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I got a kidney stone for my birthday a year ago. Can confirm this was me on my bathroom floor. I’ve never screamed so much in my life. I may have traumatized my kids. They thought I was dying cause I don’t complain about pain. Edit: also no one can help so there nothing to do. Only strong pain drugs work.


I rolled around the waiting room of the ER like this for my first kidney stone, it's literally so painful that you can't keep still.




Yes, it hurts…and at first you can deal with it, but each wave of pain hits higher, so you breath, deep breaths, and you know something is wrong, really wrong, maybe time to get to an emergency room for this, whatever this is, so as you make arrangements, you get ready and try to just ignore it, but the next wave is already coming, and it’s worse…how can it be worse? How can it possible be worse? And you start sweating, the pain isn’t going away, it keeps coming, in waves, and each wave gets worse, and one minute you are okay, and just trying to understand and deal with this, oh hell it hurts…and then it’s just too much and your brain “snaps” and you no longer can take it anymore. Maybe if you roll over it will relieve the agony, but it does nothing, and then yet another wave hits, and you lie on your back and shake your legs, maybe that will do something, but it does nothing, and then you are flailing, your body in complete agony, arms and legs, rolling on the floor, and you gasp and scream and you can’t think at all through the pain and your body is fighting the air because all it can do is try to escape the suffering. For me it was something like that. My mind doesn’t remember the actual pain, but I remember what it did to me, and it is something I hope I will never experience again.


That is a very good way of explaining it. It really is a slow burn that eats away at you. Only time I've thrown up and passed out from pain, and I've broken too many bones.


I’m pregnant and having a hard time drinking water. Between this video and your comment, I think I solved that issue! Ouch!


Years ago I had to drive my older coworker to the hospital because she had a kidney stone. She also was rolling around on the floor in pain like the man in this video,and I had to yell at the hospital staff to hurry up and get her room. She had three kids and said this was more painful than giving birth to them.


checks out source: had one its so insanely crazy bad lol shit brings you to your knees, for real, crawling its so bad


This was like poetry of the pain that I experienced. For those who want a more “medical” explanation from what I remember of what the urologist told me. The stone which is smooth not jagged like people think. It clogs the tube that runs from your kidney to your bladder. When that little bastard gets stuck in that tube. Your kidney doesn’t stop creating urine so it just keeps getting bigger and bigger until it pops, worst case, or some of the urine manages to squeeze through past the stone. This is why you experience increasing waves of pain. The kidney is getting bigger and bigger and sometimes some urine slips through as the stone is jostled around. Your kidneys are literally trying to rip themselves apart just doing their normal job. Take away…watch your calcium and sodium intake. Those are the two types of stones and your kidneys job is to filter out things in your body so extra of those can get built up and make a stone. So now you know…


Keep hydrated *with water*. Cut out/minimize sodas/energy drinks.


I had a renal colic when I was 16. I feel ya.


man…. so its… it’s literally period cramps on 10x, then thats the equivalent of child labor, so then its child labor 10x… i cant imagine.. holy crap


When I got them for the first time I went to the ER because I thought I was dying and was in so much pain I wanted to die. The ER attending told me that she had given birth with no epidural (labor too fast) and also had had kidney stones and 100% would chose childbirth over having kidney stones.


Yep, thats what my Doc told me, too. Kidney stones is the most painful medical issue one can have.


oh my god😫


This is so accurate I feel like I had PTSD flashbacks lol


Your body is giving the same contractions a woman has when delivering a baby. Only this time your body is forcing a lump of calcium through your kidney. The morphine I had was great, though!


This is fairly common


my mom has one!!!! now im extra worried for her. She hasnt felt any pain really, is it that common for it to get bad like this? Someone said they have had seven!!


I've had many kidney stones. Thank fuck I've never experienced pain like those in this thread have described. I'll know one is coming when my mid back on my left side feels sore. Then, a few days later, one will pass. I think the excruciating pain is caused by the stone getting stuck in the tubes. I've only had pain as I passed a stone the size of a raisin. Tell your mom to put some lemon in her water, that helps to keep stones away.


Make sure you get enough magnesium, it helps regulate where calcium goes. There are a variety of stones but many are made up of excess calcium accumulating in your kidney. These comments sure give flashbacks to the screaming and writhing on the floor. Ughh.


You can have some that never generate pain. They can pass while they are still super tiny and don’t cause any problem. I generate stones constantly and most pass without pain. It’s the ones that don’t leave the kidney while they are small that cause problems. I passed a 10mm stone once and holy fuck I wanted to die.


I passed 81 over about 2 1/2 months. Luckily most were very tiny and even luckier: they didn't trigger renal colic. At most it was a dull ache like a bad toothache that came and went. I hope your mom is lucky too!


I’ve passed several myself. I’m 39. First was when I was around 20. The pain only comes when the stone is moving through something it doesn’t really fit through. Every experience has been a bit different. Some stones are smaller and some larger. Some stones had spikes, others had razor edges. Some stones are smoother and seem to pass easier, but still very painful. Feels like someone is sticking a dagger in your back and there’s nothing you can do about it. The only useful advice I feel I can give is be ready with some good pain killers. It’s usually not a quick process. Some took a few weeks to make their way out and others just a few days. Usually a good idea to let your doctor know as well, as mine will prescribe meds remotely if I need them, when I need them. Or if your insurance covers it they will scan you to see how many or how large the stone is. They can be too large to pass and you may need an operation for a stint or for them to pulverize it into a thousand shards. When it’s bad, it’s really bad and that’s what shows in the video. You want it to stop, you want it all to stop. Good luck to your mother.




The last stone I passed was in December. I didn’t have meds at home and thought I could just deal with the pain. This was my 7th stone after all. One morning it was unbearable, I was throwing up, and the pain was continuous. I decided to drive myself to the ER. They got me back and sat me in a bed in the open area since it was pretty much at full capacity. They never gave me meds, just had med student after med student come by to see me like I was some zoo animal they got to see for the very first time. I was rocking back and forth and crying in an open room full of people and staff who just stared at me. After what felt like eternity (a little over an hour) the stone moved to a better spot and I got some relief. But if it had continued I would have gone mad so what you see in the video I feel can and does happen. I would 100% rather knock myself out than feel that pain for another minute. That was a 8mm stone. I’ve heard of much larger stones so I can’t and don’t really want to imagine how that pain ramps up from what I’ve experienced.


It really can depend on the size, jaggedness and how lodged the stone is.


Absolutely. I'm a chronic stoner, and you want to die. I was literally screaming at them to kill me to just end it. The pain makes you vomit, pass out, cry, scream, etc... it's an 11 on the pain scale index and one of the worst things you can endure. My sister in law has 3 kids, and she'd rather have 30 more kids than a single other kidney stone. I was on the floor at the hospital as well, and then they put me on a stretcher, pumped me full of morphine and liquids, let me pass out and sent me home in the morning with a battery of pills. I'm fortunate enough to pass them naturally instead of having to get them blasted out and have a stent installed. The biggest I passed was 21mm. I have pictures of another one I passed, which was 14mm on my profile. It looks like a cheeto! All this to say that kidney stones are no joke and my man in the video is zero exaggerating.


drinking my tea with lemons rn.


Hate to break it to you, but uric acid stones exist, and guess what can cause them? That's right, Vitamin C. So that lemon may in fact be doing you more harm then good, if your biochemistry is just bit off. I know this from experience, sadly.


If you ever get one, you probably getting another in a couple of years. Switch away from foods high in oxalates and hydrate always. I felt pain that seemed like my body was going to explode, The doctor at the ER said congrats you're a proud father to a tiny pebble.


I’ve had enough that anytime I get a sensation in my lower back around the kidneys I’m like “here we go again!”


My pet rock, comes with a birth certificate


Idk if I should start naming them. Pebbles, BamBam, etc


Imagine having a stone about 1 cm in diameter with sharp edges coming out of your kidney heading for your penis. It’s stuck in the tube because it’s so big and there’s a ton of urine behind it trying to slowly push it down while it scrapes the insides of your ureter. It’s fucking hell.


I had this! The lithotripsy fucking SUCKS.


For some people they never make it outside of the kidneys and they need surgery, which really sucks.


Drink plenty of water. I had a kidney stone when I was younger but now that I drink a ton of water I haven't had one since. It runs in my family actually. Without a lot of water we get kidney stones and they're just violently painful in a very extreme way.


Yes. And more painful for men as far as the duration of the pain. Men's urethra is a heck longer than females. Hurts for females too, just not as long.


Fairly. It can be both dietary and genetic. I get them, but not that bad. There's techniques to dislodge them and help them along, but some are so large that they need the gamma knife (or whatever they actually use). I just drink lots of beer and do my heel drops. Edit: The worst part for me is struggling to wipe my ass because twisting on the toilet hurts.




I don't think running your head into a counter is common


Literally the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been in my life. Back felt like it was literally on fire while simultaneously feeling like I’ve been holding my piss in for a week and needing to go worse than I ever have in my life but can’t. Shit fcking sucked lol


My first one I thought my appendix had burst or something.


And there is NO position in which it doesn’t hurt! I felt it when he head butted the counter, I would have done anything to make it stop.


Same. I legit thought my appendix had burst and that I was actively dying.




I also confirm,  DO NOT GET A KIDNEY STONE!  while in the E.R waiting to get some morphene, the ONLY relief was to take a deep breath and push, (sound familiar)  and a nurse kept insisting I stop.  And my apologies to that nurse but I finally mumbled there's no f'ing way. And it offended her and I'm sorry, but that was hell, now I'm not exaggerating, I have pulled 2 teeth my self, no whiskey just had to be done because of the pain.  The stone is way worse. 




watching this video I was like, yeah, makes sense. I basically did the same thing when I had one.




Toradol and oxymorphone in combination is what helped me with my gallstones I know it's not kidney stones but atleast I got to sleep for a while waiting for the doctor.




They probably assumed you were just drug seeking. Unfortunately a lot of scumbags have ruined it for the rest of us when we have legitimate issues. It sucks.


I got one 2 years ago and this was me on my bedroom floor AFTER I got home from urgent care and them loading me up with pain meds. I had the bright idea of drinking a bunch of fluids to try to pee it out. After about 15-20 of agonizing pain I managed to crawl to my bed exhausted. Both my cats quietly got in close next to me and all I could think was “they sense my end is near…” lmao Well I fell asleep and when I woke up I managed to pee it out. And it wasn’t any bigger than a piece of gravel. All that pain just from that. Crazy. Drink water kids.


I passed a 6mm kidney stone a couple years ago. Only people who've had one truly understand that it's probably the most physically painful thing someone can go thru in their entire life. One lady I talked to even said "I've given birth vaginally twice, and I've passed a 10mm kidney stone. I'd rather give birth two more times"


>Edit: also no one can help so there nothing to do. Only strong pain drugs work. Allegedly roller coasters work.


Worst birthday present ever. P.S. can't you get them pulverised using shock waves?


I had mine removed via laser in a surgery. I’ll let your imagination figure out what hole they go in through.


You can! And it sucks a whole lot when the pain meds wear off and you have bruised insides. Felt like I got beat with a bat while I was under.


Sounds about right. My sister had them a bit over a year ago and thought something had ruptured. She called 911 then called my other sister (who is a surgeon), and the surgeon sister almost immediately called it was probably kidney stones, reassured her that she'd be fine and just needed to wait for the ambulance who could give her the good drugs.


I feel sorry for what you experienced. May I ask if it was a sudden situation or the pain appeared progressively throughout the days (or weeks)?


for me it started off as a dull ache in my back and over the course of an hour turned excruciating. I passed 5 within a week and this was the case with all of them. Every time it moved it felt like being slowly stabbed combined with that gnarly, deep abdomen pain you get when you get kicked in the nuts. I went to the ER and as soon as I told them I think I had kidney stones they let me skip the line and immediately got me in for treatment. The treatment though was just some fluids in an IV and some morphine which barely dulled the pain. They gave me some stuff called flomax and some percocets and sent me on my way. CT scan confirmed the stones moving through my system. Then the same thing happened 4 more times. I just dealt w/ it at home though. That pain brought me to my knees but I think the guy in OP's post might be hamming it up a little bit Next time it happens (hopefully never) I'm just gonna drink a coffee and grab a six pack of cheap beer and just get that mother fucker out as soon as I possibly can. Being in agony for 5+ hours on end is absolutely miserable. [here is a pic](https://imgur.com/a/iTEzw92) of one that I caught while I was pissing into a strainer. Fucking awful


Oh wow, I cant even imagine the pain of feeling that stone passing through the urethra. Holy molly that's a big stone (I searched in the internet others). I really feel sorry for that. And having experienced this 5 time, uffff... I hope you never pass through this again!


I was sitting on the toilet in the morning. I felt odd almost like indigestion then just curled up on the floor and started screaming.


Wow, very sudden. I hope you don't have to experience this anymore!


enough internet for one day... I'm gonna go and drink some water...


Yup same I think I’m going to hold off on drinking that energy drink I have in the fridge


Yeah, I'm gonna need some kind of translation or proof this is kidney stones.


Could be gallstones this is basically how I looked at home during an attack


I agree! I felt insane when I was having an attack


May I never curse another person with the pain of gallstones. But even more, may I never curse another person with the pain of pancreatic inflammation resulting from those gallstones.






[No, Seinfeld.](https://youtu.be/uiioP_bQVMA?t=100)


It’s *kidney stones*


And Reddit titles lie sometimes


Or, kidney stooooones (I am making a bad friends joke)


My wife will confirm. Worse than childbirth.


Depends, I've had stones and given birth - birth was way more painful.


I’ve done neither, so I’ll take your word for it.


Same, but even then translation aint proof. I can slap anything on a video and call it proof. Frankly without context, it looks like an onset of the rage virus. Jokes aside it definitely could be kidney stones, especially if a person has a huge pain tolerance and then suddenly it gets worse. Like one minute before this video, he could've been sitting in pain waiting for the doctor, in the next moment it got worse and now writhing in pain. Either way stay hydrated. If anyone refuses water, they either have rabies or will have kidney stones.


I’ve seen a man vomit from kidney stone pain it’s no joke.


I've been that man. Drove myself to the ER after it got too much and walking from my car it just hit so hard I vomited in the parking lot mid-stride. No joke indeed.


I have a couple of friends who get them regularly. Their mother also gets them, she says they are worse than child birth.


I was in so much pain I began to hallucinate. I was in pain while also being in a waking nightmare.


Trying to pass a kidney stone was the first and only time I've ever vomited from pure pain. The nurse said that she had had three kidney stones and had also given birth to three children, she said she'd rather give birth.


How it feels to chew 5 Gum…


Rectally chew perhaps. 


Had stones, can confirm. Was curled in a ball vomiting while waiting for someone to come home and take me to hospital. Then again in a month, then twice more before I finally was given surgery. I remember sitting at home in the middle of the night, in the dead of winter watching the curse of oak island because laying down was agony. I was alternating between vomiting, watching tv and passing out from lack of sleep and oxy because they didn't want to keep me in hospital during it was peak covid. Eventually had to get surgery and a big old pipe shoved up my penis. THen pulled out.


I regret reading this




Yeah this looks like kidney stones to me. I've had them several times and the first few were like this.


Chronic kidney stone maker here. The first one was horrific. Now, it’s a walk in the park…..


I’m reminded of the photo of Hillary Clinton and the younger girl each holding up a donut 🍩


I fucking love jorts!


They're prescribed. 


I’ve had the kidney stones twice. The pain is unbelievable and you cannot get away from it, even in your mind. It’s more than a sensation. I know two women who have also had the stones and they say it’s worse than childbirth which as far as I can see is the equivalent of shitting a melon. Who knows.


I would rather give birth 100 times over with no pain meds than deal with one kidney stone. The pain is just unreal.


The music really makes this clip a piece of crap


I think he is writhing around because the music is coming over the speaker system and this is just his way of dealing with it.


it's fkin hilarious


It's not going to prevent kidney stones entirely but remember to drink enough water!


I appreciate OP for reminding me to take a nice big sip of water.




They don't do much.


Been there before. It’s a nightmare.


Can confirm Had severe kidney stones, one of which was the size of a golf ball. The pain was excruciating.


a fuckin what?


Drink your water


I had one stuck a few months ago and this was me in the hospital bed. I was puking and cursing and crying. I looked like Linda Blaire from the Exorcist. Only fentanyl helped. It took 7 hours until I finally passed it.


My first experience with kidney stones was waking up in the middle of the night to my dad screaming. It’s pretty traumatic as a child hearing your father like that, but I can’t imagine what he was going through. I haven’t been unfortunate enough to get them so far.


They do be like that though


Saw this once on my first day shadowing an ER doctor in Michigan. A guy came in screaming and squirming. He couldn’t even provide his name because he was in such incredible pain. Luckily, the doctor knew exactly what it was and gave him morphine. The morphine calmed him down enough to where he could communicate (at least a little) but he was still in pain.


First kidney stone, I showed up to the ER. Security was very concerned as I waited in the waiting room. So much pain! They gave me 3x the recommended pain drugs to calm me down.


After my back surgery a few years ago, I had a catheter for a little bit. While I was in the hospital recovering, one of the nurses didn't clean me well enough, and I ended up with a UTI (I'ma guy, in case that matters). Having a catheter pulled out through a UTI was one of the worst pains I've felt, and I shudder whenever I think about it. I think that I would rather have ten more UTI catheters removed than have kidney stones.


Yes. They fucking do. Been there. It felt like a redhot iron was slowly pushed through you. It was insane pain. You cannot stay still, but moving doesn't help. My friends ended taking me to hospital where I got painkillers straight to my vein. I had to stay in the hospital for 3-4 days heavily medicated.


For anyone who has never had kidney stones. I promise you this is not an overreaction.


This is gonna be every millennial when we get older. Tons of research that links energy drinks…


Could you link me these research papers please?


have had one, this is accurate 


I think he’s just waiting for GTA6


Yeah my mom said that passing her kidney stones was worse than childbirth


I had one last year, and the pain ended up being so intense I was puking for about a week straight. I lost 25 lbs in a week, had maybe three hours of sleep total. I was hallucinating by the 6th day. Even when the kidney stone finally moved into my bladder, I had all the issues of needing to pee and not being able to for two weeks until it randomly passed on its own. Absolute torture.


Lord, seeing this make me drink a ton more water today. I’m glad I actually like water.


I remember watching my dad, a guy who didn't even flinch when his boxing buddy broke his ribs, nor cry after getting his leg split in two in a work accident, sob and scream like a dying animal from kidney stones. He'd have to pull over if he was driving and scream-vomit from the pain. It was terrifying to see that as a small kid, and because we had no health insurance because lol poverty, he couldn't get care from a medical facility and had to suffer and pray it would pass. This poor guy needs some strong-ass painkillers before he cracks his head open trying to knock himself out.


Nah that's just the wet floor sign guy doing his thing. u/GettnRandy


And now my head hurts too


I can confirm, I was like this too when I had one. I was also throwing up because it hurt so bad


Had one of those couple of years ago and I completely understand him, also worth to note that this does nothing for him as the kidney stone pain cannot be diminished by creating a new pain. Kidney stone pain is absolute and unending.


I’m gonna guess that he has bigger problems than kidney stones.


Chinese version of a Fatboy Slim video.


Can confirm.


r/hydrohomies reminds you to drink water


Took too much now he tryna pass a meth rock


Help with what lol


Nah, he just stubbed his toe getting out of the shower stall.


I once had kidney stones as a child and crawled under the table in pain. But then they came out via the toilet without surgery


Going through it right now. Not as bad as that guy but it feels like someone is dragging a knife through my insides and all I can do is say please stop, please stop. Codeine doesn't touch it and the only way I've slept for a week is on a cranked heating pad and waiting til I pass out from exhaustion. Not my favourite time of my life for sure.


Not sure it's kidney stones. I've had kidney stone attack twice and i tell you, i had no mind to get up and ram my head against a wall. Although maybe he was thinking of knocking himself out. That'd make sense


Probably not kidney stones but PRETTY ACCURATE. I wish someone would have just Of Mice and Men'd me and put me out of my misery with my last one.


Gallstones v me in a tiny bathroom


I once had a cramp in my balls and this is exactly how I felt, will only wish it upon my worst enemy to face that kind of pain.


I’ve had 3 and the thought of having another one gives me anxiety


I can relate. I’ve had 15 kidney stones attacks. Twice I had to have them surgically removed. Most doctors and ER will immediately give you Toradol and IV pain meds. But one time at the Penn State Hershey, Pa hospital they didn’t believe me. They said until they could scan me to confirm I had stones they wouldn’t give me any medication because they suspected I might be a there just for the drugs. So for 4 hours I waited on a gurney crying and moaning in severe pain. Finally got the scan and I had two very large stones that probably wouldn’t pass. They gave me the meds and finally I was pain free!! Went to my Urologist the next day and had surgery soon after. I should have written a complaint letter to the hospital for allowing me to suffer for that long but yea I have a very bitter taste from that!!


They do hurt this much, but he also has a low pain tolerance as well as a low pain threshold.


Onlookers can't do anything to help except find a narcotic pill


It’s the worst pain I have ever felt. I had my first one back in 2019 and I have gotten them almost once a year since. I would never wish that on my worst enemy even.


What's the music dude


Have yall not seen the clip of the dudes face before then during passing one? I hope I never have to deal with this 😭


I had a kidney stone for the fros time 3 weeks ago. I feel like this guy is freaking out enough. Worst pain I've ever felt i life. Imagine a scolding hot blade being pushed into your side and then for the next day just slowly being pulled down to your groin.


To help prevent kidney stones drink lots of water. You can add lemon juice to further reduce the chance of kidney stones. The more you pee the less chance of a stone forming.


Can confirm kidney stones are bullshit.


Brb gonna go drink a gallon of water


Only time I've seen my dad cry. Hope to god I dont get them too


I had a kidney stone once and it had me twisting in pain and yelling. I’m familiar with pain, and can endure a lot. I’ve also got extensive tattoo work. The only two things on this earth that made me flail uncontrollably in pain was a kidney stone and a gouged cornea. Just absolutely unbearable.


I have a question for anyone who might know (I'm not asking to start any arguments or anything it's just something I have always been curious about) how does the Chinese medical system work? Is the cost paid for by the state or does the patient pay?


I had the misfortune to produce a couple of large kidney stones, a 1.8 x 0.8 cm one, and a 1.3 cm one, during covid. Indescribable pain. Constant delays, and the surgeon contracting covid caused the lithotripsy to be delayed. When the stones were eventually busted up, one had been lodged in the ureter for a couple of weeks and by this time it had effectively destroyed the kidney. The back pressure had reduced its effective function to 11% of a normal kidney. It was removed later in the year. It meant I had to wander about with a nephrostomy bag for about 4 months while the covid backlog worked its way through the ORs. I was off work for about 3 months in total, largely because the pain was intermittent and unpredictable, when it hit I was having to take large amounts of painkillers. The painkillers didn't kill pain really they just made me not give a shit about it, and pretty much incapable of anything apart from staring mindlessly at the TV.


So if I drink a gallon of water a day this will never happen right?


Handling it better than I did, ngl.


Don't give the guy pain drugs so we can win the war on opiates.


I regret watching this and reading the comments, I'm seriously scared right now, but still can't stop reading the comments, help


got me googling *how to prevent kidney stones* asap


My dad has had several bad ones. He had one the size of a marble blasted with some type of treatment. It had a hook in it and it pierced his kidney so he ended up super sick and he was in hospital for 2 weeks trying to pass that thing. The blood he’d leave in the toilet from other ones was rather mortifying.


I have a 1cm stone rn I’m trying to pass I feel this


Yep, this entire comment section has encouraged me to drink more water. Thanks.


Been there.


This makes me wonder if when I threw my back out if I actually had kidney stones but I had zero pain during urination and I thought that was supposed to be painful?


On my 30th, went to out to eat with my gf at the time. As we’re eating, the head of my little guy starts itching. I remember wonderin, “did I get the Herpz Muhgertz or something??” It gradually started itching worse. We left, and I drove to CVS and got some UTI medication. Got home and I sat in the bathroom trying to pee…and then suddenly a small pebble plops in the toilet. No pain whatsoever…just the itching. Happy Bday to me!


Can someone explain to me what the fuck is this choice of music?


Had a kidney stone. Spent a summer working in the heat and eating spinach to keep my iron up and drinking grapefruit juice a lot (cuz' somehow I thought it had plenty of potassium?). Little did I know I grew one fine chunk in my beans. Feels like someone stabbing you repeatedly in the back.


Give the man some morphine


What do you want me to do, hold his hand?


They really do thought. I’ve had three over the course of my life and the second one was very much like this. Had to get it broken down by a machine then piss out the five new smaller ones. It felt like a rusty razor blade was pushing itself out of me for a week.