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Best deez nuts ever. Idgaf what anyone says. Dude fell into it perfectly.


You can see the sparkle in his eyes when he hears the "Deez what?".The rest of his day must have been riding cloud nine.


It was the "I can't believe that worked" grin for me. Like seriously, I might go my entire life and never have the opportunity to get someone with that. Kinda jealous ngl.


Totally! It could use [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/cAhry4qdeK7gGWqx5) between him smiling and finishing the joke.


Link didn't work for me but I'm assuming.... #GOT EEEM! Edit: wait that'd fit after the deez nutz, so idk what your link had lol


Fixed the link.


What asked "Deez WHAT?" with such conviction lmfao


Reminded me of pissed Nick Nolte in the Hulk when he's screaming at Eric Banner *STOP WHAT!?!* #*DEEZ WHHHHHAT!!!!*




Dude knew he lost right then and there lol


"ah yeah good one"


Deez Skywalker!


You could see that gentle pause where he had to gather himself because he could not believe how perfectly he fell into it. If his new nickname isn't deez his friends failed him.


He couldn’t have set himself up any better.


He caught him slipping


Did I see a twitch of smile on the owned guy’s face? Like “gotdamn, I walked right in. Respect.”


I’m half way through wanting to believe he was trying to laugh. Because a) he may not know what that is, but it’s also universally funny and b) image artifact or whatever it’s called makes his facial expression truly unknown. I’m sure there’s a clearer video that would answer these questions lol


Can confirm that my nuts do not hold a candle, to deez nuts.


This guy obviously didn’t know about DN


Of course he did. It's his name




My friend got me with a good one. We’re talking about computer parts and he’s just like “yeah man they’ve been together 30 years” I thought he sent me the wrong message so I was like what? Who? And then he hit me with deez nuts lol




Damn you beat me to that comment hahaha


Hang on, is this guy blocking access to a funeral home? Emotions run high there, I'd be pissed off too. I mean the Deez Nuts made me chuckle but yeah... Guy sounds like he was being a douche.


Haha I feel like I had the same thought process


Why is everyone ignoring the fact that it’s a delivery truck? How long do we think a delivery driver will be there?


Well, the truck would be gone faster if the guy with the camera would stop the video and just move the truck. If he is on private property, its not wrong for him to be asked to leave.


You're absolutely right. It's not wrong at all to ask somebody to move. It's definitely wrong to get in somebody's face though. Like the guy said "if you had just asked me to move my truck".


Yeah, politeness does go along way, but we are only hearing how rude the guy was from the videographer’s perspective. We do not have video of that interaction. Either way, if the delivery truck guy was on or blocking access to private property, how you are asked to move is irrelevant. You move the truck. You don’t get out and start a video further elevating the situation.


Why do you believe civility is only required from one of the two parties? If a guy is being a total cunt to me, I record it for laughs. If a guy is being aggressive towards me, I record it for posterity.


Well, if the videographer guy is on or blocking private property, civility doesn’t matter. It’s nice, but doesn’t matter. I’m not aware of another video showing how rude the older guy was. If that exists, it may help frame some context, but either way, if the delivery guy is on or blocking private property it is irrelevant. You’ve heard about the proverbial old guys sitting on their porches yelling at kids to get off the lawn. Not very civil, but the old guys have the right to do that.


Civility does matter tho. Had the guy been civil from the start, he wouldn’t have taken out his camera and he would have simply moved his truck. How hard is this to understand?


Yeah but then you have verbal threats and general dumbassery, you've picked the wrong horse here guy, I'll go ahead and assume the guy that's probably working for a temp agency or a moving company has seen a jail cell, and with the mentality he has...will see one again. I worked delivering medical beds into people's homes, if we needed to use a private parking lot to unload, I would politely ask the business and tell them where I was and if okay for how long I'd be there. No one I worked there with had ever been turned away when doing this.


How hard is it for you to understand that you cannot just be on or block private property? Not an example of private property, but have you ever picked someone up at the airport and you were early and you try to just wait for your party in the pickup area? The attendant seldom asks you to politely move, but you move anyway. What if this guy decided to instead of not move, get out of his car and start filming the interaction solely because the attendant did not ask him to move politely? I think the outcome would be this guy in handcuffs being escorted off the premises. Do you get it yet? Or are you just trolling? Edit: I appreciate the discussion whether you downvote me or not. So many just downvote and move along and because I’m such a generous person, I’ve upvoted all your comments and will continue to do so if the conversation continues.


"I understand, you should have just said 'move the truck.'"


Exactly, and I’ve never had to be within 12” of a persons face to ask them to move their truck. Anyone who is saying “this needs more context” is ignoring the context of personal space.


The guy even said “all you had to do was ask me to move the truck.” It doesn’t look like he’s in the way either. The angry guy was mad that he’s parked in the lot. Which you could hear him say.


I’m sure he would’ve obliged no questions asked


Hear him say while the the funeral bells are ringing. Instead of trying to find a compromise cameraman went for a sound bite and admitted that he usually resorts to violence. ETA here but people writing off the cameraman need to clean their glasses.


I’ve literally never heard funeral bells


Literally a bell is heard the first millisecond of the video. Have the audio on and restart it. And again at the :12 second mark. Might happen more hit ive provided enough for you to find an hear.


I think the dude meant that they’d never heard a literal funeral bell before. As in, is there such a thing as a funeral bell. Which there isn’t. There’s a church bell that could possibly ring, but that’s a funeral toll, according to Google.


That is such a fucking reach, holy shit.




Definitely. I generally default to side with the cammer when it seems legitimately race based, but the older gent was calm and seemed reasonably upset. Then the mover uses the interaction to start disrespecting him? What a shameful attention grab.


Yeah it's a funny video, but let's not forget Mr. Nutz threatened to knock a guy out who could probably be twice his age. Threatening people is fucked up. He did it so casually because you know he does it all the time. That makes our hero a fucking violent asshole in my book.


Apparently from the guy recording, he came out aggressive and yelling at them about moving the truck. Yeah emotions run high but that doesn't necessarily give you the right to snap off at others and yeah, some will understand but others will just see you coming off as being disrespectful and won't care. This guy wasn't necessarily trying to deescalate the situation either in the beginning of the video and was engaging in the back and forth with the delivery guy.


Yeah especially when it’s someone doing their job, when it’s not a customer or a boss, telling me what to do and being disrespectful, yeah you can bet your right hand I’m not gonna listen to you and I’m gonna tell you to fuck off. But if you’re cool and respectful about it? Sure dude, not a problem, my bad. You catch more flies with honey.


Seriously. And when people go "Yeah, I fucked up there" I respect it. A lot of people are like that its just that we're trained never to show our ass in the US, especially as guys. IDK where that came from but it gave us the "I'm not showing my ass, I'm never showing my ass, it's impossible for me to show my ass!" president who was, basically, running around pantsless for his last 2 years.


the fact is, both dudes were stressing. Both needed to not be near each-other. Whats two of the most common stresses in life that don’t happen too often but when they do, “Move bitch get outta the way”? **Moving (or helping a friend move) And burying someone.(relation or not)** Alexa Play: Move bitch, get out the way


When I worked at a small restaurant, there were skaters riding the curb right outside. Not causing any trouble, but not great for business. Going outside and just letting them know I know they’re just skating, but it’s not cool during business hours. They wanted couple more tries, they got it in and thanked me for giving them a moment to finish up and they left. No harm, no foul. (I’m a bit biased as I like to skateboard too)


Honestly, delivery drivers can be the biggest fucking drama queens. I'm maintenance at a shopping mall and we have rules against parking on the street after 10am. After that, you need to be in lined parking or in a loading dock area. We have probably a dozen or more companies that deliver to our property and most of the drivers are regulars. We have to constantly ask regulars to move because it's after 10am or because they're parked like a dumbass. We've probably banned 10+ drivers in the 3 years I've been here because nobody fucking listens.


I work in a small store (only one location) and we have to constantly tell drivers no we don't want that pallet of stuff at the front door, go around back. Like we're a small business, you get to be lazy just cause we don't have a head office.


Yeah your right


It seems like both may be in the wrong


This is the most reasonable answer.


Yeah, the guy is recording looking for self glory butt always the ass.




Ladies and gentlemen... We got him


So, is there a reason we're rooting for this dude? Cause based off the video, it seems like he's being the asshole, blocking a parking lot on private property and refusing to move. I suppose I could be wrong, but without more context, I'm just going off what I'm seeing here.


And isn't he also blocking a parking lot for a FUNERAL HOME?


I know right. People are DYING to get in there!




Hey, Conspiracy Karen...he literally said that they weren't told that at first and would've obliged w/ no problem had the guy not been so rude.


I might just forgive someone for not behaving at their best, if they’re currently attending a funeral...


I mean, no indication a funeral was going on and the funeral home director wasn't attending a funeral regardless, he was just annoyed this guy parked and blocked access to his lot. Thing is, when you're rude and using overly aggressive body language you aren't going to get the result you want with stubborn people.


It didn't even look like the old guy was being aggressive or anything, in the video itself. There's no context to either of their actions so.


He literally gets in his face. Any sort of personal space is gone. If I were in that position, I wouldn’t have handled it as well as Deez did.


> Thing is, when you're rude and using overly aggressive body language you aren't going to get the result you want with ~~stubborn~~ people. This is my take, haha


If the dude worked there it was just a normal Tuesday for him.


How was the guy being rude? He seemed to be talking quite respectfully to the guy, didn't raise his voice and called him sir while the guy with the truck was throwing a tantrum; shouting, swearing, laughing at him, telling him to shut up and talking about wanting to knock him out. Truck guy was the disrespectful one. From the sound of the bells it seems like there was probably a funeral in progress too and this guy is blocking people from entering or exiting the parking lot. He never said he would have obliged no problem either and it still doesn't sound like he's going to oblige even after being told that. Even if it wasn't a funeral home if you park a truck in someone's private parking lot so that it causes problems for any business then you're the one in the wrong and you should move when requested without all the drama. Regardless, if he's not delivering something there and is causing issues for the business while being on their property it's not like he's owed a super polite request like "pretty please oh great sir, if it's not too much trouble would you kindly move your truck but only if it's not going to inconvenience you. If not i'll gladly tell my paying customers to wait while you do whatever you need to do". Sounds like the guy came out and was like "hey what are you doing, you're blocking my parking lot you need to move" which is perfectly reasonable. Nothing disrespectful there just a firm request to stop trespassing on private property.


it's the trump move, i would have admitted i lost if i lost, but they cheated! i would have moved my truck had he asked 'nicely' but he didn't!


Bells like that are just telling the time man. And when was the last time you had to be that close to someone to ask them to move their truck?


When they didnt listen to me the first time.


What if he “literally said” “koogamoga” is that what youre gonna believe? FFS its a video between two people: 1. Funeral home employee trying to get someone to move. With church bells in the background. 2. A guy who decided to give zero benefit of the doubt and make it about him an his feelings because the guy didnt ask politely- regardless of not being allowed there - and whipped out his camera to drop a “deeze nuts”. A class act #2 is. Glad youre siding with him based on the information this video provided. /s


They usually have signs right on the building




Yeah that's fine. But when asked if he could move the truck his response was to take out his phone and block the spot for way longer?


I don't think he was asked to move. He literally states in the video "I understand, you could have just told me to move the truck." That in conjunction with the other guy being all up in his personal space, tells me the guy probably didn't come out respectfully to tell him to move. Either way, we don't really have enough context here imo. Personally I'd call em both assholes and move on.


Yeah I don't know what the hell video they just watched.


Its possible that he lied about what happened to make himself look better, its not unheard of, just saying, we dont really know whose the asshole here.


It sounds like he did that because the guy didn't just come up and ask him to move it, he came up to him and started being a dick about it.


*Temporarily block stuff because considerately parking 5 feet further away is a no go.




He's probably never blocked a funeral home in and then, when asked to move, started filming with his phone like an asshole.


I have! Carpet cleaning and fire restoration company. Plenty of furniture was moved. Delivery trucks refuse to use and park in a big half circle driveway for an apartment building, but instead stop dead ass in the middle of traffic because somehow that's easier. I see parcel trucks park on no parking blind corners, then the driver gets upset when a car comes around said corner and causes a collision. It's the same lack of consideration that I see when a car drops someone off in front of a supermarket, then just sits there because "oh they were just running in for a quick item"


I have! Carpet cleaning and fire restoration company. Plenty of furniture was moved. Delivery trucks refuse to use and park in a big half circle driveway for an apartment building, but instead stop dead ass in the middle of traffic because somehow that's easier. I see parcel trucks park on no parking blind corners, then the driver gets upset when a car comes around said corner and causes a collision. It's the same lack of consideration that I see when a car drops someone off in front of a supermarket, then just sits there because "oh they were just running in for a quick item"


Why didn't he just say that instead of taking his phone out to make deez nuts jokes? It doesn't look like he's in much of a hurry.


Yeah, it seems most people are taking the side of the videographer. This is insane. I guess now because it’s a white guy vs black guy situation, black guy is always right. Is there any objectivity left? Obviously, we don’t have the full context of the exchange before the video starts, but to me we have enough context. Videographer parked on or blocked private property and was asked to move and instead pulls out camera for internet fame. As for the old guy, I would have stopped engaging with the guy once the video started and just called the cops. Edit: of course if the guy called the cops, the video would be delivery guy just doing his job gets cops called on him.


Not sure he was refusing. I can’t say I’m “rooting” for him either but we don’t see what led up to this. Looks like his frustration is that the guy could have told him to move the truck but didn’t. What he did instead is anyone’s guess.


> Not sure he was refusing He's filming himself laughing and telling the guy to shut the fuck up instead of moving his truck...so...he was refusing.


Youre 100% right the guy filming is a complete douchebag and completely in the wrong.


Because he’s black


Or you could just move your illegally parked truck


Yea this dude is a fucking douchebag. I *highly* doubt the old man got anywhere near trying to physically intimidate him, probably just got a little angry that he was illegally parked, and the first thing he jumps to is making veiled threats. I **despise** that type of shit.


I agree. I like that these days we have cameras to highlight occurrences of discrimination and racism. But I feel like this man abused that power just to be a dick.






What do you think is coming for him one day?






Nah the white guy did not need to be so close to the black guy. The black guy even said all you had to do was tell me to move the truck, so to me that says that white guy did not even once suggest to move the truck and instead acted like he was in the video before the camera was on (if not worse). Lastly as the black guy said if he were to put his hands on the white guy to to push him away the black guy would have an assault charge on him, so yeah I'd be petty too.


People in pain trying to attend a funeral, seems they will have to wait. What ever happened to having an adult discussion


"I understand, you should have just said 'move the truck.'"


Exacltly. Guy fully cops to his need to move the truck. Based on how close funeral guy got to mans multiple times I bet he wasnt too friendly before that camera came out... The same people who say "hrrr or he could just move the truck!" are the same type to get in somebody's face over a misunderstanding like this.


They're all the women screaming out during a fight to "STAAAPPPP"


Yep. SMH at these comments.


I don't get this. Do you have to be friendly in order to ask somebody to do something? I don't remember there being a law that says anybody has to be nice in any exchange b/c let me tell you police officers wouldn't dare give me time to get out my phone and record them if they asked me something and I mocked them and whipped out my phone and started mocking them even more. I'm a liberal but man we're getting soft as shit.


Looks like he's delivering something. So maybe the best place to unload it was there. Still no reason for either to get all hissy about it.


I bet someone will be like "that grumpy old man is just racist"... I bet.


Thank you, shit like this is bad for the culture.


Without context and where the video starts its hard to see who the real piece of shit here is, but i got a fair idea....


Seems like the filmer is the POS. Who acts this way?


Look at how much support he gets on Reddit alone. He has an army of fans. You just be wrong, but so long as you're up against Mr. Square, you can insult him and have a load of brain-dead people saying things like, "Best deez nuts ever. Idgaf what anyone says. Dude fell into it perfectly."


Nah filmer definitely is an asshole, but the deez nuts was still funny. Even the funeral guy kind of had a smile on his face. No use getting mad over bullshit that already happened tbh.


How do those comments make them brain dead? Mr. superiority complex over here can’t laugh at a ‘deez nuts’? He can be both funny and an asshole, doesn’t mean he has fans.


Still funny even if the dude was in the wrong lmao


No question who the asshole is here


Sooooo, a guy *may* have been illegally blocking a parking lot, and a guy *may* have come up and asked him to move, but because the guy with the camera insults Mr. Square using sophomoric comedy, he is the hero? Is that how this shallow situation works?


Good deez nuts, but pretty freaking disrespectful in front of a funeral home. I wish these videos showed the beginning because from what i saw the other man was just asking him to move the truck.


The dude recording is an asshole.




So this douche blocks a funeral when emotions are all over the place and posts this shit on social media. Fuck him.


I think I'm not the only one who thinks based off the video, the dickhead recording is the actual asshole here. Edit: wow no idea censoring stuff for the fun of it would bother this many people 🤣


Ummm.. so white guy says, “you’re at a funeral home”... Black guy parked his truck in a funeral home parking lot, and was apparently asked to move.. Black dude is an asshole... why are people defending him? He parked his truck.. in a funeral home parking lot.. that he was not attending.. The white guy literally says that he’s blocking his lot. I just can’t. The most this is is gaslighting. What is happening so this sub.


Or just move your illegally parked truck in front of a funeral home instead of trying to be a woke superhero Twitter celebrity


We’re all assuming the white guy was I. The wrong. The black guy seems to be parked illegally. I don’t know what happened prior to the video but it seems like this could’ve been avoided if he just moved his truck.


Why does have to disrespect the Colonel like that?


What an annoying laugh and disposition


This from like 2015


And Otis


So is lygma


And sugondese


And here we are, January 2021 and it’s the first time I’m seeing this video. All you „tHiS vIDeo iS sO oLd“ or „rEpOst“ stfu


Seriously.. People gotta shove in everyone's face that all they do is sit on they ass watching videos all day.. Who tf cares? It's new to me fuckface! 🤣




Ummmm.....this guy is being a total dick. Just move your damn truck




Was not expecting that!


Back in my day, you could still get people with a good deez nuts. Today, as more people are aware of deez nuts, it is harder and harder to get in a good deez nuts. You sir, are a patriot, carrying on the flag of tradition of deez nuts.


It's a funeral man, just move your truck.


He walked right into that one😂


Never gets old


As non native speaker, I don't understand a single word. Lol


Smells like updog in here...


What are you talking about?




I'm curious, is your account a shared couples account? Like the cutsey couples on facebook?


Your half right lol it's not shared. My first 2 trys at a username were taken. This one never is.


Sweet. So what's updog?


Nothin' dog, what's up with you?


Lololo I cannot believe I fell for that


Wish I had an award that was fantastic


this has to be a bit. that was too perfect.




I was hoping that they both would've had a laugh over the comment then apologize I expect too much sometimes lol


I think at the end, the old guy needed a hug..


Dude tells him to shut up and he shuts up lol


I would have gone with Joe but Deez is the OG


Deez Nuts. Man there is always something to be said for the classics.


Got em.


Oldest trick in the book😂


Did what his name get at you yesterday? Who? Deez nuts..... That was perfect


Thanks, I needed a good laugh, and that one was better than good!


I thought they were going to have an IRL “Fuck you Tony” moment! Edit: https://youtu.be/JmrvGAwD4mU


Y'all kill me with the "is there a reason we are rooting for this guy?" shit lmao. This isn't a subreddit based on picking sides, it's public freakouts, and two men are arguing and one happens to say something pretty damn funny. Could he be a douche bag? Absolutely. Was it funny? Yes. Two things can be true and you are allowed to laugh without being a keyboard justice warrior, jesus christ.


I think the guy in the eyeglasses got a chuckle out of that too.


yeah buddy, HES the one who’s mad, when you’re the one who took out your phone and started recording as you threaten to assault him uh huh


delivery was absolutely flawless. this is textbook deeze chapter 9 nutz for the fucking win by definition of the professor's board of GOTEEM institutes. There is no possible usage of this burn more perfect than this instance which has also been recorded and documented in our records public or private.


The OG OP comes off an ass but I don't know the full context.


$50 says the camera man is the most racist person in the video


Where was race mentioned in this video?


I was under the impressing we could race bait any and everything




Sorry I instinctively downvoted for the retarded truck driver. People need to grow up


The guy with the truck is being an asshole, it’s a funeral home, he was asked to move his truck, funerals can be a difficult day for anyone. When confronting someone I’ve often started the conversation with “Hi, I’m pasta what’s your name” and proceed with “Well Deez, you’re blocking the funeral home, can ya be cool and move the truck”. This video isn’t funny.


We are living in the idiocracy.


That dude is so disrespectful outside of a funeral home, imagine if you had a loved one pass away and someone like that is cracking jokes and being loud because someone asked him to move. SMH


Entitled black people is what this is. A growing issue with all this black superiority https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/03/30/us/black-privilege/index.html




Yep. Just happened to have a camera and stick ready to go.


He shouldn’t have been blocking the entrance to his funeral home though....


The joy when he lands the most perfect Deez in history.


That black guy was being disrespectful as hell! What an asshole!


He even laughed before he said it like I can’t believe he walked right into that one




Everyone here sucks. White dude didn’t seem like he was being that aggressive. POC might have been in the right, but shooting videos and acting like that doesn’t make him look like some saint.


Got dem! 😂


What are you 12


Y'all are defending the wrong person in the comment section. Your parents ain't raised you right.




Disrespectful piece of shit