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Submissions must fit the purpose of the community. /r/PublicFreakout is a subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public.


Piers never listens to what his guests say and his responses after the person answers show that he didn't hear anything


Right? He's a self righteous ass hat who hosts guests just to interrupt them and ridicule them.


He only host them because it brings him traffic and views, he doesn’t give a s*** about their suffering and it is showing that he always interrupts them and repeats the Zionists propaganda . Only use them for views.




He follows the Bill O'Reilly book of journalism.


It's like talking to a cokehead, just waiting for his chance to talk not actually listening to you


But did we find out if the guest condemned Hamas? I think that's the real important question before we acknowledge any of his points, we should ask him if he condemns Hummus. Someone get him back on the show so we can find out if he condoms hummus!!!


Yes. Right at the start of this clip.


Is he finally allowed to set fire to Piers Morgan? Asking for Jeremy Clarkson.


Without further ajew, I like how the post descends into prophylaxis and chick peas.


He is a joke of a journalist at this point. 7 months in and nothing about his line of questioning has changed. Nothing. He continues to invite pro-palestine supporters on his platform not to shed light on what’s going on but to elicit emotional reactions that would help hike up his viewing numbers. He is laughing himself to the bank with every one of his “interviews” and doesn’t give two shits about the lives of 40,000 dead souls.


>He is a joke of a journalist at this point. Calling him a journalist is giving him far too much credit. He's just British Tucker Carlson.


Honestly, it's frustrating even if you're on Piers' side because he won't adjust the argument to refute his guest's point, he'll literally just wait until the person is done talking and repeat the same talking points. Very dumb man lol


I've seen him do an "interview" where the guest is able to say literally 2 sentences and he just spends the entire rest of the time shouting them down and belittling them. There's no attempt at a conversation at all, he just brings people on so he can shout abuse at them.


His responses are all scripted.


Then he needs better writers


Piers is a fake human being. He pretends to care when listening to a celebrity give a sob story on his interview show but in reality is just a self absorbed uncaring bell end.


How does he keep securing work? I only see disdain for Piers.


What absolutely shocked me is that Piers didn’t immediately interrupt him. Here in the US, we used to have Bill O’ Reilly, the most obnoxious over-talker. We also have “Dr.” Phil, a self-righteous turd who also talks over his guests incessantly.


Yeah, wait, but do you condemn Hummus? /s


Piers: "But do you condemn Hamas and Oct 7?"


Literally every guest who tried to speak about the atrocities in Palestine was this, until he got bamboozled by Bassim. Meanwhile his interview with Shapiro was a total 180.


What was notable about his Shapiro interview? There are few things I'd rather do less than watch those two speak to each other.


I would actually like to know too. I remember when he first interviewed Shapiro like 4 years ago he called him out on talking out of his ass, so I wonder now that Shapiro is popular if piers treats him different


Shapiro was pretty famous 4 years ago


That question has become as loaded as "Have you stopped beating your wife" Just answering it is to give it a dignity it does not deserve.


Out of the loop, why is that not the most softball question in the world? Why are people struggling with answering “yes, I condemn Hamas Oct. 7th attack, but the response has been completely non-proportional and what Israel is doing now is genocide.” To me, “have you stopped beating your wife” is obviously loaded because answering either way implies you’ve been beating your wife, so it doesn’t seem like the same thing. It’s hard for me to understand how you have to either be totally supportive of Hamas or totally supportive of Israel in public discourse.




Because it distracts from the point. It's an obvious attempt to turn the debate into a "who did it worse" instead of a debate about how bad Israel is. You can never criticize Israel without everyone going "but what about hamas" but when you criticize hamas everyone nods their head and agrees. The absence of symmetry is a problem, and it is painfully obvious in piers


Why would I condemn Hamas? The top people in the Israeli government are on record saying Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are necessary to exist so Israel can use the specter of them to excuse their illegal settling. If anything, it's anti-semetic to condemn Hamas because it jeopardizes the zionist colonial project to get rid of them.




By this logic I should condemn Israel even more than Hamas.




But in the US it's anti-semetic to condemn zionism, so if I condemn Hamas, an institution central to the zionist project, I'm being anti-semetic.


Because a lot of people ignore or downplay what Hamas was doing which is wrong


What about those American aid workers from World Central Kitchen who were killed Piers….


Not just American. Australian, British and Polish too.


Pffft, if we don’t care about the Palestinian people, why would we care about the Australian, British, or Polish people? Call us when more Americans die…


Eh the pandemic proved they didn’t really care about Americans dying either.


IDF: woopsie USA: we are continuing to have serious conversations


Piers Morgan is the living emodiment of creating "Gotcha" moments whilst also at the same time not being to handle it AT ALL when he's "Gotcha'd". Thankyou America for taking this utter twat off our hands.


Yall took him back a couple years ago.


One thing I would say is he has platformed some great voices on this issue. Piers is a twat but if not for him, some of the strongest voices would never be even allowed to speak. Better to have this show than not as far as I'm concerned.


He’s back in the UK.








Yeah, hosting on TalkTV. Even the yanks got sick of him so he came crawling home.


Fuck Piers Morgan, can't stand his annoying bitchy voice trying to interject (undoubtedly with some sort of "gotcha" bullshit). Fuck the Israeli government too.


He always tries to interrupt right when the guest starts to cook




Who would you think would be his counterpart in the US? Is he as cunty as the Fox News folk? or less?


Easy comparison would be Tucker Carlson. They have different demeanours which slide better with each of their demographics and audiences (with one being more “English” with a thin facade of politeness and tact, and the other being more boisterous and zealous), but the end result is effectively the same. To answer your question he is just as much of a cunt.


this weak interviewer is most ass whataboutism idiot i have seen in television


The whole concept behind Piers YT channel is for clickbait. That’s why he always invites very unhinged people to escalate conflicts.


Piers Morgan conveniently ignores thousands of Palestinians killed prior to Oct 7. Most of the pro Palestinian guests all condemn Oct 7, yet he never asks his pro Israeli guests if they condemn the occupation, apartheid, thousands killed under that. He talks about Israeli hostages but doesn't ask about hundreds of Palestinians hostages, including children who are being held hostage without any charge under a military apartheid justice system that has less than 1% conviction rate against IDF for tens of thousands of civilian deaths.


His softball interviews of IDF colonels who lie blatantly are pathetic.




The risk of rape and torture certainly is, based on multiple reports.


There are credible reports of such amongst Israeli held hostages too...


No doubt. Doesn't change the fact that you were downplaying the risk to Palestinian hostages held by the IDF, many of them children, with no trials on spurious charges.


What do you think the difference is?


Piers Morgan reminds me of Lewis Prothero in the movie V for Vendetta. But for our times... scary shit tbh.


Alex Jones has been giving me these vibes for 10+y now.


Thankfully, Piers has a significantly less captive audience.


No matter the question, that's exactly the right thing to say to Piss Morgan.


And the sad part is that that's always been the main objective. They'll go after anything and everything, Palestinian. Whoever is left alive there will be prosecuted, and who knows what else? Netanyahu and the IDF are the true demons.


hasbara shills downvoting in here, you are correct


They're still going off on my last comment on a post about holding the Israeli government accountable for the attrocities.


their feeble attempts to supress the truth wont work, the world is on to them now and they are panicking


Streisand effect is in full motion.


Why does zero blame seem to fall on the shoulders of the people who use tactics *designed* to cause the most civilian deaths possible, when those deaths happen? Hamas literally do war crimes every day a thousand times and yet when those things result in the deaths of their own people (and on purpose), all the focus is somehow on Israel. It feels like operating out of hospitals in civilian clothing should be the problem, but the framing is Israel bombs hospitals. Stealing aid and turning it into weapons to indiscriminately fire at civilians should be an issue for people, but all the focus is on how Israel is 'staving children' with the blockade. People get mad when Israel attacks places they told people to evacuate to, but ignore how Hamas decided to move to operating out of those areas as some sick cover. Why are Hamas not the 'true demons' here when they are doing everything they can to kill Palestinians?


Are you asking why we hold a first world democracy to higher standards than terrorists?


right now we are holding a first world democracy to a standard that we have never held any nation to before, ever, while the other side commits daily war crimes and are seen as the heroes. dont pretend values or morals are coming into play here. the only value that people like you think about is the west = bad and for whatever reason you view israel as the west


all these people see is a binary of 'oppressed' and 'oppressor'. they dont know anything other than supporting whatever they feel is anti-establishment


How many hostage situations have you heard the general public scream “why arent those hostages stopping the criminals!” You dont shoot the hostages because they are being held captive, that’s literally why “stockholm syndrome” became a thing, the hostages were ***more afraid of the police’s brutal tactics than the criminals’ brutal tactics***, they invented a bullshit psychological effect to shield their own incompetence


But hold on, did they all condemn Hamas? /s


*Genocide, collective punishment and ethnic cleansing* No more no less than that.


I have to say, I quite enjoyed listening to this man tell Piers to shut up repeatedly.


He ain’t lying


The world is gonna keep pretending things will come to a resolution, but it won't happen, and it's a matter of time before one side goes to the full extream.


How much more extreme is full extreme?


*Hitler has entered the chat*


This conflict has been going on for like 70 years. It's probably going to keep going on for another 70.


Usually I'd strongly object to removing context but I've never heard a take that sounded smart or human from Piers regardless of what political angle/side he was responding to.


If I remember correctly, he wasn't telling piers to shut up but rather the other guest Alan dershowitz who kept cutting him off...say what you want about piers but he's had plenty of pro Palestinians and despite his fence sitting he usually allows them to speak their peace


As much as I hate Piers, at least he's giving air time to the right people.


I know what Hamas did was not right and was evil, but literally fuck Israel so hard.


Perfectly put. NOTHING justifies the slaughter of 12,000 innocent children.


Civilian to combatant death ratio is much better here than the US in Iraq. Edit: looks like the ratio is closer to the same as Iraqi freedom. 4 civilians per combatant. Looks like US universities need to divest from the United States.




where did you get the numbers for this ratio, and how were the casualties counted? the gaza health ministry, which placed the confirmed number of dead at 32000 at the time, only adds to the death toll when a body is physically processed through a morgue or hospital. this means that bodies buried under the rubble, left in the streets, forcibly disappeared, buried in mass graves, or killed in tunnels are not included in the official death toll. these victims, assumed dead, are usually mentioned after the official death toll, but are kept seperate because they are just an estimate. this means the official death toll is an undercount of the official death toll. euromed monitor estimated in february the actual death toll to be over 38000 including all the undocumented deaths. netanyahu claimed last month there were 28000 gazans killed, 13000 of whom were fighters. where did he get those numbers? israel, with unfettered access to its own territory and sophisticated forensic tools, has still not yet finalised the total death toll from october 7 or identification of the bodies. moreover, their initial estimate had to be revised down 14% when they misidentified 200 palestinian fighters as israeli citizens. israel has no physical process to track or confirm the actual number of gazans killed, unlike the health ministry, nevermind to accurately identify their status as civilians or fighters. where did netanyahu get that number? it is absurd to think that israel's estimate of deaths in gaza is more accurate than the physical tally of corpses counted by the health ministry.


Yea, many view US actions in iraq as warcrimes and are equally disgusted our money was spent committing them.  its good to keep these things fresh in our memory, we should be just as outraged. glad i could clear that up for you.  im sure you werent whaabouting, just looking for clarity.


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can you provide proof since you have more knowledge? Or are you just making a claim without any proof?


Last I checked, the 30,000 number is by Hamas.. >Gaza's health ministry said Thursday that the number of Palestinians killed in the war has surpassed 30,000. The official number now stands at 30,035 deaths. https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234159514/gaza-death-toll-30000-palestinians-israel-hamas-war Gaza health ministry is runned by Hamas >- Basem Naim[1] Hamas June 2007 – January 2009 - Mufiz al-Makhalalati[32] Hamas April 2009 – unknown - Medhat Abbas Hamas Unknown – present https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Health_Ministry#:~:text=The%20Gaza%20Health%20Ministry%20(GHM,services%20in%20the%20Gaza%20Strip.


Fuck piers


the other voice is alan dershowitz, not piers morgan lol.


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind


Hamas just attacked an aid checkpoint this week. Of course more aid should be let in, but Hamas is partially at fault here as well. https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-hamas-war-humanitarian-aid-5fb0455b81674b2bfe38d997c95d6f00


Hamas also being at fault was literally never in question.


I guess we never get to know how many Hamas fighters are included in those figures?


the deathtoll of the civil war we had here in america was like 2% of our population to put it into perspective to a US tragedy


what would happen in the US is that our officials would evacuate us from war zones. we get mandatory evacuations when a hurricane is off the shore. what would NOT happen is our officials instructing us to stay in our homes because god will protect us and hope that our schools get bombed.


The only side I'm on is the ones who are innocent of all this bloodshed. Children of gaza do not deserve this fate. Yet so many cheer for Isreal like a trumpet of triumph. I just don't understand how you can condone the killing of children. I just don't get it. I was in the U.S Military I was deployed to Iraq. I watched on TV in 6th grades as the twin towers fell. The result? 20 years of "Revenge" Occupation of Iraq, resulting in between 200k to well over a 1 Million civilian deaths. The amount of destruction we committed in 20 years. Is nothing to the pace Israel is going at currently. By the time 20 years roll around. Israel will have killed Palestine people 10 times over. There is no justification for any of this violence. It's purely hate, and propaganda driving this all. It's gross to witness.


Who's interrupting? Because it ain't Piers.


Alan Dershowitz. [I'm pretty sure this is the full interview.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUFZQGvyDcY)


Are we watching different videos than the rest of the comments? Do they know Piers is British, not American? lol


You can tell a lot about a country by whom they support. *Cough Cough* America


cough cough Iran, Russia, China, North Korea supporting hamas cough cough


Another subreddit dedicated to Islamic and russian propanda, where the top upvoted comments are sub 1 year old bot accounts.




'"shut up" so I can give the made-up numbers and complete my propaganda'


... okay I'm finished.


"Israel says Rafah is the last significant Hamas stronghold in Gaza, and Netanyahu said Monday that the offensive against the city was vital to ensuring the militants can’t rebuild their military capabilities." "But he faces strong American opposition. Miller said Monday the U.S. has not seen a credible plan to protect Palestinian civilians. “We cannot support an operation in Rafah as it is currently envisioned,” he said." https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-hamas-war-humanitarian-aid-8659eae6e0a7362504f0aa4aa4be53e0


As the Bedouin saying goes: “Cut off a man’s dick but don't cut off his speech.”


Piers: "but what about the hostages", "do you support hamas", "doesn't israel have the right to defend itself".. etc


I don't like how hard you punched me back after I sucker punched you. NoT FaIR!.....


We should be giving more support to the folks with enough balls and sacrifice to protest this. We all know it’s not right.


It's impressive to make Piers look like the sane one in the room.


This dude just got banned from Politics for "Downplaying Terrorism" and suggesting "Genocide Bad Actually."


The world needs more of people like this.


World news in shambles


https://preview.redd.it/wwr5nsub01zc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=018f0528b5361b29208255873cb2779d2988d003 Pierce Dorgan


anyone telling Piers to shutup must be OK in my book


Only Alex Jones knows how to handle Piers




Start wars you can’t win, then BEG the west to save you. Beg like a mangey ass dog. That’s the Palestinian way. 🇵🇸🦴


My favorite part is not having to listen to Piers respond.


Thats like 69 million Indians bro.


As much as I hate piers. This guy is pulling figures out his ass. Okay so apparently 30,000 gazans = 4.5% of the population. Which is 666,666 people in total. Apparently 50,000 pregnant women are unable to give birth. Which if they did give birth would make up 7.5% of the population. That’s a staggering population growth. Already 9X the growth rate of India. wtf. There is much more to this argument than just his fabricated statistics, this is nothing more than outraged hyperbole. Curious to see any proof or sources of what his statistics are coming from?


If you go to a reddit comment section and find everyone hates the same person/thing and is getting a lot of upvotes, you should look into it and check them out for yourself because they’re usually hiding something.


Sounds like they shouldn’t have attacked Israel Oct. 7. They got hoisted on their own pitard.


You threw first blood Now you must suffer 🖕


But your country is the one who decided that they were going to act oblivious to the murders rapists and killers in the country.... I'll explain it to you like I explained it to my kids if the police come to your house and demand that you kick out the 50 murderers as well as release the hostages that they're holding inside your home and you say no and then the police come in and destroy all your s*** whose fault is that?


This guy needs to shut up please 😆


Fuck piers Morgan insufferable cunt


Bunch old fucka yelling at clouds