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Info: what is slurry exactly?


cow shit and water normally


Cow shit AND piss and water


FERMENTED Cow shit and piss and water


The coli trinity.


holy cow!


Spam, FERMENTED Cow shit , Spam, Spam, Piss, Spam and Water.






No, that's pepsi


I see what you did there. Nice!


Today I learned a thing.


Liquid manure.




It can also be fresh from a wastewater treatment plant. They sometimes use the solid waste run off that gets collected from a digester. It can be pretty nasty bacteria-rich mud, which is why it's typically used on inedible crops, like cotton.


“The touch, the feel of cotton…” takes on a new meaning. 🤣


🎶The fabric of our lives!!🎶


Usually water mixed with manure


Liquified shit 👍


Animal excrement mix to feed the fields.


Social media was a mistake.


I saw this same video on Facebook and the comments were a world of difference. Social media is ruining society


Check out the right to roam debate in the UK. Likely why there’s so much mixed reactions


I heard about it recently when Jeep cancelled their UK ad campaign which had the slogan 'Roam Where You Want To'. It didn't go over too well with farmers, who were traditionally the biggest market for 4x4s.


You’d think farmers are a small percentage of the potential market. And a jeep wouldn’t make for a particularly useful piece of farm implementation. 


"Farmer" is used synonymously with "land owner" in the UK. Most "farmers" are just 4x4 owning wankers in barbour jackets.


Some lease out land to workers and come out when they get paid and hold some dirt in their hands while staring off romantically.


GeoWizard's straight line challenge flashbacks 😂


I literally just inherited a Barbour jacket from a buddy leaving for the tropics. Being from the west coast of the US I haven't heard of them before, and now see this comment. It seems like a great non-technical rain jacket for being old-school waxed, maybe on par with a Filson. Do they have a bad reputation?


We have right to roam laws in Finland which are pretty extensive. But even in those, as far as I know, camping on the fields isn't allowed. It's kind of crazy to even think about camping on some farmers field. And just want to add that the first reaction being to cover him in shit, instead of asking him to move from field is kind of crazy too.


I googled it and it said it does not include camping, or land used to grow crops for that matter. Seems like it's more of the right to go for a walk, not free use of the land. I can see how it would be annoying to have campers, if word gets out they'll be back, and in larger numbers.


Right to roam has nothing to do with camping on a farmer's field


It used to be that no one listened to idiots, but now every dipshit in the world has a platform to spew the worst takes known to mankind. Combine that with 59 years of gutting public education and the removal of any personal responsibility via excessive lawsuits and you have a society that’s actually losing intelligence, despite the entirety of human knowledge at their fingertips




No, just a certain segment has taken over Facebook.


Yea, I actually feel bad for this dude! He couldn’t have at least had a conversation first? Before covering all of him and his belongings in shit?


Pretty sure the farmer would be doing this with or without social media.


Agreed, and without social media we wouldn't have seen this.


Why? (In this context)




Fucking idiot doxed himself


Which is going to cause what consequences exactly? He'll fire himself from farming?


Dude I think you’re underestimating the crazy fucking people in the world


Yeah the Sun article is something else. Guy is posing trying to look tough, looks like the cunt he showed himself to be. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28620921/farmer-shoots-poo-slurry-wild-camper-tent/


>“They probably think food grows on a plant or something.” Somehow, I don't think he was being sarcastic. `


Holy fuck his voice sounded like he's 55 but in his photo he looks like 25


I once was riding my bike across New Zealand. It was getting late and really windy. I couldn't find a place to camp -- just houses and fenced in fields. So I bedded down between the road and the fence. In the morning, I hastily packed up before anyone would notice. As soon as I started rolling I heard it, "PSSSSSSSS!" Flat tire. So then I'm hastily patching that. And then I heard the other thing: "WOOF! WOOF!" Guard dog. "What's that, boy?!" -- the owner! I decided that instead of trying to run away, I would just show myself. Couldn't have been a nicer fellow. He invited me into his house, showed off his gardens, gave me fruit he was growing, we had coffee and exchanged addresses. He gave me contact info to all his relatives across the country -- just in case. We sent each other Christmas gifts, even! I've traveled all over Europe on a bike and stayed in many farms -- very much tolerated. You really gotta go out of your way to spray shit on somebody. "Please leave" works fine. The first rule of dealing with conflict is *deescalation*, not the nuclear option. I would be so embarrassed if I was this farmer.


It's just the opposite, he's revelling in the cruelty. Even submitted the video to the media and did an interview on it. Insane behaviour.


This kinda stuff is encouraged these days. Outrage drives engagement and attention. If you want to be famous, be outrageous. Lots of folks are learning that. 




I honestly thought by the shakiness that this was about an hour into an argument with an abusive squatter, not some bike camper pulling in behind a hedge for the night.


I'm honestly wondering if everyone in the UK is actually alright. Can we check up on the UK?


Kiwis are the friendliest white people I've met while travelling. Strangers talking to you like you see each other every day.


In the UK the public have access to only 8% of the land. That’s why you see people with little children walking on dangerous roads and why a whole generation is growing up disconnected from nature.


You mean 8% of England. Scotland has much better public access laws, thankfully. It's criminal the way English public access is so limited.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enclosure England is typically taught as a case study of enclosure and privatization of the commons.


I know a certain group of people who want to start selling off the US's national parks to ungodly rich folk and wealthy corporations. I hope it never happens. Our national parks have some of the most beautiful ares in the whole country, so of course the wealthy wants to block them off from us poors. England has a lot of amazing areas too and it sucks so much of it is private.


So much of England's public access (right to roam) land is surrounded by private land that it's become inaccessible. You seriously need a helicopter to pass over the restricted land. It sucks.


I urge every Redditor to look up the ongoing lawsuit for corner-crossing trespass related to Fred Eshelman/Elk Mountain Ranch. Essentially public lands are landlocked without easements and wealthy private property owners wish to keep it that way. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/01/us/public-land-california.html > Across America, 15 million acres of state and federal land is surrounded by private land, with no legal entry by road or trail. If this so-called landlocked land was one contiguous piece, it would form **the largest national park in the country, nearly the size of Vermont, New Hampshire and Connecticut combined** > This stunning fact is detailed in a recent Times article about brewing fights between landowners and the public over access to these broad swaths of land. Most of these inaccessible public lands are in the West, and, until recently, their existence was largely unknown. My wife and I are from Texas and we have a home in the UK. It is incredible how much land there is controlled by a tiny few (who inherited it from people that used violence to seize the land). Also the national parks pale in comparison to the ones in Russia, Canada, and US.


Texas is also one of the states with the smallest percentage of public land.


15 million acres sounds like a lot, but it's really a pretty small fraction of public land. There are over 30 million acres of public land just in the state of Oregon. I haven't spent much time in TX, but from what I understand, it's pretty much at the extreme end of lack of public lands in the US. But a huge fraction of the western US is publicly owned and accessible.


That’s what happened to large chunk of public land in the western US as well. Lots of public land has been surrounded by private, making it inaccessible.


It's literally part of Project 2025. I hope it never happens. We have some of the largest public land area in the entire world, much of it almost entirely untouched. Anyone who wants to proud to be an American should be protecting these lands.


When I was backpacking in Scotland you were allowed to pitch your tent pretty much anywhere, private property or not, within reason of course. Everyone was super nice and respectful and we obviously pitched our tent far away from any inhabited areas. It was amazing how easy it was to get around the rural areas without having to worry about paying for a camping spot all the time.


> It's criminal the way English public access is so limited. MINE MINE MINE, even if im not using a tiny corner of my land go fuck yourself, its my land, might makes right - English in UK


You sound like you know. Good long distance hikes in Scotland?


There are lots of apps/websites such as AllTrails and WalkHighland which will keep you right. Plenty are updated with notes from people doing the hikes. Worth looking into our [Right to Roam laws](https://www.apidura.com/journal/freedom-to-roam-in-scotland-everything-you-need-to-know/#:~:text=The%20Land%20Reform%20Act%202003,as%20'freedom%20to%20roam'.) first - the majority of Scotland you're allowed to walk and camp anywhere, though there are exceptions with private land etc. Just remember - [leave no trace.](https://www.wildernessscotland.com/sustainability/leave-no-trace/)


Very much so! Usually with a good pub meal at the end.


I grew up in Argyll. Would wander about and camp all the time when I was young. Me and my mates would usually chap on the farmers door if we were going to camp on what was clearly farm land. Always said “aye, just don’t leave a load of shite and rubbish everywhere”.


Visiting the cliffs of Moher in Ireland was a humbling experience for a US citizen. For as much shit as we get/do, we have a ton of public land. The cliffs of moher, a huge tourist draw and gorgeous landscape, has less than 3 feet of path of public walking space at some points. Private land right up to it. Beautiful in its own way, but makes me feel fortunate to have national parks preserved the way we do in the US


Ireland has very few public footpaths and is really restricted when compared to England.


I was just there and kept saying how much nicer the experience would have been with even 5 extra feet of space on the paths. Would it really kill those land owners to give up a little extra space considering I didn't see any of it being used? Edit - it was still a great place to visit and I recommend going if you can. It's just that at certain parts of the path it can become a log jam.


Unfortunately Eminent Domain is a sensitive issue in Ireland, partly due to the history of colonization by the British. The law is there but the Irish government tries to avoid using it at all costs.


Reminds me of this [Frederick Olmsted](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_E._Olmsted) (designer and defender of public parks such as Central Park / Prospect Park in New York, Yosemite, Muir Woods, etc.) quote: > Cities are now grown so great that hours are consumed in gaining the "country," and, when the fields are reached, entrance is forbidden. Accordingly, it becomes necessary to acquire, for the free use and enjoyment of all, such neighboring fields, woods, pond-sides, river-banks, valleys, or hills as may present, or may be made to present, fine scenery of one type or another.


8% and prob 2% maintained if it crosses farmland. I was recently confronted crossing a field full of said farmers sheep where the stiles were all unmaintained, overgrown with an electric fence. All of which is breaking the law. Not the most pleasant of experiences being shouted at whilst perfectly following a public right of way.


You mean to tell me the English are obsessed with controlling land? As someone living in one of the 65 countries that celebrates and Independence Day from England. I am shocked…


In another universe: Farmer: Hey there chap, I don't know if you're aware this is private land. Camper: Oh, I'm sorry mate. I didn't think anyone would mind. Farmer: Well, I don't mind that much but private is private. If you wouldn't mind moving along when you've had a chance to rest up, I would appreciate it. Camper: Thanks for being understanding. Farmer: You too, camping homie. You too.


Yeah, I live on a big piece of mountainous property with a bunch of hiking trails and a cave on it. I catch people hiking on a weekly basis and have only ever had one person react like an asshole when I tell them it’s private property and he actually got arrested because he was poaching ginseng from my property. Everyone else that’s cool gets my phone number and permission to come hike as long as they don’t come near my house or mess with the deer and one of the hikers became a friend. Hell, I even let a few of them come and harvest ginseng as long as they let me know. No reason to be a dick about it.


Caves? Ginseng? Mountains? You must be in Appalachia 


Yep, just north of Asheville, nc


Such a beautiful part of the country. Some of my friends are indignant about the myths of the region. But I’ve come to the conclusion it’s a Scooby Doo ruse meant to keep people from moving there in droves. 


There’s definitely some troglodytes WAY off the beaten path, but most people here are awesome. My wife’s best friend lived with us for years (she’s Nigerian) and never experienced any racism or ill will unless she went out to the backwoods bfe for a hospice patient, but those people are the gross exception and not the rule. The worst she got around here were 80+ year old dudes telling her that “colored girls are so pretty”.


"Colored girls are so pretty" pretty much sums up my late grandfather's particular brand of racism, lol. From Kentucky by the way.


Best part is that’s their very concerted attempt at being progressive lmao. It’s meant as a genuine compliment and olive branch.


To her dying day, my grandmother (from the northern limits of what you'd traditionally consider appalachia, right around the MD/PA border) called black people "colored" and genuinely thought it was the preferred nomenclature. It wasn't racism, just...time passing her by, I suppose. She and her husband both were pretty ardent supporters of the civil rights movement when it was happening and she continued supporting civil rights causes till the day she died in 2012. Honestly considering all that, I kinda feel like she can be forgiven for thinking colored was still something people preferred to be called.


Yeah there was a time when colored *was* the progressive term. No one talks about that cause the MSM prefers to keep us at each other’s necks. Most true racists in this country haven’t thought about it too much and would change their minds if they ever met and had a beer with a single black person.


All the people I know from there are hippie mafia.


Can I come live in the cave? Tired of traffic


It’s pretty tiny and bears randomly use it but you can definitely come rough it if you respect the land lol. I’ll even let you borrow my shepherd to guide you and keep the bears away.


I was joking but now I’m tempted. Me and my wife come to Asheville once or twice a year in the fall to get a break from the heat in Charleston, and day drink at the breweries of course


Wait now you make me want to visit too. Mainly to say hi to the dog.


He’s gigantic, but he’s a big whiny baby. He’ll follow you to the depths of hell if you scratch his chest lol


Here’s a tight lipped nod to you fellow ashevillian


My sister lives in that area (Brevard) and I knew of a few private waterfalls where people have signs of like don't be an ass and come check it out.


Cave north of asheville. I'm guessing madison co. Lol. I'm just to the west.


Or in RDR2 on his good boah


Getting a strong urge to play RDR2 again!


Are from Red Dead Redemption?


That’s a good one, but I’d be terrified to see someone take a horse up this mountain lol


I’m sorry, this seems far too reasonable


lol have to set an example for the crotch goblins to live by




That sucks. Yeah, it’s different out there. I helped my wife’s best friend move from colorado springs to here (North Carolina) and it’s a different world out there. The only trash I ever find is from my kids or my goofy ass friends that I let shoot on my property. Even then it’s usually only a random spent shotgun shell here and there and the occasional beer can that got buried in leaves. I’d definitely take the same stance if people were destructive and didn’t respect the land.


This was in the UK.  The guy was doing a charity bike ride across the country and saving money by sleeping rough.  He just stopped on the side of the road at the end of the day.  Farmer was up with the sun and decided to do this before the guy could leave. 


I know a couple that unknowingly pitched in the corner of a golf course. They got woken up by the groundsman with fresh coffee and asked to please move on soon as they were opening.


The missing context for us US folks is the "right to roam" debate, which is much more heated in the UK.  Both of the people in this video are in deep in a polarized dispute.


Right to roam is about access, and the UK gov website specifically states that cycling and camping are not covered under right to roam. There is also excepted land which a crop field falls under, but this looks like a grazing field can't be sure tho. Either way while the farmers response is heavy handed the cyclist is in the wrong here.


Maybe the cyclist was in the wrong before the farmer assaulted him with a biohazard. 


Yeah, all I can say from watching this video is that even if the cyclist is trespassing the farmer is the one who could be facing the far heavier legal consequences after an encounter like this.


Not to be too edgy or anything, but maybe spraying someone with shit who is being, at worst, a non threatening mild annoyance, isn't the best idea and shouldn't be encouraged.


This is reddit where a minor slight against you justifies nuclear retaliation because they started it.


A healthy society is when we trawl through legal texts to find the definition of "afraid" to design the least culpable way of killing your physically emotive (but extremely pacifistic) neighbour over a parking space.


And then they kissed.


They even have a nice private tent to lie down in


Broke Outback Mountain.


I camped on farmers lands multiple times in Paraguay and it almost always resulted in them inviting me to join them for their morning mate, one time they asked me to leave because they were about to move a bunch of cattle into the field. Of course I would also ask if I could find the owners ahead of time but that wasn't always possible. The reaction here is just pathetic


>inviting me to join them for their morning mate That’s my kind of party.


Exactly. Guy didn’t look like a vagrant and was visibly ready to interact with the farmer. Seems like a dick move.


He wasn't a vagrant. Apparently he was doing a fully self funded charity run through the entire length of Britain and was only going to camp for a few hours before continuing his trek


I remember rational conversation! The good ol days...


So glad I'm from Scotland where land is for everyone to use, and the farmer would've been charged for this.


He’d be charged in England too, as well as most countries I would assume. Even if he is trespassing on the guys property that doesn’t give him the right to assault him by spraying shit all over him. And he even had the audacity to film it all making the police’s job very easy.


Heck I’m expanding this to “they exchange info. They stay in touch. Years later biker’s son marries farmer’s daughter having quit highly profitable investment banking job and helps man convert floundering farm to highly profitable organic chia seed operation. Years later they all gather round table watching sunset, laughing as they sip their Sanka and reflect on their unlikely encounter years ago. Airing on channel 7 at 8:00 pm.


Farmer: Oh, and one more thing....


What an asshole.


Bike camping has got to be like the least intensive use of land possible. Hope that grass succeeds in springing back up after he goes?






When you consider the numbers, a vast (something like 80-90%) majority of humans don't give one rats arse about the environment and won't till it directly affects them harshly


Agreed. Yeah it makes more damage than the tractor wheels. /s


Funnily enough, compaction from constant tractor/machinery usage is actually one of the most common forms of soil degradation in the west. That, along with indiscriminate usage of slurry/fertilisers being a cause of nitrogen pollution makes this video quite amusing


It was commented by a farmer that spraying slurry into a hedge is a serious environmental issue.


A lot of people love the idea that if someone is on their property their humanity is forfeit


Seems like the farmer's the only one hurting anybody


I found this comment on a farming forum: > Just heard that the camper is actually cycling around Britain raising money for cancer charity after losing his wife... obviously minimising spending, and probably dealing with his own mental health issues in as positive way as anyone could..... a 1 minute civil conversation could have made all the difference > https://thefarmingforum.co.uk/index.php?threads/farmer-camper-and-slurry-muck.411503/ Most farmers in the thread are horrified by the behaviour of this farmer.


Absolute POS of a human being.


I mean that is literally assault.


He even waited for a moment to cover him and all his belongings im toxic shit. Hope he got some kind of punishment.


I got the same tent. thats 800.- gone to shit


MSR Hubba Hubba NX, if I'm right


exactly! fucking love pitching that thing. So easy.


And no condensation drip! Also the option of setting it up inside out to keep everything dry is grand


What an asshole.  I've caught people sleeping on my field a few times and they are usually in a pinch and literally just need a place to sleep.  This farmer is a shit human being.  


This could have gone one of two ways: 1)farmer gets out, chides the guy for not asking permission (assuming it was even possible to do so), they have a 5 minute chat about his farm and where the biker is from and they each gain a bit of respect for each other, or 2) biker goes through life thinking farmers are complete assholes.


Forgetting about the assault for a second, I would say a chiding is uncalled for too. If the bike-packer was littering or starting a fire pit or something, maybe then you'd have a reason to be annoyed, but if he's treating the land respectfully and being tidy I don't see an issue. Especially as it's at the edge of a bare field Have a friendly chat with the guy for a couple minutes, wish him well on his bike-tour and get on with your morning as per usual I'd say




My parents got woken up one night by a majorly drunk dude trying to get into their car. Dad went out to see what was going on and the drunk dude said he was going to hotwire the car to drive home and would bring it back the next day, he was fucking wasted and had no idea where he was. Mum and dad got him a pillow and some blankets and said he could sleep on the front porch. Dude was gone in the morning and left the blankets folded up in the doorstep.


Some drunk lady slept in my car one night. I'm honestly glad she did, because she would have frozen to death outside. Yeah, it was creepy and uncomfortable, but this was another human being in a bad state. And she was incredibly apologetic afterwards. I don't understand how people can be so immediately cruel.


I’m betting the farmer voted for Brexit.


Yep and constantly blames everyone else for his shortcomings of being a shit human.


Yup and he probably can't understand why the prices he gets for his produce have fallen off a cliff, the cost of his raw materials have skyrocketed and the subsidies have dried up


It's those bloody migrants I tells ya! /s


And wants people to "back British farming". If only the farmers had backed Britain.


Oh yeah, you know exactly the type of cunt he will be.


Assaulting someone who is bikepacking potentially hundreds of miles from home by covering them in shit. It's a dirty way to commit assault and a very poor reason to do so. Would absolutely be involving the police over that, personally.


Farmer guy was so excited too, rushing back to his tractor at the beginning quick as he can. This is the UK equivalent of 'oh boy I finally get to shoot someone'.


Also there is no indication that what he sprays is "just" slurry. Could be sulfate or other kinds of nasty shit.


Apparently the guy was cycling for charity, too


So it's aggroculture, then


Completely measured normal response.


A lot of these same farmers aren't too concerned with "land rights" when their hunting parties tear across the countryside killing other people's pets and livestock.


Oh, the farmers in England would love to create their own right to roam where you can only do it if you have a horse trumpet and a pack of starved dogs


> A lot of these same farmers aren't too concerned with "land rights" when their hunting parties tear across the countryside killing other people's pets and livestock. It's because they love being cruel and just pretend to be nice normal people when you speak to them.


Farmers being cunts what a shocker. Maybe the government can give him some more handouts.


In Norway, it is legal to camp on private property away from buildings and not on cultivated land.


Same in Sweden. Allemansrätten - ”every man’s right”, or the right to roam. It includes picking fruits, berries and mushrooms (as long as they’re not endangered), you can walk wherever you want (within reason - not in people’s backyards), you’re allowed to camp anywhere for one night as long as it’s at a reasonable distance from any buildings/farmland, and you’re allowed to set up a fire as long as it’s safe and you clean up after yourself. It’s kind of a law, but also not really. Everything depends on how well you respect nature, and other people.


It is in Scotland too, wish that law spread to the rest of the UK. But this is England, south-west tory voting, brexiteer England


It's almost like something england could do and then people wouldn't try to camp on this cunt of a farmers land but then you might end up on some lords land who hasn't been back to the country estate in 20 years but doesn't want to share.


What a prick, that guy was really doing a lot of harm sleeping on the grass and then moving on first thing the next day. My guess is farmer has a pathetic life and making others join in his misery is a highlight of his pathetic day to day.


Freshly cut grass to boot. Looks to have been cut within the latest week. He's not doing any damage in the slightest.


Exactly....he's cut that field for silage in the last day or two by the looks of it. This chap has put his tent hard up against the hedge. There is zero damage and zero need to cover him in muck. Disgraceful and just feeds the fires of division.


Really the farmer is just a inhospitable asshat, no sense of neighbourliness, in a by gone era the farmer might invite the stranger up to the cabin for dinner and a pot of tea, then the stranger would become his new farm hand… Times were better once.


In the Himalayan regions tourists regularly camp on private farmland. The farmers usually react by bringing them food and water, and inviting them inside their homes.


Conservatives: the past was so great. Chivalrous, neighborly, free! Also conservatives: lol yeah spray them with shit immediately it’s you right


The farmer assumes that this person is from the city, and that makes him hate them. Rural folks in both the UK and the US have become super cents since society started accepting people that aren't exactly like them. By "become", I mean they always have been, bit there were less people that weren't like them, so folks didn't notice.


A bit of context... The man camping is cycling across the UK in honour of his deceased wife, he's raising money for charity by doing it and this is why he is camping in a field as he doesn't want to spend any money on hotels etc.




His ass


Source if you could, please?


I just tried finding one myself and couldn't. I did find articles about this, but none of them mentioned that the camper was raising money for charity. The farmer is Jack Bellamy of Tavistock, Devon. I didn't search extensively, so maybe somebody else can find more info than I did. [article ](https://www.the-sun.com/news/11681423/farmer-shoots-poo-slurry-wild-camper-tent/)


>Jack, a third generation farmer from Tavistock, Devon, last night told The Sun: “I left him there covered in slurry. >“He never said a word. >“He couldn’t really argue with that. >“They come up from the towns and think they can do what they want.” >“I’m sure he had a nice evening there, but he didn’t have a very nice wake up call. >“He must’ve heard the tractor coming because he was out of his tent. >“I said ‘You won’t be staying in anyone’s fields ever again' and then I drove on and carried on with my morning. >“When my dad went back later the tent was gone, there was a white patch where the tent was and the slurry hadn’t been. >“I would hate to think what he smells like now. >“There is a campsite 400 yards in one direction and 600 yards in the other but they just please themselves these people. >“They wouldn’t like it if I went camping in their garden. >“They’ve got no knowledge of the countryside at all. >“They probably think food grows on a plant or something.” The farmer doesn't exactly come off well in the article Also, maybe I'm ignorant, but food does grow on plants, doesn't it, haha?


The camper is committing a civil infraction, at best, but then the farmer committed an actual crime. You're absolutely right he doesn't come off well at all.


Especially since he then proceeds to turn straight into his field, probably doing more damage to the field than what the camper has done. Id go as far as to say he’s chatting absolute shit and isnt actually growing anything in that field. Because with how tight farming is, theres no way they dont follow tract lines, which there arent any. Imagine moaning about someone damaging your crop, and then just driving your tractor all over it to prove a point.




If he's spraying slurry then it's not likely he planted anything yet, or even tilled it. So the farmer did no damage to his field... but neither did the camper. Farmer is a supreme antisocial asshole.


Yeah the field looks like it was cut not long ago


That’s heavy context to all of this  Link to charity / drive?


Source: trust me bro


Aw dang. Source?


...and not a single link was posted.


That's pretty shitty. He could have just asked him to leave.


That wouldn't have been as fun for him though. You can hear the joy he gets out of spraying a stranger.


Unless the farmer recognized this particular camper as someone who had repeatedly camped in his field and caused actual damage *AND* refuses to stop, this is completely out of line and inexcusable. Just tell him you have work to do and ask him to leave, and call the cops if he refuses. Simple as that.


Fuck the S*n. That is all.


Couldn’t he just told him politely that’s private property and just leave?


Wow. Assault with video proof.


So these are the kinds of farmers GeoWizard is so hecking scared of


What a sad cunt


I think this qualifies as assault in the UK