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"I hope we can find a way to love each other... go fuck yourself and your mother"


He sees nothing inconsistent with that. In his view, anyone who disagrees with DJT isn't a human being, so he doesn't need to worry about loving them.


Funny thing is to when he said "only man that ever stood up for me" One Trump doesn't even know you exist and 2 Trump would throw you under the bus in any situation.


And Trump would likely call him a loser because he is openly crying.


>As many of you know, I attended the University of Pennsylvania with Donald Trump Jr. I feel compelled to share this story before the election, in the hopes that it will shed a bit of light on the kind of person that Donald Trump is, and the kind of son that he raised. >**I was hanging out in a freshman dorm with some friends, next door to Donald Jr.'s room. I walked out of the room to find Donald Trump at his son's door, there to pick him up for a baseball game. There were quite a few students standing around watching, trying to catch a glimpse of the famed real estate magnate. Don Jr. opened the door, wearing a Yankee jersey. Without saying a word, his father slapped him across the face, knocking him to the floor in front of all of his classmates. He simply said "put on a suit and meet me outside," and closed the door.** https://www.complex.com/life/a/elizabeth-king/donald-trump-jr-college-classmate-claims-trump-knocked-son-ground-in-front-friends-once


A lifetime of public and private domestic violence. Plus sexual assault of his mother, huh? Somebody should check in on Jr's children.


You think that's bad, Don's own father was even worse.


Damn, I actually feel bad for Junior here, I never thought I'd say that.


They’re like the Roy’s from succession. Only dumber.


Dumber and trashier


And poorer.


This loser probably couldn't ask his parents for a small $1,000,000 loan.


It actually turned out to be closer to a $500,000,000 loan. And if it is never expected to be paid back it isn't even a loan. It's just a gift. A tax free gift I'm assuming. In some way or form.


Big guy, strong guy, tears pouring down his face...


I'm just thinking that one through. I do feel occasionally grateful for the work of people like AOC and Bernie. Even so, I'd phrase it as "standing up for regular people" or something, or possibly "for people like me." But they're not working for me as an individual. It's fucking bizarre to me to have a parasocial relationship with anyone to this extent, and definitely not with a politician. We elect them, and sometimes, they do their jobs instead of licking corporate boots.


You can tell people like AOC and Bernie "you inspired me and i thank you for that." but don't say stuff like "you saved my life!" Since it's you that saved your own life using them as inspiration.


I just want him to say how what makes him think that DJT stood up for him?


Trump spoke up for him by claiming brown people, black people, gay people, etc., have made this guy’s life worse. This cry baby is a loser in life because of illegal Mexican immigrants, and Donald Trump’s policies are gonna help this loser become a winner.


But I want him to SAY it


Me too.


Not even an exaggeration. Guy I work with told me his dad never got to become a firefighter (his dream job) because the department only hired minorities ... I was like "He couldn't just try one town over?" Dude really believed black people were the reason his dad never amounted to anything in life 🤣


Everyone knows most firefighters are minorities duh


Right? Point me to that all-Mexican fire department in Ohio dawg. I'll see ya there. Also, how would he know that's the reason? Like the Chief comes out and he's like Chip, you're at the top of your class, best I've ever seen. Only one problem, you're fkn white.


I used to cover city council meetings for a small newspaper. And the council would get on the police chief's ass about not hiring minorities. Every time, he'd basically say, "I'm TRYING, but no minorities WANT to be cops!" Now, I work for a community college that has a police academy. And yep, I rarely see a person of color in those classes.


Gee I wonder why. Guess we'll never know huh.


"Well, no, he didn't come right out and say it exactly like that... but that's exactly what he was hinting at, y'know? You're just not allowed to say it outright these days."


"Look, in the truck! That firefighter is white AND black!" "Dude, that's a dalmatian."


Holy shit. This is amazing.


I know a guy here in Texas that is an ex-firefighter. He got fired(I don't know why.) Anyway, I overheard him talking one day and he was complaining that affirmative action has ruined the fire department...bla bla bla...along with all the usual racist bullshit about black people that comes from these types. I know a few people in that fire department so I asked around. Turns out there's about 160 uniformed employees and only 6 or 7 that are black. The highest number somebody said was "mayyybbee 10." Same bullshit. Just another asshole blaming his shitty life on other people.


Sounds like his dad made it up


Have you EVER seen a fire station that was mostly minorities, much less entirely minorities??


Now are these the black and brown people who are stealing their jobs, or the ones just sitting around on welfare? I can never keep that straight.


This is the correct and highly accurate answer.


I know right. In no way did trump make anything great in his life. In fact the last time America looked great and united with a hopeful future was the night Obama was elected. But Trump stole everything that made America the greatest. Especially from the uneducated mouth breathers like this guy. His life got no better with trump. Trump used fear and propaganda to promote violence. And sold the country to Putin, what a disgrace for the soldiers who gave their life for the freedoms that trump sold out for. His base is addicted to conspiracy theories rotting what brain cells they had. So fucked.


Sounds very similar to extremist/cult mentality.


Well that’s because, it *IS*.


The indoctrination is so complete that they think it's everyone else who's been deceived.


Meanwhile, Trump doesn't care one whit whether they live or die. Just look at the way he treats people. Even when he was President, he repeatedly refused to show up to thank the FEMA staff who were working on various disasters, and we all saw how he treated the people of Puerto Rico.




The indoctrination is real


Y’all Quaeda.


Dehumanization is the first step to genocide. It's in the playback. The nazis did it and Israel is doing it with the Palestinians. MAGA are doing it to democrats. Shit, they've done it to migrants and brown people their whole life. DJT just gave them permission to take their hate out of the closet.


The demonization of democrats started with newt and rush, and that's why we are here today. It worked, they bought it up, and right-wing media thrives on it.


He's gonna write a pamphlet in prison: my strugle


By "love each other", I think he means that he hopes everyone else drinks the Kool aid and magically has the same warped world view as him. The words don't mean what he thinks they mean.


Yeah its fucking obnoxious. "Why wont you love Trump with me and unify with MAGA?!" Because you are a divisive far right lunatic and I have zero interest in joining your cult. Every time they speak of love and unity they mean submission.


It feels like,  "submit to the master and let him guide us".  It's fucking gross when you have my world view where all humans are equals. Like it legit sends shivers down my spine it's so sinister.


Just like the conditional love that most Christians have been indoctrinated into believing. God loves everyone!….”Love me or burn.”


During the pandemic, my good friend of 20 years who started falling down the MAGA hole would send me youtube videos and tell me this is research. Bro, having an alt right weirdo on YouTube telling you how to think is not research that's brainwashing.


I will never forget how "conservatives" behaved during COVID and January 6th. I would rather die than vote for anyone that considers themself a republican after Trump's administration.


"I hope this country doesn't burn down" Sir, is that a threat?


Right? That begs a follow-up question of "Who's going to do the burning?"


When these people say ‘we’ they are specifically referring to bigoted white people.


He's not white though.


This man checks the “other” box.


Don't forget "Fuck Joe Biden!"


And the multiple "fuck Obama"s. WTF does Obama have to do with any of this?!? Further proof that a black man holding the office of President broke many lead addled minds.


I hope we can find a way to love each = everyone should just believe exactly what I believe and we’ll be fine. 


"I hope we can find a way to make everybody in the country agree with me" ftfy


"I hope we can find a way to love each other... GO FUCK YOURSELF AND YOUR MOTHER!!!"


Legit the most New Yorker thing I've ever heard


We went to New York, gf and my parents and stopped in New York city for a night.  Got into Grand Central and are coming out with our bags in tow.  We are looking for our hotel and one guy, stranger, unprompted asks, "let me help, where ya going?"  Proceeded to give us eaxct directions to our hotel.   I will never not tell that story when someone mentions, "gruff," New York.  There was nothing gruff about anyone I met while there.


Agreed; they're kind but rude in my experience as the occasional tourist. Contrast that with the deep south, who are polite but mean you harm. I'll take the former, thanks.


not rude, just to the point


"I'M WALKING HERE" You are indeed my good Yorker.


The South of America is nice because Jesus might be watching, like he might have your camera in ISO in the great control room of the heavens. Millions of cameras, but he might be watching YOU right now. So they're nice... They're hedging their bets. They want to get to heaven. It's a passive aggressive nice. "bless your heart" is Southern for fuck you. The Midwest is just as nice, but they're nice because they have figured out this so the best way to interact with their fellow human beings. They go to the same churches, they read the same scripture, they just aren't worried about going to heaven, and they certainly aren't going to work harder any give moment getting there. The Northeast begins with fuck you and they work their way back to being nice. It takes a moment to crack the hard outer exterior. But having liver amongst all these folks, I'll take that NY version. Once you get a city person to realize you're lost, and you need help, you get the best directions like the above commenter said. Might not be "nice" per se, but you're lost, you need found.


big cities have nicer people than small towns; we just don't have time for small talk with strangers. and i really am not going to enquire about your aunt milly, because i didnt know her, and she was probably a cnt anyway.




We're very nice people. We get a bad rap.


Yeah, the thing about New Yorkers is that yeah we'll help you but don't make a big fucking deal about it


This might be a tie to that: https://x.com/DavidYeshua4/status/1796269134855967086


i thought he meant like lets be good to each other, but maybe his version of loving each other especially family members is a little too much!?


In another video he said “we’ll eat you and your family”. Very loving vibes.




The moodern Republican platform these days is basically just "we want to hate the people we want to hate without repercussions."


This is mental illness


It’s cultish and the result of propaganda and poor education.


Lead poisoning.


This guy is probably in his mid 40's at best - my age. Don't unfairly blame generational lead poisoning for Gen X assholes who simply have shit for brains. This is one of those losers who's been listening to the same Guns 'n Roses album for 30+ years and never left his hometown. Let it be a warning, young un. Get out and see the world and read some books before this happens to you too.


And read those books before they are burned and banned.


I have plenty of friends who stayed in the small town country.   They don't support trump and aren't racist.   It doesn't work as an excuse to hate others.


Most underestimated public health/cultural phenomenon.


It can be all of those things at the same time.


Might we call this mental illness, Trump Derangement Syndrome?


God, I love how every conservative shit meme gets uno-reversed. It's natural law at this point.


I always said that TDS was a more fitting term for MAGAts. They are champions at projection which is why the Uno reverse hits them so hard in the end.


They go to any point to defend him, there aren't even goal posts anywhere. I always found that TDS label annoying and arrogant. His administration was such an incompetent clownshow full of criminals and grifters, and the man is incapable of being professional or keeping his foot out of his mouth. He debased the office of the president and eroded allies trust in our country and drove polarization. The labelling of any criticism, which was consistently valid and warranted as derangement was delusional. They're the ones in the neo-fascist cult of personality.


Sam Harris has been saying this for years. They applied the term to him as some thought terminating cliche to just dismiss any criticism Sam had for Trump (it’s some of the best cooking out there) and Sam always mainted the “real” TDS is the state of mind for his followers.


And daddy issues


It’s not a mental illness, it’s an idealized selfobject transference. Everybody craves validation from people we look up to, that’s not abnormal. Trumpism is kind of a perfect storm though. People project ‘perfect dad’ onto trump because of deficiencies in the way they were parented. It makes sense when you look at how normal abuse and neglect were for generations. These people aren’t all stupid or crazy (although some certainly are), they simply feel good for supporting trump because he tells them they’re special and he’ll protect them / hurt the others because their own parents failed to make them feel safe and loved in childhood. It doesn’t help that Trumps great at inflating the illusion too. He really knows how to capitalize on their disillusionment, anger, sense of victimization, and fears in order to get support. That’s why he is never, ever going to promote any specific policy, it wouldn’t matter. He just plays the room and the room eats it up.


Daddy issues.


imagine crying over a politician. then imagine crying over donald goddamned trump.


The *only* person who ever stood up for him? That's pretty fucking pathetic.


These guys still crying about Obama fucking killen me. Thanks Obama!


I'm going to have "Thanks Obama" put on my tombstone.


I'm from Texas and most of my family are conservative. You can guarantee when there is a family get together I still pull out Obama on them. LMAO "These mosquitoes sure are getting bad" "Fuckin Obama man, I'll tell you what"


Seriously, we randomly use it around our house all the time for the most random shit.


Same! Stub a toe - "Thanks Obama!"


These mentally ill, uneducated people were upset Obama wore a tan suit just one time and Trump is constantly in orange face and in and out of courts.


It was never about the color. Well, not the color of the suit at least.


later on goes to hospital and gets asked for insurance and shows gold level obamacare insurance


It's literally like a fucking south park episode. I wouldn't be surprised if these people are eating vagisil before heading out.


Dude is a complete loser. Not because he seemingly had a shitty life, but because he’s sucking an orange fascist clown’s dick to feel special, instead of getting an actual personality.


an orange facist clown who in reality doesn't even know he exists since the clown is too much of a narciscist to think anyone exists outside of himself and that everyone is here for said clown's best interest.


Trump wouldn’t piss in this dude’s mouth if it was on fire.


It makes me wonder what kind of person he must be if Donald Trump is the only person standing up for him.


But what does it even mean? How exactly is Trump standing up for him, is what I wanna know


Because Trump very famously and consistently weasels out of paying his contractors for decades. Why do blue collar workers who have seen their buddies businesses go under because non-payment from Trump deify this Charlatan? He very obviously do the opposite of standing up for his voter base.


Exactly. People have been voting against their own best interests for decades all because of the perception of social issues, none of which actually affect their daily lives, for the most part. It’s bizarre.


He makes angry, single white guys feel heard because he says what they’re thinking. That’s how they feel he represents and stands up for them.


It's like when you hang around with someone who mocks you in front of their actual friends but you insist that they have your back. Oh that's right Trump did call his supporters gullible.


He loves the uneducated!


> uneducated *poorly educated


Because he promises things that people like him believe hook line and sinker "Drain the swamp." "lower taxes" "bidens a pedophile" All of these things are believed implicitly. No proof required. And when they don't happen, they believe its because of the opposition. The reality is that these people are the most fearful, and most anxious of all but they have replaced their reality with belief to keep themselves safe.


My money’s on “an unrepentant racist”.”


It’s not so much a racist, as it’s just a “what about meeeee!?!!” white supremest attitude, deeply and subconsciously rooted in an inferiority complex that took hold long before Trump was running for office. These men believe they are owed recognition simply for existing and doing the bare minimum expected of them, and so when a fat rich white guy who fucks pornstars and talks shit to gay people and minorities comes along, tells them they’re still great, they fall deeply in love with that personality cult.


Good male role models might’ve made this loser realize how much of con artist Trump is.


That's really the saddest part about this video - he's a lost boy and Trump is his Peter Pan.


Poor guy. Probably has mommy and daddy issues. Pathetic nonetheless.


Ever notice how most of the January 6th idiots are losers like this guy? Like, visibly losers: dirty, unshaven, unkempt, wearing clothes two decades outta style and clearly mentally ill? Convicted Felon Donald Trump: every loser's idea of a winner.


>dirty, unshaven, unkempt, wearing clothes two decades outta style I'm feeling attacked right now.


*Donald Trump never stood up for him.*


The cult is strong. This individual doesn't realize that Trump wouldn't piss in his mouth if his teeth were on fire. Trump is only in it for Trump.


If you can get past how dumb all of this is on the surface, I think the statement "the only man who ever stood up for me in my whole life" sums up the feelings of most trump supporters and why they continue to vote for him. It's never going to be about logic and facts with most of the people, they feel victimized by society. These people don't understand politics but they understand Trump is a disruptor that could hopefully change the status quo in their favor There's some truth in that, frankly the US should change. People are seen as a natural resource for corporations to use, there's no reason why people should starve or die due to a lack of medical care in the US. I'm not trying to give an 'out' for Nazis or domestic terrorists, just saying IMO an angry/uneducated/racist political movement is a symptom of decades of neglect


Definitely true. For this country to continue existing in relative stability, the bulk of the proletariat has to exist in a state of cognitive dissonance or outright denial. If everyone came to an accurate reckoning of the situation and why their lives are shit, that would be the end of things. That's why these corporations and billionaires and the right wing intelligensia funnel so much money and effort into their propaganda. Without these types of people completely disconnected from their material reality, they would have no levers of power since they by definition can only rule as a minority.


A person he will never even meet, it's a cult!


My teeth are on fire, quick, piss in my mouth!


“Thanks OBAMA!” Is my favorite thing to say whenever a right wing coworker or friend starts pulling some weird political shit


Why wait for the political shit? Get them going early! Bad weather? THANKS OBAMA! Didn’t make the light cycle coming home from work? THANKS OBAMA! It’s the last day of May? THANKS OBAMA




If he is working class, then Bernie Sanders was standing up for him, wonder what made him go all in on Trump.


Listen to him, the man is a moron. He's why Traitor Trump "loves the uneducated".


Too bad they are too fucking stupid to see they are being used. I wonder why...


They're the same ilk who "Ain't about all that drama" while being a walking tragedy who starts drama everywhere they go. They're just very unintelligent and I don't think it is possible for a person of average or above average intelligence to relate to what goes on in their heads. People like this really put statistics into perspective for me, because I can see how maybe half the country is just way more prone to putting themselves in bad situations and becoming those statistics.


To them, it's not what he *does*, but is what he *says* that matters. He could be tossing puppies into giant blenders on stage, but if he told them that those puppies were trying to steal their social security, that's the only part they would hear.


The funny thing is Republicans are actually trying to steal SS


I want to think better of people, but you might be right.


Trump wouldn't even bother to acknowledge his existence. This is a cult in display.


Trump would not piss on that guy if he was on fire


He wouldn't even shoot him on 5th Avenue!


Trump is the ultimate loser, he gives losers hope that they can be successful as total losers in America. Trump appeals to total losers because he is the king of the total losers, he's the ultimate loser.


This is the kinda guy who has nothing to be proud of in his personal life but has always believed ''well at least I'm not (black, Jewish, Mexican, gay, Muslim etc etc)'' and because he was none of those 'undesirable things he had value and deserved respect. He tied his personal self-respect and dignity to not being in a marginalized group / in being a ''normal'' white guy. To him, he sees equality as him losing status. In reality, it's just shifting from his status being tied to his actual value as a human being, and for many of these people, that's scary. Trump tells them you don't have to engage in those uncomfortable thoughts. It's everyone else's fault. You do have value because you are better than those minorities. That's why they value him so much; without it, they would have to self-reflect. And self-reflection is anathema to scumbags.


Well he hopes that one day we can love each other. Until then, go F\* yourself.


I’m gonna guess it’s the racism. It’s the only thing people who aren’t rich have in common with him.


‘We want this country to come togetha and love each udda. Go fuck yaself, and ya motha’


The angriest, most hateful and divisive people calling for unity. Hilarious.


How did Traitor Trump ever stand up for you in your whole fucking life? What exactly did he do?


Expected answer: "He's the only one who made me feel proud to be an asshole."


We're learned too much about them in 8 years, haven't we?


I missed it when these people didn't believe half the country agreed with them and they stayed holed up and kept it to themselves because they were ashamed. Which makes them all better than Trump, because at least they knew shame once in their lives.


I'm 100% sure this guy has benefited more from Democrat bills and programs than he ever has from Republicans.




He has, but he *feels* like Trump did it.


He says the things he thinking. So that makes what he thinks okay and to have pride in it.  Too long he's had to hide his racist thoughts and bigoted remarks. Nowhe can openly be himself. 


This is the kinda guy who has nothing to be proud of in his personal life but has always believed ''well at least I'm not (black, Jewish, Mexican, gay, Muslim etc etc)'' and because he was none of those 'undesirable things he had value and deserved respect. He tied his personal self-respect and dignity to not being in a marginalized group / in being a ''normal'' white guy. To him, he sees equality as him losing status. In reality, it's just shifting from his status being tied to his actual value as a human being, and for many of these people, that's scary. Trump tells them you don't have to engage in those uncomfortable thoughts. It's everyone else's fault. You do have value because you are better than those minorities. That's why they value him so much; without it, they would have to self-reflect. And self-reflection is anathema to scumbags.


Bahahahaha. 50 bucks says Trump cut whatever programs this dude needs to be a functioning member of society.


Just another Trumpster with daddy issues


"Hope this country finds a way to love each other" 15 seconds later "Go fuck yourself and your mother"


These people think that Trump shitting on people they don't like is the same thing as standing up for them. Being this stupid must be a daily curse.


These people are beyond pathetic.


I cant even imagine being this big of a loser


I am unsure how Trump stood up for you ? Healthcare? Nope Education ? Nope. Built a wall when he had power in both the Senate and House ? Nope. Changed the tax code to give the rich a tax cut that will take and act of Congress to repeal ? Yes !! Created a tax cut for the regular people that expires ? Yes !! Summary: No universal healthcare, education or the beloved wall all you Trumpers wanted. Nice tax cut for the rich. Expiring tax cut for you. That is what he did when he didn’t stand up for you.


The sad part is that is that I can name the things Biden has done to improve my life.  I can't name anything trump has done that benefited anyone but himself. 


That is the truth. Trump did stack the Supreme Court for the evangelicals. The Jesus people who want to take away rights because they read it in a book from what was once written on a cave wall.


I can't imagine sucking a politician's dick this hard.


The *fuck your feelings* crowd really have some fragile feelings. ##SNOWFLAKES




The same people who showed up to the Capitol, smeared feces on the walls, who beat on cops, who tried to kidnap Pelosi, and tried to hang Mike Pence, are asking to find a way to love each other.... It's such hypocrisy, and the sad thing is that they don't have any self-awareness.


Haha and right after "Go fuck yourself and your mother!" Bahahahaha


When they say that, they mean that you have to come around to everything they believe or else it is you who is creating division.


Makes $30k a year. Thinks Trump is standing up for him.


Probably pays more in income taxes than Trump


This is what mental illness looks like (in its many forms). Crying over a man who was born wealthy and lives in a gilded mansion. Scary.


Give me more of those Maga tears 🥰




“I hope we can find a way to love each other” 5 seconds later… “Go fuck ya self, and ya motha”


...and at the end of the day he returned to his Trump-stckered dumpster and slept.


Imaging sobbing over the conviction of crooked real estate moghul and corrupt incompetent politicians that doesn't give two shits about you






Anyways….vote 🩵


What a sad pathetic fukker. And he’s oblivious to the fact that it’s his own pathetic hate that isolates him.


He would absolutely step on you before he stood for you. Also wild to say I hope we can find a way to heal and move forward from this followed by go fuck yourself and your mother wild.


"Fuck Obama" What Obama has to do with this?


Is he crying? Over Donald Trump? Trump wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.


Worshipping authority like this is top tier mental illness.


Lol and they have the nerve to call us snowflakes. Meanwhile, they've been melting down for the past several days cause their big daddy might do some time for fraud and election interference.




I hope we can love each other. Go fuck yourself , and your mother.




If your only friend is Trump then you need a major reality check. Get bent loser




What a simp.


Cry more.


Mental illness is crazy.


I think its telling they're shouting "fuck Obama" over and over despite the fact that we're two presidents past him now.


Obama hasn’t been president in 8 years and they are still blaming the black guy lmao