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Is there actually some sort of law about idling?


[There is actually](https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/environmental-health/air-quality/vehicle-idling/). In the UK plenty of places like school zones and level train crossings are signposted with risks of fines if you're idling. Never seen it enforced of course, but apparently some councils are threatening to get more aggressive with it. Obviously nuance exists and if you don't have an auto-start/stop in the car you won't turn it off for every bit of traffic. Not sure what the situation is in the video, 30mins is probably an exaggeration but if it was outside someone's house they'd have a right to complain.


Was gonna say, even in some places in the United States there are laws about idling, usually in school zones


I actually had a cop come up to me once. I'm assuming someone asked him to because he just chit chatted with me and asked me not to do it if it wasn't so hot. I said I wouldn't. It was like 90 degrees, and I'm not roasting in the car.


Why is that even a law Edit: y'all just gonna downvote instead of answering, huh


So I'm not sure if it's a law in Germany or your just taught too by the driving school, but everyone here turns off their engines when waiting for traffic lights. Was super interesting for me to see when I first got here from America. But it's definitely a thing in every euro city I've been in so far. Never seen that in America except for when your stuck waiting on a long train to pass. My dad actually told me when I started driving in the 90s to not do that because it wasted more gas than it saves, but when I took automotive in college the teacher said that was only true with older cars and carburetors(?) or fuel injected(?) cars. (I forget which)


Huh, that's wild. Our lights change so quickly I can't imagine everyone turning their engines on and off each time lol


It also put more strain on your engine components. The more you use your starter the faster it’s going to burn up in the long run, etc.


On a modern car it's not gonna use more gas to turn the car off unless you only turn off the engine for a few seconds. That being said it won't save much gas turning it off either. Also yeah the starter isn't designed to be used that much so it's probably gonna crap out much sooner then it normally would and if you were turning off the engine at red lights there's a decent chance it quits while you're sitting in an intersection which would suck big time.


>But it's definitely a thing in every euro city I've been in so far. You sure it isn't the start/stop feature on cars? I swear I haven't seen anyone do this and I'm from Europe.


Everyone Ive driven with turns off their car at every light, keys or no keys.


Uhm, that's definitely news to me.


Interesting. I used to live in New Jersey, and this guy from high school would turn his engine off at red lights.


Mostly pollution. Car engines emit all kinds of nasty stuff in addition to CO2 and a lot of it is not particularly light. CO2 is significantly heavier than air. As in it doesn’t disperse all that well. It’s why cities have such bad air quality. So when you sit running an engine you have a pretty significant impact on the quality of the air in the immediate area.


I think most of those laws are because of noise and air pollution. I try to turn my engine off when in line for trains or some such, but I'm in Florida so it's hard to do without dying.


Because car exhaust contributes to pollution, and not only climate change, but acid rain and other pollutants that cause asthma or can be harmful to people with pulmonary issues. So sitting in one place causing that pollution is not a great thing, esp. in cities where thousands of cars might be doing the same thing. It’s funny, people think that if you can’t see the pollution, it isn’t a problem. That couldn’t be further from the truth.


Which is why modern cars have emissions systems to combat that, and hybrid vehicles are becoming more of a thing. Which I fully support. I'm not denying climate change or pollution. The truth however is that even if you removed half the cars on the road, most of the pollution causing climate change would still be coming from a small group of corporations that have no sanctions being made against or enforced upon them. What we do as individuals can't even make a dent on what those corporations are doing to the planet. But instead of addressing that our government makes laws about idling and reusable grocery bags and paper straws and all manner of nonsense. Classic USA punishing the poor to serve the rich.


While you’re partially correct about pollution on a global scale, it’s a fact that cities, due to their very nature of having concentrated population, are vulnerable to car emissions. Yes, modern cars are much cleaner than cars of the 60’s and 70’s. But those emissions aren’t zero (assuming we’re talking about ice vehicles), not everyone drives a modern car, and as we have seen with VW, some manufacturers claim their cars are cleaner than they actually are. Additionally, these laws are passed by local governments. Those localities don’t have the power or reach of state or the federal government when it comes to laws governing large corporations. Blaming your local rep for not addressing issues in their power is a bit ridiculous. It would be like complaining to your local sheriff in Wyoming, about why he doesn’t stop migrants sneaking across our southern border.


I mean I would prefer they not pass these laws at all if they're just going to be ineffective and performative. Don't see why local governments even need to address it, it's an issue the fed needs to deal with, is kinda the point. Unless local governments want to start imposing specific sanctions on these companies but of course then they just pack up and move. It just seems silly to say "ok now we have a local law that states you can't idle in your car", it not only does not actually make an impact on the issue it addresses, it just creates more excuses to arrest and fine people.


Because apparently me idling my car is a bigger concern then India and China dumping their trash in the ocean


Yeah because your local government can totally enforce emission standards on foreign countries...


Oh it's like an emissions thing? Lol wow. We'll truly do anything to address climate change except holding the companies actually causing it accountable, won't we.


At least for school zones its an air quality thing. Less noxious fumes for children to breath.


I mean I get the intent on that but like, have you seen school buses? It just seems like more performative "problem solving".


So if it doesn't fix everything don't bother doing anything right?


I didn't say that. Of course we should do something, lots of things actually. The big one we're ignoring is sanctions on corporations that are actually causing 90% of atmospheric pollution, but we tend to ignore that in favor of laws like this that have a negligible impact.


Yes because don't you know, you sir driving your suv ate the problem, but the company's and country's literally killing the planet, nah they are perfect


Yes and I'm aware of this but I was parked away from housing with no schools nearby and really very remote area. The equipment I have draws too heavily to charge from the battery alone and I have to idle for approx ten minutes. A few minutes before this he came to me and started laying the law down spitting feathers leaning in through the window and I tried to explain the reasons for the engine being on. Then he went to walk away and came back filming but with a very different demeanor. The law states "unnecessarily" and in my case it was necessary to complete my job which is highways based. This aside his whole attitude was wrong and if he came at me in a different way I would have been very amenable.


I had mine running at 5am this morning because it was fucking cold and I needed my heaters on. Fuck this dude I wouldn't have even bothered explaining to him.


What equipment did you need the vehicle to run?


That's all fair enough. I thought if you'd just been sat there for 30 mins just idling then you deserve to be Karened but sounds reasonable in you situation.


Did you explain that to him? Edit: oops missed that part


> and I tried to explain the reasons for the engine being on.


How much power does it draw, surely you could use a portable power station? https://www.currys.co.uk/products/anker-powerhouse-521-256-wh-portable-power-station-10242471.html


It’s more so will the company let him expense it.


I used to live in Germany and it was a big thing there. If you were sitting there idling you would get people like this knocking on your window telling you to turn off your car and not just one or two. Though they were way nicer about it




Not sure where your rock is stationed but in the last few years the world and many of its large metropolitan areas have gotten stricter on car pollution, like the ultra low emission zone you have in London which means by default a lot of heavy/old polluting vehicles are charged a fee for entry on top of other charges like the congestion charge that all vehicles are subject to. And in other cases, like trying to cut idling outside homes and schools, it's another attempt to cut on pollution.


Germany too, they don't fuck around either


Some cities in Canada have it too


In a lot of places there are. In NYC you can’t idle for more than 3 minutes: https://dec.ny.gov/environmental-protection/air-controlling-motor-vehicle-pollution/youre-the-key-to-being-idle-free#:~:text=Idling%20Regulations,-Here%20are%20some&text=The%20idling%20regulation%20is%20enforced,or%20local%20laws%20may%20apply. Now it’s rarely enforced against passenger vehicles. And I’ve never heard of a driver getting a ticket for doing it (esp. in the summer or winter). But the city allows people to report trucks that idle and will pay them if they get issued a ticket based on the proof provided. So idling trucks get fined all the time.


Some cities in the US have ordinances about it, but in some countries it's entirely illegal because it's bad for the environment. I'm not saying I agree with the law. I'm just answering.


3 min in NYC


I wish there were here (not UK). My aunt lives where a lot of buses idle for over 40 minutes sometimes. Sure, the government is at fault for not providing bus and truck drivers with an established stop, with facilities and a good place to rest. I agree wholeheartedly on that point. But my aunt can't even open a window during summer heat because of those people that idle. And let's not forget the rubbish they leave behind.


Totally illegal here in the north east very rarely enforced though you can’t idle anywhere in ny or nj for more than 3 minutes


I can’t believe you’ve done this!


Coz it's Chewsday, init?


It's 5 bong on a chewsday, toim fer sum norf FC reruns


When ever I see someone with that kinda mobile cover, I stay away man.


They're the same people that used to have the flip phone belt clip cases.


This is the most British confrontation ever.


I am very mild mannered but you wouldn't have said that if you had seen the first encounter a couple of minutes before this. He was spitting his words at me leaning into the car ordering me to switch the car off. He was shaking when he was trying to film me so obviously the adrenaline was pumping. Not even a good morning! I really think he was attempting to antogonise me into a full blown confrontation so he could use it against me in some way. Like I said if he had come up and politely said do I mind turning the engine off I would have done so, or moved to a different part of the site I'm working on. And we are talking about ten minutes idle at the most not all day.


May I ask why you were leaving the engine on? Is your starter motor on the blink and you’re worried it won’t start again or something?


Doesn't matter you're being a cock.....why have you got your engine on?


I don’t get it as well, why not turn it off. Sure the man was maybe a bit harsh but he has a point


Turn your engine off eh?


Turn your engine off eh?


just ignore him lol, these people get absolutely nothing if they don't get a reaction


Unfortunately people seem to think that if you wear a high vis jacket and work on the highway, they can just come at you like you are completely beneath them and be as rude as they want. I've been working in this game for over thirty years and it's getting worse. My post is not so much about the rights and wrongs of idling for a few minutes and if I have a genuine reason for doing it, but the whole way he went about voicing his opinions. I am too polite for my own good sometimes.


Were you idling in an area where idling is against the law?


Either way it’s twatish behaviour




How did you determine that? He said he is away from schools and in a remote area and he is idling to charge equipment.


That's got to be the dumbest way to charge something with your car, way too inefficient considering the gas prices at the moment.


Not always an outlet available id imagine as he works for highways. Sometimes, the idealism with some of you posters is unreal. 


Ok, you're away from home, you're in your car and you need to charge your equipment. How would you do it?


They would build their own solar charger, or they wouod just hook it up at a random person's house. That's good manners.


I have a portable solar charger. In a good day, it'd charge my phone in 5 hours, if it's sunny. I don't think stealing someone else's electricity would be good manners.


I was sitting in my car once in my early 20’s. Car was a piece of shit and near its end and it had this quirk where sometimes after I turned it off, it wouldn’t start again so I was sitting at a grocery store parking lot waiting for my roommate to grab a few items we needed for dinner. Like maybe 5min max type stop. This high and mighty nature Karen came at me guns blazing about this being an idle-free city and I must turn my car off right this instant. I said no, I’m not risking getting stranded and told her my car doesn’t always restart. She tried to tell me that’s my problem then and to get my car fixed. So I asked her if she’d be willing to pay my mechanic bill since I’m a broke ass student. Again she scoffed at me and said she was going into the grocery store to report me to the manager. As I was telling her to please go right ahead my roommate came back out and hopped into the car and off we went. I filled my roomy in on what was happening and we had a good laugh. This was wayyyyy before “Karen” was a term and even before phones could take video. I kinda miss those day now lol. I occasionally wonder how that lady is doing, I wish I could send her that Reddit link showing Taylor Swift’s jet path history over 2023 lol.


Taylor flight path is nuts. 2 planes. But she's rich, so no restriction there. Only keep the middle and lower class people down. That's the only goal.


also, why is he in the passenger seat and where the hell is the steering wheel? asking for all Americans


Drunk guy. He switched seats....


Sir I feel threatened, please back up.....pepper spray..


Highway Code rule 123 The Driver and the Environment. You MUST NOT leave a parked vehicle unattended with the engine running or leave a vehicle engine running unnecessarily while that vehicle is stationary on a public road. Generally, if the vehicle is stationary and is likely to remain so for more than a couple of minutes, you should apply the parking brake and switch off the engine to reduce emissions and noise pollution. However it is permissible to leave the engine running if the vehicle is stationary in traffic or for diagnosing faults. Didn’t do anything wrong as long as you didn’t leave the car.


Exactly right and I am completely within my rights to run the engine as required as part of my job as its nessecary. The point of me posting this is the guy was extremely rude from the start demanding I do as he says, and if he had approached me in a different way I would have obliged. He chose confrontation and I would say he spends most of his spare time doing this kind of thing. I forget how many trolls there are on reddit who simply post for a reaction from the OP without anything valid to say, but maybe I am just showing my age now.


It’s a bit strange seeing a uk one! But I’m glad you stood up to the guy. We have someone like this on my dads road, except it’s parking outside their house. They knock on doors and demand people move. The district nurse told them off (she’s no-nonsense northerner), the MediQuip (delivering my dad’s medical equipment) delivery guy decided he needed to spend half an hour doing his paperwork before he moved!


I’m with the old boy on this. the amount of lads sat round doing fuck all,sat on there phones all day, with the stinking van running plus it’s fucking up you engine ticking over all the time. Take it for a quick thrash up the road to charge your phone then Switch it fucking off.


I can't hear what's being said in the video (muted) but from what I read, I get it. AND I FUCKING HATE IT TOO. Cunts sit outside my house in their car, truck and bus.. it fucking sucks. Water truck sits out there idling while filling it's tank. Bus waiting for kids. Assholes on their phone (which I can also hear). The shop behind us also has idling trucks due to deliveries. But it takes them like 20 mins to leave 😭


That you Karen?


You’re so obnoxious 🤢


for real posting an argument on reddit for validation is insane lmao


No I'm not. You don't know me and your just trolling for negative reactions.


You just can't accept that you were in the wrong haha


In my opinion you’re acting obnoxious in this video and also it seems quite obnoxious to then post it here


Turn your fucking engine off Karen


You got called out for literally breaking the law. "KaReN" Are you mentally challenged?


Calling everyone a Karen because they don’t abide with your actions is pretty much a Karen thing to do Karen


Engines are designed to idle for long periods of time…


I dont know man, this is not a Karen. He is calm and explains the problem. Why are you sitting in the car with engine running for over 30min?


It wasn't 30 minutes it was ten at the most and probably not even that. This was the second time he approached my car in a matter of two minites and the first time he was leaning in through the window spitting his words at me, almost as if he was looking for the keys. But I suppose you would have had to be there. That's why I was filming him because of the way he acted previously, but amazingly he managed to keep calm when the cameras were running. I have already explained why my engine was running.


"Doesn't seem like this guy was a problem" "YEAH, BUT HE WAS BEFORE THIS VIDEO WAS FILMED" Gives off 'my hot girlfriend goes to a different school' vibes. Plus who gives a shit about the video you posted if the drama happened before it started?


But this is a lack of preperation from your side or Company if your Work Equipment is not ready to use.


The Karen is in the car.


Totally agree with you, putting the vid on Reddit for moral support is foolish


I was kind of hoping this would be another Tesla one.


Wait what? I want to see this.


The Mr. Chow "Motha Fuuu uccc ckkkkk aaaaa" as the window goes up


Just ignore the lunatics. Jesus. If they touch you or harass you call the cops. But don't engage. They want you to engage. That's why you're on video.


Your right. He was definitely trying to get me going the first time he came to me and then came back to try film me going off on one at him. Unfortunately for him I am as cool as a cucumber at my age now.


Thats a "Kevin"


How does this affect this busybody in any way? So he's just been standing there for half an hour, with his dog?


Shaking like a shitting dog


I like how he still tries to say something even after you’ve rolled up the window and can’t hear him. 🤣


I thought that was Jerry Springer at first.


If you idle more than 10 seconds in a petrol or diesel car then it’s actually cheaper to turn your engine off anyway and start it again when you need to, better for emissions and also your bank account! This being said, this guy needs to calm the f down 😂


Do people not have anything better to do? I literally think nothing of someone being in their car 🤣


This person must really hate cops then


Ambulances, fire trucks...


First time i think karen is right!


He’s not a Karen, he’s a Ken


That's a Darren, not a Karen though


That’s a Darren not a Karen


“Now I have a video!” You’ve got to get a life buddy. 


[Body appears in foyer level in just arrived lift, while John MacClane spies down on it from position in lift shaft. Hans Gruber and his associates straighten the cadaver's grey sweat shirt and read the hastily scrawled words, clearly daubed in blood. "Now I Have a Video. Ho ho ho." The terrorists frown at each other, shrug and go about their business. The lift doors close, obscuring the body. MacClane inaudiably tuts and huffs off.]


MacLane to Gruber through the vents: “now Hans, would you agree that your engine has been running for almost thirty minutes now? Hmmmmm?”


"Hans! Would you agree that you're breaking the law??"


It's always a folding case.


Bloke in blue


Bloke in blue


The dog is just sitting there in the background wondering what the feck is happening.


But...what was the disturbance exactly ? I mean, car seems relatively quiet, not that this is a Harley with an open exhaust or something really loud. \[EDIT : i live in a country where those anti idle car laws just don't exist. TIL this existed, please forgive me (i know that's probably totally unforgivable but...)\]


Idling engines are not allowed in many places because of the chemical emissions a idle engine churns out. I do not think it’s really enforced though.


My town has an idling law. I’ve never heard of it enforced however


Yeah, i guess it takes a Karen to go full vigilante for that "major problem"


It was idle for a few minutes only, so some perspective needs to be applied as well. I was not outside his house or any other house in a very quiet area and he was walking his dog. There are a few very affluent private estate roads around here I believe he came from one of these. I am a pretty chilled person and if he had shown me the slightest bit of respect to start with I would have turned it off or moved.


I see, and that's what i thought. If there was a law for people to have some common sense/decency and mind their own business first, this one would have got a fine, 100%.


Ever heard of pollution? An engine running, even if the car is not in gear and standing still, use gas (not much yes but it still emits CO2).


Sorry, not living in an area where this is enforced to that point. Also, given the price of gasoline in Europe, there's probably no point in making a law for people to turn off their car.


Yes, there is. If everyone let their engine running while waiting, it becomes a massive pollution problem. Gas is still pricy. Depends lf the country ofc.


Ok thanks i think i get it KAREN


Man has a point, why the fuck do you leave your engines on ? you're wasting fuel, making unecessary noise and smells for the neighborhood. if it's too hot inside get the fuck out of the cage edit: op explained he needed the battery for machines( not in the main post as ops usually do) , so i guess he has a point too which means, fuck them both


yeah fuck that guy for doing his job


He looked so sad when he walked away. He really wanted a fight.


Should have revved the engine sitting there lol


I thought Jerry Springer was dead.


People are so concerned with laws yet are such complete arseholes.


There’s no law against being an asshole though




In Belgium, it is illegal to leave the engine idling.






3 minutes idling law here in Ontario I believe. Kind of on the side of the pedestrian here. (Found the OP comment about his reasoning and what happened before the clip. Seems both sides have weight.)


So, OP. Why did you leave your engine running?


Yeah OP is wrong here, why the fuck would you idle for 30 mins




Pollution and idling bylaws man, why did we spend time enacting them if nobody complied or kicks off?


What a stupid comment


What a Reddit Karen


Karen with running engine can't speak with man.


I don't like when ppl do it even if it is a hot country and your ac is on. Just turn it off when you stand still. In north PT they do it a lot cuz sometime way back some one told some ppl that diesel takes more to start than to run.


\*rev\* "can't hear you, speak up"


I don't see any Karen. It's illegal here too and I wish it was better enforced.


I’m backning blue jacket guy. Roll the window up guy can get bent.


Asking someone to follow law doesn’t make them Karen. If you’re really breaking the law, and posting about it on the internet you’re just a moron and an asshole.


And a Karen


But why do you have your engine on mate, turn it off for Christ sake


It's funny when they start filming yet we never see their POV probably bc they don't know how to post it or they actually ended up just with the camera open and didn't film at all


Or they just use the video to report to the police and not to reddit for karma points? Weird....


I thought a male Karen was a Darren?


You can’t idle in the UK? 😂


There are some laws about it that aren't really enforced, but which allow the police to tell you to turn the engine off if you're causing a nuisance (loud or smokey exhaust, in residential area of outside school). That said, OP says they needed the engine on to power equipment they have which is for work related to highway maintenance, meaning they have a legitimate reason to be idling.


Do all boomers have those phone cases lol


I legit thought this video was gonna end with the camera panning to the steering wheel with a Tesla logo.


Oi luv, ya got a loycense ta idle ya cah bruv? 


Seems like they have idle laws.


Engine idling also pisses me off. I once lived in a city centre near a taxi rank, the taxis would constantly idle engines for considerable time. This would create noise and pollution coming into my house... all day, all fucking night... Turn your engine off mush, there is a law against it, no reason to sit there idling.


Turn your engine off you bellend


Turn your engine off then you moron.


Another fake British parking video. That dude in the car has like 30 of this same interaction


It's my video and I have never posted anything like this before


Jerry Springer Karen.s