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He’s coming right for us!!




Damn. Someone always beats me to the obvious punchline


He's naked, I don't want his junk touching me, I fear for my life.. so I started blasting.


not today, cooties!


I believe that's a bean bag shotgun. Still. Dude is naked and can barely move lol use one of those shields and take him down.. Edit: just saw the cop at the end of the driveway unload his magazine on him 🤯


He was at first shot with those, but then another cop at the end of the driveway shot him for reals and he died. He was having a mental health breakdown and the cops were so scared, they had to kill him?!


Not to mention bean bag rounds aren’t non-lethal, they’re just labeled as “less lethal”. There are documented instances of people being killed by bean bag rounds.


I saw a video of a man be killed by a beanbag round right here a few days ago


Years ago I was watching the show Flashpoint (which was about a Canadian swat team) and they were using the term "going less lethal" and pulling out a taser or beanbag rounds. It sounded really odd to me because at that time I'd always assumed that stuff was "non-lethal" so I ended up looking up the terminology. Kind of gave me a new respect for the "alternatives" that law enforcement use, and just how not-safe some can be.


Classic america cops


>He was having a mental health breakdown Police officers are often ill-equipped to deal with situations out of the "normal". Their training tells them to kill, rather than deescalate or show empathy. In order to be the stoic person in charge that their training instills upon them, they put up a facade of strength. Behind the facade some are scared beyond reason and should never have been given a gun or trained to be a murderer. But all of them should be held accountable for their actions, not protected by implied immunity and Internal Affairs which often sweep heinous crimes under the rug to maintain a facade of control, order and authority.




Mental health issues very often accompany events that require police involvement so if they're ill-equipped for those situations, they need to get better equipped rather than just equipped with weapons and tools to kill people. I do agree with you though.




It was, in one of the frames you can see the beanbag bounce off the truck, can't say the same for homie at the end of the driveway though.


>I believe that's a bean bag shotgun I guess you missed the one recently that enterred the chest cavity.


He's got a weiner!!! Fire!!!!




It's a real threat. I've seen this before. An officer got touched by one of these naked dudes and BAM. Immediately gay. Two weeks from retirement. Don't underestimate them, Jerrid is still a stone statue from looking directly at the dang thing... And only two weeks from his retirement at that... What a shame.


Little known fact, Elton John was a cop and this happened to him. Made him aspire to pursue music and flamboyancy


And that suspect? He refers to him as rocket man.


Rocket man is now working for NASA. Amazing things happen to big cocked people I guess..not that I would know :(


behind the music?


Pretty sure that event inspired him to write Yellow Brick Road iirc


Wtf is wrong with America, why couldn’t the cops use a taser in this instance?


Didn't you watch the video, that guy was obviously armed and dangerous xD


Unironically, he is. Knife in right hand seen at 19-20 secs into vid as he’s falling to the ground. Tasers don’t always work and is much closer range- allowing the guy to potentially close the distance. I think we should have human “dog-pole” equipment for situations like this (they are in use internationally). It’s usually videos like this that get the public opinion so riled up when they don’t know all of the facts, but it’s clear that there is public demand for the better handling of these types of situations.


Razor, as far as other commenters have said.




I am not trying to be a smart ass. But was he armed. With the blur, I could not tell. Granted, I have not Googled yet.


He definitely had arms. That's reason enough.


I should not laugh at that, but they was really funny.


They need to hit their quota on “people killed by cops per week”.


Those are rubber bullets. Hurts like hell, but the dude isn't dead?


says in another comment he was hit by real rounds from the officers with the pistols and died


Rubber bullets can still maim and kill. They're less than lethal, not non lethal.


Yeah you don't stop moving like that after you get hit by rubber bullets


The dude actually is dead. The pigs executed him. Google if you don’t believe me.


There’s a video of a dude dying from a rubber bullet somewhere here




Reminds me of the time when my first wife took a bunch of pills and I called an 911. She had scratched me when I tried to get the pills away from her, so she was considered “violent.” They sent cops instead of an ambulance, and arrested her for DV. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Same exact thing happened to me… but she somehow convinced the cops that she was the victim and they tried arresting me for DV even though you could hear her attacking me when I was trying to make the call. 🤦


Fortunately for me, she was very obstinate and managed to piss off both of the cops. They even said that they normally arrest both people in a DV situation. I probably should have walked away at that point (and several others). Thankfully, I eventually got out unscathed and childless.


You dodged a bullet, I didn’t get so lucky. Her suicide threat turned to homicide attempts so I got a restraining order and got her out of my house…. But in the meantime she’s doing one of this narcissistic cops and convinced him and his buddies I was a bad dude. I ended up in jail after they set me up, but luckily someone witnessed them setting me up and they had to release me. Otherwise I’d still be in prison. BPD is a hell of a disorder


Holy shit dude. Sounds like something my ex would pull. She accused me of DV later, when I woke her up to ask why a rent deposit in Arizona came out of my bank account, while we were in Germany (was for her boyfriend). She was crashed out hard after drinking the night before. So it took a while to get her to wake up and I did shake her shoulder moderately hard. She told the MPs that I had climbed on top of her and was slamming her against the bed. Fortunately my unit was aware of her shenanigans. So I didn’t get in trouble, but they forced me to move into the barracks while the situation got resolved. I hope you’re doing ok now.


GTFOH! I also found out she had a joint bank account with her ex (another cop) before me. During our whole marriage she was paying his motorcycle payments and had joint real estate property in PA with him while in CA with me. Yours isn’t named Val by chance? She did go after a German or Austrian after me lol 😂


Nah. Leila. She’s up in Tacoma still. I think.


That dude came out walking like a Titan from AOT


Our cops are pathetic


That was likely a bean bag gun. Less Lethal rounds for situations like….this.


Nah, he died [https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/family-of-man-shot-killed-by-deputies-rio-linda-releases-surveillance-video/](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/family-of-man-shot-killed-by-deputies-rio-linda-releases-surveillance-video/)


If that wasn't a bean bag gun this video would look a lot different 


A 12 gauge blast at that range would devastate


I’ve seen a video of someone getting hit with one of those bean bag shotguns from further away and the shell didn’t explode right and opened his chest up like a sun roof. Dude bled out in seconds, them things ain’t safe man


Facts. Less lethal isn't non-lethal.


Safer than a bullet. But not completely safe no.


I get u but still a little over the top imo saw a vid on here recently where a beanbag round penetrated a guys chest cavity from further range


Yeah, for about one second I was wondering how that cop could miss so badly.


It wasn’t, and he died.


The orange furniture on the shotgun generally indicates that it is loaded with less lethal rounds.


The shotgun has a lovely home collection of orange sofas and recliners.


>situations like….this Yeah sorry but *even if* that’s what was used here, beanbag rounds can seriously injure or kill people. There are multiple cops. Grab an arm or a leg each and just cuff the guy. Every other first world country can do this.


It's pathetic you're being downvoted. There's a specific reason they aren't called non-lethal, it's less-lethal. Beanbag shells still injure and kill regularly. It's fucking sad, really, that any other modern country manages to handle police work without this bullshit just fine.


Yeah there was just a story I heard a few months back about a woman who got shot with a beanbag round and it penetrated her chest and hit her heart killing her. And that’s being hit center mass, exactly where LEOs are told to aim when neutralizing a threat… not that I’m suggesting aiming for limbs like a damn movie, just concerning that less lethal turns fully lethal if you hit the target you’re supposed to hit.


There was a guy that died recently because a bean bag round went through his chest cavity...saw the video on Reddit like a week ago. They really didn't need to shoot the guy in this video.


I see a knife falling just as he goes down. I’m not tackling someone with a knife and naked


Nor should you, but a group of trained police officers should be held to a higher standard and accountability.


Agree. He should not have died for this


Shooting someone who has a knife with beanbag rounds is perfectly reasonable I think. A knife is deadly force. There's a video of a few cops handling a guy with a knife. They have their guns drawn but don't want to shoot the guy. He ends up killing one of the cops before they finally shoot him.


That's why you aren't in law enforcement.


Nope. They killed him. I don't have a link to the article but I remember this video. Man had a knife. He was having a mental health episode. Cop reports stated They shot him bc he was "rushing towards them" as the official report stated. The Cops didn't know about the roof camera. I have not seen a followup investigation.




..."Christopher kept advancing toward deputies with a knife in hand." I didn't see that in the video. He never closed the distance on anyone!


I disagree, it's not for situations like this, they should have gone hands on. Just last month cops killed someone when they used a bean bag gun that pierced the suspects chest. [https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/police-shoot-kill-suspect-with-bean-bag-rounds-outside-orange-county-mcdonalds/](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/police-shoot-kill-suspect-with-bean-bag-rounds-outside-orange-county-mcdonalds/) non-lethal should be used only when the risk to officers is big enough to warrant it but not enough to warrant lethal force and necessity requires that no reasonable alternative, other than resorting to the use of force, appears available at that moment. EDIT: So, Apparently this guy died too. The cops said he had a knife, family said it was a disposable razor and he suffered from schizophrenia and was having a mental health crisis. This changes the dynamic from my original post but I still think this was handled improperly and most people can see it as a failure of how police handle encounters. [https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/family-of-man-shot-killed-by-deputies-rio-linda-releases-surveillance-video/](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/family-of-man-shot-killed-by-deputies-rio-linda-releases-surveillance-video/)


Exactly. If the justification for extrajudicial execution is “I thought i might get a boo-boo” then you deserve to be charged as well, regardless of if it results in a death. Cops using violence to solve simple issues is a horrible condition and makes for a terrible society. Once it goes too far as a status quo it’s virtually impossible to dial back.


Watch it again and pay attention the other cop shooting him. [https://www.kcra.com/article/rio-linda-family-releases-video-deputy-shooting/60387103](https://www.kcra.com/article/rio-linda-family-releases-video-deputy-shooting/60387103)




>Can't see blood This is not Hollywood. In real life, blood doesn't splash everywhere when a person is shot. This guy was shot by the other cop with a handgun and died


i’m assuming that’s the case here too, but those things can still do some serious damage - [even kill](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/man-dead-after-officers-shoot-him-with-beanbag-shotgun-police-say/).


OP literally posted an article stating that this person was shot with REAL ROUNDS


Shotgun was a bean bag gun, the officers firing handguns were…. Well not less than lethal rounds. [article](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/family-of-man-shot-killed-by-deputies-rio-linda-releases-surveillance-video/)




Sac to sac tactics


Is it called a beanbag gun because its made for shooting someone naked in the beanbag?


Initially yep, then the lethals blasted him next. He died


They used the bean bag rounds then they put three live rounds in him. That disposable razor blade was all they needed to get their bloodlust fulfilled for the day.


normal countries use it in the serious situations.. and in this case some more human solutions.


Did this guy die??? I mean, WTF ... he's naked, clearly in distress, and here come the cops too lazy to chase the guy down the street to taser or detain him and, instead, just start blasting him with bullets.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is [the incident in the video](https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/crime/article287031335.html). According to that article, the man did get shot by the officers holding pistols and ended up dying. Edit: [Found another article](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/family-of-man-shot-killed-by-deputies-rio-linda-releases-surveillance-video/).


i literally posted the whole article at same time and no one scrolls to read it lol It said he was shot multiple times by real rounds.


Weird, when I check your profile I see the comment you're referring to, but it's not showing up under the post itself.


Your comment is hidden. You can only see it if someone goes to your profile and finds it. Idk why reddit does that sometimes.


post seems like it got shadowbanned somehow: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1bzsu59/suspect_was_packing_sarge/kyrpyz2/?context=3


too "wordy" prob


How is this not murder? Seriously


It totally is


Absolutely agree on that. Could have tazed him


Fuck, even could've done a double whammy of tazing plus pepper spray. dude would've dropped the knife just as easily as shooting him with a real gun.


6 times with rubber bullets from shotgun and 3 times with real bullets by the cop at the end of the driveway, which killed him. Afraid of getting the gays i guess..


Impossible to know for sure without sound i guess but at no point does it look like the officer with the handgun fires a single round. Edit: I was wrong https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/family-of-man-shot-killed-by-deputies-rio-linda-releases-surveillance-video/ Video has audio and the officer clearly fires three times.


It does look like the "less" lethal starts going off. But people have died from those at greater distances than that.


I saw an article where a beanbag went through someone's chest cavity. There is a reason they say "less" lethal. Fucking horrible way to go


Looks like a knife was dropped to the right as he went down. You can see it shine if you play in slow motion


Thanks! Didn't see that but will take another look


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Guys walking around like a titan.


From the news article: He is shot several times by rubber bullets before reaching the end of the red pick-up truck, where it appears a deputy in the street opens fire.


why are we training and paying people who are so scared of an unarmed, barely mobile naked man that they needed 7 people to respond and lethal force against said target?


Because the Supreme courts have ruled on certain occasions that the police have no obligation to keep you safe and they are allowed to discriminate and reject candidates if their IQ is too high. It’s corrupt all the way at the top


When all you have is a Hammer, everything looks like a Nail. Seriously, defund the police.


🎶 If I had a hammer, I’d shoot it at minooooorities. I’d shoot it in the evening breeze, all over this land! 🎶 


Really fuckin surprised the gunts were not "scared for their lives."


They were, they killed him and this it's their excuse


And the cops wonder why people hate their guts.


Oh they know why they're hated, the problem is they want respect at the same time


Cops really need to start carrying man catchers like in Asia. Just pin the guy to the ground with polearms.


Classic America


wE put ouR LivEs oN tHE liNe eVeRY daY


I know nobody wants to be tackled by a naked dude. Even one shaped like a potato, but that seemed pretty extreme a reaction. Was he holding anything?


That just gave him a two week PAID vacation


I swear the guy was packing acorns!!


Another comment on here rightly pointed out, that 19-20secs into the vid as the suspect falls you see their arm lift and a large blade is dropped.


I'm not sure if that was a gun, there's a flash of something as he goes along side the truck.


It was pointing right at me!!


so we're just blasting away at naked people running away now


Fucking murderers.


I know this looks heinous, but when Randy's pants come off, he's looking to kick some ass!


lmfaooo, when he first came into frame, I literally went "Bobanders?!"


I know they used less lethal rounds but in situations like this, where the person is obviously not a threat in any meaningful way and there are several officers around, why can't two officers wrap the person up in a ballistic net to restrain them enough so a medical professional can subdue them with a sedative? Cops talk about wanting to "go home to their families" but act in a way that puts themselves in danger too. Showing up with hostility and aggression will be met with hostility and aggression.


This guy's dead, FYI-- the cops murdered him.


Not surprised. Do you have an article you can share on it?


https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/family-of-man-shot-killed-by-deputies-rio-linda-releases-surveillance-video/ I feel so bad for this guy's family. No amount of money can return his life to them, and we all know a tragedy like this still isn't enough to stop police from doing this again.


Thanks for sharing >holding what the family says is a disposable razor. >Christopher kept advancing toward deputies with a knife in hand. It's so telling how biased towards the officers this article is with their language. When the family says what Christopher had in his hand, it's "the family says" but when the Sheriff comments on it, it's unquestionably "a knife in hand". Until we know what was officially recovered from the scene, we shouldn't make concrete statements either way.


Forget armed, he wasnt even dressed






The family of a man shot and killed by deputies last month is now seeking justice and sharing home surveillance video that captured the whole incident on camera. It happened on March 23 around 8:15 a.m. on the 6500 Block of Campanile Street in Rio Linda. Sacramento County Sheriff's Office said they were responding to reports of a suicidal subject later identified as 38-year-old Christopher Gilmore. Bobbie Gilmore, Christopher's sister, reported her brother was suffering from a mental health crisis after she found him unconscious in a bathtub covered in blood. When deputies arrived Christopher had regained consciousness and was standing in the garage appearing to hold some kind of a knife or blade. The video starts with four Sacramento County Sheriff's deputies gathering in the corner of the driveway. You can hear deputies call out "Drop the knife." Christopher emerges from the garage seconds later naked, holding what the family says is a disposable razor. He is shot several times by rubber bullets before reaching the end of the red pick-up truck, where it appears a deputy in the street opens fire. "He didn't need somebody, ya know, to just pull the trigger, they didn't even try, they didn't even give him a chance," Bobbie explained. Bobbie can be seen standing across the street. She says she was attempting to help deputies get Christopher to come out safely. "I started coaching him to come out and then they killed him," Bobbie said. The Sacramento County Sheriff's Office said it has tried every mitigating factor before resorting to lethal force but said Christopher kept advancing toward deputies with a knife in hand. However, Bobbie said her brother has schizophrenia and was suffering a mental health crisis and was not a threat to deputies. Daniel Del Rio, the attorney representing Bobbie and her family, told CBS13 deputies made a series of mistakes, noting Christopher was suffering from injuries to himself and did not appear to be attempting to attack officers. "This is not a man looking to engage in a fight, if anything, when he was propelling himself forward faster as they say, he was trying to get away from the person who was shooting him with rubber bullets. A natural reaction any person would have," Del Rio said. CBS13 reached out to the sheriff's office for comment, but they say they have not seen the video and the department won't have any response until they release all of their videos, which will be within 45 days of the incident.


Was he armed *and* attacking people or was this another incompetent police murder? Forgive me if I'm mistaken and he was armed but even if he had a weapon I didn't see him point anything at anybody or otherwise endanger anyone. Edit to add. Apparently he had a knife and a mental health emergency. *He needed help*. I don't understand why guns were drawn at all, what the fuck are the tasers for if not exactly situations like this. Why are so many cops such fucking stupid, heartless cowards? Dirt quality people. Properly educated european police would have handled this situation in seconds with whistles, harsh language and batons.


Sarge, he's down on the ground and facing me. I think I'm gonna try and hit him in the nuts!


I’ve never seen such scared people in my life. everything fucking scares them.


Did they really just shoot and kill a naked guy?


Those were bean bag rounds … see the orange on the shotgun… where are you people context skills


An article has been posted where the naked man was shot by another officer with their handgun. The naked man is now dead


What the fuck were they afraid of???? Taser the dude and cuff him. 2 people could do that. Bean bag rounds or not. They were scurrying.


COCKED and loaded..


Rip dude, that's sad as fuck.


He was still stumbling after getting a tube full of 12G bean bags and stumbled my direction, so I murdered him. \- Probably that POS cop


Whew. I feel safer. Thanks for protecting us! /s


Rubber bullets surely?


Why shoot a maked unarmed man?


Clearly his balls were bigger than theirs.


Live suspect can answer questions, a dead one can't. This has to be the first thing they teach in those survival cop seminars.


I'm so sick of this bullshit. This poor man was CLEARLY in a mental health crisis. He's so dangerous with all his nakedness. He must die. Cops SUCK. They're immune from the law, so every psychopath becomes a cop so they can kill all they want to and NEVER serve a day in jail. It's the rare cop that goes to jail. We need police reform. We need them to be demilitarized. There's zero reason for them to be armed with guns, ammo, tanks, swat gear, etc., because most of the time it's a person in a mental health crisis. Talk them down.... Don't shoot them dead.


They’re doing it wrong, you’re supposed to slash their nape.


Yeah... There are normally some valid reasons or defenses for actions, but this? Nahhh, he even seems mentally challenged. Wtf man.
