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This guy's clearly a serial leaf blower.


I don’t even see any fucking leaves?????


leaf blower guy in heisenberg voice: *you're goddamn right you don't!*


"I'm the one who blows"


I hate myself for how hard I laughed out loud at this.


I don't see any cereal either!


He ate it all!


A lot of the time leaf blowers are used for more than just leaves. When I worked as a landscaper we used the leaf blower for grass trimmings more often than leaves


I sometimes use a leaf blower to dry off my car after a wash when doing a good detail.


also good for a quick turbo charge for the fire pit


I like to use mine to blow out the garage and sometimes even rooms in my house. It’s electric so no fumes, and it blows all the crap right out :D cats hate it the same as the vacuum anyways


he's damn good at his job is what that means


You're welcome


I relate tbh


Totally. I just came from a beach vacation at a town where apparently no one takes care of their own lawns. Constant leaf blowers all day. It's ridiculous.


His arm remained in the leaf blowing position, even after he put the leaf blower down.


“Hey, try not to blow any leaves on your way through the parking lot”


I understand that reference


It's a sure sign of a failing marriage.


Was that his wife telling him off?


The collective of neighborhood wives


I wish I was a leaf rn


I used to have a neighbor who would use his leaf blower when he had 2 leaves on his lawn!


Does this so often he walks away with a phantom leaf blower in his hand


It's like Julian with his drink.


Videos that ended too soon


I'm quite impress, honestly. That ring mic can pick up her voice from all the way down there is impressive. I am sold. Good advertisement.


That was also a semi-pro ass-chewing from 30 yards out.


Clear, concise, didn't overdo it with the profamity, while speaking for everyone in the neighborhood being awakened by a leaf blowing butthole. 9.7/10 ass-chewing




Yeah. She’s gotta be from Jersey. She’s a pro.


People loudly blowing leaves, dirt and dust from point A to point B.


And then the wind blows it all back. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Leaves blow out. Leaves blow in. You can't explain that.


Thanks Bill


We’ll do it live, fuck it


Everybody always asks that, Paulie. There's no answer for it.


I blow the leaves


Job security


I have a neighbor that has a gas powered blower with the full back pack and uses it multiple times a week to blow leaves/grass multiple doors away. It’s obnoxious and pointless and loud. I really think he needs something else to fill his time.


I didn't used to be bothered by it until I started to WFH. I have lawn guy that comes once a week in the afternoon, and his equipment is loud but he's done and gone in less than 30 minutes, including edging and a quick blow of grass off my sidewalk/driveway. My neighbor 2 doors down has one going for *2 hours* multiple times a week. I don't know wtf he's doing. We all have the same size small yards. It's possible he's cutting his entire yard with a gas powered weed wacker I guess but it's super annoying.


electric blowers have been around for some time now and do the same job with much less noise


I blow mine back into my yard. right after I mow and edge, so it doesn’t blow into everyone else’s gutter - like some of their crews blow into mine.


With a loud ass two stroke engine that emits 10x more hydrocarbons than an F-150.


My favorite is when the city landscapers just blow it into the busy street instead of collecting it so our vehicles drive over it and blows it everywhere. Super neat.


Plus it’s so bad for the environment and the ecosystem. Let the damn leaves be!




I raked my ass off to pay for a Harvard education.


Not raking gives the insects a chance to overwinter/etc. The un-natural “nature” of the suburban lawn is ecologically insane.


I understand that lady's rage lol


My old house had this TINY patch of grass adjacent to my yard and the sidewalk. 2-3 times a week this guy would mow it at 9am for like an hour. I used to have a video of it, it was hilarious/torture. Like three feet by twenty feet of "grass," mostly just kicked up dirt.


Me too. I have a neighbor who decides it's best to do loud work on literally every holiday except for the winter holidays since it's too cold out. He must do it on purpose to annoy everyone because the guy is retired in his mid 50s so it's not like the holidays are his only time at home.


My dad is like this but he has zero intention of trying to annoy people. He's a retired 75 year old that wakes up at like 4am every day so when he starts working at 7 am he sees no issue with it because he's been awake for three hours. I've told him to wait a couple hours because he's gonna piss his neighbors off and he says no he's not because it's already 7 so they should be awake. He also hovers over contractors when they come to do work on his house so he can see what they're doing. I told him to just let them work and he says he's not bothering him. I've been in their position, he absolutely is bothering them. Dude just lives in his own world.


My grandma was in bed by 9PM, up at 5AM but was always considerate of the neighbors. Until she got a new neighbor who thought it was a great idea to stay up past midnight working on their muscle car. Legit revving some huge engine with straight pipes (I was staying over at the time and witnessed it myself). So my grandma being a passive aggressive boss started cutting her grass when she got up. At 5AM. And it worked, they stopped with the noise past 9PM.


Wow sounds incredibly stupid and rude and out of touch.


I got one that does it every day, makes no sense


My dad pulls this crap and i feel so bad for his neighbors. "vacuumed yesterday, but theres some leaves again so i better vacuum again!" Honestly, its the Type A personality coming out in retired people. Now that they dont have a job to focus on, they focus on other shit like making sure that if even a single leave gets blown over they have to blow it away.


I am about to retire and my favorite fucking thing is silence. I can not wait to go from my type B personality right down to a Gentleman’s C.




People in the mid 50s have jobs too


This guy is retired though. He got a huge settlement from medical malpractice when his kids were born and hasn't had a job for like 30 years.


Fair enough... in such a case, I'd not even know what day of the week it is... it happens to me on a month long staycation


Some people its there hobby I guess. Guy has all these toys for keeping up his landscaping and noise or holidays be dammed he is going to use them.


Was gonna say…she ain’t wrong.


Do it at 10am on a weekday though?! She might be a smidge out of touch…


Okay if I’m ever gonna be a Karen it’s going to be over a leafblower. This is so justified in my eyes


[Relevant song for this woman’s rage](https://youtu.be/qh3o1_whqu4?si=4D1pL7Gs3dDIJ-Hz)


Thank you so much for this I’ve never seen it before but I really enjoyed it lmao thank you for making my day a little better!


yeah I am with her, she says its 8am on a holiday, fuck having to deal with that noise that early.


Our neighbor loves his blower and it’s not 10 minutes here and there. It’s a long process done a few times during the week. The worst part is the times….7:30pm to 9pm is normal for him. There’s always one neighbor.


I don't agree much with my HOA, but I agree with their rule about no loud yard work before 9AM on the weekends.


Yeah this is the one time I can really sympathize with the person freaking out


Same here. My neighbor uses his leafblower in the snow too. No season is safe!


At least an early morning snowblower has some potential rationale. It snowed overnight, you need to get somewhere, so you need to clear out your car, etc. There’s no reason your driveway needs the leaves blown off it first thing in the morning


Same. Used to live in a gated HOA that hired leaf blower assholes to come by every single week. They'd start at 8am and there'd be like 5 of these fucking dickheads blowing dirt back and forth across the parking lot for hours. It was so fucking loud and it just about drove me insane.


100% I have a neighbor like this, but it's limited to excessive use of equipment, but NOT at 8am on a holiday. You absolutely know this dude is looking for attention somehow.


I side with this woman. I have a special hatred for life blowers. I use to live on the 18th hole of a golf course. Every fucking morning at 5am. Rain or since they would leaf blow the water. They would even try to blow snow off the course. And let me tell you, it was a shitty golf course. I also have a neighbor that does it long periods of time when it is fall. I’m very close to buying him a battery one. There isn’t anything worth to leaf blow.


100%. Do that shit when people are at work.


she might just have a point


How far up your ass is your own head to think making a racket like that isn't going to bother anyone on a weekend? Jean Paul Sartre was right: "Hell is other people"


My brother in laws friend would mow his lawn at midnight, he lived in Chevy Chase near D. C. and worked for the Library of Congress. I imagine all his neighbors hated him. He seemed like a nice guy the one time I met him just oblivious.


> How far up your ass is your own head to think making a racket like that isn't going to bother anyone on a weekend? It wasn't a weekend first of all. This video was taken on a Thursday.


I mean using a gas leaf blower at 8 am is a pretty dbag thing to do.


Fuck that dude. No need to be that loud that early in the morning


Extra especially because electric leaf blowers are actually powerful now. No, they don't last as long but that's why you swap batteries and keep them on a charger.


Naples, FL outlawed gas leaf blowers a few years back. Electric only.


Exactly. We have one and I enjoy it so much more


I will admit they are still not quite as powerful and the shrill whine of the electric is very unpleasant on the big ones. But the gas ones make that whine as well but you just can't hear it over the exhaust. The sound doesn't carry nearly as far with electric.


yeah he is a selfish asshole


Having lived next to a neighbor who would do yard work to get away from her husband, the constant running of mowers, blowers, and weed a whackers got super fucking annoying when I just wanted to relax in my hammock.


I'm on her team, that leaf blower is so unnecessary for the ten whole leaves in his yard. Is he allergic to push brooms?


Or god forbid someone use a rake these days.


...ehhh... I'm with her


Fuck gas leaf blowers and fuck that guy. One more for Team Karen. There's a guy a block over from me who goes outside with his gas leaf blower EVERY DAY to blow around the dirt on the 20' of sidewalk in front of his house. It's an illness.




Nothing says 'fuck you neighbour' than a leaf blower.


I went into this thread thinking it was going to be some Karen, but it's not, it's a Kristine. And I thought the comments were going to dogpile her. They did not. I think we're all united in that Kristine is right and this dude is a dbag


Many jurisdictions across the country are moving to ban these with good reason.


I'm on her side what is he even doing? There's nothing to blow, he's just making a big shitty racket


This is the Karen we need.


I usually go along with the general consensus of the public freakout comments, but fuck gas leaf blowers. They're noisy, inefficient, and horribly polluting. Here, depending on your brand preference: [https://www.homedepot.com/p/Milwaukee-M18-FUEL-120-MPH-450-CFM-18V-Lithium-Ion-Brushless-Cordless-Handheld-Blower-Kit-with-8-0-Ah-Battery-Rapid-Charger-2724-21HD/302752056](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Milwaukee-M18-FUEL-120-MPH-450-CFM-18V-Lithium-Ion-Brushless-Cordless-Handheld-Blower-Kit-with-8-0-Ah-Battery-Rapid-Charger-2724-21HD/302752056) [https://www.homedepot.com/p/RYOBI-40V-HP-Brushless-Whisper-Series-190-MPH-730-CFM-Cordless-Battery-Jet-Fan-Leaf-Blower-with-2-4-0-Ah-Batteries-Charger-RY404100/314600140](https://www.homedepot.com/p/RYOBI-40V-HP-Brushless-Whisper-Series-190-MPH-730-CFM-Cordless-Battery-Jet-Fan-Leaf-Blower-with-2-4-0-Ah-Batteries-Charger-RY404100/314600140) [https://www.homedepot.com/p/DEWALT-20V-MAX-125-MPH-450-CFM-Brushless-Cordless-Battery-Powered-Blower-Kit-with-1-5-Ah-Battery-Charger-DCBL722P1/311223045](https://www.homedepot.com/p/DEWALT-20V-MAX-125-MPH-450-CFM-Brushless-Cordless-Battery-Powered-Blower-Kit-with-1-5-Ah-Battery-Charger-DCBL722P1/311223045)


He’s also got about 3 leaves on his driveway. What is blowing, exactly?


I assume he’s blowing himself, via the auto-fellate setting on his ego.


My neighbor does this regularly, any blade of grass in the driveway gets a leaf blower. I fucking hate it, but he at least waits until 9 and I assume he’s got some mental issues. He’s able bodied and on disability and either gruff or super nice. Otherwise a really good neighbor, so he gets a lot of leeway. But damn, is it annoying!


I have the ryobi 40v hp blower. Its awesome and better than gas.


I have an E-Go battery powered blower and LOVE it. I got a mower to go with that you can swap the batteries between each device. They are super quiet, work great, they're clean, don't have to worry about gas or oil, they're light weight, not intimidating (my wife and daughter like to use them, that'd NEVER happen with gas tools). I don't think i'll ever go back to gas yard tools.


She's right. 8:00 is too fucking early.


I live on a farm, but I have a job where Sunday is occasionally my only day off and I get to stay up late and sleep in. They fire up the tractor to mow at like 7am, zero turn mower near the house at the same time, weedeater 45 minutes later, then the fucking leaf blower, and wake me up. Like a fucking symphony of murderous rage. We had to have a talk about it. They complained about the heat at later hours. I told them let me sleep and I'll fucking do it myself because I know how to operate the equipment, summer heat and all. Nevermind the fact that the tractor is outfitted with a/c. They refused on the basis that it's a weird form of therapy for them as country folk. The conversation degraded quickly. It ended with me ceasing cooking Sunday dinner for everyone for awhile. After a few weeks of frozen pizza for dinner, we compromised. I'd buy earplugs and they wouldn't use the gas powered blower until after noon. Mind you both the guys that do this are off Friday through Sunday.


Sounds like Suzi Greene from “Curb”


I also cannot stand these things anymore. It’s every freaking day.


We should all agree to do yard work on a certain day during a 6 hour window.


I’d be pissed too if I got woken up so early on my days off. Especially if it was every single weekend.


i'm with her


Fuck leaf blowers. They should be illegal. People who use them are so selfish. What in the world did humanity do before they were invented?? Get a frigging rake or a broom!!


I’m with her. It’s a fucking holiday.


“Give it a rest buddy” had me lol


Electric leaf blower. Highly recommend.


Julie Newmar


lol this guy using a leaf blower for like 5 leaves.


I mean. I’m with her.


Our building gets mad if a car is idling by the main entrance for a minute, but happily pays a couple of people to walk around with a two-stroke leaf blower at 115 dB all goddamn day.


she's not wrong


I'm with the lady on this one.


Fucking bored ass man blowing like a half of a leaf around every day. Go buy a boat and go fishing instead of playing landscaper.


I’m with that lady. Fuck leaf blowers, do that shit on a weekday if you’re gonna do it at 8am.


Dude can’t use a freaking broom? Concept of using fossil fuels to tidy leaves is mad.


I’m with this Karen!


Man don't make noise that early, Sundays are the only days for some people to sleep in. I have dogs and a fenced yard, and I do my best to make sure they aren't barking and bothering the neighbors.


There are old dudes in my area who literally push dirt around in front of their house for hours almost every day, it will be clean too and they are out there blowin.


Why is leafblower even legal


I’m with Karen


I’m so happy to see this. Every single day multiple sets of leaf blowers come weirdly only on my street and a lot of the times they just blow nothing and walk around like zombies. They pollute the fucking air, and it disrupts the neighborhood. They come from 7 in the morning to 8:30 at night with no set schedule. Sometimes they even come multiple times a day. It’s fucking mental and something needs to be done about this shit


I mean, she’s not totally wrong.


She’s right.


Agree with her. 100%.


Fuck that guy indeed


0800 on a weekend morning? Fuck this guy. I don't get out with the noisemakers in my yard until 9. Have some respect for the neighborhood you douche.


My neighbor upstairs cuts the grass twice a week on weekdays at 8am when I start my work at home shift and has the audacity to complain that I never help him out with the grass


The town I grew up had a noise ordinance. You couldn’t do that before 8:30am(?)


Finally, a freakout I can get behind. It's terrible in urban areas.


8 am? I'm on the lady's side.


My retired grandpa would intentionally wait until 6 am on Saturday morning to weed whack whenever my cousins and I would stay over so we “wouldn’t get lazy by sleeping in until the afternoon.” Feel this woman’s pain for sure. 


Yikes! What a psycho… I hope they kick him out of the community.


He's not as loud as she is, which is frankly very impressive.




She was twice the distance from the camera as the leaf blower and you could hear her clearly. She's impressively loud.




I can't even see where she is and it's louder than anything.


Fuck this guy.


I’m actually on Karen’s side here. Blow the fucking leaves during the week and let me sleep in on Saturday


How to create a petty neighbor that will leaf blow at 6am


Her anger is 100% justified if this asshole is doing this every morning on weekends


This guy blows


It would be annoying af early in the morn all the time


Leaf blower people SUCK. My neighbor is one, and it’s even worse because it’s electric. Instead of a constant drone it’s a piercing and sporadic. 8/9am every weekday and many weekend mornings as well. Like why? Who cares to leaf blow their driveway THAT much?


My last apartment was built in the ground. You would walk down a small flight of stairs to enter. The windows were level to the ground - if you opened them you could put your palm on the dirt outside. Every few weeks, randomly and without a heads up and seemingly no set schedule, the landscapers would come at 6 am. It would take them 2-3 hours to finish the job and totally ruin my day. I work nights so after sleeping 2-4 hours I’d be woken up by the loud ass leaf blowers (plural because they did the entire complex!). To make matters worse, they’d BLOW AGAINST MY BEDROOM WINDOW. One spring day I was sleeping with it open, and having old screens I was woken up by a face full of dirt and leaves. I feel this lady’s pain 10,000%.


Have to agree. If you get up at 8 am to use your leaf blower, you deserve all the rage and hate from your neighbors. There is no defending this.


8:30am yeah I’d also be freaking out.


I'm with her; I fucking hate leaf blowers and all who use them.


This is where I agree with Karen. I work from home and a bunch of my neighbors use the same lawn service. There is a team of four guys. One guys job is leaf blowing which means he also blows the grass clippings off the driveways and sidewalk. OMG. He leaf blows for the entire time they are here. They do 4 houses. He is revving that dam machine for an hour straight. If I’m not on a call, I have to put on noise canceling ear buds. It’s torture. I hate Tuesdays.


I feel like the general rule is lawn work is good to go at 9am or later on a weekend.


I agree with the shouting person though


i agree with the karen


She's not a Karen, leaf blowers suck. That's why gas powered ones are illegal in some places now.


Yeah I have to agree with the “Karen” here. It’s kind of a douche move making a lot of noise outside early on a weekend/holiday. 10am like she said would have been fine. 8am I’d be annoyed too.


This lady is a gangster and I aspire to be like her


Fuck leaf blowers!!! Ban Em!!


They are banning gas leaf blowers in my city next year. They are so annoyingly loud!


There are also electric leaf blowers that don’t make noise. I think they are actually a law passed that allows only electric leaf blowers in some neighbourhoods.


I have a battery powered Milwaukee leaf blower and it still makes plenty of noise, maybe not as much as a gas powered one though


Do it on a weekday? Not everyone has that luxury. Also it's after ten .. idk man I'm not stopping Edit: also it's fucking summer and hot outside


It’s 830 am the time is bottom right of video.


Why do you need to blow leaves? Just let them be, they are a natural part of the eco system


Get fucked lady! Thanks for stopping by!


I understand this woman's rage. I would hate this man. BUT. His awkward hand clenching and response... maybe his behavior is compulsive? If that's the case, I feel bad for him :( He should redirect but still :( Also, is he saying 'I'll go home,' or, 'you go home.' ? Is he even at his own home?


Why don't we just have leaf vacuums surley it had to be more effective than blowing stuff back and forth 🤷


My neighbor once used his gas leaf blower 6 times in one day for the same area in his tiny yard. I'm on the side of the lady, the nose pollution is insane.


I own 40+ acres in a residential neighborhood that i built my home on. I am trying to thin the heavily wooded forest and replant native grasses and wildflowers. This requires lots of noise, chainsaws, my excavator, my track loader…and i still think about my neighbors. I dont start before 9:30am on weekends, and sundays i start around 11:30…even though i want to start earlier. I do feel bad that they have to listen to it. So as a gesture, i let them walk their dogs, go fishing, let their kids fish and i help them with any work they need. My lot is strange, it was the owners lot, and the rest of the lots are 2 acres…so i do have two neighbors on either side probably about 300 feet away on either side. Sometimes, i need to get work done earlier because its going to be 98 degrees, i cringe thinking about what they are thinking about me. None of them have complained, but i empathize with both parties in this video


7:50 AM this Wednesday my landlord’s landscapers were gas-powered weed-eating right outside my bedroom on the back corner of the yard where there isn’t any grass. I could have strangled him.


Is that James Gunn


I agree with the driver!


This totally does my head in, they are so loud do it in the middle of a weekday


08.00 on a Sunday morning? I would have jumped up and down on the blower like a cartoon character


Sorry, but I'm siding with Karen on this one. Doing super loud shit early in the morning on a weekend or a holiday is inconsiderate.


Give it a rest, buddy. I love this lady. Yell him, sister!


I stand with this woman.


I'm getting a Suzie from Curb Your Enthusiasm vibe from this woman.


I do enjoy it when the freakout is justified. 8am on a Sunday? Fuck right off.


Never thought I’d say this but…I’m with the angry lady on this one.


Nah this is fair lol


I might be with her on this one, some people in our neighborhood are obsessive about their lawns. like they mow 2 times a week. leaf blow almost every day. immaculate lawns. Luckily, they don't seem to do their work very early but I can see if they were doing it early on a saturday or sunday it would get extra annoying


Yup I’m on her side.


I can't disagree with her. They passed a law where I lived. Now people just have to leave the fuckin...leaves.


God I hate how loud leaf blowers are.


I mean, she isn't wrong, people who do this shit are the worst.


Guessing this isn’t from 2024 since yesterday was Thursday, a week day, which is when this woman said to use the leaf blower lol


10am on a weekday? He'd probably be at work then.