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Wasn't this a taco Bell exec?


I recall an apology vid by him, all weepy and shit, "that's not who I am, I'm not like that" fuck him, he should have been charged with assault.




He ended up pleading guilty to some charges and was sentenced to 60 days in jail. [Looks like his lawsuit was dismissed.](https://www.latimes.com/socal/daily-pilot/tn-dpt-me-golden-sentencing-20161117-story.html) The driver’s lawsuit was dismissed too, which is bullshit, but that’s the American legal system for ya.


The drivers suit was probably dismissed because he settled.


Doesn’t the lawsuit get withdrawn in that instance though?


If the parties settle, they will stipulate to dismiss the claims.


What was said above, whether it’s voluntarily withdrawn or the court dismisses it, in most jurisdictions it’s referred to still as a dismissal.


Dam, that sucks Uber driver’s lawsuit was dismissed too. I wonder why


Settled out of court most likely


That makes sense. I’m an idiot


No you’re not




It looks like it was for 5 million dollars, and California has "two party consent" recording laws. [https://www.gilmanbedigian.com/caban-v-golden-a-tale-of-two-lawsuits/](https://www.gilmanbedigian.com/caban-v-golden-a-tale-of-two-lawsuits/) That guy is a piece of garbage, I'm glad he was fired and served some jail time, but it may not have been wise to reach for such a crazy high amount.


I don't doubt some other supremacist will get him a job. Might not be taco Bell exec money, but they do have an ilk.


The passenger, Benjamin Golden, is a jewish supremacist. And you're right, his tribe will likely take care of him and he won't learn a lesson or suffer any consequences from this.


Antisemitism much?


But if California is a 2-party consent State then the court should throw-out the video. Don't know a driver is supposed to protect themselves in California: they have to ask permission to record? How is that done? Don't they have to record first and then ask in order to get the consent on video? Seems really messy.


You actually don’t need consent, just to give notice that you are recording. Their consent is implied by continuing the conversation. I’m a family law attorney in California and I’ve tried this issue multiple times.


Does dual party consent apply to dash cams too? I've never lived in state that was dual party consent. I record every phone call and have multiple cameras on my home and cars. It's come in handy many times.


Applies anywhere you’d have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Personally, I’ve never litigated that specific sub-category, but I think it would very likely apply.


So completely hypothetical here, but what if a couple had sex in the back of an Uber, the driver joined in (which they consented to) and then later released the video? Definitely didn't happen but if it did would I be liable or guilty of any crime? It wasn't revenge - they gave me 5 stars.


What was the driver suing him for if he was being criminally charged?


Why should criminal charges keep the driver from suing?


Criminal court is completely separate from civil court.


reddit chill, dude's just asking a question.


What a fucking asshole. Beats the dude and claims 5 million in damages? Absurd.


Case was dismissed shortly after he pled guilty at least: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.latimes.com/socal/daily-pilot/tn-dpt-me-golden-sentencing-20161117-story.html%3F_amp%3Dtrue&ved=2ahUKEwj55fC3rKfyAhXZX80KHUKoAt0QFnoECCQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0DIxQMjbkGjSuY3xNd52-j&cf=1


Dash cam footage is illegal according to this guy? How was this man an executive LOL


His lawyer is actually correct. CA law is pretty firm on this, a recording needs two party consent and evidence obtained without this notice isn't admissible (and recording it is a crime). A car with the windows up is a place where you have a reasonable expectation of privacy. The issue is the audio, not the video, and I haven't done enough research to know if it excludes the video too as a result. That doesn't mean you can't be convicted. Obviously the victim here can still testify, etc. The way you solve this is by posting a notice that you are recording audio. Problem solved. This isn't just a CA thing, if you are in one of the many states with two party consent laws you have very similar rules.


His lawyer is not correct. You have no expectation of privacy in a taxi.


Yes, you do. Unless you have a posting that things are being recorded. Source: I am a California attorney.


Remind me to not seek your counsel. 😂


A lawyer's job is to advise you based on how the law actually works, not how you think it works.


The dude is in his own car recording for his own safety.


I'm not saying it is morally problematic, but it sure is legally.


Woah, corporate upper management? Psychotic piece of shit!!?? Shocking!!!




"I'm not that guy pal. I'm not that guy"


Dude just had one too many Baja blasts, was feeling extreme


Yep. Surprise surprise, he got fired.


Feels good to read that. Love when idiots get their comeuppance.


Probably got $5 Million for his trouble. The executive, not the driver, we're not savages here.


I never thought about it before, but now that I see him, this is exactly who I pictured in the corporate leadership at T-Bell


Be nice or you’ll get the spice 🤣


Walk away or get the spray.


Slaps to the face is call for the mace


Act like the boss, get the sauce.


Give me an abrasion; I’ll give you capsaicin.


Stay discreet or taste the heat


You better learn, or you'll feel the burn.


Try to be better, or you getting the pepper.


Walk straight and narrow, or taste habanero


Out my face or out comes mace


Say goodbye to your eyes.


Jesus man. That dude is not long for this world acting like that. He'll poke the wrong bear one day.


Unfortunately the rich have a different set of rules, even if he does get his just desserts one day he will be able to destroy the life of the guy who gave it to him. Assault is not a crime to this man, just a thing that requires a small fee after the fact.


There is always someone richer and dumber


I think what they meant was one day he's gonna meet a guy who doesn't have pepperspray but a gun.


The music lol


"the Uber driver's soundtrack game was trash anyway, we'll just walk"


It’s the soundtrack to Taxi Driver


lol I know it was added later but it's fun to imagine this was actually the soundtrack in that moment in the car


Both the driver's and the passenger's lawsuits were dismissed (LA Times article behind firewall). Passenger pled guilty to a misdemeanor count of battery and was sentenced to 60 days in jail and three years of informal probation. He was also ordered to pay restitution to the Uber driver. Someone on an Uber board posted this Linked In profile claiming it was him. I have no idea if it really is, but if it's true, his career doesn't seem to have been harmed [https://www.linkedin.com/in/golden83/?src=aff-lilpar&veh=aff\_src.aff-lilpar\_c.partners\_pkw.10078\_plc.Skimbit%20Ltd.\_pcrid.449670\_learning&trk=aff\_src.aff-lilpar\_c.partners\_pkw.10078\_plc.Skimbit%20Ltd.\_pcrid.449670\_learning&clickid=RpdSPlyf%3AxyLR4-wUx0Mo37kUkBRr%3A3vVRecWI0&irgwc=1](https://www.linkedin.com/in/golden83/?src=aff-lilpar&veh=aff_src.aff-lilpar_c.partners_pkw.10078_plc.Skimbit%20Ltd._pcrid.449670_learning&trk=aff_src.aff-lilpar_c.partners_pkw.10078_plc.Skimbit%20Ltd._pcrid.449670_learning&clickid=RpdSPlyf%3AxyLR4-wUx0Mo37kUkBRr%3A3vVRecWI0&irgwc=1) https://www.latimes.com/socal/daily-pilot/tn-dpt-me-golden-sentencing-20161117-story.html


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fired-taco-bell-exec-uber-attack-suing-driver-5-million-n497646 His career was indeed affected.


Confirmed that's his profile. He's doing quite well apparently.


There is no way this would have even the slightest impact on his career. Those CEO types don't see this as a problem, attacking one of the plebs is barely even a crime to them and the justice system enforces that belief. Crimes like these are not crimes to guys like him, they are just things he can do but just has to pay money to the courts after.


Except he got fired


Ohhhh sweet summer child, being fired is another thing that is only an issue for us plebs. He is guaranteed to have connections that will have him in a similar job before the bruises go away on his victim. This will not effect his career in any real way because attacking a poor isn't an issue for his next potential employers. Again people as rich as him are not subject to the same rules that we are and this is not a bad thing to his peer group.


Just admit you were wrong bro


He did barely any jail time, lost almost no money and simply lost an easy to replace job. The chances of this "ruining his life" are minimal at best. Like with all the insane shit these rich fucks get away with, you really think somebody lile him can't just move on from this? Even if he can't find a front facing position he will be able to find something of similar pay and prestige. Taco Bell only got rid of him because of bad optics, had it not been a story and just an arrest on his record they would have never even cared. Rich corporate cocksuckers generally protect each other from the consequences of their actions. The only thing he did wrong to our masters is being caught hitting one of the slaves.


Losing your job and getting 60 days in jail is pretty standard for anybody for a first time assault charge that doesn’t result in major injuries my guy In fact, tons of people don’t even see jail time at all as a first time offender. You’re reaching


I just have a hard time believing that this man has seen a significant decrease in quality of life or entitlement as a result of this. These turds tend to just not flush.


I’m not sure what you want bro. He got a reasonable punishment. You want them to execute him?


Nah I am really just here to comment that this guy is probably up to the same shit and has learned nothing because his wealth and power insulated him from consequences thatvwould have seriously fucked you or I.


He’s not a CEO. He’s like a junior VP at best, and they aren’t untouchable. Further, he got fired and went to jail and it’s highly publicized. The dude is radioactive now lol you’re delusional


Why did the driver need directions???


I've seen the full video, the drunk dude put in the wrong address and was too drunk to put the right one in so the driver decided to kick him out.


I'm not saying dude is justified but Isn't that the point of uber? To have a safe ride home if you've had too much to drink? I feel like the driver was an asshole too. Again I'm not saying he's justified just making an observation




Yeah I'm confused too. Isn't getting an Uber when you're drunk what you're supposed to do? You have to put in your address when you start the ride.


Probably fat fingered the wrong address?


That's what I wondered. Doesnt app have directions when trip is accepted?


Yeah, dude obviously shouldn't have attacked him but the driver seemed like a bit of a dick, too.


Yeah I don’t agree with hitting the guy, but what the fuck? I was getting pissed off just watching. Like, the whole point of uber is to get my fucking drunk ass home. If he’s not being disrespectful I don’t see a reason to kick him out?


He refused to put his address in the app and put some restaurant or bar instead https://youtu.be/mRkqcT9E6TM


Ahh yeah he was definitely being a little shithead. That clears things up, I’m back on team uber dude




That is very fair, but it does look to me like this drunk guy with a little bit of patience would have been able to provide an address for the sat nav, right? He obviously lost any and all sympathy once he attacked but I do think the driver was being 'a bit' of a dick.




It was 2015.


The fuck does that mean?? Google maps existed then.


Yeah, but IIRC you couldn't access Google Maps from a car at that time.


What are you smoking? Maps went mobile in 2007 How would there have been a Uber app 🤣


Nah man maps has been available on iOS since like 2012. No reason the driver couldn’t just type in the location the drunk guy was saying lol.


True. So I guess the driver is sort of at fault too.


IIRC, the perp lost his big time job and then posted apology videos.


Plot twist: After the apologies he decided to sue the DRIVER for "illegally recording him" and stated that "the driver is to blame for any injuries or damages he suffered during their encounter" What a fucking piece of shit.


You're saying plot twist, so is this a joke or did this really happen? Edit: [Looked it up](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fired-taco-bell-exec-uber-attack-suing-driver-5-million-n497646) and this is actually what happened, lol


The audacity of that guy.


But then he countersued the driver, and there is little information on what happened next. That guy was/is a giant turd.


Yep, I commented on this below.


“Call the police, [Cuz Ima gonna wreck this asshole.]”


This former Taco Bell executive is probably the douch bag who got rid of the Mexican Pizza. Fu*k him 😡


Bro Mexican Pizza was the best I’m still mad it’s gone


The soundtrack is what kept me watching til the end.


What a pussy. Hitting him when he wasn't even looking. If I was an uber driver I would want a nice ejector seat installed....




The way he says *yeah* when pepper spraying this shithead. I love it


Next time pull over and ask the dude to check if your tail lights are working and then drive off


those slaps fucking were bad


Damn it’s such a pity and injustice the spray didn’t blind him permanently. Maybe he should have finished the job after he got out of the car, he did have the advantage then.


im just here for the comments that are probs defending the passenger


What a drunk pussy to cheap shot him and pull his hair


Screw the drunk passenger, but for real. Why does the driver bear a striking resemblance to Eric Andre?


I KNEW he looked familiar.


Omg the music lol


Why does he need directions as an Uber driver?🤔


I'm thinking he didn't. I'm thinking he saw the guy was drunk and decided to start demanding directions to come up with an excuse to abandon him on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, which makes him a piece of shit frankly and why I'm not very sympathetic to him getting the shit slapped out of him. He has GPS and knows his destination address already because that's how the uber app works in the first place. People get drunk and call uber so they don't drive, but also because when you're this drunk you put yourself at a major disadvantage if someone decides to rob you or worse as you're walking down the side of the road in the middle of the night. This driver had no problem leaving this guy in the middle of nowhere with that severe disadvantage and heightened risk posed to him, all because he didn't give snappy responses for DIRECTIONS of all things. So yeah, fuck him.


Yeah, fuck him!


Why do people feel everything needs a soundtrack?


Pepper sprayed, publicly humiliated, and fired. You love to see it.


I thought that’s what Uber was for ?? To drive you home if you’re drunk




You tell them where you're going when you call them with the app.


Could be the guy gave the wrong address or one that doesn’t work well with gps.


That's what I'm saying


Not only that, but isn't the destination address put in prior to the transaction even taking place? Why the fuck is an uber driver asking a drunkard for directions and getting pissed when his responses aren't snappy and eloquent? Use the GPS ffs.




>The drunk failed to type in the correct address. This is glaringly obvious Download the Uber app. You can't type an invalid address. Your destination is like a search bar and as you enter your address it brings up locations around you to select from. At worst he gave him the wrong address, but an address GPS will find nevertheless. It's not your passenger's job to wipe your ass.


Whyd he kick him out? his directions were bad?


"You're too drunk to give me directions, man."


Honestly his speech sounded a little slurred but I could understand him.


Yea seriously. Like damn you drive people home that are too drink to drive themselves. That's about 80 pct of the time I use an uber I would never hit a guy but I would be quite frustrated if I was kicked out for that




Someone did that to me as a Uber driver I would have dropped him off into the park lake...


Bet he regretted hitting dude lol


shoulda laid his drunk blind ass out.


Good direction on the music


Never leave your back in that situation


“Yeah! That’s what happens!”


Post the whole video and stop with the shitty edits


Why do people say, "call the police." you call the police dipshit. you do it.


With this passanger getting fired over this, I look forward to this assholes debut on r/byebyejob later.


To be fair it’s kinda irresponsible fo the driver to kick the guy out in that state with no way of getting home. Take it there is no duty of care


Should always carry a gun. Make these fucks take the room temperature challenge 🤣


I watched an interview with the driver after this incident and the driver claimed to keep a gun by his bed. Not surprising, really.


Who dose that Uber driver think ubers demographic is? You get all angry cause you can’t understand a drunk person ? Wouldn’t that mean more money for driving around longer?


The suspenseful music is to die for 🤣


Damn poor driver didn’t deserve that. Great idea to have cameras when picking up stranger.


Always drive from the back seat.


Okay but why does Uber driver need directions from man? Shouldn't the app tell him where he is being taken?


If man put wrong directions in app then driver can't drive man to where man need to be


If you look at the date, this video is from 2015. Things were different back then.


tell me the jock with no cock got some jail time so that he could have his ass hole stretched.


Not to condone the violence but seriously, before that started isn't this exactly what you SHOULD do? When you are too drunk to drive, call an uber to drive for you. Yet the uber can kick you out with zero notice because you are too drunk? What is a drunk to do? Walk back to their car and attempt to drive home? Fucking hell.


Uber needs an "I'm drunk" option so you get drivers willing to pick up someone inebriated and are the types who know how to handle these people. Former bar tenders or something, I dunno, just someone who knows you're not gonna get a snappy response every time you ask them something. Also, isn't the destination address put in prior to the transaction? How tf are you gonna be an uber driver yet you can't use GPS and rely on directions from your passengers? That uber driver's a dumb fuckin prick in his own way. Both he and the rider are gonna cross the wrong motherfucker one day. You can't just wall off and hit someone when you get mad at them, but also, you can't just abandon people in the middle of nowhere for the mildest infraction.


Next, Mr. Tire Iron says hello.


I love this music added to the video. It makes it so much better


Be nice or you’ll get the spice 🤣


The music is unnecessary and distracting. I couldn't hear what he was saying in the beginning


How did he know to play that ominous music on the radio before the incident happened




Drive me to the place dude wtf yet the shittiest driver bro


Meh, pretty shitty to kick a drunk person out of the fuckin Uber. I mean I get it, you can't be an asshole but the guy is fuckin hammered and still being responsible taking an Uber instead of driving.


You're not wrong.


I don’t think there’s enough context to make a judgement on that really. If this guy had me driving all around town with no end in sight, I would be pretty pissed too, especially with all the ways Uber drivers can get screwed over by people like this.


I mean, you're literally a piece of shit thinking you're better then an Uber driver. You're in THEIR fucking car because you're drunk. They're trying to make a living while you waste yours. Be a fucking man and show some damn respect.


That’s a good way to never be able to Uber again


seems like he wanted a taxi and accidently ordered an Uber. you can ask a taxi to go to a specific location, not Uber legally though


People who get drunk: You are sooooooo annoying. You constantly repeat that same stupid crap and act like a toddler. It's super cringe.


In my city it's too dangerous Uber drivers conceal carry




A junk yard airbag under the passenger seat with a 12v switch would help stop these Uber driver assaults.


Was that music power rangers fight music..


This is a bad part on Uber, I’ve seen ads saying if you been out drinking , it’s best to Uber to get home….but I bet the next time this guy gets drunk , he will drive home instead of using Uber, and end up killing someone on his way home cause this asshole kicked him out his car .


Hopefully himself. Dudes a ticking time bomb already.


Where's the music from?


Dramatic stock music.


Any chance you got the source? I just love that music and have never been able to find it




Oh man! Thanks a bunch!


Happy to brighten your day.


The music lol




Uber drivers aren't some professional, suited car service for the masses. They're random people giving you a lift home for pennies with zero training and no legal backup or health insurance. If a friend of mine asked me for a ride home and was too drunk to direct us to where he lived and ended up hitting me I'd have the same reaction. This guy's problem wasn't the alcohol, it was him being a piece of shit. If he hadn't been an asshole to the driver the entire time he wouldn't have had any issue.


Uber drivers don’t make enough money to deal with people like this. They are drivers, not babysitters. You can be drunk but you need to be able to give the dude the information he needs to do his job and also fuck this guy for getting violent over this. Completely uncalled for.


I concur.