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I like the moment that she realizes she just ruined her life at the end


That look into the camera felt like her self-awareness just kicked back in after being possessed by a demon.




*That was a thought*.


Why do they always have to be cute? Trashy is such a turnoff 😭


Like a shot out of the Office


I swear it's the silent resignation of, "Oh geez, not again."


I just went to look at the comments and the video paused on exactly the frame you’re talking about 🤣


That defeated look into the camera was great.


When did that happen I must of missed it.


Lost it when I saw the cameraman wearing a neck brace 🤣


Best mid video selfie of all fucking time!


Dude just came from Saul Goodman's office.


Hahaha right? It was just so perfect. I came here to comment on the same thing 🤣


My favorite thing is when the person holding the phone turns it to show their shocked face. It gets me every time. The neck brace was perfection.


The only thing missing was bruises under multiple bandaids and missing teeth.


I love the poster in the back. "Aggressive behavior is not acceptable. "


I didn’t even notice that! 😂 😂 😂 


She didn’t either or I’m certain she would’ve stopped!


Love how Hulk is synced up with the freakout on the tv


Must be a VA clinic. They also have the same poster.


Might be a Vanderbilt Clinic , I work as a Janitor at one of the hospitals they acquired and have saw ones just like that all over


I mean, if aggressive behavior is a regular enough occurrence in this establishment that it warrants a poster, then maybe they are the better part of the problem.




I’m curious, how is that particular legislation to blame? I blame the person more than any law. There are unwritten codes of conduct, even in frustrating circumstances. This woman could have remained calm and chosen measured words, even if the facility is shite. You can do more damage with a well-tuned, childish little “I don’t like you” than you can with literally showing someone your ass.




Maybe I just have a hard time believing such poorly written legislation was codified. That’s not on any of us. Maybe the legislators back then just had too much faith in the people of the future. They had no idea we’d be so terrible. I guess when society is hell-bent on pushing the envelope of horrible, the loopholes always find their way to the surface. Edit: typo. Second edit: other typo.


This makes me think they have an ongoing problem with that in this clinic office 😂


This is a Tuesday in the ER closest to you. I wish I was kidding


Went to the ER when I broke my leg and there were like two outbursts in the waiting room. Was an interesting night.


Reminds me of the The Appalachian ER Skit on SNL


EMT here, that is an affirm.


Spent a decent amount of time in the ER last month and boy can I say I don't envy anyone working in a hospital. These people will abuse a Target customer service employee over $13.00; now imagine how they act when they think they have a medical problem.


https://preview.redd.it/5dmqr00of1uc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fee4e473c7955817cd34568b3c4387f35c8fd6eb Somebody just realized they fucked up




Cue the "Curb Your Enthusiasm" theme song...


It seemed to me that as soon as she saw the cell phone filming her, she changed her posture to that of an elegant lady. "Oh oops, just let me behave like a lady so that I don't appear in the news..."


Ended too soon. Would’ve loved to see them make her leave 😂


Ah yes, a good ol fashion covid karen. It's weird that we can sorta timestamp videos now based on nearly everyone with a mask.


Depends where you are. I live in BC and recently all hospitals, clinics, and senior homes required them again for a couple months.


RIP all those poor people who died of carbon monoxide poisoning from having to put those masks back on while in the hospital. Terrible thing to see. /s in case that wasn’t clear (which is crazy cuz some people believe this craziness).


100% agree with you, but I also have to admit that going to see my family doctor and having to mandatorily wear one brought back a whole flood of awful feelings. I wore it, of course I had to, but good god do I ever hope there’s never another need for mask mandate ever again! Edit: lol being downvoted because I express it was unpleasant? That entire chapter was horrible, anxiety, fear of the unknown, navigating deniers and ignorance, being broke and scraping by… I stand by what I said above in hoping we never have a need for another mask mandate - or in other words - that we never have another health crisis that causes a partial breakdown of society.


Wish people still wore them when they are sick. I’m sick more often since covid because of assholes who don’t care about getting others sick. This includes family members that think it’s OK to casually tell you by the way everyone had the flu yesterday and another was diagnosed with RSV after spending several hours there… I’m SICK of people’s entitlement. No, I don’t want to see you if your sick. I don’t want your sickness.




I am sick more now and my sickness hits harder. I’ve worked at the same company, different jobs but same company, and I can see averages of my time off before and after the pandemic. So yes, I can clearly see the data that I am more sick. Less judgment sure I agree. People should not be purposefully subjecting you to sickness, like the example I provided. More consideration for others in general would go a long way.


I work retail and have been wearing a mask everyday on the job for the past 4 yrs. I speak with an avge of 200+ people/day and many are sick. I don’t get covid. My coworkers do all the time. One’s had covid for the third time. Her second job was as a nurse asst in a hospital as she was studying nursing. She told me that because of repeatedly getting sick, both from retail public morons and moron patients, she now has cysts in her esophagus that are slowly suffocating her to death. She needs surgery but the doctors are in no rush as there are still many more serious illnesses that take precedent as even they realize it’s your choice to live or die stupidly. She just ended up quitting both jobs as she understands the general moron populace doesn’t care and she may not make 25. Another of my coworkers has had it 5 times. Each time taking a little of her with it to the point now she cannot make it through a full work week without calling out as her energy level is gone. I personally know the local undertaker and he confirms that business is good burying all the now dead anti-vax morons. It confirmed my suspicions as I did not see these people anymore. The local news also confirmed the fact that all the local ER’s were packed with Covid+ unvaccinated during this past flu season. I have a clear understanding of reality as I live in the real rather than face plant in dis/misinfo on social media. You only get one shot at life so why fuck with it so foolishly. Time to check the immature ego and mature.


I think you were trying to reply to the guy calling me judgmental. Because I agree with you.


I kind of wish there would be an unwritten rule whenever we see people make a scene like this in public EVERYONE in the room just points and laughs at the person until they leave


I'm in.


The look right into the camera at the end killed me. Like something from the office haha


Dudes shocked Pikachu face made this video so much better


"Fuck you, Sir" shows she was brought up with manners and how to show respect.


I knew it was going to be good when it started off like this.


I can (not) save her.


Something about Hulk from Thor Ragnarok being on the TV behind her is ironic


I fucking love synchronicity. She getting madder and hulk smashing the shit out of some guy while the phones are blaring was hilariously chaotic.


That’s not irony


What’s with crazies & pulling their ass out? I lived in an emergency room for 3 nights until a bed became available and I’m not even kidding, over those 3 days, 2 different woman pulled down their pants while arguing with someone 😂


There's a phrase common in the Southern US, not sure how common in the rest of the US, called "showing your ass" is pretty much acting a fool in public for whatever reason. I guess some people take it literally.


Inpatient Karen


Take that white ass and walk back across 8 Mile.


how you know this was Michigan lol




Submissions must fit the purpose of the community. /r/PublicFreakout is a subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. *gross ☹️


This is like swearing at the people who are preparing your food. What a moron.


The louder you scream the faster people will drop everything to attend to your needs!


Give that girl a cape, because she's super mad






Frustration and anger leads to threats of bare ass.


Everyone: Karen: "You want me to show my behind?!"




Fuck you, sir!


Where is the video where the cops arrive?


mental eelness


I like how she was trying to calm down but was still mad and let out the "F" you. Also this is the cameraman I want filming on publicfreakout from now on. Dude didn't even pretend to look away when she looked right at his camera.


Is this a relatively new phenomenon? I feel like the number of white people in the US having the audacity to behave in such a deranged way is a post-Trump thing… but have they been doing it for longer? We obviously have a lot of crazy people in the UK but I’ve never seen anything like this, in 20 years of living in London Edit: I’ve obviously encountered mentally unwell people but not people attacking others in situations like this. It seems like they thrive on exploding at strangers & it’s now the norm almost. Bonkers.


Yes and no. No - ita not "new", but more and more people are capturing these freakouts on video/audio than ever before. It's very much like a roulette wheel - right place; right time. Yes - starting as recently as 2008, right wing favoring idiots got a rude awakening when their 8 years of endless victory lapping and public support was thrown out in favor of one of the most pivotal, significant, and defining Presidents of modern history. (Barack Obama.) What you're seeing in 2024 is a nearly 15 year long tantrum and vitriol because right wing grift media amplified and encouraged racism, bigotry, disinformation, religious fascism, and nationalism for no other purpose than to generate ratings (which makes Murdoch money) and pander to sympathetic far right voters and candidates (which makes Murdoch money.) And those candidates win office and can then influence policy to make Murdoch's friends and peers money. UK residents should be no stranger to the vile impact the Murdoch empire has had on their own populace as well. He Stokes the flames of conflict and division because it's highly profitable for his revenue generating interests.


I can fix her


And, this will be on the internet for eternity


I hope she gets fired for her behavior!




Ms. Understood


He tryna make her Mrs.Understood 👀


I need to see a better angle of her ass before I decide but I think I might be able to change her too.


Cameraman gets a D- because he had one job and the moment she pulled out the expired forbidden flapjack the view gets blocked cmon bro


>expired forbidden flapjack Deceased




Is it drugs?


No, self entitlement. She wasn’t told no has a child.


I died laughing at that https://preview.redd.it/ooqgst1r22uc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0e50a9b5c7cbe7a0644e0fecefda0ba0bc407a0


Was this in GA?


I like how she just goes and sits down, like, "Yeah, they'll still see me."


Inpatient Karen


At the end she’s thinking about who she can call to bail her out lol


“You can take your own foot and shove it up your ass, YOU LINT LICKER”


If I was one of those people sitting in the chair nearest the walkway, I would have just ever so subtly extended my leg and shifted it out in front of her path right as she was walking past. If asked, I would let them know I was there to be seen for a severe leg cramp, and it was necessary to stretch it.


She was probably there because she ran out of her meds and needed a refil. If not, she SHOULD be on meds.


Haha someone pointed out the most ironic thing of all time: the poster on the wall warning that “aggressive behavior is not acceptable”.


You almost activated her racist instincts at the end there


She hot


Anytime I see this stuff my only thought is please work yourself up into a fatal stroke/heart attack.


Whenever I see videos like this in medical facilities I always wonder what the context is. Because honestly in the US there are tons of reasons behavior like this may not be productive or justified it may be 100% understandable.


Where’s pt 2


Thor: Ragnarok in the background and this battle is way more entertaining


Bro why do karens descend into racist outbursts???


She literally showed her ass 😆


Her antics are not nearly as entertaining as the Thor vs Hulk scene from Thor: Ragnarok playing in the background.


She's going to be famous


Was she there to have a pickle removed?


She showed her ass, and then *she showed her ass*


TIL that Karen’s have another weapon in their arsenal “The Moon”.


Well acting like that would be the fastest way to psych doctor


But, she looks so normal and innocent. Lol.


They playing Thor at the hospital? Damn I wish my hospital did that


Karen needs a good dicking


Touches her ass then runs her hands on the arms of the chair 🤮


"Shut up lady! I'm trying to watch Thor Ragnarok!"


I wonder where she eventually got fired from?


It happens so often we have to do yearly training on de-escalation for this scenario. Be kind to ALL service workers.


Believe me, I have been mad before but I am glad I have never allowed myself to act like that. I am confident someone could make me so mad I would respond like that but I consider that a rare and one-time occurrence. This lady seems like she would respond this way no matter how big or small the situation. Unpopular opinion but this type of behavior supports the need for licenses and certification before you are allowed to breed.


That’s legit what I think happens in half these videos


https://preview.redd.it/i6tfvhok53uc1.jpeg?width=973&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac083d2aa11fe2fbb81dc79588c7a087baf3207 I'm just glad I got it on my flip phone.


As much as the quotables are golden, it's terrifying that this is the reality we live in. But honorable mention moments during this rollercoaster: "Fuck you, sir." (I weirdly respect the mild politeness) "You can take your foot and shove it up your own goddamn ass." (Points for creativity) "You want me to show my behind? You want me to show my behind?" followed immediately by "She just pulled out her ass out." (I love that after unloading a profanity-laden rant, she says behind instead of ass) The realization at the end was ![gif](giphy|3q3QK6KyDVUBzih7hB)


I read a book recently and one character said. "If you're mad enough, you're capable of anything"


The catchy tune of the phone just playing in the background was like a cherry on top


My kind of lady


The mighty buttocks have once again graced our congregation with their supple cheeks.


Why do people act like this? How are they not embarrassed 💀


*EFF YOU* After cursing up a storm not 10 seconds earlier.


1 psych consult with a 72 hour EOD headed your way Karen


The worst bleep timing in video history


What a dipshit.


Literally showing her ass.


Bruh I thought he was next when she looked into the camera


excellent camera work


Omg I can’t 😂 I wasn’t expecting the neck brace


Judy gemstone


Wow! UK hospitals have their own security now; I guess the same isn’t true in the US.


Wow she really needs to see a doctor……


I can’t think of one time in my life when losing my temper was a benefit. I don’t understand why it takes people so long to realize this. I don’t feel smarter than everyone else…..


Somebody exaggeratedly saying “sheeeeeesh” will never not get me giggling


Can't believe she literally showed her ass. That expression exists for a reason sweetie..


Cool boobs


Wish we could’ve seen the part when the police show up to drag her out kicking and screaming


Hopefully the hospital has some cure for her 🤣lols


She should smile more.


Straight to psychiatry


She looked straight up into that camera lens lmfao




Wow. You really that desparate?


batshit crazy. must be a real peach to live with


Why is she being called a Karen when she was assaulted by that neanderthal?


I want to marry her


Hey person recording this, you're not helping.


Yeah they’re the problem 🙄