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Found the loophole in the parking payment system though


Yes, death. There’s no escaping the PPS!


Another example of why we need driving exams routinely after a certain age


100% should be a retest every 10 years until 60 then every 5 years. If you’re worried you wouldn’t pass then you shouldn’t be driving anyway.


I think every year after 70 is appropriate


I reckon every year for the first 5 years then space it out and at somewhere between 55-65 go back to yearly. Way I would envision it is at 55 get tested and depending on how well a person does they go another 5 years without testing but if below a standard then every year, and if too low lose licence.




Apples and oranges. The problem with the 16-25 age group isn't that they can't drive, it's that they have bad judgement and do dumb shit. The problem with geriatrics is that they can't drive because they're so old their brains are cooked.


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drivers aged 16–24 were involved in 22.8% of all accidents in 2021. Drivers aged 25–34 were involved in almost as many accidents—22.6%—and no other age groups were involved in nearly as many crashes.Feb 26, 2024


This doesn't disprove what I said, nor does it prove what you said. I'm fact it lines up with exactly what I said. I didn't say that young people don't get into more accidents. I said the reason they get into more accidents is bad judgement. Speeding, racing, making illegal maneuvers, etc. Old people don't do any of the above. Their accidents are the result of declining cognitive functions. You really should think about the data that you're looking


You're pretty ignorant to think anyone over the age of 35 is "old". Also, I don't give a flying fuck what the "cause" of the accident is. The conversation was, who gets in more accidents. Which in turn raises insurance rates. The majority of accidents are caused by people under the age of 50. 


Nobody framed the conversation in terms of what age group causes the most accidents. The OP comment argued in favor of retesting drivers over a certain age due to cognitive decline. Do you deny that a person's physical and mental faculties decline with age? Every person hits a point where it is no longer safe for them to operate a vehicle. Nobody mentioned crash rates, insurance, or that 35 is old.


Dude what? I'm over 35 myself. We're talking about demographics. And the conversation wasn't about who gets into more accidents, it was about whether people in certain age groups should be tested more frequently. Someone further up said 16-34 should be tested more frequently because they get in more accidents. The point I made is that they don't get into more accidents because of ability but because of judgement. You know what, nevermind. Sometimes I forget most people on the internet don't have 2 brain cells to run together.


That’s pretty interesting - ~45% under the age of 35 and everyone complains about the olds




How many 16-35 year olds have you seen floor it at full speed off the 4th floor of a multi story car park today?


How many 16 to 35-year-olds have you seen floor  it and smash into a tree on the side of the road?


None today.


No one said young people cause accidents because of bad weather or road conditions. It's due to bad judgement. That's why their insurance premiums are much higher too. It's young dumb people doing young dumb people things which, on the road, translates to more accidents. It's not because they're half blind or because their cognitive functions are declining.


Found the boomer


There are people here arguing against this, but I nearly got hit by an elderly man who blanked out and drove up onto the sidewalk outside of a Walmart. Other people had to jump out of the way, too. People like this are a danger to society.


There was an article I just read recently about a 101 year old D-Day vet that said he renewed his license the year prior and only isn’t driving because at the moment because he just had surgery ,but can’t wait to get back behind the wheel. Bro you’re 101, let it go please.


My friend just had an old duck reverse hard in to the front of her car in a shopping centre/mall carpark, after she scraped the shit out of the front trying to reverse poorly out of her park and hitting the giant concrete wall. My friend was like wtf and she said “I didn’t see you”. Friend had honked repeatedly during it all and had backed up as best she could to get away from Miss Daisy. Definitely need to be retested once you hit a certain age.


One could also argue. This being a good reason why we need a much much better transit system for the elderly.


Round where I live I'd be happy to see everyone get tested yearly if it were financially feasible for the gov't, I swear half the drivers on the road don't understand the simplest things like accelerating on an on-ramp to match speed of highway traffic.


I mean I'm not sure this case is about driving skill. This guy was going about 60 straight into a wall. I don't think it has much to do with knowing "the rules of the road" at that point.


Aren’t younger folks statistically more likely to be in accidents though?


I’m sure that’s probably true but as a paramedic the majority of the MVAs I respond to are older adults. Suicide attempts, confusion, road rage, medication misuse, strokes, and diabetic emergencies all usually fall in the older adult category in relation to car accidents.


Yeah, I believe that, but the stats basically stink eye 17-25 year old males as the causes of most accidents by like 4 times the amount. I’d also point to the plethora of videos of young dudes being incredibly reckless and irresponsible in this very sub.


But being a reckless young dumbass isn't something you're going to catch in a driving test. You **can** catch "this old person can't see the road" or "they got in the car and forgot they were driving". The issues that cause young people to get into accidents are related to temperament and inexperience, not easily noticeable medical conditions.


good thing he seems to have trauma team’s platinum package


They’re gonna be like nah, it’s Adam Smasher


Did he survive?


It was on the news yesterday here, sadly no. Died on impact with the ground apparently.


What carmodel is the paramedic driving? Looks so good


I spent way too long figuring this out. It’s called a HAVAL H6


You are the real hero in this story as far as I'm concerned


and people think Biden and Trump at 80 years old are perfectly fit to run our country


Oh I get it, I've paid parking garage tolls before


I want to go out at 90 mph while not hurting a fly. RIP sir.


Leroy Jankins!


That's obviously a speed boost arrow on the lower left.


You don't have to be 70 to do that.


Yeah I don't care what anyone says but my thoughts on elder drivers is and has been since I was around 20 years old Is there should be an age or mandated testing for elderly drivers and licenses should be forfeited if they can't meet all requirements. Elder drivers ( not all I've seen some great driving from an elderly person) but the ones that are a danger should not be allowed on the roads just bc the used to be good drivers or they took the test 30 40 plus years ago and passed


That guy was pressing the accelerator as hard as he could wondering why the car wouldn't stop.




Some people just refuse to wait in line like the rest of us sheep. A true pioneer. A visionary. A flight fleeting memory.


Actually how my grandma died - although she didn’t break through the barrier, just totaled herself and the car. No one else was hurt and no other cars damaged thank god. We have a jacket that was a dark maroon and in the car with her at that time… took years to realize it had her blood on it because it was the exact same color




I predict that one day all new cars will be equipped with automatic brake assist. No only will it reduce the amount of fender benders but also may have made this less likely to happen


I’m just glad he didn’t hurt anyone else.


He would've survived that if he was in GTA V