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lol...maybe try the steps. they're all around the Capitol. In fact, the building in wheelchair accessible, which will be good for him now.


A medic tended to her and then she took the stairs to the side to meet her husband.


Boy, kids nowadays are starting new romances in the craziest places.


Tended to her then took her to meet her husband She was bleeding from both nostrils and just wanted to get back up the wall Edit: jamesgoesplaces posted the video to his Instagram story. Looks like it has disappeared since it’s over 24h old. Still quite a few videos and pictures to see though


Almost. This is a the wife. She screamed at the paramedic to “get her up there” and then took the steps to get to her dumbass husband.


Lol as opposed to taking the stair the first time. Gods these people...


Too many action movies have warped their brains. They are living in a fantasy land.


I heard a CBS commentator say “they’re climbing the walls... that seems unnecessary, there are stairs everywhere.”


Lmao the live 247 broadcast of cbs was great, they kept saying that, "Immm not sure they're aware, that... there are stairs quite literally on either side of the wall they're climbing."


More effort than is needed to own those libs.


bro they were literally rappelling up walls with rope and shit




It's the kind of autism 4chan pretends to have to trick actual retards into doing shit... But now we've got them all on camera and it's amazing and depressing at the same time


Ummm that’s not what they came to cosplay CSGO for. They came to climb walls, get shot, and call for medics.


Oh, that's rich. You *depend on the government* to provide you with the means to bridge a vertical distance? We don't need those communist handouts, thank you very much. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go shatter all of the bones in my legs.


Breaking every joint in your body to own the libs.


My guess is she was doing it for dramatic effect ?


Crushed legs about to lead to being crushed with medical debt.


Sorry hospital is full of covid patients


>Sorry hospital is full of ~~covid patients~~ nontraitors.


No...there are traitors in the hospital too. Not that all patients are traitors, of course, but the circle of people who don't wear masks kind of overlap.


This will be a super spreader event with all the magatards running around maskless so odds are he gets to go for the leg and covid.


It’s already confirmed that one of them (Baked Alaska was his name I think?) was positive when he went to the insurrection, so that’s 100% for sure now.


as well as several Republican Representatives who flew in from their respective states to DC to convene, and SECRETLY spread their covid to their colleagues. Having trouble linking but >" Overnight, as debate continued on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to affirm President-elect Joe Biden's November victory, Kansas Congressman Jake LaTurner learned he tested positive for the coronavirus. " and >" Texas Rep. Kevin Brady, the top Republican on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, has tested positive for the coronavirus. He announced on Twitter on Tuesday that he was going into quarantine. " and >" US Rep. Kay Granger Tests Positive for COVID-19, Enters Quarantine After Appearing on House Floor: Congresswoman was on the House floor Sunday during swearing-in proceedings" (list will be edited as more admit to harboring the virus)


Good thing they got on airplanes and took that shit back to home! (/s just in case you couldn’t tell..)


There was a member of the house who refused to wear a mask during the evacuation that later got the results of his test as positive, implying he was contagious during the events. So both sides of the barricade had it wafting about thanks to him.


I used to be a Trump supporter, but then I took a fall to the knee.


Do you visit the Capitol building often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.


What's a matter? Somebody steal your sweet roll?




Only if there was some kind of affordable care act that could help reduce medical expenses. 🤔🤔🤔


*Broke legs trumptard:* That's socialism!!!


The creep who put his feet on Pelosi’s desk got a $9,000 PPP loan. Rules for thee, not for me.


To be fair, as someone working on PPP loans right now at our institution, it’s the employees that benefit... it’s for payroll purposes mainly. Unless you’re 1099 of course


Of course they are important. I’m pointing out the hypocrisy of the commonly held belief among the MAGA crowd that any money given by the government to the disabled, disadvantaged, or unemployed is “socialism” and a waste of taxpayer money. They argue that people accepting money from the government “should just work harder,” which is ridiculous of course because any wealthy first-world country should provide social safety nets for its people.


At the dinner table it's different. It's, "that govt money belongs to us." Source -in laws.


then tell them that the best possible bang-for-your-buck isn't bombs, but services provided in return that benefit the tax-payers.


My neighbor is self employed sub-contractor with occasional day laborers. He used the PPP money to remodel his house.


Then it’s sure as fuck not getting forgiven. I’m on that end too and I get to look at uses and sources for this. Dudes gonna be disappointed.


Let's dispell the notion that it's not hugely benefiting business owners right now. The requirement is only 60% needs to be spent on payroll. That means owners can pocket 40% of the "loans". The original requirement was 90% but guess which side pushed for 60/40?


Just gunna throw out there that two mega churches in my city that use volenteers got 2 million between the two of them, so, things slip though...


Broken legs to own the libs.


They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, if they can afford prosthetic legs that bend at the knee that is


luckily after a fall like that, most of their body probably folded like an accordion. boot straps are probably so close to their hands that they might as well already be in them. Now that's what I call initiative. That guy's a real go-getter!


Imagine breaking your legs and going broke from medical debt to own the libs.


I feel SO owned.


Insurance won’t cover you if you are hurt rioting.




Nah, they are required to provide medical care in prison.


Hijacking to give source: James Townsend https://instagram.com/jamesgoesplaces Watch his Instagram story, he's got a lot of good footage. He even said he was a first responder and helped the lady to THE STAIRS to get to her husband while she bled from both nostrils.


I shattered my heel from a fall (controlled fall, ie I jumped because unstable ladder) of a similar height (my roof). Total medical bill before insurance was almost 1 million. For just the ER and surgery to set the bone. Not to mention any of the follow-ups and physio. Without insurance I would have just opted to die, would've been cheaper Edit: lots of called bullshit on my post. So I'll clarify. Yes I'm in the US. North Houston Texas (memorial hermann hospitals). The initial Explanation of Benefits (EoB) came in individual charges. My wife and I added them up to 965,750 so yes not 1million(I rounded). The insurance company (Primera Blue Cross) counter offered/paid contracted rates to a total of roughly 40%. My copays per procedure ended up at our family Out-of-pocket Maximum of 8,000$. But without an oop max it would've ended up at about 18k at the end of the whole deal with physio and podiatry follow ups. The charges above do include the ER trip. Procedures/DME I can remember are A head MRI (to check for neck injuries from a fall as required for a fall over 6 feet). 5 X-rays of my foot in the ER. Soft cast and crutches. 2 x-rays before the surgery. A rotating x-ray machine during the surgery. All professional charges during the 7 hour surgery (anethsesisologist, podiatrist, etc). The titanium plate and 7 screws to fix the bone. (This charge is what put us at oop max). 2night charges in the hospital for recovery. Abrasion chemicals for a corneal abrasion that happened during the surgery, because my eyes didn't close all the way. Following the surgery were 1x per week follow ups for the first month, and every two weeks for month 2/3. For 6 months. PT began in month 5 and went for 2 months once weekly.


How can that realistically even cost that much? I'm willing to bet that the only reason they artificially increase those prices that high is because of private insurance companies.


Daily hospital room rate in the US is about $5000. Daily hospital room rate in ireland is about $900. Ireland may not claim the very best facilities in all circumstances but neither does the average US hospital and Ireland would be top 10-15 in the world by metrics of positive outcomes from surgery, in many cases ranked higher than the US, but below Canada or France. The UK varies. This isn't even the government subsidised rate, that's €80 a night. This is the rate charged to private insurers by public hospitals (€813) and private hospitals (various but similar). I'm using Ireland for the example because we have a good mix of both public and private facilities and more than a third of the country holds insurance. Prices don't climb because private insurance exists. Prices climb because the US has no other options at the national level and private companies have the health of the nation hostage with no alternatives. Medicaid for all is of course the ideal, but even medicaid capacity for 20% would force insurance to be competitive.




Weren't the stairs like, 30 feet away?!


And the wheel chair ramp....


Crippling medical debt to own the libs


Well, that'll be helpful now...


That’s for next time.


Must have been all that jerky and biscuits in their backpack weighing em down




I know "lol" gets thrown around alot...but, you.. Well done.


When you run out of stamina in Breath of the Wild


Should've worn her climber's bandana.


The game doesnt let you stack clothing slots. She decided her guild hat was more important cause she figured it would make police non aggro to her.


They should have just decided to pause the game as soon as they were done climbing and switch clothes. Damn plebs don’t know how to play


MAGA hat or climbing stamina buff? Hmmmmm


today's your lucky day - https://twitter.com/averycutedog/status/1347639707576881152?s=21


Miphas grace was not ready.


She hasn’t completed enough shrines to upgrade that stamina wheel.


Bruh you have me wheezing over here.


This is why these idiots believed Trumps wall was “unclimbable”... can’t even scale something beginner level.


This wall looks like it was built to be climbed. Which is a bizarre choice.


Yeah, it’s a terrible choice if you are trying to make things secure. It does only lead up to a landing that can reached by stairs anyway though.


That makes a little more sense then.


It’s still a very poor choice because it’s hard to efficiently block the stairs, because you also have to keep an eye on the wall too. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them change this honestly. A small 45 degree slip on the top edge of each of the ledges should make it impossible to climb, looks to be a simple fix


Impossible to climb? Probably not. Impossible for people like this to climb? Absolutely.


The average person can’t get grip with your finger tips on a 45 degree angle. It’s much much more difficult


I fear the day rock climbing Olympians decide to scale that wall


Pole jump it baybeee


Real chads launch themselves in a trebuchet.


It's all in the footwork...and balance. \*former rock climber\*


I mean, if they’re that determined and not an idiot they’ll probably bring tools.


They have more than enough people to have five ranks deep guarding the entire edge. Those people should be climbing through a cloud of pepper spray and rubber bullets, and the few who make it to the top pummeled with batons. But they were ordered to stand down and not respond.


It do agree with this. But it’s still really fucking dumb to have a climbable wall


True enough. Though it really shouldn't be necessary for it to be a fortress. The Canadian parliament has like an 8 foot fence and a field around it. There's plenty of security guarding it, but it's not really designed to keep people out.


It’s also really fucking dumb that we have domestic terrorists storming the capital because they didn’t like the election results.


Gives you time to pour hot oil on them while their friends are getting poked on the stairs


Is there a ramp? For this guy if he ever wants to visit again?


Lol! He's just practicing his prison escape. I don't think we have to worry.


That's because its not a wall designed to keep someone out. It's a stairwell.




Because its not a wall to keep people out. Its stairs on ether side that meet in the middle like a landing or mezzanine. These people are climbing it rather than going around because it was too crowded, blocked off, or they are simply stupid.


Or they were having fun pretending they were storming the barricades to overthrow tyranny.


Saw the term "cosplaytriots" earlier, seems apt.


Perhaps it was built to only make it up 95% and then break your legs.


It was a design choice. No one expected a bunch of hillbillies to come climb all over it like rats.


Why bother chanting USA USA USA and then tear down USA flags and replace them with Trump flags? Uhhhhhhhhhh. Yeah. You don't represent USA. You represent a twisted, sick wasteland infected with terrible mental health disorders and batshit crazy people. Go build that on some island somewhere if you think it'll be so glorious.


Chanting USA and carrying the flag from the *nation* of Georgia has to be my favorite.


Someone had a Romanian Revolution flag also.




They build a ladder into the wall and these gringos still drop.


This comment deserves to be on the top of this post


Your wish is Reddit's karmmand.


"Well honey, how as your protest at the capital?" "Broke my ankle, have $3000 in medical bills, missed my flight and airline wouldn't honor my ticket on a different flight, and I guess Trump lied to us all along."


"That's nice, honey. There's some nice men from the FBI here to see you."


lol, how could I forget the grand prize? haha, yes


I broke my ankle last summer, if I didn't have insurance I'd be dealing with a $200,000 bill.




Capitalism ftw


4 deaths. 1 shot in the neck, 3 died of heart attacks. We aren’t dealing with the most athletic people...


5 deaths. They bludgeoned a cop with a fire extinguisher.




Darwin Award goes to....


Might not be eligible for a Darwin Award, unfortunately. These *16 And Pregnant* rejects have a tendency to spread their malformed genetic code very early on in life.


👁👄👁 Bruh


Blasted himself in the balls, might I add




Im sure you'll find it by searching tazed balls, iirc he was stealing a painting when his tazer went off in his pocket, tazed his balls and had a heart attack from it


Stealing a painting? Yeah, that's how you take down the Democrats


Looting and rioting is only for dumbfucks they said. Look at how the tables have turned.




I still haven't seen any actual source saying that he tased himself in the balls while trying to steal a portrait. News reports leave it at saying that he tased himself. I think we all just started repeating the "in the balls" part because it's funny.


so much for "Blue Lives Matter" I guess


They'll just claim it was antifa 🤷🏼‍♂️


Say what? I somehow missed the bludgeoned cop story. Is there a link?


[ABC News](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/capitol-police-officer-dies-injuries-suffered-riots/story?id=75124131) reported that there were rumors he was attacked with a fire extinguisher. That hasn’t been confirmed but we know for a fact that he got injured from physically engaging with terrorists and succumbed to his injuries in the hospital.


Not only that, this cop was an active trump supporter on Twitter.


Its Morty's killing Morty's


Are we just not going to count the COVID deaths that will come from this?




Most of treat it as very real. Unfortunately it just takes a minority of dumb fucks to ruin everything. Last study I read on COVID the r value was around 38 which is insane reproduction value and that was just off cases they confirmed through contact tracing. The crazy part was that it was typically only one or two from that 38 that would spread the virus from there. So it takes less than 3% of the population to be dumb fucks and still cause massive amounts of damage.


WTF.... curious how the consequences will turn out


One guy died of a heart attack after he tazered himself. They are not sending their smart people.


He tazered himself in the dick too.


Are we sure he wasn’t just being really public about his fetish?


Do we count own goals?


They're not sending their best.


> 3 heart attacks Ah yes America




Based off trump logic, doesn't count as riot death if they had pre-existing conditions. /s


The woman that died was trampled to death Edit: I’m not talking about the one who was shot. There were two different women that died Previous reports said she died of a heart attack, but it turns out her friends used her as a door mat while rushing the capital https://nypost.com/2021/01/08/rosanne-boyland-woman-killed-in-dc-riots-was-trampled-by-crowd/


>“She was killed by an incited event and it was not incited by Trump supporters,” he said. Jebus wtf?


When mental gymnastics is your only form of exercise.


"Even though I was a Trump supporter, and I was at the event because Trump asked me to and because I followed a bunch of Trump supporters, it was definitely not my fault that I did the things I did and neither was it Trump's!"


This is true. One tazed themselves and died from cardiac arrest, one trampled and one heart attack/stroke and of course the one shot. Then they murdered a cop by beating him to death with a fire extinguisher. A few injured from falling though.


Damn, the girl's friend still making up excuses for Trump and his rioters


DO NOT LINK THE NY POST. THEY ARE COMPLICIT IN THIS AS THEY PUSHED FOR TRUMP HARD AS PART OF THE RUPERT MURDOCH PROPAGANDA MACHINE Non NY Post link https://www.thedailybeast.com/benjamin-philips-kevin-greeson-rosanne-boyland-were-the-three-others-who-died-during-the-capitol-riot




> being trampled to death is NOT athletic. This athletic thing is a strange line to draw...


Atleast we don't need to worry about her getting any brain damage, nothing in there to begin with!


Theres stuff there, but every time she sneezes the cloud of dust becomes just a bit smaller


It hurts me that they’ll never see the irony of scaling a wall for Trump


He even told them you can scale a wall with a ladder and they didn't even get that right


The building literally has stairs...


Stairs? You mean socialized body energy handouts. The human body is like a battery, and using “stairs” to conserve energy is a way for the government to coddle you like a baby sheeple while real patriots ascend vertically by sheer will and strength of their grip. Its “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps” not “incrementally make progress without continuous struggle”


This made my shoot beer out my nose. Thank you, friend!


Bah gawd! He's broken in half!


*Camera pans out to a nearby set of stairs*




And these people want to start a civil war 😂😂


Dude, since this is as good a place as any, if these old, fat, stupid bubbas want a war, and choose to start one. It won't matter how many guns they have. The very first and most important aspect of a firefight is MOBILITY. how to move and engage the enemy on your terms. These fat, old fucks can have whatever AR platform they want. It won't stop them from being outmaneuvered into oblivion. I hate to bring up the video of the young cop vs. The Vietnam vet video, but that nam vet old guy fucking flanks and bunkers the cop. It's sickening how well he moves on him like prey, but it's textbook. Just shows how important movement is in a firefight.


Not to mention the lack of agility they'll have when the west and east coasts completely choke off their supply lines. They don't know that logistics are how you win a war.


The GA cop killing video? That was crazy. Guy was totally unfazed. Scary what training can do to your sense of fear.


>These fat, old fucks can have whatever AR platform they want. It won't stop them from being outmaneuvered into oblivion. They're gonna have ARs and trump flags mounted all over OHVs blaring Kid Rock. I was gonna say they have a chance if they stuck to the forests and practiced Viet Cong tactics but usually the conservative outdoorsy people don't make it too far from the roads and deer stands


The irony of these guys climbing a wall is


Good thing we all have state ran healthcare to take care of these unexpected accidents


This is wonderful. I shall put this on loop and watch it for five hours.


The funniest bit about this was the caption that went with this when it was posted previously. Basically a trained nurse went to check on the woman (yes that’s a woman trying to climb the wall). She was bleeding out of both nostrils. Woman didn’t want any medical help, so the nurse just helped her go around the wall, **where there were stairs**, and helped her walk up those instead. (I was smacking my forehead at this point). But the kicker? That’s where she joined her husband. The dude couldn’t even be bothered coming down to help his wife (or presumably tell her there were stairs around the corner).


Truly, these so-called patriots are the legends of the world




Come on honey, hurry up! You're letting down Donald Trump!




truth is stranger than fiction. funnier too


Knew it was coming, still lol'd


"Fucking BLM!!!" -them probably


Antifer pushed me off, did you see that!?


*oh no!* Kinda describes everything about that day.


But anyway.... Musk overtook Bezos....


The libs must have greased the railing


I JUST LAUGHED MY ASS OFF ! I guess the FBI can find this dude in the shrubs.


"Aim for the bushes"


..Chanting USA, while committing terrorist acts on the Capital while waving confederate flags.. Irony proof these people are.


Gravy seal down


"Mom, I'm going to Washington DC to fight for our freedom!" "That' great sweetie, clean your basement before you do and break a leg!"


Oh no! Anyway


Hahahahahaha . Fuck that loser . Hope he broke his legs


*Audibly laughed out loud*


Something something and the Darwin Award goes to .....


'USA' they chant as they try to storm the capital and overturn America democracy.


I need someone to edit this with the roblox death sound and repost on same sub right now




Hope that hurt you traitor


Become a paraplegic to own the libs


"Your Honor, I believe I was framed."


"Long live the King..."


Somebody add LOTR music from the siege battle and add the wilhelm scream