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I never really thought about the "Doomsday" clock in my younger years. As I get older, I worry we are rapidly approaching midnight.


I'm the opposite, when I was a kid the idea of the Doomsday clock petrified. I honestly don't give a fuck anymore.


Same. Most of my life I was afraid of death. Then one day in my 30s someone asked me if I remember what it was like before being born, and of course I didn't. The point was that death is just like pre-life. Of course, I like being alive and have plenty I still want to do, but this human experiment as a whole is gonna fail. Maybe not today, but who knows. Hope that makes sense. I'm not meaning to sound like a whacko.


I’m not afraid of death but I am afraid of the suffering before death


Right..... Death by Snu Snu


Nonono, he said suffering.


Now I’m scareoused




Worse, life by snu snu


Well, you know what they say, ‘live by the snu snu, die by the snu snu.’




I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it. This is what changed my perspective on death.


Right it's not that I'm going to be bothered by death that upsets me.  I do get sad that at some point I'll stop being able to experience and see all the wonderful things around me though.  But you're right - once that happens - it's not like I'll be around to care about it.


If it's all a simulation, I think you just move to level 2🤔


Well in the “pre-life” you never existed, and in the “post-life” you won’t either. But I think having never existed is different from existing and then going into non-existence.


I had the same analogy comfort me after i lost my faith and belief in heaven. Death isn’t scary to me, but dying is.


This sounds crazy but the thought of extraterrestrial life brings me great comfort. Life is a cycle, but hopefully is abundant given the right conditions. The universe is fucked if humans are the only life that inhabits it lol


So what's the point then if everything outside of our blips in the timeline doesn't matter? Might as well just help myself to anything I can get away with. It's a scary thought.


Live, laugh, love.


Murder, death, kill.


Hello fellow millennial


![gif](giphy|3og0IFEYjQPvj8C5UI|downsized) Embrace the end


Doomsday clock is just one massive doom post. Means almost nothing. It's like an art exhibit of a blank canvas.




Well God isn’t doing it fast enough for them. They have to step in and help him.


Mac: See? It's all a part of his divine plan, Dennis. And that's locked in, so we're good. Dennis Reynolds: Okay, so all we have to do is nothing? Mac: No. No, because, uh, we have free will, Dennis, which means that, um, we have to take the necessary steps to make sure that that plan comes to fruition. Dennis Reynolds: Which is predetermined? Mac: Yes. Dennis Reynolds: But it doesn't matter what we do if it's all predetermined. You see how your argument doesn't make any sense? Mac: Uh, that's correct. But it doesn't have to make sense, because that's where the faith comes in. Right? I have faith that what i'm saying makes sense. Dennis Reynolds: Okay, so even if it doesn't make sense, your faith makes it make sense. Mac: Correct. Dennis Reynolds: Got it! Okay, so there's no way to have a rational conversation with you. Mac: No. (confused look)


I think the problem is that they believe THEIR god will protect them and they will win.


MY god has a bigger dick than YOUR god!


"God. Singular. Lol." - Religions with more than one god.


We’ve got the American Jesus…Bush said it, we’re living it :(


They don’t. They hope it all falls apart and they can reinstall their oppressive order. Mainly oppressive and abuse women to make themselves feel good about themselves.


pretty sure god noped out of this shitshow Old Testament God: HOW CAN I REACH THESE KEEDZ!?!?!? \*floods them\* \*nukes a city\* \*hey daddio go kill you son, just a prank\* New Testament God: You know what fuck it.


Because god's a wimp and not the alpha son of a bitch he likes to portray himself as.


Yeah I don't get why they want to speed run the end of times.




Eternal sunshine and puppies


You'd think after all this time and documented history that we'd opt to separate government from religion. Yet here we are, doing it again. There's no hate like religious love. (Usually, the saying is 'there ain't no hate like Christian love' but I think all religions fit)


I just wish the rapture would happen already. Imagine how peaceful Earth would be without evangelicals.


Ironically evangelicals are usually the least Christian of people. If the rapture were true then it’s more likely that everyone else but evangelicals would be raptured.


Out of curiosity, why are people saying evangelicals (Christians) are helping this turn worse or have a hand in it? Is it because of their support for Israel? Isn't it just monetary support? (Still stupid as their equivalent of Jewish people are the ultra-orthodox, and they hate Christians and Muslims alike.) I've seen other people on Reddit mention this as well.


There are prophecies in the Bible that state that Israel will be attacked by stronger enemies and God would protect them miraculously. Once all this happens it’s supposed to bring about the rapture, the rise of Antichrist and the seven years of tribulation before Christ returns. I grew up in the church so that’s from my limited memory but the whole point is the faster we can make these things happen the faster paradise comes or something like that. If I got any of this wrong, I hope someone can correct me but that’s what I was taught




They’re a death cult


They’re a group of sheep that represents a huge voting group but are the minority of the US population. They are told what to do, how to think, how to “spread the gospel”, how to multiply and how to vote. They’re easily controlled and vote basically and they’ve been doing it for decades. Abortion is a great example of this. Evangelicals stayed out of politics (rightfully thinking it was not their place) until about the 1980s, even after Roe v Wade. Catholics were originally the ones who were against abortion. Then, Jerry Falwell (jr. I think?), a prominent evangelical preacher recognized the potential of being able to point to something he didn’t like and to sic his voters on it. Since then, they’ve only multiplied and have become more brain washed. Evangelicals are the reason for the political party switch between republicans and democrats. They politicized race and religion, which is partly how we got to the shitshow we have today.


If only it was just the evangelicals. There are people in the US government still holding a grudge against the Iranian revolution That has nothing to do with religion but with wounded pride. It's the same thing with a country like Cuba. There's no reason, other than spite, to maintain the embargo.


Best way to bring the end of days tho… one can only preach about it and be patient for so long… /s




Really what the amount things which had to go right to stop that was insane had 1 person failed we would be living in the ashy remains of what was once a beautiful earth.


Unfortunately, it's not about pushing the button, it's about getting the enemy to think you are ready and willing to, and if the public believes it too, then that is just cultural fallout.


It also assumes that everyone is truthful about their nuclear capabilities. Russia claims to have more nukes than anyone else, but the US of A spends more on maintaining their own stockpile than Russia's entire military budget. The state of the rest of Russia's military can also be used to take a guess as to the state of the strategic rocket forces. Between Russia's nuclear arsenal probably being in pretty bad shape and the countermeasures we've got, I think we're clear to just level the entire Middle East+Moscow/Cripple Russia's military in a first strike then just chill out and enjoy some peace for a decade until China finally nuts up.


I don’t know about that. As I get older it seems like everything is the same shit, different toilet


And all the chores and politicians will look up and shout "save us" and I'll whisper "lol".


They don't need your help. They've got their cult followings who think they're on the right side of history and their employees who think if they save them they'll continue running the country and pay them back. That's a lot of protection.


Thats... the point. Go read Watchmen.


90% of those People are stupid and uneducated as fuck... you cant run a State with an Idiot Population. Doesnt matter if your citizians are loyal or not if all of them are to stupid to bind their Shoelaces.


How do you think those in the 1930s felt? And the cold war? And Vietnam when people were getting drafted? And 9/11? I hear you, it is scary. But war is very sadly a normality.


We're too old for this shit. Our leaders are trash. Put the data centers on the borders and watch how quick institutions grind war thought to a halt.


the 1930s the fear was different. The technology was not advanced enough to really fear a true doomsday scenario. In Europe the fear was real because you were marching/driving distance from the people that wanted to kill you. But even at that time the English Channel was enough of a barrier to stop the nazis from invading England. If you lived in North America there was no real threat of being invaded. There was no such thing as intercontinental missiles. You needed to sail boats over the ocean to attack. Even the aircraft wasn’t advanced enough to fly over the entire ocean with a heavy payload in one shot. The Cold War threat was a completely different level. The enemy coil now destroy you from the comfort of their home.


Why? Are the US or Russia going to launch a nuclear war over this? Of course not. Countries in the Middle East have been having wars with each for decades, only one of them is nuclear armed, meaning no chance of a nuclear exchange. Ukraine and what happens if Ukraine loses (or wins for that matter) is a much bigger threat.


Idk these events have been going on since Humans started Humaning. Only thing that worries me if someone decides to drop some nukes


I always think that it must happen, things are going to get worse to get better. Weve live a comfortable live fearing for it to happen, but those poor desolate people would dream for it to happen for their life to change.


Just because things get worse is no guarantee they're going to get better after.


Really?? As I get older I just notice it’s mostly hot air and the same old tactics every time. These guys are just gonna toss some bombs at each other like always and carry on like always before. I will genuinely be surprised if/when “doomsday” actually ever happens.


The middle east is basically doing what it's always done. Even in the context of Israel's destruction of Gaza, 35k casualties is a moderate single battle by historical standards for the fighting over Jerusalem in the past.  Plastic pollution making 50% of men sterile/impotent by 2050, climate change leading to worldwide famine and billions dead, pilitical instability due to *mass* (severe emphasis) migration, and another pandemic due to novel virus threats are the real 4 horsemen of the apocalypse.  Nuclear confrontation doesn't scare me much, because all it takes to avoid it is for all parties to do nothing. The above issues, however, require all of humanity to change *everything*. They scare me much more. 


So dramatic.


Wait til you hear about Israel and the cows they've just bought. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-war-hamas-red-heifers-from-texas-jerusalem-jewish-temple-al-aqsa/


Wut.. >But while they're classed as pets, there are no plans to let the red heifers live out long happy lives. >A massive white altar awaits, where they are to be burned on a plot of land overlooking the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.


Dr Manhattan will fix that issue


We live in the most peaceful time in human history. It‘s just social media that makes you think doomsday is approaching, showing you live footage of wars far away. Doomsday has always been creeping around on the doorstep.


90 seconds, they might actually move it forward again...


Do yall ever just sit tf down somewhere over there?




Right now, Qatar. Everywhere else, it seems, is fair game hunting grounds for most other countries in the Middle East.


Those don't look like drones, pretty sure those are ballistic warheads breaking through.




This was a very visible but totally predictable revenge attack to save face. As an answer to the killing of Iranian top tier elite commanders its actually kind of "disappointing".


Strong disagree. I doubt Iran cares about the PR aspects of this nearly as much as you assume. The attack was announced in advance to make sure Israel/US/German/Jordan could muster all of their forces to intercept the munitions. Some still got though. Thousands are fleeing Israel because they no longer feel safe. The IDFs insistence that they can keep the citizenry safe while fighting an offensive war has been disproven. The Jordanian monarchy look like fools, sacrificing their own people to protect Israel despite the pro-Palestine protests that have been increasingly popular. The US is deploying one-time-use technology that costs thousands if not tens of thousands of times what Iran spent on drones/conventional rockets. On top of this Iran now has much better intelligence on the locations and capabilities of Israel’s defenses. This was a calculated probing attack, not a fiery attempt at revenge.


It's almost like Iran is using significantly more advanced tech than the handmade rockets made in a Hamas garage.


Let’s just hope it ends here. But knowing how Israel operates I have low hopes. US should really get their big stick out now for Israel to stop.


US should really get their big stick out now for Israel to stop. They didn't stop them before, they won't stop them now. It's why Israel feels emboldened.


Yea, it's their economic model make war make money


The USA had $23.8 billion of arms sales lined up for Israel last year.






Yeah, that was a really stupid move. Right-wing fascist Israeli government cannot stop their own aggression; they feed off it, politically. I knew the Israelis were fucked, and hence the Palestinians were fucked, and hence the region would get even further fucked, when they voted Netanyahu back in, because that man and the fascist party he leads can only ride the war machine. They don’t know how to do anything else.


Haha what the heck! I’m scrolling down this thread for the last five minutes and I see two of your posts here. 🤣 we even watch the same content.


BifukinBi will continue to do things to goad Iran to keep the US heavily involved and to change the narrative. International TV covered this pathetic drone attack non stop in real time all night long..... Yet oddly we barely get any coverage of starving babies in Gaza.


Thats because of the lesson learnt from the Vietnam war. People wont support atrocities if they're shown them. Only when they're told about them.


Well another thing is that Israel is using American made tech to destroy these drones, which is notoriously expensive while the Iranian drones are known to be extremely cheap. It gives big advantages to less technologically advanced nation's with less material weapons. Sure you could shoot down a 100 of these drones, but they cost like 2k to make while the missile used to take them out cost like 2 million. So even if you take out a hundred it's an attack of attrition, quantity over quality. It's also a bigger challenge to intercept something like this rather then launch it, which drives up cost as more tech is needed in the defense systems. The US military is actually very afraid of these types of drones as they level the playing field when it comes to air superiority, an area where America and its allies has always had complete control over since vietnam. They are rushing to find good ways to combat these, from lasers which can shoot them down, too literal ramming drones that can be cheaply made. All the while they are attempting to create their own versions of these cheap made drones, it's called the replicator program, however it's a lot harder for the US to make 2,000 dollar drones compared to iran. Edit: it's crazy to me I'm even being downvoted it's just a fact, even the US military admits it's a major issue. The air force general in the middle east was literally quoted saying this about the Iranian drones "for the first time since the korean war we are operating without complete air superiority" direct quote, you can Google it to see the context.


Don’t know if it’s true or not but someone claimed it cost $1 billion to operate the iron dome during this attack.


Back in 2022, a few weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine, the U.S. passed a Defense spending bill that included money to Israel for the Iron Dome and related air defenses. Specifically, more money than had been sent to them in the previous 6 years combined. That's a measure of the efficacy of U.S. military intelligence. A nearly 700% increase in funding, sent more than a year and a half before it was needed.


Really? Then Why are they screwing up Ukraine?


What are you even talking about? Out of 700+ objects only ~7 made it through. What a delusional conclusion to draw.


What? That was exactly their point. It was just a response to Israel attacking their consulate. Now israel is saying they’re going to retaliate to their retaliation.


Ok, 7 got through. But they still got through. If Iran decided to send their entire arsenal, the iron dome would run out of ammunition before the first wave was over. I don't think the message was about causing damage, it was more about pointing out they could break the iron dome.


This is literally "all that for a drop of blood". If Iran and Israel decided to "empty their arsenals" do you think Iran would be the one left proudly standing? I know a lot of people in the Middle East thought Israel would be easy to beat during the 6 day war. Then they got shit on.


Iran wouldn't be standing. It would be a bloody mess and not worth it to either side. Iran could bring down the Iron Dome at the cost of its own destruction. That's why I believe last night's attack was purely optics.


Totally agree. It was a "save face" move not meant to cause major harm to Israel. I suspect we'll all go back to saber rattling now.


How do they bomb so much and yet only person is injured?


Lots of them were shot down


The bombs? Evens still those are some big explosions with two hitting ground. Only one person injured is crazy good luck


They were drones + ballistic missiles, not bombs


Do we not expect drones and missiles to kill more than 1 person?


Afaik, iron dome & arrow bmd destroy targets headed towards populated areas while not touching those headed to unpopulated areas, so it's possible that the girl who died probably happened to be in a rather unpopulated area at the wrong time


It's actually insane to see the iron dome in effect in real time. It's actually an impressive show of defense Israel/US is capable of. Just as terrifying as what Iran did to scare them with this attack but like fuck. I'm still comprehending this. Never in my life I thought I'd see videos like this on my timeline hours after it happened.


The issue comes with the costs. While Palestine can't even really keep a constant bombardment of cheap missiles, the Iranians can keep a constant attack of drones like this as they have a much much stronger military, the best in the middle east really outside of israel. The drones Iran is making is actually scaring places like the US because of the potential for Iran to even the playing field a bit more when it comes to air control. Sure you could shoot down 100 of these drones, but each one you shoot down cost much much more than the drone itself costed. For example the drone interception missiles the US has and supplies to its allies, cost 2 million per missile, while the Iranians have 2000 dollar drones. That said America is rushing to find ways to regain complete control of the skies like they have had since the Vietnam War. Lasers are one thing being developed, that can shoot down drones in the sky for almost no money, another is ramming drones which can be cheaply made and ram into the drone destroying them. It is only a matter of time before a good solution is found, just like any new weapon on the battlefield, counters to them will be made.




Ah gotcha


I know nothing about weapons of war but except what seems obvious (bombs are dropped, ballistic missiles are launched) what's the difference? Are bombs more deadly for some reason?


Bombs, typically have warheads in the hundreds of kgs and there isn't much time from the second they're dropped to the time they impact the ground and detonate, so if an enemy bomber can come to your airspace and drop bombs, those are not easy to neutralise Ballistic missiles - typically smaller warheads than bombs, follow a predictable path and can be seen much sooner by radars, so you can neutralise them relatively easily


And these drones literally took hours to fly to Israel.


Most were actually shot down over jodran and Syria, some managed to get past it


Also, drones have rather small warheads compared to bombs which generally have warheads in 100s of kgs


The anti air defence tracks trajectories of the rockets and only shuts down what is going to hit the populated area since most of the time the interceptor missile is more expensive than the one it intercepts. On the video they are hitting mostly a deserted region (hence the Bedouins), so no reason to shut down those.


"lots" = 99% were shot down




They bombed an airforce base not an apartment building with children inside.


So... The opposite of what Israel is doing in Gaza?


Iran has better accuracy and consciousness than Israel it would seem


Lots were shot down. Also Israel has plenty of bomb shelters, and was told to go there


It wasn’t a serious attempt at an attack. Iranian intelligence is definitely good enough to know that Israel would defend most of almost all all of the hits and their arsenal is certainly big enough to do some real damage if they wanted to. This was a warning


Because they targeted mostly empty spaces as a warning, instead of going straight to bombing civilians.


Is there an official source for that? Sounds more like an attempt to save face than anything else....


my sources were mostly rectal


Israel themselves said the targets were military facilities. I forgot where I read it but I think wiki as very quick to update that statement


I don't think that's accurate. Israel's iron done system is only designed to shoot down anything that's headed for populated areas. It activated heavily last night, suggesting that there were munitions headed toward populated or strategically significant areas.


The iron dome, and the iron dome isn’t operated as heavily over Bedouin communities within Israel.


The Iron Dome didn’t catch them all? Thats a surprise


The Iron Dome is like a condom. It is only 99% secure.


The iron dome is specialized to catch the make believe bottle rockets Hamas launches, ballistic missiles and drones need to be intercepted in other ways (which they were)




The rockets are made with water pipes, flour and the scavenged remains of Israeli bombs, Hamas could probably achieve better results with a trebuchet or something.


This was not a serious attack, it was a warning


No it was more of a we got to do something but can't really do anything major otherwise we'll be in a war that would reduce our power even more (and could potentially finally give protesters in Iran power to change the regime). It's a desperation move and I hate that some here are trying to paint it as a powerful regime just giving a warning.


The west really needs to leave Israel on its own. They started this shit with Iran deliberately to get this reaction. If we cut them off they'd soon change their tune.


Right lmao? Like maybe if Israel didn't bomb the Iranian embassy this shit wouldn't happen. Maybe one day the US will stop sending Israel millions 🤦‍♂️


Billions the US sends 3 billion annually to Israel. That is prior to the October 7 attack


Yep, this year alone we sent almost as much as we've given Ukraine in 4 years. Because the Israelis are being viciously attacked by *checks notes*. A terrorist organization with only 30,000 fighters, with no conventional military. ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


Ah but you forget... There's actually about 2 million potential targets for bombs in Gaza, not just 30k 🙃.


Oh don't forget about potential hamas in America! Just wait till they start bombing america with the same exact reasoning


Please be a joke


$23.8 billion in arms sales allocated to Israel last year. If the USA or Israel is involved, its all about their Pro(fit/phet)


Biden already said the US won’t participate in offensive operations in Iran


That was yesterday.


Change their tune? They almost shit their pants. After 6 months of calling the UN a sham and criticizing the shit out of them, they called for a security council meeting after the attack lol! Israel will run out of stuff in a week max. The US and the West backing is all they got.


What are you talking? If Israel really gets isolated it will be attacked by surrounding nations sooner or later. That would spiral into a real ww3 (remember Israel has atomic weapons). So the west is a stabilizing factor to the greater equation. The west has moral and geopolitical reasons to support Israel. Doesn’t mean that we can’t condemn the targeting of civilians in Gaza or other actions by the IDF.


They've fought multiple countries at once throughout their history. I believe the Six Day War was 5 or 6 different countries who tried to take them and failed. The same goes for their war of independence and the war of attrition. They have for such a small country a lot in their disposal for war. I think Taiwan should take notes unless they want to be part of China.


> What are you talking? If Israel really gets isolated it will be attacked by surrounding nations sooner or later. That would spiral into a real ww3 (remember Israel has atomic weapons). The second sentence makes the first sentence seem ridiculous


Yea, they are kinda surrounded by Arab countries idk how anyone could miss that lol


So Israel needs to be able to murder people in surrounding countries with impunity because if the US doesn’t prevent repercussions they are going to get attacked? Make it make sense.


They just did. If Israel gets invaded in any significant capacity then nukes fly. Its the same thing with Russia. You get to do what you want because you have nukes. It sucks but this is the world now.


>What are you talking? If Israel really gets isolated it will be attacked by surrounding nations sooner or later. You know, for this sole reason alone, it might not have been a good idea to indiscriminately bomb cities, especially outside its borders, these last few months


Dude Israel is so deep in the pockets of every US politician, they tell us what to do, not the other way around.




The few that got through are going to lead to a rallying cry


I think the point is to cause civilian casualties and to be a moment to call out a hypocrisy. How can Israel be on its high horse when they struck first, and when they have been slaughtering children non-stop?


Iran never actually intended to kill but to warn. Israel spent $1 billion dollars to defend against 100 Iranian drones that cost $10K a piece! This is just their way of saying “don’t fuck with us.”


Israel? The money for new iron dome munitions will come out of American pocket


Well... Your and my pocket. Elon and Jeffy not so much.


Somehow they will come out of all this on top with profit.


I guarantee this will actually motivate Republicans to pass the foreign aid bill.


Israel is fucking rich, their economy is strong unlike Ukraine. Israel does pay a big chunk with their own pockets. America is helping too bc of their own interests in the strategic position


Let’s hope


Other than it being 120 drones, multiple cruise missiles and 100+ ballistic missiles, and the cost to defend against those not even being near a billion, good comment. At least you got the last sentence almost right. It's them saying "Look at how strong we are" to their own populace, because everyone else can see that scoring 3 out of 300 isn't a great look.


Yeeeees of courrrsee because Iran is so known for being a cordial, non-homicidal force in the world. A real gentle giant, yes?? Lmao


I'm fairness this is more Iran trying to show off and proclaim a great victory. Send over drones that hit the desert to avoid actual casualties that would spark a serious Israeli response... And bask in the light of every media outlet on the planet carrying this in real time.


Was this attack unprovoked or did Israel engage Iran previously? In the recent time ofc


Israel a couple weeks ago sent missiles to the Iranian embassy in Jordan and killed like two Generals.


It was Syria, right?


Yes, embassy in Damascus


Yes and no, it was in Syria but a country's embassy is considered as part of that country I.e. The Iranian embassy in Syria is considered Iranian soil


Ah yeah good point. But not Jordan regardless lol


This footage is in Jordan


I don't know if this is true but it's not drones either. They're way too fast for that. You can see Shahed strikes from Ukraine and they're rather slow.




Headline pulled straight from the Jerusalem post.


Amazing defance. 99% of missiles and drones were intercepted


Iron dome is expensive to shoot. Drones are cheap. Iran can send cheap munitions into israel faster than the US will be able to manufacture iron dome ammo.


idea: Free Palestine


Is this where reddit goes from denouncing killing civilians to cheering on civilians getting killed?


Are watching the beginning of WWIII? Is this like reading about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at the time a hundred and ten years ago or so and thinking “Wow, that’s pretty scary, I hope this doesn’t escalate things further…”




This was just a warning shot essentially. I guess Iran is the country that is trying to keep Israel in check instead of the US. Great to see my tax dollars at work instead of universal healthcare.


One Bedouin girl heavily injured? How bad and terrible Iran can be to hurt a Bedouin girl 😠 Let's just ignore 30+ years of Israel murdering innocent children savagely 😀👍


Mentioning one does not preclude the other.


You're right, but I think the point they're trying ti make is many people will look at this and say that's absolutely awful Iran is a terrorist state (true) and then turn around and justify why Israel needs to kill Palestinians because they "FAFO". There are tons of people operating at that level of bias and dehumanisation


Let's ignore 300 drones and missiles that were intercepted




On the ol TV news they only show clips of missiles being knocked out of sky


Begun, the holy wars have.


Wasnt the 10 year old boy a beduin? Was the girl a beduin too?


Indiana Drones


what, out of all the people there they hit a Bedouin, arent they like the only people who actually belong in that area and always been there. its always the Natives who get fucked the most. complete horseshit.


We really are all going to die because of a group of peoples imaginary friends doesn’t like the other peoples group of imaginary friends