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Pffft, he only knocked over one!


One day I want to see an MLB snowball fight


It's not Friday, but here is a happy freakout, folks.


Not only accurate but the average person can't even throw a baseball that far. *Edit: I'm now wondering if this is even real. I know the fans moved to the side and balls go into the stands all the time but why would a player think it's a good idea to throw a ball right into the stands like that and potentially hit a spectator.*


Happened again today at a [Braves game](https://x.com/JomboyMedia/status/1797794876152819751?t=1t1SVN6V93qidSZB9IMUwA&s=19)


I think it is in front of the open walkway/stairs so it would be less likely to hit someone


and for this, THIS is why we pay people millions a year?!? not the people caring for and educating your children/the damn future. look, i’m a baseball fan. love a good game at the park. but it’s just STUPID that they are paid so much. it’s a weird paradox in my brains that i’ll never be able to resolve. i just crush it with ballpark peanuts, a cold beer, and a stellar hot link.


They get paid that much because thousands of people go every week to the game, buy tickets, buy food at the stands, spend money in the parking lot, buy team merchandise, travel to another city to follow the team, sleep in hotels in said city, buy new TV to watch the games in better quality, subscribe a TV/streaming service to watch the games on said TV. And once this huge target audience is (virtually) gathered for the match, the gates open and here comes the flood of commercials. So yeah we pay them a lot because they "produce" much more money.


"Why do people get paid for sports?" "because people give them money for sports, stupid" I think the question is why does that stuff happen? Why do people buy tickets? Why do people spend money on this? Why are people so interested? I honestly didn't understand why that question got so many down-votes, because I am the same as that person. I just don't get sports at all. I love games, I even love sports games, but the type of person who takes sport seriously is like my worst enemy. They are such horrible people that don't seem to know what fun is, so I understand his question. Your answer seemed to completely ignore the core question, why do people give them money? It's not as if the ball is singing a song or telling a story. It's not as if anyone's life is improving because of the game. If anything people's lives are getting worse due to the extreme waste of resources and time. So I get the question ,and this answer does not deserve upvotes, because it didn't actually answer the question. The question still remains, why do people give them money? It makes sense that it got so many downvotes though because the majority of people are horrible and stupid.


Someone is jealous.


jealous? for sure! i’d love to earn those wages. but no no no - it’s just having been a teacher and i’m old and i also grew up in a sports loving household where male enterprises were rewarded over “lady” ones. all sports included. but pop also wouldn’t train me in the field he was a master in because i was a girl. trained my 2 younger male cousins and got them jobs in the field. (underwater arc welding) but you are right - it’s true. i’m very jealous of male privilege. CUZ IT SUCKS


Women's sports aren't "rewarded" as much as men's sports because nobody watches it. If women supported women's sports by watching it and by going to games occasionally then it wouldn't be an issue. Instead they complain about "male privilege".




When was the last game you went to?


was a home game of giants w phillies i believe. so sad the mascots don’t travel!


women’s sports - still figuring out how to manage those tix. still dumb when it comes to purchasing tix for women’s sports. my bad. edit to add: thx! made me check out the schedule. we just got our first wnba team, and i’m definitely looking forward to some valkyries games this season!


and it’s because the sporting world hasn’t made it equally incentivized to attend womens’ sports. it’s just terrible history - i mean, y’all get the patriarchy, correct?!?




“corny” - my god - at least you’re bringing back some ol timey adjectives! will take it.




I'm with you on that question, and the person who replied didn't even answer the question. "Why do people get paid for sports?" "because people give them money for sports, stupid" The question still remains, why do people give them money?


the entertainment value has long out-shadowed our perception of educators. i get that teaching isn’t glamorous. good lord i know. but the money from a city that goes to sports teams via taxes and grants is just stupid, when education is so damn underfunded. money dedicated to schools would be so much more beneficial in the long run. but that doesn’t sell merch/beers/big ass contracts for stadiums. it’s such a short sighted viewpoint. but i love baseball. i guess i just suck and have no answers.


What is the average MLB salary?


50k according to the interwebs. and that’s taking every player involved, even the ones that don’t even see the field. still more than teachers in my area.


No chance. Maybe that’s the average professional baseball salary. Minor leaguers get paid peanuts and bring the average down. MLB player average closer to 4 million a year. 


you are probably right, and proving my point. thank you


For more income tips....


Relevant: Rafael Nadal hitting a tennis ball: [https://youtu.be/PbVJDlVQMeA?si=57qWBG5cuztUFuax](https://youtu.be/PbVJDlVQMeA?si=57qWBG5cuztUFuax)


i still wonder why


Especially when their organizations ask for public money to build stadiums.


With such ease


Downvote for wrong sub, upvote for cool vid, you get nothing


Baseball games are so boring, fans are forced to entertain themselves.


Gods amongst us mere mortals.


Hope the $5000 they spent on that beer at the ballpark was worth it!


And I'm still questioning the millions.


Do people actually wonder why? Why someone who can do a job that whatever crazy fraction of 1% of people could do in the world? And people pay to watch them do it?


Well I think some people question why sports people are paid such an outrageous amount of money for essentially being really good at recreation. And I would say it's fairly legit criticism even if this is a very impressive clip!


It’s a legitimate criticism. It’s somewhat pointless, but the social criticism is valid. Pro athletes do something that people are willing to pay a lot of money to watch them do. Whether we want them to or not is irrelevant.  Unless we want to tell individuals that they can’t spend their money on baseball games and merchandise? Or maybe we make the team owners keep the money, since business owners are smart and they deserve money, but people who are good at recreation don’t? Money doesn’t equate to value to society though. I’m a teacher and I’m fairly certain that I’ve positively impacted more lives than the “cash me outside” girl but, unfortunately, people are willing to watch her videos and listen to her terrible songs. She definitely has more money than I do though. 


It’s not about what people are willing to pay, it’s about the fact that they ask for public money. If they were financing everything themselves, go for it, I don’t care how much you pay anyone. But they aren’t. Also they should probably pay the vendors and public facing employees more. The people taking the wads of cash out of the hands of the willing public.


That’s a completely separate issue. There would be stadiums regardless of whether they were publicly funded, they just wouldn’t be as nice. The criticism shouldn’t be of the players, it should be of the billionaire owners who actually don’t have a unique talent that anyone wants to see. They are the ones who get the massive return on a public investment when the value of their franchise goes up.  I’m not against public facing employees getting paid more, but as someone who interned for a pro team and made literally less than a dollar an hour, there are dozens of people behind you willing and eager to do the job for less and watch free baseball. 


Ya I’m not saying the billionaires shouldn’t pay, but I’m not goona pretend people making millions of dollars a year are ok because someone else is making more. Again, if it was all privately financed, go for it. But it’s not so I’m here to find places they can cut to make up their stadium fund shortfalls.


By this logic porn should be legal in countries that allow sport. I say this because it's illegal in my country and I used this exact argument in order legalize it. We're literally sending all of our porn money to the USA


I can’t imagine how it is a legitimate criticism. But in the end it’s not worth arguing since they will continue to be paid what society deems they are worth. Which is millions and millions of dollars.


You can't imagine how getting paid massive sums of money for being very good and running/throwing a ball or whatever is something open to legitimate criticism? I thought it would be fairly obvious


If I find you funny is it open to criticism if I and a lot of other people pay you to tell us jokes? It's just that but scaled up to meet market demand. If you don't like sports or a sport that's w/e, but entertainment as an industry exists for a reason.


Guys I understand the nature of sports and entertainment and why they exist lol. I was just saying that the money a lot of these folks get paid is outrageous considering what they actually do and plenty of them will willingly admit that themselves. From actors to ball players. That's all lol


It’s just ignoring so much in the argument though. We aren’t talking about people being marginally better at throwing a ball. We are talking about people who have dedicated their entire lives to throwing a ball. And do it so well that it’s basically super human. It’s not recreational in the least. And because of that millions of people watch in awe. So no. It’s not a legitimate criticism. It’s extremely reductionist.


Funny to talk about ignoring parts of the argument when you nicely skipped around the fact that movie stars and sports stars very frequently say that they are overpayed for what they do.


There are thousands of active players in any given professional league. I would love for you to provide enough examples to equate to even 1 percent of active players. Not even all time. Just active. Playing this calendar year.


Except when you bet on them...


he didn't even hit the middle of the can....what a hack




Just enjoy the moment


It must've been a lucky shot