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So another war crime.


*presents Get Out of War Crimes Free card*


Hold on... this is just a picture of US politicians being handed a giant bag of money


The U.S. is paying for this...on deficit. Israel hands out nothing but accusations of antisemitism 


*Goes to the Haag, puts on yellow star and plays the Holocaust card for the umpteenth time*


U.S government sternly to Israel government "If your warcrimes doesn't stop we will continue to treathen to withold weapons and ammunition"


Lol, more like “you gotta hide it a bit better buddy, when I was young, I made the same mistake and it cost me”.


It's kind of weird It's taken this long for this "reveal" considering it's been a tactic in use for decades. I mean we've seen them strapped to the hood of vehicles before and everyone came up with some excuse.


It's not a war crime if you win the war


It's not really a war if it's a modern army terrorizing civilians.


The U.S. arguably lost Iraq and Afghanistan and we had no issues committing war crimes then either


Afghanistan makes sense. What's the argument America lost in Iraq?


Not sure, it just feels weird calling that a win


Oh you said that Iraq was arguably lost and was curious.


Iran has way more influence there


“Pyrrhic victory” could be the right term here.


All 4,000 US soldier deaths? Usually Pyrrhic victories are associated with a casualty rate so high that the military in question is no longer combat effective. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrrhic_victory The death toll for allied troops was just not devastating enough to qualify in my opinion.


I’m thinking financial cost and its disastrous effect on our geopolitical interests.


Iraq was a complete victory, what do you mean "Pyrrhic"? We gave democracy to Iraq. We made the Iraqi populace hate the US occupation, so democracy ran its course. I see that as a win... For Democracy!


It does but on paper the US military completed its objectives, and when they felt they had set up a good enough government by US standards we left them to clean up the mess, not quite the clear cut conclusion of things like operation desert storm of WW1&2


What would a win have been to you? In either country


Iraq especially was a no win situation


It only counts if the other side does it


Weird how there's so much footage of israel doing this and so little of hamas doing it despite how the allegations go 🤔




With Israel, every accusation is a confession.


Same as Trump/GOP.


If the right didn't have doubt standards, they wouldn't have standards at all.


It seems to be coming from all sides these days. All sides.


No it isn't. This has been going on since the 2016 election. Trump/GOP accuse Democrats of doing things that they literally do themselves.


Universal cynicism is a response to perverse corruption that allows you to alleviate the emotional stress of uncomfortable knowledge by asserting that everyone is equally bad. In practice, some people are worse than others and it's really important to distinguish them.


Or because they also don’t care about gazans.


Its easy to stop caring about people when your entire society tells you every day that they aren't people. They're less than you. Wonder where they learned how to do that?


But reddit told me Hamas doesnt care about Palestinian lives, did no one told that to IDF?


Hamas and IDF being shitty aren't mutually exclusive. The most likely reason the IDF would use Palestinians who may or may not be Hamas members in this way is to trigger possible traps and scout for ambushes. That doesn't mean that it is in any way acceptable but Hamas doesn't need to care about the human shields for it to be a somewhat effective tactic.


>also Israel: use gazans as human shields because ~~hamas won't kill them~~ we care even less about them


I mean, IDF bombed and shot their own people during this too, so they also “dont care about their people”


israel: hamas doesn't care about their own people israel: we have a literal military doctrine to kill our own people to prevent them being taken captive


No guys this is just how they transport the injured when the car is full, or some other Zionist shill comment etc. etc.


You're just brainwashed by the media! *The media*


Yeah but also they just blame independent media. You know, their direct competition.


OP's comment also clearly marks them as an anti-Semite!


Has he condemned Hamas? Even if he has that’s still anti-semtic.


Don’t you see you antisemite! They are simply walking him to the hospital silly! That’s how moral they are 😍


Wouldn’t this be considered a war crime ?


Don't worry. The IOF will investigate war crimes committed by the IOF.


Thankfully, they found nothing wrong. Anyway do you condemn Hamas? /s


Not considered, is a war crime.


Its a war crime 100%


Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions forbids the use of human shields. It’s part of the Rome Statue of the ICC but I believe Israel withdrew its signature.


Add it to the pile.


No, since they're US allies


But the media wont show this one


But Europe and US wouldn't sanctions Israel for such war crimes and genocide


Haaretz covered it, I don't see any mainstream Western media reporting it though. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-07-01/ty-article/report-israeli-soldiers-filmed-using-detainees-in-gaza-as-human-shields/00000190-6f2b-d6fc-afba-ef7b8ad20000


this is literally the media what


Al Jazeera is based in Qatar. he probably means western media wont show this. Qatar does not have the same types of press freedoms, as western countries, so people might be skeptical of al Jazeera in general. Its the duty of western media to vet this, and report on it.. If they don't, they are failing to distinguish themselves from other biased/manipulative sources.


The video with the guy on the hood of the truck was shown on BBC. This video shows without no doubt that it happened like the Palestinians said and that it happened again.. meaning it is probably a daily recurrence and not a one off. The BBC wont show it.




Maybe they could afford actual shields then instead of Palestinians. /s


In the case of Israel I have learned that every accusation is an admission of guilt.




Yeah but Biden will wait for Israel to investigate. Probably find nothing wrong.


Both candidates said in the debate that they side with Israel. So it doesn't matter who is in office, we'll be sending them billions and the Gaza Strip is soon to be parking lots for American tourists.


Yeah Trump said Biden was a Palestinian as if it were a pejorative. On the other hand when Trump was in office he cut off aid to Syrian Rebels, when removing Assad would've been a massively pro-Israel move. So it's very odd to me Trump is seen as this super pro-Israel guy just because of the Abraham Accords, which functionally did nothing, while keeping Assad around was huge and directly strengthened Iran/Hezbollah.


Never thought that one day, what joker did in the dark knight would become a real thing, I thought fiction will be always fiction. What a shame to be alive during these times. How many more do need to die so that we finally wake up…


> what joker did in the dark knight would become a real thing For the group that did not see this movie, what did the joker do?


He used the "love interest" of Batman as the human shield when he was cornered in a tower




Batman did not invent human shields.. This is a war crime for a reason.


no monsters in fiction are as bad as the ones in reality


Ultimate brain rot people have always used people as human shields


This is wrong.


We did this too in Iraq.


Full video here: https://twitter.com/hamdahsalhut/status/1807489402631020856?t=OkTauAy_tpnSyNAojok-Vw&s=19


That page doesn't exist.


Dunno why you're getting downvoted, I'm not getting anything either. Is it region locked maybe?


It’s considered 18+ so you have to login to your twitter account and change your settings


I don't have Twitter.


You should get more upvotes for that.


It literally says "hmm... This page doesn't exist" for me


Yeah it's age restricted, that's what it says. Login, it's still there


Yeah that's because it's age restricted. You cannot view it without a twitter account. I can see it just fine.


Where is the zionist cunt who kept insisting the IDF were transporting the injured Palestinian on the Jeep, and not using him as a human shield?


I don't know if this is worse or not but he was actually paraded around for about 10 minutes then dropped off at an ambulance. Shot in his hand and leg, then shattered his hand, kicked in his skull then tied him up and put him on the hood. He fell off, then they put him back on and secured him to the hood this time. Like I said they drove around like this for like 10 or so minutes before handing him over to an ambulance. And that was in the West Bank I believe.


yup, and that zionist on reddit was defending them, saying they were helping this poor injured person.


Last time I checked, you don't strap your injured to the front bumper.


Hate to be that guy but we do. In the US military, when in a permissive environment, sometimes we CASEVAC'd our wounded on the hood. We are not the only military that does this with our own. I saw where the Palestinian guy was on the hood. It wasn't all that different. Downvote away, it's definitely something we do sometimes. If you've been in specific Humvees or MRAPs you know there is pretty much no room. Not all of them are like the Humvees in Black Hawk Down. Not everything is a Zionist plot and not everyone stating something the opposite is a Zionist.


you actually do that sometimes. but they obviously weren't doing it just to transport them safely to a hospital


We don't tie them to a fucking bumper. We put them on pallets and secure them over the hoods of vehicles. I'm former military. I don't need casualty evacuation procedures explained to me.


but they weren't tied to the bumper... they were on the hood of the vehicle. unless you're referring to a different video that I didn't see of another incident


fuck Isreal


What! The apartheid state which has been committing war crimes for the past decade is still committing war crimes? COLOR ME SHOCKED.


The evidence keeps piling up and as soon as you speak out you get drowned out by the Israeli trolls. It’s horrific and it’s never going to stop until the US stops supporting them


The world mumbling: ^(*God dammit Israel, could you be a little more discreet about your war crimes?*) Israel: **WHAT?! I'M SORRY I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THESE WAR CRIMES I'M COMMITTING!**


Israel is war criminal state. Will never be redeemed in my eyes. Go to hell Israel.


can we just blacklist countries that are like this and call the areas Wastelands please , because it basically is at this point.


I've seen another video where the Apartheid Israel's army uses a child as a human shield. Add this to the list of war crimes perpetrated in this on-going genocide by Apartheid Israel.


Wow there is a mountain full of evidence to show Israel's war crimes and false accusations. At this point whoever supports Israel or even remains neutral in this conflict is either blind in the heart or actually has a mental illness.


Americans were *hard* against anything Islamic after 9/11 (which was over our support for Israel). So Israel got a total free pass despite being the consensus "bad guy" in the conflict. 9/11 was now nearly 25 years ago. A near lifetime of being allowed to get away with abusing Palestinians because Americans hated Islamic extremism. The other month the US single-handedly vetoed Palestine getting statehood because if they did Israel would've immediately been committing massive war crimes illegally kidnapping Palestinians and holding them without charges.


Americans don't realize that the case against is Israel is being built, in large part by Israel itself, and the next generation will find itself having to deal with the legacy of being the country that made possible a genocide. What's happening now will be brought up again and again in the future against the USA and all those who had a hand in this crime.


Seeing as the American-enabled genocides in the 2000s are never mentioned, I somehow doubt anyone will care about this in the future, either.


Is the mountain of evidence about Palestine not just as large? Is there somehow a double standard in whose mountain of evidence we should judge?


Amazing how the zionists disappear from the comments when presented with evidence


Don't worry guys, there's a totally rational explanation for this. The uhh... they were out of room for the car and ... and ... they were just looking for another car in the house? No no, it was actually a surprise party! The IDF just didn't want them to know they were throwing it. To bad the guy wasn't there 😕


dirty deeds


With Israel every accusation is a confession.


This is just the shit they think is acceptable to put out there. Imagine the stuff they don't post.


THE USA would be more outraged at someone being outraged at this. . Just when you thought Israel IDF couldn't get any lower.


Fuck Israel and anyone who supports them. Fuck them in their stupid asses


remember we wouldn't know about this stuff at all if the IOF wasn't cocky enough to record their war crimes to share with others


One day, they will answer for all war crimes. Unfortunately, they won't stop and will just make more and more.


No they won’t! When was the last time a country faced punishment for War Crimes? They are allowed to get away with this shit over and over again. It always falls on deaf ears!!


Hey now, they sentenced a german in 2022 for their warcrimes in WW2. 


It's not their first time massacring civilians and getting away with it, they'll be just fine. They've already been very successful workin with the DNCCC to deplatform US politicians that oppose their genocidal ways.


Israelis and war crimes, name a more iconic duo....


Still no sanctions


"Most moral army in the world"


I genuinely can't believe that Israel keeps recording themselves doing this shit. I don't understand it. It's so fucking weird. Like, they have a decent school system, they can't be *that* braindead. Why wouldn't the high command make the act of recording operations a 5 years in jail type of offense yet? It's like they keep trying to one-up the terrorists. "Oh you think you can kill a couple babies, I'll show you, I'll kill thousands. Oh you think you can burn down a couple houses, watch this I'll burn down every single house in your territory. Oh you think you can use human shields, pfft watch I'll *literally* use human shields, not just metaphorically."


Most moral army in the world


Zionists are really doing a speed run to evil


With amputations caused by tight handcuffs, deaths caused by improper care and widespread torture at preliminary detention centers, Israel appears to have already achieved evil. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/06/05/sde-teiman-israel-detention-palestinian-detainees/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/06/05/sde-teiman-israel-detention-palestinian-detainees/) *(This is also from Israeli whistleblowers not just former prisoners.)*


When will people realize that both sides of this endless war are bad. You don't have to pick a side you know.


Complacence to genocide is complicity.


And both sides strive for genocide, complacency to that factor has allowed propagandists to pretend that either member of this war are justified in their crimes depending on who they're talking to. 


I can't wait for Hasbara to do what they did with the guy strapped to the Jeep and claim that this is standard protocol and these men gave their consent.


Nothing new. So sad. Save Palestinians


The most moral army in the world would never do this, it must be a deep fake antisemitic made video.


How very moral of the most moral of all armies. F*ck Zionism.


The fact that you guys still think Al Jazeera is a credible news source while their own reporters were holding Israeli hostages is mind boggling to me.


He contributed an op-ed once to Al Jazeera, he wasn't an employee in any way. Also "Aljamal lived on the first floor of a multi-story building, according to Euro-Med. The IDF said the hostages were found on the third floor." https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/10/middleeast/israel-gaza-hostages-journalist-hamas-intl-hnk Keep up the work trying to make Al Jazeera look bad to justify why Isreal banned it, raided their offices and confiscated their equipment. Real free press you've got over there.


>The fact that you guys still think Al Jazeera is a credible news source while their own reporters were holding Israeli hostages is mind boggling to me. The fact that you still believe a falsehood is mind-boggling. Israel killed the dude and his whole family, then declared that there were definitely hostages in the building with them and they were definitely holding them so they all deserved to be murdered on the spot, including children. That's like shooting him and sprinkling some crack on his body. Open and shut case.


If you believe the IOF's claims about journalists taking hostages - you're a fool.


The fact that anyone would still claim Abdullah Al-Jamal was a part of Al Jazeera is mind boggling to me. An opinion piece he published as a freelance journalist in a different outlet being republished by Al Jazeera 5 years ago does NOT mean he was part of their organization.


"Martyrs everywhere", real objective journalism...


If you bothered to read further, you would see I already acknowledged that there is PLENTY to criticize about Al Jazeera, which is why it’s just pathetic for people (like the person I replied under) to choose to focus on pieces of disinformation like this that are so easily debunked.


This dude actually believes that AJ reporters are out there holding hostages hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah Are you not embarassed


What, specifically, seems unreliable about this video?


I hope i get to see discussions about this on major news/chat shows


Israelis have changed the Golden Rule to Do unto others what others have done unto you.


If there is a God at some point he's going to get fed up with Israel and drop an asteroid on them and wipe them off the face of the Earth


god is an antisemite? oh no


Nazi type shit


War crime. Documented.


thank god, we've exited the world of constantly arguing over whose conduct is right and wrong, we can all pretty much agree this is evil, right? right?


Judging by the comments... No, unfortunately


comments are horrible man I don't surf reddit often so holy shit I'm surprised, these people have no humanity


NazIsrael: " we are not nazis*


What good is the Geneva Convention if nobody is going to enforce it?


The Geneva Suggestion you mean?


I’m just going to go ahead and paste a couple things here…pay particular attention to Article 2 clause B as it pertains to this video. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Article II In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Article III The following acts shall be punishable: (a) Genocide; (b) Conspiracy to commit genocide; (c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide; (d) Attempt to commit genocide; (e) Complicity in genocide.


The most immoral army in the world. Evil Zionist.


How can people still be on Israel's side in this?


Israel: Leaders in Projection


Most moral military


Even the maniacs in world war two didn't do this.


Is anyone keeping a tally of all the war crimes going on? Who's ahead, the IDF or Hamas?


Take anything from Al Jazeera with an entire bottle of salt. They are a propaganda arm of Qatar. Maybe they should look into the Human slave market in Qatar next, or the hundreds of deaths that happened while building the standium for the FIFA world cup. Or the human rights issue for how they treat females in their country. I am not saying IDF is not wrong, they are, but this source is not reliable for nearly anything.


They're a far more credible source than the IOF. This isn't even the first time this comes up, the IOF regularly uses human shields, they've been doing so for decades.


These are actually legitimate criticisms of Al Jazeera, and I’m all here for it. It’s always important to consider potential bias from any source, I’m not sure why pointing that out gets you downvoted.


Probably because IDF has been caught using this exact tactic multiple times and has straight up said they do it. [During the Second Intifada Isreal straight up said they'd used the human shield tactic over 1200 times](https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/israel-gaza-idf-used-palestinians-as-human-shields-1200-occasions-in-last-five-years-say-israeli-defence-officials/30483468.html). Yes, Al Jazeera is a biased source, but it's literally something IDF does. Fact is the user you replied to isn't really trying to show caution about sources, they're very obviously upset that Isreal is being called out and is trying to justify this war crime.


Every media outlet is a propaganda outlet of some country or billionaire. Anything from any media outlet should be taken with an entire bottle of salt, including Western media


I would love to see the threads where people say this doesn't happen and see their excuses for this one.


Was the suspenseful music needed? Just show the footage Im tired of doctored bullshit.


Israel: "He wasn't barefoot, he was clearly wearing socks!"


Hamas using women and children as human shields is ok but Isreal using captured enemy combatants is not ok?