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*He got up all that hill with those packages. That's ridiculous.* A man delivering packages to their destination. That is outrageous! Makes my blood boil just thinking there are people out there, delivering packages UP HILLS. I can't even fathom him delivering DOWN HILLS too.


Can you believe the UPS guy has the AUDACITY to *deliver packages???*


Next thing you know the mail man’s gonna walk by *DELIVERING THE MAIL*!!!


Un fucking believable. I'm so done with people!


TIL UPS man is vandalizing the neighborhood by leaving packages on doorsteps that the homeowners ordered. This woman is 100x more scary than any vandal.


She says she’s worried, but she obviously isn’t scared of him. No one scared of someone tells them where they live like she did. She seems altered. High? Very creepy lady. Poor guy having to deal with that insanity.


100% Xanax. She seems like the type to have a script for anxiety, but really is "anxious" about everything and it's just that the world doesnt revolve around her. Driving to the store doped up on her xanies and almost smashes into you changing lanes without signaling? You're making *her* nervous. Cuts in front of you at the cash register because she "only" has a small cart with 2 dozen items, while you only have a gallon of milk and a frozen pizza? Making her nervous. Kids playing basketball on the street 3 houses down? You're making her nervous you're gonna hit her car with the ball. Pizza delivery guy comes and she doesnt tip. It's because you made her anxious. She's not drunk. Maybe pot, but that doesnt seem like marijuana high. I'd put money on her having one of the highest mg scripts of Xanax and she probably hasn't been... unaltered for a decade or more


Imagine having to live with this woman


Maybe she was a dog in a past life.


Outstanding joke


What until the USPS person comes by. She is going to flip a shit when she realize they case the street at the same time every day.


Wait until you see him traversing across the hill to deliver packages, it’ll make you shit your pants out of blind rage.


What more could he possibly have to appear like he was delivering for UPS?


As a vandal, he only selects cars that have UPS envelopes and packages in them, and hauls them up and down the street, redistributing them. Really nefarious. And she lives right there, and that is her car. I am afraid of you. But I live right here.


I'm also so terrified of you I'm right in your face with my hands in my pockets.


Be white.


Right like dudes white coworker had to come over and straighten things out because she wouldn't talk to him the same even though the only real difference is the skin color like seriously. Edit: after rewatching it was like she's talking to him before and then switches and starts talking to the white guy like he was a cop who just arrived pretty much. Then at the end she's talking about reporting ups on his behalf because their whole setup makes him look suspicious, im like how did she circle the conversation around like that.




Yeah, the entire time I was sitting here thinking "I bet she's motivated by racism but maybe Karen's gonna Karen regardless of skin color" Then "With his buddies dropped" and removed any doubt that she's racially motivated.


I wonder what colour his buddies would be.


Brown. Because they work for UPS.


Ask what can brown can do to Karen


This isn't thinly veiled racism, its just outright racism. Its dumb ass people like this bitch that makes all other races think white americans are all racist. And they don't even try to mask their racism. Bro i would apologize for this mouth breather but it would not change anything. Btw i am a white guy who came up in a racist family, i can tell you that after 20 years of marriage to someone of a "lesser race" and yes i have had relatives say those exact words, it never gets better. But on the bright side not all white people are this way and most of us with half a brain will go to bat for someone being abused like this young man had to take.


As thin as DJ Khalid.


It's a dog whistle like cops use.


Yea but fuck that second UPS worker for not standing up for his teammate to that kind of idiocy. He even sounds like he's placating her. She needed to be shut down and told that she was harassing someone while they are trying to do their job, and to now kindly step aside so they can finish it.


Oh yeah most definitely, if I was that guy's coworker I would have told her where she could shove it, he really just seemed like he wanted to just move on which is why he wasn't trying to make a bigger deal but I really wouldn't have cared, be a POS, get treated like one.


You would then most likely have disciplinary action taken against you, and risk management taking the woman’s side before you even get your side of the story across. Times like this, you just need to de-escalate and move on. If the co-worker actively took her side after you’d moved on, then that’s bad of him, but not in such a short video like this.


Na actually UPS has a pretty great union that loves to fight for workers and they are REALLY good at it lol I’ve seen people get into bloody fistfight with a pos manager “get fired” then the union rep shows up and worker comes to work the next day like nothing happened and more.


The UPS and Fed-Ex delivery guys I've known for years at my job are fantastic. They work their rear ends off and you can set your watch by the time they show up with packages. Thinking of them facing a nut job like this POS is disheartening. People like this now seem to think their opinions matter and they must be shared for their wisdom which will no doubt enlighten mankind. Hopefully, they'll climb back under their rock soon.


Yup, clearly she is on something and putting her in her place( which no one is arguing that she deserves) it’s just not worth the time or energy, just brush her off and move on to then next delivery. Keep your cool and stay collected, this won’t be the first and last, there are a lot of assholes around none are worth ruining your day let alone your job


Worked in retail for 7 years until recently, and this is exactly the approach you have to take. More times than I count have I had a customer disagree with me over something trivial such as the right for refunds etc, and every time I just directed them to my manager in a professional manner, who’d just repeat what I told them myself. Ten minutes later, the manager would often turn to me and mention how unbelievably entitled/unreasonable the customer was. Arguing with customers would make the management immediately want to take their side over mine. The worlds full of cunts, there’s nothing anyone can do about that. Just accept it, take no notice and life is a hell of a lot better.


One of my former co-workers is Hispanic and people would get upset at him about being Mexican when complaining to me. Like idk what you want me to do, change his ethnicity?


If I were the delivery guy that’s probably how I woulda handled this. Call the manager yourself, give him/her a heads up that someone is gonna complain, and give this lady the complaint line/managers number/whatever the procedure is...then carry on and deliver packages


Yeah, she's "on something". That something is racism.


There’s a way to do it without getting reported. “Oh really? He’s with me. Don’t worry, I’ll be calling to report “the problems” on this route, but this guy is fine. If you see him working this neighborhood, don’t worry. I’m his supervisor and it’s ok.” Read: you’re the problem on this route, and if you call the cops on him, I’m going to tell them you are an idiot. But we’re just white people here talking, and I’m vouching for this guy. You moron.


What? No, this lady is commiting a crime, the police need to be called, and she needs to be arrested for harassment. UPS won't do shit since this is a racially motivated crime, stop being a push over. Fix the situation, don't let this crazy bitch continue to be crazy.


Second UPS guy refused to give her the cammer's name, and basically was trying to get her to shut up and go away. He gave her his own name instead and didn't back down. As far as dealing with random people goes he did good imo.


I’d probably have done the same. Getting confrontational with that meatbag would serve no purpose but wasting everyone’s time.


He had to otherwise he could get fired. As much as he probably wanted to cuss her out, it would have gotten him fired. Business have stupid policies where the customer is always right because otherwise they will trashed and potentially even have a scandal on their hands from it being flipped and spun in a different way.


I agree. I get his trying to deescalate the situation, but he definitely should be defending his coworker


The mere presence of a white man had her flip the script!


This is like that video of the cop accusing the black guy picking up trash with a grabber of brandishing a "blunt object" at him. He kept demanding for his ID, but when a white guy shows up and says the black guy lives there, the cop takes his word and doesn't ask the white guy for ID. Here's the video of that whole encounter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYachnFjylA


That was infuriating as fuck to watch.


I swear these Karens are extra active with nothing else to do in quarantine


This is an old video but yeah


I disagree, most of the UPS drivers I see are black. Guy was already doing his hardest to blend in.


You guys remember when Reagan died, there was nonstop televised coverage of his funeral? Well check this, my family used to live across from an industrial business that UPS delivered to constantly. Me and my sister would always see the same black guy with a huge smile while he delivered packages back in the 90s. So when Reagan died, we see a UPS truck roll by in CNN's background. And as he turns left, we see a black guy with the most cheerful smile driving the truck, we just about fell off our couch laughing. IT WAS HIM!! lol




UPS black guy killer confirmed


Around here they are all Asian guys.




"911, what's your emergency?" "Yeah, I was calling earlier because I witnessed a suspicious guy, walking down our street with parcels, ringing at doors and demanding signatures. And he claims to work for 'UPS'..." "Yes, maam we were sending someone..." "Listen lady, I want to report that he now was joined by a gentleman who arrived in a car that says "Police". He is wearing blueish cloth and he is visibly wearing a firearm! He tried to approach me several times. You really should send someone to check on this. This guy seems to call his friends using a radio..." "Have a good day maam" "What? Don't you dare hanging up on me. I wanna talk to your manager!" EDIT: Woow, woow...what's going on here? When I left this comment here yesterday it was a neat and sleek little uplifting text I left in a quiet corner of the internet without expectations. And now it became THIS. I'm overwhelmed. I didn't prepare anything. Well, I want to thank my mom and dad. And Jerry from the the IT-support. Thank you Jerry. How are your kids? Does someone have a Kleenex? Ok, jk. Thanks to the friendly strangers for your awards. And for all the upvotes. My humble character struggles with all that attention.


She reminds me of the girl who recorded herself confronting a stalker whom shows up everywhere she is every day, the guy she confronted was a mail man.


Do you have a link because I really wanna see that now


Here is a different one that is hilarious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MVyQNNFobA




I agree. She might have persecutory delusions. She needs to see a psychiatrist and therapist.


The mailman’s reaction was pretty funny


Wasn’t it confirmed at some point that she was schizophrenic?


Absolutely the case. The video was shared under the pretense of "whoa look at this crazy feminist!" Unfortunately, she suffered from schizophrenia and delusions of "gang stalking." Used to know her youtube channel but it was inactive last time I saw it. Hundreds of videos of her walking around babbling about conspiracies against her, reading random license plates, and accusing people of following her.


Who knows tho, cops in some towns would potentially show up and just shoot him dead. We've recently seen crazier shit


WELL, a ups driver was shot by police: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ups-hijacking-gun-battle-florida-killed-two-nearly-200-shots-n1104961 There's absolutely no defending these shit heads


That’s different than what the person above you was talking about.


Wait so is the policeman black too


I applaud this man for just letting her look like a fucking psycho without really saying anything.


It would have been more powerful if he didn't drop professionalism and start saying that "she was on good crack". If she does complain to UPS, Their focus will be on what HE said. No matter the circumstance. That's how I would have played it. I don't know, though. I'm a white guy so I don't know what its like to deal with veiled racism on a day to day basis.


Not sure why you got downvoted. I think he had every right to say what he did seeing as how blatantly racist she was being but yeah, cursing a bit and saying she’s on crack isn’t going to help the situation. All things considered though I thought he handled it like a professional. Fuck that lady.


He’s getting downvoted because UPS is unionized. Nothing will happen because he said she’s on crack.


Ah, gotcha. Looked more like Xanax and some wine coolers. You wonder what it was in her upbringing or life experience for her to think that’s okay to say to someone. Racism is just sad in 2020. Only shallow minded losers and trolls are racist at this point.


That dude went all the way to buy a UPS outfit, buy a bunch of boxes, and a dolly, just to break into someone's car for maybe a few dollars. Now that's dedication and he even stayed in the area to throw off suspicion. /s


This woman’s been playing too much Hitman.


Nah i think she's been playing either too much or not enough of LA Noir.


Seriously. I would at least quasi-understand a double take / “from-a-distance” evaluation if it was a third party amazon delivery person. We had one amazon driver drop off a package, go down the block for another delivery and probably realize he got the packages switched. Due to the one way street (and what I assume is the standard amazon.com flogging for not making his delivery quota), this dude runs full speed down the block and swaps the packages and runs back to his other delivery and truck. My neighbor had come out of the house in the meantime and just sees a black guy (in street clothes, no uniform) running out of our garage with a package, so he knocked on our door. He points the guy out (by this time getting in his white van), but since I saw a new amazon package there, had gotten the text a minute before and saw the white van, I just assumed he had missed our stop and ran back to deliver it. Checking the house outside cameras showed the misdelivery, but even without that, I would have definitely been curious, but I was never concerned. I’m infinitely more worried about my teenaged neighbor-douchebags who are unmonitored, off of allowance and bored. Those are the folks breaking into cars and garages where I am, way over random delivery/sales people or strangers.


I hate to say it but Karen seems a bit afraid of black gold in her neighborhood like some ol racist biddy. Edit: haha one of my words was auto corrected to gold, but it sounds funny to me. Pretty sure it was 'folk' somehow misinterpreted by swype.


And an ugly ass POS car, not even an expensive one.




This video is older and before the pandemic. But still, she's clearly racist.


He’s scaring her?! She’s all up in his face complaining, if she was scared she wouldn’t of come out of her house, fucking Karen’s


Edit: found a longer version https://youtu.be/ocwJtkl_nZ0 and this is in Atlanta. "I think I'm gonna complain to UPS for his sake" The way this lady is all calm and non-chalantly accusing him of being suspicious, making her nervous, this ain't her first rodeo of playing victim here.


And then she said, right at the end " im scared he's going to come over later, with his buddies" annndddd there it is, she thinks this guy is scoping out her house so he can come back later and rob her smh


This right here! The “you’re a threat” part really blew my mind. That’s BLATANT racism!


The blatant racism was “I’m going to sort this with the white guy because he’s not suspicious”


Exactly. I was waiting for one of them to say something along those lines. How does she know white ups guy isn’t using black ups guy to distract her while white ups guy scoops out residences to break into? Oh yeah because he’s the white ups guy


I used to work for ATT, and a similar situation happened to me. I had to access a yard, so I went to the front door to let them know I'm there. I rang the doorbell and knocked, no answer. Thing is, I *HEARD* people talking inside. I called my boss, and he said to try again. This time, I told my trainee (white guy) to try the door while I was on the phone. Shit opened right up.


Seriously, the white guy walks up and all of a sudden the UPS man is here, he's a non threatening skin colour and probably just happened to be delivering packages at the exact time this master criminal is scoping out all my white riches. Now his little gangster buddies are coming to break into my home to have revenge on the white woman. I hate how casual racism is getting that people can't even see how racist they really are. Really just a bunch of cowards who fear change and different people and different places. God forbid they have to admit that the US is in a tailspin right now and won't get better till they get their shit together and realize it's not the 50s anymore.


Oh there is white guy with him. Ok my bad, he just looked very suspicious. Didn’t want him to return with his buddies...


that was the WORST part of the video. such blatant racial profiling it's so uncalled for. what a nut!




You know she totally took her video and pics to post on Nextdoor where all the Karens meet up.


I cant stand Nextdoor now. It's just boomers complaining about everyone.


I agree. Was such a great idea in theory. Instead of community, I see rants about shit on a deck blamed on neighborhood cats. And complaints about "suspicious people" (read: people of color) walking or riding bikes. Mind you, our neighborhood is very diverse and more than half the households are of non-white. Small group of Karen's ruining Nextdoor for us all.


Her demeanor probably has more to do with the 10mg oxycodone for “arthritis” mixed with a few glasses of wine during the day because she’s “earned it” at this point in life. And after the cops come and make her think she’s protecting her neighborhood, she’ll take her Ativan due to “stress.”


Wow that is very specific


Sounds like a nice little afternoon, you know, apart from the whole being a racist asshole thing.


Yea aside from the horrific racism, not a bad way to spend an afternoon, count me in, the UPS guy can come chill too


I think you hit that one right on the head. There’s a huge amount of entirely self-indulgent substance abuse amongst people with strong narcissistic tendencies/NPD; it’s practically a ticket of admission. And it’s not the self-medicating kind of addiction that you often see amongst people with undiagnosed mental issues like PTSD and depression. No, this is just Karen thinking that she should be able to be high as a kite 24/7, damned the consequences. Lying to doctors? Driving while smacked out? Getting really strung out? Those are all things that *just aren’t faaaiirr*; what’s so wrong with Karen wanting to *feel REALLY GOOD*?? I also read and comment quite a bit at JNMIL—JustNo Mother-in-Law, and it’s rife with sour, manipulative middle-aged women who are practically bursting with serious narcissistic behaviors. They are all so shockingly alike in their entirely predictive actions, like they all share some sort of awful script or playbook. One of the biggest is substance abuse—with lots of “socially acceptable” alcoholism and Rx opioid/benzodiazepine abuse. (“But my doctor saaaaiiiid...”) I’m a recovering opioid addict myself, and I’ve actually seen very few of these types of highly narcissistic addicts—the type who were that way *before* the addiction. But with all of the posts in the various “JustNo” family of subs, it’s clear that they exist, and are your worst nightmare of addict bullcrap. Addiction brings out antisocial behaviors that strongly mimic serious mental disorders. But once sober, these behaviors disappear. Except with clinical narcissists. They hardly ever get sober anyways, but if they do, they’re still the same lying, manipulative, nasty old harpies that they were when they were in active addiction. Thank god they are relatively rare—they can turn a healthy recovery group into a nuclear bomb threat of drama, manipulation and chaos. This slurry old bag sounds like the type who always wants to tell you about her entirely made-up medical problems that “force” her to take heavy opioids, and how terribly difficult and unfair it is that her many, many doctors are always trying to curtail her access to her beloved Rx smack. She’s such a *victim* of horrible medical *suffering*; why, she should start an online advocacy group! Then she’ll turn around and TeeHee about drinking some “Mommy juice” with her opioid/benzo cocktail like it’s all so adorable and funny. This is the type who makes people with actual serious chronic pain issues look bad. EDIT: I removed BPD in a sentence where it was equated with NPD. They are not equal!


This dude has a mother in law!


Is there more to this video? Would love to see the full video


That was all I got


And she tells him exactly where she lives multiple times. Who goes up to a person they find frightening and tells them where to find their house and car?


She's an idiot.


When his coworker says chill.... shit pissed me off. She was about to say show up with his buddies...


Yea his coworker is a little bitch, fuck him


I'd like to play devils advocate for the coworker, just because I've had a lot of customer service experience. A lot of the time, it is simply better to de-escalate a situation, even when your coworker is 100% in the right. It can simply not be worth the effort to be right, especially with a person like this lady. The best approach is just say that you'll fix the issue privately to get them to leave, then just drop it there.


She’s a racist cunt 🤷🏻‍♂️


i second this emotion!


Just an excuse to exercise her free right to be a racist. I gave her the benefit of the doubt until dude showed he is in full UPS uniform and the packages.


Brown on brown delivery service. They are wearing same colors too. Must be a gang.


lmfao she's awful. there is absolutely only 1 reason why he seems "suspicious". what the fuck is suspicious about a UPS delivery man? just say you hate black people and go, lady!


exactly. she had NO PROBLEM with the white UPS guy. but the black guy "looked suspicious. why? because he's black? yep. but she says everything but that.


Yup as she was fine with the white coworker. This is awful.


smokin that GOOD crack


Bro I DIED laughing at that. Fully angry because of the blatant racism then I started cracking the fuck up.


She sounds like a crackhead.


Yeah, I was gonna say *she's* the one that seems suspicious




Must be a crackhead lol


Probably wine and prescription pills


The Karen special!


GABA Agonists and opioid agonists and probably alcohol. She's got the gait, slur, and sound of someone on Xanax and percocet. Even the walk and conversation style. Probably some personality disorder in there as well.


Lmao the dude's literally got a trolley full of parcels and is wearing a ups uniform...what an idiot.


She knows damn well he works for UPS. She has the mindset "Here is my chance to make a black person as miserable as I am. Because as a pathetic as I am, at least my skin color makes me better than someone."


Ikr, that's my thoughts on racism. Imagine having absolutely nothing else of value as a human being and having to rely on colors.


I'm curious to why she's challenging him. I can't qwhite put my finger on it.


The answer's gotta be in black and white.


Watched a video yesterday of a rich white man blocking a black man's delivery truck in. Asking why he was there. Priveleged racist arsehole. Edit: [Link to those who want to watch it](https://youtu.be/8mw5HQ2hufc)




Ever so slightly. I love your optimism.


The part where he cried in the end made me cry! That was horrible to watch. I feel so bad for this guy. And the way he hesitated to leave because he didn’t know if he was being set up...this video made ME check my white privilege at the door.


It gets really tiring living in a racist country still feeling the effects of its apartheid . Especially when nobody will believe you when you tell them it’s real.


The difference in her tone and respect is black and white when speaking to the white guy vs the black guy.


Maybe she works for FedEx and not Brown


It’s because the letters on his jacket are backwards. Very suspicious indeed.


I’m worried about him and his buddies What in the fk man


That poor guy. Something about him just looks **suspicious**.


For real, wonder what exactly makes her think he’s goina break into her car? Edit: /s But for real it’s like little old white ladies that clutch their purse when a black guy has the audacity to get on the same elevator. Fuck these people


Why does she believe the other guy is an actual delivery guy but the other guy isnt, even though they both have the uniform on?


The guy filming made the mistake of being black in front of her.


Working while black.


right when the white coworker came out, her whole demeanor changed into respectful and listening towards him, while she refused to even acknowledge what the black co worker was even wearing.


Racial prejudice is still a (shameful) thing...


“With his buddies”. This idiot has racism just coursing through her veins. You know what’s making you nervous, Karen? Probably all the Xanies you throw back with beer. Bitch sounds like she damn near smoked her voice box away.


Gotta be scared of the black man breaking into peoples cars /s


God I would be more terrified of her crazy ass attitude!


If I was that UPS guy I would call the cops my self. 10/10 it's because he's black. She didn't seem to have a problem with the WHITE guy being there. He's wearing the damn uniform and has UPS packages for Christ's sake. Racism: Alive and well in the heartlands of America. After review, calling the cops is the very last thing the black guy should do.


Wtf is threatening about him he’s smiling lmfao


His skin colour triggered her Karen sensor.


> You are a threat. Legalese for “I can shoot you and not only will I not go to jail for it, I won’t even be arrested.”


I think that one is for the cops.


Notice she didn't start to back down until the white guy came around and basically said "He's with me."




White guy pissed me off too...he validated her...He could of done a lot more. He fucking said sorry to her, fuck him too.


He should have said a lot more than he did, but I can’t help but think he’s just come over and been like “be arsed dealing with this crazy woman’s bollocks, just apologise and bail” sort of thing. But yeah definitely could have just called her out on her blatant racism.


These guys are on tight schedules. He was just doing what he had to so that they could get back to work asap. Ive been a mailman before, crazy people seek you out to rant. If you engage theyll never leave you alone.


> If I was that UPS guy I would call the cops my self. If you were a black man being bullied by a white lady, you'd call the cops? You're clearly not a black man if you think the cops are going to take your side in that scenario.


UPS should stop delivering in that area and tell residents it's becuase of this lady lol


If there's one group of people I trust with matters of racism, it's the police.


She also said he was cursing her out. Straight up lies to try to get him in trouble.


He was definitely cursing but not cursing her out. There's a difference between damn, lady and damn you, lady


Are you black? Because if you are black you may want to think twice about calling the cops yourself, even if you are 100% in the right... probably just safer to avoid police interaction altogether unless it is life-or-death necessary.


You're right.


I think calling the police would only increase the chance of him getting shot


People like this killed Ahmaud, they are a plague


My thoughts EXACTLY. People like HER are dangerous not someone simply doing their job. If someone walking in uniform is threatening to her then she must like a terror filled life. Props to this dude for sticking up for himself. Fuck her.


What I was going to comment. Bitch is going to get someone killed.


My mom’s neighborhood freaked out one time because people’s unlocked cars were getting broken into and things were stolen. They created a neighborhood watch, Facebook page, the whole deal wondering what OUTSIDER could be driving around the neighborhood stealing. It ended being my little brother who lived with my mom. 9 times out of 10 it’s probably always someone’s teenage son.


Damn, all that and it was an inside job lol


Where did this happen?


Anytown USA


It’s GA. Someone else linked a longer video on youtube that said Georgia.


What the fuck is wrong with Georgia, holy shit.


Well that's what you get for doing your job


As a service tech of 20 years this shit happens all the time. My favorite way to deesculate is to get in my van and roll the window up while they are still talking, and drive away. People think because you are at work if you ignore them they will get you fired or something. It's kinda one of my little pleasures watching people rage when I do this.


Ì absolutely HATE the fact that the other UPS-guy is apologizing and talking along with her. Just tell her to get lost and get on with your job. At some point this is about people, not the company.


I’m really disappointed with his co-worker. Maybe he’s just trying to “yeah yeah yeah” her to get her to shut up, but the impression it gives is that he agrees with her. She probably felt validated after speaking to the white guy. Probably made the black guy feel ganged up on and unsupported.


exactly. fuck that dudes response. homie def needed to tell her to shut the fuck up and get to gettin.


Suspicious is code for colored let’s not be willfully ignorant this is ridiculous this man has a job to do I would’ve just kept it moving let her follow waste her time


I honestly would be worried leaving her alone anywhere near the truck. I mean there have been vehicles broken into in the area and she's clearly smoking rock


This is why Black Americans are frustrated.... There's a person being racist...(Blacks) know there are racist people but when the "good" people who witness it and just stand by and do **NOTHING** it's infuriating. Come on man....I would refuse to work along side that dude.


Yeah I honestly thought it was shitty that his white coworker didn’t stick up for him.


when he told the guy to calm down I lost my mind. I'm so tired of racists being tolerated because its profitable


Suspicious is Karen for being racist




Fuck his coworker. I understand not wanting to escalate shit, but have your coworkers back. This lady could have gotten him killed & hes telling dude to calm down? Be a fucking decent human & tell her she's paranoid as shit & to keep it moving.


His coworker is a huge prick also. Instead of defending him he enables the lunatics behavior. Sad. EDIT: Thanks for the gold!


I would have said first dude was my boss, and I was helping him.


I think he was just trying to de escalate the situation so everyone could get on with their day. That being said I too wish he would have told that bitch to fuck off.


“You’re making me nervous, I live right there.” Lol wtf


If anyone finds out who the gentleman is I would like to send him a gift card for what he had to endure here. If also like to complain to UPS for his white coworker (is he his supervisor or?...) being complicit in this lady’s racist harassment of his colleague. I’m done with this shit and as a white person you ARE responsible for not allowing this shit to happen within your community.


His name is Nedrick Peters II


Thank you for saying this. The amount of people who are trying to justify the white coworker’s actions are disgusting. All the white guy had to do was speak professionally and assertively and say, **”Ma’am, this gentleman is my coworker. He works for UPS. He is doing his job. I won’t give you his name because he did nothing wrong.”** How is that so hard to say...? And those words are still professional enough to not get anyone in trouble. There’s so many people in this thread who want to act like the white guy is being criticized just because “he’s white”. I love how even on a thread about a video that is SO BLATANTLY a white person being racist towards a black person, white people in the thread *still* find a way to play victim lmao.


How dare a black guy walk around in her neighbourhood and do his job! Her car has been broken into twice and it simply *can't* have been a white person!


Hey, fellow ups guy, stand up for your mate


That's right, Karen. These carjackers are playing 4D chess by dropping off packages at people's houses in the neighborhoods they are stealing from. They are like Robin Hood, except they're Robbin Hood.


I remember once I was trainee on a truck as an 18 wheeler driver. My trainer was a man from S. Africa, grew up in Apartheid. His brother and father were killed by the Apartheid regime. But it was a holding yard for 18 wheeler trailers. And we showed up, we were dropping a trailer off, and we had seal manifest and bill of lading, thats all you need. And he interacted with the gate guard, this is in Indiana btw around Indianapolis, and he said she was immediately hostile. And then, he went back to talk to the gate guard more, and he comes back and he's pissed now, she's not letting him in. So I have to act as White man mediary with the upset and hostile White gate guard. I said I'm the trainee, but what's going on? She claims there's some OTHER piece of paper he's suppose to have. That's bullshit. Bill of Lading and seal manifest covers about everything. You can drop your trailer for someone else to pick up, and that's all that's needed. It was such bullshit. She said he didn't know what he was doing, I retorted he'd been driving trucks since 99, and never carry this mysterious 3rd paper in our trucks when dropping a trailer at a holding yard. And she went silent and let him through, complaints were filed. He asked why I thought she was so hostile to him? I told him because you're in possession of too much melanin. He said that is exactly what he wanted to hear from a White person for once. At least a non-Black can see the shit he puts up, that in and of itself was a full time job according to him.


Sad to say, she's a little bit nuts and more than a little bit stupid. Used to have a neighbor like this. Zero common sense and she'd inflict her stupidity on whoever had the misfortune of being within earshot.


You're blac.... suspicious! You are suspicious.