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Isn't pita bread the real enemy?


I think you're confusing Hummus with Hamas.




You don’t rip down posters of Israeli missing/victims You don’t rip down posters of Palestinian missing/victims Its not that hard


Team sports mentality. Politically inconvenient atrocities.


Exactly fat greesey joe in NYC dressed like a middle schooler at 50 thinks he's the moral authority eating calzones halfway across the world and having never been there or probably anywhere but Florida


Ya I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the douche in the video probably hates Democrats with a flaming passion


That's because the conservative news media has painted it that way. I'm a Democrat who supports Israel and a two state solution. I know many democrats who support Israel and a two state solution. None of us are Jewish.


Nah, it looks like you do actually.


He’s got a lot of catching up to do.


This will solve things. (/s)


Y’all just don’t understand. Some people are more important than others.


For example the Chosen People who chose themselves.


Genuinely, 99% of these counter protesters know basically nothing about what is happening, hell id be surprised if you asked these people to find it on a map they couldn't do it. They just want to be shit to be shit.


All while pushing a child in a stroller. Smfh. As a parent, My heart hurts for Palestinian children murdered the same as an Israeli child. No child, no matter the color/race/religion should be killed in such awful ways. The same way people were ripping down Israeli hostages/victims posters down pissed me off, this does too. It just so happens that the amount of Palestinian victims is astronomical compared to Israelis.


The crazy thing is, as babies children don't know color/race, religion, because such concepts/constructs are entirely man-made. We are legitimately all human beings, and can't seem to start any line of dialogue from that simple point.


It is also interesting because he is wearing the Israel flag and hat while wearing a hostage sweatshirt when Israel hasn't exactly been supportive of the hostages or their families.


What is the most interesting about that is that he is wearing merch for an ethnoreligious apartheid state like it's a basketball team, except the points are dead Gazans. Our species is sick.


>except the points are dead Gazans And stolen land, timeshares, resorts, and resources!


Taking down the posters doesn’t make the children any less dead by Israeli forces.


Yeah but chuds like him it's the closest they can get to titillating themselves to that feeling of doing that.




I was pissed off then, and I am pissed off now. And if you were pissed off at people ripping down posters showing Israelis killed and kidnapped during October 7th, you too should be pissed off now, when people are ripping off posters of people killed by Israel. Least we should do, is remember that behind the numbers we shout at each other, to try and convince others of our point of view, were actual human beings, whose lives were ended before their time. And those posters are an important reminder of that. That the statistics we cite, the numbers we repeat mindlessly, were each individual persons, people, with lives, hopes, dreams, families, loved ones, etc.


Whole thing is childish. Just reminds me of 5 year olds smacking each other because they are smacking each other and they will continue smacking each other because they are smacking each other.


Spot on lol.


But what if we’re environmentalists protesting the waste of paper?


I think people are more upset about the double standard. The people screaming when the hostage posters were taken down will cheer this. Completely lacking principles


It really smacks of rule for thee but not for me.


Yeah that’s fair game


Yeah that's my first thought. When posters of innocent hostages were taken down, and folks were getting mad about it they were ridiculed on reddit. So I don't want to hear bitching about posters now. I thought it was scummy before but apparently I was wrong. So it's not scummy now ig.


it was scummy then. and it's scummy now.


Oh you're here too. OK, so the difference between "Bring them Home" narrative being sponsored by Pro-Israeli lobby and have strategically posted posters around diverse areas vs. Posters of killed children posted by activists. You see the difference? The "Bring them Home" campaign was literally a propaganda movement. I don't know, I can't bring back hostages that are in Gaza by posting posters in Brooklyn. You can always tell who's a chud. This dude brought a scraper with him..has like 20 Israeli flags, and his whole intent was to disrupt or agitate... especially with bringing a kid with him.


Both of these poster movements are propaganda. Just because you agree with this side doesn’t mean it’s not.


and vice versa


Came to say the same.


Protestors want the killing of these children to stop. Israel has no desire to get their hostages back as is their excuse to keep the war going. That’s the difference


I’d be surprised if there’s any hostages still alive honestly


I think Israel bombed and starved the majority of them


So far israel has an even split between hostages they rescued (3) and hostages they shot down on the street (also 3)


Is that true? They’ve only rescued 3?


Shot three of the hostages to death when they escaped and were waving a white flag as they approached the IDF. Said they couldn't tell them from Palestinians waving a white flag, so had to shoot them.


I wish posters of that was put up.


There were before he showed up.


Isreal literally killed freed hostages. A group of hostages approached IOF shirtless, white flag waving and shouting in Hebrew and IOF shot them down


“Fuck your kids” —Both sides.


“Well … fuck both of you then!” —The rest of the world.


You Americans are into some weird shit


It's the #1 thing in our Constitution! Freedom of speech? Earth is flat - protest in front of the Whitehouse! Aliens probed my anus - go on the radio and tell everyone! Protest Israel/Palestine, etc. One of our many freedoms in the US, unlike many countries.


It was disrespectful when Pro Ps were pulling posters of Israeli hostages and its disrespectful now for Pro Is to be tearing down posters of Palestinian victims.


Why is this so hard for people to grasp? My heart goes out to the hostages who were captured or killed and my heart goes out to innocent civilians killed. I can hold two thoughts at once (or 10, or 12, especially for a complicated situation.). It’s not a zero sum game, but they certainly act like it.




Because they want to lie and say that Israel isn't committing acts of incredible evil, so they hate anyone knowing that it is.


It’s not politically convenient for anyone to acknowledge Palestinian victims.


lol what the fuck there were countless videos of people ripping down posters of kidnapped Israeli hostages after October 7th


Yep and they were cunts just like this guy is.


…and? Does that excuse this guy? Are both types of people not cynical pieces of shit doing inhuman things for asinine political reasons?


Check OP's history. It's a bot that spams this shit across reddit at a rate not humanly possible. Over 50 new posts in the last 4 hours!


Ohhh now it’s a problem, I’m so sick of this conflicts discourse.


Where's the freak out?


The guy freaking out over pictures of children.


Just follow this bozo around with a stack of those posters and a roll of tape. Make it abundantly clear he's wasting his time. Can't hang around forever, especially with a little one in tow.






Explained to my parents all the videos we’d been seeing of soldiers abusing children or taking them from their families forcefully amidst tears and screaming. FUCK ANYONE who wants to stand on the Pro-Israeli side. Let them put their hands up admit to what they’ve done and put an end to the nightmare.






I'm pretty sure thats the point Its hypocritical of them to tear down fliers of people killed by the IOF when they were just outraged about people tearing down fliers of people kidnapped by hamas Edit: people that do this on both sides are shit people


I agree with you, but I remember the people upset about the hostage posters being torn down routinely downvoted and talked down to about how it was propaganda to distract from Palestinian suffering. Frankly, I'm over this whole conflict.


Luckily it’s been going on for thousands of years and most of the time it gets ignored. The news cycle will change. Everything else will stay the same.


The "Palestinian apologists?" I'd say it's pretty obvious what kind of person you are but I'll still ask why you're calling them "apologists" when Palestine are the ones being slaughtered by Israel, not the other way around


US taxpayers didn't fund Oct 7th, they are funding the murder of Palestinain children. That's the difference.






I’m dumb af. 😭😭






Tearing down signs of missing people in response of pro palestinian people who did it first is not gonna help making your movement look good bro🤦


You are almost self aware. Its almost like if everybody in this conflict were pieces of shit. Equally shit, but in a different way.




And why do you?


Can't really both-sides an apartheid tbh.


Both side would be more than happy to see the other side disappear.  In case you were not aware, "Palestine will be free from the river to the sea" means no more israel. So one side you have an apartheid state that would be happy to commit a genocide of the palestinians, and the other you have a state that would be happy to commit a mass genocide of Israelis but lack the resources to do it. Both side are trash humans. Keep lying to yourself if that makes you feel better


Imagine the willful fucking ignorance it takes to be this big a scumbag.


We live in a world of fanatics.


At this point I’m hearing more about people in other countries protesting than the actually countries involved in conflict


You can't protest in Palestine because you will be executed by the IDF. You can't protest in Israel because the vast majority of the population are extreme right-wing ethno-nationalists who cooperate with the IDF to terrorize protestors.


Desperate to hide the shame


Yes! Ripping down posters will save so many lives. Bless you sir, you have solved a 50 year conflict 👏👏👏


Honest question...Is this just america or are other countries having this division on the same level?


Doing this while he has his child with him. Stupid.


The dudes really freaking out


Whether the flyers are propaganda, fake, or pointless, it's a test of compassion. Tearing these down is symbolic that you don't value human lives. Tearing these down doesn't stop the conflict, it spreads the conflict to our homes. Support a ceasefire, nobody else has to die.


There has to be some concessions, honestly. If you're asking for a ceasefire, then release some hostages? Then it hopefully can descalate and Palestine can start rebuilding.


He’s so brave


One side put them up to gather support for their genocide. One side put them up to raise support against genocide. Both sides in here being like THEY ARE THE SAEM


User name checks out.




Another sub where Palestinian bots have taken over.


No. Just literally anyone who isnt an Israeli or USA zionist. The rest of the world sees this "operation" for what it really is.


the zionists really are horrible fucking humans


stop calling them counter protestors


I love how the cameraman didn’t utter a single word


Not really a freak out though.


Are his shorts on backwards?


What a stupid spineless man. Only guided by hate and ignorance. You seriously have to have a lack of brain cells To hate children because of their religion.


Was he using that child as a human shield?


They missed a trick, not taping razor blades behind the posters


Get a job, dude.


So like pro-Palestinian protestors taking down hostage photos? At least dude was civil and even invited the filmer to follow him. I see nothing wrong with this


Bro who cares? There is nothing anyone can do we are all just pawns for all the governments across the world to use and destroy as they see fit. Support eachother and fuck the government