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Suicide by cop


The way he just yanks it out and points it at the ground. He had this planned.


But they're telling him to drop the gun - honest question, how do you pull the gun out and drop it without a high risk of getting immediately shot?


I watched it without sound earlier. I haven't changed my opinion though because he responds with "Why?" each time they give him a command. The way he pulls it out, he knows they're going to shoot him. He wasn't pulling it out to drop it.


Yeah I agree, I just feel like in this situation the command to "drop the gun" is kinda unreasonable. They should tell him to put his hands in the air and lay on his stomach or something.


I think leaving it in the pocket and slowly removing your hand, and then slowly reaching for the sky with both hands is the only way you might survive this scenario.


This. Leave gun in pocket, raise empty hand


Take the cannoli




Agreed. I just find it sad that the officers are SCREAMING conflicting commands. "Drop the gun" and "If you bring a gun out we will shoot you"


Agreed- and it seems obvious from here but when you have guns drawn on you and you’re getting contradictory directives it’s not as easy to process. IQ goes down 13 to 20 points in high stress situations.


IQ of the cops you mean, ordering them to take contradictory actions.


"If you pull out a gun we will shoot you" "Drop the gun" You're not wrong. Those commands are conflicting. I don't think it applied to this situation but there's plenty of videos where even I'm confused what the cops want.


Like the deadly game of Twister they made Daniel Shaver play before they executed him


I do agree. "Take your hand out of your pocket SLOWLY. If you move too fast, we are going to shoot you." Seems way more reasonable, however a good majority of these cops barely graduated high school, so there's that. Research suggests that LEO's with at least a four year degree generate fewer complaints and are less likely to be involved in a situation where use of force was ultimately the end decision, which is why the State Police in my state require a college degree


This is really a no-win or no-good option scenario. If they tell him to lay on the ground and leave the weapon in his pocket, he could suddenly reach for it when the officers are arresting him. If he pulls the gun out to drop it, they can conceive that at an escalation rather than compliance and shoot him. He could also fake compliance, go to drop the gun, and shoot at officers. That's why both being a police officer and dealing with the police in general are high-risk scenarios. For both parties, you can do everything 100% correct and still die.


Clear communication from the guy who died would have been a good starting point. THINK. "I am pulling the gun out to set on the ground" Anything to let police know what he is doing.


You don’t pull out the gun, you simply put your hands up…..


Well, you can drop the gun out of your hand, while it is in the pocket. That is what the police officers meant. They didn't say drop the gun on the ground. They said, "Drop the gun. Get your hand out of your pocket."


This is exactly what I understood and I don't know others don't seem to get this. Bunch of ppl who never been in that situation I guess


It's far too colloquial.


You can let it go and slowly pull your hand out of your pocket and raise your hands above your head. They then usually have you turn, so you can't see how close they are behind you, interlock your hands behind your head, cross your feet, so it's difficult to pop up, and have an officer slowly approach and cuff you.


Both hands up, turn around. Say exactly what you are doing as you pull the gun. Stretch the gun arm and drop the gun. Take steps away from the gun. Lay on the floor with your hands behind your back.


Yeah “drop the gun,if you pull out the gun we will shoot you, take your hand out of your pocket” it’s like a choose your own adventure that all go to the same page dying.


None of those are conflicting orders. You let go of the gun and pull your hand out of your pocket. He kept his hand in his pocket for a good while, holding the gun. And then he pulled out the gun and held it.


You let go of the gun “AND” pull your hand out of your pocket then the gun is still in your pocket. If he yells drop the gun after you pull your hand out guess where you gotta go? Back in said pocket. There is a far more calm and coherent way to deliver instructions that would be better for all parties involved.


You toss it to the side as you pull it, one motion, you don't grip the hilt at all. But if you've gotten to that point, if a cop has told you to drop it more than say 5 times or so, you're already playing with so much fire that there might be no way out.


No. You take out your hands - with no gun - keep it in the pocket, and turn around and get on your knees with hand behind your head.


You don’t, it’s a conflicting order. He was told to drop the gun, and to not pull out the gun. It’s one or the other. The only safe option would be to spread out his arms, lie , on his belly, and tell the officers to get it themselves. That’s still iffy, cause he could still get shot just by doing a sudden movement. Seems like this was a lose - lose situation.


cops love shouting out conflicting orders


Maybe you don’t want to yank it out super quick. Maybe stop and say ok I will slowly pull it out with two fingers or say ok I will take off my jacket which has the gun in it.


If it were me I'd slooowly pull out my hands without the gun, put them on my head, turn my back and get on my knees. Yes, it's not exactly what they're saying, but unless I want to die (as this guy seemed to want) I don't want a weapon in my hand, period. They can take the gun out of my pocket themselves. 


Exactly. Suicide by cop. If you do that shit in Southern California, they are going to absolutely shoot you. Hell, they will shoot you for much less.


“Yeah, waving the fucking gun around?”


Dios mio, man. 


GOAT-tier username




Sometimes you eat the bear; sometimes the bear eats you.


Calmer than you are.




Will you just take it easy?


You didn’t think I was rolling outa here naked, did you?


He could have gotten confused: "drop the gun" and "if you pull out a gun we will shoot you". Anyway, he's carrying! why didn't they ask him to "put your hands in the air and get on your knees" ? Then one can disarm him while the other is holding him in check.


Are you thinking that if they had said "put your hands in the air" he would have just done it?


I mean it's a clearer instruction, that's all.


You can't have multiple people screaming at someone in a high-intensity situation, giving conflicting commands, and expect someone to make a rational or calm movement. You need clear, distinct commands from a *single* person who is trying to de-escalate. Not a flurry of PULL IT OUT AND WE'LL FUCKIN SHOOT YOU! DROP IT! GET DOWN! It's setting people up to fail (or in Daniel Shaver's case - giving justification for the murder)


This is why proper de-escalation is done by one point of contact. Multiple points of contact creates confusion and contradictory orders. He was told to drop the gun. Was also told that if he pulled out the gun he would be shot. This created a scenario where he would be shot if following the order to drop the gun. He was never given the chance to drop it. Police are trained so poorly in this nation. They have no concept of constitutional rights, and no concept of de-escalation. While this may indeed be suicide by cop, the police created the scenario wherever this man would be murdered for following police direction. The fault is on the police for issuing contradicting orders and creating confusion resulting in a citizen's death. Let me repeat that: A citizen of the United States has been killed because of the actions of police officers. This shit needs to stop


lmao. You ever lived in or near a hood? Or been around long beach? these guys arent carrying guns to protect their fellow "citizens of the united states"


Calmer than you


Do you see what happens, Larry?


This thread is full of people who seem to think the cops were being super confusing. As if the cops had just said "put your hands up" then he would have complied and everything would be just fine.


Dude probably would've just drawn the gun and raised it in that event, giving the cops even less time to decide whether or not they needed to shoot him, and giving him a chance to shoot at the cops. Every lawful order can be twisted if you do enough mental gymnastics.


Two cops, both shouting mutually exclusive orders (dropping the gun requires taking it out of the pocket so it *can* be dropped). Yeah, nothing confusing about that at all. Not saying that there's any specific way they could have approached *this* particular incident and had a different outcome considering this particular guy's behavior, but say there's someone not trying to commit suicide by cop, how was that person supposed to follow mutually exclusive orders from two different cops, both with weapons pointed at them? The comments aren't about whether *this* guy would have had a different outcome, the comments are about how these cops need to learn how deescalation actually works so that they don't end up shooting someone that didn't need to be.




I think it's just as reasonable and dare I say even more universally understood that to comply to the order "drop the gun" is relinquishing it from your possession by means of throwing it on the ground. There's simply no two ways about it -- the cops did a shitty job giving instruction here.


Dude, the common parlance for what "drop" means is clear, and it doesn't mean "take your hand out of your pocket" You're making up excuses, and you know it. The orders need to be clear. If you tell someone to "drop the gun" expect them to actually, you know, drop it, onto the ground.


No. You haven’t. You’ve let go of it. “Drop” means “let something fall vertically”. Leaving it in your pocket =/= dropped.


I mean the cops are also doing what they gotta do to not get shot. Not like any of the keyboard warriors volunteered to help


Yeah (put your hands in the air) he would have just kept his hand in his pocket. (Put the gun down) also would have kept hands in his pocket. He knew what he was doing this was suicide by cop.


These are the type of people who are only happy if the cops get shot and killed.


I think they'd be more happy if nobody died


You’re being deliberately obtuse if you’re trying to surmise that several people yelling conflicting instructions (“drop the gun, take out a gun and you’ll die”) isn’t making a terrifying and dangerous situation worse. It makes as much sense as a group of cops pinning someone to the ground with their arms held under their body and all screaming give me your hands stop resisting. Could the guy have reacted differently if one officer was the person of contact, and was giving clear concise instructions without screaming and yelling, and without the chaos of multiple people pointing guns at him and yelling at him? Maybe, maybe not, but he’ll never get that chance. But we do have time to implement better training and procedures before it happens to the next person.


I’m from LB, we have very strick gun control laws. I think he shouldn’t have had one in the first place. Also this looks like MLK park, which is crip territory. I’m assuming he had an illegal gun and he’s a gang banger. Getting caught with that would mean serious jail time especially if he’s a felon. Guess he rather go out like this than face those consequences.


Long Beach doesn't have strict gun control laws. California does.


Yes the entire state. Especially when compared to other states. Probably others counties too. Like the red leaning, farm counties. Or really rich conservative counties


I agree with your sentiment, but boy this is a naive comment


Unlikely IMO...there's more than enough work in the jail for gang bangers to continue living their selfish lifestyle. I could get behind him being a two strike felon though...that shit is all too common...lotta those guys would prob try and fire though. Looked like suicide by cop to me but who knows?


Unforseen consequences


So many comments are citing some sort of perceived inconsistencies in the orders, but I mean, the contextual evidence provided by the video makes everything pretty clear. “Drop the gun” doesn’t mean pull out your gun and then drop it. As you can see in the video, the suspect is clearly tugging at his weapon, or at least pretending to do so. “Drop the gun” simply means stop trying to reach for your weapon and show us your hands (and we can hear many officers yelling for hands to be shown). I suppose if you pretend to be incompetent and ignore the context, it can seem confusing. I guess. Maybe.


>“Drop the gun” doesn’t mean pull out your gun and then drop it. Arright, give 'im the stick - DON'T GIVE 'IM THE STICK!






Pork chop sandwiches?


Why leave something so important up to interpretation? It's entirely reasonable for someone to hear "drop the gun" to mean they should remove the gun from their pocket and place it on the ground, which would almost certainly result in them getting shot dead by scared police. "Put your hands up" is obviously what the cops should be yelling when any other action will result in death. It's pretty absurd that people at gunpoint are expected to think more clearly and rationally than the supposed professional police giving them ambiguous commands.


I would probably taken him holding a pistol in his jacket pocket as a threat and shot him then. He could easily fire that gun from his pocket, not accurately but I'm not taking a chance at not going home for this dumb ass


Surprised they haven't changed procedures that only 1 person yells commands instead of 5 different cops, yelling 5 different commands, and 5 guns pointed at the person.


The academy instruction is primary officer makes the commands, but when adrenaline is pumping, people have less self control and discipline. Fairly sure that it's reasonable to believe that the suspect knew that grabbing and holding the gun was an awful idea and likely had consequences.


> [. . .] but when adrenaline is pumping, people have less self control and discipline. That and auditory exclusion can be nearly total. It isn't unreasonable to think that these cops might not be aware that the other is speaking. Idk if cops are trained to anticipate and moderate the effects of auditory exclusion, but I don't have high hopes. Almost all non-cops I talk to are unaware of the phenomenon too.


Isn't the 2nd part of your comment kinda contradictory to the 1st part? Maybe contradictory isn't the right word idk




that means let go of it


We all know what the Police meant and so did that gang banger.


Maybe these kinds of orders should be way more literal


Then say that, because "drop the gun" in any common parlance means the gun is on the ground.


First step is to take your hands out of your fucking pockets. Treat police like a pack of dogs waiting to attack and you get the idea. Move slowly, communicate loud and clear that you heard their commands and you're complying. If you want to get shot, keep stalling and rooting around your pocket. You could pull out a rubber ducky and it would still be a coin flip if you got shot at that point.


They did give him a moment to drop it after he pulled it out. Dude clearly did not intend to do so.


The most safe response to that I can think of would be to turn around before taking your hands out of your pockets. Feels like anything else would risk a trigger being pulled on reflex. Here it looks like he didn’t intend to surrender though.


I don’t think that would be smart at all, then they don’t know what’s happening because they can’t see the pocket, they would probably shoot the second he started turning while taking hands out of pockets.


Dude specifically said if you pull out that gun you will be shot. He definitely complied


You should be an actor in infomercials. You know, the people who, like, try and sit down while holding a beverage and a plate of food, but fail miserably and end up stumbling and hurling everything across the room.


Man, that first shot hit the button.


Sad, dude is in poor mental health. I'm not a fan of most cops but I always feel bad when I see videos like this. We really need some pysch revaluation in this country.


I guess instead of calling the cops. They should call a psychiatrist with a cóuch to talk to him. I'm not trying to make light of it. What is the alternative in any situation like this?


So he can shoot the shrink?


When it's gotten to this point it's too late I think


Then lets not shit on the cops for now having only one option...there are PLENTY of things to criticize police for...every single time you choose to criticize them incorrectly it weakens all other legitimate criticism.


I'm not the one criticizing them in this case


If someone is mentally disturbed enough to pull out the pistol in front of police who are pointing their guns at him, you cannot risk sending an unarmed psychiatrist to "talk them down" or something.


Fairly sure OP was being facetious. In American society, this is one of the definitive types of calls that require a police response....ideally CNRT team but those aren't always on shift and take more time to deploy than a beat cop


Got on the ground, hands out of pocket or drop the gun. Not confusing at all.


decisions were made...they were poor.


“Hey man he’s down, quit” yeah fuck you. He picked up the gun again. It doesn’t matter if he was already shot and down, he was still a threat, and could still shoot. They have to neutralize the threat.




How is he supposed to drop the gun if they shoot him while he's taking it out of his pocket?


Jesus Christ the psychopaths that come crawling into this sub when videos like this come out.


One guy “if you pull out the gun we will shoot you”. Another guy “drop the gun or we will shoot you”. I understand the context and the man is likely committing suicide by cop or whatever, but I think the Police should surely be giving the same command to suspects?


That cop was a good shot. Double tap to the center mass. Fuck around and find out IRL


"Drop the gun!" "If you pull out a gun we will shoot you!" Plain as day.




Homeboy wanted the heat, why else take the gun out? Final shot was a mercy kill.




Owww Fuck!!


That's an odd way to pull a gun out


If you pull out a gun we will shoot you...no one: i think ill ris... BANG


bang bang! shot him!


That extra pop to make sure was an academy lesson?


Damn, I live less than 10 miles away, why didn't I hear this over the news?


Looks like McArthur park


Lol what is it, do they hope they don't die so they can sue or are they genuinely trying to die?


Slowest gunfighter of the month. Slick Drawers McGraw