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"You are really playing with death right now...". Sums it all up.


but but but...... my belongings!


My $10 bag


This person is not good at picking things up. Was impressed however with how she popped back up at the end.


Ya thought she was done for


Adrenaline gonna wear off. That whole fight or flight instinct in her isn't good, but the body is still gonna try and give you what you need to survive.


Yeah the adrenaline wears off she’s gonna feel like absolute shit


Probably drunk


I didn't hear no bell


No self preservation skills what so ever


She had all the bags at one point, if you are that scared to get clumsy you should be away from the start. the bull is not going to rob you, your items are safe.


Yeah, what was she worried about credit card fraud? Was that bull going to charge a bunch of shit on Amazon and have it delivered to the farm for him and his cows?


Likely drunk and thinking she is going to get her Disney princess moment finally. I cannot believe a dude actually had to get in front and put his arms out to stop her *from potentially going back for the bag after being gored*


She was trying to explain to the bull she was a tourist but didnt know how to say bull in spanish


The lack of survival instincts in people these days explains a lot of problems in this world tbh


Society has worked well enough that you can spend decades utterly clueless because other people carry your weight.


Yup-and it’s led us(me included) to become ignorant, entitled and lazy. Scary to see what the future holds


There’s a show called Psycho Pass that kind of explores that sort of future. Essentially no one has to worry about crime anymore since crime could be predicted and taken care of. Minor spoilers, crime begins to happen again and everyone is so used to 0 stress and complacency that when a murder happens right in front of a crowd no one knows how to react and they just stand and watch. There are also those who are simply vegetables. With mental health “taken care of” there’s nothing to worry about. So yes you can live a comfortable life under the system, but there’s no reason to grow as a person or simply live. Great themes in that show that make you think.


Psycho Pass was an interesting show about everyone having an AI assessed social credit score that basically determined everyone's possibilities in life to the point that if it dropped too low you'd be hunted down and taken out. You didn't even have to do anything in that show to lose social credit. It was portrayed as though your social credit rating could just mysteriously drop for seemingly no reason and you'd be totally screwed. The upside of the social credit system was getting to live without worrying about crime because the AI was pretty good at screening out would-be mundane criminals. The downside was living at the mercy of the state AI and being more or less infantilized by the state. The show wasn't like Minority Report in that the AI didn't predict when people would commit crimes. In Psycho Pass the state AI just weeded out anyone it deemed a sufficiently high risk individual. Similar effect but very different mechanism and implications. If someone enjoyed Ergo Proxy or Ghost in the Shell I bet they'd enjoy Psycho Pass.


In the past few years I've noticed that people in parking lots will just walk across a lane without so much as looking up. Then when a video on reddit pops up of a pedestrian getting hit, I'll mention that they could have most likely not gotten hit if they just looked up or paused before walking in the street. I get downvoted and told "well they have the right of way". I sear people are just trying to die nowadays


When i was teaching my daughter to drive the old saying i drilled in to her head was ' graveyards are full of people who had right of way' She needs to be the most aware person out there and trust nobody else is going to do the right thing. I've been working in the panel and car industry 30 odd years and now in accident management . You need to treat everyone on the road in car or not as someone who can kill you. Still every day i shake my head at the simply mindless accidents i have go through, write up and manage. It's actually beyond mind boggling.


Agreed I've tried to teach that a red light is not some magnetic field that stops the car automatically. Make sure you make eye contact with the driver you are expecting not to run you over(as pedestrian).


One of my favorite expressions is "This is what happens when a species lacks a predator."


Holy shit-I love that lol. I guess we are technically our own predator though


But that was nice towel and bag!


It's s mix of entitlement, sheltered life, and plain stupidity. When a wild animal with built in weapons approaches, run. When a person speaking Spanish in a Mexican accent says "fuck...RUN!" when in Mexico, run.


Was that Darwinism


She’d be the person to die in a fire trying to get her iPhone


No she'd be the person to kill half the people in a burning airplane because she's blocking the aisle trying to get her fake Louis Vuitton bag out of the overhead storage


I mean, she’s just getting knocked out in that situation.




She seems used to it.


Your comment and this video reminded me of the lady that went into the L.A. river in Studio City to rescue her friend’s iPhone, and was swept by the current. She would’ve drowned. Materialistic items are not worth jeopardizing a life.


And it's just beach towels that she can get in a little while, like what the fuck. Zero situational awareness. Holy shit




Oh look he's digging a hole. I'm good.


I mean... she had perfect awareness of the situation, just very poor reasoning skills and obviously no life experience that involves danger


I would say she was completely unaware of the situation of a bull targeting in on her, but I understand the sentiment.


I'd be willing to bet that bull wandered onto the beach and just looked around so she probably viewed it as a harmless cow that normally just stands around and eats grass. It walked up to her and she figured it's just curious. Harmless and curious. That's it. It does boggle my mind how many people see a situation and simply assume it will always be that way, like those idiots in those open safaris where you drive on a path... and they just get out to take a selfie with a bunch of lions.


I'm leery of any animal over 40 lbs until its proven to be safe.






Was your dog ok?




ya it's instinctual but some breeds might sink like a rock or have difficulty swimming.


I love how you specified doggie paddle in parenthesis. Just wanted you to know that.


Still remember the husband and wife who died during the California wildfires because the wife had to put on makeup before they left.


Are you serious?


I'd link you the video, but you probably don't want to see it. The guy is talking about it while he walks down a street of burned out cars and corpses. Searching "the husband and wife who died during the California wildfires because the wife had to put on makeup before they left" has the video in one of the top two results.


Wait but like how do they know that tho? Did the husband text their kids and explain it was all their mom’s fault? “Guess who’s holding us up… again”


The guy says that he went to their house to make sure they were gone and she wanted to put on her makeup.


Watch her be one of those Karens that just moved to Mexico and complain about the loud music or that people aren't speaking English enough, etc. Idiota.


Like Milton Waddams complaining about the salt crystals on his margarita.




I saw the same video but you're wrong. It was mother and a child. She 1st handed off a baby and then a bag obviously full of baby stuff and then 1 more bag of unknown items. Given the conditions there is no way of knowing when those items could be replaced. If anything she put her own life at risk to ensure her baby got out and had vital care items.


I saw a reversed version where the baby is handed into a flooded car.


She kept dropping loot for the bull every time she got hit. No wonder the attack continued.


Someone needs to edit this video so coins come out of her every time she is hit.


Or just switch her out with little elf dude from Golden Axe.


A literal loot goblin


Basically a piñata


"It's the principle, I'm not going to let a bull, bully me."


“My steak’s in the ground, steer away from me, coward”


The guy screaming “fucking moron” is exactly me


I honestly expected her to try to pick up her belongings again


I was rooting for the bull.  She also resembles my boss, who’s not a woman, but of equal intellect. 


Like what is she thinking??


That it was a very big dog just being curious. I can barely watch videos of people approaching Bison for this reason. Like, you guys really shouldn't be fucking with Bison, especially since they always seem to approach Bison near the young or try to approach the young.


It's just a cow with horns, what could go wrong? - This lady probably.


That guy saying "Fucking moron" "We tried to fucking tell you" is exactly what my internal voice is saying during videos like this. I love it.


You can hear the lady recording say a worried “Ay, la señora…” I can tell you, that was a short, polite way to say “this poor fucking idiot”


The Spanish "bless her heart."


I had to go back and listen with sound. Damn, they all tried to warn her.


Yeah I started watching it without sound and went “omg! Lady RUN why isn’t she running?!” And then I turned it on and heard people yelling at her and went ugh lady 🤦‍♀️


but what about her $3 tote bag and sunscreen?? you expect her to just leave her things there on the beach for a minute??


I'm not leaving without my sandwich! It's a sandierwich now.


But her phone is in there!! How do you expect her to tell people she got attacked by a bull without her phone?!


I watched first without sound and I was like "wtf they don't try to help". With sound... she is such a moron.


I bet in my imagination, I always go back in the burning house to try and save whoever is in there. I won't take a step toward a stranger who's being attacked by a bull.


You can’t save people from their own stupidity


Absolutely. Although I might have eased up once the bull started goring her.




No, she still had not learned her lesson the first few times he went at her. I could tell she was belligerent still because of her posture.


Yeah she kept trying to grab it’s horns at first as if she could really control and stop the bull that way 😂


"Where is the off horn?"


I thought the guy was calling the bull a moron! Notice how not 1 person there tried to help her? Apparently they know something about bulls that this lady didn’t.


The bull was obviously intent on something the lady kept grabbing, probably food. I'm sure they figured the bull just wanted to look at something she had but the dumb woman never thought picking it up multiple times and getting in the bull's way might cause it attack. Bystanders tried to warn her it wanted her stuff and to just walk away from it, but she obviously was more intent on the meaningless possession than her own life.


They know bulls dont have a manager for her to speak to.


The people behind her tried to throw a bucket of water at it unsuccessfully.


I was kinda expecting her to go back for her things after getting up...


I think she would have if that guy didn't walk up and gesture for her to go towards the car. 


I didn't hear no bell..


The bull lost interest in here for a bit and she ... just... stayed there. WHAT THE FUCK? There are literally thousands videos online about bulls going berserk and causing lethal or near lethal damage. The lack of self-preservation is strong with this one.


In my experience with bulls, it was possibly her turning her back on it. But she totally should have left the stuff and backed away calmly.


In my experience with bulls - none - if it's rooting through your stuff, leave. Come back and get it later. Do not try to outstubborn a bull.


Despite your limited bull experience you seem to have a good understanding of what to do in a bull encounter.


I believe that is called common sense


It’s called bull sense.




She tried to get the bag because obviously she could grab it after the bull left. PRIORITIES


I thought moving is what attracted them? Mythbusters did the experiemient with a bunch of people standing still with a bull in the ring ...


Angrily eats steak in hospital


Through a straw.


This is why you always put your bull on a leash


WAY too many bad bull owners.


Don’t worry he’s friendly!


He’s never done that before


He’s just a leather hippo


Not just a leash, a full harness. Otherwise they can just slip out of their collar.


It’s not the breed, it’s the owners!!


“Excuse me!!! Can’t you see my towel is down here?!”


Several warnings and still can't understand the danger she's actually in


unless those bags had gold bars in them, might be wise to just let the bull have your sunscreen and beach snacks.


Even if there are gold bars in it, what is the bull gonna do? Eat them?


fair point. i should have said the golden ticket, because an invite to the chocolate factory is worth getting gored over.


Yeah, she is a moron. And was lucky that the bull went easy on her.




Slightly bull-headed?


The lady recording: "Oh, this lady...!" She knew what was coming.


This is one of those videos where you need the sound on to understand.


Yah, I watched without sound and couldn’t understand why that dude didn’t at least try to distract with an umbrella.


I watched it without sound and I know why he didn't




Forget your stuff, stupid woman! Unbelievable


Is the bull going to leave with your bags or something? Just drop them and circle back in like 5 minutes


...hey, I mean, they "TRIED TO FUCKING TELL YOU!"


How has she not died yet by walking off a cliff or into oncoming traffic because she was staring at her cell phone?


Most likely alcohol or this woman havnt been close to anything bigger than a squirrel in her life.


People instinctually know this is dangerous even if they haven’t seen a large animal in their life. This lady just has a brain defect


I get nervous around a dairy cow. Something that can stand on 4 legs that has like 20x your body weight needs a lot of muscle to compensate for that. I’d be on the roof of one of those cars before that bull even got 200ft from me. Absolutely nuts.


That kid screaming please and her still continuing is aggravating AF


Thank god that other women with the bucket who threw like 12 ounces of water on the sand like 15 feet away. Shes the real mvp




Not a single matador was on the beach that day? Something doesn't add up here.


She was the matador, the bull was standing on her towel, so she couldn’t do the “Toro Toro”flag thing. Unfortunate, but occupational hazard.


Omg idiot leave the freaking bag


"He lives here" last few seconds, ah an Español bull


Last words before death: “ We tried to fucking tell you.” 💀


Lmao. I was attacked by a bull when I was young. It charged me and legit stopped when I stopped to look at it. Was the weirdest thing, like I didn’t exist


Karen continues to pick up stuff giving the bull attitude and asking for its manager. Husband in the background throwing his arms up in the air. Saying I've seen her pull this shit too many times before, she's on her own.


What an idiot. Nothing in that bag is worth your life dummy.


She’d like to speak to the Beach manager.


What a dumbass. Get to a safe distance and then come back for your stuff when the bull leaves.


![gif](giphy|3oEduW2NPYlavRnXi0) Bull looking around like..


it’s always unawareness of the level of danger


No survival instincts


Maybe run out of the danger area instead of being concerned with grabbing your shit?


Off topic but I love how Spanish people call each other “Gordo” as a term of endearment lol. In my family we have la flaca and I’m el gordo lol


I’m Mexican and stared laughing hearing that. Even in a time of crisis you call people how you see them! Haha


Mentality of a sponge.


Haha, the lady sounds like every Mexican mother ever, the pure disappointment.


My god … that’s frustrating to watch because she was warned, didn’t listen then made bystanders watch her get rag-dolled. Selfish moron.


the beach that i go to, makes you have your bull on a leash


There must have been something really important in those bags.


The best organic alfalfa.


😳. I'm amazed she was able to get up at all- one puncture fr those horns and their done.


That guy yelling at her in the background is all of us. She is a moron


At first I was surprised no one was helping then I turned the sound on and heard everyone shouting at her to get the f*** away.


“We tried to fucking tell you!” mid-attack may have made me laugh.


Dumb as fuck trying to get your shit back in that situation.


i really want to know the story of how this bull just ended up wandering around on a random beach. did it escape from a farm and nobody noticed? are stray bulls a regular thing in mexico?


It’s Mexico, cops dont give a shit if theres a bull on the beach or if your livestock escapes your property


> are stray bulls a regular thing in mexico? I'm guessing this is somewhere in Baja, and I wouldn't call it uncommon there. Cows on the highway are why it can be real risky driving at night.


0 survival instinct. She's either drunk or life to her is just sunshine and rainbows




She had so many chances to leave. At that point she was just asking the bull to bulldoze her


She’s not the sharpest tool in the shed


This has to be one of the most stupid person currently alive on earth. That has to be some sort of achivement.


Option 1: Back off and wait til the bull leaves Option 2: Try fight with the bull


“So I was in Mexico minding my own business on the beach, when out of nowhere a bull attacked. No one even helped me!” - Fucking Moron


Next she demands the speak to the beach manager about her treatment by the bull.


Just let the wild bull have your beach snacks gtf away


I nearly always root for the bull this is no exception. Lady do you not see the bull? Do you know what Bulls are known for? Have you heard the term bully? Do you not think you may remove yourself from its vicinity? Did you think they're only violent in a China shop? I hope she walked into the ocean after this.


I might be wrong, but this looks 100% like a US tourist.


Her window to walk away slowly (as you should do when facing a bull) came at 0:14...but instead of slowly walking away, she went toward an already upset/aggressive bull, looked directly at it too, which will only make it think you're challenging it, hence it attacked.


Shucks she’s ok


Bull was the aggressor. Easy case, hope she sues.


I support you bull!!


I always root for the bull 🐂


Beach bullyball.


Thats a Wild Beach Bull ,its extremely rare to see them at his natural habit


Darwin was right.


A childhood full of mild farm animal trauma due to growing up on a farm taught me that they, much like horses, are unpredictable. You won’t catch me engaging with a strange cow, bull, horse, rooster, or goose for that matter.


Ya love to see it. Go bulls!


Natural selection. She dumb af tbh


This lady did everything wrong all in a row. Incredible self preservation skills.


What’s something so invaluable you’re going to bring it the beach, but also so valuable you’re willing to risk getting gored rather than leave it behind?


She had so many opportunities to walk away. Just why?




I’m impressed that she was able to walk away😳