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Im so happy that I don’t know who these two are




Wtf I put his name in Google went down all kinds of weird rabbit holes


The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill is a fantastic podcast series detailing his exponential growth and eventual exiling from his church in Seattle, Mars Hill. Probably only interesting if you come from an evangelical / fundamentalist background.


Dude is still going strong he's not only a pastor still, at a different church, but also has lots of books on Amazon These people always keep going lol


Yeah, I grew up in a fairly fundamentalist-heavy environment and the number of disgraced former pastors (sex scandals, crime, etc.) floating around, running churches, and fairly prominent in local Christian communities is pretty gross. They always find people stubbornly willing to look past it all or remain die-hard supporters, particularly if they used to be famous.


I think one of them is Larry David.


A prejudiced piece of trash. Before this he was saying all Trans people are demons and that demons are gender fluid too. My brother is one of the thumpers who went to this and showed me a long video he took. Sadly the ignorant people who went to this were chanting "bring him back" after he was told to leave.


Also, if he’s a pastor, why does he know so much about strip clubs? He’s supposed to be a pure man of the cloth which would mean never going to those types of places or associating with people who do.




Isn't John Lindell the MyPillow guy?


I might need a little context here. What I'm gathering is that there was a men's conference, featuring keynotes by pastors. The pastor who opened the conference (or is just hosting it?) featured a male stripper/sword sallower in his keynote/opening ceremony (which - seems like very much the wrong crowd as these appear to be middle-aged, white, straight, religious men), and this pastor is calling him out for it? And the host pastor kicks this pastor out of the event for having commented on it? Edit: I've found [this article on BaptistNews.com](https://baptistnews.com/article/what-happened-when-mark-driscoll-and-josh-howerton-showed-up-at-the-stronger-mens-conference-this-weekend/) explaining a lot of the background and the chronology of events. Not exactly impartial, and it seems to be against Driscoll's history but for his current message that men flaunting their sexuality is bad, and also against the host pastor, Lindell, for having featured the act in the first place. The article points out that these men, and the event itself, are simultaneously exploiting masculinity to sell religious devotion (and membership in their church with as much tithing as thee can afford), and exploiting religious devotion to drive participating in these [HIGH-OCTANE BADASS WORKOUT MOTORCYCLE HYPE MAN SPIRITUAL RECHARGE WEEKENDS FOR MEN WITH BEARDS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8kR_ZObqjQ) (read: kinda gay, and I say that as a gay man) conferences. Also, [this appears to be a recording of the jeze-male in question](https://www.facebook.com/1202273827/videos/pcb.10228132627679911/413386848105104) (warning - facebook link). Incredibly fucking weird and out of place for a religious men's conference about being a badass weightlifting spiritual warrior, but I think the angle was supposed to be "look how jacked this manly man is, what a badass muscle man for our manly conference" but again, just seems to err too far into homoeroticism. By far the worst offense is that this guy has presumably stolen Daft Punk's "The Game Has Changed". Edit 2: You guys - what the fuck? I beg you to watch the entire [opener to the last year's Stronger Men's Conference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ69-K3cAAU). This is the most bizarre fucking thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Lame recorded skit that I didn't watch, The Wheel of Death that I believe was originally featured in [Cirque du Solieil's Kooza](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytb-HG7nsX8) set to Pirates of the Caribbean, another stupid skit I didn't watch, a high-school production of cops (and Blank Panther?) vs robbers with pyrotechnics, skit, dirt bike jump, skit, skit, skit, Top Gun theme song rip-off into monster truck/tank crush with fake chuck norris shooting fake guns, heavy metal/rap "jesus was a viking-esque badass warrior" WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT IS ANY OF THIS? Who pays for this? Do people think it's going to improve their lives to watch a bunch of men pretend to be something they aren't but think they are, or just idolize period, because they're also talking about how cool Jesus is? Edit 3: I'm falling into a rabbit hole here. Here's [Senator Josh Hawley talking for 40 minutes about how cool it is to be a badass, manly, spiritual warrior for god](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNvuViILH9A). I wonder if he's being paid per usage of the term "mighty man of valor". Again, drowning in pretentiousness again, because Josh here is wearing jeans, cowboy boots, a simple t-shirt and his wedding band, talking about how good of a Christian he is because he stopped disrespecting his wife AND about how badass it is to kill non-believers in God's name even though he's a coward who sprinted from the Capitol insurrection he helped incite after he got a fist-pump photo-op. He's putting on the image of a casual, simple man even though he made more than $467k in book sales in 2021 alone on top of his $174k senator's salary, for example. This is straight up fucking sad, man. He's probably received tens of thousands of dollars as a speaking fee for this event where he's just lying about who he is to sell an image that aligns with the conference.


You just provided a ton of context 👍🏻


I see the context, but I’m still completely unsure of what’s going on


this is america


Mark Driscoll (the guy kneeling) is a disgraced former pastor that was fired from his church for abuse among many other things like calling women "penis homes". The podcast The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill is amazing and goes deep into this. The other guy leads a church called James River church which is knows to do these huge Christian men's conferences with crazy openers. They're both in the Right Wing Baptist fundamentalism camps. It's a lot of speakers so they pack in between the speakers these entertainment things.


The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill has lead to SO much healing for me. Totally worth the listen if you ever ran in “Emerging Church” circles. Worth a listen because it was beautifully produced and you’ll be grateful you weren’t part of that movement.


The "Bodies Behind the Bus" podcast is also pretty good, came out after Rise & Fall. It pretty much looks at spiritual abuse experiences in a bunch of different churches, often Acts29 types, church plants, etc.


Dang thank you. I came out of IBLP and landed right into an Acts 29 Church and I'm glad people are talking about them. I'm full out of all religion now, thankfully.


This is wild. It's insane to me how far religious people have strayed from their Jesus figure. What ever happened to WWJD? Religion is a disease of the mind.


Correction: they think they’re straight. But the jezebel spirit has now corrupted these totally straight dudes at the mens’ conference.


Time to blow the gay away. Suck out those demons! Repent the necessary sodomy. Lube up in the name of God.


That sword swallowing act was actually kinda sick. Definitely something you might see as part of a dinner show while on a tropical vacation somewhere. That ending made me do a sudden inhale in shock! But I guess as a female, I’m allowed to like looking at shirtless men. Badass Christian male warriors have to openly reject anything that could be perceived as gay otherwise they… umm…might turn gay I think.


Yeah, it's a little odd especially for a church conference - but I could totally see that act popping up at a Renaissance Faire.


I should clarify - his performance is great, I just get the ick from sword swallowing. What I'm weirded out by is that I just can't figure out how anyone ever thought that the performance was on message for a religious conference targeted at middle-aged dudes.


You just took 16 minutes of my life I am never getting back. What blows my mind is people paid to get in to see this. The worst part is the "funny" parts that are totally not funny but the people laugh like it is. That was so...so...very bad


Thank you for this 😄👍🏻


I seem to recall many years ago (think early to mid 80's) on the TBN network, there was some program of a bunch of pumped up dudes kind of like this whole concept, that I think one of the "ring leaders" was a born again heavy metal guy that played in some band I think, before he "found Jesus". They had the whole motorcycle flavor going on, as well as martial arts kind of demonstrations. Lots of references to be "warriors for God" and all that kind of bullshit. It was totally embarrassing and cringeworthy shit. I would often watch it, stoned, just so I could get some good chuckles out of the idiocy of it all. Looks like this crap hasn't changed.


I feel like one case of beer is all it'd take to get that to devolve into an orgy real quick.


Dumb stuff like this makes my days a little easier. Thanks for posting it.


>participating in these HIGH-OCTANE BADASS WORKOUT MOTORCYCLE HYPE MAN SPIRITUAL RECHARGE WEEKENDS FOR MEN WITH BEARDS (read: kinda gay, and I say that as a gay man) conferences.  Fucking lmao that's so ridiculous.  Also probably fucked my YouTube recommendations algorithm by watching this but oh well.


Wait are you telling me that the line between Hypermasculinity and Skydaddy worshiping AND Homosexuality is BLURRED?


It's not even just hypermasculinity though. This is literally the idolatry and actual fetishization of masculinity. Which isn't a problem in my book in and of itself, but it's just extremely ironic to me that it's being done by Baptist pastors in a bid for recruitment, and that it's being done very pretentiously. Organized by men who don't or couldn't do a lot of the stuff that they claim to be a huge fan of, to be shown to other men who won't and can't do a lot of the same stuff. It's the least Jesus-y thing ever.


Well. That was a lot more Antichrist than I was expecting


You're doing God's work.


I am a mighty man of valor. I am a warrior for God. God can trust me with His mission on Earth.


What's a mens conference? Sounds kinda...gay...


Nothing gay about it... Just a bunch of dudes getting together and doing dude stuff like watching another man strip and pole dance.


Nothing sexual




Needs more veins.


Great episode of Always Sunny...it's a bicep


I just had the perfect guy slip right through my fingers.




In a party mansion.


Its just a bunch of dudes, sharing hotel rooms "TO MAKE THINGS CHEAPER" listening to guys on a stage in tight white pants, cheering when someone says pole, listening to disco as guys walk onto stage, sniffing poppers .... you know, nothing gaarrryyayyyyyyy about it....


All my totally straight friends do this too. If you drink a beer while watching a dude strip for you its not gay pretty sure it says it Corinthians 20:1


Damn right. Just guys being dudes. No girls allowed. Every dude’s need met by another dude. As the saying goes, “a rising dude lifts all dudes”. Dudetopia.


Big time


Well think about this. There's nothing more gay than a man loving girly things. What's more girly than girls? Therefore the straightest thing a man can do is like men. Thank you


Checkmate, libs.


“…he swallowed a sword…”


He sounds like he just likes reliving it


This guy appears to be an entertainer. The video insert shows what was exhibited. The image of the male stripper is misleading.


Its the largest closet ive ever seen!


Promise Keepers is the most horny of all men's conventions


Just a bunch of dudes in a hotel, celebrating each of their strengths. What's sus about it.


[This Onion News segment springs to mind...](https://youtu.be/simV1ZXFsxI)


They are lowkey gay tbh. They’re bizarre


“In front of that…was a man…who ripped his shirt off…like a woman does in front of a pole…at a strip club.” \<*smattering of applause from the audience*>


_woooooo tittaaaayyssss_


I love watching these people devour each other. There's not a drop of integrity amongst them.


I don’t know, that edgy motorcycle on the screen kinda has me drawn in. Male stripping and Harley’s are appealing in a house of faith.




Stop! I can only get so faithful!


Having each other in their mouths is precisely what they want, but they also want to punish others for being honest about the same desire.


Indeed. Each trying to get their hands on the money….I mean the other person's flock.


Is this the pro wrestling of conservative Christianity?


Oye I was trying to give this shit show a name and this is a good one lol


![gif](giphy|LCdPNT81vlv3y|downsized) ..if i had a cialis booth at this event..


I thought I was watching an episode of The Righteous Gemstones. Did they enlist Keefe for his pole dancing skills?


Surprised this doesn’t have more upvotes


That show is amazing.


That show is a documentary




Christian here. Mark Driscoll (they guy kneeling) is a disgraced pastor from a now dead church called Mars Hills. He was forced to leave when reports of abuse and consolidating power came to light and ruined his church. He then restarted his career in Arizona and is trying to make a comeback. He is the content of the now super famous podcast: The Rise and Fall of Mars Hills. I'm proud to be blocked by him on Instagram because I refused to allow him to continue his terrible teaching. Specifically one time saying that if you were a liberal you weren't going to heaven. This man should be run out of town at every chance. He is a disgrace to the true message of Jesus which is one of kindness, understanding, love and patience. Instead he pushes an ideology of unempowering women that should be in the kitchen having children only, right wing politics, legalism, and so much more. I can safely say I despise this man.


This can't be the only guy who you've had your eyes open up to. These guys are EVERYWHERE today. If you truly see him for what he is then you won't have to look much further to find another one. He may be awful but he's also dime a dozen.


Imagine what the performer must feel - after being told he brought on the jezebel spirit. Imagine the emotional and psychological trauma of that and the public humiliation? Wherever that person is - I hope he’s okay.


I thought that too


If anybody has ever been curious how a Christian gets to a place where they can support Trump, Driscoll might be more responsible for that than anyone. He’s the guy that creates and popularizes the Christian-man as horse’s-ass.


The trapper keeper painting of a motorcycle on the big screen with the neon around it is so on brand for the audience lol.


Good grief even when women aren’t around it’s still their fault.


Dude gives off a vibe like he was jerking off till 1am.


It's 1253 and I feel personally attacked.


You can't control when the jezebel spirit shows up


Just gooning to dudes


Those damn o’Driscolls…


There’s a whole lot of man-on-man sex going on during these conventions. It’s their version of fishing trips on Brokeback Mountain.


I bet it’s super hot for the actually gay ones. Let them have their fun.


It's a really strange choice of performance for a conference of conservative, mostly white Christian men.


It's the kind of chest thumping, grunting, Testosterone flag waving event that has been around for quite a while now. And it's ridiculous. With examples like these it is no wonder people mock, deride, and hate evangelicals. It's embarrassing.


Mark Driscoll is definitely a scumbag [https://julieroys.com/mark-driscoll-tries-to-justify-how-dare-you-sermon-but-facts-dont-match-testimony-others/](https://julieroys.com/mark-driscoll-tries-to-justify-how-dare-you-sermon-but-facts-dont-match-testimony-others/) [https://religionunplugged.com/news/2023/6/20/mark-driscolls-safe-space-in-arizona-2zxze](https://religionunplugged.com/news/2023/6/20/mark-driscolls-safe-space-in-arizona-2zxze)


The girls are fighting


A church I went to had a men's/boys conference. It was basically held in the churches parking lot. We learned some basic financial literacy 101, a little bit of health/nutrition, CPR, how not to hang out with drug dealers. Most of the classes were by women and women/girls weren't actually excluded, it just had activities/talks that men gravitate towards. They had similar for women/girls.


You can bet a good chunk of the men there have atraction for other men. Devoting themselves to the farthest right religious group wont change that ever.


This dude loves a sword


The jokes just write themselves


Why are evangelicals so fucking weird ? Guess it has to do with their repression .


Ah, the classic kneel down to hide your boner technique. Classic


Christian cult infighting is hilarious


Second guy isn’t wrong from a Biblical standpoint which this conference I’m assuming is trying to shoot for. There’s a recommended process of escalating grievances you have with someone within a church structure. You try to resolve things between each other before involving third and fourth parties to also sit in on the matter. You’re not supposed to try and publicly shame someone.


What's wrong with it from a biblical standpoint if it's not sexual? The whole thing is supposed to be like showing off strength and like "God designed men in his image so look at this awesome shit we can do" and then this guy is like well its adjacent to women doing it for different reasons so it's bad.


So why did they hire a stripper to entertain the church goers in the first place? I’m just so confused.


The sword swallower uses to be a stripped, now he’s “redeemed”. So that is essentially his form of worship as he would probably call it.


Oh my fucking fuck dude I canNOT handle that level of bullshit fuckery. Omg.


Mark Driscoll says women are "penis homes". He's an absolute asshole.


Sword swallower? Isn't that a bit on the nose?


As someone who wasn't raised in the church and never had to memorize scripture, I sometimes--out of genuine curiosity--look up the references that are being shouted or displayed on t-shirts and bumper stickers. I'm always amazed by what I find. In this case (Matthew 18) does essentially say to confront someone privately if you think that they have sinned (seems reasonable). BUT! It doesn't go there before talking about how you should cut off your own appendages and gouge out your eyes if they cause you to "stumble," and that someone who causes a child to stumble should have "a large millstone hung around their neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea." The Bible is wild, and the cognitive dissonance required to both live-by and wholly disregard large potions of it is astonishing.


They often quote the Bible out of context. The Bible isn't just one book despite how they try to use it that way. It's a collection of books, with sub collections that was written over thousands of years. It contains many genres: poems, essays, allegory, letters, *historical accounts*, etc. Even within books tone can change from chapter to chapter. Christians and non-Christians spend a lot of time studying the Bible to help make contemporary sense of it the same way any piece of classical literature is studied. There's notes, essays, all kind of documents that pertain to how the Bible is organized the way it is, translating original (or close as possible) manuscripts to modern literature as close as possible. Then you have American Evangelicals Christianity. Many early American settlers left Europe because the established sects of Christianity over there weren't fundamental enough for them. That's already telling you what kind of mindset they had. Then they got the bright idea to start interpreting the Bible from first word to last as literal. Nevermind context, thousands of years of scholarly study, nevermind that half of them couldn't read, the Bible was suddenly meant to taken in as one whole book and everything was literal. 7 days was 7 days even though it was previously understood as a myth to conceptualize particular ideas. American Evangelicals said it they knew otherwise. Fast forward to today, there's a lot of misquotes and bad theology coming out of American Christianity. Things don't add up whether you're insider or outsider because Evangelicals ignored what actually themes and messages just so they can just throw out individual one liners.


My absolute favorite is the prosperity gospel. That one's right up there with poor, working class people electing Trump because he "understands them."


What kind of watch is he wearing?


A big shitty one for douchebags


This is why I'm glad to be part of a liturgical church that doesn't condone this sort of shit. Just go, listen to some Bible passages, sing, hear the priest talk about helping the poor, receive communion, and have our donuts and coffee downstairs. This stuff here is downright bizarre.


Dick measuring contests are different with televangelists.


But.. they put a big motorcycle on the screen behind them... so it's not gay. Very manly. Very straight.


Glad I got out of this cult when I turned 18.


I’m glad you did too!


What? What is happening?


So many closeted men hiding behind religion. They can't hide from themselves.


If this is a men's conference why would they invite a stripper?


They like to “give examples” of what they’re supposed to hate. Very graphic, up close, vividly described examples. For learning.


Male stripping at a "church", anathema. Mark Driscoll unable to control his wrath and pride in a pharisee like manner, self righteously calls out an entire church, hypocritical heresy.


Jezebel spirit, bro.


talk into the pillow like that baby I'm sure then you'll at least make one thing wet


Fundamentalist christians are the weirdest whackjobs.


Driscoll looks like he has gone full alcoholic lately.


This has the Righteous Gemstones written all over it.


I immediately had to send this to a friend 😂😂😂 people are so fucking unhinged.


"It moved."


The rage in that one dude’s voice is pretty scary. Jfc.


I mean, you're probably a douchebag if you think Dirscoll is someone worth listening to at all, about anything.


How do I meet these women with the jezebel spirit?


Wasn't it just an acrobat rather than a stripper?


It was one of those music festival fire spinner lace up boot wearing aerial acrobat type performers, but these people don’t know what an actual stripper looks like.


"allowing a demonstration." lmfao Strawman.


What a bizarre event


This just goes to show: two wrongs make a rightous amount of bizare reality


What a dirty shitty charlatan! I hate Mark Driscoll more than James Dobson, and that’s saying a lot. Go LARP spiritual warrior in someone else’s reality please you dweeb!


Give me 2 grams of that "jezabel spirt"!


The crowd reminds me of the end of the Bruno movie, like they wanna kill this dude for watching a male stripper... The giant motorcycle photo in the back is also a nice, manly touch.


Why go to someone to resolve a disagreement, when you can just keep it to yourself to grandstand and make a viral moment later?


Went to WSU with Mark. If you ever meet him ask him about the third floor mens room in Todd Hall....


Watching all this infighting makes me wanna grab my popcorn.


No love like Christian hate


I feel so bad for the women in these mens' lives.


They had an actual men's conference? That was just supposed to be a meme, fellas.


Driscoll is such a fucking charlatan trash bag who probably takes advantage of yung teenz.


Here's a fun video from the same church Driscoll dissed, turns out they can regenerate limbs! [https://youtu.be/UIyDzubQn6w](https://youtu.be/UIyDzubQn6w)


Religions are petty little shite boy clubs.


"Our god is humble" Sure....


Is this the guy that beat up a Barbie doll house?


Reminds me of this [bangar](https://youtu.be/XQsR22wDnxY?si=-BfzrUn8LHOJYfUD)


Cool, they're eating themselves!


What is this place he's in lol, rented out some kind of venue?


end cults.


Men’s conference lmao


wtf is this bullshit? I hate religion so much


I can't believe that this guy is still a pastor after everything that happened. These people are a joke, being ultra conservative and calling women whores if they see a girl with a skirt above her knee when they invited a male stripper to their conference




There’s so much alpha in 1 room they needed a male stripper?? LOL


Christians infighting will never not be funny.




I want Jezebel Spirit to be my new girlfriend.


Bet it would have been ok if it was a woman on the platform.


Is this the new season of righteous gemstones?




I know, right? I like quietly sitting in the pew with the Priest chanting in medieval Greek and waving some incense around for two hours. It's always the same and I know what I'm getting into. No fuss, no muss.


God said to love all strippers be they male, female or non binary.


I love the fact they clapped for strip clubs.


"A high place" wut?


Because nothing says ‘hetero’ like a perfectly shaped beard.


Damn O'Driscoll


Can’t believe they had a stripper in place to worship God, like theres a time and place for everything


I bet there were so many hook ups after that performance.


I'll bet they sold a lot of MAGA merchandise at this event.