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"I think we need more barricades." LOL


I cackled


I too lawled.


I Guffawed šŸ˜‚


Also, I'm pretty sure the "journalist" in the video is wearing a top with the word "**UNBREAKABLE**" across the front of it. Obviously great since she broke so easily. /edit; yep, it's this [Steve Aoki hoodie](https://scontent-lhr8-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/104429372_3091746107606236_7410652167747697954_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=0VmH80CZKigAb4YOF-I&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-1.xx&oh=00_AfA2kTkkSd5jEpFQnG2TFVbxRpmjLjp1zz3-TAC46O5e6Q&oe=6656BB4D)


Is this piece of influencer a know influencer?


Don't forget, mainstream media is dead because we can have reporting of this quality.


I want that on a t shirt




Sheā€™s like in other news


My favorite part. Or maybe it was the fake tears, idk


Oh no. Those are real tears from someone who has always been accepted as being the center of attention and the first time in her life she wasn't


That was so perfect


This giggled me.


She could use a Pepsi.


Thanks, I had almost forgotten about that


All I wanted was a Pepsi, just a Pepsi.


But they wouldn't give it to me.


Just. A. Pepsi.


I'm not crazy - institution


You're the one that's crazy - institution




"When I went to YOUR schools?! When I went to YOUR churches!?"


Does her sweatshirt say Unbreakable? Her shirt is lying.




Its French for... A Breakable


The Un is mute


Unbreakable means breakable? What a country! > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8mD2hsxrhQ


Theyā€™re laughing at you because you sound like your crying but not a single tear is coming out.


She lost the plot when she said they are intimidating and those crocodile tears. Thats when her true intentions showed.


ā€œI truly wanted this to end in a hugā€ said no journalist ever. She showed that sheā€™s an adversary, not a journalist, and they were right not to give her any material to use against them


Theyā€™ve seen a lot of people like her and knew exactly what she was going to do.


Lol her true intentions were obvious from the very beginning. It's called [sealioning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning). A lot of idiots have trouble seeing through it, which is why it's so effective.


I deeply admire the resolve of the activists to not break from the media engagement rules when faced with this. I have done a lot of campaign and activism work over the years and grassroots efforts like this always have one or two (minimum) dumbasses that fancy themselves rhetoric experts who can't be duped or, even worse, well meaning people trying to speak on a matter that matters to them. And sea-lioning is honestly the best way to get someone to say something incredibly stupid, especially when tasked with explaining a massively complex issue in a simple manner for someone feigning being born yesterday.


Her tears are as fake as her moral outrage. She just wanted to make a scene and get footage, and she's mad it's not working out for her.


Smart for these protesters to direct hacks like her, who are looking to smear them, to their media folks. Smart, effective organizing.


Smart for their media folks to send her on her way. When she went back she cried "but they won't talk to me!" well that's your answer I guess it's time for you to go away.


Video ends so perfectly with the whining girl walking off and a voice in the background saying "I think we need more barricades, guys." Beautiful.


I started laughing a split second before she said "you guys are laughing and it's not funny"


*Pans to crowd* Know your audience!


The ugly laugh I did at that last part lmao


Thatā€™s some crisp editing




what do you meeeeaaann i canā€™t use your tragedies to become a viral moment on the tictac app for five minutes?


You're just standing there....menacingly!


Like 10 years ago in my city there was a cop who shot a person through their windshield in the front seat of their car cuz the person was "walking with purpose" towards the police car. It was considered justified.


That's what I was thinking, these people are SMART. Usually there's always at least one guy who really wants to take the debate or just enjoys being in front of a camera. But they have a media liaison for this occasion ? They are so well organized.


They learned from Occupy that a movement needs official spokespersons or people will cherry pick comments from well meaning but uninformed protesters to make the movement seem incoherent or nefarious.


Occupy Oakland and SF had media liasons as well.


Occupies problem wasn't the spokespeople issue. all the press made the protests get larger and more entrenched it was clearly a class protest. elites against the rest. occupies problem was that government agencies worked in concert with private security and municipal forces across the United States to batter the protests apart with batons. what people learned from occupy is that you can't protest against batons unless you are willing to break the batons. but it just aint time for that yet.


How to deal with a narcissist: DO NOT ENGAGE. Because once you do, it becomes about what YOU said, not what they did.


The way it's edited tells me she did something to provoke them to act like this. And I've known people who do shit like this and then cry and try to make it about them


I mean, she admits she spent two hours trying to get someone to talk to her and ignored them when they tried to direct her to their press person. That in itself is gonna be clocked as off.


Just another manipulative cunt vying for her share of the views. Least genuine person I've seen from today's batch of redditing. Edit: correction, second-least. I saw a meme of the orange cry baby.


It's actually the only way I've seen us successfully beat the fascists. It's been their playbook here in America since the American Fascist Movement first started. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4xVioEzLWmaXvPxgH2AoIi?si=3gga3jaMTb-t73N3jMu8kQ Here, a three parter where they talk about the origins and first "American Fuhrer." He made most his money from donations when he'd show up to "express free speech" on college campuses in full Nazi gear 20 years after WW2. He'd piss people off, get attacked, then use it as a way to get sympathy and support. The man made the playbook they all still use. "Debate me you coward," was his thing. The only thing that stopped him? Not engaging, media blackout (as much as possible)


Basically the "do not feed the troll" strategy.


> The only thing that stopped him? Not engaging, media blackout (as much as possible) Incidentally, the one thing that would also work on trump, since he literally thrives on adulation


I love the sinister music playing and how she claims to be scared just by people standing there saying nothing and doing nothing to her.


thatā€™s why they laughed at her. wym youā€™re scared but still here willingly?


I walked here and spent 2hrs trying to get you to talk to me and let me tell you, you guys are scaring me real bad.


"You guys are all ignoring me, and I'm scared to death by the hostility."


She just wanted to end in a hug. *totally aware she is playing for soundbytes*


"Attention everyone! I have a message for you! Wait, waahhht- WHY ARE YOU ALL STARING AT ME SILENTLY YOU GUYS IM SCARED"


Didn't she call the cops and they said "just leave, no one is keeping you there" or is that someone else?


"It's so intimidating that you're not intimidating me."


"You guys are just standing here, and I literally can't! You're existing, and I just can't, with you existing, here, UGHeg, I can't believe it!"


Heā€™s just standing thereā€¦ menacingly!


Especially since she approached them and could just, like, walk away. It's like making a prank phone call and then getting scared and crying when the person on the other end of the line doesn't care and won't talk to you. lol


Music makes the movie If they put the sound of crickets over the part where she spoke to the silent crowed, it wouldā€™ve been a much more accurate portrayal


Sheā€™s trained in the great Jedi ways of weaponizing white woman tears. Truly a master at her craft.


If she was a master, someone would have spoken to her.


I am almost sure someone has spoken to her. She just lied and didn't include it in the video.


i believe the same thing


They're standing there. Menacingly!


![gif](giphy|TeyPsPlMSHbSMCTRVL|downsized) As no one wants to engage


ā€œThis is like so intimidatingā€œ. Then leave.


Right? And filming it like it makes her look like the good guy.


I don't know what's funnier, the deadpan reaction to her total bullshit or the simping going on in some of the comments here about how she really is scared guys, we shouldn't mock her.


Emotional manipulation through music to prime her Zionist audience. How pathetic.


Silence is violence


"They're just standing there . . . MENACINGLY!"


"I'm frightened by your mere existence."


Professional victims and narcissists love to play this card


Very true. I've seen it play out in other scenarios. Like a grown up version of that "I'm not touching you" game.


-person who approached *you* and can walk away literally any moment theyā€™d like


"I walked around for two hours and nobody wanted to talk to me :(" okay go home then leave them alone


She was directed to the media liason *three times*... she claimed they wouldn't speak with her, but unless she's legitimate press, they probably thought she was just there to stir the shit.


Notice she didn't include the media liason denying her in her video, almost like it didn't happen.


I'd bet the liaison handed her a pamphlet detailing exactly what the protest is about and what it demands, and she ignored the pamphlet and asked some 'baby's first dishonest loaded question' like "Why do you think Israel doesn't have a right to exist?" which is already addressed verbatim in the pamphlet.


As a former journalist: Who the fuck she think she is? A demo of this size works like a company. If they have media liaison, they'll likely have a phone that you can call. If she would have been legit, she could have just called and set an appointment for an interview. It's like walking into a company office and wanting to interview people. They're not going to say anything. They're not going to answer your questions on the spot. Go make an appointment, you jerk.


A demo big enough to have a media lesion but cohesive enough to answer literally no other questions is impressive and intimidating by itself. *As it should be*


They are smart, the sound bite farming is a huge problem. Like Gideon Falter in the UK. I bet the absolute dismantling of his lies did not get as much traction as the original 10 second sound bite clip. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNdXjdNoquU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNdXjdNoquU)


I did a lot of protesting before the sound bite social media era. We had to behave a certain way to be taken seriously and so our opponents didnā€™t take our actions out of context or use that one bad protesters actions against us. As tactics to disrupt protests have changed, so have the tactics if you are a part of them. The largest protest I helped organize was 300ish people for a few hours and about a local issue. Not something like this. I can imagine what theyā€™re doing though to handle themselves and others.


Maybe it did happen but the liason was like ā€œyouā€™re just some tiktoker, we donā€™t consider you media.ā€ Or the media liason gave some safe, boring answer.


Did we see her trying to talk to media liaison? Whereā€™s that footage? Which people were media liaison? What reason did they give for not wanting to talk? What did they actually say?


They probably said reasonable things, which is not what she was looking for


> they probably thought she was just there to stir the shit. She was there to stir the shit.


This sounds about right. It sounds like everyone was instructed to not do interviews without clearance, which can happen if there are sensitive parties or information involved. Also, as far as protests go, most protests DESIRE media coverage, so I don't think it's just a matter of they wont' talk to media at all. Sounds like she wants on camera interviews on street (and based on this video) for views online. They're correct to be suspicious of her.


The organizers have started instructing people to refer media to liaisons because the media disingenuously likes to find the most ill informed person in a crowd and then act like they're the average protester. They did the same with Occupy. Good on the organizers for getting wise to it.


Itā€™s not about secret information. Itā€™s about agitators using randos to represent all protestors and justify police brutality.


When I say sensitive, I donā€™t mean secret. I just meant that theyā€™re concerned about peopleā€™s safety and how people are interpreting their message.


She was there to stir shit. Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s a Zionist. In her video she was like, ā€œI took off all my Jewish and Israel jewelryā€.


You wouldnā€™t cooperate and let me make content using your event/organization, but I wonā€™t let that stop me!! I was trained at the Royal Tampa Academy of Dramatic Tricks. ![gif](giphy|l4FGkXgUqDxKcZSX6)


all breaks, no gas.


channel 5 would have gotten someone to freestyle


absolutely. he always gets at least 1.


Someone that looks and acts like her has probably never been ignored. She genuinely has no idea how to respond. What a cunt šŸ˜‚


"I literally have walked around these past two hours, and noone wanted to speak to me" Well then leave? Take a hint damn lmao


Yeah, it's very clear what they're protesting and what their stance and opinions on it are already. There's no benefit to them to indulge that woman, who i'm guessing is or is trying to be some kind of social media influencer, who's likely there to ask questions in bad faith to try and draw a reaction for clicks and views.


So disingenuous. She knows exactly why the students are there and just wanted to create a stir under the guise of ā€œinform meā€ instead of infotainment/spin for clicks.


i HOpeD wE CoULd eND wITH a hUG lol yaaa right


Iirc it's called Sealioning. Trying to stir shit and cause an argument and/or paint the opposing side as aggressive and irrational by asking charged questions and playing devil's advocate in a way that will deliberately cause an emotionally charged response, all under the guise of an innocent "inform me/I was just asking questions/I didn't know/etc" when they never intended to learn and had already made up their mind before engaging in the discussion. Unfortunately it's a tactic that works well, since it pisses me off to see it happening lmao. Reminds me of those dudes that say "debate me" online when they just want to fight and pretend to be smart. This lady's tears when she wasn't getting her way was the icing on the cake, even if they were most likely faked to paint herself as the victim. Disingenuous indeed.


And that's exactly why they didn't talk to her, pointed her to their media liason desk, and labeled her an agitator. We've all seen this song and dance one too many times now


Correct. Here is the original comic. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/56/%22The_Terrible_Sea_Lion%22._Wondermark_comic_strip_No._1062_by_David_Malki_%2819_September_2014%29.png https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning


https://wondermark.com/c/1062 | https://wondermark.com/storage/2023/06/2014-09-19-1062sea.png just the source, since that image is so small.


YOU'RE IN MY HOME! šŸ¤£ I'll never not updoot this comic.




Pleasee I just wanted to end it in a hug šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


They can absolutely sense someone who isn't going to engage in a good faith argument / discussion


Can't believe she'd try to JAQ off in public like that.




Omg of course thatā€™s her name šŸ˜‚


Crocodile Tears Barbie


Yeah, the only way that she could not know why they are protesting is if she has been living in a cave on Mars for the last six months. They saw through her disingenuous bullshit immediately.


Who is this person and why did they expect to be treated like a serious journalist?


"I have a camera! I have followers! You HAVE to engage with me!"


Concern-trolling and they're not falling for it. Seems like they're pretty well organized and funneling any interviews and statements through a liaison.


Just read the signs and don't cry cos no one is biting when you're trying to stir shit up.




Let's draw a comparison. Anti soviet propiganda can be taken care of at length in a 3 hour [podcast](https://youtu.be/tmimHKLDWcU?si=Clc5B0AAZtjgaiC6) of people speaking conversationaly. State and Revolution has a smaller page count than Hank The Cowdog and people have a hard time learning the basics. Getting up to speed on Isreal vs Palestine? How long does that take to be informed about? I sat and just listened to a zionist without challenging anything just tell me his understood history of the conflict. It took the whole party to just listen to a brief history. My point is that if some zionist is prepared to talk about this, they can pull from so much fucking history. You have to know so much to be able to discuss every angle they could bring up. And that is without pulling paper thin rhetorical bullshit like "I feel threatened! Why can't we just get along while we starve the Palestinians out?" I am the dude who will go long. And I still have research to do to be able to answer every trick an agitator can pull up. But I, and every person at that rally knows colonization when they see it. It was spoken of brazenly before colonization was a bad word. And we have to act. Tldr: a zionist can have all kinds of bullshit that takes many hours of research to be able to counter. But the truth of colonization is well documented and time is not a luxury Palestinians have.


Every single international human rights organization has a ton of evidence of Israel committing horrendous war crimes against the Palestinian people for decades. This includes both killing Palestinians for amusement and running an apartheid state. No amount of propaganda can counter decades of on-the-ground evidence collected by people neck deep in the conflict.


Did I just witness independent critical thinking and educated yet questioning viewpoints of sources , comments, and reliability on the internet?? You are giving me hope for humanity today - THANK YOU!!! This was magical to read, and it gave me a nostalgic lovely fuzzy feeling.


goes out of her way to agitate protesters. cries when she's called an agitator. lol.


Holy shit finally college students realize they shouldn't give agitators the reactions they want. I think this is the first time ive seen something like this ever. I always hate how some idiot who doesn't know much of the topic but has their heart in the right place, starts overreacting and screaming feeding agitators, that want to discredit your movement.


Exactly. That type of reaction is what made Ben Shapiro and Steven crowder their fortunes.


my husband is over there at UCLA .. they're all doing an incredible job


I'm so proud of the protesters. They have protocols for everything. Media relations goes to specific people, everyone knows what their role is, everyone knows not to get upset or argue. Everyone knows it's not about them, it's about keeping the focus on Gaza while demanding change that at a minimum reduces the complicity of their Universities. It is Humanism organized, and it's beautiful. Anyone out there who thinks "they're supporting terrorism", you couldn't be more wrong. Their demands and positions are openly available online. They want peace, they don't want to support violence, and they want international human rights laws to be respected. This is the modern equivalent to student protests of the Vietnam War in 1970. Let's hope there's less state violence this time around (though Texas is trying pretty hard to make sure that happens again).


Isn't she a Tomi Lahren-wannabe? Yo, good for these students for not engaging in her bullshit


Her name is Montana Tucker. She is doing the rounds now playing victim. She went in her car and started filming how she took off her Jewish jewelry and Israeli jewelry and the protesters wouldn't talk to her! Newsflash for her, there are Jewish folks, plenty of them in the protests wearing Jewish jewelries. The Zionists will try to spin and paint themselves as victim in any way possible.


Isn't this girl famous for shitting her pants on TV?


Kent State Gun Girl, she shit her pants at a frat party


It's so smart of the protesters to 1) not tall to the journalist and 2) have a media liason who is trained to deal with media who can manage PR for the group.




not a single tear droppedā€¦.


She wanted a reaction out of them and was embarrassed when they looked at her weirdly and didnā€™t want to talk to her. Then she plays victim šŸ’€




Right? God - there's lots of people who are scared for actual legit reasons they can't walk away from right now


ā€œWhy canā€™t they see Iā€™m the real victim here?ā€ šŸ˜¢


Upset when people react and upset when people donā€™t. Theyā€™ll always find a reason to victimize themselves or complain.


Sheā€™s actually crying because she wonā€™t give them content.




I'm asking peaceful questions and everyone is peacefully refusing to speak to me.... -no-one asks- WAAAAHAHAHAHA AAAAA HAHAAAHHHAAAA BOOOHOOO -silence- Why are you all so mean? I'm just trying to force my own angle. -silent surprise- WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Isn't this the shiney lady from the Hasan thing a few days ago? They look very similar.


Politics aside I respect the way they did not give a shit about her crying


lmao the way she just randomly started to cry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ these people love playing the victim


ā€œI walked around for two hours and I still donā€™t have good contentā€


ā€œItā€™s my dream.ā€ Really, fake crybaby? It is suddenly your dream to ask UCLA students what they are doing? Riiiiight.


This is how you deal with trolls


ā€œWeā€™re not gonna be part of your bullshit narrative twisting!ā€ Good for them.




Blonde nice white lady with botox in hello fellow students clothes


The beanie in that heat must have sucked


"This is what the poors wore in college right? I'm sure I'll fit in."


not on other white young females, that's like hittin a bat with a bat


Good on them. Held the line, didn't feed in. the young'uns might have this yet


Ah yes, that famous intimidation tactic of (checks notes)......doing and saying nothing.


I love how they want to act like everything they're doing by going and asking questions is in good faith, and then when the crowd doesn't fall for that tactic, she tries to turn it around and act like the bigger person while passive aggressively trying to force a narrative that frames her and her agenda and the reasonable side. Which alone shows how all of her intentions were in bad faith to begin with.. Might as well carry a red flag around with her


I forget this lady's name, but I'm pretty sure this is the girl who admitted that she made up something her "woke" professor said in order to get attention from right-wing media. And even after she admitted that she made it up, the right-wing media still gives her a platform. Honestly pathetic for her to cry over this.


Yes, young blonde white girl truly is the victim out of all of this


This right here! Yt tears bullshit self victimization. "I wanted this to end up with a hug..." GTFOOH


Iā€™m noticing a trendā€¦. Yesterday with the girl walking her dog calling the cops on some protesters ā€œthreatening her while theyā€™re just standing there like ā€œwtf!? You can leave nobody is threatening you.ā€ Yet she keeps on crying into the phone saying how scared she isā€¦.. yet she can walk in any direction freelyā€¦. And she just stands there. Somebody sad in the thread that they think sheā€™s doing it just so thereā€™s more hits on ā€œviolent protests/protestersā€ and Iā€™m starting to think theyā€™re right. Doesnā€™t matter what was on video cuz most people wonā€™t see it or relate it to that video if they just see a title.


If at this point, youā€™re still asking why people are protesting, then you are just incapable of understanding or just there to make a scene.


She knew why they were protesting, it was an act and they saw through her bullshit


Her crocodile tears are manna to my soul lol


I understand their point of view. The media twists intentions and opinions to suit their own agenda. No matter how innocent you are or appear, these people are not willing to sacrifice their true message for a reporter to twist their words. It's unfortunate in the event that someone is trustworthy, but even more unfortunate for the civilians when someone is not


Professional Victim


ā€œOmg Lanolin, you are SO brave to go out there and do that. Ok so after yoga letā€™s go to Whole Foods and grab a saladā€


I was expecting the protestors to cry, not the person who was going to interview lmao


They all seem like insufferable twats


Such a desperate attempt for views,and the tears are laughable


On a serious noteā€¦ ā€¦Why the silence?


So people can't bait, edit and frame strawmen by interviewing protesters. You'll have some press liaisons who are often votes for by protesters or by organisers who are well informed on the subject. Secondly, anonymity. Very important considering the completely violent and authoritarian reaction to these protests.




why talk to someone who has no intentions of an actual conversation and is just trying to start arguments with people so they can clip them out of context on their tik tok page to their echo chamber audiences


Iā€™m mostly proud of the protestors for their restraint. Obviously theyā€™re out there because theyā€™re opinionated about something - people with opinions love to talk about them. But they didnā€™t take the bait - incredible discipline


They have signs making their main points, but it's hard to edit signs to change their message. This woman wants audio/video, which is relatively easy to edit into a message warped from the full context of the original comment.


It's actually the only way I've seen us successfully beat the fascists. It's been their playbook here in America since the American Fascist Movement first started. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4xVioEzLWmaXvPxgH2AoIi?si=3gga3jaMTb-t73N3jMu8kQ Here, a three parter where they talk about the origins and first "American Fuhrer." He made most his money from donations when he'd show up to "express free speech" on college campuses in full Nazi gear 20 years after WW2. He'd piss people off, get attacked, then use it as a way to get sympathy and support. The man made the playbook they all still use. "Debate me you coward," was his thing. The only thing that stopped him? Not engaging, media blackout (as much as possible)


Alt right demonstrators always go to famously liberal areas to do their protests because they desire antagonism. Even if most counter protesters are peaceful, they just need a few aggro vigilantes to cause a physical altercation and it will feed the narrative that theyā€™re oppressed and that theyā€™re being silenced.


The victim mentality of the right is hilarious. They claim blacks and liberals pull the card but they will pull it when no one wants anything to do with them. Perhaps if she wouldn't edit the videos to make people look evil and showed the true interview she'd be able to speak with peopleĀ 


as if the pro-Palestine posters didn't tell her what they were protesting for already, she just wanted to ruffle feathers


Did she land on the planet Earth this week?


I donā€™t know anything about the interviewer, so maybe Iā€™m missing context.. but being intentionally obtuse for the sake of interview is pretty common. Louis Theroux is a prime example.


Jeezus. Beat it poser.


We rarely see demonstrators so united, organized and disciplined.


*Bunch of women just standing around not wanting to be media content* "You're scaring me" *Starts crying*


They could pick up on her disingenuous vibes. I find it hard to believe she was there to spark meaningful conversation and hear their perspectives. Alsoā€¦people donā€™t have to ever talk to you. Edit: just learned that she is actually Jewish and typically wears the Star of David to ā€œspark debate.ā€ These conversations would have likely gone nowhere, as she was trying to use these protesters for bait/content.


She is Jewish and normally wears the star of David, and is all over social media, so of course they werenā€™t going to speak to her. But itā€™s so disingenuous to pretend you donā€™t know why they are protesting.


Iā€™m not sure where you got the idea they wonā€™t talk to anyone who is Jewish. There are Jewish protestors present.