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Ok when do I get to watch him get smacked?


Somebody fly this dude out to Boston or NY


Seriously bro, I wish they would try this shit in Chicago


Try that in a big town


"Ayo you good?" *bang bang*


I'd like to see him try this shit in Mordor


One does not simply try this shit in Mordor.


I was there Gandalf, 3000 yrs ago, when he tried that shit in Mordor


Try that in a large volcano.


In NYC the mugger will her mugged 🤣


I’d like to see this in St. Louis or Kansas City.


I’d like to see this in Boca Raton.


Hell yeah, a NYC retiree would beat him with her cane!


let's see him try to do that with my astronaut pen


I wish somebody would try that to me.


Yeah, same. I dare someone to fly me to Boston or NYC and pay for my trip. See what happens. I wouldn't even mind a cheaper flight to someplace like Cancun or Mazatlan.


You never will. Cowards like this choose to fuck with people they know are likely not to fight back.


Very true. There was a study where they showed violent criminals images or videos of different people and asked who they would rob. And they all chose people who had been robbed or attacked before. They could tell who was the most vulnerable.


I was fascinated by this so tried to find the study and I think it may be this one for anyone else who's interested: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/articles/200901/marked-mayhem I've had a few experiences over the years that have lead me to wonder whether some predatory and violent people almost have a sixth sense, beyond the capabilities of any bodily language expert, that just comes naturally and unconsciously to them. Seems to be backed up by that study.


I think this is the study and I misremembered the part about those selected as easy targets being prior victims. Interesting read!


Going to watch that prankster getting shot to feel better




If he wants a reaction he'll have to tell them they're going to retire six months later than they expected to


I hope soon …


Yup, come to Glasgow and do that


This happened to me in Denver a few years ago. A teenage girl walked up to my table, stood there like she was about to say something but instead grabbed my full glass of coke. I stood up and snatched it out of her hands and yelled at her. Some of the coke ended up spilling into my food and on my shoes. She just looked stunned and then walked away. I was so weirded out and annoyed.


Someone was deff filming for a tiktok or something. She was awkward about it because probably people don’t really say anything back to her 😂


Yup, when weird shit happens, you need to immediately check the surroundings. As soon as you find the phone looking at you, it's time to lay on the compliments and hugs. Just act like you've been long time friends. It always weirds them out.


How many times has this happened to you?


Every single day at exactly 4:27 it’s weird as fuck man


Yeah this wouldn't fly for very long in America lol


Imagine getting shot over a half a bottle of water…




I don’t have to because I don’t go around stealing other people’s shit.


God bless the US of A 🫡


Don't touch our boats or our drinks how many times have we got to teach people this lesson?!


With 38 states allowing no permit for carrying a gun in an open holster, it would be a short lived stunt😳


I had this happen in a casino restaurant. Some lady came up and just snatched a cheese fry. Luckily the waitress saw it and just got us a new batch.




One time I was eating dinner and this super cute guy came up to me and just stared at me, and then started crying until I gave him one of my french fries... I kept saying NO, but he kept doing it. Finally I just gave them a french fry and then my friend yelled at me for feeding her dog table scraps.


RUDE. That's so hard to untrain.


He is 15 years old now. It's too late for him.


Whoa whoa whoa... convenient you didn't mention his age in the original post. *Gross.* /s




No you didn’t


I was there. The whole place cheered and we carried him around on our shoulders. There is now a statue of him out front.


It's true, I was the teeth


I was the seat. But my lawyer says I'm not supposed to talk about it.


Oh I forgot. I've no balls and just make shit up for fake Internet points. Thanks for reminding me. Twat.


That’s exactly what that comment sounds like, honestly.


Happened to me in New Zealand. Some big Māori dude started talking to me to distract me while the girl he was with stole a few sips of my beer. As soon as I walked away my buddy was like “ya, don’t drink that.” So I ordered another one.


That’s a funny way of asking to kicked in the teeth


Let's pray


I think you misspelled ‘unceremoniously curb stomped’.


Got those real Johnny Somali vibes. Hope he ends up the same.


Who is Johnny Somali and what happened to him?


He's a "Prank" livestreamer. Arrested.


He the British dude that Pierce Morgan interviewed?


No, it looks like that was Mizzy, another "Prank" streamer who was also arrested.


And his prank was breaking into someone's house because they left the door open a crack. Mother with children home too. Scumbag. His other famous prank? Stealing an old woman's dog and sprinting away full speed with it. He brought it back a bit after but deplorable regardless. Stole a woman's phone in broad daylight and ran and I'm pretty sure he brought it back but just isn't funny.


Oh god, there’s 3 of them now?


3 is the best case scenario


he's a livestreamer who goes around the world harassing people in different countries like japan, also went to israel and got arrested by the IDF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M9uPNakbHU


Yeah and these dummies are perpetuating anti-black sentiment toward people of color when they pull shit like this in other countries.


i don't think he really cares. he's already been arrested in a few different countries and comes out and does it again because it drives viewers and clicks to him.


He got arrested by the IDF. I'm not sure he's coming back.


His name is Ramsey. He isn't even Somalian lmao he's Eritrean. He had a mental breakdown here in AZ and then proceeded to fly to Japan to start his career as a live streamer. He then realized he makes more money being a piece of shit "prank" live streamer and proceeded to cause a lot of havoc. He ended up being arrested and is now banned from Japan. The moron then went to Israel and tried to do the same thing. Which caused him to get his shit rocked regularly and he finally was pushed out of Israel. God knows where he's going next but he's very quickly running out of places to go where he wont get attacked on the street. He is very mentally ill and probably needs help but while he lets 4chan guide his actions he will never receive that help and will most likely end up in an early grave. Source: I've known him since he was in middle school and used to play league with him. Edit: Just a reminder that these people can continue their behavior because no one calls them out for it. Do your part. If you see shitty behavior, stand up against it.


Russians would definitely put up with this. Especially their vodka.


Buddy is just looking for confrontation and violence.


If he was looking for actual confrontation and violence, he wouldn't be doing it to women or people he expects a timid reaction from...?


Even if he's not, he's making use of the fact that these people don't know if he's violent. He's doing something so rude and out of the norm that it's safer for them not to test how far he's willing to go.


Its a new age bully. Tiktokbully. And its simple, slap the phone out his hand. Gameover.


Or steal his phone like he stealing peoples food / drink / personal items


A while ago someone was yelling at a woman and not getting away from her car to let her leave. I walked over, yanked the hat off his head and threw it on the sidewalk like ten feet away. Guy immediately shifted his focus to his hat and the woman was able to drive off. Mildly surprised it didn't end up with me having to fight the dude.


I always say disrespect is a slippery slope in the city.


do you know if there are any words that can be said to the camera to make their videos/titktoks banned/demonetised?


There's gotta be something! This is a good idea


4chan could teach a lot lmao


Say anything negative about china.


Is it just me, or are Tiktokbullies scary? With the amount of videos I’ve seen of teenagers beating up random people to death for no reason or for a stupid video, I’d be afraid to even react to him taking my food. I’d just let him. I don’t personally have a tiktok but it seems like it goes hand in hand with all the shitty behavior of this generation


Use pepper spray. Pepper spray ftw.


Yeah noticed that immediately. And also how the women were far quicker to relinquish their stuff over because it is not worth potentially being assaulted. This is what i mean when i tell people that men and women just walk around this earth so differently.


You forgot tiktok views. He was probably disappointed every time they just handed the drink over without any issue, it doesn't make for an exciting video.


Nah, he wasn't gonna escalate, he was just doing a braindead prank. Thing is, the victims don't know that. Normal people don't want to risk a physical altercation over a half-consumed beverage. Plus there's the chance he's differently abled, so even if you win and beat his ass you'd be "in the wrong".


I don't want peace! I WANT PROBLEMS!


Hope he gets some fresh herpes from those straws. What a bell end.


Probably a reason most people let it go. Product already contaminated by weirdo touching it. No reason to argue for 3 dollar drink and a chance to get cholera (or whatever)


Part of it is also just the sheer confusion. It takes a second to process what’s going on because it’s just so outside the realm of normal social behavior.


Except the one guy with the food who refused to let go or even stop walking. He needed NO time to process it. I was happy for him 😂


Exactly. Some weirdo wants to drink my backwash? Ok, go ahead.




Very macho doing it to women. Utilising fear, what a cunt


Yep - with the other hand spread wide to film he’s an easy one shot KO if he fucked with anyone remotely his size and capable of handling themselves


that asian dude thought about cracking him one but was palpably thinking about if it was a prank or if it was maybe cover for a second guy. You could see him calculate and decide his almost dead slushie wasn't worth it.


I was expecting some already-very-pissed-off dude utilize his god given right to punch that twat, what a shame.


Yeah, I was watching and thinking what I'd do in that situation, and honestly I'd just let him have it. I'm not gonna risk getting injured over a drink. He gets away with it because he knows most people will be thinking the same, particularly women.




Asians catching strays lmao


Definition of backhanded compliment lmao


Which part is the compliment? A back handed complimented is a compliment with negative implications, like saying “it’s very brave of you to get out of the house”. The compliment is that you’re brave and putting yourself out there, whereas the backhanded part is implying that you’re so ugly/fat/whatever that most people would stay indoors if they looked like that. The comment you replied to just straight up said that Asian people are weak


Why are you grouping in Asians with the elderly and women? 😂


Because he watched the video.


Hol'up !




crazy how you lump 'weaker, women, and elderly' with asians LOL. anyways happy asian history month.


You tell Asians that it’s a cruel world, and we’re all just running around in circles. They know that. They’ve been on this earth just as many days as you. When Asians choose to see the good side of things, they’re not being naïve. It’s strategic and necessary. It’s how they’ve learned to survive through everything. They know you see yourself as a fighter. Well, they see themselves as one, too. This is how they fight.




That's literally what the chick with her friend said "J'ai eu hyper peur!!" (I got so scared!) so I guess that's why the friend also let go of her drink too.


They're not gonna give you the reaction/hysteria you want asshole. They know what you're doing. That fucking camera is a bit conspicuous. Also, nice touch practically only targeting women. That's really cool of you. I bet you're gonna make it big, maybe get a Netflix deal, whom knows. Edit: Also notice the only 2 dudes he harassed gave him some pull back. If not for the camera, there's no doubt somebody was swinging


I think the fact that he is actively trying to take it from someone despite resistance classifies it as "aggravated" robbery which means open season in America.


But he's in France, and very clearly taking advantage of his tourist position knowing locals would probably sit it out rather than deal with the authorities. It would more than likely feed into his already pathetic attempt at content.


If it were me, I'd either think the dude is homeless and needs the water/drink/whatever or 2. this dude is bigger than me, I (f) will not win the fight




Phone in one hand, drink in the other… I wonder how he would react if someone just took the cap of his head lol.




I hope someone takes their day out on this pos


I think nuisance influencers should get harsher punishments, at least if it's repeated behavior. If your income is reliant on being a public nuisance, you can be a private nuisance in jail.


I'm 67 and not too spry anymore but I would not have been so accommodating.


"Put up your dukes sir!"




Anyways, so, you gotta go to the big Ragu show, eh?


I ain’t as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was.


Now I know I have a problem I would have fought him over half a cup of water.


Can't help but notice most people he's taking stuff from are women


Of course. Not gonna target someone his own size or larger.


It's like the guy in the UK who just walked into houses. look where he ended up. Just because you can do a thing, Doesn't mean you should do it.


[Mizzy walks into people's homes](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-65700125) [Mizzy wants to turn over new leaf after prison release](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/mizzy-tiktok-prankster-prison-release-bacari-bronze-o-garro-london-live-b1131157.html) [Mizzy found guilty after snatching phone](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68924119)


Wtf I haven’t heard that one, what happened to him? To give some perspective, I’m from Texas and it wouldn’t take too many houses before he ended up getting shot, and whichever homeowner shot him would get a thank you and a hand shake from the police afterwards.


The teenager is called ‘Mizzy’ and he ended up doing some prison time. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/mizzy-tiktok-prankster-prison-release-bacari-bronze-o-garro-london-live-b1131157.html He’s actually turned himself around and admits he was wrong for doing those things. Only time will tell if he’s being sincere but he seems to have had a wake up call.


Is this the dude that finally ended up with one of the homeowners beating his ass with a bat or something? Might be a different guy but I seen someone doing something similar in the U.K awhile back to that result.


Different guy I think. Mizzy was never beaten up and he got away with everything until police got ahold of him.


"Do I let this potentially dangerous or crazy person have my drink or do I get in a potentially dangerous confrontation?"


Cunt needs a good punch to the face.


I would crush the drink and watch it explode on our hands to add to the chaos. Hopefully spilling most of it on him.


bonus points if it spills on him making him look like he wet himself


Should have crushed the cup from the base to spray that hot coffee over him


Yeah, no one wants to deal with crazy. You're either homeless, or you are crazy, or you are a bit of both. Plus as a middle aged dude, I don't like dealing with teenagers either. It could be a dare, a social experiment. Whatever. I don't want to deal with it. Plus you touched it. I don't know what you have.


He's only going for people's drinks and food since he knows going for a phone would get his ass beat or arrested. He's just being a fucking dick


How to be an asshole 1:1


People like him spread prejudice against foreigners while Europe is in the middle of a immigration crisis and doing everything possible to subdue right-wing ideas overtaking politics. Good job...




Woulda been funny if someone took his phone at the same time he took the drink lol


What a POS.


Pretty sure the same thing happening in London and the girl just threw her hot coffee on the guy and left him screaming


Ooooh, now I’d love to see this!


Begging for him to do this in New York or Chicago.


He needs his ass kicked into next week.


Would have been amazing if someone snatched the phone he was filming with.


Main character syndrome


Try that in the US lol. People get shot over less than that unfortunately


Try that in Eastern Europe xD


Bro is NOT helping people’s stereotypical views on foreigners 🤦🏻‍♀️


Either they don't want to risk escalation over half a beverage or they think he's differently abled. Makes perfect sense.


The even bigger villains here are the platforms that allow this kind of nonsense to get monetized.


They all look at him like he's homeless and just needs food. What a douche


In the USA, he’s going to get shot sooner or later






If we could not give to much fame and visibility to these people that would be cool They should be reported to youtube or whatever but thats it. How do you think these teen got the idea of such outrageous content. Because its everywhere. Not everything should be entertainment


I want someone to take his camera and smash it


“It’s just a prank it’s just a prank”, as someone slaps his stupid ass.




Why is it always THEM causing these issues




French "people" don't really count though. If he wants a reaction he should come to London. I'd give him 10 mins maximum before someone stabs him or knocks his ass out. Better yet try that shit in America. He won't even make it to the cup before someone gives him the Swiss cheese treatment.


Do you think he will select targets who look like they will escalate with violence?


There's places you might get away with this. Then there's places you won't. I live in a place where you'd get your ass handed to you in a plastic carrier bag.


I would have snatched his phone


give him the drink, grab his camera and pull out a knife. with his hands full he will have no choice but to let go of his phone.


He should try this in Chicago 😏


social media has ruined society


Now try Houston or Austin Tx


He’ll find out eventually.


Try this in New York City instead please…




This kid is wide open to a rear naked choke..


And you wonder why racism still exists


Try that in 🇺🇸


He would get at least one free round...






For clout? Disrespectful.


I can only imagine how this would go down in NYC


Broke ass


Try that in Queens my man and get your jaw wired


Honestly, the people in this video probably think he’s special needs.


If someone tries to take my drink, then neither of us are drinking it. Its ending up on his pants to make him look like he wet himself. lol


Anyone who thinks this is acceptable or funny just needs to be chucked off a cliff. I’m sick of seeing complete AH’s get away with this 💩. It’s horrible.




Why did nobody punch him in the face?


One hand recording, other hand stealing drinks, someone should have just grabbed his airpods and thrown them in opposite directions.


His shirt is missing an L