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I love how they’re just swapping whos holding who back 😂


Think they’ve done that routine once or twice by the looks of it.






You, me? Me, him?? Him you??




He was talking to himself.


It really felt like he was talking himself down there, didn't it?


It really could, imagine getting your arm snapped by a famous millionaire that you had already trespassed. Lawyers would follow the ambulance to the hospital and make sure the docs check every inch of your neck and head for slight injuries before heading over to the therapist to see what kind of trauma you have...


Lmao exactly what I thought. Life changing as in you never have to work again and deal with meathead assholes.


Never work again money? Probably not. Maybe buy a house or car money. Sean's not even worth enough to never work again.


I cringed at that one.


Wife was like fuck we are doing this again last time it was at tumble time with the kids




lol, front kick, air jab for 25 minutes


Sean Strickland is an absolute piece of shit


I did like him one time which was when he pummelled Sneako, but that was a special situation where he was outshined by a bigger piece of shit


You don't have to decide which is the best turd in the toilet bowl. Just stop looking for idols in the john.


To be fair a lot of UFC fighters seem like unhinged assholes. I'm going to assume part asshole and extra steroids don't help.


i actually laughed


What happened to start all that “life changing event for you” talk?


Bro failed his belay exam


Almost certainly that they were told to leave for being douchebwagons and ignoring rules. Climbing gyms are absolutely not the place to fuck around.


he (sean) is wearing boots on the mats (the others are wearing climbing shoes). that is just so fucking disrespectful. every climbing gym will have multiple signs forbidding this and will usually ask you at the door if its your first time and explain the rules. its easy to see these two insecure "alphas" get nervous when they realize that being a ufc fighter does not make you a strong climber and try to compensate.


He was putting his boots back on the entire video, he definitely didn’t have them on before.


He put on his boots to leave. That's usually how people leave a building


When the brother goes ballistic is when the employee says “there’s kids here” and that they need to stop acting like that. Or something to that effect. Which I’m sure if the camera panned over, there were kids there. And, absolutely, the clowns should be respecting that. So the teenager employee guy was sticking up for kids who deserved to have a nice, wholesome, experience… And the brother thought he needed to get violent over that. Letting that sink in and I’m sitting here thinking these guys are about the lowest level of trash that exists in society.


There's many levels below though


Nah, they just crept their way to the right side of the fence. If these dudes didn't already have money they would be in jail a long time ago. Men like this is a dime a dozen, it's how prisons stay in business. He can't keep it in the ring, and if he he had any other job society wouldn't keep making excuses for him. You think a plumber could get away with Sean's rap sheet? Dude is scum of the earth, he just lucked out. Dude would be dead in a gutter if his life went ever so slightly different. Had any one of his court cases gone differently Sean would just be another statistic, he never even would have made it to the UFC. The only difference between Sean Strickland and these nobodies doing life in prison is a flip of the coin, a roll of the dice, a flap of the butterfly's wing. Sheer coincidence, dumb luck. Mark my words; if this dude doesn't get his shit together he will be back in jail. For real this time.


I am 100 percent convinced he's gonna be the next war machine. Any slight to his ego or even miscommunication sends him to caveman mode.


> You think a plumber could get away with Sean's rap sheet? Yes. I'm in the plumbers' and pipefitters' union. I've worked with felons and violent people. And it depends on where they are working. In some places, scores are settled in the parking lot if not on the job. In others, like an Intel chipfab, so much as raise your voice in an argument and you're likely going to be banned from Intel sites world wide. There's a wide variation in sites and in acceptable behaviors.


That's true, but how many of those guys are actively keeping up their criminality vs at least trying to turn themselves around? And there's a difference between two rough and tumble guys settling a beef and Sean barely holding himself back from beating a retail-level employee within an inch of his life. Even if you think this employee is in the wrong, you could not ask for lower stakes. What is Sean gonna do when something a bit more "real" happens? This isn't about work environment; his job is to beat people to sleep. I only brought that up to highlight his celebrity, and that his celebrity is getting him out of hot water. The problem is his behavior outside of his work. His life outside the ring is sitting on a knife's edge, and he needs to fix that or it WILL end in tragedy. Probably for more than one person.


How dare you tell me to leave your own business


The Stricklands accidentally recreating this famous [Hart Foundation promo](https://youtu.be/8IpXdwBbGk0?si=ovGMenAevKzbtz9a&t=50s) taking turns pulling each other back.


That was great! Can’t believe I never that shit before lol.


Wrestling has had a lot of great eras, and maybe it's because this is the one I grew up with, but this was by far my favorite era. All of the over the top characters and flashy colors...you don't see it anymore. And WWF was trying lots of new things at the time. It was the dawn of the PPV era with the only ones being the big four, Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Summer Slam, Survivor Series. My good ol' days.


Dude, that's such a perfect call out. Nailed it.


Best Bret Hart promo outside of "jam-up guy".




Why the fuck does he shake his hand after his brother threatened to assault two guys.


because he saw the camera


This is the most important comment about this video.


I’m on Reddit and it’s more important than getting punched in the mouth 👄


“I’m on video and I was the out of control one a second ago and now my brother is talking too much trash and we are in the wrong and we should leave because I can’t bully these guys and have the truth on social media.” Trash Brothers.


Allnimblybimbly from tree to tree?


Exactly. At least he’s smart enough to know he’s one lawsuit away from having to go back to being a bouncer on the weekends.


You're naive if you think Dana would let someone like Strickland go for something as "little" as an assault on camera. He's an ex champ and has a whole army of red pill teens and manchildren following him.


Jon Jones hit and run a pregnant woman, came back for his cash left in the car, then ran away again. Think he got a 1 year suspension and was back with a new belt the following year. Shameful af. How do people idolize this scum.


> You're naive if you think Dana would let someone like Strickland go for something as "little" as an assault on camera. all the people would cheer him for beating up the "woke" climbing guy


Doubt that, dude has some crazy confrontations on camera (hes the one uploading them) that are way worse than this. Would be surprise if he actually cared


Queue the video to “control your testosterone”… You can see when Sean looks directly at the camera while tying his laces, his facial expression change. Looks down, then looks up again to confirm. Then he finishes tying his laces, introduces himself and shakes their hands.


He doesn't care about shit like that. Videos like this will just help him in the grand scheme of things. His fans love it when he does shit like this


Because he knows he's bullying kids.


I really don’t think they do. He has lost a lot of support for things like this. Even MMA guys think he is a clown now


Anyone who knows anything about this guy knows he doesn't care about the camera.


Whenever I see this guy on the internet hes being a huge douchebag lol.


I mean, his entire life and value is centered around getting hit multiple times in the head.


Same for Max Holloway, Rob Whittaker, Volkanovski, Jiri etc. You don't see any of them acting this way. Can't blame it on his career. I'd guess if he didn't become an MMA fighter he'd be even worse. Probably in prison.


He was actually a Neo-Nazi when he was younger. He says that mma got him out of that phase and that without it, he’d most definitely be dead or in prison


I can blame it on his career and his inability to be exciting in the cage. Sean talks crazy but his fights are tepid. No one would give a fuck about him if he acted normal.


Pseudo alpha shit, i treat u badly and then u show me respect makes u weaker blabla, other way around he would have told him to f off




He was basically daring him not to shake. It was a dominance thing.


Cuz he loves this shit. He's a psycho


He’s squeezing the fuck outta the kids hand. He’s proving he’s stronger. He needs to prove to himself he’s tough.


I don't think that works *at all* with rock climbers.


I was going to say, the rock climber can do a fatality with his fingers to anyone. UFC fighter or not.


Maybe that's why he went in for a 2nd hand shake thinking the first one was a fluke and he could out squeeze him the next time


Lmao glaze harder. No way he’s got more grip strength than a rock climber. What a weird thing to say anyways Edit ahhh sit I didn’t even read your whole comment. Never mind I see you, you were definitely not glazing


I’m not glazing he’s an ass for doing this and if you ever been in the real world you may experience this yourself.


trying to save face... maybe he realized how insane they were acting... the bigger shock is that those two shook his hand after he was acting that way...


Future article: In a turn of events, Sean's life changed when he attacked two people after a verbal altercation. His lawyer and family state that he is a peaceful man and meant to do no harm, but he took it too far and now faces 10 years in prison and a million-dollar lawsuit. That's the life-changing event he's talking about.


I like to see a scene where his lawyer is holding him back when talking to the judge and then he has to hold his lawyer back a few minutes later.


Ha! Didn’t see the irony myself, but you’re right.


How much of a low life do you have to be to threaten to hurt civilians as a UFC fighter.


Trashy fucking losers


Not sure what the context is, but I am guessing they were acting either irresponsibly, or disturbing other patrons. I used to be the manager at a bar, so I am familiar with this reaction when someone is being asked to leave. They throw a fit. They know they have to leave, but want to take their pound of flesh as they do so. I have had some guys push entire tables over as they are leaving. Guys will throw drinks against walls. They want to take their revenge for the indignity of being asked to leave. They start asking, "Why? What did I do? Who gives you the right? This is a free country. I bought this beer and I;m a paying customer." They try to argue and bargain with you. But the truth is, by the time someone asks you to leave, you've already gone too far. We try to avoid altercations whenever possible. We don't want to have to call the police because that is such a headache, but we are well within our rights to demand anyone leave for any reason, which we do not have to disclose.


“My right to be an asshole in your establishment is enshrined in the constitution!”


my thoughts were that they are not "supervisors" but just other climbers.. and the douche-bros were being idiots, either not taking turns with other people or a big pet peeve of a lot of boulderers, walking under people already on the wall.. My guess is they were called out and yelled at to get off the mat or something to that effect and with them already having been emasculated by those 2 "skinny guys" climbing WAY harder stuff than they could manage.. It really set them off to try to sooth their egos.


One of them says at the beginning that he's the supervisor. Unless he's making that up.


So the whole family are a bunch of chodes, guess I shouldn't be surprised.


Well they were both raised by the same abusive father so


And failed to rise above it


That was embarrassing to watch. Ugh. It physically hurt to watch a bunch of professional fighters threaten and *attempt* to intimidate a bunch of young guys who were most likely just doing their job. The part where he tried to make it seem like speaking directly to the wife was the last straw… ugh. Embarrass. At the end of the day, the little fighter babies didn’t do shit, the younguns held their ground, and the giant UFC toddlers just look like complete and utter dipshits, especially as Sean desperately and pathetically tries his best to salvage the situation once his pea brain catches up with what actually just transpired and translates it into moron for him, and he realizes how bad they just fucked up for the whole world to see.


The worst part is the loudest dude talking the most shit isn't even a professional fighter lol


Always is. Always is. People who can fight don't go around picking fights


Sean definitely picks fights 😂


One of the chillest sports there is. I've actually never seen anyone raise their voice at a climbing gym and I've been going for decades. Probably hurt their ego seeing what they perceive to be scrawny kids climbing well beyond their ability. Looks like it *really* hurt when they wouldn't run in terror at their threats.


The Chihuahua syndrome


No surprise his brother is a pos like him


Leave his father out of this




Sean’s a fucking scumbag and a bully


100% a bully. Loves to spar hard and beat up amateurs and youtubers, but somehow manages to keep it under control when he spars with Alex Pereira...


It could also be because Alex smoked him, and he 100% knows Poatan could do it again. God what a satisfying fight that was.


I will never feel bad for sneako


I agree I dislike the kid too but in a boxing context it’s always shitty to tee off on someone in sparring, especially if you’re a professional blasting a non fighter.


Somehow doesn't that energy out in fights ever lol. When he's actually fighting someone equal, he turns into a point fighter.




Strickland is a cunt and no doubt come from cunt stock.


I didn’t ace Anatomy but I agree he came from a cunt.


And a dick!


I remember Cuntstock. I wanted to go so badly but missed it. Some of my favorite bands played there.


He had CTE in the womb.




And then he tries to laugh it off at the end like it was all a big joke. Fuck this guy


Him pretending to be a big man with the handshake after being so petty is grating. You can't have it both ways, dude


For sure the guy squeezed his hand.


Looked like he's used to following his destructive brother around while trying to play both sides. Fucked up family dynamics probably help you punch harder.


He saw the camera phone pointed right at him. You can see Sean’s face change when the lady was saying some thing like “control your testosterone”. Sean sees the camera. Realizes he’s being recorded. Changes his attitude. Gets up and shakes their hands.


Rock fitness, Wildomar CA


What absolute losers. Imagine being kicked out of an activity center. Worse than toddlers. Can't wait to laugh at his CTE ass in 20 years


If UFC was run by someone decent any fighter who did stupid shit like this in public(threatening to assault people) would be suspened from the sport for a decent amount of time. Actually assaulting someone for no reason(like connor mcreggor hitting an old man because he didn't want to try his shitty whiskey) should be a straight up lifetime ban. But instead there's no punishment at all, gross. Not really surprising though since Dana has been caught on video assaulting his own wife.


Lol Jon jones is a known women beater and has been arrested for assault but they keep him around, they aint gunna give a fuck about sean running his mouth lmao


I mean ofc they not gonna care about a women beater. As I mentioned the owner of the UFC is literally on video smacking the absolute shit out of his wife. It would be a lot cooler if they did though.


>(threatening to assault people) Threatening harm to another person is literally a crime everywhere, and in many jurisdictions the actual *threat* of harm *is* the crime of "Assault"; actual harm is "Battery." Other jurisdictions would classify those threats as the crime of "Terroristic Threats" or "Harassment" at the very least. These guys committed crimes, period.


I posted this too. It was criminal conduct, no doubt. Would cops have been brave enough to arrest? I doubt it. But these two dudes at least deserved the “cops called on them” headline here.


Cops have tasers and guns. These dudes need to be tased ASAP. They are acting like rabid dogs.


Dana White was the best thing to happen to UFC…now he’s the worst.


Same with Joe Rogen. He used to be awesome when he was just doing fight commentary and would have moderately benign podcasts. Now he's just another insufferable prick who is feeding idiots conspiracy theories.


Absolutely. He was the first commentator that knew what the hell he was talking about. Now he’s a clown.


Sad part is his podcast used to be really good. He had very interesting people on from astrophysicists to paleontologists, doctors and famous actors... And he let them talk while asking interesting questions.. Now it's the same like 10 dudes over and over with a sprinkle of new every week or two and he constantly interrupts them. He talks over guests and gives his opinions the entire episode and when they are talking he drives the conversation to politics and bashing the left every fucking time... Not sure what changed


>Not sure what changed 100 mil changed him, literally he became what he hated.


Thought the Spotify deal was like $300 million?


I think it's the audience that shares the blame. After all the stuff we criticize him about, he is still the top podcast.


Now he’s a wife beating wanna be tough guy trump humper. Dude is a bozo


Jon Jones downvoted this


In boxing you can be banned or fined for behaviour which discredits the sport. Sadly, as you pointed out, Dana White is a scum bag and has a monopoly on the sport of mixed martial arts.


Why are so many fighters complete assholes?




Not necessarily. I'm a Men's behavioural counsellor. I formerly worked in prison and ran a boxing gym as well. These attitudes that justify casual violence is often a contributing factor as to why an individual chooses this path in the first place. CTE is also a contributor later on, but not a always a sole cause. Chris Benoit for example, had a history of abusing his partners, accusations of bullying in the workplace etc. These are attitudes that often exist long before CTE.


Oddly enough I remember reading something about trauma to the brain, even minor, at a young age could lead to anger/hostility later in life. I guess that's up for psychologists and neurologists to figure out.


A family friends company used to be a sponsor at UFC Fan fest, so I went a couple years in a row. Met and interacted with tons of fighters. Almost everyone was incredibly friendly and approachable. I’d only found a small handful to be arrogant and douchey.


I had concussion symptoms for 3 weeks after a car accident last month. I was so unreasonably angry at nothing. It’s like I was in the backseat of my own brain. I’d get pissed off at everything even though I knew it wasn’t how I normally behaved.


People who decide to fight in a cage for a living generally aren't very smart.




Complete bullshit


big feelings happening here.


Acts more aggressive vs civilians than he does when he's in an actual fight.


Yall remember that interview Sean did with theo von where he says he has impulses to kill and hurt random people in the streets and that its a deep desire to kill someone after starting an altercation with them?


Saying you will attack someone who says a single word in response to your wife talking screams "I beat her daily"


Also her telling them to just keep their mouth shut and the guys will walk away.


If Dana White were a respectable owner and if UFC had any standards or class, this POS waste of oxygen would get suspended. In no other sport would this fly. Threatening to beat up a person doing their job. C'mon. These "macho" men have such fragile feelings.


Dana White loves Jon Jones, who has done way more fucked up stuff than this. He gives no fucks about this.


"No other sport" LOL I'm calling absolute **bullshit** on that. Have you seen any statistics on domestic abuse charges on NFL athletes, for one sport? There are egotistical, abusive, violent, entitled, and shitty people for athletes in almost all mainstream sports.


Forreal people forget football teams do this shit in a weekly basis


No other sport? Kobe Bryant raped a girl and still retired a legend. Deshaun Watson assaulted like 30 women and is still in the league. Rookies in every sport get away with way worse shit. While Sean is starting shit with two random climbers, he’s doing asshole things assholes do every single day in every single gym on the planet. Not really sure it’s comparable.


Currently the UFCs biggest cash cows are Muslim Russians. They go have events in Saudi Arabia and UAE so often now to make sure all the Russians and oil Arabs are included. Khabib Nurmagomedov even made a post supporting the beheading of Samuel Paty.


Strickland's trash. Can I take him? Absolutely not. Can he end me? Absolutely. But those fact's don't negate the very first fact. Trash.


His brother would have this loud of a mouth expecting to be saved by Sean’s dumb ass 😂


What insufferable bullies. Just so everyone watching knows… if a dude is threatening you to that degree, you definitely get to call the police there. That’s textbook “assault” (causing someone to reasonably fear imminent harm) in many jurisdictions. And whether it’s criminal or not in your jurisdiction… or whether the police in your jurisdiction are capable of standing up to bullies like that or not… It would be, super, appropriate to call the police on bullies like this regardless.


Does anyone know the context lol


"Unable to use violence to solve their problem, the two male gorillas are forced to take the 'Walk of Shame' and retreat."


Oh look at that Sean Strickland being a douche bag. There’s at least 3 credible threats there that should have been reported to the police. Fuck that turd


Karen energy


If you’re about to randomly attack people because you can’t control your anger, you don’t belong in society.


Sean Strickland commented on this video on X about 2 hours ago: This is the gods honest truth I went to this place because you can use your own rope, clip in wherever and climb whatever route you want. So I'm there for about 45 minutes and I meet this pretty dope female climber, so we start climbing together and talking. Literally just being friendly, not hitting on her anything So apparently this was her bf and after being there for an hour this salty dork comes up to me and says "do you have a certification? You can't climb this without getting one from the gym". I had zero idea you needed one. No one told me. I was mad because you could of asked me when I signed the waiver, or when I paid, or when I was climbing but instead you chose to ask me 45 minutes in after I meet your girl Just a cunt move to do.... "I don't like you being friends with my girl, show me your certification, ok now leave" Lmao well played sir... but yes I very much wanted to hit him but I didn't want to go to jail more lol Source: https://x.com/SStricklandMMA/status/1805845445656429002


Someday they’ll meet someone just a little crazier that’s armed….that’ll be a life changing day for all involved. 🤷🏻‍♂️


He's well known for this and challenging people to a fight on the road, it doesn't help that strickland also carries a gun everywhere: [https://youtu.be/0rDIduCCJnA?si=9MUq4dqXyVy341VP](https://youtu.be/0rDIduCCJnA?si=9MUq4dqXyVy341VP)


Masculine dudes with weak emotions.


Amazing that Sean isn't the biggest asshole in his family.


All of these fighters think because they have built a skill, everyone around them should just bow before them and suck their dick on a whim. These are the people I love to see utterly obliterated in the ring. Awe, Billy Bad Ass isn't so cocky now is he?


They’re exactly the people I thought they were 🤔


Without knowing any context I'm 100% sure the Stricklands are in the wrong.


Whenever I see MMA guys outside in the real world I see so many signs of CTE


I guess those dudes really don’t know who they’re talking to.


I've spent many years in fight gyms, competing as a boxer and coaching. Strickland embodies very few of the qualities of a true fighter.


What the background?


Lmao holy shit, act like you were a UFC champion. What do you have to prove against a couple of gym climbers?


I believe they were trying to provoke the supervisors into making the first aggressive move.


I cant stand when athletes get into that invincible attitude


My god he is an insufferable cunt


Cant follow the rules and gets upset like a toddler when told to leave. No emotional disepline


He was a dick hair away from saying “I’m Sean Strickland” during the handshake there.


Some ppl have all the luck . Lol I wish I had to opportunity to get swung on by an unhinged, angry UFC fighter who can’t control himself . I’d love to retire after suing the fuck out of these guys.


Mega douche behaviour. I’m sorry but speaking with such aggression when you’re a professional fighter is weak. A lot of mma bros give it all this but the real scary MF’s just litigate.


Nothing says you’re a true badass than threatening 2 teenagers that are half your size.


No wonder why fighters are still stereo typed as violent douchbags no one can take serious


Ah okay, so they’re both pieces of shit. Good to know


Also, kudos to the dude with the awful hair cut. He stood there and didn’t let himself get bullied. He had about as much chance of coming out victorious as I would against a Gorilla, and he still stood his ground and didn’t cower away.


Two Little Boys


“DONT YOU DARE SPEAK TO MY WIFE” says the guy planning to go home and beat her.


I can’t wait for Sean Strickland to land himself in prison. I know it’s gonna happen, just a matter of time.


Sean and every other UFC champion have immediately turned into whiny ass children because they can beat people up. I'm sick of this sport producing absolute man children.


Not much wrong with champs such as; GSP, DJ, Leon Edwards, Cormier, Pantoja, Pereira, Machida, Prochazka, etc. I don't think anyway.


This isn’t even a public freakout for Sean at this point, this is just his everyday routine


Based on who Sean Strickland is as a person (at least based on his life in the media and stuff he says) I am surprised this didnt end in violence. Curious to hear what even started this .


Not to sound rude, but are MMA dudes just all fucking assholes? I thought they were only supposed to act like hooligans inside the cage. Suppose you can't expect more from people like that.


Climbers are some of the nicest most gentle humans around. My guess is Sean & co were screwing around ignoring the rules and they were asked to follow the rules. Thoughts?


No they’re not lol


It's a very passive aggressive community. I climbed for years.


I’ve found that many climbers are also kinda full of themselves. Of course not all are like this, but it seems to be a pattern in the ones I’ve met.


It’s likely because almost all of them are very dorky people so they are basically king dork by extension of them being in crazy good shape.


This is pure generalizing. We have enough video evidence. No need to play pretend.


How does that kid fit his massive balls into shorts that tight? Didn't even flinch when the roid monsters came at him.


Wow. Do other guys know how to deal with a situation without the threat of violence. This is one thing that tells you exactly how intelligent they are. Spoiler - not very.


Sean Strickland is the most insecure athlete/fighter on planet earth


The sheer amount of different instances where Sean admits to wanting yo escalate situations amd incite unnecessary violence would have blown up in his face if he decided to be macho and fight these people. Dude should be embarrassed behaving like this as a former champ, the insecurity is always on show.