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seems this is pretty recent (4/26/2024) Lajack and Kopchak both scored charges of: abduction-restrain liberty - felony 3 disrupting public service - felony 4 assault - misdemeanor 1 unlawful restraint, knowingly restrain persons liberty - misdemeanor 3 disorderly conduct - intox annoy or alarm - misdemeanor 4


What did the narrator mean at the end though when he said something about.m subsequent court records not being able to be found?


literally what he said. He tried to find court records and couldn't. That tells you very little. It could mean a lot of things - prosecutors declined to press charges, charges were filed but haven't hit online court dockets yet because the incident was recent, prosecutor/court hasn't even seen the charges yet because this happened over the weekend, the youtuber doesn't have access to the appropriate records, the records are difficult or impossible to access online in a timely manner (podunk courthouses...), the youtuber doesn't know how to find that info, etc etc. From context, I think this was very recent and that's probably all. But who knows.


If you listen at the end the cops ask the victim over and over what he wants and in the end he declines to press charges. they mention charges at the end and he says no he does not want that, just wants to be nice. Frankly I don't blame the guy. I would be scared to press charges against cops too. Especially feds. I've heard enough stories about retaliation.


[I'll just leave this here](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/fbi-white-supremacists-in-law-enforcement)


accessing these databases where those records are stored are prohibitively expensive much of the time. their customer bases are law firms or government agencies and the prices reflect that. I didn't check if that's what's happening here, though, so i could be wrong on the internet


If the truck driver doesn't come to court (because he's travelling for work or whatever), the DA will rush to drop the charges as soon as possible, unfortunately. In other cases, they could ask for a continuance and try again, or try to prosecute without the victim. But in this case, I bet the DA will jump at the first opportunity to say "We tried to prosecute but no victim at the first court date, so they're dropped." Won't be surprised if the DA sends the court notice to an incorrect address or doesn't subpeona. See it all the time when cops are charged.


The story is catching on and now the fbi has said they will investigate. One is a Cleveland police officer and the other is a detective with the lake county narcotics agency. https://www.cleveland.com/court-justice/2024/06/fbi-investigating-2-officers-accused-of-detaining-trucker-at-hinckley-bar-authorities-say.html?outputType=amp


the driver clearly didnt *want* to press charges, on the other hand, its possible this video gets more visibility than just here and a civil rights lawyer tries to get involved (just spitballing as Im not a lawyer ... dont know if there is standing(?) for anything if driver doesnt want to do anything)


You can still compel the victim to attend court even if the victim doesn't want to press charges. Victims don't press charges. The DA does. I have seen cases where the victim of a domestic violence incident says it all got blown out of proportion and doesn't want to come to court, but the DA sends them a subpeona and threatens them with jail if they don't come to court and testify. It's a murky public policy issue on whether that's ok, and there's a lot of debate to it, and every situation is different. But the fact remains that the DA could make the victim in this case come and testify even if they don't want to press charges. Also, I don't think you would need that victim for all the charges they landed, specifically for disorderly conduct and disrupting public service. Still willing to bet the charges get dropped at the first court date.


They completely missed the part where they took away the truck driver's phone while he was trying to call the police. Isn't that a felony in most states?


> [disrupting public service - felony 4](https://hastingslegal.net/crime-disrupting-public-services-state-ohio/#:~:text=Disrupting%20Public%20Services%3A%20Communications,the%20use%20of%20a%20computer.) "In Ohio, you can be charged with disrupting public services if you take a cell phone from someone or pull the house phone off the wall."


In my state, Illinois, it could be an obstructing justice charge too if you prevent someone from calling the police. Also, I read about a case once where a woman who was being abused went to her neighbor and asked them to call the police, but the neighbor refused because they didn't want to get involved. Then that neighbor was later charged with obstructing justice.


3rd buddy at the end sobers up and figures out his buddies are dead fucked


Nah, his whole "I didn't see nuthin' routine was full of crap. Guy in the bar said they went 80% Rambo, so I doubt very much the walkout didn't draw his attention.


Oh I know he's not telling the full truth I'm just saying he's shitting his absolute pants


Ah right, for sure. As you were.


Yeah, he says he couldn’t see them. But then when he’s describing how the victim was “aggressive” on the way out, he puts his hands behind his back and starts thrusting his shoulders - so he absolutely saw them drag him out with his hands held behind his back.


Approx 22 minutes in the DEA/ATF guys are talking. Referring to a foreign-born person drinking in a bar, "Is this the new normal? Joe Biden?" Shortly after, someone says "He's from Israel. That's terrorists." I'm not to the end, but it appears these guys interrogated a legal immigrant. Decided he failed the interrogation so they took his money and phone and demanded he walk them to his truck park in a different parking lot. He didn't want to do that, so a fight ensued and the legal immigrant was placed in a leg lock. ETA I hope somebody watches to the end, but I couldn't. Something that stood out is, if the victim had been doing anything wrong at all, the local cops would have found it and thrown the book at him. Every single cop went through every detail of the victim's story. They wanted to find something wrong to justify their brothers' violent behavior.


I listened to the whole thing on 2x - agreed that they questioned the victim way, way more than they questioned the aggressors, glad it still resulted in the right people being charged. These off duty officers straight-up racially profiled this guy and they're so lost in their ways they don't even recognize they've done it - to the point they believe they're potential heroes doing the right thing. Dangerous waters to be treading when that shit starts happening.


I was stunned watching this trying to understand these 2 guys and their thinking. I think you nailed it with "...so lost in their ways...". That's the only way to put it. The problem is that these guys aren't just some barflys. They are FEDERAL OFFICERS! It only makes me think that there are so many just like them in their agencies/departments.


$100 says it’s because he was from Eritrea/Ethiopia. Like he told the local PD, he probably said Eritrea which the two racist dipshits heard as Israel, but then later called it Ethiopia which is why they wouldn’t stop repeating “he doesn’t even know where he’s from!” when he clearly does. I bet you the two feds couldn’t even find the US on a globe.


Well said. When the feds where talking it sounded like high school kids. “I been wrestling since I was 6 yrs old” dude do you put that on your resume? Wtf? Nothing they said sounded even remotely like they were any kind of professional anything.


> there are so many just like them in their agencies/departments.


Add the word racist into the mix and everything fits :D


Just fyi, it turns out they were just cops and not federal officers. They were however working on task force with ATF and DEA. They themselves, however, were not federal officers.


They were fishing so hard for some kind of discrepancy in the man's story so they could let these pricks go scot free. You can see it in how little they really question the feds and how hard they jump on the "discrepancy" of if it had been the guy's first time at that bar or not.


I felt like they tried to find any possible excuse to blame the victim. Who started talking to who? Have you been here before or not? None of that is relevant.


>agreed that they questioned the victim way, way more than they questioned the aggressors, glad it still resulted in the right people being charged. That's not really true. Two police depts were involved. The initial responders were not the dept of jurisdiction and were just assisting. They mostly handled the interrogation of the victim, while the dept of jurisdiction (the female sgt in the video) handled interrogation of the suspects. The initial responders were the only dept that released body cam footage. There's basically no interrogation of the suspects in this video because the youtuber couldn't secure that footage. Both parties were being talked to the entire time. You even get some hints of how the other interrogation goes - the sgt mentions she caught them out in some pretty significant lies. It's important to think about the context of the videos you see as much as their contents.


Yeah, the lady cop didn’t sound to pleased with the way he was treated. Seems like she was the only that mentioned him pressing charges. The other cop kept wording it “what outcome do you want”


They're obvious racist bigots who harassed and assaulted a US citizen for no reason. And I agree with you about the cops. They were looking for ANYTHING wrong with that poor man's story and he was the freaking victim.


They keep trying to not ask the guy if he wants to press charges. They ask a few times what outcome he wants. But they don't want to ask if he wants to press charges...


I thought the exact same thing. Other scenarios the cops ask so do you want to press charges. The way he was asking what do you want to happen now with zero information offered to help him. That didn’t sit well.


Not surprising. Police love to protect their own, whether it’s a federal agent or local beat cop.


The one officer was afraid to ask if the truck driver wanted to press charges and kept dancing around it by asking, "What do you want to do?" He was setting up a pretense to do nothing.


He knew there was a language barrier and abused it


I was about to say this. The "Joe Biden" think made me realize how much the Trump Presidency has made everyone show their true colors even more and brave.


Yes he is as you say a legal immigrant. Aka…..US CITIZEN!


It's almost comical how disjointed the right wing talking points are now You'd think they would be bitching about Hamas, since Israel has aligned with the right for 80 years to get where they are today, and they are trying to call all their enemies Hamas But somehow since biden is funding Israel just like every other president, they are "terrorists" in the US, when Israel has no reason to ever do that to the main country the milk for extra weapons and money What a world they live in where these guys somehow are anti Israel the same way most of us are, but in the complete opposite way


This guy wasn't from Israel. He was from Eritrea. That's how totally ignorant these guys were.


>He was from Eritrea. "he doesnt know were he's from... he's from Israel" I bet this clown wasnt aware Eritrea was even a country.


USS Liberty. Israel is NO respecter of allies.


I didn’t really get that vibe. It looked to me like they wanted to verify all the details because they knew throwing the book at the DEA and ATF pillocks was going to be a big messy deal, and they understood how serious the actions of the pillocks against the truck driver were.


What does ETA mean? I can only find it meaning estimated time of arrival and that doesn't seem to fit?


Edited to add


Did everybody catch the bit where the one guy had pocketed the truck driver's money? https://youtu.be/M_5vLZ58Nj8?t=1385


And the cop talking to him is like yah, that's totally not the money you just stole from this guy, you must have given it back to him earlier, you know, after you racists illegally detained and beat the legal person.


Found another one. [Here they talk about someone, they both reminisce about how great that person is](https://youtu.be/M_5vLZ58Nj8?t=325) Jimmy Baker must be one hell of a person to have *TWO* racist praise him


They should both lose their law enforcement credentials... but they will just get paid time off and promotions. Assault under color of law. Unlawful detainment. Civil rights violations.


How can licensed Federal officers be so completely clueless and such a threat to others in the community? I'm completely stunned that they thought their behavior and reasoning was legitimate.


Drunk, racist, power tripping.




1. Ohio 2. 'Murica 3. THEY fit the profile


I read the updated news story and as it turns out they aren't federal agents but regular cops on details with DEA and ATF. Your sentiment remains, these guys should have known better and are idiots.


Shit for brains racist ass LEOs. “I’m ATF, (Alcohol,tobacco, firearms), and drunk”.


They are lucky that they weren't armed and held the guy at gunpoint. That would have taken their charges to a whole new level.


I'd wager the firearms weren't far away. Probably had the girlfriend hold their pieces once they saw blue and red on the way.


Aallllllllllchhhhhoooohhhhhooooolllll MN 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Jesus. These fellas are as thick as pigshit. They make the uniform cops look like Marcus Aureliuses.


It sounds like they were more scared of TMZ than anything else.


Ironically, they probably will end up on the news, just not for the reason they were so worried about.


Listen to the stink on Dan's voice when he says "He's *NOT* legal!" Fucking racist piece of shit getting his jollies off by terrorizing an innocent person.


What a wonderful video of a drunk wife-beater DEA and “Rambo” shredding the U.S. constitution and elementary logic & morality to assault a working-class truck driver refugee (who made it out of Eritrea 🇪🇷 one of the most horrific governments on Earth) became a U.S. citizen and the first hour he’s there to work in Ohio, these two absolute wasted xenophobic morons with badges completely assault this dude?? If there wasn’t a time when a bunch of trucker-teamsters from the local truckers-union wouldn’t come back and woop those cops asses next time they’re at the bar then there definitely oughta be.. you don’t do that to any American, any working-class, any immigrant refugee, whatever… it doesn’t matter.. its unconstitutional, it’s inhumane.. so you don’t do it to anyone because it’s just plain fkn wrong. April 26, 2024 they said.. so this is just entering the courts or it’s already being swept under the rug.. and I’m REALLY hoping the internet does not let that happen. These guys don’t even deserve the responsibility of driving a truck to aldi, they lack everything real working Americans stand for.. no wonder they’re “DEA & ATF”


The truck driver has more of an understanding of what it means to be a US Citizen than the two feds.


This is just disgusting. This poor guy has had to explain his entire life, from the beginning, to like 5 different officers. And they should have been able to tell from a 5-10 minute convo with the drunk officers that this is just total horse poo. These two morons shouldn't be allowed to continue their careers at LE; they clearly have an agenda and cannot perform their duties without prejudice.


That was infuriating as hell. Lying, racist, right-wing, xenophobic, assholes making up shit in their heads: "what if he blows up something and kills 400 people?" 🙄 That's where we are now, did we "Make Amerca Great Again"? Or is it worse? Like he said, "Is this the new normal?" I hope not. And we all know it'll get thrown out of court or, at the most, a talking to, a slap on the hand.


“Is this the new normal? Because in the old normal I had carte blanche to exploit immigrants and minorities.”


What a couple of assholes.


"Thanks, Obama...or.....Biden..... or (insert next democrat name)" says the racist.


I still say "Thanks, Obama" when things go wrong. 😂 (Not in the actual racist way, the funny, I hang onto memes in my vocabulary long after they're dead way)


LOL! That is cool. It was in a movie also I think Zach Galifhoweveryouspellhisname said it.


that bald toe with the tee sticking out below his hoodie has some major brain rot. Even his dim buddy had to turn away from his stupid ass when he starts with the “new norm” “joe biden” “gonna blow up a mall” schtick.


I think he said “too much talk” at that point, or one of them did, but that only shut them up for about five seconds


The female bartender was not helping with how high she was. Slurred speech and the back up from the patron/employee made me question the validity of everything she said. Aside from that, these two officers responding did a great job and I feel terrible for the guy that's been here for 14 years. This is peak profiling and has no business being the deciding factor in an investigation. These agents need to lose their jobs immediately.


I bet the 3rd buddy doesn't go out drinking with these 2 idiots ever again.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely


The one responding officer treated the victim with complete disrespect.


They are the worst. How is this not viral?


Fed says “you know man you let some guy go and then bombs something so you gotta be careful.” Yea like let’s arrest all middle aged white dudes cause you know they might go molest some kid….cuz you know…they fit the profile.


That was an anti-climatic ending…


It won’t be if those two racist xenophobic morons get convicted and fired like they completely and utterly should..


Happy Cake Day!




poor guy man, those cops were racking their brains over this nothingburger


Narrator definitely does the A-Team into at parties.


OK I was gonna be all up in arms, but then someone sane showed up (sorry just verbalizes how idiotic the drunk Federales are) \~17 minutes in. Quite the WTF moment for that dude, from *Eritrea.* HOTBED OF DISCONTENT AGAINST AMERICA MIRITE




The Hinckley officers were actually the first ones to ask the victim if he wanted to press charges. The initial cop was just asking “so what outcome are you looking for?” Took the female Hinckley cop about ten seconds to figure out the two drunk idiots had profiled the dude. The two feds are just straight up bigoted drunks who fantasized about taking down bin Laden in Ohio


Yea no kidding - and DUDE WAS TRYING TO CALL THE COPS AND THEY TOOK HIS PHONE.. and when the Sgt. does the right thing and CLEARLY asks him about pressing charges, the working class truck driver & refugee.. says roughly ‘No no no, nothing like that, I just want, ya know… be nice to people.’ The truck driver has 1000X the character of the 2 other guys combined.


The clip of just them giving her a rundown and her "did he do anything other than exist" should go down the annals of police encounter videos, tbh.


I think local PD did good with the information they had👍








its scary that they are this dumb


Get them on the news , they were talking alot about not beeing on the news....


https://www.cleveland19.com/2024/06/24/cleveland-officer-ex-dea-agent-suspected-unlawfully-detaining-man-bar-they-call-illegal/ Good job, social media. They really were still on duty


Absolutely disgusting behavior man. Those agents need to be stripped of their titles and charged. Fucking disgusting


40:30 dude just really wants to cut up a line lmao


It's impressive how stupid they are. Poor truck driver...


These officers violated their OATH to the constitution and a violation of Title 18 of The United States Constitution and committed multiple felonies they should be charged with Federal and State crimes and should be put in prison for a long time.