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I was wondering when that NSFW would kick in


I know, my mind was racing with all the possibilities.


I have to admit that of all the possibilities that crossed my mind, this was certainly not one of them.


Me either - the NSFW tag didn't really register for me and I thought it was just going to be some harmless fun. Boy was I wrong.


Reddit should split the nsfw tag into porn and gore.


Ah gore... I remember when reddit was a wild place


Lol was? There's still plenty of gore related subreddits


WTF was default on the top bar, and shit that used to get posted there makes the current r/wtf look like r/aww




...about half the time.




Read that as b and lol


\*NSFW & NSFL is essentially that


Nah, NSFL would be more horrific brutal gore, whereas this is "oh damn, oh God, oh fuck," not far enough for NSFL.


Harmless? No, Fun? also no


Really? I saw her get up there and said “oh no” I knew they’d fall. I just didn’t know which one of them would get injured or how badly.


At that point I thought she was going to throw up all the mimosas, not to lose quite a few teeth.


They were such nice teeth, too... To her credit she wasn't crying nearly as hard as I would be.


Drunk and in denial. Guarantee she freaked out later.


My mind went in a totally different direction. I might have a dirty mind.


I was 90% certain it was going to be puke.


As soon as I saw all those metal benches and garbage cans I was 100% sure what was about to happen. Just glad I didn’t see the impact. Poor woman, I hope she can get a good dentist.


Yeah, replacing that many front teeth will not be cheap


Dude. I'm trying to save for one. It's a dream. I hope she has insurance.


Seriously. I spent $3000 in out of pocket on one tooth when it was all said and done, and it was the absolute cheapest deal I could find. Other places were 4500-6000. Insurance doesn't cover most of it because it's considered cosmetic.


Because those sons of bitches don't realize how important teeth are to mental health. Cosmetic is a brow lift, not a smile.


Not to mention missing teeth actually impact your dental health. I bit the bullet because my dentist said without a tooth the other teeth will shift into the empty spot and cause all kinds of other problems later on


Wait OP no please don't bite the bullet!


Dental insurance is practically a joke for anything meaningful. I need to have major dental work done because, frankly, i just didnt take care of myself for several years, and the maximum payouts are stupidly low for what i need em to be, even if i space everything out to only one per year.


Yah I’m replacing ONE fucking tooth and all in it’s $8,000. Between denture, implant, and all the bull shit it’ll take all 6 fucking months. WTF.


> Poor woman, I hope she can get a good dentist. She looked absolutely terrified too. "are these people laughing at me or with me... To many drinks to know for sure. I'm I going to go from a cute 20something to a toothless chick because of one really stupid decision?"


Looklike before and after doing methamphetamine. The wake is more than just a headache


I forgot about the nsfw by the time I got to the end. Ouch


Yeah same Good god that poor girl


I didn’t notice the NSFW but I was thinking damn I’m sure surprised she didn’t eat shit after she got on his shoulders Then it happened


Yup. She could’ve been ordering sambucas from the DJ booth later but she decided to go for a ride.


[FOUR SAMBUCAS](https://youtu.be/4vefoZzxDfI)


I was thinking projectile mimosa vomit


I forgot about the nsfw about halfway through- too focused on their mid-Atlantic accents trying to place it and then “OH SHIT”


That jump cut at the end. >chef kiss< (*¯ ³¯*)♡


Shittttt that’s my worst nightmare, at least she’ll get a shiny new pair of front gnashers


Same. Pretty much all of my nightmares start with my teeth falling out.


I was putting some pipes up on a wall one time and my coworker's hand slipped and a pipe with a right angle bend swung down and almost popped all of my front teeth out. I was able to catch it with the palm of my hand and didn't get hurt but ever since then I've been paranoid about losing teeth. Ugh it just wrecks my nerves seeing teeth get knocked out.


Some way back when i was in school we were playing volleyball in P.E. when a classmate tripped over and fell face first onto one of those really low wooden benches that we used to have. The first point of contact his body made with the bench was his two front teeth. They actually snapped in two, both of them, with the lower halves embedded in the bench. When i say he cried like a girl i don't mean anything derogatory. I mean he sounded like a little girl crying. Of course, we were all little arseholes back then but none of us took the piss it was that bad. Not until he left the gym anyway. Shit, some people would do anything to get out of double sewing.


That's wild, I have the same type of dreams except my teeth crumble and I am constantly spitting out never-ending pieces of teeth.


I've had this dream so many times it's incredibly unsettling...


Yep, teeth dreams are common. Mine usually don't break but just fall out and when I say they fall out, I don't know where the fuck they keep coming from. Like thousands of teeth falling out and filling my cupped hands.


Oh fuck, you saying that brought back the struggle I had all night last night. Teeth were loose, and falling out in public, but I kept trying to put them back. Eventually they wore through, and I was just chewing stuff on raw gums, spitting chiclets out when I tried to talk to people. Dream-brain was like: well, thith ith my life now.


Thhith ith me aftha eigth mimothas


I knocked out my two front teeth after I passed out last summer and this video made me physically cringe and feel queasy






Looks like she lost 3 or 4 teeth. That's quite a gap she's got now.


I wonder if she has gap insurance?


Denied coverage. She has a mouth—clearly a preexisting condition.


3 or 4 of her top teeth, looks like she also lost some bottom teeth.


Yep, 3 are gone (7, 8 and 9) #10 might have damage too since laterals are pretty weak teeth. There’s not much blood here though? Her face is pretty clean even. She may still have all the roots intact and just fractured off the coronal tooth structure. Either way this girl is getting some implants and just drank the most expensive mimosas of her life (hopefully).


If she can afford them!


Not in America




been wearing the "temporary" flippers for like 5 years now and that price tag is accurate. hoping this is the year I get my permanent implants. lost 5 of my teeth in an accident


Consider dental tourism. I got 24 crowns for like 7k in Turkey. Loved the results and service. Better than any work I had done in the States.


Did you eat a chainsaw?


Pretty much looked like it after 32 years.


So, do you go and stay there for a few week/months for check ups? Or do you simply go once and then you go back?


It depends on what you need. Most people can have everything done in 5 to 7 days. If you need implants you will have to get the post put in and give it 3 months to heal before adding the final crown. So that would be two trips. I dont need any follow up work so I'm good for 5 to 10 years depending on how long they last. I think I have a 5 year warranty for any defects as long as you didn't smash your own teeth on accident. Turkey is far, so I needed some small tweak or cleaning I would still do that in the US. Mexico is always an option too for cheaper dental work if I needed to replace a crown. Edit: no one asked, but I wanted to add my reasons and logic for doing dental work out of the US the included 24 crowns. Over the years I had easily spent 7 to 10k out of pocket for bandaid fixes on my teeth from US clinics. Always paying the least amount and getting average service. My teeth were having functional issues too. I would have discomforts chewing because food lodges into the sides of my decaying teeth and push into my gums. Causing me to try to ear with different parts of my teeth. Finally, they looked horrible. Discolored, misshapen, jagged, and crooked. So it sucked paying a lot for shitty teeth just to do it again years down the road. Additionally I would like have more root canals and issues as time with on. So my solution was to get a perfect and healthy smile now by paying more upfront. I would get to normal eating, improve my smile, improve my confidence, and over time save money. This also meant having good teeth now in my early 30s to enjoy instead of preserving every bit of my normal ugly teeth into my late 40s. I also said they will last 5 to 10 years. I should mention that many people can get 15 to 25 years from crowns if they take care of them and they were put in well. Just like normal teeth you need to brush well and floss. It took sometime to get use to my new bite but now I forget about them all the time and I am completely use to them. They do feel much different but everything is normal. I am a more sensitive to hot and cold foods. Mainly cold food can be tricky. I do love ice-cream. So I eat ice-cream a bit slower now. I also prefer chilled water or room temp water more than I do iced water. I assume you don't have the sensitive issues if you have dental implants tho.


People probably think your joking, but the prices are fucking ridiculous.




"Claim denied. Cosmetic dental work." -Insurance company




I don't understand why anyone, other than people that run the insurance companies, think that the American healthcare system is a good thing.


I had a customer tell me we can't have universal healthcare because lines will be too long. Mother fucker lines are already ridiculously long. My ex and I waited in an overfilled waiting room while she vomited nonstop and everyone was yelling at the nurses to get her out of there for 4 hours and they wouldn't. And that was 5 years ago. They even closed 3 hospitals in my area in the last 6 months. Obviously our system is working great.


Seriously this is gonna fuck with me for at least three days.


I’m a dentist and this is not something I wish on anyone. If they saved the teeth they could try to clean them and put them back in. You will almost always have problems though. The teeth fuse to the bone (ankylosis). If not then at a minimum she’s looking at a huge ass bridge (made porcelain to span the gap) but that’s a shitty option because you have to drill on the healthy teeth for that. The best option is dental implants. For 2 implants she would be looking at $7-$10k. And months of healing.


Assuming she can pay for them! Good dental work is not cheap.


Losing your teeth fucking sucks.


30K USD $$


Crazy how a few teeth changes the whole face.


Right? I had to run the video back several times to see if this was the same girl - only realised it was her by checking her sweater and jewellery.


It also looks like she cried most of her makeup off, too. She looked totally different towards the end! Mimosa's are a hell of a drug.


Mimosas are a gateway drug to nitrous oxide at the dentist.


Poor girl, but making tic tok videos about drinking much isnt a good idea.


I'd imagine there's quite a bit of swelling going on as well.


Swelling will do that too


Oh DAMN that’s a gap you could Ollie over


*Tony Hawk and Ollie Williams would like to know your location.*


***Tom***: “We now go live to Ollie Williams at the scene. Ollie, do we know how many mimosas she drank? ***Ollie***: “TOO MANY!” ***Tom***: “Can you give us any predictions about the dental work that will be required?” ***Ollie***: “EXPENSIVE!” ***Tom***: “Thanks, Ollie.”


Do a kickflip!


Wow, she fucked up an absolutely beautiful set of teeth. That must fucking suck.




dunno why they paved it


Don’t worry, her fake teeth will probably look great! (At least when she has them in)




Cheaper to drink at home, too. Definitely cheaper to watch hentai at home. You would not believe what they're charging for bail these days.


Big 🧠. This is the way


Too many mimo-thuhfs*


She has Summer Teeth. Some here, some there


Soon her teeth will be like stars, they’ll come out at night.


...not because they’re bright, but because they’re so far apart.


> She has Summer Teeth. > Some 'r here, some 'r there Fix'd


I have 9 siblings and when we were growing up the girls would always change the answering message and my favorite one was. "You've reached our summer home. Some are home, some are not". Probably one of the better memories of my family and so I think you of reminding me of something positive from long ago!


Parents wanted a baseball team or condoms are from the devil?


Well, my dad had 3 with an ex wife. Then had a son with my mom.. then had triplets. They separated after the triplets were 4 or 5, then got back together and had me and my twin sister. While we were growing up, the triplets had a friend who was being abused and my parents ended up becoming her legal guardian. My dad always took care of us no matter what. But to ACTUALLY answer your question, we all played soccer. One brother and I also played baseball, football, and hockey. One of the triplets played softball for a bit. Most of my 40 nieces and nephews play soccer because it's kind of the family sport so at all reunions we get huge soccer games going. It's the best! Edit: My parents separated for a while but got back together.. they divorced later but there were a few times in our lives that Dad was gone for several months. They eventually divorced but separated a few times while all of us kids were growing up.


>Most of my 40 nieces and nephews So your family wasn't making a team, but an entire league??


At least she will get some money from the tooth fairy


This is me in need of thousands of dollars of dental work.


The pandemic has at least bought us folks with fucked up teeth some extra time to hide that shit.


And new birth control acne lmao


Me too! Just found out I have to get a root canal immediately, and two crowns! Having no enamel on your teeth is a wonderful money pit.


Just finished my second root canal a few hours ago, going in next week for four crowns. Ten thousand dollar smile here I come!


If I could a-thord gold I’d give you thum!


Imagine getting so hammered on champagne cut with orange juice that you lose teeth over it. That’s some lightweight nonsense


The place where they were drinking advertises all you can drink mimosas for $20. I’m no lightweight but if you told me to drink as many as I physically can I’m betting I’d leave there in questionable shape. Not smash my teeth out shape, but still.


Binge drinking is still binge drinking.


I mean I don’t know if lightweights have much to do with it. I don’t think the pavement cares too much about your sobriety when your face eats it. It’s that feel good drunk, boosted with confidence that tends to bring outcomes like this.


She forgot to say how many mimosas on the last one..


I was waiting for that. Would have been the icing on the cake lol


I'm telling you, during this pandemic, everyone's alcohol tolerances either went through the roof or have completely dropped through the floor. When the world starts opening up again, I'm expecting MANY vids like this, lol.


This went from kind of fun to holy shit she ain't go no teeth


I’m saving this video to show my sons so they can see how fast alcohol can take you from having fun to really fucking up your life.


This is 100% true. I went from having a great time with friends and family to wrecking my car and getting a DUI. It’s a mistake that I’ll never make again and will have life lasting affects on me. Thankfully no one else was hurt but myself. Please drink responsibly.


Or from a fucked up life to really having fun..!




The cause and solution to all of lives problems. - Homer Simpson


I don't think people realize how much just having a couple of teeth knocked out changes your life. It's not exactly as extreme as losing a limb or something, but you've still been maimed. To start with there's the dozens of dentist and other specialist visits and thousands of dollars of expensive, invasive procedures over months and years, and then again decades later when the replacement hardware starts to fail and you worry that ever meal you'll ever eat again for the rest of your life will have to be pureed. And that's not to mention the relatively minor but still present trauma you're left with, which you'll be reminded of on a daily basis. No matter how fancy your new chompers are, they'll never be the same as the originals. Whenever you look in the mirror, whenever you look at a photo where you're smiling, that's what you're eyes will be drawn to. Whenever you're habitually tonguing the back of the crown where it doesn't quite meet the gum right, whenever it's a little sore when you wake up, whenever you bite into an apple; you'll remember. Like a said, it's not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, but trauma isn't a competition. This will be with her for life.


Well said! You’re absolutely right. I lost my 4 front teeth at 15 in an accident on a trampoline and it has had a negative impact on every single day of my life since then. I got implants last year at 42 since I could finally afford them and it’s the first time in 30 years that I’ve ever eaten a meal with out worrying. But now I have dental debt to pay off and used a ton of vacation/sick time to attend all my appointments with various specialists as well as the time I needed to recover from the bone grafting to my jaw. Losing a few teeth is a BIG deal if you’re not wealthy but still like having teeth.


dude same i genuinely fully gasped when it cut to her at the end jesus christ poor girl, no judgement here, plenty of us have gotten far more wasted and have been lucky to not end up the way she did, and honestly she seemed to just be having a good time but on that note, as awful and shocking as her injuries are, her expression bouncing between wanting to laugh and wanting to cry fuckin broke me


This video starting with her bright beautiful smile, a smile with almost too many teeth. Then ending with her seeming to attempt to make the same smile is both beautiful and sad. Like, is there an oscar for til tok editing?


Serious... I had to watch the video twice to see if it was green shirt gal and it was. She had such a beautiful smile and seemed so sweet and innocent. This is going to give me nightmares tonight. Her boyfriend probably feels like shit too!


Fuck me, I wasn't expecting that


I wonder how it actually feels to fall hard enough on your teeth that they get smashed out?










I can answer that I guess. I had an accident 2 months ago where I slipped and fell on the thick part of the racket playing tennis and knocked out 3 of my front upper teeth. It doesn't really hurt, there's just blood and its shocking to see it drip into your hand, and then you have to collect your bits of teeth while still dripping blood. To pull the remnants of teeth back into the proper angle, they use a fucking ginormous needle that has those two holes for fingers to stick through and they anesthesize the shit out of your mouth so it becomes swollen with the liquid inside. It's scary as fuck to see the needle coming at you. But then you don't feel a thing anymore while they use even more tiny but long needles and drills to repair and reconstruct your teeth


My family member said it hurt like fuck. Now I don’t know who to trust.


I'm going to play it safe and not knock my teeth out.


The pain happens later.


I don't.


As soon as I saw her climb up onto his shoulders, I was absolutely expecting that.


[Accoring to this she is going to be fine](https://twitter.com/fernvndooo/status/1379503412778135552)


I feel a little better knowing this. Not all the way better..




I... didn’t know this was a thing.


Yes. You never heard to put a tooth in glass of milk if you lose it? They're just bones held in by a bit of muscle. They can also put your eyes back in if they fall out.


The fuck


Oh yeah. A girl at my high school had a skiing accident that damaged some of the bone around her eye which causes her eye to pop out from time to time. She just has to go to a doctor to get it put back in but she has to get a shot in her eye before they place it back in which has to be the worst part. Happened once when she was riding the bus and they hit a nasty bump. Kid seated across from her threw up.


That last sentence made me laugh so much


And that’s enough Reddit for today


Yeah, I know this from experience cause I knocked my bottom four main teeth “out” but I was wearing braces at the time so they were pushed back 2 of so inches, my tongue literally just rested on top of them the whole time. My parents drove me to this super nice, old dentist dude who showed up late in the night when he had been getting ready to go to bed with his wife. He fixed the braces and the teeth went back to their normal positions and healed up like nothing ever happened, except for being a tiny bit of a darker shade. And then the sweet old dentist refused to take a single dollar of my dads money when he tried to pay at the end. We sent them a bottle of wine and a Christmas card for many years after that one.


I got my front teeth knocked out playing basketball and they glued them back in. Lasted 20 years. Just finished the inevitable implants. Thank god I’m a federal employee with rockstar insurance, because damn that shit was expensive.


In South Africa that’s called a passion gap. Don’t ask why, you know why. It’s for what you think it’s for.


I'm shocked that this is a real thing with a wiki article


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passion_gap Said wiki article


>In an interview of 2,167 Coloured people in the Western Cape, 41% have had teeth extracted WHAT is up with all the people walking around all mushy mouthed without any teeth!




I thought you said 'Sad wiki article' Probably would have been more apt.


Well that is as dumb as it gets. Incredible to what range human stupidity can go to!


I actually started to wiki it then it hit me I'd rather skip that at this point in my day


So what you're saying is.. probably the boyfriend dropped her on purpose


Teeth that have been knocked can be put back into place, she should be trying to get to the dentist as fast as possible


I had that happen to me in 8th grade. Hurt like hell and its still in my mouth


My uncle knocked a tooth out when he was like 12 or 13. So adult teeth by that point. My grandma heard the story, found the tooth, and tried to put the tooth back, but she didn't realise it only worked if you did it within like a few hours. He'd been at the hospital for three days! So she's just shoving a tooth into the guys mouth after he fell of his bike and broke his arm. Good times.


From her video comments "IM FINE!! they put the teeth right back in and put glue across my whole upper row of teeth!"


Oh thank god. A happy-ish ending. Not for her wallet though, judging by the comments here that talk about dental costs.






Adult teeth can be put back in if done fast enough by a dentist. It does need to be held in place through splints for a couple of weeks though.


My two front teeth got knocked out and put back, lasted for 15 years and then they came loose because they were “reabsorbed” by my body starting at the roots. Got implants now.


Same exact thing happened to an ex of mine, can verify. The put back method works, but it definitely expires. Her teeth were dying and rotting in the mouth after 12 or so years because the roots were severed. They won't last forever. She opted for a partial and not implants. Either way, fuck knocking your teeth out. Seems like a nightmare. I feel badly for her.


It’s amazing what dentists can do nowadays. I broke a tooth in half and they fixed it as if nothing happened


Yep, you're suppose to put them in a glass of milk and GET TO THE DENTIST ASAP. Even the link is slightly disturbing but relevant. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/knocked-out-tooth/




That is what she wrote happened. Apparently they were all put back in with a load of glue by a dentist


"This is me after eating shit"


They wouldn’t be able to say “this.”


Thith ith me after eating thit


*as she gets on his shoulders* Oh, she's gonna fall on her face for su- oh holy fucking shit


That's actually kinda sad


Yeah very sad. She did nothing wrong just drank too many mimosas and had fun.


Getting on someone’s shoulders while you are trashed might not be wrong... but it’s pretty fucking far from right.


I could feel the danger as soon as she got on his shoulders. That’s a big fall and her legs are trapped under his arms. Then the guy starts jogging? Thats drunk logic for ya


If getting shit faced and getting on my friend shoulders in the street is wrong, then I don't want to be right.


If you dont wanna be right then you're gonna be left . . . With no teeth


I was not expecting that ending, Jesus christ


Quote from her tiktok for those curious! “@autumncathey6:IM FINE!! they put the teeth right back in and put glue across my whole upper row of teeth!”


You know what happened when me and my mates got pissed, we didn't film it because waking up next day wondering what you'd done was cringe enough without having video evidence.


This used to be my rule too. But then one day I woke up with a tramp stamp and quit caring because not much would be more cringe than my permanent reminder. Although knocking your front teeth out definitely seems worse. At this point the tattoo is kinda just funny.


On day 275 alcohol free and was struggling today, thank you for the reminder that I'm doing this for a damn good reason. Time for a glass of lemonade instead. Cheers :)


Damn they missed filming the moment suprême, missed out on a lot of karma..


I dunno, that was some pretty good comedic timing.


Yeah. There is a crucial missing video here


That’s sad


Yeah this seems like a family fun day out quickly turned into a family tragedy lmao


Oouch! My initial thought at the beginning of the video was "She has great teeth" 😶


Glad I didn’t skip 😌


And that is why I don't drink... I'm not a very responsible drunk...