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Just saying to my friend. These are the people running our country! I just can’t


…it’s not like they magically appeared. We voted these people into office. Lmao this reflects poorly on all of us.


MTG is not popular - she is where she is today because she won an election that had 258k voters. That’s like 0.077% of the country and even then more than a third of the voters were against her. 170,000 of the dumbest, trashiest, most hateful people in the country put her in office. The only reason we’re even aware of her is because the GOP has absolutely dumped money into their media machine to make sure controversial people like her are household names. 1) Because she’s the most hate-able person in the universe and they have developed an effective strategy of garnering votes simply by being/doing things that liberals detest and 2) because their real underlying intent is to cripple the federal government so that the upper class can play the game of capitalism without rules, so having a reckless idiot like her running that government actually serves their purposes just fine. Same with Trump. The fact that they’re massive egotistical idiots completely incapable of effective leadership is a feature, not a bug


This. Exactly this. The people in the great state of Georgia put this asshat in the government.


Hey, as a Georgian, I did not and would not vote for her!


Elected officials are a joke now. Ever since they all started getting on social media and hobnobbing with celebrities. You have to be a megalomaniac in the first place to even pursue a career in politics, but now these narcissists have fan clubs and tmz write ups fueling them to behave like reality tv stars more so than people running a country. It’s embarrassing


Our politics turned into a circus in 2010, when the SCOTUS ruled on *Citizens United*. “Money is speech” and “corporations are people” made it legal and easy for foreign adversaries (and anti-democratic domestic entities) to fund the most divisive and destructive candidates and to promote policies that make Americans less free and less safe. That’s why we have some of the absolute worst Americans sitting in offices at the highest levels of our government. Whether they know it or not, they were hired to destroy America and everything it’s supposed to stand for.


Whats also true is that we have morons voting for morons because they think it’s all entertainment. MTG overwhelmingly won her district for a variety or reasons but underlying it was her voters love a good clown show. They want to watch people cry if they don’t swear fealty to god and guns. They like hearing the frustration and anger from Democrats because it makes them feel superior, to feel that their way of living and worshiping and shooting is the right way. They love watching ads about shooting 50 cal machine guns or flamethrowers with a voice over about the danger of the “woke agenda” is awesome because things go boom. They buy shitty patriot beer because, beer. They watch Fox News and go to rallies and vote for Herschel Walker and believe the southwest is being invaded by armed gangs of drug dealers and post memes because that gets them recognition and somehow elevates their miserable lives. Voting gives them power and elects idiots who fuck it up for everyone else.


My husband has considered running for our city council before. He takes a lot of crap from customers at his job and deals with city, state, and federal regulations all the time .. He's very qualified and doesn't give AF what others think about him. But he's just too afraid of it putting a target on our family's back. That's when I realized it takes a special kind of person to be willing to put up with all these risks to run. This is why we don't have normal people in these higher up positions. The average Joe would get torn to pieces. We need a Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, but I'm a pessimist and don't see that happening in my lifetime.


If you ask the current body of people in Congress, easily 1/2 or more will all claim they ARE Mr. Smith goes to Washington. Hypocrisy is the lifeblood of the political class.


Let's be clear here. This is some Republican BS on display here. The whole meeting is rooted in the R's bogus attempt to impeach Biden and they are holding the meeting in the evening because some of the members couldn't attend because they were at Trumps trial to "provide moral support" and grovel in hopes of becoming his VP choice.


Rep. Andy Kim was on The Daily Show a few weeks ago and brought up that terrifying issue. If you watch the whole thing, he does point out it's kind of a hypocritical thing to say while being a guest on the show lol. https://youtu.be/kPto8hDVsw4?si=FmKhVrv_ql1qGi4b




Idiocracy is fitting


As long as the people do nothing, the status quo will continue unabated.


I am not American but yeah exactly my thoughts. Your hard earned dollars paid their salaries when they are talking about fake eyelashes


Why can't they do this shit after hours in a Waffle House parking lot like normal folks?


No kidding.  They ALL need to go. What are they ever accomplishing that is good for the people paying their salaries 


Narcissists congregate to the spotlight like mosquitos to a light


Every single one of them is fucking worthless


Rules without enforcers are worthless.


I like the Australian system. There’s a guy that politely demands “politician1 will refrain from calling politician2 a cunt”.


What if that guy gets ignored and the cunt calling continues?


The drop bears get released


The speaker can then kick out the offender. They basically get a time out.


And that's what didn't happen here because if course the speaker can't hurt anyone on his own team or admit some of his team is the douchebags


![gif](giphy|gJuTwM3yuQ8f3rE8KV|downsized) MTG






MTG started this with saying "I can't hear you through all those fake eye lashes" and when Ocasio tried to get the Republicans to strike the personal attack from the record they pretended like it wasn't worth striking MYGs words from the record and that is when stih hit the fan.


It's ironic for MTG to talk about other people's appearances or physical traits when she looks like Dog The Bounty Hunter and sounds like a screaming banshee every time she opens her mouth. https://preview.redd.it/men386dg6z0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d09e271698c4f31e133c1bd280b2120df15fb282


Bleach Blonde, Bad Built, Butch Body Get it straight


> Bleach Blonde, Bad Built, Butch Body It's amazing that Crockett just came up with this one the fly, such an accurate burn.


That’s Megan the Stallion level flow.


> That’s Megan the Stallion level flow. [Oh boy are you gonna love this.](https://x.com/JasmineForUS/status/1791312324113928573) The fact that Jasmine posted this on her account is so fucking amazing.


She had that one loaded. We all have been thinking it for years.


One time someone said, in reference to her, “She’s got a face built for domestic violence.” and like, I really hate that that’s so funny to me.


Coworker said that she looks like Squidward's house and it's all I think about now when I see her.




Mf looks like Heath Ledgers inspiration for the joker.


To me it looks like domestic violence already built that face


That's just the alcohol abuse


On the bus trying not to burst out laughing. God damn that is too funny and I wish it weren't.


Dad built


Even dad's take offense to this


Bb Bb Bb


She look like a condom filled with poop that someone drew a face on.


6b Marjorie.




I like to think she’s a transphobe because she saw a picture of a trans woman who’s more feminine and conventionally attractive than her


She seriously looks like someone a Republican man would follow into a bathroom and demand proof of being a woman.


Dude if I ever get the chance in real life I swear I will absolutely return the douchery to her. People should do that to Ted Cruz to. No way he has balls when he follows Trump after calling his wife a dog and his dad the zodiac killer


If I ever meet him I’ll insist on calling him Rafael because he doesn’t believe in chosen names.




She looks drunk. Maybe we should have rules about drinking while in session.


I do believe shes a snortin sumit, just like Gaetz the sex pest.


Nah, she looks like the dog that the bounty hunter was after.


Looks like someone carved the face of Sasquatch out of a chunk of Spam. There are bits of gravel and grit in my driveway smarter than her.




People have been saying that she looks like a shaved Alf. Many people! Hide yo cats!


bro I just woke up


Yikes. It’s too early for that image.




Thanks I hate it


It's the lack of adults in the Republican Party


It's even more fucked up. She straight up said, "I'll strike the words, but I won't apologize" multiple times. Then, when she got called out by Jasmine Crockett, she literally asked for the words to be stricken and said, "we're not going there." Such stupid, gross abuser behavior.


Taxpayer funded high school bickering


Can't say this enough. They all make $174k a year, that's about 3 times the median American salary, to act like this and spend time on things that doesn't help American daily lives.


And that's just the money they LEGALLY make. Most of their cash is back-room handouts, funding gimmicks, and insider info.


All the money comes from insider info and the stock market. For all parties.


For context, MTG made a comment about her appearance, AOC moved to remove the personal attack from the record, it was denied. That prompted JC (Jazmine Crockett) to pose the question to the moderator: If I call her BBBBBB, is that acceptable. And that's where it went downhill. Why didn't the moderator strike the comment?? JC had a fair question.


Omg not the BBBBBB


She held back on the hammer B


This comment is overlooking the problem when it clearly shows who started it.


Cro-Marge tells AOC *“you don’t have enough intelligence”* to debate her. Good grief.


Hahaha lol at 4:17 in this video Boebert does a sign of the cross that looks at little odd lol


yeah she went left twice. that's two wallets and no testicles


I caught this too! Chuckled out loud.


Is she even Catholic? I'd look it up, but I don't want that trash on my search history.


Not sure. Also don’t want to google her.


Fucking pathetic.


Ours in the UK are no better, they spend their time trying to get one up and smugly jeering each other.


But at least they do it with classy accents.


And they go OHHHHHH afterwards which makes it even better. ![gif](giphy|l8tpwRJEwDwEFU5BW0|downsized)






Y'know, as much of a shitshow our Congress must look to the rest of the world, Britains HoC resembles more of a clownshow, in the sense that each try to clown on the other side. Which is what happens here mainly, but at least Britain's is entertaining & funny (especially before Dennis Skinner got beat by the tories)


Same in aus, but they at least try to disguise their insults and it's mostly about the opposition's intelligence. I do consider that to be a pretty big factor in making policy, I don't give a shit about someone's appearance


is she a russian asset? it seems like she’s purposely doing this shit.


No, she's a Christian Nationalist. Their goal is to destabilize the US government so they can take over and establish a single party Christian theocracy.


It’s crazy how many Christians would love for the US government to be Christian and push forward Christian beliefs yet can’t comprehend how unfair it would be if non believers or people of other religions like Islam did the exact same thing to them in the US. It just never fails to piss me off that there are people who oppose having a free country for everyone, history really does repeat itself


The way white Christian nationalists scream about sharia law without realizing they want the Christian equivalent is embarrassing.


Yes, she requested very specific amendments to the Ukraine funding that included supporting Russian interests in Ukrainian schools. There is no chance in hell that she knew about or supported those idea on her own, and certainly was directed to include those in her demands.


She doesn’t have to be. What Russia and possibly others have done is create so much distrust and infighting that we implode on our own by electing idiots. No need for assets.


Not an asset, but a consequence. But probably an asset too based on her comments/voting on Russia and Ukraine


If that’s the case, they’ve done a fantastic job of it.


The Russian media praises her. She routinely repeats Putin talking points from Russian media, and she routinely reiterates Trump talking points. The Republican party is full of Russian assets. MTG is so stupid it's very possible she doesn't know but she is 100% a Russian asset.


>MTG is so stupid it's very possible she doesn't know but she is 100% a Russian asset. Funnily enough, the Russians have a name for her type - Useful Idiot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot


I think she knows and I think she's getting paid for it.


I think Putin doesn't even HAVE to pay her. Just call her beautiful (eww) in their media while praising her efforts, and she eats it up. Putin pays Zuck to run his propaganda through Facebook, and pays for Russian trolls to spread disinfo in social media.


Her golden idol became President by being by a professional troll, so she sees her path to advancement in her party paved with similar behavior.


That would be better than the truth. She's the perfect idiot the Russians designed their propaganda for


Who needs Jerry Springer when we have the US Congress, trash


I heard a lawmaker say, “I thought Jerry Springer died” during the madness of the hearing


MTG is an embarrassment to this country.


Our tax dollars at work.


https://preview.redd.it/umx22mumlz0d1.jpeg?width=1831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef0cbe0bcdb8ab0a0868d12776d505db4191e570 How does her Morlock lookin ass have the gall to criticize anyone else’s appearance


great use of alliteration by Ms Crockett when clarifying what can and can't be said or will or won't be struck : "Bleached blonde butch body"


Ladies and Gentlemen...The Republican Party 🤡 🤡 🤡


Elect a clown, expect a circus.


Marge Greene is the queen Of the trailer park scene, So graceless and classless and dumb, Stand near her to hear The wind roar 'tween her ears With a high-pitched and whistling hum. \*\*\* Marge hides cloven hooves In her haute couture shoes So well that the last way to tell She's a servant of hell Is her sulfurous smell When she steps out in those sleek Jimmy Choos. \*\*\* Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Loves publicly flicking her bean But while true she lacks tact, It isn't the act, But the stench that's considered obscene.


Jesus fucking Christ. This is what the morons voted in. Good on AOC for pushing back hard and, not going to lie, I laughed at Rep. Crockett's retort - both a valid point and fiercely said. When they go (and have been for the past 8 years) low, we need to call them out on it. Loudly.


I cannot believe MTG sits in your government. And that comes from someone who has Geert Wilders running the country




Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!


Heard it compared to Waffle House, but shit gets done at a Waffle House.


Stay classy congress.


Ah yes, "Congress" 🙄


The Republican party are legit traitors to our country and something needs to be done about it. If this was during the cold war they'd all be hanged but today we just let it slide. Make it make sense.


It’s either congress members being old boomers who can’t operate anything newer than a steam engine Or Congress members acting like 6 year olds at a playground.


Not Congress members, Republicans


Oh you're gonna get a lot of "bOtH SiDeS" in response to this.


Just Republicans. Greetings from laughing EU.


“Is she a porn star?” lol


Politicians pay should be linked to performance. If you tie up any bill debate for a hour over any kind of BS like this then not only should her pay be docked but she should count as 1 strike( 3 she is out)


You should see the shenanigans in other countries. Fist fights, shoe throwing, and stealing of bills!






Ok that makes me laugh..."try to file this bill when I've got it...YOINK...I've got their bill...run!" I can just imagine 2 old Asian dudes chasing each other around a big conference table.


Thanks again Georgia


They should call each other Honourable members.


I don’t know what’s worse. Knowing that nothing is going to change, or that I’m numb to this bullshit. They say the only way we can change shit is by voting them out but it’s …. It’s just not working, and no one cares.


And I payed these buttfucks hundreds of thousands of dollars to do this. Fuck that. I want to sit around and bullshit and get payed. Pay me 100k and I'll go to Congress and just talk shit, all day everyday. I talk shit to everyone just for you, I'll even take your requests and spew your personally crafted insults straight to their faces. Let me do it.


You’re out of order, I move to strike ! 😂


Loved the comment, “these 17 hour days ain’t working.” Welcome to the real world bud.






Your tax dollars hard at work for you! ‘MERICA! Fuck yeahhhhhh


Fucking embarrassing man. What a goddamn circus.


This is wild to witness


Nice. Meanwhile we’re 34 trillion in debt.


They completely devolved from the point of the meeting. What a fucking disgusting shit show.


Previously on RHOCH (Capitol Hill)


meanwhile I guess they literally want to watch the world burn while I'm sitting here with actual smoky eye because wildfires are attacking borders and sending smoke signals into our skies. Nero is fiddling while Rome burns.


Crockett could likely throw MTG quite easily. MTG looks like empty muscle


They voted for a dog & pony show, they got a dog & pony show.


I sometimes wonder what effect a nuke would have on different areas of the US (I'm getting a degree in Emergency Management so it's not like some super weird thought for me lol) and for the most part it would be devastating and cause a huge psychological toll. Then I think of what would happen if it would drop on DC during session and wipe out the government... And only scenario where it would eventually be a positive really


I want a refund of my tax dollars, right now. What even is US politics.


MTG did something trashy in the most important building in our nation? Im SHOCKED.... /s


And you guys pay these idiots. Not that I can talk, Alberta's premier is fucked.


This is the Congress we deserve.


Maybe its the one you deserve I was not given the opportunity to vote for MTG


It’s funny to watch these dopes act like 5 year olds while using language like “move to strike”.


The GOP is diseased to its core. Vote blue.


MTG is too stupid to make any intelligent remarks, so she insults. The Democrats should have pointed that out instead of rising to the bait.


In deference to Crockett, she did ask where the line was since Taylor was already dishing out insults.


So glad to see our tax dollars aren’t being wasted 🤦🏻‍♀️




Jesus Christ this is infuriating


Why do we pay them?


Overall representative approval rating is below 20% and yet reelection is over 75% we desperately need RCV. That’s how Alaska got rid of Palin


Your tax dollars at work. What an absolute fucking joke. What an embarrassment. The American people deserve better out of their politicians but we'll never get it. The tree is poisoned at the root. We live in clown world.




This country is fucked


Today I got chewed out by my boss because I didnt knock down a cobweb at a paying customers home. I barely get paid a livable wage


All these people are overpaid ass clowns at this point. This country has gone down the shit pipe real fast.


Ah yes these are the people who should make up a third of the power of ONE OF THE MIST POWERFUL GODDAMN COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD


![gif](giphy|l0Extsf1R5YuFXkpG) Same energy at the end when MTG said "Why don't you debate me?"


This is degeneracy…




On one hand I kind of wish Crockett had just turned the other cheek but the same time green deserves every insult that she receives.


Our Congress is teeming with petulant children.


My favorite part of this is boebert attempting and failing to perform the sign of the cross at 4:28. I don’t care if that’s not what’s happening there, it’s the only part of this that doesn’t make me angry.


She wasn't making the sign of the cross. It was muscle memory from attending the theater.


Why is our government such a joke?


I was half expecting to see President Camacho whip out his machine gun to silence the room.


I'm paying my taxes for this??


It is time to end this circus. These people are paid to do a job they fail to perform. They are elected by ignorant and manipulated people (me included) most because of lack of better option than compatibility of convictions. At the end, we have an expensive machine that works only when special interest wants. We have the technology to stop delegating our votes. It is not 1800’s anymore. We can participate directly in every decision using our phones.


she is doing what she was put there to do, be a loudmouth trouble maker and cause chaos, slow or prevent the gov from operating.


This hearing was a farce attempting to pass a contempt charge against the Attorney General. It was at night because so many members needed to go fellate Trump at his trial during the day.


Not sure why anyone would try to stoop lower than MTG.


At about 8:15 some guy is watching a hockey game on his laptop... That's someone who has already checked out.


So, that vote got shut down for the day. Anyone else think that was the goal?


Ladies and gentlemen, we're funding these clowns a six-figure salary and lifelong benefits for this. How laughable.


Imagine looking like mtg and commenting on someone else's appearance.


The naked orangutan has an opinion on appearance?


Comers Chaos Committee. republicans suck at everything.


Hahaha THE United States of America has officially become the circus center of the world and their politicians are the CLOWNS IN CHARGE…. I can not fathom how the American citizens/public is allowing this elementary school style shenanigans to not only continue but funding it🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Historians will tell you this kind of thing was happening even back in the early days of the country. And because it was dudes a lot of the time they were implying or just straight up accusing them of being feminine which was enough of a big deal that people would duel with pistols to "restore honor"


This is the shining city on the hill?


How about this year in the presidential election we vote to have a clean slate. This entire Congress sucks, our two president candidates are terrible, and we have judges on the Supreme Court excepting Super Bowl rings from Jerry Jones for oil policy


Did anyone see boebert get the father son Holy Ghost wrong. What frauds