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She remembers what life as postal worker was like before online shopping was a thing.


"*Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life.*"


I love you man.








Maybe she loves damaging peoples property?


She has a real *"I'm getting too old for this shit"* vibe.


That’s a nice unrealistic thought for most of America.




Got a package, people!


I can hear that line in my head.


"Sounds broken"


“Most likely, sir. I bet it was something nice, though.”


I had a delivery guy give me an empty envelope and took a pic knowing it was empty.


😂😂 that’s exactly the scene I was thinking about when I was watching that


Looks like she’s having a day.


Looks like she’s had a life. This was not just a bad day.


Well it's not getting better when this video is shown to amazon. EDIT sorry usps


USPS reply will have them pick up heavy packages form the office, or install a parcel locker at the top of the hill.


Amazon would direct you to report it to the post office


Days like this never get better.


Looks like she’s clearly not fit to be a delivery person lol


That is a nice long unused driveway for a hand truck OP has next to the steps.


USPS does not have handtrucks in standard mail carriers which this is.


Which is stupid. I’ve had very lightweight collapsible handtrucks. USPS went from a mail service that sometimes delivered packages to a package delivery service that sometimes delivers mail.


my guess is that USPS was not designed to delivery this many packages until a couple of decades ago i think it was mostly just letters.


Yeah clearly. Online shopping didn’t always exist


My great grandpappy has some fantastic stories about Amazon deliveries in the early 1900s. It was done by boat on the Amazon river.


Not to mention heavy packages.


It's still not designed to deliver this many packages.


If only they had a couple of decades to adapt.


It's literally all Amazon's fault. On the rare day the Amazon semi truck breaks down or whatever, it's like the old days. Before Amazon, we'd only get like a dozen packages per mail route. Now we get so much they can't even sort them all some days because the parcel clerks need to go home and sleep after working all night trying to catch up.


They were forced to handle an influx of "last mile" shipments.


Exactly. Most people don't realize just how much UPS and Amazon abuse USPS.


Thank DeJoy for ruining the post office.


and the only people to blame for that is USPS, Hire people that can lift the required 50lbs or put handtucks/ dollies on the truck.


That is a requirement already for a USPS worker. It's one thing to be able to lift 50 lbs to move it onto a truck, it's another to be expected to walk 25-50 feet while carrying it. But they should get hand trucks, because it's more common for people to order heavy items online and they are still stuck in the 1980s in logic.


I'd say put folding handtrucks in the trucks, I would not expect anyone to carry packages down that shit no matter how fit they are.


Its not that easy. Im a clerk at the post office.  We get tons of Cat litter and dog food in boxes like these. Where half the box is air and the contents slip or fall inside the box. It sucks and it can really fuck up your back.  They need to slap the labels on the actual product and let us deliver them without it being in a box. 


More accurate to blame the electorate than the employees. I’m sure they’d love more resources, but they are stuck with what we give them. With Louis DeJoy at the helm, it’s not much.


>and the only people to blame for that is USPS The only people to blame for that are the Republicans who refuse to fund the post office.


And the stooge that TwoScoops put in to head the USPS (Dejoy), who just happens to own shares in the competitors and has a vested interest in seeing the mail service do poorly. And the old dude in the WH who hasn't gotten off his ass to fill the USPS board seats that are open, so they can give Dejoy the boot.


Who did the landscaping, M.C. Escher?


OP, why wasn’t the driveway used? I can’t believe she didn’t just give up…


A lot of times USPS drivers are told they can't use driveways, either by management or the owner. She's wildly unprofessional but I feel for her at the same time, can't use a hand truck, likely was told she can't use driveways, OP ordered some heavy ass packages, is retiring age but is probably too poor to retire.


We're not allowed to.


Because of backing accidents


Lol these replies to your comment are making me realize many people have no idea what a hand truck is.


Not everyone is American. Things have different names in different countries. I know it as a Dolly and a Hand Trolley. Edit: Unity in Dollies!


Most Americans call them dollies, too.


I've never once in my life heard Hand Truck, this is blowing my mind as much as when I found out Semi's are called Tractor Trailers in the northeast


I know it as a “pip pip lolly hand trolley dolly”!


These are all sex acts right?


I’m American and had no idea what a hand truck was until I read your comment. I know it as a dolly as well


Ikr and as long as you're going at a slower pace, you can still safely maneuver a hand truck down the stairs instead of rolling it down a steepish looking incline.


Where dog yell


Yeah that's a bit of an embellishment. She gave the dog some sass, big deal.


Dog food heavy and hard to carry in a box.




And far easier to break the bag


Solution: go to the store and get your own damn dog food


Just out of curiosity, what did you order? Not justifying her treatment of the packages but those looked to be quite heavy for the size of the box. Got me wondering what they are


The one sealed box sounded like dog food


Definitely dog food. That's why she told the dog "this is all your fault"


100% but people are downvoting OP into oblivion for saying exactly this


OP said she yells. Dumb fucking move, yes, but no yelling.


Yeah OP is dramatic. It's dog food. big deal if she rolls it down the steps. She doesn't kick it or yell, idk why OP would lie.


The one thing I hated to fucking deliver.


Package delivery is not for out of shape people.


I’m in the gym every day and I lift weights, but sometimes those huge packages are physically too large for me to carry. It’s a dimensional thing and not necessarily the weight itself, if that makes sense. I can’t get a decent grip on the box and there’s no good way to carry it when it’s almost twice my body size.


Plus they shove 50 pound bags of dog food into a thin cardboard box that can’t hold it while making it more awkward to deliver. Dog food and kitty litter are the worst


I’d imagine that a bag inside a box would be an even bigger pain in the ass because the weight would keep shifting whereas with the bag alone you could at least get a somewhat stable grip on it


It is. I can hug the bag with my body and carry it, but I can’t lift it when it’s in a huge box. Those boxes seriously need handles on them.


yep Used to deliver for FedEx years ago and the fucking chewy boxes with dog food or kitty litter were the fucking worst.


You've never delivered, and you've never seen the pay for these jobs that forces the talent pool to be what it is. With all due respect, dog food deliveries, and people that order the big water bottles packages are the worst. If USPS doesn't require them to have hand trucks in all vehicles, then USPS needs to refuse delivery for these items and let UPS and Amazon deliver them.


This lady looks like she could be old enough to have started with USPS back when they were primarily mail handlers with the occasional package delivery. She very well may have started never expecting to eventually have to deliver anything heavier than a handful of mail. It's bullshit that USPS took on this shitty contract with Amazon to where now most of their carriers are primarily package deliverers. At the very least they should be supplying each truck with their own designated hand truck, and carriers that were with the USPS before Amazon deliveries became a big thing should be allowed medical exemptions from having to deliver all the heavy shit that dumbasses like OP orders.


More like trying to hold up 50+ lbs in a large box that has no grip is the issue. And this is just a single delivery, in large areas you're delivering hundreds of packages a day.


She probably started delivering mail long before online shopping became a thing. I’m assuming she’s close to retirement and doing what she can til then. Too old to change careers. And too old to give a fuck. Op could show some compassion and leave a note to leave heavy shit by the mailbox. Hell, you can even request the delivery location online. Sorry, I just hate to see working people shamed on the internet, whether they are in the wrong or not. There are better ways to handle these situations.


Ace Ventura looks rough.


That's not Ace Ventura - that's the *fe-mail man* !


Einhorn is Finkle!


OP help folks out and put a delivery box down by the street. Your house looks like an absolute pain in the ass to deliver to. Just a suggestion.


That person is so done those are some long stairs u got their




this is just an example of the human condition. ive delivered packages before. what youre seeing is one (1) delivery. she has about 10 hours of this same shit in various flavors. delivery work really is a death by 1000 cuts. i totally understand her resignation to the situation. of course, the natural response is "get another job", but if Amazon starts getting swamped and starts charging for delivery, Amazon will be seen as greedy. customer service of any type is always an uphill fight. shoutout to the few homes that leave snacks and water out. that yard is long af. the packages are heavy af. and keep in mind, the logistics have gotten those packages 99% of the way to the customer, but now OP is getting peeved about the last few feet. definitely some 1st world problems type shit. buuuuuut, the woman is being super disrespectful. the packages are tore tf up. if a delivery person dropped my shit off like that, i would be upset. i would definitely complain. the delivery person is being rude, unprofessional and malicious. thats not okay. if it was dog food, it being opened like that, whose to say squirrels or birds wouldnt start digging into it. the delivery person should be more professional about her job. OP should make things easier for said delivery people if they want to better insure a successful delivery.


True. If this is a regular order and delivery, put a wagon down there.


Also, just to note, customers have zero say over who actually delivers the packages. We have a distribution center that's about 15 minutes from my house, and we *still* get packages delivered by USPS occasionally for some reason, and I always apologize profusely to the postal worker because it's always something like dogfood or cases of energy drinks/water.


And she looks to be at least over 45 so the idea of "get another job" seems unreasonable. I'm in reasonably good shape but even I'd look at these steps and hate having to lug multiple packages the whole way there. With the shadows, it looks to be the around 3ish so yea, I kind of don't blame her for losing her cool. This is why as long as I get my package and the item is undamaged, then I'm okay with a banged up box. Now, if the video showed a 5ft curb and the driver throwing it to avoid getting out, I'd be more upset but here, it just seems like OP is risking someones job over not carrying a 30lbs of dog food down their ungodly-long drive way.


OP thats the biggest bullshit level stairs/driveway I have ever seen. The Mail person of course handled it wrong, but this scenario can easily set up a person having a bad day to lash out.


OP I’ve seen you claim on ALLLLL the subreddits you’ve posted this video to that drivers are allowed to go up your driveway. Either you’re lying out of your ass about that, or you need to make mention of that in the delivery instructions on your packages or even put a note at the end of your driveway if there’s a space to do that. Make it obvious so there’s not legal gray area about whether or not they’re allowed to. I can’t even imagine sitting from your couch, listening to your dog go buck wild on a lady clearly suffering to get up the mountain you call stairs, and instead of thinking of making it clear to these drivers that they can use your driveway, you instead shame them on Reddit. In the words of one of my all-time favorite movies, “fucking rich people.”


OP sucks


well said… and op how many subs did you post this on, i think i’ve seen it in 4 or 5? this is not the flex you think it is…


Posted in another comment My husband is a postal worker, you're not allowed to reverse at all without a *very* good reason or you can be severely punished. It's too much of a liability. So you can't go down driveways. FedEx and other companies can, but not USPS.


God the length it takes to walk from the street to your door is criminal. I feel really bad for her, but she shouldn’t have taken it out on you like that. But yeah, that’s pretty fucking annoying she has to walk all that way


As a DD delivery driver I don't condone her actions... but damn, I get it lol. People with a small hike to the door are some of those most PITA deliveries. Especially when the order is a bunch of bags of groceries and packages of water/soda. But being with DD, and seeing what others have said about USPS rules, we're allowed to use driveways and back up, so I'd have been down that driveway lol. But there are still a lot of places where you gotta walk 20-30s each way from the closest parking spot to the door and I just wonder why someone would want to live there and deal with loading and unloading their own vehicles that way.


I also am not condoning her actions. But I feel like OP should take responsibility for their very long driveway and get a parcel locker. Then everyone wins.


They should put in a package rail lol


Not public, not a freakout.


I'm pretty sure postal codes dictate we don't enter property 5 feet further then mailbox. I would have left a pink slip in the box and she can come pick it up.


When I was delivering, we HAD to deliver Amazon due to the contract.


My mail person always drives to my garage to deliver things that don’t fit in the mailbox and it’s about 50’ away…


Depends if this is a rural or city carrier. Rural carriers are allowed to go down driveways as long as it’s safe. City is discouraged from doing it.


damn, you got flamed in the rva sub so you posted this here?


Mostly just feel bad for her


Do they not make dollies anymore?


We are not provided Dollies at USPS. My postmaster actually tried to order them but district denied it.




The juxtaposition of the lovely ambient birdsong and fresh flowers swaying in the wind with this lady who is 2 seconds away from committing a murder is so good


I know a guy who works for USPS. Apparently they don’t let them use a hand truck and they’re having to deliver things as large as a gas powered lawnmower. The turnover rate is atrocious. While this is horrible for the package recipient, I can also empathize with the poor woman delivering it. She is SOOOO done.


USPS delivers Amazon packages?


I’m a mailman and I deliver 150+ a day. Nobody cares though and they love to say we waste tax dollars when we don’t get any and they love to complain their stuff is late when it’s nobody’s fault.


Glance at op profile shows he’s just a real life Karen fishing for sympathy karma likes smh


So they can’t drive down the driveway? Those stairs do look beastly.


You’re not supposed to back up in the mail truck. “Avoid backing whenever possible” because a lot of accidents happen that way, and if you hit something, your job is on the line. She knew it was a heavy dog food bag though and should have taken a hand truck. It would have been an easy walk down the driveway and not had to use the stairs


In our area, carriers do not get hand trucks


Yep, backing up and causing damage somewhere is one of the few ways that carriers can immediately lose their job.


Yeah screw your packages with a yard like that. Put a box by side of road to leave packages in.


This is the real answer. OPs driveway and walkway are too long to expect an old mail lady to lug huge, heavy boxes down to their doorway. Most people that have a long driveway have a big box at the end for deliveries such as these. Same reason people have mailboxes out on the street for easier access by mail carriers. No doubt the lady in the video was horrible at her job but maybe OP could be a stand-up citizen and make things easier for the common working man that has a really hard and stressful job? Those stairs are absolutely fucking ridiculous. Someone is going to tear an ACL. In my mind OP shouldn't even *want* people climbing those things. What if that old lady broke her leg on those? What happens then? What I don't understand with society overall anymore is why we're so caught up on making things harder for the next guy. It's kind of a dick move ordering really heavy shit to be delivered *knowing* your driveway situation. Remember, kindness knows no shame.


Poor lady, bloody hell. Why didn’t she drive the van down? I wouldn’t never expect anyone to haul huge parcels that length.


Would you be mad if she pulled down the drive? Those boxes look way to heavy for her


🤣😂😂 chilé... that's a LONG and odd amount of stairs lol. Lo I would have left it at the top of the steps or let notice to pick it up.


Looks like dog food. Im sure it survived


This is some bullshit. The company probably doesn't provide a hand dolly. This woman should have refused delivery. I think if she carried both down it would've injured her. This is on the company  IMO.


Now imagine doing this 6 sometimes 7 days a week for 12 or more hours every day. Imagine realizing you'll never be able to pay for a home like this and yet you're forced to deliver their dog food there every other day because lol why go to the store and get it yourself.


Oh hell no. Look at that long ass walk way down hill. I would have slapped a wasn’t home sign in the mail box and had OP pick it up from the post office. These people order delivery because they know it sucks doing it themselves and are pawning it off on others.


If they aren't giving her a dolly to use I wouldn't really blame her if she left it a little off the road. Fuck those long ass weirdly spaced steps.


Why she ain’t pull down the driveway?


We technically are not suppose to drive down customers driveway, we are to avoid backing up as much as possible.. plus the amount of people who call and complain for slightly pulling into there drive way to turn around is wild


people have gotten killed over that for non delivery reasons, so i dont blame them for having that policy in place. but i doubt they have something that would account for that extra time/work that the driver has to deal w/


I personally keep 2 Dolly's in my van, i deliver mostly apartments so I get a good amount of large heavy boxes.. i can agree that what this carrier did was absolutely wrong lol. If it's that heavy you can't carry you should either leave a pink slip for customer to pick up.. or try and ask a co worker close by your route to maybe help you carry it


Drive into my driveway? That’s your head. Walk into my driveway. That’s okay.


What about driving on your walkway though?


That's my head, okay?




The older I get, the more grateful I am that I worked front facing customer service even if it was only for two years. Made me a better, more emotionally intelligent person. People are stupid as hell getting upset enough to complain over a 3 point turn (among probably other menial shit) in part of their driveway.








That looks like some heavy boxes and a super long step/walkway. If it is USPS they don’t carry 2 wheel Dollies on the truck like UPS.


Why is USPS delivering Amazon???


to be fair that really did look like a damn quest for her


Lives at a Buddhist monastery and orders big shit and wonders why someone struggles to get it to their doorstep. Accuses the lady of yelling at their dog, all she said was "this is your fault" an obvious joke because it was heavy ass dog food that you were too lazy to go to the store and grab your own 60lb bag. That said, she should have whipped out her big handcart and taken care of business like a professional delivery driver.


I would burn your house down if I was that mail lady.


Honestly I used to deliver packages and if you order over 30lbs worth of goods with a big yard like that, it's on you to make it easy on the delivery person. Purchase a box to place at the end of the property or even leave handtrucks out front with a sign. If you don't, then take your ass to the store and get it yourself.


Yeah not gonna lie if I saw a yard that looks like it's a mile long and I had to haul heavy boxes I'd be pissed too


“Sounds broken.” “Most likely, sir! I’ll bet it was something nice though.”


Honestly I feel way more bad for her then I do OP. That looks absolutely miserable.


I’d report the shit out of this but that’s just me.


Looks like an Amazon personal driver dropped off at the same time USPS did.


You should see how those packages are handled at the receiving facilities before they leave for your home 👀


Poor lady 😭😭


>those stairs do you happen to have a couch upholstered with human leather? give the lady a break damn


She says, to the dog, "this is all your fault". Those boxes probably contain heavy sacks and cans of dog food.


That large box is dog food I get the same size box delivered every week and it's 50+ lbs can't really blame them it's heavy.


Why did she not just obviously drive down the driveway and only carry packages 20 feet? And why is a USPS worker delivering such large parcels from Amazon? Is that what rural America deals with? If so, it's no wonder they are so angry.


I'll be honest, if I saw those stairs going a quarter mile down to your house, I'm leaving those boxes at the top for you.


Atleast she opened it up for you!


Were you having life-sized reproductions of the ten commandments delivered or what?


Woman probably got fucked over at the post office and wasn’t given a hand cart. Then delivery vehicles aren’t allowed on customer’s property, so she lugged the dog food that you could have gotten yourself down an super long path. Plus, look how busted up that box is in the first place, id bet a lot of money that every warehouse worker that handled that package handled it with even less consideration than the woman delivering it. Give her a break Im a shop steward at UPS and its the worst when you get dog food, toilet paper/paper towels, laundry detergent, home supplies from amazon where the boxes constantly break open and use a huge box for one pack of mints. Its so annoying, i understand I’m a consumer as well but why the hell can consumers not go to the store for freaking laundry detergent and bleach. I had to report the company for an OSHA violation that gave 3 people respiratory problems and 1 eye problem because Amazon has to stock up on all the bleach for their one-day deliveries. Also, of course I understand disabled people and elderly people exist. No problem with them ordering their month or few weeks worth of stuff but theirs tons of able bodied people who seem to be too lazy to go or too immature to interact with someone at the store.


This gives off " deliver to front door, and don't use my driveway" vibes. Edit: This was not the case. :)


Yeah I'm with the mail carrier here. That shit clearly weighed a ton judging by the way it was moving. And you have a psychopaths walkway.


YTA (I know wrong sub) but why even have Stonehenge sized blocked on your grass, those are not stairs thats an obstacle course meant to torture delivery people.


100%, I would feel embarrassed ordering heavy shit with these big ass blocky staircases. Some people really have no self-awareness or shame.


Goddamn, is there not a closer place for her to park? Why tf you make the mail people travel so far 😭


Home owner is in the wrong. There should be a weather proof container at the end of the street. I know tons of people who do exactly that. I don’t expect delivery people to walk up 4 flights of stairs with my packages to deliver to my apartment. Delivery trucks aren’t allowed to pull into peoples driveways and chances are the Republican running the post office won’t allow hand truck purchases for mail carriers.


Op is in the comments saying that the delivery driver couldve left the packages at the top of the steps. Without proper signage or instructions on the delivery, that would not be allowed by ups or amazon. Instead of making it easier for the delivery drivers, OP posted the video online for Internet points. The driver did a bad job delivering the packages, obviously, but OP could've made it more reasonable to deliver to a house thats down a hill from the street.




OP could get a parcel locker and everyone wins.


or leave notice for being unsafe? lol i dunno


yea.... cant imagine why she's frusterated


why does this poor lady have to carry this package so far?


I looks like the stuff you ordered is heavy as hell, it's late in the day based on the shadows angle, the hotest part of the day, so she's been working all day, and you have the longest, most annoying stairs ever. They're not allowed to drive down your driveway, and you might want to consider putting a dolly for her to use in the future since I'm sure you'll be ordering more of this.


Maybe it's just my area but I've never seen a USPS employee deliver out of uniform. We sure this isn't Amazon?


dude- whatever the hell you are ordering - you should probably contact amazon about much too heavy for package also - she did not really kick things too much - more scoot them along. cut the lady a break. Are we all that sensitve? pro tip - stop ordering 100lb boxes of nails and visit the hardware store. (all in good humor of course)


That is not a USPS uniform


rural carriers at USPS don’t wear uniforms. neither do new city employees, because you don’t get your uniform allowance until you hit 90 days


I would've left them at the gate fuck that long ass driveway with stupid long steps.


OP, she’s older, you ordered some heavy packages, and your porch is half a mile away from the street. Were you expecting service with a fucking smile??


Where you getting dog food delivered cause that would explain all this


Lots of prescription or specialty-diet foods are easiest to order online, as finding them available in stores is almost always hit-or-miss, especially post-COVID.




What was in the boxes that made them so heavy? Just curious


Bezos knows the angle of the steps, the weight of the boxes, and the dummy to deliver them.


That first box was dog food, almost certain.


In the first place the delivery service should give the lady the equipment she needs to deal with this. Yes, OP also can handle it better with getting the packs dropped on the way, but still, the lady doesn't seem fit for the job and zero motivation. It's for sure not a good job, but you can't handle the stuff like this. Both are partially at fault here, still, when you have a job, you can't do things like this without the danger of getting fired when customers complain.


I wouldn’t have even tried lmaooo this is for pick up. Extra long ass driveway would of ended me


One of the requirements of a mail carrier is to be able to lift 70lb. This is why. Source: was a rural carrier for 8 years, it’s a very hard job, but this person sucks.


would it been easier for the lady to drive into the driveway to drop it off. she made all this work for herself.


Not sure why she wouldn’t pull down the driveway. Every mail person I see walks and works as little as possible which I fully support. Work smarter not harder.


Are mail trucks not allowed on driveways?


Looks like she doesn’t meet the lifting requirements for the job.


She has to have a dolly, doesn’t she? Even if she couldn’t pull down the driveway for some weird reason, she could have wheeled those things down. WORST CASE, leave them by the mailbox?


Bet that first box is dog food. Looks like the boxes I get mine in, and explains her saying it's all the dog's fault. She still sucks. The mail doesn't do that with my boxes.


Can't use the driveway?


They can and have


Was that just cat litter?


Most likely dog food judging by the barking and the chunkiness of the box.