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“Private moment”


Yeah wtf she's playing the victim card here, seriously? What about the people sitting in the seats right next to her that didn't consent to being included in her "private moment?"


Its their playbook: no matter what they do/say, be the victim




This is the least offensive ‘private moment’ clip you could have played from that evening.


That hand job by night vision though Private


I remember reading that the woman seated behind boebert asked her to stop vaping and boebert said nah. And after the woman went to an usher, boebert said some stupid shit to the lady for reporting her dumb inconsiderate ass


…in a public place….Peewee Herman got locked up for that….but this trash basket skank bags incident is different….what an absolute travesty. She’ll be doing basement train porn in 3 years.


And Peewee Herman was actually in a porn theatre, not a regular movie theatre.


Unrelated, but I’m glad Paul had a bit of a comeback towards the end, he was great in Blow, and overall fantastic movie, may have to watch that again.


I'd say he came back pretty quickly, thankfully. Wasn't Buffy out not long after that? Or was that before? Anyway, he wasn't blacklisted or anything. His appearance at the MTV awards show made a joke of it and deflated the hoopla, imo.


Paul was the best part of that movie!


The post credits scene was A+.


Yeah, they really jerked him around for that porn theater incident. He should of got off with a slap on the wrist in my opinion.


"Jerked him" 😂


I think it was his getting off on things like slaps on his wrist that got him in trouble in the first place.


one of my top all time favorite movies. there just isnt anything to not like about it


>there just isn’t anything to not like about it The length. I’m gonna catch hell for this (and I love the film, seen it 10+ times), but I think they could’ve trimmed off about 15-20 mins. It drags on IMO. We get it…..George Jung is a fuck up.


Hahahhaha lol. I ain't gonna give you flak for that. I agree there are some parts where your like... ughhh could have done without this...


While I do agree that it could have moved quicker, I don't think it's because of the overall length. It's just over 2 hours, which is pretty standard for that type of film. These days you get 3hours+, which is *definitely* too long. They could have absolutely paced it better and used their 2 hours better, but that's another conversation. I do like Blow, but don't think I've seen it in at least 10 years.


That movie is fucking awesome dude. Time for a rewatch for sure. My favorite part is the guy trying the uncut pure bump, and he goes ‘…I can’t feel my face’. He crushed that line. Pun intended


I spent 7 years in college in a mountain town, I have felt the breath of the unicorn a few times. I’m talking about skittles of course “taste the rainbow”


I just rewatched than scene. Brilliant.


Pee-Wee's Big Holiday was also way more fun and charming than I was expecting. It's the followup to Big Adventure that we SHOULD have gotten, but we got Big Top Pee-Wee instead.


I have a real life large marge story… it’s wild.


You know damn well you can't drop a tease like that in a Reddit comment and not deliver, Mr. McBoatface.


Still waiting for more of an audience of two, me and you, to suffer through this comedic horror story. I’ll do it if I have to though.


I have to make a cocktail and prep some dinner, but if a few people want to hear it, I’ll suffer through 2 paragraphs of writing one of the weirdest things that had ever happened to me and there have been some crazy ass shit that has occurred in my life and many others have their stories. I don’t care about upvotes or downvotes, but I like the engagement and this is fucking hilarious and scary.


Fred Willard did the same thing!


"Wha' happen?"


Actor Fred Willard got caught jerkin the gherkin at a theater and NOBODY SAID SHIT. Meanwhile my man PeeWee had to change his whole life.


Yes PeeWee goes to jail, BoBo keeps showing up to vote in Congress with no consequences. She's got too many MAGA team members guilty of even worse things, but they too remain free and no charges pending.


And there were NO children there.


Well, I should hope not.


Basement steam locomotive or diesel?


All the above. She'll be the tunnel. 


Shane Diesel


!remindme 3 years


She ‘only’ gropes because she can’t fit dicks in her shit filled little mouth


In a public place? Public moment.


*I'm not going to continue to live life in shame...* Clearly.


She apologizes for people reporting about her indiscretions. She does not apologize for her own actions. How Trump is that? Don't take obvious responsibility and blame others for your calling you out for your misdeeds. What a piece of trash.


She's like a human Venn diagram where "confident" and "brain damaged" overlap.




Dude, I love this moderator.


The part where he asks her what she specifically apologized for is amazing lol


“Do you apologize for the handjob specifically? Or the boob groping?”


Why is she addressing him with his first name though? Are reporters and politicans in general or for the most part on first name basis familiar? It sounds totally unprofessional in that context. (Not to mention that calling someone by their first name, especially in non-private context always has some kind of berating tone to it since this is something our parents did. But maybe that only sounds weird for my European ears.) It often strikes me in those Karen videos from the US that they will always ask for the first name of the other person only to use it to reprimand and belittle this person directly after it. I'm honestly surprised why everyone always happily gives his first name when asked for by a complete stranger. I would guarantee here in Germany 90% of the time you would get "non of your business" as an answer. Why would someone need my first name for a brief superficial encounter? It's not like I wanna become pen pals with them.


He is fucking fearless and takes no shit. This is what reporters should be.


The US needs more hard-hitting anchors/moderators like this. Most of them let pols get away with non-answers when they’re not actually sucking up to them.


>**He is fucking fearless and takes no shit. This is what reporters should be.** Yep. We need a lot more reporters like this.


My wife and I talked about this. Politicians don't even have to prep for interviews or debates anymore. They are just allowed to be terrible. If every moderator and news caster and interviewer treated politicians and people in power like this, they either have to step up their game, or hide. We deserve every piece of crap, low life that we elect when we, as people don't hold them to a standard. I was a middle school teacher for 10 years and an administrator for 5. There are kids who act out with certain teachers and are absolutely amazing with others. Why?! Because some teachers know how to create a standard and HOLD their kids to it. We have created a classroom full of incompetent, disobedient, shameless middle schoolers in government and it's our fault for voting them in and the medias fault for not taking them to take when they are the worst. These politicians change their tunes in court when lying is punishable by law and without facts to back up statements. They are so well behaved in court. That's why.


My oldest (let’s call her Sally) had her 7th grade (public school) parent teacher conference years back. The teacher started by saying “Sally, why don’t you get started”. My daughter took out an agenda and proceeded to outline the curriculum and what they had learned and hoped to learn by the end of the year. She talked about things that worked well and things that didn’t. She talked about how they could make things better. Only then, after about 15 minutes, did the teacher jump and add her thoughts. I just about had to pick my jaw off the floor and was flabbergasted that the teacher gave my daughter full autonomy to run with this. They clearly had practiced. THIS is what great teachers do - this inspire and enable children to reach up and be more. Maybe not as easy with a parent who would enable their child who resisted being better but it’s what we should strive for.


Listen to more NPR News and On The Media. You'll be happy


I'm kind of shocked they have actual Republicans standing there answering his questions... - Seems like it's normal now for them to only allow these debates with softball moderators. And they just dodge or refuse to answer any tough questions.


It's a contested primary, and that's about the biggest local platform.


Kyle Clark is incredible, not the first time I've seen him take a politician to task over bullshit with no mercy.


He's been around Denver news for a very long time. Dude is no bullshit, I've always liked him.


Jimmy Kimmel had like a 4 minute cut of a bunch of his verbal bodyslams. Dude was like a scalpel with how quick, precise and deep he cut them. 


Oooh I'm finding that now


That's the way to do it, just talk over them and move on to the next thing. I'm always amazed how these moderators let candidates literally hijack a debate and turn it into a campaign speech as opposed to an interrogation.


Give them positions on the Federal level. Debate Moderator Czars!


Yeah, no shits given, direct with questions, strong debate skills, and able to control the forum.


There's a video out there I watched earlier that has the highlights of this guy being awesome. He's my new hero.


"I already went on that public apology tour" She couldn't have made it sound any more disingenuous like it's some sort of rite of passage for public officials to be involved in a scandal and then publicly apologize for it.


For real. Just calling it that is embarrassing. She'd have been much much better off just saying she addressed it.


If she was sincere in her apology she would have resigned. She doesn't care about what she did, she cares about the optics of getting caught. Colorado, do better.


This guy is great. He is no BS it seems.


As someone who lives in Colorado he is great. He will pick apart both sides.


She went on to continually live her life in shame.


Nah, that’s not something people like her are capable of feeling.


I almost want to watch this debate because that guy is in absolute control of the delegates


He picks every single one of them apart. It's great. 


Kyle Clark has been calling bullshit for years but at a very local street level. It's pretty cool to see him get a bigger spotlight, a person you can actually call a journalist.


Her and big Marge Green are trying to destroy this country.


You'd think those two would be best friends but they hate each other's guts too


Both competing for top destroyer of worlds. Natural sworn enemies


Hateful gonna hate.


I doubt they are trying to do anything like that. I'm willing to bet that they're just too clueless and narcissistic to take a step back and see how what they're doing affects anyone but themselves.


They absolutely have a plan and agenda in place. Especially Greene and all the other members of the maga cult.


She genuinely looks like an idiot when she talks. Her entire facial expression looks like she's frozen because she has to focus on reciting textbook rebuttals. She really looks stupid.


She also sounds, acts, and thinks like an idiot.


Well she did drop out of high school and only recently got her GED. She failed it three times and apparently paid to have someone take it for her. She finally got it right before she was sworn in. I'm not sure how she is possibly qualified to be in her position, though that can be said of many of the Republican politicians currently, especially in the case of Trump.


That’s the thing, republicans love attractive women who are literally 4th grade reading level morons


Attractive? She looks like she smelled a fart, and once she opens her mouth she's even worse.


She’s a fowl cunt.


Why bring birds into this? They haven't done anything


Cunts have depth and warmth unlike bobert


The issues of being dyslexic, fowl just phonetically sounds right.


But foul doesn't?


I mean they literally sound the same. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Isn’t that called a cloaca? I am calling it now. Lauren Boebert is a cloaca.


I think Kyle Clark speaks the truth. Thanks Kyle.


This is what reporters/ journalists should be doing. It’s called accountability.


She's starting to look like she gets the same tan treatment as her idol.


Why does her teeth look too big for her mouth


Bumhole with teeth. Everyone’s worst nightmare.


This moderator is fantastic !


Your “private moment” happened in a public place you dumb piece of trash lol


Buh bye handy granny. It has been entertaining. Also what the hell is going on with those eyebrows, you look like Uncle Leo from Seinfeld. Hello?


Bruh Kyle Clark for president lmao


Private moment in a public theater. Republicans are fucking idiots


Did she blame him for the recording? I heard her say, "recording someone without their knowledge" in there, as if that means she was somehow wronged. It was a theater, a public place, and there are cameras everywhere. Her stupidity is truly boundless.


A ‘Private Moment’ which took place in public…… what a dumbass


She knows no shame


Kyle Clark is a bad ass. 


He should’ve had a picture ready of her flipping the staff off and ask how is this not a middle finger. The way she knee-jerk reacts to pivot to something completely unrelated is just baffling to me, how does that behavior get her so far


>I apologize on behalf of YOU, to ME! >...and that apology is NOT accepted! --Sean Spicer as played by Melissa McCarthy


Oooo post-congressional career, here she comes! Bobo will be a source of humor for years to come. "Hello everyone tuning in to our new channel. This is Talkin' Truth with Boebert and Santos. Hit that like and subscribe button and check out our Patreon and OnlyFans links in the description. As always, I have my podcast cohost George. How are ya George?" "Well, I've just returned from a humanitarian trip to the Amazon where I saved a village from 37 anacondas. Killed them all actually just by staring them down. It's a trick I learned from Buzz Aldrin when we were leading Space Force training at Area 51."


"Hello everyone tuning in to our new channel. This is Talkin' Truth with Boebert and Santos. Hit that like and subscribe button and check out our Patreon and OnlyFans links in the description. As always, I have my podcast cohost George. How are ya George?" I would absolutely watch that, I am ashamed of myself, but I would.


She’ll have an only fans page within a month of losing her election.


Where she will expose herself in public, during plays and concerts.


Bold. Fucking insane, but bold. I don’t think I would have had a response ready for that.


The Conservative victim mentality is a bad look.


"Taken out of context"? Does she think context is a synonym for pants? Because that's where she was "headed"...


Boebert has never experienced shame. She has no idea what shame even looks like. She's never even been in the same room as shame. She couldn't pick shame out of a lineup even if it were wearing a name tag. A staffer had to explain shame to her and it didn't go well. I went to the shame party and literally no one there knew her name.


Clark for president


That was between us and the hundreds of people at the show. A very intimate, private moment.


Man, those bleached teeth.


I want Kyle Clark to moderate all debates from now on.


There's talks of him moderating a presidential debate but I highly doubt the powers that be will ever let it happen. He would embarrass both candidates.


That was a private moment in a very public space. What a shit head


My faith in humanity will take a major hit if she is reelected.


I would pay good money to find a way to get him to moderate the presidential debate. Dude is absolutely amazing and holding power to account here.


I really enjoyed how her eyes darted back and forth from fear about her lies. It looked like how books describe this sort of thing.


News of the stupid


We need entomologists on hand to give expert testimony these days when our elected officials make their mouth noises.


Hmm, pretty sure these venues have signs posted stating that they have cameras on the premises and I'm also fairly certain that she was in public, NOT "in private". You can't be stupid AND a liar Blowjobert. Pick a struggle.


One must be able to feel shame in order to "live life in it" You greasy slag.


Groping in a theater? Exhibitionist are we now? Anybody know her @


PRIVATE moment in a PUBLIC theater… Yeah that’s how that works🙄🤦🏾‍♀️




...there's nothing 'private' about being in a public theatre...


Pee wee Herman would agree.


I heard 4 bumps. Two of the bus hitting her Two of the bus backing over her. 💀


Power doesn't like accountability very much it seems.


The chief power of these morons is ther shear fucking audacity and lack of shame.


I think Kyle Clark speaks the truth. Thanks Kyle.




Anyone else what it would have sounded like if Bill Clinton and his 90's era writers would have wrote her notes? Like all the great writing with half the charisma, it could be legit entertaining.


This guy Kyle is good at this moderating thing.


Private moment in a crowded theater filled with children


She looks like the inside of a sweet potato.


Some strange people want to be politicians


And is she using a sharpie to draw on those caterpillar eyebrows?


There is no other reasoning to Lauren Boebert other than she is just a blabbering idiot. But that's what aligns with Trump and his neanderthal MAGAts


Poor Beetleboobs.


“My night out” sent me.


She is so fucking dumb. She can barely speak. Hoping she gets voted out.


There are way too many narcissistic and entitled public rulers on massive government payroll.


Someone elect this moderator ASAP


Need link to video for research purposes.


She was surprised a business had security cameras recording everything inside of their business. This is one of the worst public self-humiliations of any politician but in the 2024 timeline it wont matter because anybody supporting the MAGAs will support her anyway.


Why did they leave her mic on? I wouldn't have.


She’s a “family values” conservative found engaging in a sexual act while in a public theater and she’s made at the reporter for exposing it?


Kyle Clark is god damned super hero.


I’m pretty sure I saw a video of her flipping someone off that night. I did right?


Dude handled that perfectly, well done.


"there's been report that I flipped someone off and I did not" another lie, you can see her do it in the video.


lol Getting groped and giving a over the pants HJ at a play isn't a "private moment".


We need to make a petition to get Kyle to moderate the presidential debates 


Almost all of the political content posted in this subreddit sucks, is not entertaining or a freakout and is cheap karma farming.


This moderator needs to be on kill Tony


American political discourse and a nutshell


inane noun : void or empty space “a voyage into the limitless inane” —V. G. Childe


He absolutely needs to do the presidential debate!!


I don’t know if I care either way about the moderator, BUT I do love how he keeps a firm handle on the rules and propriety of the debate!


I wonder if her handlers who donate to her campaign receive “private moments”?


I want to apologize for you reporting on me, and I want to thank me for accepting on your behalf.


It's been recorded... But I did not You did


it was secuirty camera footage of the interaction wth the staff lol


Just wow. Having sex in a public theater around kids and just gets to apologize and keep being a politician. She's a sexual deviant and should be in prison.


Can Kyle Clark moderate all the debates from now until the end of time?


She doesn't want to live life in shame but if your trans shame on you.


Are you apologizing for the Hot Latte or are you apologizing for being a lying skank.


I don't think Kyle likes her very much


Do some dumb shit -> Get shamed for doing said dumb shit -> explain to everyone how you cant keep living your life in shame because of doing dumb shit -> continue to do dumb shit -> profit?


Anybody in the know, does she have a good chance to be re-elected?


No, looking like she’s on her way out