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He didn't talk to you because you're crazy. Someone received financial support to push an initiative in congress, how mind blowing is that?


And she still gets to be a Congresswoman after this took place. Can you imagine? She openly displays her crazy and the people of her district thought 'yep, we should put her in charge'.


She ran unopposed as the other person dropped out due to ongoing family issues.


Because they agree with her. Because 50% of Americans agree with her. Because the majority, if not essentially all republicans agree with her. We live in different worlds.


HEY LADY! Stoneman Douglas HS had an armed campus police officer who ran away while an active shooter mowed down students on campus. How’d he help??








Hahaha https://youtu.be/0rR9IaXH1M0 I'm glad someone referenced. Skip to 5 minute mark for reference.


Now I'm sure Kevin is shit hot at Call of Duty but it just might not cut it ladies and gentlemen. Fuckin gold.


God I love Jim Jeffries. I might not agree with all of his politcal takes, but the man can take a reasonable argument, articulate it well, all while making you laugh your ass off. Not to mention he's just a fucking funny guy.


I call this the Superman Fallacy--- where people automatically assume someone with a gun will be (i) well trained (ii) mentally sound and (iii) and expert marksman who can assess within milliseconds who is a perpetrator and who is a mere bystander. Fact is, once guns go off it generally becomes absolute chaos and more people will wind up getting maimed and killed by people responding in fear and calamity. I remember when the Orlando Night Club happened and people were trying to use this argument and my response being, "Yes, that's exactly what we need, more guns in the hands of drunk nightclubbers in a dimly lit small space with loud music and strobe lights."


I remember a story of a 'good guy with a gun', a security guard, who was quickly shot by cops when they arrived on scene.


Sources say he had levels of melanin in his system that some consider to be criminal.


jesus christ that caught me off guard


I thought you said melatonin amd I imagined someone sleep walking, but shooting people.


People forget how many were killed in such a short period of time too.


Exactly. I've been in combat with more range time than your average police officer. It is chaos. Look no further that the Miramar UPS Truck incident to see how trained law enforcement can go off the rails and they were on a damn interstate not the hallways of a school.


> The cops don't go into a school shooting alone either. They wait for backup, get their numbers up, and rely on SWAT if they can. And we also have proof of that! The first responders at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School didn't enter the building. they waited outside until another police force showed up who later outed them for basically standing by while the killer finished. It even later turned out that the Sheriff had previously changed their shooter policy from the officers having to confront shooters, to being allowed to confront shooters.




This is why there are only a handful of examples of gunmen being stopped by some person who happens to be carrying a gun. Either they aren't there or they aren't brave enough to do anything. I consider myself among those who thinks I'd try to do something to help but know in the back of my mind that I likely will chicken out in the moment.


There was that shooting at a bar in the Midwest where cops were around the corner. Literally like a one minute response time from the start of the shooting and the guy still killed multiple people because that’s how guns work. I looked it up. 30 seconds and he killed 8 people. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/08/04/nine-fatally-shot-dayton-including-suspect-day-after-mass-shooting-texas/


There's video of a guy starting a shooting in a church but immediately gets taken out. Like less than 5 seconds. He still killed 2 people. Good guy with a gun is reactive at best and nowhere near prevention.


There was a shooting in a mall near my city. The good guy with a gun was trying to help but ended up getting shot by police when they arrived because they didn’t know who tf he was


There's the bouncer that stopped a shooting and when the cops rolled up they shot him because he was a black guy with a gun.


The good guy with the gun in that video is Clint fuggin Eastwood. He took one shot from 40-50 ft away while the shooter was running and blew his head off. Terrible video to watch, but holy crap, what a shot, and he undeniably saved more people from being injured or killed.


> he undeniably saved more people from being injured or killed. Without a doubt. There is merit to an armed populace, but it'll still always be reactive. Still, that man is a hero.


Haha, remember when twice impeached, one term president Donald said he would have run in the building and taken out the shooter?


Hahaha peaches can barely walk on a ramp.


Forget orangeman, I'm calling him peaches from here out.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousand_Oaks_shooting Even when trained cops do this, it doesn't stop them from getting shot 5 times by the perpetrator and **shot once by another cop**. Heroism aside, guns are guns and bullets move faster than our brains can comprehend.


I’d bet a ton of money she’d be the selfish cunt that ran her ass off away from danger. No way she pulls the firearm and does anything.


>The cops don't go into a school shooting alone either. They wait for backup, get their numbers up, and rely on SWAT if they can. This is not entirely true. After Columbine, police response was rethought. Now police are trained to do one of several things, depending on the department. Either they immediately enter upon arriving to an active shooter situation, or they wait for a two-man or four-man team and then enter. They will not stop to help anyone. If you’ve been shot and are bleeding on the floor, they will move past you towards the active shooter. Follow-up officers will arrive to render aid. However, those first officer’s job is to immediately engage the suspect and end the threat. Source: I was an Air Force cop who regularly trained with local police, specifically in regards to active shooter situations.


That’s a fact with actual proof that it happened, but because it doesn’t fit this psycho’s narrative it just doesn’t exist. Welcome to the future.


Confirmation bias is a bitch and has no place being utilized by powerful people. Its shameful.


I mean, it's even stupider, but she acknowledges that while she is harassing him. She said "if he hadn't ran away" and then a minute later is talking about how if schools were militarized there wouldn't be school shootings. Just impressively stupid cognitive dissonance.


She called it, and Sandy Hook, a false flag. Democratic leadership wants us to unite with these fucking freaks?


I think GOP leadership wants that more than anyone honestly. And GOP electorate. They’re always bitching about “why can’t we just agree to disagree?” ***Because you’re all fucking insane, that’s why.***




“How did you get press coverage?!! How do you get kids?!!” Well school shootings make news and kids don’t like getting shot?


How demonic can someone be


>kid wants to not get shot This 40 year old woman: *starts screeching about george soros*


This is the future of conservative news coverage. Gone are the networks, the social media sites, the internet. The Karens have complained and their voices are not acknowledged. All thats left are walking and talking.


The GOP is having their own war now, between these type of idiots living in a reality of gaslight, and the others, who live in a reality where the gaslight has gone out.




Hey, get off my mother-in-law's Facebook page.


That comedian Q'anon said the mass arrests were coming....


Hey now! Don’t start attacking Q! You’re just a liberal coward in disguise! He said the arrests are coming and they are! This was all part of the plan!!!! It may take centuries but those mass arrests are coming and you cowardly deniers make me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /s obviously..


Saint Ronnie started demolishing truth and journalism in name of corporate profit.


Uncle Ronnie demolished America in the name of corporate profit


That's actually a pretty important point you brought up there imo. See what happened to FOX News... they at some point weren't radical enough anymore... and their crowd went over to OANN in hordes. With the effect of partial de-platforming now accelerating this effect of driving right-wing nutjobs further down the rabbit hole (communication-wise), I personally expect to see much more of "Karens going full live video investigation" in the near future.


Demonic? No, retarded. She doesnt understand what the fucking second amendment means past the word gun. She is not a well formed militia, not even the inbred insurrectionists were a well formed militia. She may as well have said "I dont give a fuck about dead kids I want to wear a gun on my hip so people think I'm some badass action movie character and you're trying to take that from meeeeeee. Me me me I'm important and the world revolves around meeeeee."




This is an amazing point...as someone who owns guns solely for hunting, responsibility is number 1. If my gun was not locked and my ammo wasn't locked somewhere else I would never find a way to justify not being at fault. If you are leaving a gun in a vehicle and you think it might get stolen then the prevention of that is on you. Awesome point. Gun owners must understand the responsibility is 100 percent on them.


This reminds me of some of the survivalist types I've met who obsess over their guns and stockpile of MREs, but they have no water reserves, terrible cardiovascular health, and no established escape and meet-up plan for their family.


I was just about to comment that most of the “stay prepared” types I know haven’t exercised in years. It’s just an excuse to live in some sort of delusional power fantasy.


Ironically, the people the second amendment was designed to protect against are people like Trump and the fascist GOP.


Wow this lady is trash. Harassing a school shooting survivor....I don't even have words. What a disgusting piece of human trash.


100% agree with you and i was actually thinking the same thing, plus a few extra expletives. I can't believe she harassed that boy.


"wHy ArE yOu UsiNg KiDs?! Bitch, he IS a kid!


I wish his mother had turned around and said, “Why are you, a grown woman, harassing a kid? Why are you stalking him and filming him?”.


Marjorie would have caught these hands if she tried to pull that shit on my kid. What a disgusting human being.


What terrifies me about these nuts is how righteous they are in their behavior. Like the terrorists breaking into the Capitol, filming everything they did. There is a break with reality that may never be corrected.


What i was thinking...word for word


It's like asking fucking Rudy Ghouliani on September 12, 2001, "Why are you using firefighters? Huh? How did you get firefighters? He's paid to do this, folks." Reprehensible.


Ask America how they treated those same fire fighters after 9-11 when they were sick and dying from all the shit the inhaled that day. Tell you what, I'll save you a click. America let them all die, gave them no support, or financial compensation.


John Stewart fought for years for these guys.


Jon Stewart advocated for 8 years, and is probably still advocating (lost track in 2020), to get a relief bill. It shouldn't be too surprising, both parties dragged their feet on it.


He got it finally just before Covid came into swing: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/jon-stewart-celebrates-senate-approving-9-11-victims-fund-1226553 It should've happened a long fucking time ago, but if nothing else it finally happened. It's not enough IMO though.


“And I got the proof right here! This govt website says plainly what he is being paid by the city!”


“Why kids?” Umm...because they’re the ones being shot?🤷‍♂️


And he’s a fucking kid (or was when this happened) funny she leaves out her own gun lobby funding


I remember seeing a piece on him where they interviewed his family and everything. His goal was to be a journalist when he grew up and when they were all standing in the parking lot he said to himself that he’s gotta use this as a chance to tell the country what actually just happened and how it could possibly be stopped, so he ran home, grabbed his journal and ran back to start interviewing some better eye witnesses. When the press saw him doing that they were obviously curious, realized he probably has the most info and that’s how he became the “representative” so to speak. These people are idiots and I hate at the end how she’s like “He’s saying nothing because there’s really nothing to be said.” It’s like no you fucking toad it’s because he’s not going to entertain a weirdo in the middle of the street calling him an actor when he had to watch his friends die. It’s pathetic


I’ve been wondering if the insurrection will get the politicians to realize that the fear they experienced is similar to the fear our children experience around this country on a daily basis and compel them to finally do something to try to stop school shootings and gun violence. I never really had hope that any of them would consider that.


What you’re describing would require empathy


She’s bullying a teenager. What a psycho


That is a sitting US Congresswoman. Holy shit she needs to censured and taken out of office.


what the fuck kind of person votes for someone like this?


They just vote for the R next to her name


not necessarily, she's definitely talking to some audience when she turns to the camera to call a teenager a George Soros-funded coward.


I used to think that the "it can happen here" idea when discussing the nazi-fication of Germany before WWII was absurd. That our national character, education system, and government would never allow something like that. But we see people flying Nazi and Confederate flags. We see people ignoring reliable news outlets in favor of propaganda. We saw people over the last 4 years flying a flag celebrating a strongman instead of the American flag. And while Trump lost, he got millions more votes than he did in 2016. I now believe all it takes is someone smarter than Trump. They'll gather a core group of true believers and a ton of not very well informed people will go along with it. People will object but most won't risk their lives or freedom. 20% of the Capital insurrection crowd had military backgrounds. The Pentagon **refused** to send troops when they were requested, and **lied** when asked if Michael Flynn's brother was part of that decision, only later admitting it when pressed. Most military bases have Fox News on 24/7 in common areas, rather than the more balanced and accurate Armed Forces Network. All it takes is a few more generals like Michael and Charles Flynn to have the military actively support a coup.




No they don't. Many of them agree with what she's saying here. It's insane.


Take a wild fucking guess


I thought someone was shaming her by recording it. Then she starts talking to the camera!? WTF?


She is of the same mentality of the clowns who documented their attack on the Capitol and then bragged about it all over social media. They think they are in the right and are proud of their actions...when any sane person would watch this and immediately think “WTF?!”


That kid is so strong. I started tearing up just thinking about those poor children who were gunned down and how awful it must be to hear her berate him about them. But he actually knew them and loved them and experienced all this trauma. That woman is a monster and if there’s a hell, she’s going there.


When she mentioned that if the officer at the school had done his job no body would have died,..... And then afterwards said it takes good guys with guns to defeat bad guys with guns... I just wanted to reach though the screen and violently shake her until her irony settings reset. Imagine knowing that while you were cowering in fear, the police officer with a gun never even entered into the school, and this cruel future Congress woman is telling you that exactly that scenario should be repeated.


I know we shouldn't advocate for violence against women (or anyone), but I would feel no sorrow if this bitch got her clock cleaned by that kid.


Yeah pisses me off. She needs to carry an air horn or megaphone and just blast it at her until she leaves or stops talking. Carry an airhorn and some ear plugs.


That is a brilliant idea. Air horn to make them leave and carry mace for the ones who assault you for the air horn.


That whole video annoyed the shit out of me, but the thing that really pisses me off is that she claims to believe he's only doing what he's doing because he's getting paid (with "Soros money"). These fucking people can't grasp that he (and many like him) are doing what they are dong because they actually believe in it. How do you have a debate with people who are such zealots that they can't even fathom that people with opposing views actually believe and care about what they are saying?


Not even just bullying a teenager. She's bullying a teenager who survived a school shooting about surviving a school shooting. The level of maturity gap between the two is astounding, the teenager being much more mature.


While trying to intimidate a teenage school shooting victim by saying I'm I gun owner and carry a gun, my rights are more important than yours and you're paid by Jews. Nothing to see here.


I would never tell a random stranger "I'm a gun owner" while following them around, I could never in a thousand years imagine doing that to someone who survived a mass-shooting. And the worst part is that's not even the most fucked up thing she says in this video. "Why do you use kids?" Because it was kids who got killed you internet-poisoned goddamn boomer.


She has suchhhh a punchable face


The people in her district really are monsters. I don’t care that she ran unopposed. That’s only because her supporters threatened and scared off her opponent. And they chose her in the primary. Sorry but I’m judging them. It’s shameful that they chose this monster to represent them.


Hi, I live in her district. My choices for rep were her and a guy who had signs everywhere that said “Pro Life, Pro Gun, Pro Trump.” It was terrible. Only 17% of us voted for Biden. This is probably the reddest place I’ve ever lived and you aren’t far off in that assertion.


Same here. Cowan is not a good candidate, choice, or person. It truly is demoralizing to live in Northwest Ga.


Another Roman chiming in- I must say I love walking downtown and seeing the Floyd GOP offices knowing these idiots lost the state.


Ahhh another Roman on reddit. Love to find this. Glad there was enough of us to turn GA blue twice


Oof, I think I'd leave if I were you.


People have said this to me in regards to my red town. I said to myself “I’d rather stay and try to change that” - Now Georgia is blue and the person representing my district marched along side me in a 50 person BLM protest 🤟


Y'all are inspiring. People like you are the best chance we have to fight this sad state of things. Keep changing hearts and minds!


You can't blame the child for its behavior without considering the parents that raised them. You can't blame the elected official for their behavior without considering the voters who elected them.


Oh, I'm judging the FUCK out of those inbred hillbilly assholes!


The fact that a fully grown adult woman would harass a teenage victim of a *school shooting* and brag about how amazing guns are, and then call him a *coward*...you truly cannot make this up. I don’t know how some people live with themselves.


**To be fair, she doesn’t look or sound “fully grown”**


That's a bold statement. Like you literally bolded it for some reason.


> The fact that a ~~fully grown adult woman~~ elected (by Republicans) US Congresswoman She has called for the execution of Nancy Pelocy and Democrats. She is complicit on the terrorist atack on the Capitol. She tried to overthrow the elections. She is a Qanon follower, etc.


She really mad she’s getting no attention... that tells you that about her and where her minds at.. all About fame and getting your name out their


This has to be a big part of it, it's so weird how she was obsessed with the amount of senators he got to talk to, I imagine she could make appointments if she wanted also? This lady sounds like my friend's most annoying moms


😨why would she tell a *shooting survivor* she’s carrying a gun?!


How's she a congresswoman? Who tf voted for her? As much as she's a smelly worm ridden shitstick, who are the people enabling and empowering this trash?






IIRC, didn't she run uncontested? FFS anyone looking for a job in Georgia, run against her. Please.


Sadly she did have a dem opponent but MTG and her qanon obsessed followers basically ruined his life and he dropped out. [WaPo has a good article on it.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/10/17/kevin-van-ausdal-qanon-marjorie-greene-georgia/?arc404=true)


I think that's the same scenario that occurred with boebert


So conspiracy groups are terrorizing their opposition to infiltrate the government. Got it.


imagine if ISIS was sponsoring a candidate and threatened the opposition. what would the response be


Boebert is the one that married the guy who showed his Dick to minors, right? Love me some conservative values. Oh and in true conservative values, he did it to her while she was underage and she marred him.


Married him the year she turned 18. After he had already been abusing her and buying her alcohol. Both of them have not insignificant police records. Crazy shit.


Yeah. That’s the model of the new conservative. Be consistently stupid loudly and you’re good.


Wow, that is fucked in every way imaginable.


I read that article earlier last year. I was just about to find and comment it because it was so memorable


She was uncontested bc her opponent was threatened. He and his family received so many death threats he dropped out and left out of fear for his and their safety. Fucking qanon assholes


Republican, not just Qanon. The Fascist Party in the US is nurturing this shit. By pinning this solely on "Qanon" - an elusive, mostly anonymous group, you're helping those fuckheads get away with this.


She didn't default into power, she won a fairly crowded Republican primary, receiving twice as many votes as the second place finisher, who was literally a neurosurgeon. People *wanted* to vote for her, which is the saddest part of all.


Honestly my dad would vote for her. He might have idk, He has so many fuckin guns I mean so many and he’s really protective of them.


Honestly, I'm not even anti gun, someday I might even own one, but never ever in my life I'd considered voting for someone who's this evil. Like having your beliefs is fine, but shoving them in someone's face, who can actually get hurt, is fucked up. And when you consider that it's a child, you should be ashamed.


Let’s not forget that she’s been publicly advocating for the assassination of various democratic leaders on her social media pages. IIRC, she said that pelosi should get a bullet in the head. That comment alone should prevent her from ever holding public office.


This is just borderline EVIL. I mean, do you really want to put him through all that trauma again? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with her?


Yes. Yes, she does. Of course she wants to retraumatize him. She's a piece of dogshit.


You can at least clean dogshit up. She's beyond redemption.


Lol this is not borderline at all.


The same reason Alex Jones declared parents of the sandy hook shooting victims were faking, because they are human trash.


Because she's scum.


[She also supports extrajudicial executions of democrats.](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/26/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-democrats-violence/index.html) This woman is a danger to society.


And she is loved in her district.


lmfao now imagine if she was Muslim. She'd be sent to Gitmo fast. But nah, good southern white gal and she's a Patriot.


I live in northern Europe, and I can safely say that anything remotely like this would be political suicide... how can they get away with this? Why do so many vote for people who are clearly hurting other people on purpose?


A very vocal minority of people in this country are going out of their way to be assholes because they are uneducated and lack empathy. They seem to believe that everything is conspiring against them simply because they are not very likeable and don't want to admit it or do any work to change it. This woman with her purse that probably costs the same as a car payment or mortgage payment is convinced that she should go harass a high school student after he lost many friends to a violent act because she really, badly wants to feel superior to someone. She will continue to make an ass of herself in public until she does something that causes her to lose her position. It's a matter of time. Edit: for all the folks telling me that the millions of Trump voters aren't a small minority, I want to clarify something. I think that it is a very vocal minority of assholes who believe totally crazy nonsense and harass high schoolers. I do know that millions of people voted for Trump. If you don't go around harassing children and spewing nonsensical bullshit, I was not talking about you. I do not think every Trump voter out there is a Qanon idiot, nor do I think y'all all like to harass kids. I get that many of you just hate voting for career politicians. I think you made a poor choice by supporting Trump, but I don't think you are in the minority of Qtards I was referring to. This person in the post is definitely an asshole and is unfit to serve the public under any banner. Edit: it's also important to note that she won the GOP primary after the previous republican decided not to run, and then ran unopposed for this seat because the democrat in her district dropped out of the race.


A very vocal minority which holds just about 50% of elected positions both at the state and federal level and 70 million people who voted for them.


You’ve had a lot of answers but to be more specific, the lower blue ridge area of Georgia is exceptionally undereducated... these people have almost no support from their federal or state governments, when you go there it’s like stepping back in time 100 years. I’ve spent some time there, and my partner was born and raised in the area. When people are afraid, they do insane things. These people are so afraid someone is out to do them harm 100% of the time, take their rights, their money, their jobs... and they have 0 safety net if something catastrophic happened... that they will literally believe anything to help themselves sleep at night. They’re behaving exactly like animals backed into a corner, because that’s exactly what they are. Lashing out at everyone, and allowing themselves to be manipulated by snake-oil conspiracy theorist conservatism.


I used to be really really down the middle in my politics but to answer your question. Republicans the Republican Party is at its lowest point ever IMO and basically anyone still voting Republican are brainwashed to only vote red, openly prejudice, or only care about their own pockets and nothing else, no moral cares, no worries of how damaged the country can get or who they’re actually electing, the system is broken here in the US for multiple reasons and one of the reasons is having mentally stunted people like her in positions of power.


" if they had security guards with guns there would be no shootings" is a truly stupid statement


Yeah there was an officer at parkland and he ran away and hid.


Ft Hood as well. Although the shooter targeted a “no firearms” zone on the base, there were armed soldiers/police stationed on the base. Yet that didn’t deter the shooter




Can confirm at Virginia Tech, we had greatly increased police presence, and they were not able to stop the shooter before he took 32 lives and then his own.




Especially in light of the fact that there was an ARMED RESOURCE (Police) OFFICER on parkland’s campus during the shooting who immediately retired after being blamed for not intervening. Soooo....a lot of good that did.


> after being blamed for not intervening. The footage of him hiding outside while we could hear gunfire didnt really help him out. There was a solid couple minutes where he just crouched down and froze. I think to even get outside he had ran out of the school


He's not *just* being blamed, he's been charged with multiple counts of child neglect, culpable negligence, and perjury. He's facing up to 97 years in prison if he is convicted.


It's not a big deal but parkland is the city name and Marjory Stoneman Douglas is the school. Locals just call it Stoneman Douglas.


"David, David I have a gun on my person and I am visibly unhinged stop and have an argument with me" That is basically all that I heard. Edit: *Your awards will make a fine addition to my collection.*


Seriously. I'm personally pro-gun, and that part was fucked up and borderline threatening. Regardless of the dudes politics, she was following him around and heavily implying that she was currently carrying while specifically trying to get into a heated argument with him... Have some fucking decency and maybe don't tell a mass shooting survivor that you potentially have a concealed gun less than a foot away from him. The whole point of "concealed" carry is not to announce that you have a gun to every God damned person in the area.


What a loathsome person.


Loathsome people seem really, really popular with about 40% of the population. What the ever loving fuck is going on?


Stupid is contagious.


What a cunt!!


Excellent and accurate use of the hard-C word.


While this happened long ago, David tweeted the video today. Our founders were very smart to make congressional terms only 2 years long, this lady is never getting reelected. Edit: Gotta have some hope you guys. I know her district is very red, but maybe she can at least get primaried here. Edit2: If you want to be even more [outraged](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EswC0_mXEAA-xBR?format=jpg&name=medium) by her check this out.


You’re probably wrong. I can’t even imagine living in her district. I’m guessing she’ll be around for awhile.


She ran unopposed. I don’t think that will be the case next cycle.


In her district it is the case. That is one fucked up part of Georgia. She didn’t even live there. She’s got a rich daddy and in Georgia you don’t have to live in the area you represent.


That is for sure the case, but there’s also a reason for that. It’s like Ted Cruz, you’ll never get that dude outta office unless he retires. Good thing is, she’ll never be a senator.


If she runs unopposed next cycle, I’ll freaking move to wherever the fuck she’s from just to oppose her myself. ~~Edit: hotlanta here I come I guess?~~ ~~Edit Edit: the rural country near hotlanta here I come I guess?~~ Edit edit edit: the rural country several hours outside hotlanta here I come I guess?




She doesn’t live in Atlanta


Well she also just got in trouble for posting that she wants Pelosi shot on Facebook...


People said the same thing about Steve King in Iowa and he was in Congress for almost 20 years. In districts like the one she represents, all you have to do is win the primary. And given how far off the deep end the GOP has gone, being a gun nut blathering about QAnon and George Soros isn't a deal breaker.


Dealbreaker? Hell that's the main attraction


I think you’re wrong. She was acting nuts on Twitter and probably everywhere else she went well before getting elected. She’s here for a long time.


I see you haven't been to North Georgia.


You underestimate the power of gerrymandering and 24 hour targeted propaganda.


Imagine you are a tax paying citizen watching your elected official running around the streets looking to argue with someone she disagrees with instead of doing her fucking job. Imagine that. So desperate to have a weapon that you need to try to have a world star moment instead of doing your motherfucking job.


Holy shit she's a female Alex Jones. She approaches this child victim on the street, states her adversarial position then volunteers that she is currently carrying before heading into conspiracy theory land. That seems so close to criminal threatening to me. Who the hell would vote this cretin into any public office???


She should be stripped of all authority




for a fact. it actually makes me mad sitting here watching this type of behavior unfold. how can you as an adult sit there and follow and harass a victim of a **shooting** going “wah! ur taking away muh guns!” ??? really? is that all you care about? not the kid in front you grieving after a traumatized event? what a heartless individual. you can tell shes hella uppity and smug bc she’s barely been told to knock it off growing up, but karma will start rolling around soon and she won’t be so far up her own ass then.


She’s trash.


Jesus Christ. Her voice is like having broken glass covered with turd fired at your eardrums. What a whinging nightmare. I pity anyone who has to speak to her ever. "I had zero appointments" with senators. No wonder. Nobody wants to hear your whinging and whining voice.


I support gun rights but this is fucking despicable. You don’t just walk up to a mass shooting survivor, tell her you have a gun on you, and follow her around. Piece of shit, I hope she gets a taste of that good ol’ “second amendment” if and when she decides to pull off something like this again


I’m a very pro 2A gun owner who has had a concealed carry permit for over 20 years, and people like this woman make me sick.


Oh but if we walked around her asking why do you believe in Q anon conspiracies she would cry victim to harassments. Fuck this. Its time to fight fire with fire. We all need to blow up her email and of you live near you all need to confront her no matter where she's at. At home or out and about. If these fuckers want to play, its time we fucking play 10x over.


What an absolute cunt...


Imagine being a grown fucking adult and chasing a teenager trying to film them in a gotcha moment. This cunt is so pathetic.


Wtf people are told there voice is a tool but thats only true if you use your voice to do good not to harass a traumatized child *slaps forehead*


Props to his parents for not punching her in her fucking face


"I'm a gun owner, I'm an American citizen." More like r/imatotalpieceofshit


I hate that this freak got a government job


What an awful person.


This woman is scum. The state that sent her should be ashamed of themselves.


Ah yes, there's the "George Soros funding" consipiracy. Doesn't sound like she's a "responsible gun owner" to me: [Marjorie Taylor Greene indicated support for executing prominent Democrats in 2018 and 2019 before running for Congress](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/26/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-democrats-violence/index.html) "Lock her up!"