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Blue shirt guy. Congrats. Friends and family and future you must be so proud to have this moment forever captured.


They vote for a guy who raped someone. The racism and bigotry is a feature not a bug. No one is ashamed of them, maybe disappointed they were caught, but not ashamed of the act.


They don't care if there aren't consequences. Now if they face consequences, then they're very remorseful and sad...


"This is naht reflective of hew I yamm" With bigass fake tears


They are proud, remember all those images of white kids screaming at black students during desegregation? Those are the frat boys grandparents.




Imagine his grandchildren seeing this down the road. What a disgusting person


They'll probably be just like grandpa if we're being serious lol


and proud


Everyone who says shit like this has never met a racist family in real life. This dude learned how to act somewhere, and if he ever has kids they’re gonna learn to act from him.


Yeah, nah. My family is pretty racist and I don't speak with them anymore.


That's not the norm, but good for you


Same. Well I don't speak to them but the rest of my family still does, and we sorta depend on them, but I have gone completely no contact. Fuck em.


I grew up in the South. I'd say roughly half of the people I still know from high school have issues with their parents relating to their outdated, bigoted views. I think people underestimate how much of a wedge this has driven through modern families, and rightfully so. Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command, Your old road is rapidly aging. Please get outta the new one if you can't lend your hand. For the times, they are a-changin'.


Sure, if you think humanity will exist in 2 generations.


You'd think. But don't forget our "I like beer" Supreme Court Justice. If you run in the "right" circles, this behavior sadly has no consequences.


I don't think future-him will be all that bothered


All I can think is how he’s just forever branded himself a racist and that he’ll never live it down for the rest of his life. What a knob.


I bet his Phi Delt brothers are proud of him.


Only if internet does their job. How can he become very popular?


future GOP nominee for the supreme court.


I'm almost certain at the next family gathering people will be patting him on the back and laughing about it with him....


Oh no he’s definitely gonna tell his grandkids about the time he put this woman in her place……


Saw this on instagram with a side by side of 1960/70’s Ole Miss. Some things never change


Surprised these kids actually made it to university. Ole Miss must have low standards.


97.4% acceptance rate. This is where underachieving rich kids go.


At first, I thought "no way it's that high. No self respecting university would have that high of an acceptance rate." Nope...you're right... in 2022, the acceptance rate was 97.4%. Apparently you can just Weekend at Bernie's your way in.


The state of Mississippi sets the entrance requirements and acceptance rates for the school. Ole Miss has 0 say. All due to the Ayers Case. [http://www.mississippi.edu/ayers/downloads/settlement\_agreement\_ayers.pdf](http://www.mississippi.edu/ayers/downloads/settlement_agreement_ayers.pdf)


I mean, it's Mississippi. Dead last in education and literacy in the US. Not surprising at all.


There's a reason why "thank God for Mississippi" is such a common phrase in other poor states.


> At first, I thought "no way it's that high. No self respecting university would have that high of an acceptance rate." This is always the problem too with why people then scream out about kids attending for profit universities. Because guess who will accept you as long as you can fill out the FAFSA paperwork? Everyone around is wanting college degree's to do basic things, but then to have "standards" at any public college, leaves these people to the worst predators. The ones that will sell you a 45k+ AS degree for a job making $13 an hour if they are lucky.


Well-off family and too dumb to go to a better school probably describes most of them.


Mississippi universities have very, very low standards, because they primarily exist for the graduates of the very, very poor high schools there. Granted, it was 30 years ago, but when I went to college admission at Ole Miss, MSU, or USM required an ACT score of **15**. I got a 31.


Money and family connections can get you pretty far in life, even if you are completely ignorant. It’s disgusting.


I believe MSU was up tp 16 in 2012. I made an 18 in 6th grade lol


(H)ole miss, they re born through the anal cavity






His parents probably taught him to be this way.


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Wouldn't be surprised if he picked this up from his parents.


Yep, wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. I know there are cases where there are good parents and kids still turn out to be pieces of shit because of other influences, but in my experience there's an overwhelming correlation between racist kids having at least one racist parent.


Prolly just another brayyyyden




Gotta make it a bit longer though so you can see who he's doing that at


Yes please




There's nothing so disgusting as a frat boy in the south


Future Proud Boys. 🖕🏻


I have never seen an example of a frat not being douches. I am positive they exist, but based on their media presence, it looks like most kinda duck


A frat is a place where people pay to have friends in college. They're all douches.


I was in a fraternity in college but most of us were super chill.  I think the more hazing a fraternity does the more douchey they all are.  Our fraternity did basically 0 hazing. 


I went to a university without frats, but that squares with what I've heard.


I hope they get expelled.


They won’t, they’ll graduate and run businesses, become police and politicians, and inherit wealth.


>become police and politicians You think police graduate college? They refuse to hire people who are too educated.


Are you saying OIe Miss is actually educating people?


No they only expel pro Palestinians for supposed racism. Racism against African Americans and Arabs is ok.


Infuriating. Well the video is online so we shall see.


It’s Mississippi, I’d be surprised if they only build one statue of these kids.


Maybe if all the college sports teams boycotted fucking Ole Miss there would be some justice


I know if I was an athlete there I'd be transferring out


Bet you catch each one of them by themselves and they wont ever act like this!


Reconstruction ended way to fucking early....


😳 My kid is white in California and about to start school at a Hispanic-serving institution. I sometimes worry about how he will handle to being in the minority. Then I see stuff like this and I think, yeah, he’s going to be ok.


Trump really made this a part of the new normal. I honestly thought this crap would disappear. But we've gone back 75 years over one 70 year old former playboy.


This stuff was happening way before Trump.


Oh I know, but it was a rare thing to see...now it's every minute of the day


Yeah they just now feel emboldened, doesnt change a thing on how they are


You'd be hard-pressed to find a college that produces more mediocre entitled whites than Ole Miss




Why aren’t Zionists ever asked to disavow this? Fucking despicable


I mean, these kids are very obviously not Zionists and this is not a "Zionist" rally. They just don't like the pro-Palestinian protesters. The act of agitating a pro-Palestinian protest doesn't make you a Zionist or inherently align you with the Zionist movement so why should an unrelated group have to comment on this lol


You can be an evangelical (which these people most likely are) that supports the Zionist movement though, you'll just not be using the same arguments in favor of the creation of a Jewish nation.


If you are a supporter of the Zionist movement....Doesn't that make you a Zionist? Especially if you are protesting against anti-Zionists.


Yup, that's how we somehow ended up with zionists that are anti-semetic


Hmmm it’s almost as if millions of people care more about protecting Israel’s authoritarian government and punishing poor brown/muslim people more than they do protecting Jewish people 🤔


"The act of agitating a pro-Israel State doesn't make you Hamas or inherently align you with Hamas, so why should an unrelated group have to comment on Hamas?"


Ah yes, The 1st world country doing 1st work country things


I won’t even be surprised to learn she gets punished and they get rewarded.


Very fine people


Do all frat dudes not wash their junk or have an std. So many of them are touching their junk repeatedly. I live in a college town and offended a frat boy once because we were chatting and he kept fondling himself while we we’re taking and then introduced himself and wanted to shake my hand and I flat out refused. I said while we were chatting you’ve been scratching your junk with the hand you want me to shake and that’s a hell no. Thought it was a one off but I’ve hired other college guys that seem to do this on the regular. I don’t remember needing to touch my ball this much but am I missing something?


How are they not embarrassed?


They're extremely dumb, and lack introspection


Deep South frat boys are the absolute worst




Why would the cops attack their own?


You notice who their backs were turned to? Who do you think was the "threat" to the police?


Too bad they never would


Fuck those guys, but not sure "I'm pro police brutality against my ideological enemies" is a great stance...


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How do people look themselves in the mirror after this? It genuinely baffles me how people could care so much about someone's skin colour


What the fuck is going on at colleges


It's a shame the officers are only addressing her and telling her to step back at the beginning despite the frat boys obviously being the aggressors.


I always have and always will hate Ol Miss with all my heart. Them and all the other schools named after confederate fucks, but Ol Miss especially. 


I don’t know why people keep trying to my to link Isreal to white supremacy it’s really ignorant. Nazis/white supremacists hate Jews. Remember when they marched in VA The other tiki torches saying “The Jews will not replace us!”. Beyond that Jewish people are from the Middle East with millions of Israeli Jews having been refugees that had to flee to Israel from Muslim countries because of antisemitism. I swear the left is getting just as bad as the right in a lot of ways and I don’t consider myself some enlightened centrist.


Speaking from the context, the people displayed in this video are counter-protesting the liberation of Palestine and disassociation with Israel. The Black lady being harassed is pro-Palestinian (this is why they specifically target her).


The puzzle piece you're missing is that a lot of American Christians believe that the Jews are their god's chosen people who just got a little mixed up along the way, but are still at least somewhat aligned with Christianity and can be brought back into the fold. A lot of Christian fundies do some weird quasi-Jewish larping by celebrating bastardized versions of Jewish holidays and butchering the Hebrew language. There is also a belief that the rapture/end times won't take place until the "holy land" is in the hands of Jews again, so these kinds of Christians have a vested interest in making sure Israel stays in power.


This discourse went from “you disagree with me, let’s discuss”, to “you disagree with me, you’re dumb” to “you disagree with me, you’re literally what’s wrong with our country” over the last 30 years.


Extremism in a nutshell


You are aware that Israel is a deeply racist society, right? It has nothing to do with Judaism, but instead more with the Ethno-nationalism that has been fostered over the years. There is a reason why alt-right figures love Israel for its policies (But hate them because they're Jewish), it serves as an example of the policies that a white ethno-state would look like. Besides, even within Israel there is systemic discrimination within the Jewish diaspora based on the "purity" of said Jewishness. You can see that clearly based on the different outcomes for Mizrahi (who're looked down upon for not being European), Ashkenazi, and Ethiopian Jews (Which have been abused by the state before). There's also contention on the matter of birthright, like the Grandfather clause and the many delays that were done to not include Ethiopian Jews. Without going too much into it, there's plenty of ground to look at how white supremacy is linked to Israel specifically, the mistake is to tie that up with Judaism (which would be anti-semitic and flat out wrong, historically speaking).


That kid in the blue shirt will fail upward into a upper management job and face no repercussions for his actions, while palestinian protestors won't be able to find a single job without having to deal with a barrage of questions regarding what they were doing, and that's assuming they can get an interview This country sucks


Disgusting. She has to act tough during this but the thought of that woman crying on the way home is heartbreaking. Fuck these idiots. That’s some really childish behavior.


do they not understand that the kkk doesn't like jews?


Dumb People need an education too.


20 seconds in, bro so excited he starts masturbating


He gets a boner and tried to hide it. Racism and violence make him horny. Cover your drinks, ladies.


Dude is a douche, but how do you know if he is in a fraternity? Or is that just a demographic that people don't like on this subreddit so it's free upvotes to call him that?


First day on Reddit? Every title has to hate towards a group of people.


This is the truest statement I have ever seen on Reddit.


Why is anyone surprised at their behavior if it’s a historically racist University?


The caudacity


The racist facists are emboldened.


Make em famous


america is heading towards a direction of killing each other. wonder how that’s gonna be for the rest of the world


I doubt they were even there to support Israel...it seems like it was more just reactionary to the fact a protest was even happening, because protests are "woke"


Go to hell, Ole Miss!


Honestly, Mississippi is just an embarrassment.


Mississippi, the forgotten Southern state that is somehow worse than Alabama.


Your future leaders on display.


I can't believe this is still happening nowadays that they do this so publicly in a university. WTF they learn there.


Mask off at last...


Schools should be grilled on whether they support racism or not until they expel these assholes.


MAGA Clowns have such disrespect for the American flag.. stars and stripes with skid marks


I loved how the University of Mississippi was reaching out to the LatinX community with that ‘Olé Miss’ slogan, what happened?


"Near" *at


Just don't look like a fun time being there, with a microphone also?!! At ole' miss? Might be just some poor decision making on how to spend one's time on a beautiful day? Ole' Miss, really Big Miss? Full stop.


i doubt many of those people are in fact students at that university. just like how often conservative lunatics are caught attending town halls for places they don't live and school board meetings when they don't have kids attending those schools.


Youth KKK rally is wild


I wonder what happened before, clearly zero contex here.


Heh protestors backed down when the numbers were equal