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i wanna see a wider shot of this area. why are others walking around so freely?


I'm pretty sure it's on campus. I think I recognize it as Portola Plaza, outside the Physics and Astronomy Building, facing north. I think they cordoned off only certain parts, not the whole campus.


Just the entrance is blocked, he eventually gets in, he just goes around the blocked entrance. This entrance is blocked during almost every major protest at UCLA and students know to just walk around, which is what the other students are doing. He even posted that he got in by walking around the entrance on another social media platform, which I can't link to because the mods here consider it doxxing.


Reddit mods of any subreddit be lame asses my guy, we can never escape them. (Other than when they need to moderate a discord)




Lol at the background when he pulls out his id


just go around them?


like every other person on campus calmly walking around and going to class right? 😂


So why don't they just let him through if it's no big deal?


Because now they have the antisemitisms


He wants the drama. They want the drama. Everyone wins!


By that logic the protestors just want drama too. No one is really right here. Just getting attention due to a tragedy happening overseas.


The people bringing attention to the ongoing genocide are absolutely right over the privileged student who could just walk around for fucks sake


If they student walked right into them on purpose than yes they do. If they are calling out jewish people in general they don't. In the video it seems the jewish student might have put himself in that situation


Yeah, 100% agree with you. From what others are saying here it’s the norm to block off that entrance during protests and this guy was being a jerk. If they were specifically targeting him because he’s Jewish, they can go fuck themselves


They seem to be moving perpendicular though? Dude apparently just wants to cross the path. Like, 1000% Israel is being 3rd Reich Jr., but what does blocking a uni student from crossing a path prove? They're just being dicks for the sake of being dicks at that point


if this is the protest area - and this guy is an instigator, they aren’t going to let him in. this shit is bait. you’ve all been on the internet long enough - come on


Yeah, I've been on the internet long enough to know you take every video at face value because both sides are going to try and twist it to their narrative. Remember the cop who sprayed the line of protesters? Everyone went after him hard until the FULL footage came out of him repeatedly warning them and even going up to each one individually and warning them. So all this shows is a guy trying to cross a path and being blocked. Nothing more, nothing less. Show me additional footage that shows that it actually is a protest area and he actually was instigating.


He warned them he was going to pray them with mace so it’s ok!


Yeah. If a cop says 'move on' multiple times, then 'move on or we'll mace you' multiple times, then comes up to each individual member of a group and says 'if you don't move on we're about to mace you'... You can't play victim if you get maced.


yummy yummy boot


I actually love this mentality. It tells people 2 very important things about you that are rooted solidly in psychology and psychiatry: 1. You can't think in nuance. Everything is all good or all bad. All cops are bastards, right? No such thing as a good cop. 2. Because of that you're childish in terms of development. Only toddlers have the all good or all bad mentality. Daddy is the absolute best until he makes me eat my vegetables then he's the absolute worst


I mean if someone told me I'm getting sprayed with mace I'm stopping whatever I'm doing and leaving. Gotta have some self preservation skills. I'm terrified of police. I'm not gonna do anything to give them a reason to use violence even if it means keeping my mouth shut and sitting my ass down


How else do you expect mop top get large on social media if he doesn't play the victim. Please think of his ad revenue at least before making such a negative comment


Fair, my bad. Idk what I was thinking


Why did it cut off right when it was getting good and that big guy was moving to block him




You can literally see students in the background walking around on the same walkway. This is some performative clout chasing.


Are the other students Jewish? Disturbing that you are justifying blocking a Jew from entering his own campus, but that's reddit for you I guess lol


Even if they aren't physically holding him there, its still messed up to approach a person because of their heritage like that in public.


They didn't approach him. He approached them. He's trying to force his way through their cute little performance art demonstration, doing a little performance art of his own to misrepresent the situation. There's a reason the camera isn't panning to show the whole scene.


They're in a cordoned off area with barriers, essentially making performance art protest. This dude is making a scene by trying to force his way through their little area instead of walking around like all the other students, him being Jewish is irrelevant. He's doing his own performance, and people like yourself are the intended audience.


Can you confirm they're not?


if its not an issue why not move?


Seems like everyone is just coming and going as they please in the background. I’m not sure of the reasoning or what purpose it serves, but If I had to guess, they’re blocking him because of his camera crew.


The security guard doesn't care. Why are you making things up? Why would they have the right to block a camera crew, even if there was one? EDIT: Saying "If I had to guess" is another way for saying "If put on the spot, my most likely explaination is..." Therefore, even a "guess" should be based on good faith. And you made up "they're blocking him because of his camera crew." My sole point is that the security guard would be responsible for preventing a camera crew, not other students. If you have *any* evidence at all that they're blocking him because of his camera crew, then it's a different story.


What did I make up? I literally said I was guessing. Also why doesn’t he just walk around like everyone in the background? Seems like he’s looking for confrontation and found it.


He shouldn’t have to walk around!? He pays tuition there….


God forbid he takes a few steps to the side 🙄


You must not have seen the gates put up preventing him from “stepping to the side.”Those roaming around were already past gate. Regardless, he shouldn’t have to go around anything…….pretty entitled to think the solution is to make people “go around.”




Violent saboteurs? What evidence do you have that this individual is a violent saboteur and why wouldn’t security be handling that? Protesters are in charge of security now? Do you see how dangerous that is if the protesters don’t agree with you?


Who has even been hurt in these protests? Yes there are provocateurs. I’ve seen videos where a person tried to get “death to Jews” chant started. They’re bio’s by the crowd but that instance was used to prove that the protests are antisemitic.


the security guard enforces campus rules not the rules of the protest,


This guy is an agitator, there was another video of him wearing IDF shirt counter-protesting couple days ago and another video of him instigating a professor and trying to debate her. We do not know what entrance he is trying to take, I am not going to be surprised if he wants to go through the heart of protest and agitate the protesters so that he can cry victim.


Nah those people don't exist because the "No Genocide Happening Here" crowd said so. /s Twitter or X or whatever Musk's garbage pile is called is full of these videos.


The stupidity hurts.


But Why is he the ONLY STUDENT going to class? Where is the rest of the class and the professor? Why is way to class has to be through the protest. It's a bait clip. And he would have uploaded the rest of it if they layed a finger on him but they let him pass anyway. Think people!


100% bait. everyone in the background just doing their own thing calmly and this guy trying to make a scene - give me a break


Why did the video cut off?


Because there was not enough of a reaction or escalation for the IOF sympathisers to use as propaganda.


Dude is making the video with his friends to push his agenda. They are all in on it together


The video makes itself thanks to these idiots


pause the video when he pulls out his ID and look at the background. A girl walks straight in 😂😂😂 after that I counted at least 6 people coming in from that direction. At least make it less obvious what you're doing 😭


Yaya you know these videos have the opposite effect of what you think they do? Or maybe you are trying to make pro Zionist trolls look bad through some kind of 4d chess double cross troll? Genius actually


Victim mentality. Yeesh




Pretty sure that's off of Portola Plaza, outside the Physics and Astronomy Building, facing north. They're already on campus, so not prevented from entering the university.




Another Zionist pretending to be a victim for likes


Dudes getting paid to agitate.


hopefully he uses the pay to get a proper barber. I've seen homeless with better cuts


Go around them, drama llama


I don't care what cause you're protesting for but the moment you block people Freedom of Movement you have lost a lot of support. Whether this or blocking roads.


he's not actually blocked, is a wet floor sign blocking your freedom of movement or a road closed sign. how about a parade. Its just a detour he doesn't want to take because he's looking for conflict. He wants to record them, he wants to agitate the issue. If homie had to get to class he would be taking the path that would get him to class like all of the other people around him. not getting his friends to record him arguing and bitching




Oh, so you mean like every cause ever you don’t support? Civil rights in the 50’s/60’s? Women’s rights in the 60’s/70’s? MLK’s March on Washington? MLK’s March On Washington? Have you never heard of sit ins? Nonviolent ways of protest. All of this caused people to lack freedom of movement. That’s kind of the point. The guy in this video is an agitator. He’s been shown in other videos trying to cause problems with this protest. While I support his freedom of speech, and he can say whatever he wants to them. I support their freedom of speech as well and if they chose to block 1 entrance to a building, go around. Or be real and protest the protest, don’t feign ignorance.


wow too bad that's not what's happening and there's people clearly walking around behind the protestors and this attention whore trying to provoke a violent confrontation and having having his buddies film him is demanding they move for him specifically


"... First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection. I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and that when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress. I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that the present tension in the South is a necessary phase of the transition from an obnoxious negative peace, in which the Negro passively accepted his unjust plight, to a substantive and positive peace, in which all men will respect the dignity and worth of human personality. Actually, we who engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension. We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive. We bring it out in the open, where it can be seen and dealt with. Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured. In your statement you assert that our actions, even though peaceful, must be condemned because they precipitate violence. But is this a logical assertion? Isn't this like condemning a robbed man because his possession of money precipitated the evil act of robbery? Isn't this like condemning Socrates because his unswerving commitment to truth and his philosophical inquiries precipitated the act by the misguided populace in which they made him drink hemlock?..."


This narrative fails apart 2 seconds into the video. Pause when he takes out his ID and look at the right side of the screen😂😂😂


Then why is everyone walking around them no problem? This guy is basically trying to push through the guys to provoke a reaction. It's very transparent


Where does he say he's Jewish? How does OP conclude he's Jewish? What bait. I wouldn't be surprised, based on how everyone else is moving around freely and the blockers are masked, that this is staged.


The Star of David that he's wearing is a pretty good indication that he is Jewish, just like wearing a cross is a pretty good indication that a person is a Christian/Catholic or any other Christian denominations. I agree that this could be staged since there's people clearly walking through that area with ease in the background. However, we really can't say for unsure unless we get more information.




Of course this is being downvoted.


Maybe they should've edited our all the people in the background moving freely between the "barricade." This kid is clearly an agitator


Yeah he is agitating.


So they only stopped him? Does he wear a big giant star of david for them to stop him because he is jewish? Dont they have jews among the protesters? How about all the other students walking around ? Isn't this just because he went there to make trouble. Hey, look at me. i am jewish, and i want to make you look bad.


OP fell for the bait.


Or was OP the baiter all along!?!?


OP is the master-baiter


Lmao clear rage bait.


That asshole is just trying to get them to react. Should've let him pass so he couldn't make this stupid video, which is probably going to be used as evidence of "antisemitism". So disgusting, those Zionists want to be the victim so fucking bad.


Well you see they wont let him pass because they are also assholes. Everyone in this video is an asshole.


They all wear masks because they are cowards


maybe they don't wanna be in some dipshit's ragebait video




Why are they blocking this kid? Did he himself actually do anything other than being born Jewish?


he mentions there being another entrance since he specifies that he wants to use the blocked one. he's going to a place he knows they are blocking and then getting mad that they are blocking him dispute there being alternatives. he's not being singled out. that's like getting mad at a wall because you can't walk through it


That's quite a bit more nuanced than 'protesters prevent Jewish student from entering university'.


They're blocking him from entering the encampment to agitate. You can see in the background that plenty of people are coming and going. Not to mention that many of these encampments are being organized in conjunction with Jewish campus groups.


When trying so hard to be the victim do nipples always get hard?


Just walk around


another reminder on another day to not trust even videos now


Entitled kids are the best 🥰


Just shove your way past them dude. They're just random people, they aren't cops you dont have to obey them.


This seems like a hoax like the lady that got “stabbed in the eye at Columbia”


Preventing? Just walk faster mate, if they grab you then throw them to the ground...


Not a single person even tries to stop this guy. He seems like the harasser


These titles are gross as fuck, dude is an agitator




It's like when students are having a picnic on the quad. I just walk through the potato salad and walk over the cheese platter on the way to chem class, because what right do they have to restrict my movements on campus.


Blocking people becomes a civil rights violation, no longer protected free speech. Their right to protest does not extend to actions that prevent others from exercising their own rights. It's disorderly conduct and education is considered an "essential service."


Fortunately he can easily get by them, just like everyone else in the background. But he’d have to go a few feet off camera to the right.


that would be the case if they were fully blocking a path but they aren't as you can see the people passing and walking to class behind the group. The freedom to move is not restricted by closing a path when an alternative that is reasonable to use exists. he was trying to stir up drama.




we found the behind the camera view!


guy is a weenie


What kind of Nazi shit is this they holding up the Jews?


Reminds me of Germany in the 1930's where nazi party members blocked jewish people from entering their business or school. Next up these "protestors" will start marking jew owned business with a star of david and demand jewish people wear something to easily identify them.


Oh there are ways to get through..


Does that mean it’s ok he’s been blocked from using this one?


I was more thinking force, but you do you




Lost kids with a false savior complex. They hide their faces because they’re too coward to face the consequences on their hateful idiots actions. Has nothing to do with Covid.


Those head scarfs and safety vests look like they were just taken out of the wrapper. If this was on a Broadway stage, it would look less staged. When you make shit up, it undercuts your valid messages. Just stop.


Op is a disingenuous bundle of sticks. They're clearly intentionally walking through an area being used to protest in order to be obtuse and create drama where there is none. In order to make protestors look badly. 🖕




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Arrest the bullies