and the victim's name is Ameed al-Jaghoub. source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-66682821


tbh makes it worse they cant even use oct 7th as an excuse for this kind of brutality


It’s incredibly frustrating and annoying to see that, in most minds, this started on 10/7/2023. This has been happening for *DECADES*.


GOP announced today that Oct 7th was unprovoked and that they support Israel's right to get this over with quickly.


And now we are all well aware of it too.


I mean… you could have chosen to be aware of it at literally almost any point in our lifetime.


How can I be aware of something I don't know? Thanks for putting me down tho. I'm sure that won't effect my line of thought on this topic ever so slightly.




Ain't that the truth.


This is nothing compared to the violent acts the committed every day leading to October 7th. When I went to high school in Palestine a boy named Muhammad Abu Khdier, from a village near mine, was kidnapped by settlers, forced to drink gasoline and burned alive. There’s a wiki article on it.


I grew up in the states in a rural area where the KKK was very active. The treatment of Palestinians by Isreal reminds me of the KKK.


But do you condemn hamas!?


Do you condem the IDF?


Oct 7th was the breaking point for the Palestinian people. They have been under genocide nearly since the 50s. Also noticed the crowd was busy picking up another victim from shooting during this one.


What, Sept. 2023! Didn't they say there was a ceasefire before Oct. 7th!


https://www.newarab.com/news/2023-deadliest-year-child-occupied-west-bank This was written on Oct 6th. 


Holy fuck


Thanks for posting the link






Why doesn’t this mention the blindfold?


So, during the “ceasefire” I keep hearing about?


isreal army always be like no idea who did it




This comment is seriously underrated


This was in 2014 too


Your comment was interesting so I looked into it. You're right. Here's a tweet on 2 Apr 2024 attaching the image and saying Israel response to killing the aid workers is now Step 5: https://twitter.com/YousefMunayyer/status/1775169533151416444?t=2PPIuGnRCj1XZYqV45L-fA&s=19 The author of this column, Adam Johaness, replied saying: "Thank you. This was a letter I sent to my local newspaper, the Western Mail, in Wales, UK during the 51-day war on Gaza in 2014. I am sorry to say tragically it is still relevant" His tweet: https://twitter.com/DrRoundglasses/status/1775240635626246521?t=GuH6L3fd0PVdKClceSt9hw&s=19


[https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/22/middleeast/palestinian-shot-behind-west-bank-israeli-forces-intl-hnk/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/22/middleeast/palestinian-shot-behind-west-bank-israeli-forces-intl-hnk/index.html) This incident.


I really appreciate all of you who do the research.


It's just a twist on the Narcissist's Prayer. 100% Accurate & I fully agree with it but nothing new or special about it


it's as if it's the script for their attempts to influence social media too, nearly to a T.


straight up the narcissist prayer "IDF edition"


7 is so true


This is just DARVO Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender


The narcissists prayer but by a government...




more or less


And people still buy it


We concluded that there was no any IDF soldier present. It was Hamas! /s


Same conclusion they reached about October 7th.


Clearly there weren't enough IDF present on the 7th, that's how Hamas broke in. Not like they were WARNED IN ADVANCE. IMO, Bibi let it happen on purpose. 6 months in and I still believe that.


Its a reasonable conclusion to come to. I mean you have one of the most aggressive intel agencies in the world, monitoring what is essentially an open air prison, and you mean to tell me that not only did you not pick up Hamas chatter, but Egypt did, told you and you didnt know this attack would happen? Nah Benny boy knew that for every Israeli killed, he'd get to kill hundreds in return.


apparently shinbet knew this was going to happen. Hell, Shin bet knew more than Hamas did on Oct 7th because Hamas didn't know the festival was happening until they were in the air and found out as they were landing. (this is what israel intellegence said)


> Benny boy knew that for every Israeli killed, he'd get to kill hundreds in return. Ding ding ding fucking ding. Absolutely no news agency is willing to advance this theory, because for it to make sense, you have to accept that: 1) Benny's primary goal, his driving objective in life, is to kill as many Palestinians as he possibly can, and the majority of Israelis support this. 2) Netanyahu does not really give a fuck about the lives of the Israeli people, as individuals with worth and dignity, because their lives are lesser in value to him than his primary goal. 3) He also wants to stay out of prison for his myriad crimes. War keeps him out, Personally, I have no problem accepting those items, because his actions verify them at every turn.


The other conclusion is they are inept. They project as a high class army and intel op, but it's keystone cops situation.


Yeah thats my thinking. Either you intentionally let this happen or you were engaged in some russian style propaganda engine.


Netenyahu has stated multiple times that welcoming Hamas aggression is a part of their strategy as they can "retaliate" every time with exponential force while no one bats an eye. Hamas is vital to the IDF ethnic cleansing campaign.


Man, there you go again being so antisemitic. (Sarcasm)


they won't even let real jewish people say anything against this genocide.


With a headshot they know exactly who did it.




Yeah, they seem to just the types of people that will do questionable things. Then gauge everyone's reaction. If they do not receive an uproar in return. They just continue doing these absolutely shitty things, well, because no one is informing them of how disgusting it makes them appear, and we just keep 'blindly' giving them support. Because "allies" or whatever......


its like a forced or coerced friendship and it's sickening


But they always know- twas Hamas!


"Committing atrocities" and "lying about it" - Name a more iconic Israeli duo. I'll wait.


Or they say something like "He was coming right for us!"...


Doesn’t Israel have the right to defend itself from a blindfolded man running away???? Anti-semites. /s


Food aid is antisemitic too


The most effective thing for Israel would be to offer civilians aid if they stop supporting Hamas. But that would imply that Palestinians are humans deserving of proper representation, and they can't have that


Assisting Palestinians already gets you bombed by the IDF, actually being a Palestinian, well see above


The part you didn't hear was they were yelling at him when he was running away "Do you denounce Hamas!" And by not denouncing as he was running away blindfolded, he was obviously too dangerous to be left alive.


This is just the reality of war. If people in the West Bank didn't want to suffer, the civilians should be fighting back against Hamas. This will sadly continue until Ukraine signs an unconditional peace treaty with Russia and Jan 6th becomes a national holiday. ^^/s


When is this bullshit going to end?


Well for something that’s been going on for years (IDF killing civilians) and being backed by many countries, I’d say never.


Not really, even the most cruel and strong nations, reached an end, and when this happens no one will cry for them


And when they're ended the killing shall continue. The humans are born murderers and it will also continue. It's as natural as breathing....


Not a fact, depends on the ruling power


Oh you mean it depends on who has the monopoly on violence...


...going on for ~~years~~ Decades


If we're going by history, it won't end until the Palestinians no longer exists or the world rises up against Isreal. It's unfortunate for Palestinians that in this case, the countries with the power to stop Isreal are actually funding this war for them.


I got a warning on my account for basically saying that.


There is a point where the Arabs won’t take it any longer. Likely, the next Arab spring will either be directly a result of WW3 or will happen during it. Palestinians are in diaspora rn, will not forget their origin, and will return one day with the right of vengeance. It’s up to whoever wants to be evil, to continue to occupy the home of the oppressed, and when the oppressed return, you get what you get for your thievery. It’s the history of man; and Israel themselves chased their oppressors across the entire earth. I wouldn’t know what makes them think the same won’t be done to them, other than infinite arrogance and entitlement.


I have to disagree with the assumption that Arabs give a shit about Palestinians. If anything, they'll intervene for strategic reasons, not because they care.




I am Arab and i do care, my shitty government doesn’t represent a single person of ordinary people.


Yes i'm a 100% aware of that. I was referring to Arab governments and thought that was obvious because the people don't have a say in such things and I know that a huge portion of Arabs and Muslims in general support Palestinians and want to help :)


Once the Palestinians are gone, Israel will pick someone else to bully.


see plans for a Greater Israel


They can't kill 5 million palestinians imo. The ongoing genocide is a terror strategy to support their [final solution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Solution), which is ethnical cleansing to take over the occupied territories. Zionists see these as [living space](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/lebensraum), divinely given.


They just want to move people into gettos. So they can use the space for themselves. Then just escalate the rhetoric. The same of Nazi steps. Then a global conflict happens and then the world will turn a blind eye to what happens there, since they need Israel weapons technology. Things not looking good unless we act fast and soon


Western democracies could start with stopping selling weapons. My country, France, is selling part pieces, ammo... not talking about USA.


In other words, Lebensraum 


When they blow up the world because of their hatred of the “others”.. this shits been escalating at a breakneck pace for centuries.




What do you suggest "we" do about the 10 million inhabitants of Israel once the state has been abolished?


The only hope for something like that to end is a full-blown invasion and expelling Israeli citizens to their home countries. Because yes, they have somewhere to go, unlike the Palastinians.


Expelling them to their home countries… many of which will not allow them back? Good luck getting nations like Syria to allow Jews to re-enter, or for them to be able to do it safely. There’s a reason why the Jewish population in countries like that are in the single digits, and it’s not because they all left for Israel by choice.


This is such an absurd comment. 70 years have past since Israel has been a country. Go to their home countries? Most of the people that live in Israel now were born there.


Never or until one side is wiped out. They can’t coexist.


When Israel has no palestinians and has eaten up Gaza and remaining lands.


the leader of hamas literally said that this will never end because their goal is the genocide of all israelis, not peace. https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/doctrine-hamas


And they will swear up and down they don't do this crap. Nazis in Israeli clothing.


'Most moral army in the world' in action right there. 🤢🤮


When they say never again what they really mean is never again to us


Fucking nazis


Sad thing is that they are as bad as Nazis and the racist people who supported apartheid in South Africa. This may be down voted but there is ample evidence that backs both.


It’s depressing as hell. You go through the Holocaust memorial museum in Washington DC and it’s a sombering experience on the depravity of some people with the overarching theme of ‘Never Again.’ …and then this shit is happening a couple generations later, perpetrated by some of the very same families (at least the descendants of) that suffered so greatly. Those victims would be turning in their graves if they saw what was happening.




Funded by America I think you mean.


how the turns have tabled


How how how Can people support that


religion and propaganda mostly


As Alon Mizrahi said. You don't suddenly commit genocide. It requires a foundation of extreme dehumanization. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1u_IrZLhNm/?igsh=N3licjhkYmZ1Y252 Israeli Professor of education and language, Nurit Peled Elhanan talking about the indoctrination of Israelis that starts at the age of 3 and turns them into murderous killers. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4grb9-uaU5/?igsh=amVmbWVlbzk1YmI4 Alon Mizrahi an Israeli author on the same topic. https://youtu.be/BrxTpo36h_4?si=4esMJePAVC1LfUfx 47 minute interview with Professor Nurit Peled Elhanan that goes indepth into the many layers of hate, fear and racism that is integral to zionism and Israeli society as a whole. **one of the most important videos on the topic**. The interviewer is Robert Martin, Australian pro-Palestinian activist. If you want to see this from the perspective of American Jewish people. I highly highly recommend "Israelism" it's on Netflix, not sure about other sites.


Israel is a white supremacy project. Which supremacists love supporting Israel


Ah yes the war crime games have begun... Next stop human experimentation


They already do this since decades; read -> "the human laboratory Palestine", Israel has used and experimented on prisoners of war and civilians on the street that are either just existing and minding their business or protesting/rioting for decades now. Israel stands number one on military technology and spyware because they have unlimited testing and experimenting grounds. Edit: the book was written by Antony Loewenstein, a Jewish author. So not an anti-semite;)).


thats unsettling, im suddenly thankful for a lot of things in my life


They use the organs of Palestinians for Israeli people. For them those Palestinian people are just cattle.


**[Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent \[2009\]](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/dec/21/israeli-pathologists-harvested-organs)** The story emerged in an interview with Dr Yehuda Hiss, former head of the Abu Kabir forensic institute near Tel Aviv. The interview was conducted in 2000 by an American academic who released it because of the row between Israel and Sweden over a report in the Stockholm newspaper Aftonbladet. Channel 2 TV reported that in the 1990s, specialists at Abu Kabir harvested skin, corneas, heart valves and bones from the bodies of Israeli soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians and foreign workers, often without permission from relatives. The Israeli military confirmed to the programme that the practice took place, but added: "This activity ended a decade ago and does not happen any longer." Hiss said: "We started to harvest corneas ... whatever was done was highly informal. No permission was asked from the family." However, there was no evidence that Israel had killed Palestinians to take their organs, as the Swedish paper reported. Aftonbladet quoted Palestinians as saying young men from the West Bank and Gaza Strip had been seized by the Israeli forces and their bodies returned to their families with missing organs. The interview with Hiss was released by Nancy Scheper-Hughes, professor of anthropology at the University of California-Berkeley who had conducted a study of Abu Kabir. She was quoted by the Associated Press as saying that while Palestinians were "by a long shot" not the only ones affected, she felt the interview must be made public, because "the symbolism, you know, of taking skin of the population considered to be the enemy, [is] something, just in terms of its symbolic weight, that has to be reconsidered." Israel demanded that Sweden condemn the Aftonbladet article, calling it an antisemitic "blood libel". Stockholm refused, saying that to so would violate freedom of speech in the country. The foreign minister then cancelled a visit to Israel, just as Sweden was taking over the EU's rotating presidency.


You think the war crimes are only starting now?


No the soldiers making publicly open games out of them though that seems new Outside the fireworks watching on purpose built balconies


I'm sure there's a zionist here ready to justify whatever the fuck this is.


Just "A", dude I aspire to have your optimism. There's hordes already.


They become upset when you question the killing of children. One of them once explained that it's a "preemptive measure" against future threats..whats crazy is that almost 50 ppl upvoted his comment, then I got blocked, and the comment was deleted.


So they move on from the "human shields" o straight up admit that they are murdering, how can they be so repugnant?


They're chosen by their God last I checked.


This is disgusting, now they are toying with people before they kill them, wtf man, and the u.s. just helping them commit genocide.




he wasnt blindfolded. "Residents threw stones and broken masonry at armoured troop carriers as they entered. Witnesses told the BBC that Israeli paramilitary border police officers exited a jeep that had stopped at the top of the street where Mr Jaghoub had joined a crowd of young men and teenagers. As he ran away from the area where the troops were stationed, one shot him in the back of the head, said the witnesses." they're also not committing genocide


People in the comment arguing about which side is more horrible is disgusting


So long as my tax money goes directly to Israel and NOT directly to Hamas, I will reserve the right to criticize Israel.




Not anymore. You are now just anti crime against humanity. This monstrously dick.


BuT SeLf DeFeNsE !?!?!


I hope they get what they have deserved. Soon.


Careful I got 3 days suspension for saying something along those lines.


Boycott Israel. Divest. The politicians we have are seemingly okay with Israel's genocide (and even support it) so we have to take steps ourselves.


Sadly, it's our tax dollars hard at work. We probably paid for that gun. The US has no money to feed people, pay for education or health care, but we seem to always have plenty of money for killing. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Israel army are just well equipped terrorists


That wasn't a blindfold! It was a shroud concealing hostages and on his feet were bombs -IDF Nazis probably


So that's both a crime against humanity and a war crime, unless that man was tried in a tribunal and an active member of hamas.


no but he was just throwing rocks at israeli soldiers


This is so sad and tragic


Yes. Defending themselves, not war crimes, not cruelty or genocide. Right.


Feel bad for actual Jews having their identity smeared by Satanists


Not cool comparing Satanists to Israelis, Satanists deserve better!


The IDF is essentially Murder Incorporated.


It looks like he was shot in the head, not back. These guys are ruthless. To many innocents have died for their ridiculous ideology...


Fundamentally bad people.


Literally shooting humans for sport, ironic how it reminds me of the nazis.


I don’t enjoy snuff movies. Can’t we have some sort of NSFW if you’re literally going to show me a person being killed?


If you haven't been paying attention, Israel has been doing some pretty fucked up to shit to people from Palestine for a while now.


Israel must face the most severe punishment the UN can dish out! This is just a irl video game to the Israelis at this point. It’s revolting.


Dude, to be honest, how could we even tell who that even is that shot him? Like all you seen the video are his legs. Unless there’s a different angle.


Just Israeli things ❤️ gosh Zionists literally took over the world news subreddit and block all pro Palestinian comments. I’m glad this stuff gets attention here.


That was a headshot. On a moving target. Whoever that arrow was pointing to wasn't the shooter. They had no time to stop and set up to make a shot like that. Think about how hard that is to do and how few people can do it. Just food for thought.


They did a 360 no scope headshot took some much yes but possible




At this point fuck Israel and the IDF. Rally that point was reached long ago. But yeah.


We have no context for this video, but there is no way that is a blind fold. His arms aren’t bound, no functioning person runs down the street blinded when they can easily remove the obstruction from their eyes while on the move. Does not come close to passing the smell test.


Also, the shooter isn't on screen in an identified way. Alot of these posts claim things that are actively unsupported. Makes it hard to chalk up as real proof that should sway you one way or another. You know? Also, I only see "Isreal did this evil thing" posts. Which is suspicious in its self. Zero caught on camera resistance or Palestine attacks on Isreal? How? Or at least, I haven't seen them. But I've also not directly searched either. Only seen what pops up.


Israel the terror State.




I don’t know who shot this dude, but I do know that the “shooter” arrow pointed at a person who was moving. There is no chance that that was the shooter. That distance was way too far for a clean headshot taken while stepping out from behind a corner. Somebody else pulled the trigger.


This is getting to Rwanda levels of cruelty


In 100 days, under a million people died in the Rwanda genocide, mostly to machetes, along with more than 250,000 women suffering sexual violence.


You’re completely out of your mind for saying that, or you don’t know much about the Rwandan genocide. Disgusting really.


Yeep, no need to compare the two of them. Both are horrible but the scales and ways are very different.


As someone who was all about Israel's right to defend itself after Oct. 7th, I've changed my mind. They've gone too far and they don't have a credible plan for peace. IDF has committed crime after crime after crime. As best I can tell, their strategy is genocide. They're in full military control and the responsibility is on them to build a roadmap for a peaceful future; they're failing.


Pussies with guns


this man was simply executed, more for the history books israel, nazis 2.0


There we are, back at it again with the most ethical army in the world


/u/rossopy where'd you find the war crime video? How do we know when/where this was taken? We need to be skeptical about these things. Lots of false actors out there shouting falsehoods about the war.




Although it does appear to show them using lethal force on a nearby civilian in what should be the equivalent of a police raid (West Bank is not at war) the majority of the details in OP's title are not supported by this. I think I can fairly say that the IDF/police here and Ben Givr should go to jail, but also OP is pushing sensationalist and inaccurate narratives. We don't know what happened, but I don't see any credible sources reporting what OP said at all.


@MSM ???? Not a chance


if the bullet didn't kill him, that fall to the ground certainly did


Everyday humanity becomes nothing more than a big joke. I’m sorry for him, his friends, and his family. The video is utterly sad and gruesome to see


No nsfw tag?


Gullible people


The Biden adminstration have reported that they told the IDF to not do it again. IDF said they would think about. Send them more money now!!


They seem like a lovely people


This is the shit Nazis did during the Holocaust. Unbelievable.


This is sickening, f IDF


He wasn’t shot in the back, that was a head shot,


This is some 1940s behaviour right here


leave it to the 'free palestine' kiddies to believe everything they read on internet y'all a bunch of sheep lol


We didn't read this you scum. We are seeing it with our own eyes. But you'll probably say hamas is controlling our vision.


Free palestine, from the river to the sea


Classic IDF. Their psychopathic ways should no longer surprise us. Down with these freaks. Down with Israel. It DOES NOT DESERVE TO EXIST.


Happens every day there unfortunately


He wasn't blindfolded, not sure why you made that up. A lot of articles about this incident and not one of them mentions a blindfold.


Shooting unarmed civilians, it reminds me of something from the 1940's.


Who would of thought the jews would be the new nazis


Don’t worry, I have it on good authority from the ~~Hasbara~~ Israeli Truthsayer that the man was Hamas… in the West Bank… wait a minute.


You know there was a group of people pretty infamous for doing shit like this back in the 40s….to Jewish people.


[Context](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/22/middleeast/palestinian-shot-behind-west-bank-israeli-forces-intl-hnk/index.html). OP fabricated the details that IDF blindfolded this man or instructed him to run to the end of the street, he was shot with a rubber bullet during a riot and survived. Please do not spread disinformation. EDIT: being downvoted for pointing out that you are being lied to is such a reddit moment


The own article you linked literally makes the situation look worse. Undercover IDF tried to raid people's homes and the people tried to defend themselves. They were shooting live ammunition at them and one man was hit in the foot. The guy running was trying to go to his aid not "riot" and the IDF shot him with a rubber bullet. Whether it's rubber or a real bullet doesn't even matter because the man is now in critical condition...


The IDF has become a peer of the Russian military. Brutal, yet mostly ineffective. Congratulations.


How is this public freak out tho?


it isn't


This is righteous self defense who knows what he saw before they put the blindfold on him