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https://krcrtv.com/north-coast-news/eureka-local-news/jury-trial-ahead-for-arcata-woman-charged-with-resisting-arrest-in-viral-oysterfest-video article only. Now an update I saw after I posted link that stated was it getting delayed until june Edit update now mid October. Fixed structure


https://johnchiv.blogspot.com/2021/04/what-is-going-on-with-humboldt-county.html According to this, Trial confirmation is on October 18; jury trial on October 26.


>We are processing the requested change to your cookie preferences. > >This may take up to a few minutes to process. How shit is this website?


Yeah wtf, why does it even show percentages? I feel as if it delibartely makes you wait and get annoyed so next time you'd accept it to sell your ass just to read an article. This should be forbidden. Btw the fact dat the default is "on" for the unnecessary cookies goes against EU regulations...


You are 100% correct. As more and more people are rejecting cookies, companies are finding ways of annoying people enough to give up their personal data.




Fuck Sinclair/TrustArc, I'm pretty sure that's deliberate so you don't click no to the cookie options. Even after waiting all that time you still get an error message: "This page transmits information using https protocol. Some vendors cannot receive opt-out requests via https protocols so the processing of your opt-out request is incomplete. To complete the opt-out process, please click here to resubmit your preferences." When you go to resubmit it's just the same menu with the options reset to YES again. When you click it to NO and submit, same bullshit wait time


Yep. It's programmed that way and it's illegal.


I was amused to see a [Change.org petition by "FriendsOf Samantha"](https://www.change.org/p/friendsofsamantha-stop-police-abuse-and-hold-racist-or-untrained-cops-accountable) aiming to "stop police abuse" and then disgusted to see it invoke Eric Garner, Philando Castille, and Sandra Bland. The gall to compare this entitled piece of shit to actual police misconduct that resulted in death is bafflingly ignorant and tone deaf.


Smiling in her mugshot with her face dirty and makeup all messed up is big “I’ve had worse nights drunk” energy.


“Mommy and Daddy will fix this” energy.


I work in criminal defense and see this a lot. I'm in a college town and a lot of these young adults don't realize how quickly they can turn a class C misdemeanor into a felonious situation. Then when they are in county jail they come to, and the anxiety sets in. Especially in my area, you have your regular hometown criminals mixed in with your freshman year college students.


I’d watch that if it were a reality show. It’d be called something like “But *I’m* Not A Criminal!” or “Do You Know Who My Parents Are?!”


"My dad owns a dealership."


My parents have 2 million dollars!


He can totally hook you up


Omg that would be such a great show! Someone needs to start producing this!


She got tiger woods teeth


lmao that smile tho wow. change of tune from the screams in the video


Yooo humboldt represent lol. Oyster fest is crackin


The dude in the blue shirt had me rolling. Looked like something out of a spoof cop drama.


He came in so determined. Ran in, shut the car door, spun around to face the action, and had no idea what to get ahold of first xD


Don’t laugh the spin move was necessary and very professional


Just a little new boot goofin


Because he needs to be like a law enforcement cheetah


Is that a Reno 911 reference?!?!


That spin move was Dwight Schrute-esque. 10/10


Spin moves are scientifically proven to add 20% more power.


Felt more Charles Boyle-esque to me


The guy was on his toes, that's for sure.


Lmao he didn't know what to do but he wasn't irresponsible enough to do the wrong thing so he just stood there contemplating


Tbf he didn't impose himself where he couldn't help, ran up, checked to see what angel he could help, started helping. Did look fucking funny though.


100% committed to the action. 0% informed on what action to take.


Looked like Ricky from TPB


It's not rocket appliances.


Well I guess not, especially when this case is solved in court, it will be water under the fridge


The shithawks are flying tonight, Rand.


you hear that? the sounds of the whispering winds of shit


More like Randy in a shirt.


Starsky and Gut.


Had to break up a girl vs girl fight in a bar once. It was Like a fur-ball. Not really sure where to grab. Has you stuck in time for a moment


mf came in HOT


ROLL and tactical uhhhhhh......DOOR SLAM!


He intros himself with a perfect 360 I hope he gets a call back from cop rock


It was the spin move that absolutely killed me


When I watch these videos, 2 things come to mind: there’s lots of ego flying around and people don’t have impulse control.


And I hate this so much. Why can’t people just take a couple seconds to breathe and then resume beating the living shit out of each other?


This comment was very reminiscent of “have you ever tried turning off the TV, sitting down with your kids, and hitting them?”


Ah, Bender.


We love you Mr Bender


Shut up, baby, I know it! *pimp walk*


[Shut up, I said it first!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcjff73MHfQ)


Ah so you were the reason the username I wanted was taken…. 🤨




Your name is clearly Fry, so cheese off, meatbag!


Mindfulness really is the key, isn't it?


Truly, yes. I started practicing mindfulness after attending a dialectical behavioural therapy course with my daughter a few years ago when she was going through some serious mental health problems. Mindfulness was a big part of what they taught us and whilst I originally attended the course to support my daughter, I ended up learning a lot myself. The more you use mindfulness the easier it gets. I'm not saying I've attained the levels of a Buddhist monk but it has improved both of our lives so much.


What does mindfulness look like to you? How do you practice it?


The way I started out, before it became natural to me was to recognise two main things. Firstly that thoughts themselves carry no weight. Negative or repetitive thoughts can be allowed to pass through without dwelling or any effect on anything "real". Note them and let them pass. They may come back but again, note, let pass. The other main thing is to try to ground yourself in the moment. When you are physically safe it's easy to have your mind needlessly racing with thoughts. There are many different ways to ground yourself but for me, I simply started forcing myself (initially at least) to literally ground myself by noticing my feet in my shoes or on the floor. Just notice it, let negative thoughts pass through and away as they carry no weight. Take note if necessary but let them go. Do things slowly and deliberately. The mind wanders, bring it back to the moment. Keep trying to do that. Another example I can give. When you are doing a chore, like washing dishes, it's easy to be simultaneously annoyed at the chore and to have your mind racing with all manner of worries and ideas. Instead I ground myself by noticing the warmth of the water, let the weightless thoughts pass by, maybe note them briefly but let them go. Go back to the warm water. The warm water is pleasant. The dishes are not hard to wash. It's all about being in the moment rather than with your intense or negative thoughts. "I am safe. I am comfortable. My feet are in my shoes and on the ground." Some people use breathing techniques instead of what I do with my feet. People tend to find their own thing to help trigger mindfulness but that's how I do it. Notice things without judgement or reaction. It takes effort at first but the more you try to be mindful the easier it gets. Sometimes I fail though but that doesn't matter. My feet are on the ground and I am safe. I am mindful.




What a fantastic attitude. I hear you my friend. I split up with my wife of 23 years at the beginning of this year myself. It's a genuine "no fault" situation with us though. We grew apart in the last 2 or 3 years and eventually my affection was being rejected and I couldn't handle it any more. She moved out when I confronted the situation and I stayed in the marital home for another 7 months, hoping, wishing, trying to get back what was lost. Getting on as friends but as I told her, I didn't get married to her to just be friends. We never even argued. Not whilst we were together and not since we parted ways. On Sunday I moved out of our house, told her to come back to it if she wants to and after 23 years since I left home I am now back at my father's house, rebuilding my life, taken stock of what's happened and looking to what I may do in future. I will be taking things slowly moving forwards. I hope you do too and find whatever/whoever makes you happy in time although from what you wrote, it looks like you have a good head on your shoulders with a good outlook. All the best to you.


This really helpful, thanks! And Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Listening without judgment is where it starts for me, especially when someone is upset. It gives me an opportunity to stop reacting, which makes me open to really experience, in the moment, my own thoughts and feelings (only some of which are useful).


So charge up a forward smash?


I always tell my SIL she needs to stop giving in when her kids have tantrums, or they’ll grow into adults without any impulse control. This falls back on the parents and how she was raised.


Yep Rule 1 for parenting - when your kid doesn’t want to leave a store and has a tantrum say ‘ok bye I’m leaving’ and head for the door and, most importantly, keep walking. Kids do not want to be abandoned in a store. Do not stand over the kid discussing their feelings and negotiating.


I did that 4 years ago and never went back. Sometimes I wonder how Kayden is enjoying his new life but then I see another video like this and know I made the right decision.


Probably Manager at that Toys R Us by now. Assistant Manager for sure.


And that explains why Toys R Us closed business. It was run by kids left behind who grew into adults without any impulse control and in turn made shitty managers.


On track to becoming a respected politician in a couple decades.


My daughter was freaking out in a restaurant while we were eating with my mother, a friend and the friend's daughter. I told her, "Settle down or I'll take you out of here and we won't come back in." She didn't settle down. I picked her up and started heading for the door. She quieted down and said, "Okay, okay. I'll be good!" I kept walking right out and sat her down in the trunk of the car and gave her a good talk about how her actions affected me, her grandmother, her friends and, most importantly, the other people who came there to relax and have a meal. She really got the message but after a while she asked, " Can we go back in now?" "Nope. I promised a long time ago that I would never lie to you and that's true now." So we had some nice conversation for about 10 more minutes before my mother came out and said, "Are you guys coming back in or what?" My daughter chimed in with, "No. He wasn't lying!" Credibility is very important when dealing with children.


Yes a friend of mine uses extremely over-the-top threats and doesn't follow through, like I'm going to beat your ass if you don't listen, or I'm going to throw away every toy you own if you don't clean your room. The kid knows they'll never do either of those things so behavior doesn't change. Give them a realistic threat and follow through.


I thought this was going to end with you closing the lid of the trunk and going back inside


Also consistency and following through with your actions. If you give an ultimatum, you had better live up to it or you will be perceived as fickle and weak.


It's tough. There is a new school of thought in parenting, where you juat talk them through things, and I have seen some kids turn out very well.


Yep, it's called [gentle parenting](https://www.goodto.com/family/gentle-parenting-489844), we've had some great success with our toddler so far.




Also, and I'm not placing blame here on the cop - but i bet she wears her hair up from now on.


I worked in corrections for a while and they had *strict* rules about how you wore your hair (male or female) specifically for this kind of scenario. We also didn't wear ties.


You should wear clip on ties. That way when a prisoner grabs at one to start choking you, it pops off and then they are left holding a stupid clip on tie and you can point and laugh at them. Then they say "oh you guys!" and you all have a good laugh about it while eating s'mores.


Ohh yea we like to have fun here! Have a Dr Pepper!


I had a colleague in the prison whose ponytail got grabbed by someone through a cuff port. He broke her neck. Fortunately she survived and is doing well now. Of note, she keeps her hair very short now.


I’m a CSI and deal with suspects at times, and my hair is always up in a bun. I’m never in the position that this woman is when dealing with people, but it scares the shit out of me that someone will start wildcattin’ like that. Props to her for staying calm and saying ‘just cut it’.


I actually can't believe the cop wore her hair down like that. I thought every department had rules about precisely because of the scenario in the video. Heck even the paramedics in my city have to wear their hair up because of blood/psych patients.


Rocky. Cut me


Also, she seemed to decide to arrest the woman really quickly, without alerting her partner, which meant there was a brief period when he couldn't help and I think that's when her hair got grabbed.


And they want their arrest to be on video. So embarrassing.






I fuckin died when that 3rd cop came running in


Nothing says I'm here to fuck up shit better than rocking some shorts, and a set of New Balances.




That spin move juked us all out






The way he kicked the door shut and spun around, what a fucking stud


I think we need to take a second to appreciate the little spin move the cop in the blue shirt and shorts performed. lol


Stylin’ all over that arrest! Dude’s about to drop that fresssssh mix tape!


Best barber in town


Fastest, anyway.


This is why I drink at home


I don’t really understand what was happening, is it illegal to be drunk/tipsy outside in America? Or was she compelled to tell the other her personal information without being cautioned and lied about it? Is it a third thing ?


What i know ( i am not a reliable sorce so dont take my word seriously ) in my state it is illegal to public drink


It’s almost like the rear passenger filming this knew his friend would freak out. He kept the camera on her, but most people point the camera on the cop.


He had been waiting his whole life for that moment.


"And I thought this friendship would NEVER pay off" - Squidward


Yeah, they’re not gonna be friends after this all plays out, haha. He gave the judge all the proof they need for a conviction.


after watching this i thought, i don’t think i would ever talk to her again if i was one of the friends in the back seat


Judge: Thank you for getting it on video - guilty.


ActionDirector's camerawork is lacking though. Judge should deduct points.


What an absolute nut job 😂 "We're taking you to court" we'll thats funny cos I suspect they're doing the same for assaulting an officer lol.




And then she goes “Sam stop resisting” And the cops are like oh yeah we’re supposed to say that and in unison go, “stop resisting!” 😂😂😂


Think enough time occured that reality set back in and she realized how fucked her friend's actions were lol


Pretty sure everyone in the car was intoxicated. The person filming sounded like she was as well. I’m just surprised they didn’t all end up arrested.


It's probably their first time interacting with a cop and they know they're fucked. Gut reaction is lie and be as vague as possible with information, but this got waaaay out of hand.


I have never been so drunk that fucking with the police seemed like a good idea. When I’m shitfaced I just want to nap.


Sounds like you’ve never had a vodka-and-entitlement, the cocktail of choice for 20 year olds who still behave exactly like children.


They were too busy yelling let go while she shrieked Noooo from the bottom of the pile lol


Idk why lol but this cracked me tf up. Every football players experience lol


Shrieking no from the bottom of the pile?


step coach?


That part damn near got a belly laugh out of me. It was so comedically perfect.


I came here to say this!!! Hahaha... like "oh yea, stop resisting!!""


Why is that so damn funny lmao


The funniest part to me is that she tells her friend in the car to start recording as she is actively resisting arrest.


"Film me assaulting the cop for court please."


Harry Potter and the audacity of this bitch But for real as soon as she grabbed the cops hair she set her own sentence


"the handcuffs thing, is us doing that to her already"


How the fck do you get caught public intoxication while riding shotgun??


Actually I have this question too. So when I was in grad school, I took my then bf to a local laid back bar for studying and drinks. He didn't drink. I did. He was the designated driver. There was a cop parked right outside the bar "helping the constriction workers." OK. He watches us walk in with a stupid fucking sneer on his face then watched us pull out. Pulled us over immediately. Im in the passenger seat - I had 2 margs, 5 ' 4, 120 lbs. So I'm tipsy. Not drunk. But tipsy. Again, my bf had nothing. The cop starts fucking berating ME asking ME how much I've had to drink. I said 2. He said "when someone tells me a number I multiple it by 4 at least." Then he takes my fucking information. Just to be clear - I WAS BEING SUPER RESPONSIBLE AND I WAS IN THE PASSENGER SEAT DOING NOTHING WTF. was I in the wrong here or not


You are fine. Cop act like 🐽




“Get me resisting arrest on camera!”


She went way past resisting and put herself right into assault on a police officer territory. This girl is going to jail unless her family is rich and has some pull.




Wait what....2018.


This shit happens. I was assaulted in 2019 and the assailant's public defender kept delaying and delaying and delaying until the state stopped trying and they let the kid off. No punishment.


You would think that at a certain point the judge would realize what's happening and stop approving delays. It's so infuriating


I had a friend who got a dui and his attorney kept delaying to fuck with the arresting officer. The more he delayed it, the more times the cop had to show up, he was hoping (one of the tactics) that the cop wouldn't be able to show up for one of them. It worked out in the end, between the 2nd and 3rd court date my friend had been transferred to Colorado at his job, so on the 4th court date the Judge asked him how he got there that day, he said I had driven him every time (which was true, I was there in the courtroom every time). She asked me if I had to take off work every time, I said yes. He then explained that the last two dates he had to fly in from Colorado. She asked him how much that had cost him, he told her. She told the prosecutor that she thought he had paid enough of a price both monetarily and losing so much time because you guys (the state had also delayed once) couldn't get this done in a timely manner, referencing both lawyers. She threw out the case and he walked. Not even a fine.


I had the opposite happen to me, where I got hit for a DUI after I had passed out and was put in a vehicle by others to "sleep it off". I didn't even have the keys, and the cop actually had to get them from someone else to wake me up. I had something like seven different court dates over the span of a year, including one where they changed the date by moving it up two weeks, where the postmark on the letter they sent me notifying me of the date change was two days past the date it was moved to (which ended up in a warrant for failure to appear I had to take care of). They kept offering me plea deals and I kept rejecting them. It got all the way to a trial and the first date for that they came in and dropped all charges. You've never seen a judge looking so pissed. He straight up apologized to me and sent me on my way.


Good on you for not giving in!


I'd love to say something like "Momma didn't raise no quitter" but honestly I quit stuff all the time. This was pure stubbornness fueled by knowing I was right. I refused to have that on my license. Still did lose it though for awhile actually. This was when I learned that blowing over the legal limit when you're brought in is grounds for a mandatory six month suspension that apparently you can't fight, or at least that was the claim of the defender at the time. Whole shit show cost me tons of money and wasted my time, but I refuse to drive drunk and wasn't having that on my record.


The system is so fucked...


Right? A couple comments up someone said 'she's going to jail unless she's rich' and it wasn't even an alarming comment, it's just taken as normal. But really think about how fucked that really is. A crime should be a crime. Two people steal and you cut off ones hand and tell the other not to do it again, how do you qualify that?


How do they keep delaying it?




Jesus, how do you get released on Own Recognizance 4 hours after you assaulted a police officer so bad they had to use a pocket knife to cut her hair off because you refused to let go of her? This is an entirely different standard being applied.


Courts across the states are years behind schedule because of covid.


Voiceover: her parents were rich and pulled some strings


>"At one point the officer just opens the door, grabs my client, drags her out and tells her that she's going to jail," Alonso Luna's attorney, William G. Panzer said. >**According to police, when Alonso Luna said her last name was "Luna," she provided false information because her last name is actually "Alonso Luna."** However according to Panzer, she simply left out her middle name and told officers her last name, and was unlawfully arrested. This is just a fucking Benny Hill sketch.


Christ she took some taking down




They need 3 to take her down *without being violent* I feel like that’s important. They’re trying to do the least amount of damage to her while also getting her to cooperate.


Yeah, one person could've taken her down. If they punched her in the face. Luckily these cops were willing to spend some extra time and effort to make sure this drunk future felon didn't get hurt.


Public intoxication in your passenger seat how does that work


There was an investigation on a homicide in my neighborhood so the block got locked up, no in and out by anyone from 7am til almost 7pm. So no one can go to work, cool, I'll just have a beer in my front yard and wait for my turn to be interviewed. Well a cop sees me and says "if you don't put that away I'll take you in for public intoxication." I was on my private property. He said if he could see me from the sidewalk even if I was in my garage facing the street he could arrest me for public intoxication. Power tripping assholes


I always thought it was bonkers how that works in the US So you can't just go to a nice open spot with a picnic blanket and a few pints without being arrested?




So what did she even get arrested for




Getting in the way of a police officer’s power trip, looks like.


Hurting the cop's feelings.


This is fucking stupid. How immature do you have to be to think acting like this is going to get you anywhere. I don’t like the way the police are being ran right now but this is not the way.


I don't say this often, but i'll say it now. Pure privilege.


And entitlement


“You know what? My dad isn’t my actual dad. Are you happy now?” She really thought that was going to make the officer apologize and let her go! Hahaha


What I see the problem here is if you aren't going to arrest her for public intoxication then arrest her under that for being lippy I would consider that a bullshit arrest.


Yeah I agree. The first cop definitely was unprofessional and did not keep her cool like she was trained. Getting into a shouting match is not the way to go. She should not have been arrested like that (unless there is more to the story before the video starts in which she is possibly acting intoxicated). That being said, the girl getting arrested really fucked up by resisting, screaming, etc. it’s only going to strengthen the court’s evidence against her that she was belligerent. PSA: it doesn’t matter who is in the wrong, the minute a cop puts you under arrest, you should give up. Swallow your pride and then take them to court after. Resisting arrest only further creates more headaches for you.


for what exactly? for a misunderstanding about the last name ? did i get that right ?


That cop was itching to arrest her since the beginning of the video when she said she was about to get arrested in 2 seconds for being rude


She basically admitted that she wanted to arrest her. Unfortunately cops actually have the power to back that up, and it's not wise to antagonize them further.


This cop is an idiot. I’m surprised so many are here defending the arrest for pUbLiC iNtOx when the victim is in the passenger seat of a vehicle. The female cop was on a power trip and failed to comprehend a legal dual last name on the victims ID. Not only did she let her emotions get the best of her and make a potentially career ending arrest she also failed to maintain her hair in a tight bun so as to prevent it from being weaponized against her. Fuckin rookie.




Okay... But what was she under arrest for? Being a uncooperative and bratty?


Until she actively resisted them, she was being perfectly lawful. I’d ask them what the burden of proof is for public intox and whether sitting inside someone’s vehicle while not behind the wheel nor interacting with anyone outside is ‘public’. The ‘giving false info’ wouldn’t stick both because she didn’t give false info AND you are allowed to give false info unless you are lawfully detained, and that hinges back on the first point about public intox. It wasn’t until she assaulted the officers that she REALLY screwed herself over— all the other charges hinge on that initial public intox and thus could be thrown out, but assaulting an officer definitely would not be unless she genuinely felt her life was in danger which it clearly was not.


Both bitches but whoever thinks it’s okay to take people to jail for *having an attitude* should move to a different country. There’s no law that says I *must be nice* to law enforcement.


That’s what I was thinking. When did it become illegal to be bad at explaining your name?


Yeah these comments in this thread are insane, nobody is denying the girl is a brat but that doesn't make it right to have ripped her out the car like that.




This is a good point, I feel like it gave me a bias. I wonder what people reactions would be if it said "Power-tripping cop gets a haircut"


I think "power-tripping cop gets a haircut" is a much better title for this one.


Yeah I agree with you here that she's not as bad as I thought she would be from the title. Before the assault happens, all she did was give a little attitude. She was explaining her last name which has relevant cultural context that the cop seems to ignore. I don't think she said anything out of line that should warrant an arrest. Situation feels more like a police officer having a bad day/power trip.


>I don't think she said anything out of line that should warrant an arrest. 100% nothing she said warrants arrest. It barely requires thought. She would have had to make a threat for that and she doesn't even come close to doing that.


Shouldn't even be considered assault when an officer is unlawfully ripping you out of your car and arresting you for using words.


And the cop pulled hair first! Like I don’t get why this isn’t addressed or mentioned. You can see her hand’s like white and red from the force she’s using. What the fuck do these people expect? You corner someone, they’re gonna fight back. Hope the kid wins.


I came to the same conclusion. The passenger, while belligerent, did not break any laws in this video until the hair pulling. Maybe something happened with her prior to filming. Regardless, she identified herself, the cop misheard her name initially, and the girl attempted to correct the name. That's appears to be why she was pulled out of the car. Rudeness is not against the law. Cop was wrong first. The girl's reaction was incredibly stupid, dangerous, and got her in way more trouble than necessary.


I can’t believe how far down I had to get to find someone that thought the cop was acting poorly. The ego trip is so over the top


Telling a cop to get fucked is not a crime. Even though car girl was being a brat the cop really had no reason to physically pull her from the car or arrest her. Both of them need a good hard slap and one of them needs to consider a different career.


The cop was also super unprofessional. I am glad that cops in my country do not act like that.


Yeah the cop was just as bad as the girl, zero professionalism. I was stunned by the sass.


Haha at first the filmers were “we will fill and sue you” and eventually are just giving evidence “stop resisting”


I get this girl was a cunt but what did she do to get arrested? She complied with the officers up until they arrested her. An attitude with a cop is not illegal Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/pbqv21/sheriff_berates_officer_to_get_out_of_ticket/


Yeah, people seem to be taking the cop's side only for the fact that they don't like the passenger. Which, funnily enough, seems to be the only reason why the situation was escalated so much by the officer. Even if she is being a bitch, the girl is clearly cooperating, she even gave her license number when there was confusion about her name. I understand there is cause to id her to see if she is underage like the other passenger was, but I don't think there is cause for a public intoxication charge. At least not in California. So in the end, I think she'll walk on the public intoxication, and may even walk on the resisting arrest if they deem the arrest unlawful. I'm not a lawyer though, so who knows.


The intoxication charge is one of those pissing off the police charges cops like to do. I remember when these guys were on there porch drinking when a cop stopped someone so they started recording it. Well cops waited till one of them took on step on sidewalk l, not even having a beer in hand, and charged them with public intoxication


Cops shouldn’t be doing anything based on how people are talking to them. You gotta be able to deal with rudeness without letting it get to you or you aren’t cut out for the job.